Saturday, July 11, 2020

But it only seems to happen in cities completely run by liberals?

The reality is that gun violence in places like Chicago, Baltimore, New York, etc... continue to go up no matter which Party is in the White House, or which Party controls Congress. The only time crime went down is when there were local polices (like Giuliani's broken window strategy) that were successful.

But to be clear, there has never been and will never be a successful strategy that involves allowing all criminals out without bail, releasing criminals without charging them, or relaxing sentencing so that criminals do not do any real time.

Yet this is exactly the strategy that people like Mayor Lightfoot demand, while blaming other people when those strategies don't work. The saddest thing about all of this is that liberals will continue to vote for failure.

Take New York and their Covid response as an example. 426K cases, over 32K dead, 1664 deaths per million, and New York liberals all believe their Governor did a great job! Apparently demanding 40,000 ventilators (when he needed less than 10% of that), demanding Federal Hospital assistance that he received and never used, all while pointing fingers at others is the benchmark for any good liberal politician.

After all, these sort of liberal politicians are voted in by millions of Americans who never hold themselves accountable for their own lives, why wouldn't these types of finger pointing Americans not vote for finger pointing politicians who are equally able to shift responsibility and blame others for their own failure.


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Your ignoring the President is spouting racist rhetoric and you don't care

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Sean Hannity is a fucking idiot

anonymous said...

Sean Hannity is a fucking idiot

So is Lil Schitty for promoting another pile of trump fat assed bullshit to change the subject of trumps failure at all levels of leadership !!!!!

Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...

Your ignoring the President is spouting racist rhetoric and you don't care

give us an example of the racist rhetoric alky.

just one would be nice.

oh, and it's "you're."

shit, you can't even manage to get THAT right.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Florida has suffered over 11,000 new cases of infections since the governor has been following the President's efforts to open up the economy, despite the fact that Florida has reached the highest levels of infections since March.

It is not because of protesters.

He said that since you can go to Walmart you can send your children to school.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Trump emerged as a political force owing to his full-throated embrace of “birtherism,” the false charge that the nation’s first black president, Barack Obama, was not born in the United States. His presidential campaign was fueled by nativist sentiment directed at nonwhite immigrants, and he proposed barring Muslims from entering the country.

And saying that the Mexicans are rapists and terrorists .

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Trump emerged as a political force owing to his full-throated embrace of “birtherism,” the false charge that the nation’s first black president, Barack Obama, was not born in the United States. His presidential campaign was fueled by nativist sentiment directed at nonwhite immigrants, and he proposed barring Muslims from entering the country.

And saying that the Mexicans are rapists and terrorists .

Anonymous said...

The CHAZ saga began on June 8, under the premise that capitalism, police brutality, and the “fascist regime” of Seattle mayor Jenny Durkan were upholding a social order that systemically oppressed African-Americans. Black Lives Matter and Antifa-affiliated activists hoped to create a new regime based on familiar social-justice principles of recent years: they established a social order based on a “reverse hierarchy of oppression,” implemented race-based segregation in public spaces, and maintained a “police-free zone” that they believed would protect “people of color” from the depredations of the state.

As it turns out, however, maintaining public order is a complex undertaking and can’t be replaced by academic symbolism. BLM activists might despise George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and James Madison, but a regime based on the principles of Nikole Hannah-Jones, Ibram X. Kendi, and Robin DiAngelo doesn’t work too well.

As CHAZ’s experience demonstrates, when left-wing radicals shift from protest to governance, things fall apart.

from rufo's twitter feed:

I've been fascinated by the level of atrocities of North Korea against its own people and found it very instructive to learn how human dignity can be decimated through brainwashing.

It's amazing that Americans are doing this to themselves.

Historians will be perplexed.

elect joe biden.

then we get left-wing radical governance on a NATIONAL scale.

should end well.

see mayor lightweight in chicago.

Anonymous said...

And saying that the Mexicans are rapists and terrorists .

except that's not what he said, alky.

that's a LIE.

see, as always, you scumbags on the left have to LIE to make your point.

shit, i'm surprised you didn't trot out your infamous "very fine people on both sides" LIE. that's become an instant classic around here.

alky, i would ask you to try again and offer up another example, but all i would get would be another LIE.

Anonymous said...

oh, and alky?

credit the source of your theft:

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Republicans who voted for Donald Trump in 2016 explain why they are turning their backs on the president this November in a critical new ad.

In the spot that Republican Voters Against Trump released Friday, 15 former supporters of the president cite his lies, vitriolic rhetoric and mishandling of the coronavirus crisis as just some of the reasons for ditching him in the 2020 election.

Trump has “broken my faith in the Republican Party,” says one. Others claim to be “ashamed,” “embarrassed” and “riddled with guilt” to have backed Trump in the first place.

Tsunami warning

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Washington(CNN)Presidential candidate Donald Trump doubled-down on the idea that Mexican "rapists" are crossing the United States' southern border -- and that "terrorists" could soon follow.

In an interview with CNN's Erin Burnett, Trump -- suddenly surging in the Republican race in New Hampshire -- said that Mexicans were sending its worst citizens over the border and that the U.S. was becoming a "dumping ground" for these discards.

"Some are good and some are rapists and some are killers.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

what kind of shithole president pardons his criminal friends?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I provided my point

Commonsense said...

Florida has suffered over 11,000 new cases of infections

Funny, I don't feel like I'm suffering that much. I'm actually suffering more from the inability to go out and due regular commerce and of course people are suffering because a. They wonder how to make their next payroll or b. Wonder how to make their next mortgage or rent payment.

Here's the deal with COVID-19: The virus is in the same genus as the common cold and flu viruses. In addition, new studies indicate the immune response is not permanent and is as best may last 5 months. This means a permanent vaccine is very unlike and even a seasonal vaccine is of very limited value. Since the virus is not seasonal, the best you can hope for is a booster shot every six months.

It is simply impossible to keep humans from engaging in normal commerce and social activities. Humans are social beings, no amount of mandates or dictates will prevent them for social interaction.

Bottom line: We need a new strategy.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

NEW: Vice President Pence said the decision to remove Confederate statues should be made at the local level, and panned protesters who have dismantled the monuments themselves. Pence's remarks come as President Trump continues to stake out a firm stance that removing Confederate statues so would be an attempt to reverse the country’s “heritage,” using language often associated with far-right activists.

“Engaging in public debate in your community about what appropriate displays are is the American way," Pence said.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

But the President is against any rational action

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The United States is supposed to be a place in which laws apply equally to all. And while it never has — and never will — live up to that ideal in full, no modern president before Mr. Trump has so clearly renounced it. The president seems to be doing his best, within the confines of the U.S. constitutional system, to emulate the gangster leadership of Russian President Vladimir Putin, a man whose ruinous reign Mr. Trump has always admired. If the country needed any more evidence, Friday confirmed that the greatest threat to the Republic is the president himself.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

He said that he is the law and order President who has released a convicted felon

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

It's not just the flu

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Florida and South Carolina were among the first to open up and are now among the states leading the current surge in coronavirus cases. In contrast, the states that bore the brunt of cases in March and April but were slower to reopen have seen significant decreases in reported cases since. Average daily cases in New York are down 52% since the state reopened in late May and down 83% in Massachusetts.

South Carolina — the first state to reopen retail stores — continues to set records for reported cases. On Wednesday, the average daily case count was 1,570, up from 143 from when the state reopened. State health officials estimate that they have identified just 14% of cases because most go undiagnosed.

Georgia: Cases in Georgia are up 245% since late April, prompting some cities to require the use of face masks. These local mandates go further than a statewide order signed by Gov. Brian Kemp that encourages, but doesn’t require, masks.

Florida has seen a more than tenfold increase in average daily cases since it began reopening in early May. Public health officials said the return to bars, restaurants and house parties was the cause for the spike. The state has since shut down on-site drinking at bars. Florida is not alone — more than a third of states are pausing or reversing plans to reopen.

Arizona — on top of seeing a spike in cases — has the highest rate of positive tests in the country, with nearly 1 in 4 coming back positive. The nationwide rate is roughly 9%.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

California: Among the first states to be affected by the coronavirus, California is now seeing a spike in cases. The state was once seen as a model for how to contain the virus, but experts blame the current surge on an inconsistent adoption of prevention strategies and a haphazard reopening process that gave people a false sense that they were in the clear.

New York, once the epicenter of the virus, has seen average daily case numbers plummet along with the rate of positive test results, which sits at 1%. The state is still reopening, but a full return to normal is a ways off, especially as hot spots emerge across the country. In an effort to prevent a resurgence of the virus in the region, New York, New Jersey and Connecticut issued a joint travel advisory requiring travelers from hot spots to quarantine for two weeks. Violators would be fined, but an enforcement mechanism isn’t currently in place.

President Donald Trump has blamed the rapid growth in cases on an increase in tests, but testing alone does not explain the surge. The United States is conducting nearly three times as many tests as earlier in the outbreak, but the growth in cases is outpacing the growth in testing in at least half of states. Shortages of test kits remain a widespread problem, with reports of some testing sites running out of supplies just minutes after opening.

Additionally, this wave of cases across the country differs from the early outbreak — while older people were primarily affected before, younger people are now making up a much greater share of new cases.

Because younger people are driving the spike in new cases, death tallies are not rising as sharply. But experts warn that the United States may be on the verge of a wave of deaths. Earlier in the pandemic, when testing was more limited, deaths lagged cases by a week or two. With the more widespread testing being done now, that interval is now more like two to four weeks.

This article originally appeared in The New York Times.

© 2020 The New York Times Company

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Without going into the rest of CH's misleading thread article, I lift out the following:

"The saddest thing about all of this is that liberals will continue to vote for failure.

"Take New York and their Covid response as an example. 426K cases, over 32K dead, 1664 deaths per million, and New York liberals all believe their Governor did a great job! Apparently demanding 40,000 ventilators (when he needed less than 10% of that), demanding Federal Hospital assistance that he received and never used, all while pointing fingers at others is the benchmark for any good liberal politician."

CH is leaving out the fact that the governor and others took actions which kept from continuing to happen in New York and surrounding areas what is now happening EVEN WORSE in states of the south and southwest.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The experts say that we could reach an infectant rate of 50% of the population.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Scott A**hole believes Sean Hannity and said that the Democrats have caused the problem.

Thecoldheartedtruth is not competent anymore.

New York, once the epicenter of the virus, has seen average daily case numbers plummet along with the rate of positive test results, which sits at 1%. The state is still reopening, but a full return to normal is a ways off, especially as hot spots emerge across the country. In an effort to prevent a resurgence of the virus in the region, New York, New Jersey and Connecticut issued a joint travel advisory requiring travelers from hot spots to quarantine for two weeks. Violators would be fined, but an enforcement mechanism isn’t currently in place.

Governor Cuomo has been successful

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The campaign of former Vice President Joe Biden said in a statement that Trump "has once again abused his power, releasing this commutation on a Friday night, hoping to yet again avoid scrutiny as he lays waste to the norms and values that make our country a shining beacon to the rest of the world."
Mitt Romney Tweeted
"An American president commutes the sentence of a person convicted by a jury of lying to shield that very president,"

I didn't vote for him but I believe that he is a good man

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Commonsense said:
Bottom line: We need a new strategy.

Mandated mask wearing for everyone may be the only thing that can help us at this point.

Will Trump's resistance to that policy eventually be seen as his contribution to mass murder?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Mitt Romney
· 3h
Unprecedented, historic corruption: an American president commutes the sentence of a person convicted by a jury of lying to shield that very president.

The party of Lincoln has become the party of Trump and his racist followers who believe that anyone who dares to differ with him is a traitor or a Communist .

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

"How the virus proceeds, and what the incidence is, is going to be directly related to how fast we grow. But we'll grow, it's only a question of, with this resurgence, is that going to slow down the rate of growth from here?"

"Yeah, and this is what Goldman Sachs is talking about this morning. The analysts there say that a national mask mandate could prevent a 5% GDP loss or a trillion dollars. The rule could act as a substitute for a strict lockdown measure. Your...your take on that?"

"Yes, so I ... I've talked widely with epidemiologists all through the United States, and the one consistent message I've been getting for months now, and I've been talking about this, is if we all wore a mask, it would substantially mute the transmission of this disease, and we would grow faster. We would have a lower underemployment rate, we'd grow faster, and would be far less likely to slow some of our reopenings. Uh, but we've been uneven so far on mask wearing, and so -- yeah, if there was one recommendation you would probably hear from me, while monitoring fiscal policy have a key role to play, the primary economic policy from here, is broad mask wearing and good execution of these health care protocols. If we do that well, we'll grow faster."



Trump War Room - Text TRUMP to 88022

From the very beginning, the FBI and James Comey and Robert Mueller KNEW there was NO collusion with Russia.

They kept their sham investigation going anyway, just to hurt the Trump Administration.

It is one of the greatest instances of political corruption in American history.

The OBAMA CRIME CARTEL and it's enablers


Anonymous said...

Roger, where is your states "Kansas state"

Roger and Denise know nothing about me and it kills them. Denise has attempted to gain info about me.

Roger, You need to examine your continued life failures.

"guaranteed 6 figure income" to "home" in a old folks lockdown home.


Donald Trump Jr.

Joe Biden’s record of plagiarism goes back decades.

Today, he’s the same dishonest, plagiarist he was 33 years ago -

another plagiarist

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Commensa and F'n,
what do you think of the possibility that the mandated wearing of face masks may perhaps be our only effective "new strategy" in what we are now facing?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

No forgery, please.

Anonymous said...

Roger went on a nonsense rant of 17 posts.

None of which where or are worth reading.

Anonymous said...

I looked up Roger's "home" a palace.
"750 sq feet" , but as Roger posted he has a Chef that cooks his meals.

As long as the daily posted menu has something worth eat in.

One would think that a🤣guaranteed 6 figure income" would buy more even in California.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


Anonymous said...

"what do you think of the possibility that the mandated wearing of face masks may perhaps be our only effective "new strategy" in what we are now facing?"

I think you believe it.

But , you are winning, right?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Naked Corruption
“President Trump’s commutation of the prison sentence of his long-time confidante Roger Stone is wholly unsurprising. Indeed, given Trump’s repeated teasing of the matter over the life of the case against Stone, it would have been something of surprise had he not intervened so that his felonious friend was spared time behind bars.

“But the predictable nature of Trump’s action should not obscure its rank corruption. In fact, the predictability makes the commutation all the more corrupt, the capstone of an all-but-open attempt on the president’s part to obstruct justice in a self-protective fashion over a protracted period of time. That may sound like hyperbole, but it’s actually not. Trump publicly encouraged Stone not to cooperate with Robert Mueller’s investigation; he publicly dangled clemency as a reward for silence; and he has now delivered. The act is predictable precisely because the corrupt action is so naked.”


Jordan Schachtel

You don't have to support Roger Stone to acknowledge how deeply corrupt the prosecution was. The fix was in from the start. From the 5AM raid live on CNN, to the corrupt judge & jury, the system was stacked against him. Tragic but necessary that POTUS had to use clemency powers.

don't forget the gag order so he couldn't even defend himself in public.

The dems OWN corruption


Steve Cortes

Regarding #RogerStone, consider that the entire predicate for which he was investigated - cooperation with Russia - was utterly false.

The Mueller report stated that no one in the Trump orbit conspired. In fact Mueller said NO AMERICAN at all cooperated with Russia. 1/2...

Given this totally false predicate, it’s proper for the president to use his Constitutional and legal powers to extend compassion to someone only found guilty of a minor process infraction, someone caught up in a much larger, corrupt effort to ensnare the president himself. 2/2

The Mueller probe itself was started with a lie, was scoped on a lie and was run by a group of partisan liars.

May they rot in hell.

Anonymous said...

James, so you re not actually asking?
Just ranting.

Anonymous said...

"The U.S. Army has begun deploying Abrams main battle tanks and Bradley fighting vehicles to Poland as part of the final phase of training linked to DEFENDER-Europe 20, July 14 – Aug. 22.

The Baltic Security has reported that the equipment, to include approximately 55 Abrams main battle tanks and Bradley fighting vehicles"

Putin Protesting.

Commonsense said...

CH is leaving out the fact that the governor and others took actions which kept from continuing to happen in New York and surrounding areas what is now happening EVEN WORSE in states of the south and southwest.

Like an order to return COVID-19 patients back into nursing homes?

Nothing is worse than what happened in New York and New Jersey. They account for over half of the infections, hospitalizations, and deaths (especially deaths) from COVID-19 in the entire country.

Not only that, most of the spread in the other states can be directly traced back to New York and New Jersey.

Meanwhile the south and southwest have more population than New York and about a 10th of the cases and deaths.

James either you are lying or just plain ignorant or both.


Joel B. Pollak

In lieu of a new trial, this is the most just outcome. Take off the partisan blinders and consider the ridiculousness of having a man judged not by his peers, but his enemies.

Washington DC needs to be broken up. 96 % voted democrat in last presidential election ??? How can a Republican ever get a fair trial ???

Defund Washington DC

Drain the swamp.


James either you are lying or just plain ignorant or both.

definitely both

Commonsense said...

Naked Corruption

Hackfare more like it. They have been wrong so much, (especially about the Russian hoax) that they are no longer credible.

I'm actually surprise Goddard still used them.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

U.S. Sets Daily Record
for New Coronavirus Cases

“NEW CASES OF COVID-19 ROSE BY OVER 69,000 across the United States on Friday, according to a Reuters tally, setting a record for the third consecutive day as Walt Disney stuck to its plans to reopen its flagship theme park in hard-hit Florida.

“A total of nine U.S. states –
Utah and
Wisconsin – also reached records for single-day infections.”


Anonymous said...

With James it is "both".

Anonymous said...

Who or what is a "Fauci".

Anonymous said...

🤣 Dr. Anthony Fauci "There’s no reason to be walking around with a mask."

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

"...the one consistent message I've been getting for months if we all wore a mask, it would substantially mute the transmission of this disease, and we would grow faster. We'd have a lower underemployment rate, we'd grow faster, and would be far less likely to slow some of our reopenings. Uh, but we've been uneven so far on mask wearing, and so -- yeah, if there was one recommendation you would probably hear from me, while monitoring fiscal policy has a key role to play, the primary economic policy from here, is broad mask wearing and good execution of these health care protocols."

Anonymous said...

James is deffinently "both".

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Dr. Anthony Fauci: "There’s no reason to be walking around with a mask."

IN CONTEXT he was only saying that when you go out walking in the neighborhood or in nature, you don't need to be walking around with a mask on then.🤣

Anonymous said...

In March Linwood Kaine, youngest son of Democratic vice presidential candidate Tim Kaine, was arrested at the Minnesota State Capitol in March after disrupting a pro-Trump rally.

Kaine was part of the Antifa mob that was hurling punches and spraying Trump supporters with pepper spray."

Good to see the little Marxist didn't fall far from his Marxist Ass 🤡 daddy.

Anonymous said...

In Context ,,, he has been dead wrong a lot.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Even Bill Barr disagreed with Trump commuting Roger Stone's sentence. What is Trump hiding?

It's been reported that Barr disagreed with the President.

Anonymous said...

In Context.

"Q. “Bottom line, we don’t have to worry about this one, right?”

Fauci: “Well, you know, obviously, you need to take it seriously and do the kinds of things that the CDC and the Department of Homeland Security are doing. But this is not a major threat (emphasis added) for the people of the United States, and this is not something that the citizens of the United States right now should be worried about.”

Anonymous said...

Yes boy and go-for coffee 🤡 Roger never had the stones to disagree with his boss .

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

According to Manafort, Trump personally told the chairman that he should keep in touch with Stone about Wikileaks. Another campaign official, Rick Gates, recalled an incident during the campaign in which Trump spoke by phone with Stone and then told Gates that, as Mueller paraphrases, “more releases of damaging information would be coming.” Trump’s former lawyer Michael Cohen told Mueller about overhearing a phone call in which Stone told Trump that “he had just gotten off the phone with Julian Assange and in a couple of days WikiLeaks would release information.” Then, Mueller writes, once Wikileaks began dumping material damaging to Clinton in July 2016, Trump “said to Cohen something to the effect of, ‘I guess Roger was right.’”

So Trump clearly knew about and encouraged Stone’s outreach to Wikileaks, the unredacted report shows. Yet in written answers the president provided to Mueller’s office in the course of the special counsel’s investigation, Trump insisted that he did not recall “the specifics of any call [he] had” with Stone during the campaign or any discussions with Stone of Wikileaks. And shortly after he submitted those answers, the unredacted report states, Trump began tweeting publicly in support of Stone—calling him “brave” and congratulating his “guts” for refusing to testify.

The written response may have been a crime because he lied to the Muller investigation team.

Will he pardon himself on January 19th the day before Biden is sworn in as President?

Anonymous said...

Yawn@Broke&Broken effeminate Akly.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Not my info. Shamelessly stolen. See that you do as well.

The Tsunami of bankruptcies begins...*

See the US economy landscape :

Nissan Motor Co. may close down in USA

1. Biggest Car Rental company (Hertz) filed for bankruptcy - they also own Thrifty and Dollar

2. Biggest Trucking company (Comcar) filed for bankruptcy - they have 4000 trucks

3. Oldest retail company (JC Penny) filed for bankruptcy - to be acquired by Amazon for pennies

4. Biggest investor in the world (Warren Buffet) lost $50B in the last 2 months

5. Biggest investment company in the world (BlackRock) is signalling disaster in the world economy - they manage over $7 Trillion

6. Biggest mall in America (Mall of America) stopped paying mortgage payments

7. Most reputable airline in the world (Emirates) laying off 30% of its employees

8. US Treasury printing trillions to try to keep the economy on life support - their balance sheet will become $7 T+

9. Estimated no. of retail stores closing in 2020 - 12,000 to 15,000. The following are big retailers that have announced closing:

-- J. Crew
-- Gap
-- Victoria's Secret
-- Bath & Body Works
-- Forever 21
-- Sears
-- Walgreens
-- GameStop
-- Pier 1 Imports
-- Nordstrom
-- Papyrus
-- Chico's
-- Destination Maternity
-- Modell's
-- A.C. Moore
-- Macy's
-- Bose
-- Art Van Furniture
-- Olympia Sports
-- K Mart
-- Specialty Cafe & Bakery
and many many more...

World-renowned brands from January to May because of the impact of the epidemic:

Victoria’s Secret declared bankruptcy,
ZARA closed 1,200 stores,
La Chapelle withdraws 4391 stores,
Chanel was discontinued,
Hermes is discontinued,
Patek Philippe discontinued production,
Rolex discontinued production,

The world’s luxury industry has ceased production,

Nike has a total of 23 billion US dollars, preparing for the second stage of layoffs,
Needless to say about travel,

The founder of Airbnb said that because of the epidemic, 12 years of efforts were destroyed in 6 weeks,

Even Starbucks also announced "to permanently close 400 stores"

Under the weight of the new crown epidemic, many giants are facing the crisis of failure!

Five months of the epidemic, 780 million people were in debt, and tens of thousands of companies went bankrupt, so the company was seriously replaced.

Massive mortgage loan defaults, credit card defaults and auto loan defaults are expected

The real impact of Covid -19 will be known in the third quarter of 2020.

Unemployment claims reached an all-time high of 38+ million - unemployment is over 25% (out of 160 million of work force, close to 40 million are jobless). With no income, consumer demand is falling drastically and the economy will go into a free fall.

This is just USA...

Commonsense said...

what do you think of the possibility that the mandated wearing of face masks may perhaps be our only effective "new strategy"

No mandate is going to force people to wear a mask. Americans are naturally suspicious of authority and the pandemic has proven their suspicions are well founded.

After the so-called "public health experts" made an exception for BLM protests and only BLM protests their credibility with the public is shot.

The most social thing humans do is to dine and drink together. That's pretty hard to do with a mask on. Also the most common form of non-verbal communications is reading faces. That is also hard to do with a mask on.

And finally mask mandates are not scientifically based (there is still some debate over risk verses benefits) but rather capricious of political.

For example mandating wearing a mask outdoor when the science tell us there is no significant benefit. They may have a benefit in closed air condition spaces where air is recirculated but again it's up for debate.

However, there are real risks, especially to people with COPD and other chronic respiratory diseases. You can get hypoxia due to CO2 build up and insufficient O2 from passing through the mask. You also dramatically increase the risk of pneumonia and other respiratory infection as your bacteria and virus laden breath is trapped behind the mask. In short, you do not get enough fresh air and to much of you own exhaled breath for wearing a mask and the longer you wear a mask the more likely you have these problems.

So no. Mandating wearing a mask would not be part of a new strategy. It is not working now.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

The New York Times:
Internal Documents Warned About Reopening Schools
2:29 pm

“Federal materials for reopening schools, shared the week President Trump demanded weaker guidelines to do so, said fully reopening schools and universities remained the ‘highest risk’ for the spread of the coronavirus.



Cuomo Warns Virus Will Surge Again In New York
2:26 pm EDT

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) told WAMC that the resurgence of the coronavirus pandemic in the South and on the West Coast could lead to the virus once again finding a foothold in the Northeast.

Said Cuomo:
“You’re going to see our numbers and the Northeast numbers probably start to increase because the virus that you see now in the South and the West — California has real trouble — it’s going to come back here.”

He added:
“It is going to come back here. It’s like being on a merry-go-round. It’s totally predictable. And we’re going to go through an increase. I can feel it coming. And it is so unnecessary and so cruel.”


Anonymous said...

"Horace Lorenzo Anderson Sr., whose son was fatally shot inside the Capitol Hill Organized Protest occupation zone, said the only public figure who’s reached out to him since his son’s death is President Donald Trump."
Mr. Anderson, Sr. is a black man.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

"Yeah, and this is what Goldman Sachs is talking about this morning. The analysts there say that a national mask mandate could prevent a 5% GDP loss or a trillion dollars. The rule could act as a substitute for a strict lockdown measure. Your...your take on that?

"Yes, so I ... I've talked widely with epidemiologists all through the United States, and the one consistent message I've been getting for months now, and I've been talking about this, is if we all wore a mask, it would substantially mute the transmission of this disease, and we would grow faster. We would have a lower underemployment rate, we'd grow faster, and would be far less likely to slow some of our reopenings. Uh, but we've been uneven so far on mask wearing, and so -- yeah, if there was one recommendation you would probably hear from me, while monitoring fiscal policy have a key role to play, the primary economic policy from here, is broad mask wearing and good execution of these health care protocols. If we do that well, we'll grow faster."


Anonymous said...

Keep it all shutdown.

Then what "both" James?

Commonsense said...

The New York Times:
Internal Documents [The New York Times newly fabricated] Warned About Reopening Schools

After they out and out lied about Trump's July 3 speech they no longer have any credibility.

Anonymous said...


Commonsense said...

The analysts there say that a national mask mandate

I suppose they didn't question the constitutionality of forcing people to wear a mask?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

The analysts there say that a national mask mandate [could prevent a 5% GDP loss or a trillion dollars.]
Why did you leave off the part in brackets?

The analysts there say that a national mask mandate

COMMENSA: I suppose they didn't question the constitutionality of forcing people to wear a mask?

I suppose they figure if states can constitutionally require seat belts, states could constitutionally require masks.

Why doesn't Trump encourage that?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

"Horace Lorenzo Anderson Sr., whose son was fatally shot inside the Capitol Hill Organized Protest occupation zone, said the only public figure who’s reached out to him since his son’s death is President Donald Trump."
Mr. Anderson, Sr. is a black man.

According to the Hannity video interview on this, TEN DAYS AFTER his son was killed, Mr. Anderson HAD STILL NOT HEARD FROM ANYONE, INCLUDING TRUMP.

I suppose after Trump saw Hannity's 30 minute Fox interview, he gave the father a call.

Commonsense said...

I suppose they figure if states can constitutionally require seat belts, states could constitutionally require masks.

Seat belts are not apparel and thus does not fall under the free speech clause of the 1st amendment. Mask on the other hand, do.

And there's quite a lot of case law on whether governments can force people to wear specific pieces of clothing.

Caliphate4vr said...

I suppose they figure if states can constitutionally require seat belts, states could constitutionally require masks.

Stupid the federal gubment threatened to hold highway funds if the states didn’t comply

anonymous said...

Blogger KansasDemocrat said...
Roger went on a nonsense rant of 17 posts.

While the goat fucking basement living asshole is up to 19 spams and counting!!! bWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

Anonymous said...

IF Masks work why are Muslims getting the China Virus?

Anonymous said...

Denise a very low iq boi, just stated Alky spams.

Anonymous said...

"Horace Lorenzo Anderson Sr., whose son was fatally shot inside the Capitol Hill Organized Protest occupation zone, said the only public figure who’s reached out to him since his son’s death is President Donald Trump."
Mr. Anderson, Sr. is a black man."


Anonymous said...

Yet, no Marxist Called him.

No Lives Matter Marxism.

anonymous said...

IF Masks work why are Muslims getting the China Virus?

If there wasn't a hole in your fathers rubber.....why do you exist???? BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! Nothing matters to either you or trump except self gratification!!!!!!

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


"I think I made a mistake. I thought this was a hoax, but it’s not.”
— A 30-year-old patient who died in a San Antonio hospital this week after attending a so-called “COVID party,” quoted by Fox Arizona.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Sessions Hits Back at Trump

Former Attorney General Jeff Sessions hit back at President Trump after the president endorsed his rival in the Alabama Senate runoff just days before the contest.

Said Sessions:
“I’ve taken the road less travelled. Not sought fame or fortune. My honor and integrity are far more important than these juvenile insults. Your scandal ridden candidate is too cowardly to debate. As you know, Alabama does not take orders from Washington.”

anonymous said...

i, just stated Alky spams.


anonymous said...

"I think I made a mistake. I thought this was a hoax, but it’s not.

Thanx to the leadership of Donald the douche Trump.....killing people is what he does best!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Governor Cuomo has been successful

yeah, if you own a fucking funeral home.

no single individual has been directly responsible for more covid deaths than cuomo.

no one.

how does cuomo's ass taste, alky?

and does 0linsky know you've been cheating on him with NY's angel of death?


Emerald Robinson Latin cross

Was it an accident that Cuomo put sick patients into nursing homes?

Was it an accident that budgets for police departments were slashed in Democrat-run cities?

Was it an accident that rioters were bailed out of jail immediately?

These are not accidents.

This is a war against America

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

I suppose they figure if states can constitutionally require seat belts, states could constitutionally require masks.

Stupid the federal gubment threatened to hold highway funds if the states didn’t comply

Well now, genius, thanks!


In spite of what Commensa wants to say, if the federal government can constitutionally require compliance with wearing seat belts THAT strongly, the federal government can surely require compliance with wearing face masks every bit AS strongly.

The longer Trump delays in advocating for face masks, the more of the increasing sicknesses and deaths he will bear on his own hands.

Commonsense said...

In spite of what Commensa wants to say, if the federal government can constitutionally require compliance with wearing seat belts THAT strongly, the federal government can surely require compliance with wearing face masks every bit AS strongly.

Uh No. First off the federal government doesn't compel anybody to wear seat belts. It encourages states to pass mandatory seat belt laws by giving or withholding funds for roads.

In other words, you are not breaking federal law if you don't wear your seatbelt.

In the second case you don't "wear" seat belts the way you wear clothes. The seat belts are attached to the car and you only "wear" them for the duration you are in the car. As such it doesn't raise any first amendment considerations.

When you wear a mask it is definitely part of the apparel you wear. And given the current climate to wear or not wear a mask is definitely making a political statement. As such, it drops smack into the middle of 1st amendment case law. And the overwhelming case law says the government cannot compel speech or expression by dictating what you can wear.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

If wearing a seat belt or wearing a mask violates free speech, why does the federal government give that discretion to the states?

You are despicable in your Trump toadyism.