Saturday, June 20, 2020

The fact of the matter is...

A white person is approximately 13 times more likely to be killed by a black person, than a black person is to be killed by a white person.


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Now let us compare charts of how many whites were killed by police officers
how many blacks were killed by police officers.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

And be sure to include,
in the interest of fairness,
how many unarmed blacks
were killed by police
compared with
how many unarmed whites
were killed by police.

Commonsense said...

You don't want to see that chart. For 2020 172 white suspects were killed by police officers (52%) vs 88 black suspects.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Now tell us how many UNARMED whites/blacks were killed by police.

Commonsense said...

Now you're moving the goal posts. So why don't you tell us James?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


*Police killed at least 104 unarmed black people in 2015, nearly twice each week. (See which police departments were responsible for these deaths)

*Nearly 1 in 3 black people killed by police in 2015 were identified as unarmed, though the actual number is likely higher due to underreporting

*36% of unarmed people killed by police were black in 2015 despite black people being only 13% of the U.S. population

*Unarmed black people were killed at 5x the rate of unarmed whites in 2015

*Only 13 of the 104 cases in 2015 where an unarmed black person was killed by police resulted in officer(s) being charged with a crime. 4 of these cases have ended in a mistrial or charges against the officer(s) being dropped and 4 cases are still awaiting trial or have a trial underway.

*Only 4 cases (Matthew Ajibade, Eric Harris, Paterson Brown Jr., and William Chapman) have resulted in convictions of officers involved, with a fifth case (Walter Scott) resulting in the officer pleading guilty.

*Of the 4 cases where the officer(s) involved have been convicted and sentenced, none were sentenced to serve more than 4 years in prison.

*Only 1 of 2 officers convicted for their involvement in Matthew Ajibade's death received jail time. He was sentenced to 1 year in jail and allowed to serve this time exclusively on weekends.

*The officer who killed Paterson Brown was sentenced to only 3 months in jail.

*Deputy Bates, who killed Eric Harris, was sentenced to 4 years in prison and Officer Cobb, who killed William Chapman, was sentenced to 2.5 years in prison.

*Officer Slager, who killed Walter Scott and pled guilty, has yet to be sentenced.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

I would like to see stats for all the years.

Anonymous said...

Blogger James said...

I would like to see stats for all the years.

then go look it up, asshat.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Be so nice as to look it up for us, rat.

Unless you fear it will say something you with all your racial hatred do not like.

Anonymous said...

i case you're interested -

and pederast, i know you're not since you're nothing but an obnoxious troll - heather macdonald has probably done more research and published more articles than anyone on the myth of police on black violence.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Still waiting for those simple, raw stats, rat.

Anonymous said...

Are the police nevertheless engaging in an epidemic of racist violence, as we hear daily? They are not. For the last five years, the police have killed about 1,000 civilians a year, the majority of those victims armed or otherwise dangerous. In 2019, the police killed 235 blacks, most of them also armed or dangerous, out of 1,004 police shooting victims overall. That roughly 25 percent ratio has also remained stable. It is less than what the black crime rate would predict, since police shootings are a function of the rate at which officers encounter armed and violent suspects, a fact confirmed most recently by a 2019 study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. In the 75 largest U.S. counties, which is where most of the population resides, blacks constituted around 60 percent of all robbery and murder defendants, according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, even though blacks comprise only 15 percent of the population in those counties.

What about unarmed victims of fatal police shootings? As of June 1, the Washington Post’s data base of fatal police shootings showed nine unarmed black victims and 19 unarmed white victims of fatal police shootings in 2019. That number of black unarmed victims is down 76 percent from 2015, when the Post began keeping its data base. The Post defines “unarmed” loosely to include suspects who have grabbed an officer’s gun or who are fleeing from a car stop with a loaded semi-automatic pistol in their vehicle. Those nine allegedly unarmed black victims represent 0.1 percent of all black homicide victims, which number about 7,500 a year—more than all white and Hispanic homicide victims combined.

After the tally of nine unarmed black victims was reported in certain news outlets last week, the Post reclassified over a dozen of its armed victims of police shootings as unarmed. This reclassification occurred six months after the Post had already closed its 2019 data base. The reclassification was not done on the basis of any new information; it was undoubtedly done to get the black victim numbers up. The Post is now showing 15 unarmed black victims in 2019. That is 0.2 percent of all black homicide victims, still a negligible number.

Anonymous said...

Blogger James said...
Still waiting for those simple, raw stats, rat.

hold your fucking breath, pederast.

i ain't your fucking errand boy.

you play these fucking games because you can't refute the basis of the post. that's on you.

so go fuck yourself.

Anonymous said...

Nearly 1 in 3 black people killed by police in 2015 were identified as unarmed, though the actual number is likely higher due to underreporting

likely higher due to underreporting?

this is why i dismiss the bullshit you post pederast.

the author makes an assumption to fit a narrative. that's not facts. it's bias.


Commonsense said...

Interesting discussion from NPR of all places:

New Study Says White Police Officers Are Not More Likely To Shoot Minority Suspects

There has been one recurring theory, that white cops are more likely to shoot black people because of racial bias. Now a new study is challenging that conclusion. NPR's Martin Kaste has more.

MARTIN KASTE, BYLINE: Since the Ferguson protests of 2014, we've learned a lot more about fatal shootings by the police. News organizations started collecting their own data on shootings to make up for incomplete federal stats, and academics started building on that. Michigan State University psychologist Joseph Cesario is part of a group that looked at fatal shootings in 2015. They added in the race of the police, and then did a statistical analysis.

JOSEPH CESARIO: The race of a police officer did not predict the race of the citizen shot. In other words, black officers were just as likely to shoot black citizens as white officers were.

KASTE: Other studies have looked at this question, but this one comes closest to being a nationwide analysis. It's also getting extra attention because it's in a prestigious peer-reviewed journal, the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. And that puzzles Philip Atiba Goff.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


rat will always pick out the one small ray of hope (no matter how tendentious) he finds in any argument to buttress his racist position

and notice what nice language he uses when he's insecure

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Anybody have the raw stats?

Myballs said...

Do your own homework James.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Oh, I am such a gentleman, I will allow you to speak first.

By the way, the article from NPR that Commonsense cites above ends like this:

KASTE: Lorie Fridell is a criminologist as well as a bias trainer. She says academics have been wrestling with this question for decades, and this latest paper is not about to settle things.

FRIDELL: The defenders of police, of course, will cherry-pick the studies that show no bias. And the other side will cherry-pick the ones that do. But we don't have any definitive studies on this.

KASTE: She thinks people should be more open to the idea that bias and demographics can both play a role. And that's something that the authors of the paper and their critics both seem to agree on.

The real question here is not whether race is a factor in police shootings, but when? Is it beforehand in all the things that might lead up to a shooting, such as drug laws or racial profiling? Or does it come down to the skin color of the individual cop holding the gun?

Martin Kaste, NPR News.

And I noticed the article was lacking raw stats.

Commonsense said...

James is just trolling, he doesn't really care about the number.

If it was actually favorable to his cause, he would post it himself.

Myballs said...

Free Beacon analysis shows that networks made no mention of juneteenth others no more than once or twice since 2012. That is until Trump scheduled Tulsa. Now its in the hundreds and now remarkably, they all care deeply about this holiday that most never heard of until this month.

Anonymous said...


pederast, the graph at the top of this post came from me to begin with.

right here in Albany we've had a dozen black shot by black in 48 hours.

not a single cop involved. and now "the community is having emergency meetings to address the issue." including the mayor, who has taken a break from her virtue signalling in taking down the philip schuyler statue that's been in front of city hall since 1925.



sadly for the blacks who wish to make it an issue, there was simply no way to pin it on the police.

news coverage of this is sparse. these black lives must not matter all that much.

just like saint floyd of the george. the patron saint of free flat screen tv's.

anonymous said...

Free Beacon analysis shows that networks made no mention of juneteenth others no more than once or twice since 2012.

WHICH CONFIRMS WHY TRUMP WAS CLUELESS TO ITS EXISTENCE!!!!! Now claims he made the date famous!!!! I am sure that will swing a lot of votes his way!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

How to make a “Black Lives Matter” group shut up.

anonymous said...

not a single cop involved. cops involved with unnecessary killing......isn't that the way it is supposed to be you dumb fuck??????

anonymous said...

Twitter.....the joke of the tight!!!!!!!

anonymous said...


Tulsa motel security guard’s fatal encounter with guest raises issues of race, oversight
A former sheriff's office detention officer with a disciplinary record was charged with manslaughter after he pepper-sprayed and fatally shot a father of three.

Just another brick in the wall of dissent!!!!

Anonymous said...

Now claims he made the date famous!!!!

he did, BWAA.

no one, including a single black, really gave a shit about juneteenth. that is until trump scheduled a rally on the same day. then all the usual asshats came out of the woodwork stumbling all over themselves to make it an issue.

suddenly it became the most sacred high holy day of the year. right after kwanzaa or something.


Anonymous said...

This is asking for a beating.

"James June 20, 2020 at 6:18 AM

And be sure to include,
in the interest of fairness,
how many unarmed blacks 
were killed by police
compared with
how many unarmed whites 
were killed by police

The beating of James was justified.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Rat takes proud responsibility for his 2013 graph at the top of the article showing killings of whites by whites, blacks by blacks, whites by blacks and blacks by whites.

I counter, how many killings were of unarmed people? And I offered examples from one year, 2015, showing that unarmed blacks were 5x as likely to be killed as unarmed whites.

Should blacks draw the conclusion that to many police, black lives don't matter as much as they should?

Raw stats for all years would be interesting, if hard to come by.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Perhaps more important just now is this:

Both Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx strongly advised against Trump holding his indoor Tulsa campaign event. He didn't listen, even shut them down.

Read the article. Watch the video.

Anonymous said...

Officer James Woke

On the beat.

Anonymous said...

The anti-thin blue line and soft on criminals Biden platform 2020.

anonymous said...

no one, including a single black, really gave a shit about juneteenth

Just because the education system failed your sorry ass about Washington, does not mean every single black knew nothing about the teenth!!!!!! Projecting your own stupidity on others is your MO.....BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Anyone here From Roger.
His last FB picture made him look grey like he is on deaths door.
It showed him in the "home".

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Where is Ch's thread about the wonderful rally that is now shaping up in Tulsa?

Anonymous said...

Should blacks draw the conclusion that to many police, black lives don't matter as much as they should?

you dumb fuck.

blacks should draw the conclusion that to many BLACKS, black lives don't matter as much as they should.

cop on black violence is a pimple on a gnats ass compared to BLACK on BLACK violence.

and guess what, asshat? when you defund the fucking police, black on black violence will explode exponentially.

my advice to every cop in America is to STAND DOWN in black neighborhoods.

do NOT respond to 911 calls or reports of "shots fired."

since blacks have made it abundantly clear that they don't give a shit about each other, then don't even think about risking your life to respond.

i recall cali having a splendid idea a while back -

fence in the minority neighborhoods, toos a bunch of guns and ammo in and let them go at it.

then shoot the winner.


anonymous said...

Anyone believe or car what the goat fucker posts out of stupidity??????? So sad sitting in his mommy's basement making believe he is relevant to something!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!

Anonymous said...

OK Supreme court bitch slapped Team Biden. Biden's Lawyers attempted to shut down the Rally.

anonymous said...

cop on black violence is a pimple


Anonymous said...

Abortion of black human babies by Black Pregnant women is the winner of killings.

Anonymous said...

but, but, but... he's polling with a double-digit lead! serious guys!

So, basically, they took Joe Biden out of his basement and put him in what amounts to another basement. From the NYT:

"Then, Mr. Biden appeared. He arrived with such little fanfare that I didn’t even notice him enter the room. There was no introduction by an organizer to pump up a crowd that wasn’t there, as is typical with campaign events. He just stood behind a lectern, pasted with the placard “Reopen Right: Safer and Stronger,” and began reading a speech off the teleprompters, assailing President Trump."


Anonymous said...

The BLiesMatter mob is building a better Obama vision of America by burning it down.

Anonymous said...

The BLiesMatter mob is building a better Obama vision of America by burning it down.

as 0linsky sits on his ass in his mansion, in the whitest of white enclaves, martha's vineyard, laughing his ass off.


under OBAMA in 2015, james tells us there were 104 unarmed blacks killed by police.

We KNOW from prior reporting that either 9 or 10 unarmed blacks were killed by police in 2019.

the lying POS "pastor" is outraged.

apparently he thinks that is way too little. Obama towered over Trump in killing unarmed blacks.

And I can't remember him attacking Obama over this, strange.


In fact, james the POS "pastor" has even posted a video link of an armed black who wasn't killed but was shot by police.

Hew was outraged as he should have been.

Except it happened under Obama.

Then he slunk away, another children in cages moment.

Anonymous said...

Officer James Woke.
Tulsa, Oklahoma
"Omar Chatman, 41, is one of the organizers for 1,000 brothers and sisters in arms, a pro-Second Amendment walk planned for Saturday led primarily by Black gun owners in Oklahoma.

The demonstration, which will begin at 2 p.m. at Ralph Ellison Memorial Library, is intended to bring attention to the fact that Black Americans’ constitutional rights to carry firearms are not often respected, Chatman said.

All are welcome to march in solidarity with the group, which expects between 200 and 300 people to attend in what they are saying will be a peaceful mile walk to the Governor’s Mansion.

“As an African American, it’s important to send a message to the governor and president that we aren’t going to allow people to come into our communities and brutalize us,” Chatman said. “That goes for corrupt police officers, white supremacists and criminals. Criminals have no color. It doesn’t matter if you are a Black man, white man, Asian or Hispanic"

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

I can't remember Obama saying any of this was nothing to worry about.

Do you suppose the increased use of body cams has resulted in less police shootings of unarmed people, whites as well as blacks?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Again, full stats would be helpful.

Anonymous said...

An SJW Is Shown the World Through Police Eyes

A few years back, Phoenix Al Sharpton wannabe Jarrett Maupin agreed to go through training exercises simulating the sort of situations experienced by Darren Wilson and Garrett Rolfe.

Anonymous said...

The Day Republicans freed. the slaves.

Commonsense said...

Juneteenth is not the day slavery ended. There was still slavery in Maryland, Kentucky, and Missouri.

December 5, 1865 is the day slavery ended with the ratification of the 13th amendment.

anonymous said...

The Day Republicans freed. the slaves.

Proving again how far trump has destroyed the GOP!!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!

Anonymous said...

Newspapers ditching mugshot galleries amid concerns they advance negative stereotypes



"since those featured in our mugshot galleries are overwhelmingly black, we feel it's better for the community to not know this, because, well, because."

anonymous said...


Twitchy an alternate for idiots like rat to feel big!!!!!

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

I thought it was the day slavery ended for those slaves in Texas when they were told they were free by Union soldiers.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Intel Report Warns of Far-Right Extremists
June 19, 2020 at 5:19 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard

An intelligence report is warning law enforcement and public safety officials that a far-right extremist movement known as “boogaloo” may be setting its sights on the nation’s capital, Politico reports.

From the report: “The District is likely an attractive target for violent adherents of the boogaloo ideology due to the significant presence of US law enforcement entities, and the wide range of First Amendment-Protected events hosted here.”

Will they also be showing up in Tulsa?

Trump can then say, "There are good people on both sides."

Anonymous said...

Officer James Woke.

Anonymous said...

RRB, the shoot, don't shoot video you posted was informative.
The black protestor shooting an unarmed man, because he "walk into his space".

C.H. Truth said...

The reverend keeps referring to 2015 when we had a racist President who loved to stir racial tension.

*Police killed at least 104 unarmed black people in 2015, nearly twice each week. (See which police departments were responsible for these deaths)

But he ignores the story from WaPo (who he should trust) that

What about unarmed victims of fatal police shootings? As of June 1, the Washington Post’s data base of fatal police shootings showed nine unarmed black victims and 19 unarmed white victims of fatal police shootings in 2019. That number of black unarmed victims is down 76 percent from 2015, when the Post began keeping its data base.

Of course, since it's WaPo, such numbers couldn't stand.

After the tally of nine unarmed black victims was reported in certain news outlets last week, the Post reclassified over a dozen of its armed victims of police shootings as unarmed. This reclassification occurred six months after the Post had already closed its 2019 data base. The reclassification was not done on the basis of any new information; it was undoubtedly done to get the black victim numbers up. The Post is now showing 15 unarmed black victims in 2019. That is 0.2 percent of all black homicide victims, still a negligible number.

But even with the "reclassification" - the simple comparison is over a hundred black suspects were killed by police back when we had the President who stirred racial tension...

Versus the improvement of 9-15 in 2019... under the current leadership of the current President.

I am wondering how the Reverend reconciles that?

Anonymous said...

An intelligence report is warning law enforcement and public safety officials that a far-right extremist movement known as “boogaloo” may be setting its sights on the nation’s capital, Politico reports.

boogaloo: a figment of the liberal mind. one meant to counter the very real antifa threat that exists across the country.

C.H. Truth said...


A White Police officer makes up 61% of the police force but suffers 83% of all Police officers killed by felony murders. I wonder out loud if certain people find it easier to shoot and murder a white cop?

Anonymous said...

A White Police officer makes up 61% of the police force but suffers 83% of all Police officers killed by felony murders. I wonder out loud if certain people find it easier to shoot and murder a white cop?

yet another good reason for cops to turn their backs on the black communities.

leave the fucking animals to their own devices and only send in a coroner when there's a corpse to scrape off the sidewalk.

anonymous said...

A White Police officer makes up 61% of the police force but suffers 83
Which proves Lil Schiutty that you are running out of straw man bullshit!!!!!! I am sure there are worse statistics for blacks dying from the virus which also proves shit!!!!

Anonymous said...

🤣 I am sure there are worse statistics for blacks dying from the virus which also proves shit!!!!" Butterball Denney


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

rat should write the racial justice plank for the next GOP convention

Anonymous said...

Officer James Woke only sees Americans by color.

like this was 🤡
When I read Obama in his own hand and then , BLM and Antigua, they look all the same.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

lol Ch calls Obama the president who stirred racial tensions.

Just because he was hated for being black?

Trump will surely go down in history as the biggest race baiting president we have had.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

He will go down in history as the biggest divider, not uniter, we have had.


Dems think they OWN blacks

With new digital outreach media a large segment of black voters will be exposed to the democrat's hypocrisy and racist record.

it could be a larger TIPPING POINT than anything else.

and failed virtue signaling just gave Republicans even more messaging power.

Thanks Joe and Nancy and whoever the running mate is.

anonymous said...

🤣 I am sure there are worse statistics for blacks dying from the virus which also proves shit!!!!" Butterball Denney


Which again shows Lil Schitty and the goat fucker to be idiots beyond comparison !!!!!! Stupid is what stupid does is your motto!!!!! BWAAAAAAAA!!!!!


rumor has it between Harris and Rice for running mate and either would be a disaster for dems so maybe back to the drawing board when they think about it deeper.

and Joe will OWN this decision,

anonymous said...

No fucking daddy....trump thinks he is the blacks best friend and ally!!!! Yeah....polling says he is losing the 9% he had along with all women and gays!!!!


lo iq said:

idiots beyond comparison !!!!!! Stupid is what stupid does is your motto!!!!! BWAAAAAAAA!!!!!

Does anyone want to tell lo iq he obviously already OWNS this motto?


Anonymous said...

James, Tell us with great specificity what Biden has done to bring this Country together.


Anonymous said...

Butterball Denney what exactly is your proper cook time?

anonymous said...

Why don't you go fuck yourself you idiot!!!

anonymous said...


You got less than mommy's basement goat fucker!!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAA!!!


Muhammad Ali’s son says dad would have hated ‘racist’ Black Lives Matter

On the fourth anniversary of his death, Muhammad Ali’s only biological son says that his father would be against Black Lives Matter, calling the movement “racist” and the protesters “devils.”

The legendary boxer and activist stood up against racism throughout his life, but Muhammad Ali Jr. says his dad would have been sickened by how the protests have turned to violence and looting after the death of George Floyd.

“Don’t bust up s–t, don’t trash the place,” he told The Post. “You can peacefully protest.

‘‘My father would have said, ‘They ain’t nothing but devils.’ My father said, ‘all lives matter.’ I don’t think he’d agree.

Of the BLM movement, Ali Jr., a Muslim like his father, said: “I think it’s racist.”

“It’s not just black lives matter, white lives matter, Chinese lives matter, all lives matter, everybody’s life matters. God loves everyone — he never singled anyone out. Killing is wrong no matter who it is,” Ali said during an hour-long interview with The Post.

On police brutality, Ali defended law enforcement in general.

“Police don’t wake up and think, ‘I’m going to kill a n—-r today or kill a white man,'” he said. “They’re just trying to make it back home to their family in one piece.


just shows how far left the democrat party has gone.

Caliphate4vr said...

Of the BLM movement, Ali Jr., a Muslim like his father, said: “I think it’s racist.”

The Klan with a tan

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

"Mohammed Ali was against violence. At one time he was calling whites devils, but his trip to Mecca changed all that. He was assassinated because he was emphasizing acceptance of all people. "

The Assisinating of Ali?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

James, tell us with great specificity what Biden has done to bring this country together.

With SIMPLE specificity,
he's doing it just by running against Trump.

Decent Biden is bringing the country together against indecent Trump.

Caliphate4vr said...

Idiot that was Malcom X

Fuck the left is stupid

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Of course Mohammed Ali was against violence, as was also Malcolm X.

At one time Malcolm X was calling whites devils, but his trip to Mecca changed all that. He was assassinated because he was emphasizing acceptance of all people.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

I made the correction before I saw KD and Cali's responses. :-)

Caliphate4vr said...

Sure you did pederast. Malcom, Muhammad Ali, they all look the same to you, eh Quad P

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Questions on Trump’s Friday Night Massacre

Many questions must be asked the morning after President Trump’s administration abruptly tried to oust Geoffrey Berman, the U.S. attorney for the southern district of Manhattan. Here are a few of them:

How bad must it have been that the administration did this five months before the election?

How did the President have no one around him that explained how crazy this looks, and how destructive it is?

Why did they pull this stunt before ensuring Berman would comply?

How did Attorney General Bill Barr go along with this?

Politico reports House Judiciary Committee Jerrold Nadler is inviting Berman to testify next week.

Now all that was a REAL Trump administration BOO BOO.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Judge Declines to Block Bolton’s Book

A federal judge Saturday rejected the Justice Department’s emergency request to block publication of John Bolton’s White House memoir.


C.H. Truth said...

Well Reverend...

The book is already out in the hands of 1000's of people and unless you live under a rock, you've heard about much of it.

The reason that the judge did not block the publication is for that very reason. He stated basically that the cat is out of the bag and you cannot put it back in.

What the judge did imply very strongly is that Bolton did break the NDA and that he would likely lose the lawsuit and probably not reap a dime of profit from any of it.

I wonder out loud if he still would have done it, if he didn't stand to gain financially?

Like every other "tell all" book, it will make outrageous opinions masquerading as legitimate claims. It will have no more or less effect than the rest of them.

Btw... which was your favorite anti-Trump tell all books so far?

Anonymous said...

Officer James Woke, you swore to tell the truth.

You don't.

Can't answer my question.

James, tell us with great specificity what Biden has done to bring this country together.

Anonymous said...

Notice the timing of the books and that the profits are being kept.

Anonymous said...

James, tell us with great specificity what Biden has done to bring this country together.

James your response was a non answer.
Th for showing how vapid you are.


Tim Young

Can anyone show me any evidence that Joe Biden ISN'T racist?

He even called Obama "the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean..." Which is AWFUL.

OK with the "woke" crowd, right?

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.

Steve Guest

REMINDER: Joe Biden doesn't know what Juneteenth is about.

Juneteenth is about emancipation.

This is Biden's explanation last week:

15 sec VIDEO:

still can't get over how he wears his facemask !!!

Presidential !!!


Anonymous said...

Anyone hear from Alky?
Did he die in his 10'x10' dream home?

Anonymous said...


FUNNY and said.

Biden brings us together to mock him.

Anonymous said...

NY Mayor tells poor blacks to hold his 🍺

"COVID Tore Through NYC Homeless Shelters. But Residents Were Kept in the DarkBy Claudia Irizarry Aponte, Ann Choi, and Hiram Alejandro Durán on June 15, 2020 5:10 pm"

anonymous said...

Anonymous JAMES'S FUCKING DADDY said...
Tim Young

Dumb fucks squared blowing smoke out their asses right into the goat fuckers mommy's basement!!!!! Amazing the amount of nothing these assholes post!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!

Anonymous said...

Dennis Biden, what are you attempting say.
Epic Failure.

Anonymous said...

This is a good friend of Maxine Waters
Charged in Marine Attack in Philadelphia

"The Philadelphia District Attorney’s Office has charged 37-year-old Washington, D.C., resident Joseph Alcoff with aggravated assault, ethnic intimidation, and conspiracy — all felonies — among other charges. He has pleaded not guilty and is currently out on bail..

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Graham Won’t Consider Pick for New U.S. Attorney

Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham (R-SC) signaled on Saturday that he will not move forward with a nomination for the U.S. attorney for Manhattan without sign off from two Democratic senators, The Hill reports.

Graham said he would wait to receive a “blue slip” — a sheet of paper that indicates if a home-state senator supports a nomination — before moving forward with a new nominee to be the U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York.

Said Graham: “As to processing U.S. Attorney nominations, it has always been the policy of the Judiciary Committee to receive blue slips from the home state senators before proceeding to the nomination. As chairman, I have honored that policy and will continue to do so.”



Anonymous said...

James, keep to cut n past.
When you attempt to write your own thoughts, well, epic fails.

Anonymous said...


damn stupid, when was Ali assassinated?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Anonymous said...

They went there to be arrested.
Dumb James.

Commonsense said...

Good. The ANTIFA scum can spend the night in jail.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

1:44 A lone woman who has a ticket cannot attend the event and peacefully protest by wearing an "I can't breathe" shirt?

Freedom of speech? Freedom of peaceful assembly?

Do those Tulsa police work for Trump?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

The woman does not look or sound or act like "scum."

Anonymous said...

Chaz controlled zone records a firearm related Murder.

What, Chaz is not a gun free zone?

Commonsense said...

She could yell all she want outside the security parameter.

She's not allow inside as she's a danger to the president and other rally attendees.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

I was not aware that she was arrested for any "yelling."

Commonsense said...

The woman does not look or sound or act like "scum."

She dresses, looks, sounds and is very much ANTIFA scum. Who in a just world should be shot on sight.

There uniform is now as disgusting as a KKK robe.

That James does not find it disgusting is very telling.

Commonsense said...

Chaz controlled zone records a firearm related Murder.
What, Chaz is not a gun free zone?

One black man was killed and two black men were injured (some black lives matter) in a bar shoot-out in the CHOP. Police, para-medics, and firemen were prevented from rendering assistance by the mob.

Or as @mayorjenny calls it "The Summer of Love".

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Six Trump Campaign Staffers Test Positive In Tulsa
2:16 pm EDT

"Six members of the Trump campaign’s advance team for tonight’s rally in Tulsa tested positive for the coronavirus," CBS News reports.

"The campaign says those staffers won’t be present at the rally, BUT THE CAMPAIGN IS STILL NOT ENFORCING MASK RULES."

You guess they wish NOW they'd worn masks?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx and others have warned that this could be a disaster in the making.


Six Trump Campaign Staffers Test Positive In Tulsa
June 20, 2020 at 2:16 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard



Commonsense said...
Chaz controlled zone records a firearm related Murder.
What, Chaz is not a gun free zone?

One black man was killed and two black men were injured (some black lives matter) in a bar shoot-out in the CHOP. Police, para-medics, and firemen were prevented from rendering assistance by the mob.

Or as @mayorjenny calls it "The Summer of Love".

let me guess, an unidentified masked man did it?

Anonymous said...

James is so upset.
He is winning, right?

C.H. Truth said...


The idiots of Chaz/Chop are killing each other with guns, and James and the liberals are worried if Trump supporters are going to wear masks.

anonymous said...

let me guess, an unidentified masked man did it?

Let me really are a trump loser!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

James is two faced Socialist.
Peaceful Riots are ok.
Political Rallies Bad.

C.H. Truth said...

Looks like the Tulsa Police are not going to stand for any nonsense. I have a feeling many many people will be arrested if they don't follow the rules of the game today.

And liberals will clutch their pearls like it's the biggest scandal of modern times.

I wonder if you can accuse them of being racist when the woman they arrested was white?


Jack Posobiec

I am declaring a Travel Warning for all Americans to avoid traveling to Seattle at this time

C.H. Truth said...

I was just at the local Cub food... perhaps 25% of the people there were wearing masks. I suppose the other 75% shouldn't be provided that choice?

Arrest them all for not following the divine opinions of the chicken littles of the world!

I think the horrible reality is that the faster the country gets back to normal, the better chance Joe Biden has of being forced to go out and make a fool of himself more often than the once a week or so he is doing now.

It's really about liberals keeping the knee on the throat of the American society for as long as they can! Since they have no logic to work with, they will simply attempt to shame people.


Comfortably Smug

Honestly declare CHAZ a gun free zone, remove all police from a 50 mile radius of it, and send every Journo there

It's CHOP, and there is no cop in CHOP

Anonymous said...

"The protester claimed she had tickets for the event."
Yet when asked by the police to present it, she could not.
Notice too how well trained she is.
Refuse to stand, refused to walk, she dead legged so the two very professional and kind officers had to carry her , very , very well trained.


I think the horrible reality is that the faster the country gets back to normal, the better chance Joe Biden has of being forced to go out and make a fool of himself more often than the once a week or so he is doing now.

I think the media is looking for ANYTHING to focus on other than Biden. Especially if they can do something negative that they can tie to Trump. And that will probably continue until the election.

One-on-one Trump crushes Biden and everyone knows it.

I still wouldn't be surprised if he drops out. Only thing that would hold that up is that he doesn't have a strong VP choice available that I can see.

Anonymous said...

Socialist pivot from Biden to "we Like Mike"
referring to "Mike" Obama

anonymous said...

The woman does not look or sound or act like "scum."

She dresses, looks, sounds and is very much ANTIFA scum.

While you dress and smell like a trumpet desperately trying to defend the scum divider!!!!!! Seems a bunch of trumps staff test positive for the careful donnie going out in the wild arena of an epic pandemic without protection!!!!

anonymous said...

BWAAAA!!!! The only pivot is the one of you rotating on trumps dick!!!!!!!1 Idiot

anonymous said...

Keep deluding yourself goat fucker.....and hope tulsa does not become the trump waterloo.......BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

General Election CNBC Biden 51, Trump 41 Biden +10
General Election: Trump vs. Biden Economist/YouGov Biden 50, Trump 41 Biden +9
Pennsylvania: Trump vs. Biden CNBC/Change Research (D) Biden 49, Trump 46 Biden +3
Michigan: Trump vs. Biden CNBC/Change Research (D) Biden 47, Trump 45 Biden +2
Florida: Trump vs. Biden CNBC/Change Research (D) Biden 50, Trump 43 Biden +7
North Carolina: Trump vs. Biden CNBC/Change Research (D) Trump 45, Biden 47 Biden +2
Arizona: Trump vs. Biden CNBC/Change Research (D) Biden 45, Trump 44 Biden +1
Wisconsin: Trump vs. Biden CNBC/Change Research (D) Biden 48, Trump 44 Biden +4

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Ch, I think you should come right out and DEMAND (a fovorite word of yours) that no one in the 20,000 person indoor room at Trump's Tulsa extravaganza be allowed to wear a mask.

Then sit back and wait a few days...

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Trump Fires U.S. Attorney Who Investigated His Associates

“Attorney William Barr said on Saturday that President Trump had fired the top federal prosecutor in Manhattan, who has investigated the president’s closest associates, deepening a crisis over the independence of law enforcement and the president’s purge of officials he views as disloyal,” the New York Times reports.

“Mr. Trump removed the prosecutor, Geoffrey S. Berman, United States attorney for the Southern District of New York, after he had refused to step down on Friday night. The president’s announcement capped an extraordinary clash over an office that has been at the forefront of corruption inquiries into Mr. Trump’s inner circle.”

Barr said Berman had “chosen public spectacle over public service,” while adding, “Because you have declared that you have no intention of resigning, I have asked the President to remove you as of today, and he has done so.”

Wall Street Journal: “The matter is nearly certain to end up in court, as the legal grounds for removing a sitting U.S. Attorney remain murky.”


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...




If you think Democrats have lost their minds--wait until the Trump statues start going up.
The absurdity of senile Joe Biden running for president will never be more obvious--the moment Trump walks on stage tonight.

anonymous said...

If you think Democrats have lost their minds--wait until the Trump statues start going up.

IN NORTH KOREA!!!!!!! BWAAAAAAPAAAAAA!!!!!!!!! Bradford and daddy.......assholes of immense proportions!!!


Trump Fires U.S. Attorney Who Investigated His Associates
June 20, 2020 at 3:39 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard




3 things the media creates to manipulate you.

1. polls (to make you join)
2. fear (to make you think you might be next if you don't join)
3. guilt (to make you join as a cure for something you didn't do)

the lo iq BUTT BUDDIES sure fall for it


anonymous said...

Barr said Berman had “chosen public spectacle over public service,”

So said the fat fucking obese trump personal water boy......I am sure this will have more legs than the trump armada thinks!!!!

anonymous said...

And fucking dumbass daddy again adds his sperm to the trump pile......BWAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!



AG Barr with a strong and very interesting response to Berman.


another deep stater exposed, the SWAMP was VERY DEEP

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

...the moment Trump walks on stage tonight.

Oh all he shouting Trump lackeys will of course fill the air with coronavirus-spiked spume.

Trump's own task force has warned him that this INSIDE event is THE VERY WORST KIND OF EVENT IN TERMS OF EXPOSURE.



Berman running to the press with an "I Resist!" flare last night strongly supports the suggestion that the office desperately needed someone much, much, much less, well, Resistance-y in charge.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Funny how very many, many, many swamp critters Trump keeps putting in his government.

He really is very poor at hiring, isn't he?


Robert Barnes

If you want to understand why #Barr had to move against #Berman, just look at two cases that died under Berman: #Podesta & #Epstein

pedophiles loved him

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Well, actually, they are (Trump says) fine, wonderful, excellent people until they cross Trump and, for example, start actually investigating his lawless, lying cronies.


James said...
Funny how very many, many, many swamp critters Trump keeps putting in his government.

He really is very poor at hiring, isn't he?

Boy you are uninformed. Need to change to a reliable source or keep quiet. Trump never hired him...

Go spend some quality time with your BUTT BUDDY.


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

THIS firing is going to make waves.

See 3:21 above.


James said...
THIS firing is going to make waves.

See 3:21 above.

3. Read the letter
2. Go play with your BUTT BUDDY
1. Bye

Anonymous said...

"pedophiles loved him"

James does.

anonymous said...

BWAAAAAAA!!!!! Here's another prediction......Trump's in deep shit!!!!!!! And you will never understand!!!! BWAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

anonymous said...

Goats and farm animals are the only companionship the goat fucker has!!!!

Anonymous said...

Troll James."Wall Street Journal: “The matter is nearly certain to end up in court, as the legal grounds for removing a sitting U.S. Attorney remain murky.”


"Bill Clinton fired all 93 U.S. Sitting US Attorneys "

anonymous said...

Trump never hired him...

He fired Bolton, Mattis, Tillerson, Kelly, Priebus, Neilson and others.....Great track record of stupidity!!!!

Caliphate4vr said...

THIS firing is going to make waves.

It’ll be your first correct one, pederast

anonymous said...


(CN) – With no warning or fanfare, the Trump administration on Friday fired 46 federal prosecutors who had served in the Justice Department under President Barack Obama.

“As was the case in prior transitions, many of the United States Attorneys nominated by the previous administration already have left the Department of Justice,” Justice Department spokeswoman Sarah Isgur Flores said in a statement. “The Attorney General has now asked the remaining 46 presidentially appointed U.S. Attorneys to tender their resignations in order to ensure a uniform transition.”

Because they were asked to tender their resignations, U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions may choose not to accept some of them.

Anonymous said...

"A statue of former President Ulysses S. Grant-- the Union general who led his army to victory against the Confederacy during the Civil War-- was toppled on Friday as hundreds gathered in San Francisco to celebrate Juneteenth."

Too Funny.