Saturday, June 13, 2020

The hipsters taking a break from living in their mother's basements turn on black community leaders...

Some people from The African American Community Advisory Council came to speak to the occupiers of the newly formed nation of Chaz yesterday. The advisory council is made up (quite obviously) of black people who work with the Seattle community, Seattle City Counsel, and with the Seattle Police Department.

The group is in support of Carmen Best (Seattle's black female Police chief) and suggested that these protesters/rioters need to understand that there are black police officers and others on the police force who's lives also matter. The main speaker (AACAC chair Victoria Beach) also suggested that the main message was being lost in all of this, and that it was time for them to start to cooperate and negotiate with the city and police force.

Apparently Beach was met with boos, chants, interruptions, and eventually someone just took the microphone from her all together, proving that these people are less interested in the opinions of the black people they pretend to represent, and more interested in their own little power grab.

Eventually the idea of a group of largely white liberal hipsters (with the occasional black person tossed in for effect), most of whom are likely taking a break from playing video games in their mother's basement (because if they a job or responsibilities they wouldn't be there), determining that black community leaders should be censored will take it's toll on the narrative. I have a feeling when this thing crumbles, it's going to crumble quickly.


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Jefferson Davis Statue Taken Down In Kentucky

A statue of Jefferson Davis was removed from the rotunda of the Kentucky state Capitol on Saturday.

Lexington Herald Leader:
“A panel that oversees statues in the Kentucky Capitol voted 11-1 Friday to remove the controversial statue of Confederacy President Jefferson Davis from the Rotunda, in line with Gov. Andy Beshear’s request.

“Momentum to relocate it accelerated as recent protests have been held across the country and in Kentucky against racial injustice. Several civil rights leaders and politicians in the state, including Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Attorney General Daniel Cameron, said the Davis statue should be moved.”



Biden Holds Huge Lead Among Women

Harry Enten:
“Biden is earning a historic amount of support from female voters for a presidential nominee when examining polling OVER THE LAST 70 YEARS.

“Biden is leading among female registered voters by 59% to 35%, a 25-point margin when the numbers aren’t rounded. That’s a significant increase from his 19-point advantage earlier this year and the 14-point lead Hillary Clinton had in the final 2016 preelection polls of registered voters. Clinton had a 13-point edge with likely female voters."

Caliphate4vr said...

The Second Wave Covid Scare
The numbers are better than the headlines, and reopening is necessary.

Democrats cite a spike in cases in Florida, Arizona and Texas as evidence of a virus resurgence. But more testing, especially in vulnerable communities, is naturally turning up more cases. Cases in Texas have increased by about a third in the last two weeks, but so have tests. About a quarter of the new cases are in counties with large prisons and meatpacking plants that were never forced to shut down.

Tests have increased by about 37% in Florida in two weeks, but confirmed cases have risen 28%. Cases were rising at a faster clip during the last two weeks of April (47%) when much of the state remained locked down. Now restaurants, malls, barbershops and gyms are open if they follow social-distancing guidelines.

In Arizona, cases have increased by 73% in the last two weeks though tests have increased by just 53%. But a quarter of all cases in the state are on Indian reservations, which have especially high-risk populations. The rate of diabetes is twice as high among Native Americans as whites and the rate of obesity is 50% higher.

Liberals and the media demanded more testing before states could reopen, yet now are criticizing states because more testing has turned up more cases. Keep in mind that New York has reported about the same number of new cases in the last two weeks as Florida, though it ramped up testing earlier so the relative increase appears less significant.

A more important metric is hospitalizations. In Arizona the weekly rolling average for new Covid-19 hospitalizations has been flat for a month. Emergency-room visits for Covid-19 have spiked this week, but the number of ER beds in use hasn’t changed since late April. Hospitals in Arizona (and California, have reported an increase in cases from U.S. citizens and green-card holders returning from Mexico where hospitals are overwhelmed. But with 22% of ICU beds and 62% of ventilators available, Arizona hospitals should have capacity to manage an increase in patients as it reopens.

Texas has also recently reported an uptick in Covid-19 hospitalizations, mostly in the Houston and Austin areas. Current Covid-19 hospitalizations are up about 20% since the state began to reopen, but Gov. Greg Abbott says hospitals aren’t overwhelmed and much of the increase is tied to nursing homes. The number of currently hospitalized patients per capita is still about 80% higher in New York City than in Texas. Mr. Abbott started reopening six weeks ago while Mr. Cuomo began letting manufacturing and construction resume in the Big Apple this week.

Fatalities are a lagging epidemic indicator since most people who die have been in the hospital for two to three weeks. But deaths also aren’t surging. Texas has recorded 151 deaths this past week versus 221 in the last week of April. Florida has reported 239 deaths, 72 fewer than in the last week of April.

Deaths are probably declining in part from better and earlier treatment, but this means there’s less to fear from reopening.

anonymous said...

Jeesus X Christ UGA loser......Blogger .com WSJ is sure a more credible source than the Babylon Bee.....but not by much!!!!! Pushing the trump agenda is very sad....but nothing new for you!!!!!! I love the way they report only 151 died in Texas......god you people are dumb fucks!!!!!


Rob Smith

White people of Hollywood: #ITakeResponsibility

VIDEO for Hollywood Whites:

Finally someone takes responsibility/

We must listen.

anonymous said...

The hipsters taking a break from living in their mother's basements turn on black community leaders...

Funny that the head line describes perfectly the goat fuckers living arrangement that he is sooooooo proud of!!!!!! bWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

anonymous said...

Rob Smith

More garbage from the twitter machine that fucking daddy's life revolves around!!!!

Miss Manners said...

We need to refrain from foul language that only serves to insult readers.


Paul Sperry

Running list of all now deemed "racist" by PC Nazis:

Lego cops
Lady Antebellum
Paw Patrol
Live PD
Gone With Wind
CPI Security
Washington Monument
Jefferson Memorial
American flag
National Anthem
President Trump
black conservatives

C.H. Truth said...

The Second Wave Covid Scare
The numbers are better than the headlines, and reopening is necessary.

This is quite simple. You can stop reading headlines and scare articles and start reviewing the statistics for yourself. The Covid Tracking Project tracks historical data that is quite helpful. States have their own websites with massive amounts of information.

Florida looks scary with all of the positive tests that are coming back in the past week, until you look at the rest of the statistics and you see that hospitalization continue to level off and are still decreasing (albeit at a slower rate) and they have been consistently going down in the number of deaths.

So that would appear that even though positive test results are rising, if hospitalizations and deaths are not rising, then it logically comes from more testing (not necessarily a second wave).

Now we cannot tell what will happen, until it happens. But it appears like any time any state shows an increase in anything... anywhere... it's immediately flagged and about 1001 articles are written by the same people that this time.... the wolf really does exist.


Richard Grenell

Microsoft President Brad Smith “We will not sell facial-recognition technology to police departments in the US until we have a national law, grounded in human rights.”

Speaking of human rights...69 countries criminalize homosexuality. Do you sell technology to any of them?

Loving the US flag and a good cup of Coffee

Mr. Smith sir, on the subject of civil rights. @RichardGrenell would like U to stop selling software to countries that criminalize homosexuality. @tedcruz would like to know your response on this matter as you are now selectively selling software on values


and fuck off lo iq



C.H. Truth said...
The Second Wave Covid Scare
The numbers are better than the headlines, and reopening is necessary.

dems are scared shitless that this will be a V shaped recovery. And even if the China virus hangs around it will be. People can take risks and most are very tired of this selected "lockdown".

Enough is enough, living our lives matter.

Anonymous said...

The desperate attempt to put the Covid19 lockdown back into effect after the coast to coast Peaceful riots is a joke

Anonymous said...

#FatLivesMatter , for the sake of Denny's girth, open the Buffet.



Kalen From Scriberr

“All white people must pay black people $10”

Says a non-black person to all white citizens of #CHAZ

...the newest country in North America

1 minute VIDEO:

only person I see enthusiastically clapping is a black person in front of camera. I have a feeling CHZ may not survive long. maybe they need to put in an income test to this as they all appear to be making nothing???


KansasDemocrat said...
#FatLivesMatter , for the sake of Denny's girth, open the Buffet.

I think people need to pay for food by what they weigh. Fat people shouldn't need to eat so much else they need to pay more. Food equality also matters.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Why has Ch stopped reporting the TRENDING information in the sidebar of this site?


James said...
Why has Ch stopped reporting the TRENDING information in the sidebar of this site?

roger has been providing much more detailed information

and its his site

Caliphate4vr said...

Now we cannot tell what will happen, until it happens. But it appears like any time any state shows an increase in anything... anywhere... it's immediately flagged and about 1001 articles are written by the same people that this time.... the wolf really does exist.

The lockdown was the greatest scam ever!

anonymous said...

Dumb Fucking daddy doubles down on the stupidity of the basement dwelling goat fucker....
KansasDemocrat said...
#FatLivesMatter , for the sake of Denny's girth, open the Buffet.

I think people need to pay for food by what they weigh

Not that it matters.....6'2" 208 can kick the living shit out of either of you!!!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAA!!!!


Talk about scams

Jussie Smollett cites George Floyd protests, demands police transparency

Kamala's biggest supporter, well except for Obama.

anonymous said...

The lockdown was the greatest scam ever!

I'm sure 110 k families would disagree with your stupid comment.....BWAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! Must suck not to be working sport!!!! BTW......Heading to my cabin tomorrow.....when are you hitting your lake house?????

Anonymous said...

"The lockdown was the greatest scam ever!"

Yes, this is is to complex for Denny.


lo iq said:
6'2" 208

WOW !!! that is the biggest circumference I have ever heard of!!! I guess what you have around the waste makes up for what you don't have upstairs !!!

Guess you got stuck in the wrong line for a very long time.


Caliphate4vr said...

I think fatty’s had another stroke

Oh fatboy townhouse had a contract 2 days after it went up for sale, made 50% on that sucker

Anonymous said...

Notice that every place that opens draws a good crowd.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Caliphate4vr said...

WOW !!! that is the biggest circumference I have ever heard of!!! I guess what you have around the waste makes up for what you don't have upstairs !

Fatty is so large he has weather systems around his ego and gravitational pull from his gullet


Fatty is so large he has weather systems around his ego and gravitational pull from his gullet

Sounds like he is still bitter than no one else showed up to loot the Golden Corral.

anonymous said...

Notice every place that opens causes a spike in cases!!!!

BTW UGA loser.....gotta suck to be in 2 big mortgages and no income for your blood pressure from drinking and partying is red lined......BWAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! I'm very pleased at my present situation while you will work to you drop dead...!!!!!!

Caliphate4vr said...

I am so glad you are concerned with my finances fatty

Rest assure I’m far better off than you have ever been or will be

I actually have a real job not some effeminate bookkeeping duties like you

anonymous said...

Well written opinion to why Barr should be fired and Flynn thrown in jail!!!!

ne 12, 2020 at 3:18 p.m. EDT
THE MORE one looks at Attorney General William P. Barr’s move to drop charges against Trump crony Michael Flynn, the more corrupt it appears. That is the upshot of a bracingly candid analysis from John Gleeson, a former federal judge the court appointed to assess Mr. Barr’s effort to let Mr. Flynn off, which emerged Wednesday.
Mr. Barr’s Justice Department is engaged in “an unconvincing effort to disguise as legitimate a decision to dismiss that is based solely on the fact that Flynn is a political ally of President Trump,” Mr. Gleeson wrote. “Even bending every inference in the Government’s favor, its filing here falls short.”
Mr. Gleeson is not the first legal expert to criticize Mr. Barr. But he is not just an idle commentator or partisan litigator. Moreover, his analysis is detailed, meticulous — and, because Mr. Barr’s decision was so egregious, unusually damning.

Mr. Flynn pleaded guilty in 2017 to lying to FBI investigators, a felony, as they scrutinized his interactions with Russian then-Ambassador Sergey Kislyak. The former national security adviser later renounced his guilty plea and accused the government of manipulating him. The Justice Department did not buy his arguments — until Mr. Barr got involved. The attorney general ordered last month that the Flynn charges be dropped, on the grounds that Mr. Flynn’s lies to the FBI were immaterial to the agency’s work and therefore excusable.
Only a contorted view of the case could justify such a conclusion. “Pursuant to an active investigation into whether President Trump’s campaign officials coordinated activities with the Government of Russia, one of those officials lied to the FBI about coordinating activities with the Government of Russia,” Mr. Gleeson wrote. “It is hard to conceive of a more material false statement than this one.”
The former judge noted that FBI officials might have asked a variety of follow-up questions if Mr. Flynn had answered truthfully, and that the fact of Mr. Flynn’s repeated lies itself carried national security implications.

Mr. Barr appears to believe that Mr. Flynn’s prosecution — and, indeed, the entire Russia investigation — reflected a partisan effort to kneecap a Republican president. In fact, Mr. Gleeson cited example after example of cases in which the Justice Department made arguments diametrically opposite to those Mr. Barr advanced to justify clearing Mr. Flynn — cases that involved defendants who were not the president’s friends.
Mr. Gleeson concludes that “the Government may not enlist a court in dismissing a case solely because the defendant is a friend and political ally of the President — and where the ostensible reasons advanced for dismissal amount to a thin and unpersuasive disguise.”
U.S. District Court Judge Emmet G. Sullivan, who presides over the Flynn case, is not required to approve Mr. Barr’s request to drop the charges. He should refuse. And the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, which has itself become involved, should allow Mr. Sullivan to exercise his discretion. This is one of the rare cases in which prosecutors’ behavior is so egregious that they deserve none of the usual respect and deference.

anonymous said...

Fucking daddy is just knee slapping funny!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAA!!!! Yep sure am bigger than you you puking punk......!!!!!!

anonymous said...

Anonymous Caliphate4vr said...
I am so glad you are concerned with my finances fatty

I am enjoying your twisting in the wind with no to you being better off.....check out my cabin in blairsvilee.....308 pinnacle place.....there are some good pics on zillow and I OWN IT.....Now what about your lake house??????? BWAAAAAAAAAA

Caliphate4vr said...

That’s across the street from me fatboy.

Caliphate4vr said...

Couple of others


lo iq anonymous said...
Fucking daddy is just knee slapping funny!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAA!!!! Yep sure am bigger than you you puking punk......!!!!!!

did you have to get a custom built outhouse ?

Do you even fit through a normal door ?

Very sad.

C.H. Truth said...

only person I see enthusiastically clapping is a black person in front of camera. I have a feeling CHZ may not survive long. maybe they need to put in an income test to this as they all appear to be making nothing???

Did you see the argument break out over the dodge ball game where someone was literally upset (offended?) that they got hit in the head with a ball. Then someone's hat was missing and people started yelling and screaming and then the video shut off.


you you puking punk......!!!!!!

and it looks like lo iq has developed a stutter

C.H. Truth said...

Why has Ch stopped reporting the TRENDING information in the sidebar of this site?

I am consolidating all three tracking sites into one average statistic for the three of them (rather than track them separately when I doubt many pay attention anyways)..

I have been doing that for approximately three days, so I don't really have enough data for that to be "trending" one way or the other.

anonymous said...

Awesome there fucking daddy....think much?????? BWAAAAAAPAAAAAA!!!!!

Yep custom built it!!! It is even big enough to fit trumps obese fat white ass with ease....can shoot off the back porch with out worry !!!!! Wonder when UGA loser will post pics of his lake house?????

C.H. Truth said...

But if you must know...

If I do the math on deaths - weekday to weekday:

Wed: 902 - was 968, 1403 (tracking down)
Thurs: 928 - was 988, 1280 (tracking down)
Fri: 751 - was 1068, 1224 (tracking down)

it's not a conspiracy Reverend...

the numbers are still going down in spite of your obvious desire to see them increase. Must be fucking frustrating that not enough people are dying for you, huh?


lo iq "anonymous" said:

you you puking punk......!!!!!!

and now


definitely a stutter that even effects his bleats.

very sad, life must be very tuff for you.

Caliphate4vr said...

Gee the jealousy displayed by someone who went to a commuter college all because I attended the oldest public university in the country is palpable


And I got a real degree not an effeminate bookkeeping one


Must be fucking frustrating that not enough people are dying for you, huh?

Maybe the same counters should start calling all deaths in hospitals near looting as looting deaths too ???

Caliphate4vr said...

definitely a stutter that even effects his bleats.

It’s the opiates he takes because his girth has worn our his joints

C.H. Truth said...

I did the math on yesterday and last friday... trending down by about 1500 new cases since last Friday.

Hope the Reverend is happy that I put the "trending" back up!

Commonsense said...

Microsoft President Brad Smith “We will not sell facial-recognition technology to police departments in the US until we have a national law, grounded in human rights.”

They have no problem selling the technology to China and Russia.

anonymous said...

Does china or russia have human rights????? Good for brad!!!!

It’s the opiates he takes because his girth has worn our his joints

Feel like a big man now UGA Boy......???? You really are the mouth of the south and it ain't statues of civil war traitors you worship!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!

Power down and packing to Ga......keep playing with yourselves is all you got!!!!

Caliphate4vr said...

I win, again

Commonsense said...

Things that confuse me.

Why are confederate generals who defended succeeding states called traitors while people who took control of a city and succeeded from the United States are called patriots?

Caliphate4vr said...

Fairleigh Dickinson University
1000 River Road, Teaneck, NJ 07666 | (201) 692-2000
#56 in Regional Universities North (tie)

University of Georgia
Administration Building, Athens, GA 30602 | (706) 542-3000
#50 in National Universities (tie)

Jealousy the fat headed green monster

Commonsense said...

Does china or russia have human rights????? Good for brad!!!!

So Denny it perfectly find to sell facial recognition technology to authoritarian regimes who are sure to abuse it against their own citizens?

That is too stupid and evil even for you.

Commonsense said...

Fairleigh Dickinson University

Can you still apply with a matchbook cover or is that passé now?

Caliphate4vr said...

Damn, I figured it’d be fine in Asheville

I wonder if the Indigo Girls know

How It’s Done: Asheville, NC Protesters Attempt an Autonomous Zone, Police Immediately Dismantle It

Caliphate4vr said...

Can you still apply with a matchbook cover or is that passé now?

FDU Entrance exam

Caliphate4vr said...

This is even better

Fairleigh Dickinson University (Silberman)
Grad Schools
1000 River Road, Teaneck, NJ 07666
Best Business Schools

University of Georgia (Terry)
Grad Schools
600 South Lumpkin Street, Athens, GA 30602
Best Business Schools (tie)

Caliphate4vr said...

This evening Ukrainian investigators seized $6 million in cash and arrests were made in an alleged bribe to Ukrainian prosecutors to halt investigations into the Burisma group of companies and involvement with Hunter Biden, the son of Democrat Presidential Candidate Joe Biden, CDMedia has learned. The bribes were allegedly to the Director of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU) and the Office of the Special Prosecutor (SAP). This information was posted on official NABU social media. We are told the operation had been under way for 2 weeks and is still ongoing. The images are two hours old.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

So, like Alky is, over 68 yrs old over 6'2" , wealthy and fit.

Couple of great guys.

Anonymous said...

Damn , great story Cali.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Trump Looked Unsteady During Speech
June 13, 2020 at 8:59 pm EDT

“President Trump struggled to lift a glass of water Saturday during his speech to U.S. Military Academy graduates at West Point,” the New York Daily News reports.

“Trump started to lift the glass with his right hand but seemed unable to guide it all the way up to his lips. The president used his left hand to steady the glass and tilt it into his mouth.

“After his speech, Trump also looked unsteady as he walked down a set of stairs after a lethargic speech to the graduates of the Army college.”

Was he having a stroke?
Does he have the virus?

Caliphate4vr said...

More winning

BEIRUT, LEBANON (12:00 P.M.) – The United States confirmed on Friday that it will discuss with the Iraqi government the status of its remaining military forces, stressing that it does not seek military bases or a permanent military presence in Iraq.

According to a joint statement of the first session of the strategic dialogue, Washington and Baghdad announced the continuation of the talks on the status of the remaining American forces in Iraq, where the two countries’ focus is towards developing a normal security relationship based on common interests.

The governments of the two countries said in the statement that “in light of the significant progress made towards eliminating the threat from ISIS, the United States will continue in the coming months to reduce its forces in Iraq.”

The United States also confirmed that it is not seeking to establish permanent bases or a permanent military presence in Iraq, as agreed previously in the 2008 Strategic Framework Agreement, which states that security cooperation is based on mutual agreements.

The U.S. pointed out that they had already withdrawn half of their forces from Iraq since the start of the new year.

Commonsense said...

You know Trump had a good speech by what liberals harp on.