Tuesday, June 16, 2020


De Blasio Tells Covid Contract Tracers Not to Ask Positive Cases If They’ve Attended BLM Protests
New York City’s coronavirus contact-tracing force are not asking those who test positive for COVID-19 whether they recently attended a Black Lives Matter demonstration, a city spokesperson confirmed.
“No person will be asked proactively if they attended a protest,” Avery Cohen, a spokesperson for de Blasio, told THE CITY about the directive. “If a person wants to proactively offer that information, there is an opportunity for them to do so.”
Tracers are supposed to ask those who test positive for Covid-19 to “recall ‘contacts’ and individuals they may have exposed,” Cohen explained. Tracers also probe for any “close contacts” of the patient — anyone that has been within six feet of the infected person for at least 10 minutes.
New York City officials have taken a soft stance over fears that mass protests could lead to a spike in coronavirus cases. “Let’s be clear about something: if there is a spike in coronavirus cases in the next two weeks, don’t blame the protesters. Blame racism,” Mark Levine, head of the city council’s health committee, tweeted earlier this month.

If you want to understand why Americans will no longer put up with shut downs, restrictions, and messages of doom and gloom from our leadership on this one, look no further than the handling of the recent protests and riots.

Nobody with an IQ over room temperature really believes that it makes any sense to allow people to walk in groups of hundreds, while simultaneously telling people they cannot go to church while practicing safe social distancing requirements.

Nobody seriously believes that "real" health officials would ever suggest that protesting and rioting is a healthier alternative and worth the risk of Covid-19, and then turn around and ask average every day Americans to give everything else up.

Nobody should ever again listen to an idiot politician who supports riots in cities riddled with the pandemic, while demanding that the President cannot hold a rally in Oklahoma, which has only 359 deaths since this whole thing started.

But to simply have leadership pretend that these protests didn't happen and that knowing if someone who tested positive was protesting is irrelevant is dangerous. Please don't ask anyone anywhere about their whereabouts if you are not going to ask relative questions about whether or not someone marched in close proximity to hundreds of others. 


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


The New York Times:
Pence Urged Governors to Echo Misleading Claim

“Vice President Mike Pence encouraged governors on Monday to adopt the administration’s claim that increased testing helps account for the new coronavirus outbreak reports, even though evidence has shown that the explanation is misleading.

“In fact, seven-day averages in several states with outbreaks have increased since May 31, and in at least 14 states, the positive case rate is increasing faster than the increase in the average number of tests.”



The more the media lies about the virus, the more people sign up for Trump's next rally.

It's the biggest, collective middle finger ever given in history.

Nobody believes their fake news garbage anymore.


well still a few

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


The Washington Post:
Trump Pretends Coronavirus Doesn’t Exist

“President Trump is defying Tulsa’s top public health official by pressing ahead with a massive indoor political rally there. Scores of his aides have been reporting to work in their office cubicles at his campaign headquarters. Virtually nobody around the president — neither White House staffers nor Secret Service agents — regularly wears a mask anymore. And social distancing is a thing of the past.

“To observe Trump and his entourage this month as he prepares to resume normal campaign activity coast to coast could lead one to conclude that the coronavirus pandemic is over.

“In reality, the virus continues to ravage the United States and is fast spreading in some midsize and small cities that avoided bad outbreaks this spring. Recent spikes in coronavirus cases have been recorded in Arizona, Florida, North Carolina, Texas and Oklahoma — all states where Trump has said he plans to soon hold campaign rallies.”

People are going to see through this.
He cares more for his megalomaniac self than for others.


Nate Silver

US daily numbers via

Newly reported deaths
Today: 375
Yesterday: 358
One week ago (6/8): 655

Newly reported cases
T: 19K
Y: 21K
6/8: 17K

Newly reported tests
T: 449K
Y: 485K
6/8: 400K

Positive test rate
T: 4.1%
Y: 4.4%
6/8: 4.3%


Alex Berenson

Hey, wonder why @cnn and the rest of Team Apocalypse are screaming so hard about new “cases” (aka positive tests, which are actually falling nationally, btw)? It might because daily US Covid deaths have fallen two-thirds in six weeks. True story, not that you’ve heard it...

BTW - the real drop is even sharper, because the lockdown states have looking through their files and adding as many deaths as they can. Positive test of a 93-year-old on April 16 who died a week later? Check. "Presumed positive" on May 1? Checkity-check! Announce 'em today!

C.H. Truth said...

Sorry Reverend Chicken Little...

But the public is starting to see through all of this...

Unless you are going to Costco (which requires a mask) I would say that somewhere between 10-20 percent of Minnesotans are wearing a mask in public right now.

And that is indoors. While I walk or run on the neighborhood pond paths, I see dozens of people, and nobody is wearing a mask outside anymore.

Perhaps it's just Minnesota where we have had less than 200 overall deaths not attributed to a Nursing Home or Assisted Living Community... and feel a little deceived about the whole thing. But I suspect it's a lot of places where at the end of the day, none of us actually know anyone personally who died from this or even got reasonably sick.

We are still only talking about 1 in 3000 Americans. Almost all of them older or with serious preexisting conditions.

The longer you want to "shame" people for wanting to get back to their lives, the more you just piss them off.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

The more you lie about the dangers, the more you endanger people, the more they will mistrust you.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Biden Opens Up Huge Lead In Michigan

A new EPIC-MRA poll in Michigan finds Joe Biden leading Donald Trump by 16 points, 55% to 39%.

A poll two weeks ago showed Biden 12 points ahead.

However, Rep Debbie Dingell (D-MI) urged Democrats to be cautious, telling the Detroit News: “Some people say, ‘Oh, look at the numbers.’ I don’t believe these numbers.”

Yes, caution is the better part of valor.

OTHER HEADLINES AT politicalwire.com:

Trump Barely Ahead In Iowa

Iowa May Be Trump’s Canary in the Coal Mine

Trump Will Campaign Against Sessions

Weather Agency Violated Scientific Integrity Policy to Appease Trump's Lie

Trump Threatens Bolton with ‘Strong Criminal Problem’

Trump Threatens to Reduce Troops In Germany by Half

U.S. Slumps to 10th Spot In Competitiveness Rankings

Book soon to come out:
Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World’s Most Dangerous Man by Mary L. Trump, a trained clinical psychologist and Donald’s only niece.

North Korea Blows Up Liaison Office

Inspectors General Ask Congress for Help Monitoring Relief Programs

Obama to Hold First Virtual Fundraiser for Biden

Commonsense said...

It's just not Minnesota, I've seen a noticeable drop in mask wearing in Florida. Even among at risk groups.

The protest and the "experts" reaction to it has changed everything.

Commonsense said...

You go on quoting those polls James.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Glad to oblige.

Biden Leads In Florida
June 16, 2020 at 8:53 am EDT

A new TIPP poll in Florida
finds Joe Biden leading Donald Trump by 11 points among likely voters,
51% to 40%.

Without Florida, Trump's reelection chances are practically nill, zero, zilch, nada.


Listen to a black woman who's life matters. And she speaks the TRUTH. She understands people who don't like Trump but has a lot to calmly say.

two minute VIDEO: https://twitter.com/jason_howerton/status/1272627125938532352

off thread topic but follows discussion. Well worth the listen to understand 2020 politics.

Caliphate4vr said...

New Ford Bronco will debut on July 9. Yes, O.J. Simpson's birthday

Anonymous said...

Blogger James said...
The more you lie about the dangers, the more you endanger people, the more they will mistrust you.

truer words were never spoken, pederast.

that's why every sane, rational person is rejecting the shrieks from fauci, cuomo whitmer, and every other asshat telling us we're all gonna die.

you wanted two weeks to flatten the curve. we complied. then you kept pushing, and pushing, and pushing... for no other reason than to destroy the economy because 'orange man bad' and their never-ending lust for power.

here in NY the only thing cuomo has left to threaten anyone is with bars and restaurants... and their liquor licenses. the rest of the merchants are replying with a hearty FUCK YOU.

so stop lying about the dangers. the people have stop trusting you fucking WEEKS ago.

C.H. Truth said...

The more you lie about the dangers, the more you endanger people, the more they will mistrust you.

So you seriously believe that a virus that kills young and healthy people at a rate that might only be about 1/10 that of the seasonal flu is so dangerous that people should stay locked indoors forever?

The reality here, Reverend Chicken Little is that "catching" Covid-19 is not very dangerous at all to most people.

Let me repeat that: "catching" Covid-19 is not very dangerous at all to most people.

Again: "catching" Covid-19 is not very dangerous at all to most people.

One more time: "catching" Covid-19 is not very dangerous at all to most people.

"catching" Covid-19 is not very dangerous at all to most people.

"catching" Covid-19 is not very dangerous at all to most people.

"catching" Covid-19 is not very dangerous at all to most people.

"catching" Covid-19 is not very dangerous at all to most people.

"catching" Covid-19 is not very dangerous at all to most people.

"catching" Covid-19 is not very dangerous at all to most people.

"catching" Covid-19 is not very dangerous at all to most people.

"catching" Covid-19 is not very dangerous at all to most people.

"catching" Covid-19 is not very dangerous at all to most people.

get it through your chicken little head yet... or are you still confused?


Caliphate4vr said...
New Ford Bronco will debut on July 9. Yes, O.J. Simpson's birthday

OJ's life matters ?

sorry, just had to ask. Imagine if he had been a white man.

Anonymous said...

So you seriously believe that a virus that kills young and healthy people at a rate that might only be about 1/10 that of the seasonal flu is so dangerous that people should stay locked indoors forever?

the pederast's true motivation is to further harm the economy in order to harm trump.

you would think that with all of these polls showing biden with double digit leads, the pederast wouldn't continue to root for economic failure, no?

he's a fraud, and his motivations are completely fraudulent.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

he's a fraud, and his motivations are completely fraudulent.

Great statement, but it applies to Trump, not me.

I WANT things to return to the way they were.

But Dr. Fauci continually warned that to open up too quickly could lead to a situation that would ultimately put that desired return off even longer.

He said that.
And said it.
And is still saying it.
And other experts are too.

Anonymous said...

He said that.
And said it.
And is still saying it.
And other experts are too.

that's nice.

tell him and every other "expert" and "modeler" that we've stopped listening so they can stop talking.

the entire clusterfuck was a charade, a power grab by power hungry democrats with totalitarian tendencies and a searing hatred of trump.

and as their voices fade into the distance, those last few shrieks of asshattery are being met with a resounding - GO FUCK YOURSELF.

the same goes for you pederast.