Wednesday, June 10, 2020

What do these states all have in common?

New Jersey, New York, Illinois, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Georgia, Minnesota, Ohio, Florida, Maryland, California, Arizona, Connecticut, North Carolina, Mississippi, and Virginia?

Answer: All sixteen of them reported more deaths today than Texas (16 deaths).

Of course we should now recognize Texas as the most "recent" liberal manufactured Covid-19 hot spot. Funny how this new hot spot, the second most populated state, which includes two of the top six metropolitan areas in the country, cannot manage to garner an outbreak that passes up my own tiny state of Minnesota.


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Bolton Will Go Ahead with Book Despite Warning

“Former national security adviser John Bolton plans to move ahead with publication of his memoir about working in the Trump White House despite a new warning from the administration that it contains classified material and needs to be further revised,” the Washington Post reports.

NASCAR Bans Confederate Flags at Races

From a statement: “The presence of Confederate flags at NASCAR events runs contrary to our commitment to providing a welcoming and inclusive environment for all fans, our competitors, and our industry.”



Trump Will Hold Rally Next Week In Tulsa

President Trump will return to the campaign trail on June 19 with a rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma, the New York Times reports.

“Trump campaign officials are unlikely to put into place any social distancing measures for rally attendees, or require them to wear face masks… adding that it would be unnecessary because the state is so far along in its reopening.”

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Trump Lashes Out at Anyone Who Says He’s Losing

A Washington Post story included this aside: “Trump has become obsessed with polling and lashes out at those who say he is losing to Biden, according to two White House officials and a longtime Trump ally.”

Jonathan Chait:
“The reporters, perhaps because their sensitivities have been dulled by years of daily exposure to this kind of madness, immediately moved on to other points, rather than linger over the sheer irrationality revealed by this line. It is quite a conundrum for the president’s staff. He is obsessed with polls, but he becomes enraged upon being informed he’s losing to Biden. Given that every poll shows him losing to Biden, his advisers don’t seem to have a lot of good options.”

knee slapping HILARIOUS.


Why Bill Barr Is Such a Bully

Dana Millbank: “Childhood bullies have a predisposition to become adult bullies, research shows, and, sure enough, it seems Attorney General William Barr was a teenage bully more than 50 years ago.

“Back in 1991, during Barr’s confirmation to be George H.W. Bush’s attorney general, lawyer Jimmy Lohman, who overlapped with Barr at New York’s Horace Mann School and later Columbia University, wrote a piece for the little-known Florida Flambeau newspaper about Barr being ‘my very own high-school tormentor’ — a ‘classic bully’ and ‘power abuser’ in the 1960s who ‘put the crunch on me every chance he got.'”

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Why Biden Shouldn’t Waste Time In Texas

Mark McKinnon: “The fact that the polling is even close in Texas should be a four-alarm fire for Team Trump. The electoral map makes it plain as day: If they’ve got even a hint of trouble in Texas, then they’ve got way bigger problems in a lot of other states that are even more telling as presidential bellwethers. If Trump loses Texas and its seismic 38 electoral votes—a state he won by a hefty nine points in 2016—then it’s all over, Baby Blue.

“But here’s the key for Team Biden. Don’t get distracted by the big, shiny object of Texas. Don’t waste valuable time and resources there. It’s big. It’s expensive. It’s a place where Democrats’ dreams have been dashed for decades… Democrats in 2020 instead need to keep the focus on Arizona, North Carolina, Florida, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. Ohio, Iowa, and Maine wouldn’t hurt either. And let’s not forget Minnesota and, yes, even Georgia…

“The bottom line is that if Texas were to truly be in play in November—a very big if—then Biden wouldn’t even need Texas because he’d be winning by, oh, 400-plus electoral votes. In other words: by a landslide. So for goodness’ sake, don’t mess with Texas.”

Riot Porn

Brian Stelter: “Watch Fox News for a few hours, and you might think rioters are still prowling America’s biggest cities, smashing windows and stealing handbags. You might think Minneapolis is still burning. You might think the unrest is getting worse.

“In the Fox & Friends and Hannity alternative universe, the rioting is still a present-tense threat and could restart at any time. But ‘riot porn’ video is irresistible to Fox’s producers and hosts, even though the video is out of date now. It is contradicted by every news report from every other outlet, for the story now is about peaceful, powerful, sustained protest all across the country.”

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

At the press briefing later that day, McEnany specifically said the name of Fort Bragg in North Carolina should be kept to honor black soldiers who fought in World War II.

Commonsense said...

I believe they indeed were trained at Fort Bragg.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Twenty two states are seeing an increase in new COVID-19 cases as states continue to slowly reopen and George Floyd protests are held across the country

Arizona has seen infections increase by more than 90% in a week, while Arkansas and Utah have gone up more than 60%

Massachusetts, Florida and New Mexico's cases have increased by more than 40% compared to a week prior

Michigan's cases soared more than 150% last week due to the state including nearly 5,000 probable cases

Experts have been warning that large George Floyd protests held across the US could touch off a new outbreak of the disease

It comes as the University of Washington's Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation revised its projected death toll upwards on Tuesday by 5,000 fatalities

The latest forecast predicts 145,728 people will die in the US by August 4, which is up from the 140,496 fatalities projected on June 5

More than 110,000 Americans have now died from COVID-19 in the last three months and over 1.9 million people have been infected

The new estimate came on the same day that Texas reported its highest number of hospitalizations and 22 states showed increases in new confirmed cases

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Caliphate4vr said...

History buff why do you run?

Anonymous said...

Cali, Jane and Roger run off all the time.
You schooled Alky so he repeated his b.s. .

Anonymous said...

BlackLivesMatter = Defund, Disarm and replace the Police.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

"To my knowledge, this is the first time in its 40-year history that CNN had been threatened with legal action because an American politician or campaign did not like CNN's polling results," Vigilante wrote in his response. "To the extent we have received legal threats from political leaders in the past, they have typically come from countries like Venezuela or other regimes where there is little or no respect for a free and independent media."

Caliphate4vr said...

Venezuelans probably know our history better than you, Roger

C.H. Truth said...

Well Rog...

I guess these idiots shouldn't be protesting then, huh?

Anonymous said...

🤣Caliphate4vrJune 10, 2020 at 7:26 PM

Venezuelans probably know our history better than you, Roger🤣

Anonymous said...

A leaked 2015 internal Democrat Party memo warned top House Democrats not to embrace the Black Lives Matter movement because it was described by the Democrat Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) as a “radical movement.”

The memo, from then-DCCC official Troy Perry addressed to “DCCC Staff” on Thursday Nov. 19, 2015, noted that the Democrats’ 2016 presidential candidates “have struggled to respond to tactics of the Black Lives Matter movement.” Perry was at the time he wrote this the DCCC’s Director of Diversity and Public Engagement."

Today they sleep with them.


Carl Quintanilla

The trendline of TSA passenger traffic implies a recovery to pre-COVID-19 levels by August. “We realize this sounds ludicrous. And we do not necessarily think what will happen. But the rising mobility of Americans suggest that industry experts may be too negative..”’-
Interesting Chart:

Now that would be GREAT news for America

Commonsense said...

Americans Don’t Kneel
Is there anything more disgusting than an American on his knees before a tyrant?

Matter activists are making idiot white women bow and kiss their boots. Yes, literally. Nancy Pelosi and the Democrat dimwits in Congress took a knee, bowing their heads, and then couldn’t get back up. In the worst form of this, a police chief chose to lay down prostrate for eight minutes for the mob.

These cases of performative obsequiousness should disgust all free people, but especially Americans. The fundamental truth about where our rights come from, God, and that all men are equal before God should be front and center in every citizen’s core beliefs. That some people in authority distort their mandates and act like mini potentates does not mean that there’s a new truth. It means they’re violating The Truth.

I'm an American.

I kneel before God and no one else.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

You kneel to Trump all the time.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Internal Polling Instills Fear In Trump’s Advisers

ABC News: “The campaign’s internal poll numbers showed the president down in swing states, and down with key demographics of voters including women and independents.

“The messaging from the White House on the coronavirus pandemic and the growing anger about the brutal killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis was fueling a drop in his numbers. Top aides warned that former Vice President Joe Biden, now the presumptive Democratic nominee, was positioned to defeat the president by a significant number of electoral votes based on the campaign’s analysis.”

A Wasted Presidency

Rich Lowry: “If he loses in November, it won’t because he pursued a big legislative reform that was a bridge too far politically. It won’t be because he adopted a creative and unorthodox policy mix that alienated his own side. It won’t even be because he was overwhelmed by events, challenging though they’ve been.

“It will mostly be because he took his presidency and needlessly drove into the ground, 280 characters at a time.”

As Coronavirus Infections Climb, Washington Moves On

New York Times: “As the pandemic’s grim numbers continue to climb — more than 112,000 dead as of Wednesday and warnings from Arizona that its hospitals could be full by next month — Mr. Trump and lawmakers in both parties are exhibiting a short attention span.”

“But there seems to be a tacit agreement between the parties: Democrats have largely stopped harping on social distancing, while Mr. Trump plans to resume his political rallies — first in Oklahoma, Florida, Arizona and North Carolina — and Republicans refrain from shaming protesters over shedding pandemic precautions.”

Extra Bonus Quote of the Day

“The irony of training at bases named for those who took up arms against the United States, and for the right to enslave others, is inescapable to anyone paying attention. Now, belatedly, is the moment for us to pay such attention.”
— Retired Gen. David Petraeus, writing in The Atlantic.

Anonymous said...

"To my knowledge, this is the first time in its 40-year history that CNN had been threatened with legal action because an American politician or campaign did not like CNN's polling results


XiNN is used to getting sued for knowingly and willfully lying about people.

this is new.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Yes, it is new that an American president thinks he can overthrow freedom of speech by objecting to polling results.

Too funny for words.

But rat approves.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

‘He Is as Lawless and Corrupt as Ever’

The House impeachment managers, writing in the Washington Post:

“Four months ago, we tried President Trump for abusing the power of his office in ways that undermined our country’s national security, the integrity of U.S. elections and the constitutional structure of our republic. Trump’s efforts to coerce an ally to help him cheat in the upcoming election violated the public trust, went to the heart of his unfitness for office — and revealed that he prioritizes his interests over those of the nation.

“The president was not changed by impeachment. He is as lawless and corrupt as ever. But his wrongdoing has far greater consequences given the acute challenges facing the nation, the failure of those around him to curb destructive impulses, and the continued unwillingness of many members of Congress to serve as a meaningful check and balance as the Founders intended.”


Bonus Quote of the Day
“I’m a 7th generation Mississippian. I’ve helped elect Governors and Senators in MS, AL, GA, TX, OK, NC and FL. Trump will lose more white voters with his Confederate defense than gain. Majority very much want to move past Civil War and hatred, not relive it. NASCAR gets it. Trump doesn’t.”
— GOP strategist Stuart Stevens, on Twitter.

Pelosi Requests Removal of Confederate Statues

“Speaker Nancy Pelosi called for the removal of nearly a dozen statues in the U.S. Capitol depicting Confederate leaders, the latest step in a racial reckoning taking place following the killing of George Floyd by a white police officer in Minneapolis last month,” Politico reports.

LeBron James to Start Voting Rights Group

“The NBA superstar LeBron James and a group of other prominent black athletes and entertainers are starting a new group aimed at protecting African-Americans’ voting rights, seizing on the widespread fury against racial injustice that has fueled worldwide protests to amplify their voices in this fall’s presidential election,” the New York Times reports.

Said James: “Because of everything that’s going on, people are finally starting to listen to us — we feel like we’re finally getting a foot in the door. How long is up to us. We don’t know. But we feel like we’re getting some ears and some attention, and this is the time for us to finally make a difference.”

Anonymous said...

People's Autonomous Republic of Cap Hill Gets Rid of Evil Presence of Police and Within 24 Hours They Have an Armed Warlord Who Beats People Halfway to Death (On Video!) For Spray Painting Grafitti Messages He Doesn't Like

I just can't believe this collection of drug addict filth-squatters, unmedicated schizophrenics, trust fund Chavista weakling runts who are LARPing revolution because of the opportunities it grants them for drug-raping high school freshmen, transexual nomads with borderline personality disorder, rat-tail-braided wan blue-blotched sk8terbois who rent out their mouths in the bus station bathrooms at twenty bucks a load, homeless gender studies majors with a personal interest in fat acceptance who want to be paid to life-coach people into morbid obesity, and hardcore racist gangbanger sub-retards can't make self-government work.

This is the left's army -- lead-brained droogs and scabrous nightwalkers convinced that they'd be on top if only the system wasn't stacked against them.

Newsflash, you developmentally delayed, physically repulsive, low-impulse-control mentally sick losers: You'd be on the bottom of any system.

You will always sink to the bottom. You are refuse.

Nobody has ever "held you down." No one would ever have to. No one holds down a stinking, rotting carcass of a road-killed dog -- it ain't going anywhere, you know?

Anonymous said...

But rat approves.

no lying pederast, i don't approve.

XiNN deserves to be mocked, laughed at, and treated like the assclown repository that it is.

you don't sue these shitstains. you expose them for the frauds that they are and you mercilessly hound them until hopefully you drive them to suicide.

there is not a person on their air that possesses a single redeeming quality.

doxx them, moch them in public...

in other words, make them pariahs and outcasts. use the left's most despicable tactics against them until they've been driven from polite society.

but no, don't sue them. the left's favorite tactic is playing the victim and when you sue them they'll cry victimhood.

anonymous said...

Another fucking cunt liar at the least you can look at this scrawny bitch without puking like the fat pig that went back to arkanasas to run for office!!!!!

The White House on Wednesday sought to defend President Trump’s baseless claim suggesting that a 75-year-old man who was seen knocked to the ground by police in Buffalo, N.Y., last week during a protest over George Floyd’s death was a member of antifa and that the incident was “a set up.”

And it was a familiar line of defense.

“The president was raising questions based on a report that he saw,” White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany said on “Fox & Friends” Wednesday morning. “There are questions that need to be asked in every case. We can’t jump on one side without looking at all the facts at play.

“This individual had some very questionable tweets, some profanity-laden tweets about police officers,” McEnany continued. “Of course, no one condones any sort of violence. We need the appropriate amount of force used in any interaction ... but the president was raising some questions — some legitimate ones — about that particular interaction. And it’s his prerogative to do so."

anonymous said...

XiNN deserves to be mocked,

BWAAAAAAAAA!!! Just like trump deserves a 39% approval from Gallup and minus 15 to biden!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

GOP strategist Stuart Stevens

- the TOP strategerist for Mitt Romney's 2012 LOSING campaign.


why yes, let's heed the sage advice of a loser.

a loser of one of the most winnable campaigns in American history.

great job stewie. your failure cause this nation incalculable pain and irreparable harm.

go. fuck. yourself.

Commonsense said...

Blogger James said...
You kneel to Trump all the time.

I prefer Trump over Biden but I don't kneel to him or any other man.

You on the other have would kneel and prostrate yourself before petty tyrants who call themselves ANTIFA, Black Lives Matter, or Democrats.

Your posts remarkable demonstrate that very fact.

anonymous said...

Kemp the UGA graduate and loser like trump blames everyone but himself for this disaster setting up the Nov election and trump trying to steal it!!!!

Amy Gardner,
Michelle Ye Hee Lee and
Shawn Boburg
June 10, 2020 at 7:54 p.m. EDT
The warnings came from all sides in the months leading up to Georgia’s disastrous primaries on Tuesday: local election officials, voting rights advocates and even the state’s top election official.
The combination of limited training on new voting machines and reduced polling locations due to the novel coronavirus could produce crushingly long lines and severely hamper voting access, they cautioned.
Yet none of those in charge of Georgia’s elections were able to head off what all agreed was a breakdown of the voting system. Residents waited for hours to cast ballots, some past midnight. Workers struggled to operate new touch-screen machines. Some polling places in suburban Atlanta opened with no equipment at all.
In the aftermath, as the nation reckoned with the possibility of a similar debacle in November, state and local officials blamed each other, but they could not explain why Tuesday’s problems were so predictable — and yet not preventable.

“The cause of the problems is grave mismanagement of elections here in Georgia,” said Aunna Dennis, executive director of Common Cause Georgia, a civil rights watchdog. “The state failed to heed the warnings of what could happen in this election.”

anonymous said...

iden but I don't kneel to him or any other man.

You prefer taking it up the ass instead!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!

Commonsense said...

People's Autonomous Republic of Cap Hill Gets Rid of Evil Presence of Police and Within 24 Hours They Have an Armed Warlord Who Beats People Halfway to Death (On Video!) For Spray Painting Grafitti Messages He Doesn't Like

Didn't take long for Seattle to devolve into Mogadishu.

Commonsense said...

Go eat a pistol Denny.

anonymous said...

Another right wing asshole being censored by the $ which drives their venom!!!!!! BWAAAAAAPAAAAAA!!!!!!

d the full article.

(UPDATED WITH DISNEY/ABC STATEMENT) Tucker Carlson may have one of the most watched shows on cable news, but the Fox News Channel host is losing advertisers – again.

Whereas in 2018, over 20 companies yanked their ads after Carlson obtusely proclaimed that the undocumented made America “poorer, and dirtier, and more divided,” this time the exits are over the host’s stance on the death of George Floyd and the nationwide protests that followed against police violence and racism.

More from Deadline

Ava DuVernay Talks Childhood LAPD Trauma On Oprah Special On George Floyd Killing; Filmmaker Launches Law Enforcement Accountability Project

Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti Confirms Film And TV Production Can Resume In The City On Friday, Gives Specifics About Rise In Cases

Don Winslow Sees Deliberate Attempt To Suppress Georgia Primary Votes; Prelude To November Elections?

Both Disney and T-Mobile have cut ties with the primetime Tucker Carlson Tonight over the host’s polarizing point of view on the Black Lives Matter movement and the desire for justice and equality in America many of its members advocate. Along with Papa Johns and SmilDirectClub, the media giant and the telecommunications brand faced a backlash in recent days for their association with Carlson and his belief that the well attended protests were “Black Lives Matter riots”

Or put another way, putting money in Rupert Murdoch’s corporate pocket was not a branding position Disney or T-Mobile wanted to be in at this moment in America.

Fox News did not respond to request for comment tonight on the ad exits.

While having run ads about 29 times this year on the much watched FNC, Disney also did not respond to request for comment tonight on the issue. However, sources tell Deadline that the ads for ABC shows on Tucker Carlson

anonymous said...

Blogger Commonsense said...
Go eat a pistol Denny.

BWAAAAAAAAA!!!! Let us know when you are done with trump!!!!!!!!!

anonymous said...

Awesome source you dumb fucking trump slurper...


About as funny as a hanging hemorrhoid !!!!!!!!


rrb said...

GOP strategist Stuart Stevens

- the TOP strategerist for Mitt Romney's 2012 LOSING campaign.


why yes, let's heed the sage advice of a loser.

a loser of one of the most winnable campaigns in American history.

great job stewie. your failure cause this nation incalculable pain and irreparable harm.

go. fuck. yourself.

Very True. and I see the lying POS "pastor is back after lying multiple times yesterday and trying to twist words to weasel out of what he said. He failed to produce what he said he could and after two weak efforts said he would return with "more" and never did. The idiot even posted his failed bullshit on multiple threads as if I wouldn't notice.

Not only is the POS "pastor a GODdard waterboy (already an avalanche of his spam) but, as he has been labeled, a pathological liar.

as others have also said "go fuck yourself pederast"

anonymous said...

This surely throws cold water on trumps latest ad of millions of new jobs and a booming economy....Wonder when he is going to tweet or fire the Fed chairman????????

Enter Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell to toss some cold water on those giddy Wall Street bulls continuing to cheer the surprisingly upbeat May jobs report that sparked hopes for a V-shaped economic recovery after the worst of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Powell — speaking to reporters following the Fed’s latest decision on rates — said “millions” of people will not return to work for some time because of the aftershocks to businesses from the health scare. The Fed chief suggested the lack of jobs would be rooted in the reality that companies were unable to survive the pandemic or the role no longer exists in the new world order.

By extension, that would suggest a certain kind of structural unemployment that may continue to weigh on U.S. growth unless workers get re-trained for new jobs.

Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell pauses during a news conference, Tuesday, March 3, 2020, while discussing an announcement from the Federal Open Market Committee, in Washington. In a surprise move, the Federal Reserve cut its benchmark interest rate by a sizable half-percentage point in an effort to support the economy in the face of the spreading coronavirus. Chairman Jerome Powell noted that the coronavirus "poses evolving risks to economic activity." (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin)
Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell pauses during a news conference, Tuesday, March 3, 2020, while discussing an announcement from the Federal Open Market Committee, in Washington. In a surprise move, the Federal Reserve cut its benchmark interest rate by a sizable half-percentage point in an effort to support the economy in the face of the spreading coronavirus. Chairman Jerome Powell noted that the coronavirus "poses evolving risks to economic activity." (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin)
The Fed’s concern around longer term unemployment was captured in its updated summary of economic projections released today.

Officials expect the U.S. unemployment rate to hit 9.3% this year, dipping to 6.5% in 2021 and falling further to 5.5% in 2022. The unemployment rate in May dropped to 13.3% from 14.7% in April.

Just before the pandemic took hold this past spring, the U.S. unemployment rate was hovering near 50-year lows around 3.6%.

anonymous said...

as others have also said "go fuck yourself pederast"

Fucking daddy shows definitive proof why he and trump are polling at 39% and falling!!!!!!! BWAAAAAAPAAAAAA!!!!!!!



Raynard Jackson: 'Radical liberals' Joy Reid & Don Lemon "are putting more poison into the black community than any drug dealer, who are killing more black folks than any white person with a sheet over their face."


black voices matter

anonymous said...

Breaking 911 BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! As tucker carlson is losing sponsors by the buckets.....wonder how fox will handle or censor the dumb fucking asshole!!!!


Ami Horowitz

All Stats Matter!
Data shows that the police don't target black people.
So I went to a NY protest to share the good news!
SPOILER didn't go well.

GREAT VIDEO of the tolerant left when presented with facts:

Lots of them sound like lo iq, maybe it's the people he hangs around with.


anonymous said...

Trumps desperation is palatable as he now wants an apology for a poll that shows him getting spanked!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!

Something Went Wrong
Unfortunately, an error occurred. To try again, refresh the browser.
Click here to read the full article.

President Donald Trump’s re-election campaign sent a cease-and-desist letter to CNN demanding that it retract and apologize for a poll showing Joe Biden with a 14-point lead in the race for the White House.

“We stand by our poll,” a CNN spokesperson said.

More from Deadline

Donald Trump Tweets Conspiracy Theory About 75-Year-Old Buffalo Protester Shoved By Police: 'He Fell Harder Than He Was Pushed'

White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany Defends Donald Trump's Tweet Targeting 75-Year-Old Protester: "It's Not A Baseless Conspiracy"

Donald Trump Says He's Retained Pollster To Refute CNN, Other Networks That Show Joe Biden Lead

A Trump campaign spokesperson did not immediately return a request for comment, but in the letter, senior legal adviser Jenna Ellis and chief operating officer Michael Glassner write to CNN chief Jeff Zucker that the poll was “designed to mislead American voters through a biased questionnaire and skewed sampling.”

“Media polls such as these are designed to manufacture an anti-Trump narrative and misinform and mislead actual voters,” they wrote. “It’s a stunt and a phony poll to cause voter suppression, stifle momentum and enthusiasm for the President, and present a false view generally of the actual support across America for the President.”

Irked by the poll’s results, Trump announced Monday that he had retained pollster John McLaughlin to do an analysis of the poll.

anonymous said...

Ami there is a go to source for the fucking lack of intellect DADDY!!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! Hysterically funny!!!!!

Anonymous said...

here's your BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! article of the day -

A black community activist who trained San Jose police recruits on implicit bias for three years was shot in a testicle by a rubber bullet during a recent protest, prompting the city's mayor to say that more needs to be done to confront police brutality — but that defunding police will only undermine those efforts.

Derrick Sanderlin, a 27-year-old community organizer, suffered potentially permanent injuries by a rubber bullet at a May 29 protest demonstration, the mayor’s office said in a press release Monday.

interesting. i didn't think leftists had testicles to begin with.

anonymous said...


Ami Horowitz is an American documentary filmmaker and right-wing activist. He is the writer, producer, and director of Ami on the Streets, a satirical short film series made for Fox News. Horowitz co-wrote, co-directed, and starred in the 2009 documentary U.N. Me, a critical examination of the United Nations.

anonymous said...

interesting. i didn't think leftists had testicles to begin with.


anonymous said...

This idiot is a bigger asshole than that fuck daddy who can't find his ass in the dark!!!!!

Horowitz acted as "an ISIS supporter" while shouting terrorist rants and waving an ISIS flag inside UC Berkeley.[16] Most of the students ignored his "terrorist rants", but a "few gave him a thumbs-up, wished him luck and smiled".[17] Horowitz later switched to a "Zionist tirade" and began waving an Israeli flag, leading some students to express their outrage toward Israel, cursing and giving Horowitz obscene gestures. How long the videos took to create, and what edits were made is unclear, but Horowitz does appear in different outfits during the two parts of the video.[16] Horowitz wrote for Fox News that his film "unfortunately proves once and for all that there is in fact no connection between intellect and wisdom... If these are our best and brightest then we should all be afraid, very afraid


lo iq said:

ROFLMFAO at the retard.

You can't make this shit up !!!


Hey lo iq, what stat did Horowitz get wrong?

Answer - none.

So you attack him.

What a "tool" you are (and for lo iq's benefit that is NOT a compliment)



Lindsay P. Gorman

U.S. video-conferencing company Zoom closed the account of a group of prominent U.S.-based Chinese activists after they held a Zoom event commemorating the 31st anniversary of the June 4 Tiananmen Square Massacre. via @BethanyAllenEbr

big techs censorship continues as well as continuing to do China's bidding. The China/big tech relationship definitely needs more transparency.

It stinks to high heaven.


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Forecast Shows Biden Is Overwhelming Favorite

A new forecast from The Economist gives Joe Biden an 83% chance of winning the electoral college and a 96% chance of winning the popular vote in the presidential election.

Charitot's a-comin'!


Trump Warns He Will ‘Take Back’ Seattle

President Trump warned that he would take Seattle back from the “ugly Anarchists” protesting over George Floyd’s death if the city and state leaders do not act.

Tweeted Trump: “Radical Left Governor Jay Inslee and the Mayor of Seattle are being taunted and played at a level that our great Country has never seen before. Take back your city NOW. If you don’t do it, I will. This is not a game. These ugly Anarchists must be stooped IMMEDIATELY. MOVE FAST!”

Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan responded: “Make us all safe. Go back to your bunker.”

Inslee also responded: “A man who is totally incapable of governing should stay out of Washington state’s business. ‘Stoop’ tweeting.”


anonymous said...

Everything.....he's an asshole just like you....Stop sitting on your brain and pull your O2 deprived grey matter a chance to wake up!!!!! BWWWAAAAAAAAAA!!! He follows the dumb fuck R playbook....seed BS any way he can like that R film maker who gets caught making shit up about everything.....You keep asking yourself WTF is wrong with you and Ami the provocateur !!!!!!


Brit Hume

When journalists break down police behavior by race but don’t do the same for criminal behavior, you’re not getting the whole story, writes @jasonrileywsj

anonymous said...

Another fucking loser just like daddy.....BWAAAAAAAA!!!!! God dayum you are the dumb fuck du jour!!!!

Lindsay P. Gorman

Lindsay Gorman is the Fellow for Emerging Technologies at the Alliance for Securing Democracy. Before joining GMF, she ran a technology consulting firm, Politech Advisory, working with start-up companies and venture capital firms in artificial intelligence and FinTech. She was also an adjunct fellow in CSIS’s Technology Policy Program.

anonymous said...

Brit Hume

At least I know his creds are a trump R slurper like you......BWAAAAAAAA!!!



starring lo iq and his butt buddy the lying POS "pastor" who dominates the LIE of THE DAY category.

weather report - foggy with an occasional avalanche.


Anonymous said...

Why hasn't FUCKING DADDY been giving us the betting odds on Trump beating Biden?

For a while there he was all the time pointing them out.

Anonymous said...

What a great Day in America.
The left is openly and Violently hating/killing Cops.

Anonymous said...

Biden is leading in the betting odds?

Must be the Biden Stock Market Recovery.


lo iq anonymous said...

Another fucking loser just like daddy

Lindsay Gorman is the Fellow for Emerging Technologies at the Alliance for Securing Democracy. Before joining GMF, she ran a technology consulting firm, Politech Advisory, working with start-up companies and venture capital firms in artificial intelligence and FinTech. She was also an adjunct fellow in CSIS’s Technology Policy Program

She towers so much over you lo iq it isn't even funny.

Are you just intimidated by women?

Or intelligence?

Intelligent women must DESTROY you


Anonymous said...

Oh, I see.


Biden blows past Trump in betting markets as protests over police brutality continue

Former Vice President Joe Biden has surged past President Donald Trump in online betting markets tied to the outcome of the 2020 presidential race as the U.S. continues to grapple with a deepening financial crisis, spreading pandemic and historic protests over police brutality.

Biden, the apparent Democratic nominee, has taken his biggest lead over Trump to date in Smarkets, a U.K.-based online gambling platform, as well as PredictIt, an online betting platform established by researchers in New Zealand.

As recently as last week, Trump was favored to win on both platforms. Biden’s chances have risen to 50%-43% on Smarkets and 53%-46% on PredictIt.


Anonymous said...

Are the Three Socialist Stooges of CHT, truly WOKE?

Do they really believe they are worthless scum white men?



Biden is still not near the favorite in betting markets Hillary was.

In fact he is a very lukewarm favorite. Trump is at +105 which makes it basically a toss-up (6/11/20)

Go ahead and dump all the money you can on Biden, that will lower the odds on Trump winning in the betting markets !!!

Of course on November 3rd it is even more likely than it was with Hillary on 2016 that it then will be worth zero.



I think betting on Biden would be a GREAT lo iq INVESTMENT



Liam Duffy

They’ve defaced a statue of slavery abolitionist Matthias Baldwin in Philadelphia. Like the mobs who burned The Satanic Verses without ever reading the book, the mobs destroy monuments to men they’ve never heard of.

In the New West, history is blasphemy


the butt buddies are probably smiling and nodding their approval... probably hurts Trump, right ?

anonymous said...

Finally some good news for the country....NASCAR has banned the losing confederate flag from all events....Now if states like Ga did the same thing....the world would be a safer place for all!!!!! Good to see all those symbols of treason statued are being relegated to the fucking dump of history!!!!

anonymous said...

Biden is still not near the favorite in betting markets Hillary was.

BWAAAAAAAAA!!!! The guy with trumps dick stuck in his ass speaks......TOO FUNNY as the polls say otherwise....Maybe you can post the morning line since I have seen the bet right now as a toss up!!!!! Asshole

anonymous said...

She towers so much over you lo iq it isn't even funny.

You didn't even know who the asshole was until I posted some creds.....BTW.....the only thing you tower over is the roach you stepped on in your kitchen!!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAA!!!!! Dumb fucking loser, like the goat fucker who lives in his mommy's basement!!!!

Anonymous said...

Seattle "Flagship" Police Station is abandoned in the face of Violent BLM Rioters.


Does anyone know if lo iq anonymous is really as dumb as he portrays here or is it just an act ?

He's either a really good actor or really dumb.

Well with a nickname of lo iq I can guess.

And boy does he like sucking dicks and getting fucked up the ass. That's all he ever talks about. Oh and bleating. probably while he is getting fucked up the ass.


Anonymous said...

Are the Three Socialist Stooges of CHT, truly WOKE?

Do they really believe they are worthless scum white men?