Sunday, June 21, 2020

Worldometer and Covid Tracking Project report less than 300 deaths today..

You have to go back to March to find the last time this happened

While this should be good news for everyone, it won't be for some. Some are emotionally tied to the idea that reopening the economy was a huge mistake that should be blamed on Trump and that it was supposed to lead us to "disastrous" Covid-19 results and a massive medical "catastrophe". Some will not rest unless they can be proven right, and that requires people to die (damn it).

For all of the anecdotal stories suggesting the opposite, the underlying statistics show that while the number of cases rise, the number of hospitalizations are remaining fairly static, and the number of deaths are slowly but surely on their way down. This suggests that the rise in cases are in part due to more testing, more exposure, but represent a much younger median age than we had been seeing.

Given the lower risk to younger people, the improvement in treating Covid in a hospital setting, the concept of a lower death rate only makes sense. This WAS the original plan of flattening the curve. Keep things under control while Hospitals and medical experts were able to work out a better plan with dealing with the Covid.

As much as many blue state Governors seemed to want to just remain under lock down (for reasons not totally understood), it seems that reopening has not had the negative effects that some feared (or hoped for depending on your political persuasion).  Some blue state Governors even offered that they would not reopen until a cure or vaccine was found. That seems silly in retrospect.


anonymous said...

Lil schitty applauds only 300 have perished.....A clear victory to trumps leadership and Lil Schitty denying the virus is not dangerous.....BTW.....the US is only in 2nd place in new cases only behind Brazil who has a leader dumber then trump!!!!! USA USA!!!!!

anonymous said...

Another trump voter showing his true indictment to the losers who still think they won the civil war!!!!

Des Bieler
June 22, 2020 at 7:11 a.m. EDT
NASCAR officials vowed to “do everything we can” to investigate an incident in which a noose was found Sunday in the stall of Bubba Wallace’s team at Talladega Superspeedway, overshadowing Monday’s completion of the race.
Wallace, the only full-time African American driver in the stock-car circuit’s elite Cup Series, called it a “despicable act of racism and hatred [that] leaves me incredibly saddened and serves as a painful reminder of how much further we have to go as a society.”
NASCAR said in a statement that the noose was discovered in the late afternoon, on a day when its Cup Series race in Alabama — the first to have any fans in attendance since the organization banned all displays of the Confederate flag after Wallace pushed for such a move — will resume at 3 p.m. Eastern time.
“We are angry and outraged and cannot state strongly enough how seriously we take this heinous act,” NASCAR said. “We have launched an immediate investigation and will do everything we can to identify the person(s) responsible and eliminate them from the sport. As we have stated unequivocally,

I am sure our UGA big mouth supports this!!!!!

anonymous said...

Republican Ron DeSantis now in charge of the epi center of the virus with his lack of leadership bowing to the dumb fuck trumps to hurry and open up....Sure glad I'm up in the mountains with few people around!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Another trump voter showing his true colors....

that's doubtful BWAA.

in fact, the last several dozen of these occurrences have turned out to be hoaxes.

from the noose hanging on a professor's office door, to the 'n' word scrawled on the hood of a car, to whites only signs posted on campus restrooms, to the now infamous "poop swastika" (look it up).

eventually the perpetrator will be found, they will be black, and some weak, whiny-assed apology will be issued telling us it was all a misunderstanding... done to raise awareness, or some such bullshit.

the race baiters really need to start getting creative. how many fake nooses can one over-react to before it all just becomes farcical?

Anonymous said...

Republican Ron DeSantis now in charge of the epi center of the virus with his lack of leadership bowing to the dumb fuck trumps to hurry and open up....Sure glad I'm up in the mountains with few people around!!!!!

get back to us when desantis kills 10,000 nursing home seniors like cuomo did, BWAA.

anonymous said...

that's doubtful BWAA.

Only to dumb fucking losers like you.....In a Nascar event , black driver.....all give a high probability of a mentally deranged R thinking that is a good thing!!!!


Anonymous said...

Chicago shootings: At least 70 shot, 10 fatally,including 4 children, in violence weekend

CHICAGO (WLS) -- Ten people were killed, including four children, and at least 60 others wounded in shootings across Chicago over the weekend, police said.

The youngest of those killed this weekend was 3-year-old Mekhi James. The little boy had just gotten haircut with his stepdad in the 600-block of North Central Avenue at about 6:25 p.m. Saturday when police said a vehicle pulled up next to them in traffic on the West Side and someone started shooting from inside.

James died an hour later. Faith leaders are now offering close to $10,000 to find his killer.

Not far away at 8:30 p.m. Saturday in the 1000-block of North LeClaire Avenue in Austin, 13-year-old Amaria Jones was watching TV when a stray bullet blew inside, hitting her in the neck, proving fatal, police said.

In the South Shore neighborhood, police said two teenage boys, ages 16 and 17, asked their mother for the OK to go down the block and buy candy. They never made it home.

normally i would eagerly await a statement from black lies matter decrying the violence, but i know better.

they just don't give a shit.

anonymous said...

get back to us when desalts kills 10,000 nursing home seniors like cuomo did,

Sure he did....seems his poll numbers are still rising!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

Anonymous said...

all give a high probability of a mentally deranged R thinking that is a good thing!!!!

fans had no access to the area where the "noose" (LOL) was found, BWAA.

if i'm serious about finding the perp i'm starting my investigation with bubba wallace himself.

Myballs said...

Did you see the reports of the absence of rioting, violence, looting and destruction in Tulsa over the weekend? Oh that's right. The news media didn't want to report on that. Never mind.

anonymous said...

The media showed very quiet scenes in Tulsa in spite of arresting a ticket holder for nothin....

anonymous said...

fans had no access to the area where the "noose"

Not true mutton breath....with the proper credentials anyone can get there.....funny you ignore the fact that the good ol southern boys make up the preponderance of NASCAR teams......try again asshole!!!!


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Sort of hard to report on something when there's nothing to report on.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Bolton Confirms Central Charge In Impeachment Case

Former National Security Adviser John Bolton confirmed the central charge of the House impeachment case against President Trump, telling ABC News that Trump “directly linked” security assistance to Ukraine “with the investigation” of Joe Biden and his son Hunter.


anonymous said...

get back to us when desalts kills 10,000 nursing home seniors

While trump is now at 120k with new records miraculously go away!!!!!

Myballs said...

James makes my point. Antifa was not allowed to run wild this time.

Myballs said...

Curious that he refuses to 'confirm' it under oath.

Anonymous said...

" I live in my mommy's basement jerking off and safe from the outside world" Verbatim Qoute by Butterball

anonymous said...

Yeah goat finally admit you hide in your mommy's basement like the dumb fuck you are!!!!!!

anonymous said...

Thanx for playing you dumb fuck!!!!


VIDEO of BLM protestors in Tulsa:

They definitely affected attendance, by blocking access and creating a scene where families and children felt threatened.

NAZI tactics

anonymous said...

They definitely affected attendance

The excuse du jour....just like trump did not want to drip water on his silk tie!!!!!!!! BWWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! And fucking daddy takes the bait like the good little idiot he is!!!!!

Anonymous said...

you're an idiot, BWAA...

The infield area at Talladega was not open to any of the 5,000 fans able to attend the race delayed to 3 p.m. Monday because of rain. Anyone with approved access to the garage would be someone with a NASCAR credential at the race for work-related reasons.

NASCAR restricted fan access for the race to the grandstand area and the camping area outside of the backstretch and garage access for those approved to be in the infield areas has been modified because of the coronavirus pandemic.

Anonymous said...

Former National Security Adviser John Bolton confirmed the central charge of the House impeachment case against President Trump, telling ABC News that Trump “directly linked” security assistance to Ukraine “with the investigation” of Joe Biden and his son Hunter.

yet he was too much of a chicken shit to testify to this "fact" under oath.

the 'stache banked a cool $2 MILLION for his work of fiction and he had no intention of fucking that up.

i suppose i can't blame him.

anonymous said...

Hey get credentials from the racing team....which gives you access to the entire pit area....they can be friends, fans, relatives or sponsors.....try again assholoe you really don't have a clue do you!!!!!!! Keep digging as you again prove YOU DON'T KNOW JACK SHIT!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey get credentials from the racing team....which gives you access to the entire pit area....they can be friends, fans, relatives or sponsors...

i know that BWAA, having had that level of access TWICE in 2010 and 2012 at watkins glen for the nascar events in august.

those credentials were tough to come by then, now they're damn near impossible due to covid.

that's the fucking point.