Thursday, June 18, 2020

Unintended consequences?

‘Higher than usual number’ of Atlanta officers call out of work
“There are officers walking off,” [Vince] Champion [Southeast regional director for the International Brotherhood of Police Officers] said Wednesday evening. “There are officers saying they are not going to leave the precinct unless to help another officer. Some are walking off and sitting in their personal vehicles.”
Champion said he has been told APD was attempting to get back-up support from adjacent law enforcement agencies. But he said some agencies declined to help.
“Why would you put your officer in Fulton County and take the chance of this happening?” Champion said. “You have an officer who just heard what Paul Howard said, saying he’s going to be in prison for the rest of his life or put to death, and now he’s got to surrender.”

The problem here is that the officer in question technically did everything by the book. They were polite to the man, they provided both a field sobriety and a breathalyzer test to the suspect. He clearly failed the field test, and the breathalyzer showed him clearly over the limit. Obviously he had been driving and clearly was in his car when the officers arrived. The call had come in, the officers would have had to report the results of the tests, and they had little choice but to arrest the suspect. 

As pointed out by the polices legal counsel, the suspect (who had apparently been let out of jail due to Covid-19) was a career criminal and repeat drunk driver offender, who was facing serious consequences if he was arrested again. The suspect was polite until the officer attempted to arrest him. At that point, the suspect resisted arrest, initiated a physical struggle, punched the officer in question in the face, stole his stun gun, tried to flee, and then pointed the gun at the officer and shot it at him.

While people can agree or disagree with whether or not the officer made the best choice, there is no real reason to say that he didn't make a reasonable choice under the circumstances. To demand that an officer could do everything exactly as they are trained, and be facing a possible death sentence if found guilty of murder is insane.


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

You know, I honestly think if I were a police officer, especially a white one, I would by now have made a little mental note for myself, going something like this:

I will not under any circumstances shoot a fleeing black person (better, any person) in the back as that person is fleeing.

A fleeing person with his/her back to me constitutes no threat. For that reason, I will not serve as judge, juror, and executioner by killing that person for fleeing, especially if the person is black -- and thus set off potential black anger possibly resulting in burning buildings, looting, and other, perhaps untold, violence.

I would tell myself that blacks are understandably tired of seeing videos of fleeing blacks shot in the back, and I would simply not do that.

The identity of this man was known. He could have been arrested later, sometime, somewhere, under different circumstances. Whatever bad he had done, or was doing, did not merit execution, unless he was a present threat to an officer's safety.

And again, a fleeing person's back is not a threat.


And again, a fleeing person's back is not a threat.


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

A stun gun is not a lethal weapon.

And at the time of the shooting,
the fleeing man's back was toward the officer.


If you are firing at an officer after having assaulted him and looking back it doesn't natter where his back is.

Yes a stun gun is considered a lethal weapon in Georgia and in fact the same DA so charged a few weeks earlier.

And if the officer was hit by the stun gun his service revolver at the very least would be available to the shooter placing others in lethal jeopardy.

Officers of the law need to be complied with, then nothing further would have occurred. They did everything by the book.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

I just watched the video.

At the time the shots were fired, the man was fleeing.

Again, if I were an officer, I honestly do not believe a drunk person resisting arrest and even trying to shoot me with a stun gun would give me the right to execute him while he was attempting to flee.


James said...
I just watched the video.

I, like most, watched it before commenting.

At the time the shots were fired, the man was fleeing. again, and firing a lethal weapon at an officer

The Atlanta police is 56% black. They are standing with the involved officers.

But an old white liberal disagrees.

Not a surprise for anyone here.

My3 said...

This systemic racism in American society doesn't seem to be very effective. Afterall, we did just have a black president for eight years.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Well, both officers have been charged.

I just read the entire Washington Post article. You and I could argue this till doomsday, but the ultimate need is for impartial justice to take place regarding this.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Read the article. Watch the video.

C.H. Truth said...

A stun gun is not a lethal weapon.

Well what a wonderful piece of information, Reverend.

But I hope you actually understand that it is irrelevant. There is nothing in the police handbook that suggests that a weapon being turned on a police officer has to be "lethal" for the officer to brand a weapon.

The Atlanta (as well as pretty much all police forces) trains their officers that if a suspect wields any sort of weapon intended to inflict bodily harm on the officer (not lethal harm), that the correct course of action is to defend themselves.

Moreover, imagine if instead of shooting the criminal suspect, the officer continued to pursue only to be shot with the stun gun, then have his own gun stolen while incapacitated, which was later used by the criminal to commit another crime (possibly murder). Pretty sure that police officer may end up suspended or fired for not following training.

You need go be an adult here.

Stop pretending that it's perfectly acceptable to drive drunk, resist arrest, punch police officers in the face, steal their weapons and attempt to use them on a police officer. And that if something happens to you while you are doing all of this... you become the victim.

I swear to god, people are insane.


I've watched multiple videos (and not just now) and definitely don't need to read a Washington post article. Their bias is now how they are defined.

Justice will probably be done but it will be a delayed justice. And the media will likely gin it up and more violence will follow when the officers are acquitted.

But this obviously is not about justice, it's about mob rule, threats and the use of fear. By the left.

Caliphate4vr said...

But I hope you actually understand that it is irrelevant.

Quad P’s existence is irrelevant


Stop pretending that it's perfectly acceptable to drive drunk, resist arrest, punch police officers in the face, steal their weapons and attempt to use them on a police officer. And that if something happens to you while you are doing all of this... you become the victim.

I swear to god, people are insane.

It's going to be like this until after Trump is re-elected.

Commonsense said...

You know, I honestly think if I were a police officer, especially a white one, I would by now have made a little mental note for myself, going something like this:
I will not under any circumstances shoot a fleeing black person (better, any person) in the back as that person is fleeing.

And then I would be making my pre-paid funeral arrangements because I can't defend myself without liberal politicians charging me with capital murder.

Or just say "fuck it! Let it burn!!".


This is the mindset of the rabid left

David Baker

Does anyone believe #DemoNazis wouldn’t plant #CoronaShowers in Trump rally?
I guarantee it.
If I do get the Coronavirus I’m attending every MAGA rally I can’ - Denver Communist Official Says She Will Use Deadly Virus as Bio Weapon Against Trump Supporters

And they will once again infiltrate Trump rallies with agitators and false flag operatives like Hillary and the DNC did in 2016 to try and paint Trump as a white supremist and racist. Caught on project veritas video. Not reported by the MSM.

Only difference is in 2020 Trump knows they are coming.

Commonsense said...

I just watched the video.
At the time the shots were fired, the man was fleeing.

While firing the stun gun at the police. I watched the video too.

He also did not "kick the suspect as he laid dying" he was standing astride of him.


CJ Pearson

The Fulton County DA knows what he’s doing. Not only is he seeking to ensure his re-election, at the expense of an innocent man’s life, but he knows what will happen when the Officer is exonerated.

More riots. And likely right before November.


Rosie memos

@FultonCountyDA needs to release footage of officer “kicking” Brooks because they were giving him CPR, trying to save him when did that suddenly turn to kicking?


james just watched this, where's the link to the kicking the DA is referring too ?

C.H. Truth said...

At the end of the day...

It's quite simple.

You either support the criminals.

Or you support the police.

One Party is openly pandering to criminals and those who support criminals, while demonizing the police and calling them all racists. I am not sure how this is a good long term political move.

Commonsense said...


Earlier this month, Howard charged six Atlanta police officers with using excessive force in pulling two college students out of a car during a protest. In justifying charges of aggravated assault against some of the officers, Howard said a Taser is considered a deadly weapon under Georgia law.

If true, Rolfe could claim his life was in danger when Brooks aimed the Taser at him, and therefore discharging his handgun was justified.


Commonsense said...

james just watched this, where's the link to the kicking the DA is referring too ?

There is no link because there is no kicking.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

No, Ch, you never support criminal activity on the part of the police, unless you want to live in a place like Russia.

Video after video after video after video has shown unwarranted actions on the part of officers who are sworn to uphold the law, not violate it.

Numerous fatal shootings have taken place that were totally unjustified, and to defend them is not to defend justice.

Commonsense said...

DA Howard grossly lied and inflamed violence in Atlanta with his lies.

Mayor Bottoms who demonized her own police department now demands police officers "live up to their obligations". 🖕

Commonsense said...

Numerous fatal shootings have taken place that were totally unjustified, and to defend them is not to defend justice.

Now James is trying to divert the argument. We are not talking about "Numerous fatal shootings" we are talking about this fatal shooting which looks like justified homicide.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Even if this particular event can be so ruled -- and that is far from certain now -- that does not excuse the others.

But the important things that are happening today are not found here, but on the next thread down.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...



Some Drug Dealers Operated with Free Rein
June 18, 2020 at 11:00 am EDT

In secretly recorded phone calls, a Mount Vernon, NY police officer admitted that some drug dealers operate in the city with “free rein,” Gothamist reports.

“Officer Campo’s claim that he personally safeguarded the drug dealer’s bundle of crack was made in one of several phone calls secretly recorded by Bovell between 2017 and this year. In that and another recording, Campo claimed that members of the department’s narcotics unit allowed favored drug dealers to sell with impunity, get deliveries, and control territory. In exchange, he said, the dealers, serving as confidential informants, gave them information leading to the arrests of their own low-level clients.”


Anonymous said...

We are not talking about "Numerous fatal shootings" we are talking about this fatal shooting which looks like justified homicide.

to the pederast numerous is more than one.

last year there were nine incidents of cops shooting unarmed blacks.

nine. as in 9.

we had nine shot in Albany last night alone.

ALBANY -- Nine people were shot and injured overnight in two separate shootings in Albany.

The two incidents happened early Thursday morning.

The first shooting happened around 12:30 a.m. at Second Street, near Judson Street. Police said a 52-year-old man was shot in the shoulder.

Shortly after, a 31-year-old man walked into Albany Medical Center with a gunshot wound to the leg. He was also shot on Second Street, police said.

Both are expected to recover.

Just before 2 a.m., a 26-year-old man was shot on Albany Street and Broadway.

As officers responded to the scene, staff from Albany Memorial Hospital told police that two other men walked into the hospital with gunshot wounds to their lower body.

Staff from Albany Medical Center also called police because four more men, ages 21, 22, 23, and 35, walked into their emergency room with gunshot wounds.

In total - nine people were shot.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Rat may excuse what was on some of those videos. I do not.

Anonymous said...

this fucking scumbag is desperate for a diversion:

Over the past decade, Fulton County District Attorney Paul Howard has headed a nonprofit with a laudable mission: reduce youth violence.

But Howard has used the nonprofit, People Partnering for Progress, as a conduit to receive tens of thousands of dollars to supplement the six-figure salary he gets from the state and county for being district attorney, an investigation by The Atlanta Journal-Constitution and Channel 2 Action News has found.

PPP mentors students, augments a program that sends prosecutors out into the community and helps the DA’s office combat gang violence. From 2015 through 2017, the nonprofit paid Howard $140,000 in salary, according to its filings with the IRS. His biggest payday came in 2017 when he took in $70,000, the tax records show.

Anonymous said...

Blogger James said...

Rat may excuse what was on some of those videos. I do not.

i excuse nothing, pederast. the accused deserves due process and a fair adjudication of the charges. you want him tried in the court of public opinion and summarily executed.

i'm not judge, jury and executioner. and neither are you.

and this is yet another example of why i am certain that you are no pastor of any accredited religion.

you're a fucking charlatan who oversaw some fucked up cult.

go fuck yourself.


James said...
Rat may excuse what was on some of those videos. I do not.

rrb is not excusing the improper actions of some police.

He is just pointing out those are real small exceptions of the total picture. With all the phone cameras, police cam video, body cam video etc. is amazing how few of those incidents exist. When they do happen there is usually a riot that follow and thankfully there haven't really been many. Though they have been stoked by the left whenever that occurs.

How many policeman have been murdered so far this year?

How many policemen have actually been targeted?

HINT: They dwarf the numbers you are basing the foundation of your argument on.


rrb said:
i excuse nothing, pederast. the accused deserves due process and a fair adjudication of the charges. you want him tried in the court of public opinion and summarily executed.

i'm not judge, jury and executioner. and neither are you.

and this is yet another example of why i am certain that you are no pastor of any accredited religion.

you're a fucking charlatan who oversaw some fucked up cult.

go fuck yourself.

well you said it better than I did.

Commonsense said...

James excuses murder and mayhem just because a cop was not involved. He is anti-cop. Let's look at the unjustified killings James ignores:

1. Retired St. Louis Police Captan David Doran, shot in the face by a black looter.
2. Florida Fish and Wildlife Officer Julian Keen was shot and killed during a traffic stop near LaBelle, Florida.
3. Public Safety Officer Jackson Ryan Winkeler was shot and killed during a traffic stop near Florence, South Carolina.
4. Officer Tiffany-Victoria Bilon Enriquez was shot and killed responding to a stabbing incident in Honolulu, Hawaii.
5. Trooper Joseph Jon Bullock of the Florida Highway Patrol was shot and killed assisting a motorist on I-95'

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

How many policeman have been murdered so far this year?

Not very many by people who were fleeing with their backs to them.

A policeman who shoots and kills a fleeing person is not acting as an executioner?

Anonymous said...

How many policeman have been murdered so far this year?

25 by gunfire.

what the fuck difference does THAT make?


anonymous said...

How a country of 330 million, only 25 would be the number used by Lil Schitty!!!!!!!!

Caliphate4vr said...

Looks like the ‘stache’s claims are already falling apart

U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer denied Wednesday that President Donald Trump asked Chinese President Xi Jinping in June 2019 for help in the upcoming presidential election, an allegation that former national security adviser John Bolton levels in his forthcoming memoir.

“Absolutely untrue, never happened. I was there, I have no recollection of that ever happening. I don’t believe it’s true, I don’t believe it ever happened,” Lighthizer testified during a Senate Finance Committee hearing.

Caliphate4vr said...

Why did you lie fatty?

anonymous said...

this fucking scumbag is desperate for a diversion:


anonymous said...

TRUMP leading from his behind!!!!!!!

U.S. states struggle with a shifting pandemic as federal guidance falls silent.

The federal government’s leadership in the coronavirus pandemic has so waned that state and local health officials have been left to figure out on their own how to handle rising infections and navigate conflicting signals from the White House.

Covid-19 is still taking hundreds of American lives a day — a pace that, if sustained over the next few months, would yield about 200,000 total dead by the end of September. Arizona, Florida, Nevada, Oregon and Texas all reported their largest one-day increases in new cases this week.

On Wednesday, Oklahoma recorded 259 new cases, a single-day record for the second day in a row, and three days before President Trump is scheduled to hold an indoor campaign rally in Tulsa in defiance of his administration’s guidelines for “phased reopening.”

That rally is not the only confusing signal from Washington. The Trump re-election campaign is requiring rally-goers to sign a statement waiving their right to sue the campaign if they get sick.
Continue reading the main story

In an interview with Sean Hannity on Wednesday, Mr. Trump said the virus was “fading away.”

While the president refuses to wear a mask, Surgeon General Jerome M. Adams has spent this week doing a round of television interviews to implore Americans to do so.

anonymous said...

BWAAAAAAAA!!!!! Why are you a drunken idiot!!!!!! Try to keep up.....snopes did not confirm Floyd pointed a gun at a pregnant women....I guess your simple mind missed that point!!!!!!! bwaaaaaapaaaaaa!!!!!!!! Go fuck your self mouth of the south!!!!!!!

anonymous said...

Funny the idiot in chief is tweeting Bolton's book is getting terrible reviews......BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! Why is trump such a fucking liar??????


Ian Miles Cheong

Two weeks ago, the DA in Atlanta who's currently charging Officer Garrett Rolfe in the Rayshard Brooks case charged police officers with aggravated assault for using a taser on protesters.

"A taser is considered a deadly weapon under Georgia law"


Caliphate4vr said...

You are lying fatty

1st item listed on his Snopes collected rap sheet, Is aggravated robbery with a deadly weapon

You can’t read and now you lie


2010-2019 537 officers feloniously killed

Doesn't include those who survived but were left with impairments for life. Nor those spit on.

Also doesn't show the many tremendous acts of selfless sacrifice officers make each year.

But go ahead and riot.


Rosie memos

There remains ZERO evidence that the killing of George Floyd had anything to do with race. There is ZERO evidence Rayshard Brooks death had anything to do with race.


Rosie memos

Connor Betts killed 9 and injured 27 in 32 secs, 20 secs after he started shooting SIX @DaytonPolice were running towards a hail of bullets while everyone else ran away, they saved hundreds of lives and we don’t know their names. Why don’t we glorify heroes? #DefendThePolice

minute VIDEO:

the left wants to get rid of these, or have them executed.

anonymous said...

Fucking daddy and Rosie fucking memo' evidence of intellegent life!!!!!!!! BWAAAAAAPAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!

robbery with a deadly weapon


But again thanx for playing.......asshole!!!! Time to move on!!!!

C.H. Truth said...

Numerous fatal shootings have taken place that were totally unjustified, and to defend them is not to defend justice.

Which has nothing to do with the case in hand.

Literally nothing.

Unless of course, we should just arrest every black person we see because so many other black people commit crimes?

Is that your argument now, Reverend?

Because you lost me a while ago.

The ONLY question here is whether the cop in question followed the police training guidelines in this situation. That's it. It's not up to you or I to judge whether those guidelines are right or wrong in making a judgement on a cop that followed them.

But as a general rule...

Instead of putting 100% of the onus on the cops 100% of time.

Perhaps it's time we stop glorifying crime and putting criminals on the pedestal. Perhaps we teach our population that if you resist arrest, assault a cop, steal a weapon, and point it at the cop... you are likely going to be shot.

In fact, that is little more than common sense. So perhaps we don't really need to "teach" anyone anything. Those DUMB ENOUGH to take weapons from cops and point them at them are going to be shot. Let's cull the idiots in that case.

Caliphate4vr said...

Again the goat fucking idiot gets an exaggerated story from the right sites he subscribes to. Apparently according to snopesm he did rob someone was not armedLIE or was the subject pregnantUMDETERMINED..

Caliphate4vr said...



David Begnaud

NEW: This statement is from the attorney representing Atlanta cop Devin Brosnan who is charged with assault in the death of Rayshard Brooks. Notably, the attorney says Brosnan has “NOT agreed to be a “state’s witness” as the DA alleged. The attorney lays out his clients side:


Well lets see. Since DA Howard's presser: the GBI said they didn't support it (or even know about it), and have not concluded their investigation; and now officer Brosnan refutes the claimed "witness" statements of Howard.

Was anything Howard said based on facts?

anonymous said...

IIOW's asshole the goat fuckers post was the lie!!!!!!!!......YOU FUCKING LOSE!!!!!!! Thanx again for your trying!!!!!

Caliphate4vr said...

You lied fatboy and I proven beyond the shadow of doubt.

I get you aren’t man enough to admit it


Myballs said...

Bolton caught lying in book. He says Trump approved China concentration camps. But Trump is on record publicly opposing them in 2018.

This is why he wouldn't say this stiff in testimony. He's lying.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Since Ch has so much trouble following my simple statements, maybe he should take a look at this article from almost a year ago:

Shot in the back: When can police fire on fleeing suspects?
June 28, 2018

CHICAGO (AP) — In decades past, police officers who shot suspects as they ran away were more likely to expect praise than criminal charges. And while the legal landscape and public opinion have shifted in recent years, it’s never a certainty that such shootings will result in officer indictments.

Prosecutors moved quickly to charge a white officer with criminal homicide Wednesday in last week’s death of an unarmed black teenager who was shot in the back while fleeing a traffic stop near Pittsburgh. In Georgia, another white police officer accused of fatally shooting a black man who was running away was fired and jailed .

In two other fatal police shootings — on Monday in Galveston, Texas , and on Saturday in Minneapolis — it remains to be seen whether charges will come. Those shootings also involved people who were running away.

A look at some of the history and legal principles behind such cases:

The Allegheny County district attorney was direct when he announced charges against East Pittsburgh officer Michael Rosfeld.

“You do not shoot someone in the back if they are not a threat to you,” Stephen Zappala told reporters.

But in the 1970s, officers were often authorized under state law to shoot a person in the back to keep the suspect from evading arrest even if the individual clearly posed no threat. The killing of Edward Garner in 1974 changed that.

Memphis police officer Elton Hymon was responding to a report of a prowler one night that year when he saw the 15-year-old sprint across the backyard of a home that had just been broken into.

The officer later told investigators that he was quite sure Garner wasn’t armed. But on grounds that Garner was about to elude capture, he shouted, “Police! Halt!” And as the burglary suspect hopped a fence, the officer opened fire, striking Garner in the back of the head. The shooting was deemed justified.

After winding through lower courts for a decade, Garner’s case eventually led to a landmark decision by the Supreme Court in 1985.

The justices ruled 6-3 that shooting fleeing suspects who are not an imminent threat violates the person’s constitutional rights. They said officers can use lethal force to stop a fleeing felon only if they have reasonable grounds to think the suspect is a danger to police or bystanders. And they added that officers should, if possible, shout out a warning before firing.

Prosecutors in the East Pittsburgh case did not believe Rosfeld had reasonable grounds to consider 17-year-old Antwon Rose Jr. a threat. The teen was a passenger in a car that was suspected of involvement in a drive-by shooting. Witnesses say Rose put out his hand to emphasize to the officer that he did not have a gun before jumping out of the car and running away.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

A key issue in police shootings is whether a suspect was a threat or whether an officer assessed that threat properly. Legally speaking, the answer is complicated.

Among the Supreme Court cases that offered guidance was Graham v. Connor . In the 1989 decision, the justices said that an officer’s fear in the heat of the moment, not just the actual threat, was relevant. Officers, they said, “are often forced to make split-second judgments.” And the justices concluded that the reasonableness of an officer’s use of force should be judged “from the perspective of a reasonable officer on the scene, rather than with the 20/20 vision of hindsight.”

That could mean an officer who shoots a fleeing suspect could be off the hook legally if he or she truly believed the suspect had a gun, say, in a pocket or waistband, but turned out to be wrong.

The need to somehow demonstrate what was inside an officer’s head when he fired and to prove that an officer committed a crime beyond a reasonable doubt leaves little hope that an officer will get charged, said Chicago-based civil rights attorney Andrew M. Stroth. He said he often tells that to families he represents. And even if an officer is charged, he braces them for the difficulty of obtaining a conviction.

“There’s also just an inherent bias in favor of police by prosecutors,” Stroth said.

Each state fashions its own laws spelling out when officers can use deadly force. There is no federal lethal-force law. The Supreme Court has helped guide many states in the development of their laws, but states still have tremendous leeway over what types of standards to adopt, or whether to adopt them at all.

A 2015 Amnesty International report on the use of lethal force by U.S. law enforcement found that nine states had no lethal-force laws and that more than a dozen had laws so weak they fell short of Supreme Court standards. Prosecutors in many of those states ended up relying heavily on use-of-force procedures drawn up by police departments to help them assess if officers could be charged criminally, the report said.

Many international human-rights organizations have long urged countries, states and municipalities to craft use-of-force laws with a clear, stark provision that police should use lethal force “only as an absolute last resort.”

No state in the U.S. has a use-of-force law with such wording, according to the report.

Even when officers are charged , convictions are rare. Officers were acquitted in the 2016 shootings of Philando Castile in Minnesota and Terence Crutcher in Tulsa, Oklahoma. In Cincinnati, two juries failed to reach a verdict in the case of a University of Cincinnati officer who was tried twice for murder after killing Samuel DuBose in 2015.

anonymous said...

You lied fatboy and I proven beyond the shadow of doubt.
THE ONLY LYING SACK OF SHIT IS YOU.....NO PROOF OF A GUN POINTED AT A PREGNANT WOMEN!!!!! YOU DUMB FUCK...!!!!! The only doubt I have is your ability to think!!!! You lost and are trying to prove you are nothing but a big mouthed southern asshole who can't admit he fucked up!!!!! GAME SET AND MATCH!!!!!!

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

I didn't realize what firm legal ground I was standing on:

Landmark decision by the Supreme Court in 1985.

The justices ruled 6-3 that shooting fleeing suspects who are not an imminent threat violates the person’s constitutional rights. They said officers can use lethal force to stop a fleeing felon only if they have reasonable grounds to think the suspect is a danger to police or bystanders. And they added that officers should, if possible, shout out a warning before firing.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

The article was from almost two years ago.

Caliphate4vr said...

You said there was no gun fatass, there was.

And as always you, the gutless wonder, feel it’s okay to point a gun at a woman. And the police records wouldn’t list whether she was pregnant unless he caused harm to the fetus, you fucking dipshit


Keep twisting fatboy

Anonymous said...

And they added that officers should, if possible, shout out a warning before firing.


just let them go. especially in impoverished urban minority areas. let them live to kill another day. probably an innocent, but oh well.

our police have no business protecting the public from violent criminals. especially now in our disband/defund the police fervor.

let's try an every man for himself/take the law into your own hands approach.

and please, let's give our cops some well deserved and spontaneous time off. like in atlanta.

let poor minority areas enjoy their new found freedom.

i mean, what could go wrong?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Like Ch, you lose an argument so you exaggerate.

anonymous said...

You said there was no gun fatass, there was.

BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!! WRONG MUTTON BREATH!!!!!! My words.....snopes did not confirm Floyd pointed a gun at a pregnant women!!!!!! Never said there was no gun!!!!!! God you are a loathsome asshole!!!!!! Keep digging you dumb fuck....YOU LOST!!!!!!!

Caliphate4vr said...

Again the goat fucking idiot gets an exaggerated story from the right sites he subscribes to. Apparently according to snopesm he did rob someone was not armed or was the subject pregnant

That’s what you wrote fatass, you’ve lied about your lie now

anonymous said...

And my statement is 100% correct!!!!

Caliphate4vr said...

Uh not according to snopes agg robbery deadly wpn. So stupid that means he was armed

I win!

Fatty lies

Anonymous said...

Blogger James said...
Like Ch, you lose an argument so you exaggerate.

i have yet to lose a debate to you pederast. even despite your semantic gymnastics, moving of goalposts and other boorish behavior.

my position is clear, and it's even being played out live in seattle.

you want cop-free neighborhoods? no problem!

the next time a white cop encounters a black person committing a crime? walk away!

you see pederast, your solution is EASY. doing nothing is easy. walking away is easy. ignoring a 911 call is easy.

no cops? no problem! grant the wish.

the only stipulation is you forfeit your right to bitch about the result. the result will be horrifying. lawless fucking mayhem. shit pederast, there were 9 blacks shot by other blacks here in Albany just last night! in the ghetto. the poorest neighborhoods we have. but the mayor in her infinite capacity for virtue signalling tore down the stature of philip schuyler in front of city hall because he owned slaves in 1725.

no, i want you assholes to get everything you've been demanding in fucking SPADES (no pun intended). enjoy it, suffer through it. live the madness, mayhem and murder.

we'll be on the sidelines with the giant bags of popcorn watching you reap the whirlwind after sowing the wind.


anonymous said...

Hey fuck nut.....deadlty weapon....your fucking brain!!!!!! Does not say gun or women or pregnant!!!!!!! Knife? Hammer? Screw driver???? BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!! Go fuck yourself mouth of the south!!!!! YOU LOST grow up, admit you fucked up and move on!!!

Anonymous said...

Fatty lies

you thoroughly cleaned BWAA's clock.

as usual.

Caliphate4vr said...

it was Floyd and it was a gun

Fatty loses yet again

Caliphate4vr said...

And fatboy remember he pled guilty to this charge

Anonymous said...

"placed a pistol against the complainant's abdomen"

so it's true.

BWAA IS a functional illiterate.

Anonymous said...

Fauci: We Lied About Masks Not Being Effective Because We Wanted to Save Them For Medical Staff

We've all long suspected this.

Now it's admitted.

Here's something else we suspected, but eventually will be admitted:

The entire stay-at-home panic was also designed exclusively to reduce infection rates among medical staff.

Not the general public -- but among medical staff.

One can say that's a laudable and necessary goal -- you won't get medical treatment if the medical workers are all sick, or calling out of work to avoid sickness.

But it's yet another enormous lie in a long, long train of lies our "experts" have lied to us about.

He also acknowledged that masks were initially not recommended to the general public so that first responders wouldn't feel the strain of a shortage of PPE.
They lied to one group that whom they disfavored so that they could take limited resources from that group and give those limited resources to a group they favored.

Hmmm, where have I heard this before...?

Oh right, Obamacare. You can keep your policy...

He explained that public health experts "were concerned the public health community, and many people were saying this, were concerned that it was at a time when personal protective equipment, including the N95 masks and the surgical masks, were in very short supply."

So they lied -- so that the public would not seek out masks that could reduce their chances of being infected.

They could have told the truth and just told people to use bandanas and scarves to cover their mouths, leaving masks for medical personnel.

But they do not trust -- and in fact actively despise -- the peons they lord over.

So they just did what they always do:

They lied.

Like Obama's CDC head straight-up lied about whether ebola can be spread by sneezing and coughing.

It can be, but he just looked into the camera and claimed that it could not be transmitted by sneezing, coughing, or spit.

He didn't want the Deplorables to panic, so he lied to them.

Fauci continued to say that they wanted to give as many masks as possible to front line workers and emergency personnel.

"We wanted to make sure that the people, namely the health care workers, who were brave enough to put themselves in a harm way, to take care of people who you know were infected with the coronavirus and the danger of them getting infected," Fauci concluded.

Fuck off and die.

As a friend said bitterly: Shut up everyone, and just clap for the nurses.

You don't get to admit brazenly lying to the public, putting their health at risk, and still keep your job.

Unless you're one the left, and part of the Deep State.

Anonymous said...

Wrong is all he knows.
"James June 18, 2020 at 8:23 AM

A stun gun is not a lethal weapon"

So very Wrong Officer Woke.

Anonymous said...

Blogger anonymous said...

Hey fuck nut.....deadlty weapon....

"placed a pistol against the complainant's abdomen"

repeated just to rub it in.

fuck you BWAA.

Caliphate4vr said...

BWAA IS a functional illiterate.

Functional is questionable to me

Anonymous said...

Always Wrong, like it is hos sole job.

"Again, if I were an officer, I honestly do not believe a drunk person resisting arrest and even trying to shoot me with a stun gun would give me the right to execute him while he was attempting to flee."

Wrong again Officer Woke.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Wrong again. You stupid puke.

"Legally speaking, the answer is complicated."

Nope, it is not.

Third strike officer Woke.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Landmark decision by the Supreme Court in 1985.

The justices ruled 6-3 that shooting fleeing suspects who are not an imminent threat violates the person’s constitutional rights. They said officers can use lethal force to stop a fleeing felon only if they have reasonable grounds to think the suspect is a danger to police or bystanders. And they added that officers should, if possible, shout out a warning before firing.

anonymous said...

Fatty lies

you thoroughly cleaned BWAA's clock.


Anonymous Caliphate4vr said...
it was Floyd and it was a gun

BWAAAAAAA!!!! How much more time are you going to waste proving the goat fucker lied?????? Women and Pregnant not there is it!!!!! ..... Your gun was not used against a pregnant women??????? Go eat a pound of trump is what you do best!!!!! You keep having your old white ass pounded!!!!! LOLOLOLOL!!! Yeah he pled guilty.....which therefore he deserved to be choked by the cop!!!!! Keep keep digging and losing you dumb fucks.....

C.H. Truth said...

Among the Supreme Court cases that offered guidance was Graham v. Connor . In the 1989 decision, the justices said that an officer’s fear in the heat of the moment, not just the actual threat, was relevant. Officers, they said, “are often forced to make split-second judgments.” And the justices concluded that the reasonableness of an officer’s use of force should be judged “from the perspective of a reasonable officer on the scene, rather than with the 20/20 vision of hindsight.”

Exactly, Reverend.

In this case the suspect wasn't just fleeing, but was aiming a weapon at the police, only moments after fighting with officers, punching the officer in the face, and stealing a weapon.

Do you believe that you can prove beyond reasonable doubt that the cop in this case did not fear that this particular suspect would continue the same violent actions that had just taken place in the past couple of minute.

This was not... as you are attempting to suggest... just a matter of someone fleeing and being shot.

Caliphate4vr said...

Fatty so pitiful and such a liar

Anonymous said...

Officer Woke

The Officer needed to after a physical fight give a "shout out".

Please Officer Woke just STFU.
You already made yourself look stupid.

Caliphate4vr said...

as complainant Henriquez looked out the front window she observed

What were you saying fatass?

Anonymous said...

"Atlanta Cop Devin Brosnan Suffered a Concussion During Altercation with Rayshard BrooksAtlanta Police Department .. AP"

Officer James Woke.

anonymous said...

Blogger KansasDemocrat said...
"Atlanta Cop Devin Brosnan Suffered a Concussion During Altercation

And he still managed to kill the guy!!!!!!!! Way to go you dumb fuck!!!!!!

Caliphate4vr said...
as complainant Henriquez looked out the front window she observed

Observed what??????? Him aiming at a pregnant women he robbed????? Get over it dumbness......YOU FUCKING KEEP LOSING!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Dennis Biden .

Caliphate4vr said...

Jesus you are fucking stupid, fatboy

I win, you have been thoroughly humiliated

anonymous said...

Hey drunk.....You proved me the case where he robbed a pregnant women with a gun you flaming asshole!!!! You have had your fat old white ass handed to you and you still argue!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! And the goat fucker whom you defend twiddles his thumbs in a stupor typical of idiots!!!!!!! Now go away and have a cock's drinking time for UGA frat boys!!!!! LOLOLOLOL

Caliphate4vr said...

You claimed there was no weapon, then claimed there’s no proof it was a woman.

So are you a liar 66% of the time fatboy

And the jealousy you display about my alma mater v your community college is really humorous

Carry on, fatboy

anonymous said...

Frick and Frack.......the goat fucker and UGA drunk sucking each other off.....Be proud boys another day of not working and just being stupid!!!!!!!

anonymous said...

then claimed there’s no proof it was a woman.

pregnant women....and you still have not provided proof of either .....BWAAAAAAAAA!!!!! Keep digging.....This is fun!!!!

anonymous said...

And the jealousy you display about my alma mater

BWAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! Your party school and drunk club!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

hey BWAA - cali stomped your fat ass into a puddle and walked it fucking dry.

go sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up.

anonymous said...

Still waiting for that robbery of a pregnant women asshole....Unless you have it.....YOU LOSE THE DAY AND PROVE YOU ARE A UGA IDIOT LIKE KEMP!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!

Caliphate4vr said...

go sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up.

In his hobbled state, from joint replacements due to morbid obesity, all he can do is run his mouth while sitting down

anonymous said...

HEY RAT HOLE....ESAD YOU ASSHOLE!!!!! The only ass kicked is the UGA proof of the pregnant women being robbed!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! I love making you idiots eat shit!!!!!!

anonymous said...

The mouth of the south declares himself to be the toughest drunk in Ga and concedes his stupidity!!!!!!

anonymous said...

Still no proof of a pregnant women being robbed.....but you sure are a nasty drunk!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAA!!! I WIN!!!!

Caliphate4vr said...

BTW fatass KD didn’t say women

Blogger KansasDemocrat said...
George Floyd pointed a loaded hand gun at the tummy of a Pregnant woman as he robbed her, he only robbed her once

So now we know you lie 75% of the time

And whether pregnant or not is undetermined

Anonymous said...

Dennis Biden, your waist line has more inches then your inseam.

Butterball .

Caliphate4vr said...

He’s got more chins than I have in-laws named Chin and with a Cambodian brother-in-law I have a lot.

Anonymous said...

"James June 18, 2020 at 8:23 AM

A stun gun is not a lethal weapon."

Officer James Woke, time to admit you're wrong.

Cali proved you are.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

This was not... as you are attempting to suggest... just a matter of someone fleeing and being shot."

The video is not "attempting to suggest"

The video SHOWS the man was fleeing when he was shot.

I think all officers should avoid ending the life of someone fleeing, especially in view of that Supreme Court ruling.

Caliphate4vr said...

The video SHOWS the man was fleeing when he was shot.

AFTER punching the cop in the face.

AFTER, wrestling the taser from an officer.

AFTER, turning and firing the taser.

You really haven’t seen the video

Caliphate4vr said...

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes

Anonymous said...

James , is wrong and he doesn't care no matter the facts we feed him.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

I certainly HAVE watched the video. It is true that the suspect turned and unsuccessfully tried again to "shoot" the policeman with the taser he took, but then as he turned again fleeing at least three shots were heard and apparently two of them went into the suspect's fleeing back.

He was fleeing, "armed" with nothing more dangerous than a taser.