Sunday, July 5, 2020

Hot Spot updates (drilling down)

So here is what the last week brought:

- Deaths 410 (+6)

- Hospitalizations: 1608 (+400)
- Deaths: 314 (+60)

- Hospitalizations: 473 (+20)
- Deaths: 226 (-15)

- Deaths: 220 (+14)

Total weekly deaths in four states: 1170 (+65)
Total one day death rate New York (04/17): 1025  

So the dreaded hot spot states had a up and down week. Both the amount of hospitalizations and deaths grew in Florida, while Arizona had a small increase in hospitalizations and a small decrease in deaths. Both Texas and California had a small increase in deaths (and neither tracks new hospitalizations).

What remains clear is that we are measuring the many thousands of new cases with a much smaller number of new hospitalizations and deaths than most of the experts (and naysayers) suggested. When you compare these numbers to the early days of this epidemic, when places like New York saw deaths exceed 1000 in on day, the idea that an net increased of 65 deaths in a week across the four hottest states seems like two different worlds.

So let's be real. The country is not falling apart because four states saw 1170 deaths combined over an entire week, when we once had one state manage to come close to that number (1025 peak)  in one single day. Even if these numbers doubled over the next week, we still wouldn't be any where's near where we were once at in those New England states that so many appear so quick to defend.

This was never a race to see who could kill the most people early on so that they could claim they got it under control a few weeks quicker than others. This is an accumulated situation where the final numbers over the entire course of the epidemic will need to be considered and judged in terms of success or failure of response.

Nobody in their right mind would have said six months ago that they would rather live in a state where over 30,000 people died than one of many other states where they saw approximately 10% of that death rate. The argument that the state that lost 30,000 might see a few less "cases" a few month later, would still not have convinced anyone to take what was behind door number one.


Anonymous said...

This was never a race to see who could kill the most people early on so that they could claim they got it under control a few weeks quicker than others.


but when you listen to cuomo's rhetoric, that's really how he's been positioning the virus and his response to it.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Hospitals in Austin, Texas, could be “overrun” within two weeks if current trends hold, Mayor Steve Adler warned on Sunday.

“If we don’t change the trajectory, we are within two weeks of having our hospitals overrun,” the mayor said on the CNN program “State of the Union.” He said intensive care units could fill up even sooner, perhaps within 10 days.

Houston’s mayor, Sylvester Turner, issued the two-week same warning in an appearance on the CBS program “Face the Nation,” noting that roughly one in four coronavirus tests in the city was now positive and the demand for testing was exceeding capacity.

The coronavirus is spreading rapidly in Texas, which has broken daily records for new cases several times in the past week after being one of the first states to lift stay-at-home orders and reopen businesses. More than 195,000 cases have been identified over the course of the pandemic in the state, hitting a single-day high on Wednesday with more than 8,100 new cases

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

his Saturday speech, Trump also made a claim that Raddatz labeled “stunning”: that 99 percent of coronavirus cases “are totally harmless.”

There is widespread disagreement, even among health experts, on the “case fatality rate” of COVID-19: the percentage of infections that lead to death. It is calculated at around 4.6 percent in the U.S., but varies widely around the world, from less than 1 percent in Iceland to 14 percent in Italy and in Britain. The cumulative numbers may reflect, in part, the fact that the first wave of infections spread widely among the elderly, who are at greater risk of dying from coronavirus disease. New cases are now rising among younger adults, who are more likely to survive.

But there is growing evidence that even when it isn’t fatal, COVID-19 isn’t “totally harmless” to many patients, and can cause debilitating symptoms of uncertain duration, including fatigue, shortness of breath and organ damage.

Many people carrying and spreading the virus may be asymptomatic and never be tested, impeding efforts to determine how many people are infected. According to tracking data from Johns Hopkins University, the U.S. has had more than 2.8 million confirmed cases and over 129,000 deaths.

Trump has repeatedly made false statements about the coronavirus while downplaying its effects ahead of the November election — sometimes at events that health experts fear would only infect more people.


roger said:
There is widespread disagreement, even among health experts, on the “case fatality rate” of COVID-19: the percentage of infections that lead to death. It is calculated at around 4.6 percent in the U.S

What the fuck are you even talking about anymore?

This is worse than the initial modelling and that was atrocious.

Panic porn on steroids.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

COVID-19 will have a negative impact upon the young people. They will also endanger their families.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Look Scott, In the past century, when we faced a crisis,our Presidents have actually taken steps to unite the country. In the last two days, he has been attempting to divide the country in order to win again. From FDR to George W Bush they first acted to unite the country.

Not this time.


World Health Organization (WHO)

Q: How can I grocery shop safely in the time of #COVID19?



WHO uses 1 meter for "social distancing" about 3 feet.

US is using 6 ft.

Where is the "science" on either ?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

We started to talk with each other in the soars page on Yahoo. Bush soared in the polls.

Bush tried to unite the country.

Unfortunately he believed that the Iraqi had WMD.

He has since said that he regretted his decision on the Iraq war.

This President is trying hard use the same tactics to get reelected.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Instead of uniting the country and handling the the worst medical crisis in 100 years


It's foolish to try and "unite" when the other side is rioters, Marxists, looters, and the antifa resistors.

It's time to stand up for America and most Americans will.

And that scares the shit out of democrats.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Uniting the country is not the plan Putin has for him. He want the 70% that dont support him to fall in line with the 30% that drink his kool aide and love,honor and obey him.

You drink the Koolaid and suck his dick


Real hard to "unite" when this was going on

Weapons of Mass Collusion

For two years, as Robert Mueller tried and failed to find evidence of a criminal conspiracy, NeverTrump Republicans tended to the right flank of the Trump-Russia collusion front. But their role in pushing the hoax went much deeper.

he biggest scandal in American political history started with NeverTrump conservatives. Desperate to tarnish Trump’s viability as a candidate, anti-Trump Republicans and Democrats joined together to convince the public that Donald Trump was working with Russia to influence the outcome of the 2016 presidential election. Articles connecting Donald Trump’s campaign to Russian interests started appearing on conservative websites as early as March 2016.

Just two days after then-candidate Trump announced his foreign policy team in the spring of 2016, the Washington Free Beacon posted a 1,100-word hit piece on Dr. Carter Page: “Energy investor Carter Page, one of Donald Trump’s handpicked foreign policy advisers, has heavily criticized what he considers American aggression toward Russia, even comparing U.S. policy to American slavery and high-profile police shootings,” Lachlan Markay wrote on March 23, 2016. “Trump’s selection of Page may indicate the reality-star-cum-politician’s opposition to U.S. policies that counter Russian interests in key global theaters.”

Markay’s piece contained arcane details about Page’s views on Russia, including columns Page had written for obscure energy publications. (Page is a global energy consultant.) Even the most dogged reporter would have been hard-pressed to find so many specifics on an unknown campaign advisor, draft the article, and post it in less than 48 hours. How did Markay produce a lengthy article in such a short time—and why?

According to Fusion GPS, the opposition research firm that helped concoct the Russian collusion hoax, a Republican Party elder connected Fusion with the Free Beacon in the summer of 2015. Fusion chief Glenn Simpson sent an email to a “longtime Republican politico” in August 2015 to pitch their expanding file of dirt on Donald Trump.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The vast majority support the Black Lives Matter movement.

Calling them Marxists is reminiscent of the 68 election when Nixon beat Humphrey.

The country is now much more racially diverse.


You drink the Koolaid and suck his dick

Get help, you have the same TDS infection lo iq has.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The Deep state conspiracy theory bullshit again is bullshit


People believe the saying, Black Lives Matter, not the organization.

Most people don't realize there is a difference,

They will by election time.


No spying, right roger?

ROFLMFAO at anybody who still believes that didn't occur !!!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Benedict Arnold Trump blamed China and its “secrecy, deceptions and cover-up” for the global spread of COVID-19.

China must be held “fully accountable,” he said, adding without evidence that the U.S. would have a treatment or a vaccine for the virus “long before the end of the year.”

The traitor added that the U.S. has tested nearly 40 million people for COVID-19. This effort shows that “99% ... are totally harmless,” he claimed without evidence.

The U.S. reported more than 2.8 million coronavirus cases and almost 130,000 deaths to date. That’s a fatality rate of about 4%.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Dementia squared

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Bonus Quote of the Day

“We opened way too early in Arizona. We were one of the last states to go to stay-at-home and one of the first to reemerge.”
— Phoenix Mayor Kate Gallego, on ABC News.

No, no, mayor Gallego. Get in touch with Ch Truth and the other Trumpists on this blog and they will assure you that is not true.

Commonsense said...

Tammy Duckworth is open to pulling down statues of George Washington.

When the Democrats are trying to tell you who they really are listen.

C.H. Truth said...

Hospitals in Austin, Texas, could be “overrun” within two weeks if current trends hold, Mayor Steve Adler warned on Sunday.

More proof that liberals continue to discuss what they believe "will" happen rather than what "is" actually happening. Over and over and over and over again... like a broken record.

Remember South Dakota being the hot spot of the world?
How about Mike Bloomberg as a shoo-in for President?

Commonsense said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...
The vast majority support the Black Lives Matter movement.
Calling them Marxists is reminiscent of the 68 election when Nixon beat Humphrey.

Memo to Roger:

We didn't call them Marxists.

They called themselves Marxists.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Why Biden could go big

"Biden finds himself in landslide territory. ... Trump’s flailing has made a Democratic Senate majority possible," The Economist writes:

"That opens up the chances of a highly productive presidency which once seemed inconceivable. Before COVID-19 and widespread social unrest, Mr Biden’s candidacy was about restoration — the idea that he could return America and the world to the prelapsarian days of 2016. It transpires that he could have the opportunity to do something big instead."
"[T]o make lasting change through the federal government you need to win the Senate. And that cannot be done with a candidate at the top of the ticket who frightens the voters. ... [B]ecause he comes across as the grandfather he is, he is viewed with suspicion on the left."
"Yet that is precisely what makes him reassuring ... to voters in states like Montana and Georgia where Democrats must win to gain a majority in the Senate. It is Mr Biden’s caution that opens up the possibility of more change than a real radical would."

C.H. Truth said...

Look Scott, In the past century, when we faced a crisis,our Presidents have actually taken steps to unite the country.

Actually quite the opposite. In the past century when we faced a crisis, the country came together behind our leadership. We didn't have a "liberal" press and "conservative" press that plays everything by politics.

No time in history (except 2020) would a Governor responsible for over 31,000 deaths (nearly 1/4 of all American deaths) be reveled as some sort of hero, while the media criticizes and vilifies Governors where the rate of death is 10% of that.

This isn't about the President, Rog!

You wouldn't support him if he personally sent you an Audi A8, a check for $100,000 and his wife to give you a blow job. You'd still hate everything he did without question...

and without a single tiny bit of effort to stand behind our President.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Because a couple of them doesn't mean that they are traitors or Marxists.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...


C.H. Truth said...

Rog! You should really keep up!

On Thursday, after the World Health Organization held a two-day online meeting of 1,300 scientists from around the world, the agency’s chief scientist, Dr. Soumya Swaminathan, said the consensus for now was that the IFR is about 0.6% — which means that the risk of death is less than 1%.

Keep in mind that our own CDC has estimated it as low as 0.26% and with people under the age of 45, the death rate is at worst 0.02% - that is 1 death in every 5000 cases for that age group.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

What you didn't include is this.

The WHO has found itself at odds with groups of scientists more than once during this pandemic.

The agency lagged behind most of its member nations in endorsing face coverings for the public. While other organizations, including the CDC, have long since acknowledged the importance of transmission by people without symptoms, the WHO still maintains that asymptomatic transmission is rare.

“At the country level, a lot of WHO technical staff are scratching their heads,” said a consultant at a regional office in Southeast Asia, who did not wish to be identified because he was worried about losing his contract. “This is not giving us credibility.”

There is no consensus among the people who are trying to figure out how to save our country from the Infections

Caliphate4vr said...

Amazon soldiers

Now I’m upset


C.H. Truth said...

No, no, mayor Gallego. Get in touch with Ch Truth and the other Trumpists on this blog and they will assure you that is not true.

I look at the numbers, Reverend.

Not opinions. Especially not from Democrats regarding Covid.

The numbers are never wrong. Opinions seem to be proven wrong every day on this, huh.

So is it your assertion that the numbers (that show Arizona with a decrease in deaths) are wrong?

Because a Democratic Mayor says so?

Is that really your argument Reverend?

Explain it, Reverend?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Commonsense said...

Amazon soldiers?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

You stand behind the President, despite he has done nothing in regards to the Russians bounties on American soldiers.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I fixed it

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

You stand behind the President, despite he has done nothing in regards to the Russians bounties on American soldiers.

The same thing applies to you

Caliphate4vr said...

Talk about dementia

That’d be you, liver

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I saw the interview with Susan Rice.

“The message to Vladimir Putin is you can kill American servicemen and women with absolute impunity,” former National Security Advisor Susan Rice said while addressing reports that Trump was briefed on intelligence that Russia was offering bounties to kill U.S. and coalition service members in Afghanistan. “This is an extraordinary revelation. The president of the United States has demonstrated absolutely callous disregard for the safety and security of American forces in a war zone and there's no explanation for this.”

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I'm completely recovered from the surgery.

I take Prograf 1MG 3 times a day and that's it

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

If it's harmless like the President said! Why are there over 129.000 people dead ⁉️🙏🏾🙏😂😂😂😂😂

Commonsense said...

Interesting tidbit that goes against the conventional (Leftest Media) wisdom:

Professor Who accurately predicted Trump’s 2016 win ups the ante ‘bigly’ for 2020

The professor who predicted President Donald Trump had an 87% chance of winning the 2016 election isn’t being persuaded by the liberal media naysayers reporting that the president’s reelection chances are in trouble.

In fact, Professor Helmut Norpoth is upping the ante in the 2020 election, saying Trump has a 91% chance of winning in November.

I am as skeptical as the next guy about models but does have a pretty good track record. He has correctly predicted 5 of 6 presidential elections. That's a better record than Larry Sabato of the University of Virginia. The media go to guy for predictions.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

This is why we’re protesting right now. Black Lives Matter!

“400 years ago white people brought black people over here and enslaved them. And sold them. And treated them as less than human. For 250 years. While white men built the country and created its laws and its systems of government. While 10-15 generations of white families got to grow and flourish and make choices that could make their lives better.

And then 150 years ago white people "freed" black people from slavery. But then angry white people created laws that made it impossible for them to vote. Or to own land. Or to have the same rights as white people. And even erected monuments glorifying people who actively had fought to keep them enslaved. All while another 5-10 generations of white families got to grow and accumulate wealth and gain land and get an education.

And then 60 years ago we made it "legal" for black people to vote, and to be "free" from discrimination. But angry white people still fought to keep schools segregated. And closed off neighborhoods to white people only. And made it harder for black people to get bank loans, or get quality education or health care, or to (gasp) marry a white person. All while another 2-3 generations of white families got to grow and pass their wealth down to their children and their children's children.

And then we entered an age where we had the technology to make PUBLIC the things that were already happening in private-- the beatings, the stop and frisk laws, the unequal distribution of justice, the police brutality (police began in America as slave patrols designed to catch runaway slaves). And only now, after 400+ years and 20+ generations of a white head start, are we STARTING to truly have a dialog about what it means to be black.

White privilege doesn't mean you haven't suffered or fought or worked hard. It doesn't mean white people are responsible for the sins of our ancestors. It doesn’t mean you can’t be proud of who you are. But it DOES mean that we need to acknowledge that the system our ancestors created is built FOR white people. It DOES mean that we aren't disadvantaged because of the color of our skin and it DOES mean that we owe it to our neighbors-- of all colors-- to acknowledge that and work to make our world more equitable.”


It is not a Marxists Fascist like the President said in his incoherent speech yesterday afternoon. Where thousands of people who didn't wear the mask or practice social distancing.

Myballs said...

Polls had Hillary up 9 to 10 pts too. It's bogus polling. They keep using proportionality method. This greatly ever represents CA and NY and under states red Midwest states.

Caliphate4vr said...

Why are there over 129.000 people dead

The old and sickly always die

Commonsense said...

Because a couple of them doesn't mean that they are traitors or Marxists.

They are the leaders of the BLM organization so they speak for them all.

Anonymous said...

The old and sickly always die

over 20 million Americans died under Obama

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

If you dig into the results of the polls?

He's losing the suburban women and the oldest white men who voted for Trump in the last election

Anonymous said...

Alky stands United.
With the murders, drug users, Alcoholic, Antifa, BlackliesMatter,Marxist,Socialist , rioters, COP haters and pedophiles.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

From Robert Reich

Donald Trump said Thursday’s jobs report, which showed an uptick in June, proves the US economy is “roaring back.”

Rubbish. The labor department gathered the data during the week of June 12th, when America was reporting 25,000 new cases of Covid-19 a day. By the time the report was issued, that figure was 55,000.

The US economy isn’t roaring back. Just over half of Americans have jobs now, the lowest figure in more than 70 years. What’s roaring back is Covid-19.

Until it’s tamed, the American economy doesn’t stand a chance.

The surge in cases isn’t because America is doing more tests for the virus, as Trump contends. Cases are rising even where testing is declining. In Wisconsin, cases soared 28% over the past two weeks, as the number of tests decreased by 14%. Hospitals in Texas, Florida and Arizona are filling up with Covid-19 patients. Deaths are expected to resume their gruesome ascent.

The surge is occurring because America reopened before Covid-19 was contained.

Trump was so intent on having a good economy by election day that he resisted doing what was necessary to contain the virus. He left everything to governors and local officials, then warned that the “cure” of closing the economy was “worse than the disease.” Trump even called on citizens to “liberate” their states from public health restrictions.

Yet he still has no national plan for testing, contact tracing and isolating people with infections. Trump won’t even ask Americans to wear masks. Last week, Democrats accused him of sitting on nearly $14 billion in funds for testing and contact tracing that Congress appropriated in April.

It would be one thing if every other rich nation in the world botched it as badly as has America. But even Italy – not always known for the effectiveness of its leaders or the pliability of its citizens – has contained the virus and is reopening without a resurgence.

There was never a conflict between containing Covid-19 and getting the US economy back on track. The first was always a prerequisite to the second.

By doing nothing to contain the virus, Trump has not only caused tens of thousands of unnecessary deaths but put the US economy into a stall. The uptick in jobs in June was due almost entirely to the hasty reopening, which is now being reversed.

Arizona’s Republican governor, Doug Ducey, initially refused to order masks and even barred local officials from doing so. This week he closed all gyms, bars and movie theaters in the state. The governors of Florida, Texas and California have also reimposed restrictions.

And so on across America. A vast re-closing is under way, as haphazard as was the reopening. In the biggest public health emergency in US history, in which nearly 130,000 have already lost their lives, still no one is in charge.


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Brace yourself. Not only will the virus take many more lives in the months ahead, but millions of Americans are in danger of becoming destitute. Extra unemployment benefits enacted by Congress in March are set to end on July 31st. About one in five people in renter households are at risk of eviction by September 30th. Delinquency rates on mortgages have more than doubled since March.

An estimated 25 million Americans have lost or will lose employer-provided health insurance. America’s fragile childcare system is in danger of collapse, with the result that hundreds of thousands of working parents will not be able to return to work even if jobs are available.

What is Trump and the GOP’s response to this looming catastrophe? Nothing. Senate Republicans are trying to ram through a $740 billion defense bill while ignoring legislation to provide housing and food relief.

They are refusing to extend extra unemployment benefits beyond July, saying the benefits are keeping Americans from returning to work. In reality, it’s the lack of jobs.

Trump has done one thing. He’s asked the Supreme Court to strike down the Affordable Care Act. If the court agrees, it will end health insurance for 23 million more Americans and give the richest 0.1% a tax cut of about $198,000 a year.

This is sheer lunacy. The priority must be to get control over this pandemic and help Americans survive it, physically and financially. Anything less is morally indefensible.

Thanks for reading,

Robert Reich

Commonsense said...

Peaceful protesters blocking a parking lot shot and killed an eight-year old girl last night in Atlanta.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I agree 1000000%

Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan denounced protestors who toppled a statue of Christopher Columbus in Baltimore, saying that "lawlessness, vandalism and destruction of public property are completely unacceptable" and that city leaders "need to regain control of their own streets and immediately start making them safer."

But we should remove all the statues of Confederate traitors.

Commonsense said...

He does know Maryland was nominally a union state and Lincoln only kept it in Union control by declaring martial law.

So he going call the majority of his voters decedents of traitors.

That's divisive as well as stupid.

Caliphate4vr said...

Remember the Emancipation Proclamation didn’t apply to MD

Anonymous said...

CommonsenseJuly 5, 2020 at 2:09 PM

Peaceful protesters blocking a parking lot shot and killed an eight-year old girl last night in Atlanta."

The Left is cheering.
As they do here.

Commonsense said...

Once more ironic tidbit.

Nancy Pelosi own father dedicated the statues of Stonewall Jackson and Nathen Bedford Forrest (founder of the KKK). The speaker's office refuse to comment on the matter/

My Comment:

Not surprising for the party of slavery.

Anonymous said...

Biden stated America is A Systematicly Racist Country.

No walking that one back.

Anonymous said...

Mommie Jones crying.

"In his remarks at the foot of Mount Rushmore, Trump bashed a so-called “left-wing cultural revolution” and “new far-left fascism” while delivering lines that would have been virtually indistinguishable from a script for Tucker Carlson’s Fox News show."

Commonsense said...

Biden stated America is A Systematicly Racist Country.

Well he might be systematically racist but country is not. A systematically racist country would have never made the progress from slavery to full civil rights for every American in less than 200 years and not even in a thousand years.

As Fredrick Douglas said: The Declaration of Independence was a promise to everybody. MLK called it (a promissory note we intend to cash).

anonymous said...

And the worthless goat fucking asshole living in his mommy's basement is a bigoted racist trump slurper who keeps stepping on his own dick.....BWAAAAAAAAA!!!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

A protester died on Saturday and another was critically injured after a car drove onto a closed highway in Seattle where a group was holding a demonstration against police brutality.

A spokesperson at Harborview Medical Center told The Associated Press that Summer Taylor, 24, died in the evening. The hospital added that Diaz Love, 32, of Portland, Ore., was in critical condition in its intensive care unit.

The incident came as protests continued in Seattle and other parts of the nation following the May 25 death of George Floyd, a Black man who died after a white Minneapolis police officer knelt on his neck for nearly nine minutes. Seattle is one of many cities that have been gripped by protests calling for more action against racial inequality for the past several weeks.

Protesters in Seattle on Friday night gathered on Interstate 5, which had been closed for the demonstration. At around 1:30 a.m. local time, a car sped around vehicles blocking the entrance of the freeway before driving into a crowd, according to a Washington State Patrol police report obtained by the AP. Video from the scene showed people yelling “Car! Car!” as a white Jaguar approached.

The vehicle could be seen striking two people, who flew into the air before hitting the ground.

Trooper Chase Van Cleave told the AP that the driver, Dawit Kelete, fled the scene in his car after barreling through the crowd of protestors. A protester followed Kelete by car and was able to stop him by pulling his car in front of Kelete's, Cleave added. Kelete was placed in custody after troopers arrived.

What was his motive,,?

Anonymous said...

This is why we’re protesting right now. Black Lives Matter!


they matter so much that blacks are killing blacks at a clip not seen since the 70's in NY, and in forever most everyplace else.

BLM is a pack of black marxists running a con.

nothing more, nothing less.

and as always, the alky falls for the con.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

This is a Republican Party that has produced two presidents in the past fifty years who worked to undermine constitutional government and have faced impeachment. The GOP has also worked hard to rig the system in its favor. The party has promoted gerrymandering and voter suppression to help Republicans capture statehouses, and has cemented biases in the courts by appointing increasingly partisan, ill-qualified judges. Such power grabs have become an intrinsic part of the government failure we face today.

Ending Trump’s misrule and restoring confidence in the presidency demands the undoing of impediments to free and fair elections. That will entail root-and-branch campaign finance reform, an end to voter suppression, new defenses against foreign interference in elections, and reining in the digital disinformation engines. These are perhaps only the minimum demands for restoring American democracy.

Trump is a sign that we as a nation have lost our way. Just as Hamilton warned, a confusion of celebrity for leadership, fame for accomplishment, and popularity for genius has given us “a man unprincipled in private life desperate in his fortune.” Seizing the opportunity, unscrupulous “insolent men” have pandered to the lowest common denominators of fear and greed to win power and exploit it for a small elite. November’s election is a judgment day for this nation’s form of republican government. Or else, only “civil commotion” awaits us.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Segregation now and segregation forever.

Your hero

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Should we conclude, then, that Donald Trump is the embodiment of the Founders’ worst fears?

Every day, there are new outrages, to be sure. We would need a list of more than twenty-seven complaints if we were to enumerate a lifetime of Trump’s misdeeds, from defrauding US tax authorities and obstructing justice to violating the Constitution. He has invited our enemies to interfere with our elections to help him win, then sought to do it again. He has misused federal resources, inappropriately elevated his own family members, and enriched his own businesses. He has repeatedly attacked the First and the Fourteenth Amendments. He has had infants thrown in cages and denied relief to Puerto Rico in the wake of Hurricane Maria at the cost of thousands of lives. He has gutted environmental protections and attacked alliances that the US spent decades building and maintaining. And now he has mismanaged the worst public health crisis in a hundred years, overseen the greatest economic crisis since the Depression, and attempted to use the US military to crush legitimate protests on the streets of the capital.

Lately, in the space of just a few days, he was revealed to have endorsed concentration camps in China and to have again sought the assistance of a foreign adversary in winning a US election, was quoted as calling for the deaths and imprisonment of US journalists, defended the slave power traitors of the Confederacy, admitted that he suppressed testing during the pandemic because true data about the rate of infections would harm him politically, sought to fire more truthtellers in the administration and had his attorney general remove an official in charge of investigations into him and his supporters. He was reportedly briefed about a Russian scheme to place bounties on American and allied troops in Afghanistan, and not only did nothing about it but continued to act as an advocate for Putin. And so it goes on… before we even consider the many complaints about his character—his racism and misogyny, his ignorance and contempt for science and history, his lies, his narcissism, his vulgarity, his demagoguery. Has there ever been a public official in US history so unable to relate to others, show an emotion besides anger, or view the world through any means but his own self-interest?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

George Wallace

Commonsense said...

Segregation now and segregation forever.

That was in the Democrat platform in 1956.

Commonsense said...

Should we conclude, then, that Donald Trump is the embodiment of the Founders’ worst fears?

Well if you believe your half-ass leftest , Howard Zinn/Nicole Hannah Jones historians, Barack Obama is the embodiment of the Founders worst fears.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

COVID-19 cases: (UPDATED Sunday, July 5, p.m.)

Worldwide confirmed, deaths:
Total cases: 11,320,100
Total deaths: 530,988

United States:
Total cases: 2,895,800
Total deaths: 129,859

Northern Plains:
South Dakota: 7,063, 97 dead
Pennington County: 560 positive, 16 deaths
Oglala Lakota (Pine Ridge Reservation): 95 cases
Jackson County: 6 cases, 1 death
Todd County: 57, 1 dead (Rosebud Reservation)
Roberts County (Sisseton-Wahpeton Reservation): 49 cases, 0 deaths
Moody (Flandreau): 23 cases
Ziebach/Dewey Counties (Cheyenne River
Reservation): 8
Charles Mix (Yankton Reservation): 91 cases
Buffalo County: 76 cases, 3 dead
Bennett County: 5 cases
Meade County: 50, 1 dead
Minnehaha County, SD: 3,663, 58 dead
Lincoln County: 365, 1 dead
Brown County: 347, 2 dead

Wyoming: 1,634, 20 dead
Northern Arapahoe Reservation 4 dead
Fremont County 370 cases, 9 dead
North Dakota: 3,825, 89 dead
Standing Rock Reservation: 2
Montana: 1,212, 23 dead
Gallitin: 298, 1 dead
Yellowstone Co: 261, 4 dead
Big Horn Co: 89, 4 dead
Flathead: 64, 2 dead
Nebraska: 19,896, 285 dead
Thurston: 127, 1 dead
Knox (Santee) 21, 0 dead
Colorado: 33,607, 1,701 dead
Minnesota: 38,173, 1,508 dead
Iowa: 31,352, 721 dead
Tama 464, 29 dead

Trump’s coronavirus spreading events:
Arizona: 98,112, 1,827 dead
Florida: 200,103, 3,739 dead ** Appalling numbers
Oklahoma: 15,928, 398 dead
South Dakota: 7,063, 97 dead
Washington, DC: 10,447, 557 dead

Miscellaneous Statistics:
Navajo Nation: 7,549, 364 dead

Texas: 195,707, 2,646 dead
Georgia: 85,079, 2,808 dead
Louisiana: 63,397, 3,278 dead

New York: 401,286, 31,860 dead
California: 254,332, 6,315 dead
Michigan: 72,306, 6,219 dead
Illinois: 147,293, 7,222 dead
New Mexico: 12,776, 511 dead

Brazil: 1,577,004, 64,265 dead
Peru: 299,080, 10,412 dead
Chile: 291,847, , 6,192 dead
Mexico: 245,251, 29,843 dead
Colombia: 109,793, 4,001 dead
Argentina: 72,786, 1,837 dead
Ecuador: 61,535, 4765 dead
Bolivia: 38,071, 1,378 dead
Venezuela: 6,750, 62 dead
Costa Rica: 4,621, 18 dead
Cuba: 2,369, 86 dead

Russia: 673,564, 19,011 dead
India: 673,165, 19,268 dead
United Kingdom: 284,900, 44,198 dead
Spain: 250,545, 28,385 dead
Italy: 241,419, 34,854 dead
Germany: 196,335, 9,012 dead
Lebanon: 1,855, 35 dead
Palestine: 3,835, 13 dead
Belize: 30 cases, 2 dead
Syria: 338 cases, 10 dead

But there is no reason to put on a mask and keep 6' apart said the Scott A**hole believes

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

George Wallace in 68

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

he has mismanaged the worst public health crisis in a hundred years, overseen the greatest economic crisis since the Depression, and attempted to use the US military to crush legitimate protests on the streets of the capital.

But you keep saying that Obama was born in Kenya.

Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...

George Wallace


Blogger Roger Amick said...

Segregation now and segregation forever.

interestingly enough it's BLACKS who are calling for a fresh round of segregation, alky.

i know you're not paying attention, but we ARE. black groups in colleges across the nation are calling for black only housing arrangements.

and a couple years ago in washington state, blacks insisted upon a No-whites-allowed ‘Day of Absence’

blacks are the ones insisting upon segregation, alky. and we shall oblige.

. blacks can treat themselves to another round of 'white flight', as we bail out of areas that are fucking war zones. then those areas turn to complete shit, and in a generation of so guilty white will 'gentrify' them. and get roundly criticized for that.

we're sick of their bullshit, alky. and we're content to leave them to their own devices as they kill each other while we put it into or rear view.

black lives NEVER mattered. all that ever mattered to the marxist ringleaders is power via shakedown. and boy are they cashing in. a good friend works at a large corp who coughed up MILLIONS to the urban league and al sharpton's grift - NAN. what a fucking racket.

Anonymous said...

United States:
Total cases: 2,895,800

shit... trump is a piker compared to 0linsky.

ol' skeets hit 60 MILLION cases of H1N1 a decade ago.

we're not even at 5% of 0linsky's high score.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The Republican party is going to try and suppress voting rights.


Washington Examiner
@WHO admits China never reported the existence of coronavirus outbreak, "despite public reporting to the contrary."

I guess they are going to have to take back how China was a shining example of how to act.

Caliphate4vr said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...
George Wallace

They guy that carried much of the South during Nixon’s brilliant Southern strategy?

That Wallace


A perfect recap of July 4th, 2020:


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Trump just posted this quote

Fox News weekend afternoons is the worst! Getting into CNN and MSDNC territory. Watch OANN & Newsmax instead. Much better!

He's losing Faux News stories

anonymous said...

BWAAAAAAAAA!!!!! Benny Johnson another Twitter jag off just like fucked up daddy!!!!!!!!

ol' skeets hit 60 MILLION cases of H1N1 a decade ago.

Which had a vaccine that you and millions of others did not take!!!!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! Stupid is what Rat posts......

anonymous said...

@WHO admits China never reported the existence of coronavirus outbreak

WHO published a report on 1/6 which include data from chinese sources you dumb fuck daddy......!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

There it is Dopie Defending China.

anonymous said...

No you dumb fuck.....Why are you such a yenta??????? Why do you side with everything trump????? Who has not done a single thing for you like getting a real job!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Roger, laid out the voter suppression of the Socialist.

Roger, why at your darkest time did you not go to your Bank, draw out $6,000 And avoid homelessness?

Asking for your 1200 fakebook friends.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

President Trump will hold an outdoor rally in New Hampshire this coming weekend as health experts are still warning against large gatherings of people, saying it could intensify the current surge of cases in the U.S.

Caliphate4vr said...

And Biden will be spouting utter gibberish from his basement

Anonymous said...

Biden said he feels like he was born in 1920.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

She will be a great First Lady.

She has a doctorate in education, along with two master degrees. She is a teacher who taught high school students, emotionally disturbed students, adolescents at a psychiatric hospital and community college students.
She's a military mom and grandmother, and has been active in an organization that supports military families.
She's an author who wrote several books including a memoir and a children's book- Don't Forget, God Bless Our Troops- for kids whose parents are on active duty.
She's a fashion icon and even did some modeling in her 20s.
She's a vocal advocate for breast cancer and founded, in 1993, a not-for-profit organization (BBHI) "...that provides an educational breast health awareness program (free of charge) to all public, private, and parochial schools, other groups and organizations in the state of Delaware."
She helped found Book Buddies to provide books to low income children.
One of the Biden Foundation's main focuses was preventing violence against women.
Did I mention she's a badass? It was a natural instinct of hers to protect her husband on a campaign rally stage.
This is one strong, hard-working woman, with class, experience and a sense of humor!
She loves God, her family & country!
She is Dr. Jill Biden, FLOTUS 2020🇺🇸