Saturday, July 4, 2020

A serious question for liberals?

Would you believe anything reported about behind the scenes rumors or inside information regarding Democratic officials or Biden advisors... according to reports by Fox News, Breitbart, or the Washington Examiner?

The answer, of course... is no. Not in a million years would any liberal trust Fox News or any other conservative media outlet to have the inside scoop or report fairly on what is happening behind the scenes in liberal circles. 

So why is it that you expect conservatives to take anything written by Washington Post or the New York Times about Trump, the GOP or any other conservatives who are not never-Trumpers, when nearly every time these outlets allege something it is flat out proven wrong or denied by everyone involved? 

I mean seriously?


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Who in their right mind believe Breitbart News etc.,

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Fox news has not been really friends with the President

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The President has been attacking Fox News and their poll numbers.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Trump wants "loyalty" from Fox, even if it means they must out and out LIE for him.

Commonsense said...

Liberals triggered.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Coronavirus plus July Fourth raises a question:
What would George Washington do?

The founders endowed us with a system to handle COVID-19 responsibly. They also left us a record of how they managed public health crises.

July 4, 2020, 3:30 AM CDT
By Zachary R. Goldsmith

With states such as Texas, Arizona and California closing stores and restaurants to rein in COVID-19 and cities nationwide mulling the requiring of masks in public, angry residents and business owners claim these restrictions violate the American idea of freedom. These measures clearly do involve hardships and exceed the normal restraints citizens expect from their governments in liberal democracies, but are they truly an affront to liberty?

The extensive body of writings, constitutional arguments and lived experience of the American pioneers of freedom and self-government, as well as those who inspired them, make clear that they are not. The founders endowed us with a system to handle the circumstances of an epidemic responsibly; we should be following their lead rather than trampling on their legacy, as well as the health and well-being of our fellow citizens.

In a crisis as profound as COVID-19, our Founders would expect government to take all appropriate action.

Where better to start than with John Locke, the 17th-century thinker who arguably had the greatest effect on the political philosophy of America’s founders and who set the course for contemporary liberalism. Locke’s writings articulate a highly nuanced view of freedom, one far removed from the slogans displayed at protests decrying missed opportunities for a haircut or a meal out.

Locke revolutionized thinking about political power by arguing that the true source of legitimate authority rests with the consent of the people. Freedom means that every person is allowed to follow his or her “own will in all things” rather than be subject to the “arbitrary power” of another person.

However, Locke adds, freedom is not “a liberty for every man to do what he likes,” since “who could be free, when every other man’s humor might domineer over him?” True freedom — the freedom to be partners in our own self-governance — entails not only a freedom from external arbitrary power, but also a freedom from internal prejudices and other impediments to reason.

Looking at scenes of protest around the country, and especially in my home state of Michigan, I am reminded of what Locke observed about a certain “mistaken” idea of liberty: If “true liberty” means to “break loose from the conduct of reason, and to want that restraint of examination and judgment, which keeps us from choosing or doing the worse,” in that case, “madmen and fools are the only free men.”

What Locke sketched out in theory, America’s founders knew in practice as political and military leaders, and enshrined in the laws and the guiding documents of U.S. government. The founders understood that government is necessary to “promote the general welfare” by facilitating collective responses to general problems — it’s even included in the preamble to the U.S. Constitution.

And, as Alexander Hamilton wrote in “Federalist No. 23,” it would be an “absurdity” to entrust to government “the direction of the most essential national concerns,” but then not entrust it with the authority that is “indispensable to their proper and efficient management.” Surely this means that in a crisis as profound as COVID-19, our founders would expect government to take all appropriate action.

And we don’t need to speculate; we know they did from their records as political and military leaders combating diseases from smallpox to yellow fever.


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

As commander of the American forces during the Revolutionary War, for example, Washington “diligently quarantined soldiers who exhibited the first signs” of smallpox, notes historian Ron Chernow. When the threat grew acute near Boston during the winter of 1777, Washington ordered doctors to inoculate every soldier who had not yet been exposed to the disease. Chernow notes, “This enlightened decision was as important as any military measure Washington adopted during the war.”

Later, while president, Washington had to cope when the young nation’s then-capital, Philadelphia, was overtaken with yellow fever in 1793. Believing that the illness was contagious (it is actually spread by mosquitoes), residents of America’s then-largest city adopted many of the measures that have become our own new normal: covering their faces in public, avoiding crowds, closing schools and businesses, and staying home.

During this time, Washington instructed Secretary of War Henry Knox to, essentially, work remotely.“I think it would not be prudent either for you or the clerks in your office, or the office itself, to be too much exposed to the malignant fever,” Washington wrote. The president had decided to work from home himself, at Mount Vernon, telling a friend that he “could not think of hazarding” his wife and children by staying in Philadelphia.

Leaders on the scene, meanwhile, had no qualms about imposing regulations on the public for their own safety. Philadelphia Mayor Matthew Clarkson tasked prominent physician — and a signer of the Declaration of Independence — Benjamin Rush with compiling a list of public safety measures. Many, including the quarantining of all visitors and goods for two to three weeks, were adopted as new ordinances. The mayor also ordered a sanitation campaign throughout the city and requisitioned an abandoned estate for a makeshift hospital.

Today, the course of COVID-19 is far from certain, as is the ultimate number of lives it will claim. Rush wrote of the yellow fever epidemic that he worried about its future course, as well: “It is painful to look back on what we have seen, but more distressing to look forward. I fear we have seen only the beginning of the awful visitation.”

Freedom, our political inheritance, is indeed precious and it must be safeguarded. However, a more nuanced view acknowledges that freedom worthy of the name takes difficult work and entails commensurate duties; it does not merely entitle us to shout with the loudest voice.

As we stand, I fear, at only the beginning of the “awful visitation” of COVID-19, we should attend to the lessons of Locke and our nation’s founders as we gauge the relationship between freedom and public safety in the weeks and months ahead.

Caliphate4vr said...

As commander of the American forces during the Revolutionary War, for example, Washington “diligently quarantined soldiers who exhibited the first signs” of smallpox, notes historian Ron Chernow. When the threat grew acute near Boston during the winter of 1777, Washington ordered doctors to inoculate every soldier who had not yet been exposed to the disease. Chernow notes, “This enlightened decision was as important as any military measure Washington adopted during the war.

What else could he do, you stupid fucking old man?

What a stupid analogy

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

You have been saying that the flu and the measles is a reason to open up the country despite 56,000 people tested positive per day.

Hypocrisy squared

Caliphate4vr said...

There was no medicine in 1776 you geriatric moron.

Ether was 70 years away dumbass

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

"Cases, Cases, Cases! If we didn’t test so much and so successfully, we would have very few cases," President Trump tweeted on July Fourth. "In a certain way, our tremendous Testing success gives the Fake News Media all they want, CASES."


WHO lied again ? Hint it wasn't the lying POS "pastor" james this time.

China Never Reported Existence of Coronavirus to World Health Organization

WHO backtracks on original claim that China self-reported, admits this never happened

Contrary to claims from both Chinese officials and the World Health Organization, China did not report the existence of the coronavirus in late 2019, according to a WHO timeline tracking the spread of the virus. Rather, international health officials discovered the virus through information posted to a U.S. website.

The quiet admission from the international health organization, which posted an "updated" timeline to its website this week, flies in the face of claims from some of its top officials, including WHO director general Tedros Adhanom, who maintained for months that China had informed his organization about the emerging sickness.

China and its allies at the WHO insisted in multiple interviews and press conferences that China came to the health organization with information about the virus. This is now known to be false. The WHO’s backtracking lends credibility to a recent congressional investigation that determined China concealed information about the virus and did not initially inform the WHO, as it was required to do.

The WHO’s updated timeline, posted online this week, now states that officials first learned about the virus on Dec. 31, 2019, through information posted on a U.S. website by doctors working in Wuhan, where the virus first emerged. This contradicts the agency’s initial timeline, which said that China first presented this information at that date.

That initial timeline stated that the "Wuhan Municipal Health Commission, China, reported a cluster of cases of pneumonia in Wuhan, Hubei Province" on Dec. 31.

These claims were carried in numerous American media outlets that relied on the WHO’s inaccurate timeline, including CNN and Axios.

Chinese officials and state-controlled media also claimed for months that the communist regime informed the WHO on or around Dec. 31. In recent days, however, Chinese officials have dropped that talking point.

Rep. Michael McCaul (Texas), lead Republican on the House Foreign Affairs Committee and a member of Congress’s China Task Force, was one of the first lawmakers to expose China’s lies about reporting the virus. An interim congressional report on the virus’s origins published last month first disclosed the fact that the WHO found out about the virus from online postings, not China.

Anonymous said...

Roger, I did enjoy so much your public begging on your Facebook page. your epic plead for help, your suicidal meltdown.

Thank you.
No cash reserves, how did that happen?

Anonymous said...

False Witness James.
You called RRB a "rapist".
And you have attempted to claw those words back, why?.


Emerald Robinson Latin cross

This is CNN:

Mt. Rushmore when Obama visits: "Majestic!"

Mt. Rushmore when Hillary visits: "Quite a sight!"

Mt. Rushmore when Trump visits: "Just a hill with two slave owners on it built on stolen Indian land!"

And actually Fox has gone straight downhill after they fired Trish Raegan and Bill O'Reilly; hired Paul Ryan, Donna Brazile, and are now using Obama bunky Valerie Jarrett. Other than prime time they suck.

Anonymous said...

So Horseface Chelseee Clinton warns we have only 2 years to save the planet from Humans.

Darn, AOC gave use 10.
Algore prediction has been proven wrong and has expired.


And speaking of prime time, Tucker, who is demolishing the competition unlike any other time in history, did a great segment on the false narrative about Fox and it's viewers being behind the Covid-19 curve, when in fact it led:


Whatever libs are accusing you of they actually did/are doing themselves. (see the lying plagiarizing POS "pastor" james in the previous thread)

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

3:07 YOU are the one who comes across as IMMENSELY stupid. It's a perfect analogy for today's situation as well.

The entire article is.

Thanks for yet another laugh.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Caliphate4vr said...

Explain how the analogy works dumbass?

If you currently serve you get every fucking vaccine known to man at the Induction office. Mine was Ft Jackson, in July, in Columbia SC

And after receiving every shot, I’d had as a kid,we were went out to do push-ups on the asphalt

No nothing pederast

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Florida's new coronavirus cases break record, nearly tying New York's peak

Florida reported 11,458 new coronavirus cases Saturday, it highest daily tally yet, nearly tying New York's high of 11,571 in April.

Anonymous said...

Great news Alky.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

"...during the winter of 1777, Washington ordered doctors to inoculate every soldier who had not yet been exposed to the disease. Chernow notes, “This enlightened decision was as important as any military measure Washington adopted during the war."

Caliphate4vr said...
There was no medicine in 1776 you geriatric moron.

Ether was 70 years away dumbass. The practice of inoculation slowly spread amongst the royal families of Europe, usually followed by more general adoption amongst the people.



The practice is documented in America as early as 1721, when Zabdiel Boylston, at the urging of Cotton Mather, successfully inoculated two slaves and his own son. Mather, a prominent Boston minister, had heard a description of the African practice of inoculation from Onesimus, an enslaved man in his household, in 1706 and later from Timoni's report to the Royal Society. However, Mather had been previously unable to convince local physicians to attempt the procedure. Following this initial success, Boylston began performing inoculations throughout Boston, despite much controversy and at least one attempt upon his life. The effectiveness of the procedure was proven when, of the nearly three hundred people Boylston inoculated during the outbreak, only six died, whereas the mortality rate among those who contracted the disease naturally was one in six. Boylston traveled to London in 1724. There he published his results and was elected to the Royal Society in 1726.

Natural experiment in inoculation
around Boston, 1721
Total Died % Mortality
Variolated* c. 300 6 c. 2%
Unvariolated c. 6000 c. 1000 "about 14%"
*another word for innoculated

In France, considerable opposition arose to the introduction of inoculation, and it was banned by the Parlement. Voltaire, in his Lettres Philosophiques, wrote a criticism of his countrymen for being opposed to inoculation and having so little regard for the welfare of their children, concluding that "had inoculation been practised in France it would have saved the lives of thousands."

Inoculation grew in popularity in Europe through the 18th century. Given the high prevalence and often severe consequences of smallpox in Europe in the 18th century (according to Voltaire, there was a 60% incidence of first infection, a 20% mortality rate, and a 20% incidence of severe scarring), many parents felt that the benefits of inoculation outweighed the risks and so inoculated their children.


Caliphate4vr said...

Hey dumbass if a disease had fatality rate of .04% I can gurangoddamntee you Washington would have pushed them on

Maybe we should go back to dentists using leeches and bleeding people

Stupid fucking old pederast

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


...lesser known is George Washington's bold decision to vaccinate the entire Continental Army against smallpox. It was the first mass inoculation in military history, and was vital to ensuring an American victory in the War of Independence. Washingon's first brush with smallpox came long before he was a military commander. At the age of nineteen, he was infected with the disease while traveling in Barbados with his brother.

You're very welcome!

Anonymous said...

■ "We" Roiters , Murderer, Rapist .

Colin Kaepernick


Black ppl have been dehumanized, brutalized, criminalized + terrorized by America for centuries, & are expected to join your commemoration of “independence”, while you enslaved our ancestors. We reject your celebration of white supremacy & look forward to liberation for all."😂

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Ah, but it is a simple historical fact that George DID inoculate/vaccinate them.

Knee slapping HIGHlarious!!!


Caliphate4vr said...

And all soldiers today are VACCINATED at induction

Are truly this fucking dumb

Anonymous said...

Too far above James's head.

"Caliphate4vrJuly 4, 2020 at 4:18 PM

Explain how the analogy works dumbass?"

Anonymous said...

James, Alky and Dopie don't know.

They would never serve or physically could not serve.

anonymous said...


And also a big mouthed southern asshole to boot!!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Voltaire, in his Lettres Philosophiques, wrote a criticism of his countrymen for being opposed to inoculation and having so little regard for the welfare of their children, concluding that "had inoculation been practised in France it would have saved the lives of thousands."

Cali would have found vaccinating those children f'n dumb, I guess.


No wonder he doesn't listen to the scientists.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Neanderthal Cali.

Caliphate4vr said...

Smallpox was highly lethal (killing one-seventh to one-quarter of its victims),6 and conferred lifelong immunity on survivors. As such it was subject to the process of endemicization, appearing initially as an infrequent epidemic disease affecting all ages, but returning more frequently as population densities and interactions increased.

As opposed to .04 stupid fucking analogy

Caliphate4vr said...

Pederast James

anonymous said...

Why is the goat fucker is the dumbest poster in Kansas!!!!! Because he lives in mommy's basement, is unemployed and hills tomatoes to survive!!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! As to servicing....spent 35 years building and supporting military equipment and aircraft.....something you never did!!!!!!!

Caliphate4vr said...

We get it pederast, you, fatty and liver are really old and in declining health.

You guys should quiver in place

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

At least we're not Neanderthals.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

I guess Neanderthal Cali thinks Fluoride is a Communist plot. Yuk, yuk.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Caliphate4vr said...

I guess you’re too stupid to understand math 14-25 v .04 fatality rate you dumb old man

Caliphate4vr said...

And General Ripper is fantastic

Iympurifying our precious bodily fluids

Anonymous said...

None of the Slow Socialist can do math.
They do emotion.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Trump said aggressive swipes at the "radical left" and news media while defending his administration’s response to the coronavirus pandemic during a wide-ranging Independence Day address on Saturday.

"American heroes defeated the Nazis, dethroned the fascists, toppled the communists, saved American values, upheld American principles, and chased down the terrorists to the very ends of the Earth," Trump said at the White House.

"We are now in the process of defeating the radical left, the Marxists, the anarchists, the agitators, the looters, and people who in many instances have absolutely no clue what they are doing," he added, alluding to the nationwide protests against police brutality and racial inequality that have been ongoing since the May 25 death of George Floyd, an unarmed Black man who died in Minneapolis police custody.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Trump’s Big Threat Is NOW Other Americans

“In his inaugural address, President Trump sketched the picture of ‘American carnage’
— a nation ransacked by marauders from abroad
who breached U.S. borders in pursuit of jobs and crime,
lured its companies offshore
and bogged down its military in faraway conflicts.

“Nearly 3½ years later, in the president’s telling, the carnage is still underway
but THIS TIME the enemy is CLOSER TO HOME
— OTHER AMERICANS whose racial identity and cultural beliefs are toppling the nation’s heritage and founding ideals.”


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

New York Times:
“TRUMP signaled even more clearly that he would
exploit race and cultural flash points
to stoke fear among his base of white supporters
in an effort to win re-election.

As he has done in the past,
he resorted to exaggerated, apocalyptic language
in broadly tarring the nationwide protests against
entrenched racism and police brutality.”

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

The Coronavirus Slams Houston Hospitals
July 4, 2020 at 8:41 pm EDT

New York Times:
“Like New York City in March,
the Houston hospitals are experiencing a steep rise in caseloads
that is filling their beds,
stretching their staffing,
creating a backlog in testing
and limiting the availability of other medical services.

Attempts to buy more supplies —
including certain protective gear, vital-sign monitors
and testing components —
are frustrated by weeks of delays, according to hospital leaders.”



COVID-19 is close to losing its epidemic status in the U.S., according to the CDC

The percentage of coronavirus deaths in the country has been declining for ten straight weeks.

Coronavirus deaths in the country have nearly reached a level where the virus will cease to qualify as an epidemic under Centers for Disease Control and Prevention rules, the federal agency reported on Friday.

The CDC qualifies a disease outbreak as an "epidemic" if the number of deaths attributable to the disease exceeds a certain percentage of total deaths per week. That threshold for pneumonia, influenza and COVID-19 fluctuates slightly depending on the time of year, ranging from around 7% at the height of flu season to around 5% during less virulent months.

CDC data indicate that deaths from those ailments began skyrocketing in the country around the second week of March, hitting a peak around early May and then plummeting quickly after that.

The latest data show that the percentage of deaths in the country attributable to those factors had as of the last week in June reached its lowest point since the end of last year, becoming "equal to the [current] epidemic threshold of 5.9%," the CDC said.

The agency notes that the official tally of deaths "will likely change as more death certificates are processed, particularly for recent weeks." Yet the number of deaths attributable to COVID-19, pneumonia and influenza have been declining for 10 straight weeks, the agency said on its website, suggesting COVID-19 may cease to qualify as an epidemic in the next few weeks.

The welcome news comes as fear over a "second wave" of the virus has gripped the U.S., with some states experiencing fresh surges of COVID-19 along with increased hospitalizations.

Though infections are significantly up in some places, deaths throughout the country have remained flat, due likely to several factors including a younger cohort of infections as well as improved treatment methods.

I see todays once again caught lying and plagiarizing POS "pastor" hasn't missed a beat.

That's all he knows how to do.

ROFLMFAO at the pissant !!!


Susan St. James

Dr Fauci should be under criminal investigation for lying about HCQ.

and Cuomo for his nursing homes.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Trump’s approval declines to 39%. Currently, 39% of Americans approve of how Trump is handling his job as president, while 59% disapprove. Trump’s job rating has fallen from 44% in April; it stood at 45% in March. Since April, Trump’s job approval has declined among most partisan and demographic groups. Trump’s approval rating is now more negative than positive across all age groups, except adults 65 and older (48% approve, 48% disapprove). Large majorities of Black (86%) and Hispanic adults (69%) disapprove of Trump’s job performance; white adults are divided (50% disapprove, 48% approve).


Alex Jungle

Daaaaamnnnn!! 2 Seattle protesters were run over just now.

People have gone insane, influenced by Wifi radiation as well.

Read our banned twitter article on how to protect yourself:

Follow us for updates


Looks to me the driver was trying to avoid the protestors and was just trying to get around the cars blocking freeway and limiting the visibility. May have been quite scared. Who knows.

But what is obvious is the protestors shouldn't be blocking freeways and should be arrested. It's for their own safety at the least.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...


Why don't you pull up so old Hillary poll numbers to gloat on ???

Too soon ?





Jordan Schachtel

COVID-19 update, USA:

Lowest Sat on record since decent testing capacity reached. Same applies to Mon, Tues, Weds, & Fri of this week. A big time drop in deaths this wk, even as media fills headlines w "spike" in gen population.

Open up the states. Ditch the mask madness


Alex Berenson

Remember: in April, the question was mass graves in Central Park. Now it’s if ICUs will reach 100% of normal non-surge capacity (Houston is back under again today). And #covid deaths in Houston are about 2% (yes, 2%) of what they were in NYC at peak, with no obvious trend higher.

looks like some here will think of this as bad news.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...





Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

During his Fourth of July Speech, Trump claimed that Operation Desert Storm happened in the jungles of Vietnam.

Trump said, “In the fields and jungles of Vietnam, they delivered a swift and swiffian, It was swift and it was sweeping like nobody’s ever seen happen. A victory in Operation Desert Storm, a lot of you were involved in that. A lot of you were involved. That was a quick one.”

For the record Operation Desert Storm was part of the first Gulf War. It had nothing to do with Vietnam. The Trump campaign wants to pretend like Joe Biden is in cognitive decline, but Trump can’t make it through a single public appearance without butchering words or getting history totally wrong.

Trump is losing it. He seems to think that it is 1968, and he’s Richard Nixon, but the reality is that Donald Trump is in clear cognitive decline. The President Of The United States doesn’t know the difference between the Gulf War and the Vietnam War.

Anonymous said...

It was edited.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Quote of the Day

“Trump needs — or thinks he needs — fear of ‘the other’ to motivate his base and create enthusiasm. Right now, people are fearful of Covid-19, but that is inconvenient for Trump, so he is trying to kick up fear about something he thinks will benefit his re-election: angry mobs of leftists tearing down American history.”
— GOP pollster Christine Matthews, quoted by the New York Times.