Sunday, June 21, 2020

Sunday Funnies


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


Coronavirus Infections Hit Highest Number Since May 1
June 21, 2020 at 8:06 am EDT

The U.S reported more than 30,000 new coronavirus cases on Friday, the highest number of daily infections recorded since May 1, CNBC reports.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

This Is Funny, VERY Funny

How Teens Sank the Trump Rally

June 21, 2020 at 6:57 am EDT

New York Times:
“TikTok users and fans of Korean pop music groups claimed to have registered potentially hundreds of thousands of tickets for Trump’s campaign rally as a prank. After @TeamTrump tweeted asking supporters to register for free tickets using their phones on June 11, K-pop fan accounts began sharing the information with followers, encouraging them to register for the rally — and then not show.

“The trend quickly spread on TikTok, where videos with millions of views instructed viewers to do the same, as CNN reported on Tuesday.

“Thousands of other users posted similar tweets and videos to TikTok that racked up millions of views.”

And what did Trump try to blame the low number on?

He was really p. o.'d when he saw how few people were in the upper parts of the arena.

Knee slapping hilarious.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...



“It’s a sign that the outbreak isn’t slowing down nationwide, even as the number of new cases in original hotspots like New York continues to drop.
States like California, Texas, Florida and Arizona are reporting a surge of infections as they move to fully reopen parts of the economy and return to normal life.”


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


Trump Rally Fizzles as Crowd Size Falls Short

“President Trump’s campaign boasted for days that a million people had requested tickets for his Saturday night rally. The campaign added an outdoor overflow area to accommodate the anticipated massive crowd,” the Washington Post reports.

“But by the time Trump took the stage in Tulsa, there were thousands of empty seats in the arena. The overflow area was scrapped. And aides were left trying to explain why a president who has placed enormous value on his crowd sizes was addressing a smaller-than-expected audience.”

New York Times:
“President Trump’s attempt to revive his re-election campaign sputtered badly on Saturday night as he traveled to Tulsa for his first mass rally in months and found a far smaller crowd than his aides had promised him, then delivered a disjointed speech that did not address the multiple crises facing the nation or scandals battering him in Washington.”

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


Trump Could Fill Only a Third of the Tulsa Arena

The Tulsa Fire Marshal told the Washington Post that were only about 6,100 people in the arena for President Trump’s campaign rally last night, even though the space can hold 19,000.

The campaign had added an outdoor overflow area to accommodate what they anticipated would be a massive crowd. [It was soon closed down.]

When Trump arrived back at the White House he had his tie undone and draped around his neck, an unusual look for him.


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Biden Raised More than Trump Last Month

Joe Biden’s campaign out-raised that of President Trump’s last month, Axios reports.

It’s the first time Biden and the Democratic National Committee have raised more than Trump and the Republican National Committee.


Coronavirus Infections Hit Highest Number Since May 1
June 21, 2020 at 8:06 am EDT By Taegan Goddard

How Teens Sank the Trump Rally
June 21, 2020 at 6:57 am EDT By Taegan Goddard

Trump Rally Fizzles as Crowd Size Falls Short
June 20, 2020 at 10:54 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard

yawn, mild cases more tests

Tik Tok for those old white men who don't know or get all there "knowledge" from one blogger's site is driving Chinese foreign election interference in our election. Much, much bigger than the $160,000 Russian facebook buy. Along with the fact that BLM blocked access to one entrance of the rally and was physically threatening in its presence. Dem tactics come to light, fraud, fear and terror. Definitely need to vote them out.

Tik Tok and the online disconnect also may explain why polls failed in 2016 and really appear out of touch in 2020. Still over ONE MILLION LIVE STREAMED the TRUMP RALLY, Biden had less than two hundred on his last one. That's 200 not 200,000.



Anonymous said...

Sick Baby James pukes again.


Biden Raised More than Trump Last Month
June 21, 2020 at 8:09 am EDT By Taegan Goddard

yawn. How big a cash advantage does Trump hold?

Try learning something for yourself instead of relying on one left-wing blogger who you obviously worship.



KansasDemocrat said...
Sick Baby James pukes again.

yep, guessing he's got the same mental issues Biden has.

Both apparently don't realize it.

But its obvious to everyone else.

Commonsense said...

When Biden can pack 17,000 into an arena you'll let me know, right James?


The United Spot

Tulsa Trump Rally SMALL Crowd! The Media Is at it again. The smallest crowd ever!! Joe Biden’s crowd was much bigger. There is no one at this rally. No African Americans made it to the rally. This is a very small gathering of White Nationalists. -Every Fake Media



Commonsense said...

New York Times: “TikTok users and fans of Korean pop music groups claimed to have registered potentially hundreds of thousands of tickets for Trump’s campaign rally as a prank. After @TeamTrump tweeted asking supporters to register for free tickets using their phones on June 11, K-pop fan accounts began sharing the information with followers, encouraging them to register for the rally — and then not show.

From a Chinese communist controlled website?

I remember when Democrats were screaming about Russian interference in an election. But Chinese communist interference? Not so much.

Would love for someone to ask Nancy Pelosi why Chinese communist interference in the elections is acceptable to the Democrat party.

Could it be that Joe Biden is a Chinese communist puppet? James?

Commonsense said...

ulsa Trump Rally SMALL Crowd! The Media Is at it again. The smallest crowd ever!! Joe Biden’s crowd was much bigger. There is no one at this rally. No African Americans made it to the rally. This is a very small gathering of White Nationalists. -Every Fake Media

Twitter will censure in 3,2,1....

Myballs said...

In 2017 Trump was mocked for predicting that the liberal left will start removing statues of Washington and Jefferson.

Trump was right again.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

It's nice to know he was right about SOMETHING, Balls. He's been wrong about just about everyhthing lately.

This was supposed to be his big come back. This and holding up the Bible. Both backfired severely.


I just want to make it clear that I am not REALLY so stupid as to think that everything I listed above is from Taegan Goddard, since it's actually from numerous credible sources. Also, I'm aware that when sources are credited, it's not plagiarism, as I have often stupidly claimed. Just thought I'd clear that up.


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

I couldn't believe how he went on and on and on and on and on and on about the ramp.

If Washington, Jefferson, Madison, Adams, Lincoln, etc. etc., could have heard this speech, they simply would not have BELIEVED that a mafia boss style lowlife like this could have become President of the United States of America.

Myballs said...

Backfired? Dems fought to stop the event altogether. They failed. It was live streamed and half a million watched it on you tube.

Meanwhile, the bob dole of 2020 can only dream of matching Trump crowds.

And rush Limbaugh asks a good question. Whrn will BLM tear down the statues 9f Robert Byrd?


What’s Happening in Arizona and the Southwest is Actually Really Good COVID News

Shameless is the only word I can think of to describe it, though I know there have to be better ones out there. After months of scaring the American public with a constant drumbeat of fear porn regarding COVID-19, the media found in the economic re-openings of various states a new boogeyman to focus on.

With a few exceptions, which were unsurprisingly ignored, the states most aggressive in loosening lockdown restrictions were Republican led. It was the perfect situation for a mainstream media desperate to renew the Republicans-bad, Democrats-good template before the November elections.

The fact that there would be a spike in new infections was a given. No one with a brain ever thought that “flattening the curve” would prevent future infections – the medical strategy was to prevent hospital resources from being overrun, which would have turned a bad situation into a medical catastrophe. But the media was geared up and more than ready to crank the panic-generator up to full strength, eagerly anticipating a spiked graph they could plaster on the evening newscasts.

Then the riots happened. Black Lives Matter protests hit the streets, and the eager anticipation of detailing the foolishness associated with increased social interaction instantly vanished. The hypocrisy has been noted before, but it’s more sinister than that. It’s a clear indication that the mainstream media lives – literally exists, it seems – to incite panic, inflame situations, and foster fear.

The latest example can be seen as the protests are drying up. No more race-war to stoke, guess where the media is going – right back to coronavirus.

“Arizona’s COVID-19 spread is ‘alarming’ and action is needed, experts warn,” read the title of an Arizona Republic article on Wednesday. Yahoo News breathlessly warned about a “spike” in all the southwestern states.

Headline-only readers, who represent the vast majority of those who consume media (and share it on social media), began feverishly sharing the news. Even some more conservative voices, trained to be skeptical of media narratives, fell for it. But the truth is available for those who dig even just a little bit below the surface.

Due to the COVID pandemic in the spring, there is now a back-log of so-called “elective surgeries. Those people are now coming to hospitals, thus taking up many beds. Not COVID related.

All patients who come to the hospital for any reason are tested for COVID. It is logical that some, or even many, may test positive for the virus even without symptoms. They automatically then get labeled a hospitalized COVID case even if that’s not what they are there for.
In Arizona specifically:

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Spam from F'n.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


Trump Says He Asked to Slow Down Testing

President Trump told a crowd gathered for his campaign rally in Tulsa he asked officials to “slow the testing down” for the coronavirus, Axios reports.

“This is the first time Trump has said that he had asked officials to slow testing down. At the rally, he also reiterated his claims that ramped up testing was to blame for the U.S. having the world’s highest number of COVID-10 cases, as he again blamed China for the pandemic.”

He tries to take credit for ramping up testing, then tries to blame testing for creating an awareness of the number of new cases, then tries to brag that he's asking that the number of tests be brought down.

Dust off that Oval Office straight jacket.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

I agree that a lot of people watched the TRUMP COMEDY HOUR.
One thing Trump always is, is entertaining.

Commonsense said...

I couldn't believe how he went on and on and on and on and on and on about the ramp.

It was a funny story.



I see you are desperately stealing my moniker AGAIN.

Very "Christian" of you.

Of course you plagiarize and lie all day so no change in character there. Abd YES just because your source has other sources from which he selectively extracts and puts his own spin on doesn't mean that his piece doesn't have to be credited to not be considered plagiarism.



FUCK OFF "pastor"


Commonsense said...

James still hasn't answer my questions. Is he a coward and liar? The answer is yes.



ROFLMFAO at the asshole preacher

Commonsense said...

I agree that a lot of people watched the TRUMP COMEDY HOUR.
One thing Trump always is, is entertaining.

Lincoln was funny and entertaining too.


Commonsense said...
James still hasn't answer my questions. Is he a coward and liar? The answer is yes.

I did a google search on him and it immediately said pederast.

And you can trust google.

So yes both and that.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Lincoln was funny and entertaining and could speak in well crafted paragraphs. So could Obama.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Years after Hitler, German children looking at his speeches asked their parents, YOU ACTUALLY SUPPORTED THAT GUY?

Years after Trump, American children looking at his speeches will ask you guys, YOU ACTUALLY SUPPORTED THAT GUY?


Eddie Donovan

So, BLM leaders admit they are Marxists?

yep she did, and a community organizer like Obama

Commonsense said...

Trump Says He Asked to Slow Down Testing

Turns out he was joking at the time and everybody in the room knew it was a joke. James lies again.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

There is no joy in Mudville,*
mighty Donald has struck out.

*White House, DC

Commonsense said...

Years after Trump, American children looking at his speeches will ask you guys, YOU ACTUALLY OPPOSED THAT GUY?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

I was only joking is a recurrent Trump theme when he is caught.

Commonsense said...

Blogger James said...
There is no joy in Mudville,*
mighty Donald has struck out.

Over 17,000 in the arena with riots, and pandemic fears stoked by a hostel news media.

Biden wishes he can strike out like that.


Muhammad Ali’s son says dad would have hated ‘racist’ Black Lives Matter

“Not all the police are bad, there’s just a few. There’s a handful of police that are crooked, they should be locked up,” he said. “I never had a bad scene with a cop. They’ve always been nice and protect me. I don’t have a problem with them.”

This, despite twice being held and questioned by the TSA under President Trump’s travel ban on seven Muslim-majority nations. Ali was released both times.

Instead, Ali goes a step further calling out Black Lives Matter as a divisive movement.

“It’s a racial statement,” he said. “It’s pitting black people against everyone else. It starts racial things to happen; I hate that.”

Ali said he supports President Trump and that his father — who went to jail for refusing to be drafted during the Vietnam War on the basis of his religious beliefs — would have too.

of course it looks like that when james was a child he spent a lot of time watching Hitler speak.

and he liked it.

Commonsense said...

Blogger James said...
I was only joking is a recurrent Trump theme when he is caught.

Then you're stupid James. It's very much in line with his gallows sense of humor.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

So he KNOWS he's headed to an electoral gallows>


Paul Sperry

Do Jewish Democrats realize that Black Lives Matter has aligned itself with Hamas against Israel?


This is the BLM leader Democrats trust to "reform" the nation's police departments (no joke):
[CAUTION: graphic image]

Check out this self-portrait of Black Lives Matter co-founder Patrisse Cullors. Apparently, Gold Lives Matter, too!

[CAUTION: Image may cause you to poke your eyes out]


BACKGROUND: Black Lives Matter co-founder Patrisse Cullors' father and brother were in and out of jail and she developed a deep resentment for the police. Then she was trained in street agitation tactics by one of Obama co-author Bill Ayer's fellow Weather Underground terrorists


In August 2015, Black Lives Matter co-founder Patrisse Cullors and other black socialists signed a joint statement, proclaiming: “[W]e aim to sharpen our practice of joint struggle against capitalism.”

This is the movement Target, Wal-Mart, Apple, Amazon & Microsoft are funding


of course it looks like that when james was a child he spent a lot of time watching Hitler speak.

and he liked it.

well said, even if I say so myself.


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

by Jonathan Allen:

Trump's deflating Tulsa turnout reveals a deeper problem for him
Analysis: Rather than a silent majority, the president demonstrated the limits of his base's support.

"The silent majority is stronger than ever before," Trump said Saturday night. But the poor turnout in Tulsa suggests just the opposite — that enthusiasm for him is weaker than it appears.

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump was supposed to get a boost Saturday from his first campaign rally since late February. Instead, he got a bust.

After bragging earlier in the week that more than 1 million people had signed up to come see him, Trump found that he couldn't fill a 19,000-seat arena in a state where he won by 36 percentage points and on a night that his aides had promoted as a major show of his strength.

The sparse crowd in Tulsa, Oklahoma, was more than just a humiliation for Trump. It weakened a key argument of his re-election narrative. To explain how he might be able to win despite poor polling numbers — and amid national crises — he has posited that a "silent majority" of Americans back him.

"The silent majority is stronger than ever before," Trump said Saturday night.

But the poor turnout suggests just the opposite — that enthusiasm for him is weaker than it appears. That isn't likely to sit well with Trump, who gambled that his backers were so loyal they would brave the risk of spreading coronavirus to see him in person.

His bet backfired. Rather than receiving a jolt of energy, Trump got a dose of reality. Worse yet, for the president, it was delivered at a time when he desperately needs to reset the frame of the election.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

For most of the last four months, when Trump had expected to tour the country in service of his re-election, he has been running a Rose Garden campaign. Most Americans don't approve of
*his handling of the coronavirus,
*his response to nationwide protests against systemic racism,
*or both.
And his rival, presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden, has seized a sizable polling lead.

To get him out of the West Wing doldrums and back into fighting mode, his political team had planned a rally that would re-energize him by demonstrating the commitment of the Trump faithful. It was so important that he went forward with it despite having to move the date so that it wouldn't conflict with Juneteenth...

But while Trump delivered a series of broadsides to adversaries real and imagined — he devoted more than 10 minutes to enumerating excuses for why he had difficulty descending a ramp while at West Point last week — it was difficult, at times, to tell exactly which side he was taking.

"They want to demolish our heritage so they can impose their new oppressive regime in its place," Trump said of the removal of statues to Confederate leaders in the wake of protests against police killings of Black men and women. A little bit later, he claimed to have "done more for the Black community in four years" than Biden ever has.

It was a boastful night for the president, who also praised himself for the federal response to coronavirus.

"I have done a phenomenal job with it," he said. "I saved hundreds of thousands of lives. We don't ever get a mention."

Epidemiologists say that the U.S. death toll would have been much lower if the president and other government officials had pushed policies like social distancing sooner.

All in all, Trump's hour-plus speech sounded familiar in its mix of grievance, self-congratulation and invective against political adversaries. But what was notably different from typical Trump rallies was the muted reaction from the audience. The one thing Trump needed more than anything, he didn't get.

There were no deafening chants of "build the wall" or other crowd favorites. He wasn't often forced to pause for applause. And, with his upper lip and cheek shining for most of the night, Trump appeared to be working hard to sustain the modest energy in the room.

That should have served as a reality check for him: right now, his supporters amount to less of a "silent majority" than an absent minority.

Commonsense said...

Muhammad Ali’s son says dad would have hated ‘racist’ Black Lives Matter

“Not all the police are bad, there’s just a few. There’s a handful of police that are crooked, they should be locked up,” he said. “I never had a bad scene with a cop. They’ve always been nice and protect me. I don’t have a problem with them.”

He would have hated the 1619 project also.

He once famously said in Zaire;

"I'm glad my great-great-great-great grand-daddy got on the boat."

Meaning that for all the civil rights challengers, black Americans were the freest most well off black people in the world.

Commonsense said...

Johnathan Allen must have watch NetFlix last night.


Commonsense said...
Johnathan Allen must have watch NetFlix last night.

and obviously he and james never watched the Biden rally or were with the 200 people in the world who live-streamed it


Myballs said...

Oh gee, if NBC news says it, it must be true.

The media spin may convince the weak minded. But not the rest of us.


I think the POS NAZI loving "pastor" thinks the more lengthy his post he copies over the better it is.

Or that anybody will actually read it.

He doesn't even read it.


Myballs said...

Gutfeld called Trump a comedic genius. James has no sense of humor and can't see it.


No Evidence Needed for Collusion Probe, Just a Pretext Devised by This Man

By Paul Sperry, RealClearInvestigations
June 19, 2020

Newly released documents reveal the FBI never had even preliminary evidence of a Trump campaign conspiracy with Russia, and instead used a rarely enforced statutory relic – the Foreign Agents Registration Act – as the legal rationale for opening investigations in 2016-2017 and surveilling Trump campaign aides.
He pointed out that the top Russiagate investigators — Strzok and FBI lawyers Lisa Page and Kevin Clinesmith — were all caught exchanging anti-Trump, pro-Clinton messages during 2016. Before the election, Strzok even promised Page he would “stop” Trump, whom he called a “fucking idiot” supported by “smell[y]" Wal-Mart shoppers. His concern was not that he was an agent supported by Russians, but by supposed rednecks. After the election, Clinesmith feared the Affordable Care Act and other Obama legacies would be dismantled by Trump and vowed to “fight” him for that reason. The IG report said Clinesmith forged email evidence used in applications to renew FISA warrants to spy on Trump aide Page. The IG referred Clinesmith to U.S. prosecutors for possible criminal investigation.

Higgins also noted that most of Mueller’s prosecutors were exposed as registered Democrats, who had given generously to Clinton’s campaign. His legal “pit bull,” Andrew Weissmann, even attended Clinton’s election night event in New York.

“You’d have to be blind not to see it was their political bias that motivated them,” he said.

The workings of the Obama criminal cartel are coming out.

Even if the MSM is ignoring the mountain of actual evidence.


obviously the above was just an excerpt of a much longer article well worth reading. Would be shocking to james if he ever got out of his cocoon.

Anonymous said...

New York Times:
“TikTok users and fans of Korean pop music groups claimed to have registered potentially hundreds of thousands of tickets for Trump’s campaign rally as a prank.

well whattaya know?

i'm old enough to remember back to those halcyon days when foreign interference in our elections was the worst possible thing imaginable. russia, russia, russia they cried.

and now?

knee-slapping funny.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

You like it when the russkies help Trump get elected and don't like it when teenaged pranksters screw things up for Trump.

Okay. Knee slapping funny indeed.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

9:01 Good analysis.



9:10 Great analysis.

Anonymous said...

You like it when the russkies help Trump get elected and don't like it when teenaged pranksters screw things up for Trump.

no pederast, but i do like it when a feckless cunt* like hillary gets beaten so badly she's forced to cook up the MYTH of russian interference to explain away her epic defeat.

*h/t: samantha bee.

russia, russia, russia never happened. tik tok (which is owned by the chi-coms) fucking with trump DID happen.

as did 0linsky fucking with the israeli elections which also DID happen. using taxpayer $$$, btw.

so yeah, the russia myth? knee-slapping, gut-busting, laugh until i cry fucking funny.

Commonsense said...

You like it when the russkies help Trump get elected

Except they didn't, they were actually helping Clinton by producing the fake dossier and they really succeeded beyond their wildest dreams. Even though Clinton lost, they manage to tie up the Trump administration for three year defending against a fake Russian hoax.

Vladimir Putin would like to thank the Democrats, the FBI, the CIA, and the US News media for helping him further Russian ambitions.

Good job James. Treason is your forte.

Caliphate4vr said...

James lies daily


Caliphate4vr said...
James lies daily

James Lies Matter

anonymous said...

Anonymous JAMES'S FUCKING DADDY said...
Caliphate4vr said...
James lies daily

James Lies Matter

And your stupidity reigns supreme!! Sad the EU has the virus under control with limited new cases while the Trump US leads the world in cases and dead.....Records UGA losers embrace since testing is causing the increases!!!!!


Well on Fathers Day we indirectly learned from james that instead of watching cartoons his father made him watch Hitler rallies.

And listen to his speeches.

Explains a lot.

And his lapses into German here


Speaking of Fathers Day

Bleacher Report

During the 1992 @Olympics, sprinter Derek Redmond tore his hamstring in the 400m.

Redmond’s father, Jim, ran onto the track to help his son cross the finish line.



anonymous said...

Today is the day trumps father fred gave little donnie 40 million bucks to play around with!!!!! We are all still living the consequences of his largess!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAA!!!!