Tuesday, July 14, 2020

At the end of the day Antifa are a bunch of pussies trying to pose as bullies....

Better get a "bunch of people over here" because the dozen or so at the scene was not enough to take on one person with a little bit of training.


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

I commend that man for responding as he did. Well done!

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


Trump Sidesteps Responsibility for Pandemic Again

Carol Leonnig:
“From Thursday to today, Trump apparently preferred to spend his time on other things.

“He wiped away the prison sentence of his convicted political adviser Roger Stone
and golfed two days in a row at his Trump National Golf Club on the banks of the Potomac River.
The president sent out dozens of tweets,
including some that threatened 10-year prison sentences for protesters who defile federal monuments and statues,
defended his border wall,
and congratulated his Fox News booster Sean Hannity for a ‘big night’ of viewer ratings on Thursday night, when Trump was his guest.

“That behavior fits a pattern in Trump’s presidency in which the president seemingly has no interest in or patience for what he considers the boring work of governing, several of his former senior advisers say, speaking on the condition of anonymity.
He was not fully engaged for the hard work of
defusing the pandemic,
including listening to panels of experts,
sifting through scientific models
and making hard choices to craft a whole-of-government response,
an option not seriously considered.”

Was there ever anyone worse at being President than Trump?

Perhaps, but they were few and far between.


Trump Sidesteps Responsibility for Pandemic Again
July 14, 2020 at 10:00 am EDT By Taegan Goddard

By Taegan Goddard

By Taegan Goddard

By Taegan Goddard

By Taegan Goddard

By Taegan Goddard

By Taegan Goddard

James said...

any thread, any topic the waterboy continues mindlessly on...

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Regarding the video, he's a somewhat small man, but he sure handled the larger guy that opened his car door well.

If I had been there videoing, I would have asked the driver if it was his phone on the pavement.

And somebody trying to make a big deal about the man having a bow and arrows in his car is laughable.


and without attribution to his real source


lying. plagiarizing POS "pastor"

Anonymous said...

Where did James claim that Carol Leonnig's words were his own?

Anonymous said...

Oh never mind, I see plagiarism is "copying words or ideas from someone else without giving credit"

Definitely fits that definition.

Anonymous said...

Oh wait. I see that James did give credit to Ms. Leonnig and never claimed to be saying what she was saying.

Apologies, James.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

So I neither plagiarized nor forged. Thanks, Anonymous.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Right wing nutjobs sometimes pose as ANTIFA.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Trump also said that Obama and Biden stopped testing for the COVID-19 infection. It didn't appear until 3 years after the election

For some reason Scott A**hole never posts the dementia behavior of the President

Caliphate4vr said...

And for some reason you post the same stupid shit on multiple threads

Talk about dementia


I see the board false prophet is lying again.

"pastor" james has a habit of that.

You see Goddard makes up HIW OWN HEADLINES.

Goddard selects WHAT he will include and what he will leave off. That often includes parts of sentences, words, paragraphs etc.

Goddard decides if he will add anything himself.

He even credits himself, "by Taegan Goddard"

When someone copies his entries on his blog directly here without attributing the work Goddard clearly did himself that is plagiarism.

No matter how much the "pastor" wants to lie about it or claim he didn't know.

He is an ignorant and dishonest POS.




Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

F'n must be really sick in the head.

Taegan Goddard is nothing more or less than a pretty good place to go for articles that definitely tend to lean left, but not always. Goddard regards himself as something of an an independent, but more important, he tries to be objective in his citations and in his comments, those few times when he himself does comment. For the most part, he cites sources-- again, mostly from the left-- and lets them speak for themselves.

On the other hand, the stuff that F'n cites, often tweets, tends to be from the right with little if any intention of being objective. Still, though I disagree with what I consider to be a lot of rot and prejudice and white supremacy in much of what F'n cites, I do not feel compelled to bore everyone here with constantly saying that.

But F'n apparently is so insecure that he feels he must continue to insist that something is plagiarized when it simply is not. But that's okay. I will continue to cite material that Goddard cites, giving it the same attributions that Goddard himself gives it, and F'n can continue to bore us by calling it plagiarizing or whatever else he wants to call it, as if by saying that he makes what is cited not worth considering, although anyone with a modicum of brain power knows that simply does not hold true.

But that does not matter. As with all free speech, the citations themselves speak for or against themselves, no matter how or in what directions F'n tries to mis-characterize them.
See the high praises given politicalwire.com by all kinds of commentators at the bottom of the site's page and see also the wiki article on it.


The lying POS "pastor" james can continue to plagiarize but I will make sure everyone knows it, including the dimwit himself.

What is Plagiarism?

1. to steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one's own 2. to use (another's production) without crediting the source 3. to commit literary theft 4. to present as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing source In other words, plagiarism is an act of fraud.

Everyone here except apparently the lying POS "pastor" realizes that Goddard is the source of the "pastor's" postings. And the pastor does not credit him. Exactly what the second definition of plagiarism is. Black and white

Then again he lies about everything else so he probably is lying about not realizing Goddard is the source of his post (and Goddard even copyrights his blog and credit every posting to himself or a "guest").

Or else he must be really sick in the head.

Like in rapidly decaying brain matter...

Like Biden.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

LOL F'n hates the fact that Goddard uses NUMEROUS sources and I pass them on. Most of them are too effective for F'n to be able effectively to answer them, so he doesn't even try; he just complains about them.

F'n uses numerous tweets and passes them on. Most of them are too stupid for me to even bother answering them.


James said...
LOL F'n hates the fact that Goddard uses NUMEROUS sources and I pass them on.

ANOTHER LIE BY the plagiarizing "pastor"

I just point out that you are continuously posting whatever Goddard posts and don't credit him.

That is plagiarism.


what a piece of shit the "pastor" is.

And he hates that I point that out