Friday, June 19, 2020

This is an official poll of epic statistical proportions!


anonymous said...

I am for America!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Butterball Denney epic fail to understand and respond.

COPS. Because Blue Lives Matter.

anonymous said...

And the goat fucking idiot hates our country!!!!!!! So sad for an alleged trump sucker BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!

anonymous said...

Sad the goat fucker has such a difficult concept of Loving your country first.....something Donnie and the goat fucker constantly forget!!!!!

C.H. Truth said...

Well Denny...

I sure do love our country. I would never personally burn our flag or protest our historical leaders. I would never think to burn down a building, loot, or deface property in the name of anything American.

While I think you are fairly stupid, I don't "hate you" and I don't want bad things to happen to you because you are of a different political persuasion. I don't call you names because of who you support (unlike you who cannot get through a post without damning anyone who is conservative).

I don't hate people of any race (White, Black, Hispanic, Asian, etc...) and I don't judge the police as being bad because a few of them are.

All that being said... criminals are almost all being held responsible for things that they personally did. They are not arrested because someone else in their line of work did something bad. They, themselves committed the crimes.

When a criminal comes into contact with a police officer and things turn violent, I would hope that every cop comes out unscathed and if someone has to get hurt I hope it's the criminal (not the cop).
Criminals don't put their lives on the line to protect me. But the might endanger my life to make their life better.

Of course, if you are not a criminal, you haven't broken the law, you are following protocol, and you are not otherwise causing trouble, then I am on your side if the police actively attempt to harm you.

But keep in mind, that it's not up to any individual to decide that a law doesn't apply to them today or that a law is not serious enough to be arrested for. DO NOT BREAK ANY LAW and you and I will not have problems.

Anonymous said...

Butterball Denney, Tell us again when you served as I did in the US Army.

Caliphate4vr said...

Flattening the curve always meant having higher hospitalizations now

NC sets new COVID-19 hospitalizations record for the 10th time in June,” warned ABC 11 News yesterday. A tenth record this month means we’ve seen lots of these fear-triggering headlines.

Last week, as North Carolina set a now-eclipsed record for COVID-19 hospitalizations, N.C. Secretary of Health and Human Services Dr. Mandy Cohen told NPR that “we are concerned” and raised the possibility of ordering people “back to stay-at-home” again.

What’s going on? Is the state spiraling out of control?

No. Precisely the opposite. In fact, this was part of the Cooper administration and North Carolina health care establishment’s plan to flatten the curve of hospitalizations.

A July peak of hospitalizations was what they hoped for

Unless you are in possession of a memory, you forgot that the best-case scenario was that we’d have a small peak of hospitalizations not in April, not even in May, but in July.

In other words, an increase in hospitalizations in mid-June is a feature, not a flaw. What’s changed?

anonymous said...

I sure do love our country. I would never personally burn our flag or protest our historical leaders

SO FUCKING WHAT LIL SCHITTY.....!!!!!!!! Neither would I but your wanton disregard for peoples lives and you playing down the danger of the virus is completely amoral!!!!! For your comment on cops.....there are too many whose training is sub par and are way to eager to use force!!!! Seems the vetting process for cops needs revision!!!!! No cop should ever should a fleeing subject in the back or choke someone to death while other cops watch!!!!! They deserve to be arrested and charged and fuck those who don't like it....They are sworn to serve and PROTECT and if they cannot, should be dismissed IMMEDIATELY!!!!!!! BTW, it is a very minority of cops who suck....the balance are is those racist pigs, like yourself, that need to be culled!!!!!

A single comment for the goat fucker posting out of his mommy's basement......ESAD!!!!!!!! You never served shit other than hamburgers at Wendy's!!!!

anonymous said...

Everything is timing UGA dumbass!!!! Fla. will not have increased hospitalizations for another 10 days at least....I guess those added NC will just not need any new beds......yeah sure!!!!!

John Locke is another conservative think tank that supports trump and being stupid.....great site though....very professional looking!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

What a BS poll. Worded like that.
And Ch calls it "epic," lol.


Now let's get serious.

New York Recovers as Red America Faces Disaster

John Cassidy:
“New York’s comeback is a testimony to the heroic efforts of health professionals, E.M.T. employees, transit workers, delivery-truck drivers, and equally essential workers in supermarkets, warehouses, and other places—many of them poorly paid—who kept the stricken city and state going through its darkest days and nights. Cuomo and de Blasio, after some critical early missteps, also deserve credit for sticking at it, as do ordinary New Yorkers who obeyed the stay-at-home orders and wore masks when they became available.

“The key point is that it took a monumental and community-wide effort to limit the official death toll to fewer than twenty-five thousand statewide… The experiences of New Jersey and Massachusetts were similar. Now, as case counts rise alarmingly in other parts of the country, there is every reason to suppose that these places will need similarly comprehensive efforts to prevent a disaster from occurring. At the moment, though, particularly in parts of red America, a combination of poor leadership, public exhaustion, and right-wing politics is greatly hampering an effective response.”

Trump's poor leadership misstep in Tulsa will be part of this.

C.H. Truth said...


According to health experts. When you add up suicides, lack of normal hospitalizations, doctor's visits, overdoses, alcohol related incidents, domestic violence, etc... etc...

Every month we shut down the country resulted in 74,000 dead Americans, not to mention many more divorces (or strained marriages), many more people with chemical abuse issues, more financial problems, and other problems.

I am not sure why you feel that preventing people from dying from Covid-19 is more important than preventing people from dying from suicides, overdoses, chemical abuse problems, and cancer that was missed because they couldn't see a doctor.

Sometimes things are not as simple as your politicians "splain" to you.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Oklahoma Supreme Court Won’t Stop Trump Rally

“The Oklahoma Supreme Court Friday rejected an appeal of a lawsuit attempting to block President Trump from holding an indoor campaign rally Saturday in Tulsa that many feared could worsen the spread of coronavirus, paving the way for the event to go off as planned,” the Washington Post reports.

“The ruling came as thousands of Trump fans and protesters poured into this city in advance of President Trump’s first campaign rally in months, authorities imposed a curfew as fears of potential violence mingled with anxiety about a spike in new cases of coronavirus.”

Myballs said...

OK reopened two months ago. But only this week do you care how they're doing.

America sees the double standard and is turned off by it.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Tulsa Reverses and Won’t Impose Curfew

“In a stunning about face, Tulsa leaders say they have reversed their decision regarding a curfew for the downtown area ahead of President Trump’s rally,” KFOR reports.

I only hope the protesters remain vocal but peaceful.

The idea of trying to use police to prohibit freedom of assembly and freedom of speech must have begun to seem an unwise move to those Tulsa leaders.

Myballs said...

Dems greatly worried that Trump will rally the country out from the socialist democrat drumbeat of misery.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

...only this week do you care how they're doing.

Only this week are they doing an ESPECIALLY questionable thing.

Myballs said...

But riots are not?

Tens of millions of voters have had enough of the double standard. And d3ms are very worried about it.

Anonymous said...

mingled with anxiety about a spike in new cases of coronavirus.”


people went apeshit in the fucking streets from coast to fucking coast for weeks, but it's a trump rally that is driving covid "anxiety."


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


Trump Won’t Say Why He Hires ‘Wackos’ and ‘Liars’

President Trump just stared in silence when CBS News asked him why he keeps hiring “wackos” and “liars,” his own label for former national security adviser John Bolton.

Among those he’s smeared after the fact are former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, ex-Defense Secretary James Mattis, former Chief of Staff John Kelly and one-time Attorney General Jeff Sessions.


He could at least have been honest enough to say, "Because I'm a wacko liar myself."

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Trump Losing Rural Voters

“Not only is the topline of the latest Fox News national poll troubling for President Trump — he’s down 12 — but if you dig deeper, you see that Trump is leading Joe Biden by only 9 points among rural voters. In 2016, Trump won that segment of the population by nearly 30 points.”


Anonymous said...

New York Recovers as Red America Faces Disaster

The Data Shows Andrew Cuomo Was the Worst Performing Governor In the Crisis

Overall the Empire State, with 6 percent of the nation’s population, had 24 percent of America’s pandemic deaths, as well as 22 percent of its confirmed caseload.

How bad was his crisis management?

1) He waited two weeks too long to close the schools, even deriding Mayor De Blasio when he begged him to do it. He NEVER shut down the subways, the single biggest spreader of the virus, and never even bothered to disinfect them until week SEVEN of the lockdown.The result is the virus so far has taken six times as many New Yorkers as it has Californians, even though California has double the population and started out with more cases than New York did.

2) The state’s lockdown job losses exceed the national average by 50 percent. The lockdown put 2 million people out of work, suddenly struggling to pay their rent or feed their families. He wiped out 35% of small businesses in NY.

3) Governor Cuomo never showed empathy. While he would pour on his best funeral director voice and make a fuss over the death numbers, in his endless briefings he would never even mention or discuss the millions of lives and livelihoods that were destroyed by the lockdown or the millions of businesses that were bankrupted.

4) Then there was his dumbest and deadliest decision on March 25th. His official order to nursing homes that they had to take in Coronavirus patients even though they had no way to control the infections (they’re not hospitals) and the result was 5000 dead senior citizens. He could have sent them to the empty 4000 bed Javitz Center hospital that he never used, or the 1000 bed hospital ship Comfort that he never used. He could have done what Florida did, and set aside one nursing home and convert it to an entirely Coronavirus patient Nursing home. He banned visitors to nursing homes, because they might have Coronavirus, while ordering the homes to take patients who definitely had the virus. He made some menacing comments about the nursing homes state issued licenses, which kept them quiet. To help them, he later snuck a clause into the budget that would make it illegal for any of the senior citizen's families to sue the nursing homes. He even tried to blame the White House for his catastrophic order, claiming he was following federal guidelines, which is absolutely not true.

5) He misread the situation, every week, underestimating it for weeks saying there was no reason to shut down, then over estimating everything for weeks, screaming that he needed 40,000 ventilators and 200,000 beds.

When this lockdown is over the state’s economy will be a raging shambles. Rebuilding it will take the one skill that Andrew Cuomo absolutely does not have. In fact, growing an economy is something he absolutely stinks at.

Before the crisis, NY state’s economy was a disaster, billions in debt, ridiculously high taxes had more people fleeing NY state than every other state in America.It was said that Andrew Cuomo was U-Hauls number one salesman in 2019.

New York is going to need rescuing from Andrew Cuomo, Bill De Blasio, and Albany and an incompetent city council that can't be trusted.

Myballs said...

The fox poll is of registered voters not likely voters. That benefits d3ms.

More importantly, they are using the proportionality method. That means weighted based on registered voters by state. It skews the results by overweighting6 CA and NY and underweighting the middle red states.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Court Takes No Immediate Action on Bolton’s Book
June 19, 2020 at 4:07 pm EDT

“A federal judge on Friday appeared disinclined to issue a restraining order reining in publication of John Bolton’s explosive memoir, but expressed deep doubts about the former national security adviser’s decision to unveil the book to the public without official confirmation that it was free of classified information."


anonymous said...

According to health experts. When you add up suicides,

According to dumb fuck Lil Schitty....he thinks these relationships are germane to NOTHING!!!!! Throwing shit to see what sticks is all you ever post anymore!!!!! Like I don't give a fuck about those being taken by the virus because they are unimportant to you!!!! Just like trump....if it does not benefit me....fuck off!!!!! Are you working or are you just bored to think up the BULLSHIT you post!!!! 74 k per month is another piece of your bullshit!!!!! Sad you have turned into a wacko like Bolton!!!!!!! bWAAAAAAAAA!!!!

anonymous said...

Anonymous Myballs said...
The fox poll is of registered voters not likely voters. That benefits d3ms.

BWAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!! IT IS STILL A FOX POLL DUMBASS!!!! They are trumps network of choice aren't they????? LOLOLOLOLOL

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

@ RAT AT 3:24PM

Cuomo's response to COVID-19 gives him highest approval rating. NY likes these policies too
Joseph Spector
New York State Team

ALBANY - Gov. Andrew Cuomo's response to the coronavirus pandemic has gained him record approval ratings from New York voters, a poll Monday found.

The Democratic governor's job performance rating in his 10th year in office hit a high of 71% to 28%, up eight percentage points from last month, the Siena College poll said.

His favorability rating rose to 77%-21%, up from 71% to 23%, matching his highest ever in February 2011, just two months into his first term.

The poll found voters also supported Cuomo's action amid New York having the worst outbreak of COVID-19 in the nation, with 17,000 deaths and 288,000 confirmed cases.

“Mired in middling poll numbers for the last two years, Cuomo is feeling the love from New Yorkers of all stripes in year three of his third term and his first global pandemic," Steven Greenberg, spokesman for the Siena poll, said in a statement.

"He is viewed favorably by 90% of Democrats, 73% of independents and 53% of Republicans, his first time favorable with Republicans in more than six years.”

Cuomo has received wide praise and attention for his daily briefings on the coronavirus that are carried on national news networks, with Cuomo mixing sobering statistics on the growing death toll and hope that the virus' impact will subside.

Last month, a Siena poll found 87% of New Yorkers approved of Cuomo's response.


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

"He is viewed favorably by 90% of Democrats, 73% of independents and 53% of Republicans, his first time favorable with Republicans in more than six years.”

rat reads and weeps

C.H. Truth said...

I only hope the protesters remain vocal but peaceful.

There are going to be a few dozen protesters and tens of thousands of Trump fans with no patience for any nonsense. The chances of this rally becoming ugly if a single protester does anything slightly resembling "unpeaceful" is frighteningly high!

I'd say antifa better be on their best behavior!

anonymous said...

POS OPINION PIECE!!!! Tried to follow up on and server would not open!!!! I guess your site is as big a POS as you are!!!!!!! BWAAAAAA!!!!!! Why don't you post what that group does....their mission statement would be nice....But my guess you will call me names and tell me to fuck off!!!! IOW's I win again!!!!

C.H. Truth said...

New York Recovers as Red America Faces Disaster

New York has over 31,000 deaths and over 400,000 cases so far.

Florida has 3100 and less than 100,000 (and is a bigger state).

Even today... New York leads the nation with 59 reported dead.

Your home state is in second place today with 43.

Explain where your brain goes when you fall for this sort of nonsense, Reverend?

Do you really expect anyone to "realistically" believe that the goal here was to let 30,000 people die quickly so that you could say you were on the downswing when many other places are still flat... even though you are still seeing more people die every day?

Please explain this to me, Reverend?

anonymous said...

are going to be a few dozen protesters and tens of thousands of Trump fans with no patience for any nonsense.

IOW's Lil Schitty predicts the neo nazi's of trump supporters will be the ones causing trouble....I guess that should make you very proud!!!!!!! So much for rights of free speech for trump assholes like you!!!!! bWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!

anonymous said...

And I bet Lil Schitty believes the Bolton book to be nothing but lies!!!!! Yep....another deep swallow by Lil Schitty!!!!

Caliphate4vr said...

Tried to follow up on and server would not open!

Then it’s operator error or that Commodore 64 opened right up for me, might be those sausages you call fingers, fatty

C.H. Truth said...

predicts the neo nazi's of trump supporters will be the ones causing trouble..

Nope... but I believe that the neo-nazi domestic terror group Antifa will try to start trouble and end up on the wrong end of things when they come up against good old fashioned hard working American patriots.

Commonsense said...


This is how it's going to play out.

1. Bolton is going to make some outrageous claim in the book.
2. Everybody else in the room will deny it actually happen that way.
3. Trump supports are not going to believe Bolton.
4. The TDS affected will believe Bolton.

Everyone to their corners. In other words, the book won't move the needle.

Two things are not in Bolton's favor.
1. Pass republican presidents says he has a credibility problem.c
2. Bolton refused to testify (where he would be under oath) to force everybody to buy the book (where he was not under oath).

It's rather significant that Congressional Democrats are not whole heartedly embracing Bolton. That may be a consequence of him refusing to testify in the first place and being burned in the past by him.

Then again the book may not be what anybody is expecting.

Anonymous said...

Cuomo's response to COVID-19 gives him highest approval rating. NY likes these policies too
Joseph Spector
New York State Team

yeah, on APRIL 27.


87% of NYers Approve of Cuomo’s Handling of the Coronavirus


how come you need to go so far back to find praise for cuomo, pederast?



nice try asshat.

anonymous said...

Nope... but I believe that the neo-nazi domestic terror group Antifa

BWAAAAAAAAA!!!!! Opinions like that are not facts!!!! You are assuming Antifa will be there which again is an opinion....Neo Nazi's are a known supporter of Trump nothing else...There history of violence is just as bad as the alleged Antifa group....

WELL GOOD FOR YOU DRUNK UGA BOY......Must be the shitty internet provider in N Ga.......BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!

C.H. Truth said...

New Yorkers apparently love to die and have people around them die. So much so that they are still celebrating the fact that they continue (on most days) to lead the nation in Covid-19 daily deaths!

According to Reverend Chicken little, this is considered a success.

31,000 dead, 90,000 hopitalized, and 410,000 cases!

The reverend cheers at how wonderful New York is doing!

The "disaster" is apparently in Florida (where 3100 people have died, 13,000 have been hospitalized, and 90,000 have tested positive) and in Oklahoma where one person was reported today to be dead, bringing their disastrous total to 367 overall dead!

Meanwhile the numbers till show that states with Democratic Governors had a 250% higher death rate per capita than the "disasters" of the red states.

I mean seriously... what sort of statistics "denier" would ever fall for that line of nonsense!

Caliphate4vr said...

Must be the shitty internet provider in N Ga....

No stupid if you are able to access server would not open, that means the internet is working, you are just too incompetent to work it

Now eat a pie

anonymous said...

And trump once considered 60k dead a success which has now surpassed 120k while you still suck on trumps fat white obese ass!!!!! No one claimed NY was a success with what happened. But they sure can claim NYer's banded together to get the infection rate as low as it is while Floriduh explodes with the trump advocate Gove. ignoring the current spike.!!!!!!! Keep making stupid comparisons. It is all you do now!!!!! bWAAAAAAAA!!!!!!

anonymous said...

Lil Schitty is now qualified to be a denier of science and medicine.....So typical of trump assholes going down with the ship!!!!!!

anonymous said...

Lil Schitty probably agrees with trump that the Bolton book should be stopped from being distributed because trump, his false idol, said so!!!!!!! LOLOLOLOLOLOL Tough to think on your own when you have the trump worm eating ones brain!!!!

anonymous said...

No stupid if you are able to access server would not open,

BWAAAAAAAA!!!!! Still does not make it open for me you fucking drunken asshole......No fat finger only an error message....sorry if you don't like it but tough shit big mouth!!!! Now drink some more vodka!!!! You really are an ugly drunk......bWAAAAAAAAA!!!!! It also does not change the fact that the rat site is a piece of shit opinion piece!!!!!! Thanx for playing you dumb fuck

Caliphate4vr said...

You are the one too stupid to open a URL given to you.

But rage on fatman

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Coronavirus Task Force Advised Against Trump Rally

“Leading members of the coronavirus task force warned White House officials about the health risks of holding large-scale indoor campaign rallies and advised against the mass gatherings.

“But President Trump and his campaign advisers are proceeding with the event, which is expected to draw tens of thousands inside and outside the venue who will neither be socially distant nor required to wear face coverings. They claim attendees “assume a personal risk’ and ‘that is part of life.'”


Caliphate4vr said...

Don’t go and remain quivering in place, old man

No one cares Quad P

C.H. Truth said...

Hey Reverend...

Instead of changing the subject from Protests are okay but Rallies are not...

why don't you address YOUR RIDICULOUS COMMENT from before?


New York has over 31,000 deaths and over 400,000 cases so far.

Florida has 3100 and less than 100,000 (and is a bigger state).

Even today... New York leads the nation with 59 reported dead.

Your home state is in second place today with 43.

Explain where your brain goes when you fall for this sort of nonsense, Reverend?

Do you really expect anyone to "realistically" believe that the goal here was to let 30,000 people die quickly so that you could say you were on the downswing when many other places are still flat... even though you are still seeing more people die every day?

Please explain this to me, Reverend?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

CH, I don't know how I could express myself better than with this article I earlier cited.

Read the boldfaced AND CAPITALIZED portions carefully:

New York Recovers as Red America Faces Disaster

John Cassidy:
“New York’s comeback is a testimony to the heroic efforts of health professionals, E.M.T. employees, transit workers, delivery-truck drivers, and equally essential workers in supermarkets, warehouses, and other places—many of them poorly paid—who kept the stricken city and state going through its darkest days and nights.


“The key point is that it took a monumental and community-wide effort TO LIMIT THE OFFICIAL DEATH TOLL to fewer than twenty-five thousand statewide… THE EXPERIENCES OF NEW JERSY AND MASSACHUSETTS WERE SIMILAR.


a combination of POOR LEADERSHIP,


C.H. Truth said...

Oh... and NY now has 64 deaths today, California 59, and Illinois 43. Top three death states still in mid June. Last time I checked, all governed by Democrats?

C.H. Truth said...

Sorry Reverend...

You can type it in bold 100 size fonts...

and does that change the fact that ten times more New Yorkers have died than Floridians?


YOU DO UNDERSTAND THE IDIOCY of demanding that Cuomo did a good job when his death rate is 10 times that of most every other state and then attacking states where the death toll is minimal in comparison.

The difference between my statement and your article...

is that mine is a FACT
whereas yours is hyperbole and a very poor excuse for an opinion.

Let me clue you in Reverend...

The whole idea of "flattening the curve" was to delay many of our cases till hospitals had a better handle on how to deal with this. Everyone expected that once the quarantines were lifted and the number of tests got ramped up (almost 600K today alone) that the number of "CASES" would rise.

That was the expectation and the design.

Now apparently it shocks these same people that:

1) Cases are rising
2) But deaths are not

When in fact, that is exactly what the entire point of the lock downs was. To give us time to be better equipped to handle things than we were three months ago!

So why is it... that the plan all along is suddenly some sort of "disaster"?

Wouldn't the REAL DISASTER be the 31,000 dead in New York?


The other important detail is that with much more widespread testing many more "mild" cases are now being discovered that previously just went undetected. Besides not posing as a great of risk it is also bringing the average age of a case way down.

All good things.

But spun as negatives by a hostile and fearmongering press.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Ch wants to cover up the fact that big city areas of the northeast were, due to Trump's far too ineffective initial reactions to the coronavirus outbreaks, literally besieged with far, far more cases than anywhere else in the country, and have dealt with that difficult situation better than places that were not so hard hit are now dealing with it.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Berman Suddenly Out at Southern District of New York OR IS HE?

“The U.S. attorney who oversaw key prosecutions of allies of President Trump and an investigation into Trump’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani is resigning from his post, the AP reports.

“Geoffrey Berman is stepping down as the U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York, Attorney General William Barr said in a statement.”

A Justice Department official told CNN that Berman “was offered other positions at Justice, including the head of the civil division, where assistant Attorney General Jody Hunt abruptly announced his departure this week. Berman declined.

“A second source with knowledge of the matter said Berman was asked to resign and refused.”


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

U.S. Attorney Fired by Barr Refuses to Leave Post
June 20, 2020 at 6:42 am EDT

“Attorney General William Barr on Friday night abruptly tried to fire the top federal prosecutor in Manhattan, Geoffrey Berman, who has investigated several of President Trump’s closest associates, but Mr. Berman said he would not leave,” the New York Times reports.

“The clash focused new attention on the efforts by Mr. Trump and his closest aides to rid the administration of officials whom the president views as insufficiently loyal. It also touched off a crisis within the Justice Department over one of its most prestigious jobs, at a time when the agency has already been roiled by questions over whether Mr. Barr has undercut its tradition of independence from political interference.”

Washington Post:
“The surreal Friday night standoff marks the latest battle over the Trump administration’s management of the Justice Department.”

Make that MISmanagement.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Pence Won’t Say ‘Black Lives Matter’

Vice President Mike Pence twice refused to say that “black lives matter” during an interview on a Philadelphia television station, insisting instead that “all lives matter in a very real sense,” the New York Times reports.

“The vice president’s comments came on Juneteenth, a holiday that commemorates the end of slavery in America. And he refused to specifically say that black lives matter at a time when the country is convulsing in outrage about racial injustice at the hands of the police following George Floyd’s death in Minneapolis last month.”

Trump Wonders if John Bolton Will Go to Jail

“In recent days, President Trump has casually asked administration officials and close advisers if John Bolton — his former national security adviser who is releasing a new, tell-all book about working in the Trump administration — is prison-bound,” the Daily Beast reports.

Asked Trump: “Do you think he’s going to go to jail for this?”

Trump Promises ‘Wild Evening’ In Tulsa

President Trump defended his decision to move ahead with a controversial large-scale Tulsa rally this weekend amid the pandemic, telling Axios that “we have to get back to living our lives” and “we’re going to have a wild evening tomorrow night at Oklahoma.”

Pressed on why he wasn’t using his presidential bully pulpit to encourage rally attendees to wear masks, Trump described masks as “a double-edged sword.” When asked if he recommended people wear them, he added: “I recommend people do what they want.”

Trump Won’t Voice Confidence In Esper

President Trump declined to tell Axios whether he retains full confidence in Defense Secretary Mark Esper, and said Esper and Joint Chiefs Chairman Mark Milley should have been “proud” to join him on the now-infamous walk across Lafayette Square.

Said Trump: “I personally think they should have done it differently. I think they should be proud to walk alongside of their president for purposes of safety.”


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


Quote of the Day

“I learned in a press release from the Attorney General tonight that I was ‘stepping down’ as United States Attorney. I have not resigned, and have no intention of resigning, my position, to which I was appointed by the Judges of the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York. I will step down when a presidentially appointed nominee is confirmed by the Senate. Until then, our investigations will move forward without delay or interruption.”
— Geoffrey Berman, the US attorney for the Southern District of New York, in a statement.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Trumpworld Fears ‘Nightmare Scenario’

Daily Beast: “Over the past two weeks, several of the president’s campaign lieutenants as well as individuals in his administration have reacted with mounting alarm as multiple polls have shown Trump dipping INTO THE 30s AGAINST JOE BIDEN…

“EARLY THIS MONTH, one senior White House official told The Daily Beast that their “nightmare scenario” would be for the president to slip beneath 40 percent support in a sustained string of public and private surveys—thus signaling that a previously unshakable base was starting to grow a bit disillusioned.”

“In the time since that comment, multiple polls have shown Trump sliding into the 30s.”

The FiveThirtyEight polling average shows Biden leading Trump, 50.3% to 41.4%.

(Getting close to the thirties even there.)

anonymous said...


YOU DO UNDERSTAND THE IDIOCY of demanding that Cuomo did a good job

Do you understand you dumb fuck Lil Schitty.....trumps polls are in the shitter while Cuomo's leadership is being admired by a majority of his citizens....even my sister a trump voter and devote republican thinks cuomo is doing a spectacular job!!!!!!

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Both Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx strongly advised against Trump holding his indoor Tulsa campaign event.

Read the article. Watch the video.



Regular readers of this blog know the constant spamming, lying and obsession for that left-wing Taegan Goddard blog by a certain poster. That poster james, also called the "pastor" (which he claims to be even if you can't tell by his actions) is the POS responsible and considers his mindless rude behavior his hobby. Sometimes he credits Taegan Goddard, sometimes he doesn't.

He has descended so far into TDS and desperation he fills every discussion thread with what people have described as an avalanche of spam. If this is being posted today is no different. He even gets his edited news from that site and spams that if he thinks it will hurt Trump. Every day he repeats what that site posts, regardless of topic. It gets so bad he feels the need to even repeat his spam multiple times in a single thread as well as posting in every active thread the very same spam.

He has exhibited the same mental deterioration as Joe Biden and his postings should be given the same consideration. Both their heads will probably explode when it becomes obvious that Trump will win a second term. Biden will not even notice his head did.

--Retired pastor James, an old white POS who will waterboy forever from his ultra-liberal GODdard and savior political_lire's blog.

No matter what the thread topic is.

And will try and do whatever it takes or approve of any means, legal or illegal, to dispose of a duly elected president.


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Graham Won’t Consider Pick for New U.S. Attorney

Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham (R-SC) signaled on Saturday that he will not move forward with a nomination for the U.S. attorney for Manhattan without sign off from two Democratic senators, The Hill reports.

Graham said he would wait to receive a “blue slip” — a sheet of paper that indicates if a home-state senator supports a nomination — before moving forward with a new nominee to be the U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York.

Said Graham: “As to processing U.S. Attorney nominations, it has always been the policy of the Judiciary Committee to receive blue slips from the home state senators before proceeding to the nomination. As chairman, I have honored that policy and will continue to do so.”