Monday, July 6, 2020

Liberals make bad employees?

STUDY REVEALS THAT EASILY OFFENDED PEOPLE ARE LESS PRODUCTIVE, BAD EMPLOYEES  They “consume a lot of time complaining about trivial matters”
The study, conducted by Dr. Jeremy Berneth, involved asking almost 400 employees, aged 25.9 on average, across seven US colleges about different events that have recently gotten “substantial media attention”.
The study notes that the events consisted of “17 items developed to assess the proclivity to be offended, eight moral outrage items, 11 microagression items and nine political correctness items.”
It noted that some people have a high “proclivity to be offended” (PTBO), which the study describes as “a state-like tendency to be sensitive to customarily innocuous societal events and traditions,” for example “playing of the United States’ National Anthem.”

Well they may not work much, but they will let the bosses know about everything that happens to bother them. Perhaps they can then post TikTok videos about stabbing conservatives and then use the forum to complain about losing a job that they never actually started.

Again. I hate to point out the obvious, but life isn't fair. Never has been and never will be. Of course, we (as boomers) were taught that the way to overcome the unfairness of life is to work harder than everyone else and take control of your own destiny. This generation is being taught (both literally and socially) that the way to get ahead is to complain, bitch, moan, and make waves.

Unfortunately, this works very well in certain circles and not at all in others. The problem is that these "woke" individuals don't know the difference and sort of assume that bitching, moaning, and complaining is the means to every end.


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Well, Ch, that was a BS thread article. Worst, uninteresting.

Back to reality:

Houston hospitals getting crushed by COVID-19 explosion, mayor says

HuffPost US
Jul 6th 2020 8:05AM

The Houston hospital system is at serious risk of being completely overwhelmed by a record spike in COVID-19 cases, Mayor Sylvester Turner said Sunday.

“The number of people who are getting sick and going to the hospitals has exponentially increased,” Turner, a Democrat, said on CBS’ “Face The Nation.”

“The number of people in our ICU beds has exponentially increased. ... If we don’t get our hands around this virus quickly, in about two weeks our hospital system could be in serious, serious trouble ... overwhelmed.”

The issue, said Turner, is health care workers. “We can always provide additional beds, but we need the people, the nurses ... the medical professionals to staff those beds. That’s the critical point right now.”

An astonishing one in every four people in the city tested for COVID-19 is now testing positive for the disease, he said. Just a month ago, that figure was one in every 10 people.

Forty states are experiencing increases in cases, but Texas, Florida and Arizona have been particularly hard hit.

The situation in Texas is so dire that the state has frozen plans to reopen the economy and is reimposing restrictions on businesses in a bid to help stem the rapid spread of the disease.

Turner said the state tried to race back to normal activity far too soon.*

“We were opening too quickly, too fast,” he said. “If you look at the second week in May going forward, the numbers started to increase. When you layer that on top of everything else, all the other activities that were taking place, and people starting to resocialize, then you started to refuel the virus.”

In mid-May Houston tallied an average of nearly 250 new cases daily. By the last week of June, that number soared to 1,600.

Both Florida and Texas reported their biggest daily increase in new cases over the past few days, with Florida tallying 11,443 new cases and Texas reporting a record 8,258 new cases.

There have been more than 2.8 million confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the U.S. and 129,000 deaths.




Trump and Ch: Go ahead and open up.
Experts: That could be dangerous.

Commonsense said...

Well, Ch, that was a BS thread article. Worst, uninteresting.

Translation: I didn't find anything on Goodard's site to refute it.


Liberals make bad employees?
STUDY REVEALS THAT EASILY OFFENDED PEOPLE ARE LESS PRODUCTIVE, BAD EMPLOYEES They “consume a lot of time complaining about trivial matters”


Look at the waterboy POS "pastor" who plugs Goddard into every thread.



Cary-Man In Washington State

The American Mob today is identical to the ISIS Mob!


Lefties in action

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

@8:11 Better translation: I don't find anything in it worth refuting.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Why aren't we talking here about the virus and about exalting Confederate heroes?

Caliphate4vr said...

But pederast the difference is it was interesting enough for you to read

No one reads your stupid fucking spam


The lying, spamming POS "pastor" is a perfect example of the topic of this thread.

You could say he is the POSTER BOY.

ROFLMFAO at the loser!!!

Myballs said...

BLM rallies in NYC and D.C. were chanting death to America. But if you object to this, you're racist. This is what the tolerant left has become.

C.H. Truth said...

So Reverend...

You have ANOTHER example of someone who isn't actually providing any real data or any real proof that anything is "actually" "currently" overwhelmed.

Just that ONCE AGAIN such a thing is "right around the corner" of "things keep going how they are".

Because as of right now, Texas states that they have over 13,000 open and available hospital beds... that would require Covid Patients to almost triple to overwhelm those hospital beds.

But what does the Texas Health and Human Services Department know, huh Reverend?

Not as much as some Democratic mayor, I suppose?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

But pederast the difference is it was interesting enough for you to read

LOL Actually, I kept looking to find something interesting in it.

In vain.

But now you tell us: What WAS so very, very interesting and enlightening and intriguing in it? What really thrilled you and got you fired up and begging for more?

Or maybe it would be better to stick to defending Trump against those who criticize his virus failures and his defense of Confederate heroes.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

The (D) mayor of Houston said that their issue is health care workers. “We can always provide additional beds, but we need the people, the nurses ... the medical professionals to staff those beds. That’s the critical point right now.”

He will be glad to hear that Ch assures him they have no problem.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Alex Jones is a nut case

Anonymous said...

Blogger James said...

The (D) mayor of Houston said that their issue is health care workers. “We can always provide additional beds, but we need the people, the nurses ... the medical professionals to staff those beds. That’s the critical point right now.”

and let me guess...

since all other medical procedures were abruptly shut the fuck down, all those nurses and medical professionals that are so desperately needed were furloughed, just like what is happening or has happened to thousands of medical professionals in my area.

Trinity Health oversees 92 hospitals and 106 continuing care locations in 22 states, including St. Peter’s, which itself oversees four hospital campuses in Albany and Troy and employs roughly 12,000 people in the Capital Region.

Slubowski said the organization is losing millions of dollars each day, even as elective surgeries and outpatient care resumes, and is projecting $2 billion less in operating revenue next fiscal year than previous levels.

“And that assumes there are no more significant surges of inpatients with COVID-19, since that will require more inpatient resources and will negatively impact consumer confidence in coming back for outpatient and elective services,” he wrote.

St. Peter’s sustained roughly $40 million in operating losses as a result of the pandemic, Reed told the Albany Business Review earlier this month.


cuomo goes absolutely fucking apeshit...

...and wholesale destruction of our local healthcare system ensues.

"we need 30,000 ventilatahs!!!"


And what do these liberals create ?

Greg Price

8-year-old girl was shot and killed in Atlanta last night by "peaceful protesters" that swarmed her family's car and it's received a blackout in national media because black lives only matter when they can be used to divide the country.


They surround your car, you hit the gas. Better to go to jail than to bury your baby


Anonymous said...

you have to have a heart of stone not to laugh at this -


Brian Cates

Group of armed individuals blocking the road fired on a car and killed an 8 year old girl last night in Atlanta.


SAY HER NAME, though she's ACTUALLY just one of many.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Trump’s Approval Keeps Sliding

A new Gallup poll finds President Trump’s approval rate at 38% to 57%.

Jonathan Bernstein:
“Trump’s current approval numbers (as calculated by FiveThirtyEight) continue to grow more dismal by the month. His approval rating has gone from
45.8% on April 1, to
43.3% at the beginning of May, to
42.9% in early June, to
40.7% over the Fourth of July weekend.

His disapproval has climbed steadily, from
49.7% on April 1 to
55.9% now.
That’s a whopping
15.2 points underwater, and there’s just no way that a president is going to be re-elected with a solid majority thinking he has failed in office.”

WHOOPS! The Stock Market Isn’t Everything
July 6, 2020 at 8:57 am EDT

Quite the statement from JP Morgan:
“The consensus view is that a Democrat victory in November will be a negative for equities. However, we see this outcome as neutral to slight positive.”

Trump Defends Confederate Flag Again

President Trump on Twitter:
“Has Bubba Wallace apologized to all of those great NASCAR drivers and officials who came to his aid, stood by his side, and were willing to sacrifice everything for him, only to find out that the whole thing was just another HOAX? That and Flag decision has caused lowest ratings EVER!”

Er... If I were you, Mr. President, I wouldn't be to quick to start talking about low ratings...

Quote of the Day
“He is who he is. People know who he is. You think he’s going to change?”
— Sen. Rick Scott (R-FL), speaking about President Trump to the New York Times.

Translation for Republicans: Better put on your life vests; we're going down with him.

Democrats Smell a Chance to Control Redistricting

“Intent on not repeating the mistakes of 2010 under then-President Barack Obama, the party is seizing on a once-in-a-decade opportunity to drive the redistricting process — and reverse the built-in advantage Republicans amassed over House district lines after the last census.

“From Pennsylvania to Texas to Minnesota, cash-flush Democrats are working to win back legislative chambers needed to take control of drawing congressional maps — or at least guarantee a seat at the table. If they succeed, it would correct an Obama-era down-ballot shellacking that handed Republicans House control and resulted in the loss of more than 900 Democratic legislative seats.”

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

* too quick


rrb said...

you have to have a heart of stone not to laugh at this -

The Empire Strikes Back !



Joe Biden

We're going to beat Donald Trump. And when we do, we won't just rebuild this nation — we'll transform it.

Retired Orrin G. Hatch

Expect this to be in Trump campaign ads tomorrow, along with Biden’s plans for free healthcare for illegal immigrants, killing hundreds of thousands of fracking jobs, and standing by as monuments and history are torn down and cast aside.

Scorched earth gave us Obama's second term so a proven to work strategy.

C.H. Truth said...

The (D) mayor of Houston said that their issue is health care workers. “We can always provide additional beds, but we need the people, the nurses ... the medical professionals to staff those beds. That’s the critical point right now.”

You mean all of those medical professionals that have been laid off or furloughed due to lack of work?

I am sure a temp service could find them hundreds of thousands of available workers...

If push actually (this time) did come (for the first time ever) and overwhelm the hospital system in Texas.

Hard for me to take this at face value, Reverend... when we have had much worse in many areas of the country that never actually overwhelmed anyone. Either this particular Houston Mayor is suggesting that his own hospital system is horribly incompetent compared to the rest of the country that managed to get through worse... or he is floating you a piece of crap for political reasons.

Anonymous said...

Hard for me to take this at face value, Reverend... when we have had much worse in many areas of the country that never actually overwhelmed anyone.

we floated a mercy ship into NY harbor and built a 1000 bed temp hospital in the javits center...





...stroking the ego of a tyrannical asshole.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Ch, why can't you get this President to stop from lying?

President Donald Trump has finally weighed in on the Bubba Wallace noose incident, and you’ll be shocked to find out that he doesn’t believe it really happened.

Trump posted a tweet Monday morning calling the whole ordeal a “hoax” that Wallace should apologize for.

Well, consider this:

One of Wallace’s team members found a noose in his stall at Talladega on June 21, prompting an FBI investigation. Wallace’s fellow NASCAR drivers rallied around him, decrying racism and staging a show of support with Wallace before the race the next day.

The FBI investigation concluded that the noose was a garage pull that had been in the garage since 2019, but questions remain about why it was shaped like a noose and how it got to Wallace’s stall.

Contrary to Trump’s tweet, the FBI didn’t find any evidence of a hoax. Wallace didn’t even find the noose himself.

Trump has never let facts stop him, though. He also said that NASCAR has experienced a ratings drop since the noose incident and since they banned the confederate flag at races on June 10, and JUST THE OPPOSITE is true. Ratings for the first race following the ban WERE UP 104 PERCENT OVER the comparable race last season.

The most recent race, the NASCAR Xfinity Series Pennzoil 150 on July 5, was THE MOST-WATCHED Xfinity series race IN THREE YEARS.

But hell. Trump never lets facts get in his way.

Anonymous said...

So James is not down for the ■ struggle, he does not support blacklies matter movement nor the Rioters.

Really James. Really? When did you have this come to Jesus moment?


Commonsense said...

Liberals: Time to start burning books.

Perspective: While offensive TV shows get pulled, problematic books are still inspiring debate and conversation.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

E. J. Dionne says
A Vicious Culture War Is All Trump Has Left

“Trump’s vile speeches at Mount Rushmore on Friday and at the White House on the Fourth of July signal that he sees one and only one possible path to victory: He will tear an already riven nation to pieces.”

WE THE PEOPLE will not let him do that. We will show him the door.

Anonymous said...

"You mean all of those medical professionals that have been laid off or furloughed due to lack of work?"

A small town 75 miles from me is closing one of their Hospitals, leaving to town with one.
The cited reason, loss of income because of Kommie Kelly orders to shut the motherfucker down.

Anonymous said...

James, why do you lie?
The facts are known.

Anonymous said...

Mickey Kaus

"Hospitals in at least two Texas counties at full capacity amid statewide spike in coronavirus cases." What they don't say: Both counties are on the border and have been flooded with cases from MEXICO (many of them U.S expats).

C.H. Truth said...

So Reverend...

Are you going to explain exactly why you feel that the Houston medical community will ACTUALLY be overwhelmed, when places like New York, New Jersey, Illinois, etc... actually never ended up overwhelmed?

Or you are just going to continue your manner of tossing around 50 or so blatant lies per day and then moving on to the next lie when caught in your last one?

Seems you never actually defend any of the positions you bring up when challenged.

But, of course, that just suggests that your sourcing for your fodder is weak and wrong.

Where do you get this nonsense that you can NEVER actually defend, Reverend?

Anonymous said...

The Revolution of the Democrats.
"BLM rallies in NYC and D.C. were chanting death to America." Myballsinthewoodsagain

And Burning The US Flag.

Anonymous said...

A list of local statues that honor slave owners and others

Help compile a list of statues, monuments and historical markers in the Capital Region that warrant a second look

translation -

help compile a list of targets that TDS-afflicted BLM shitstains can start tearing down.

responsible journalism at it's finest.

Anonymous said...


"Seems you never actually defend any of the positions you bring up when challenged."

Commonsense said...

Ch, why can't you get this President to stop from lying?

An exaggeration? Yes. Should he have let this one go. Yes. But a lie? Hardly.

Bubba Wallace created three days of divisive racial hysteria over what turned out to be a grange door pull. A pull that existed months it not years before Wallace was assigned to the garage.

It turn out to be an embarrassing episode for Wallace and NASCAR and will lead to more skepticism of hate crime claims.

Anonymous said...

Communists Organize Flag Burnings In Some Major Cities, Including Outside White House

“One, two, three, four! Slavery, genocide, and war! Five, six, seven, eight! America was never great!”

this is what ol' stinkfinger joe biden will transform us into.

Anonymous said...

It turn out to be an embarrassing episode for Wallace and NASCAR and will lead to more skepticism of hate crime claims.

i don't see how there could be any MORE skepticism of hate crime claims.

with every single one that has been reported over the last several years, my reaction has always been...

wait for it...

wait for it...

wait for it...

...ANNNNNDDDDDDDDDD it's a fucking hoax.

it never fails.

Anonymous said...

"We're not going to make America great again. It was never that great," Cuomo, a Democrat,

So RRB, the peaceful rioters are just following the Socialist Democrat.

Anonymous said...

CHT you spanked James so hard he left.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Trump quote:
“We are now in the process of defeating the radical left, the Marxists, the anarchists, the agitators, the looters, and people who in many instances have absolutely no clue what they are doing,”

WOW, so if you think Trump is the worst President ever and cannot understand how anyone could vote for him, you are in that list? Never thought I would be considered a Marxist, or a looter, what a ridiculous statement.

Houston, we have a problem. The leader of our Nation, doesn't know what he is doing.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The Supreme Court ruled unanimously Monday that states can require presidential electors to back their states' popular vote winner in the Electoral College.

The ruling, just under four months before the 2020 election, leaves in place laws in 32 states and the District of Columbia that bind electors to vote for the popular-vote winner, and electors almost always do so anyway.

So-called faithless electors have not been critical to the outcome of a presidential election, but that could change in a race decided by just a few electoral votes. It takes 270 electoral votes to win the presidency.

Justice Elena Kagan wrote for the court that a state may instruct "electors that they have no ground for reversing the vote of millions of its citizens. That direction accords with the Constitution — as well as with the trust of a Nation that here, We the People rule."

anonymous said...

Trump voters make this country look awful!!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAA!!!! Trump would rather kill citizens than leading the country out of this disaster.....Him and pence a pair of worthless idiots!!!!!

Myballs said...

Scotus rules 9-0 that presidential electors cannot be faithless and vote however they choose. They must vote for the winner of their state's election. Kagan wrote the summary.

Dems lose another one.

anonymous said...

It turn out to be an embarrassing episode for Wallace and NASCAR

BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! Just racist assholes like you think that.......LOLOLOLOLOL!!!!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

We are turning into Puerto Rico with paper towels tossed into the crowd.

Phoenix has a testing crisis, and FEMA refuses to help, the mayor says.

Mayor Kate Gallego of Phoenix said on Sunday that with cases and death counts soaring in Arizona, testing sites in her city and surrounding Maricopa County are overwhelmed, but the Federal Emergency Management Agency has rebuffed her pleas for help.

She raised the issue on the ABC program “This Week,” saying that it “feels like they’re declaring victory while we’re in crisis mode.”

In an interview later in the day, Ms. Gallego, a Democrat, said she had been trying since April to get more testing resources for Phoenix, both from FEMA and from the private sector. But testing, she says, remains woefully inadequate, especially for those who lack health insurance.

“We are the largest city not to have received this type of investment,” Ms. Gallego said, noting that FEMA had set up testing sites in Houston, Los Angeles and elsewhere. “And you can see it in the increasing rate of positives.”

More than 20 percent of tests in Arizona are coming back positive now, she said. “Public health officials tell me that when you’re doing the appropriate amount of testing, it should be around 2 percent,” she said.

An aide to the mayor said that FEMA had responded to the city’s most recent request by saying the agency was “getting out of the testing business.” Maricopa County officials were told the same thing when they asked FEMA for help, the mayor said.

Cases have doubled in Arizona in recent weeks; more than 3,400 new cases were announced Sunday. The state marked a record on Saturday with 3,182 confirmed and suspected virus hospitalizations.

“I hope they understand what it’s like out here,” Mayor Gallego said. “I wish I could have the president with me as people fill their cars with gas so they can wait in lines for eight hours, while they’re sick and it’s 110 degrees outside,” to get a test.

“This is not just a Phoenix problem,” she said. “I think many communities and people across both parties would like to see the federal government play a role.”

Vice President Mike Pence, who visited Phoenix on Wednesday, said last week that testing was readily available to anyone in the country who needed it.

An administration official said the federal government is working to resolve Arizona’s need for testing supplies and that the city should work through the state to get the help it needs.

“We do have one hopeful note,” Ms. Gallego said Sunday afternoon. After she raised the issue on TV, she said, “The White House reached out and said they’re interested in more information, and would try to see what they can do.”

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Anonymous said...

Alky is a poor loser.

Anonymous said...

CNN is pissed off at losing again.

Supreme Court says states can punish Electoral College voters

By Ariane de Vogue, CNN Supreme Court Reporter

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...
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Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Trump is like the Pied Piper luring his two-digit IQ followers away from safety.

Anonymous said...

"abolitionist legend Frederick Douglass was torn down overnight over the Fourth of July holiday"

Antifa/Blm/CAIR and Socialist Democrat Team scored this victory foe the New Revolution.

anonymous said...

The goat fucker is still unemployed and living in his mommy's basement and he thinks he is privileged white GOP leech!!!!!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Be prepared for the repugs to double down on voter suppression.

Commonsense said...

Mayor Kate Gallego of Phoenix said on Sunday that with cases and death counts soaring in Arizona, testing sites in her city and surrounding Maricopa County are overwhelmed, but the Federal Emergency Management Agency has rebuffed her pleas for help.

Reason number 23431 why Democrats are stupid.

1. FEMA has nothing to do with COVID-19 test. (The CDC is the federal agency in charged).
2. State government is the proper entity she should be asking for help.

Commonsense said...

Supreme Court says states can punish Electoral College voters

9-0 decision. It's never going to be overturned.

Anonymous said...

Dennis, you know nothing.

Anonymous said...

"9-0 decision. It's never going to be overturned"

Hillary/Obama/Biden were just biblically rebuked.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

We need to amend the Constitution and remove the electoral college system.

It was included in the Constitution to get the slave States to approve the Constitution.

anonymous said...

Hey Goat fucker.....I know for certain you are unemployed, living in your mommy's basement, constantly lie and think you are a privileged white voter desperate to keep power.....Did I get anything wrong mutton breath?????? BWAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

Anonymous said...


You are part of this New Violent Revolution.
"Roger AmickJuly 6, 2020 at 10:59 AM

We need to amend the Constitution and remove the electoral college system."

Hillary Ran on overturning it, IS Biden?

Anonymous said...

Dennis, you don't know a thing about me.
Dispute your many troll attempts to.gain my private information.

Everything I post about Alky is true, found here or on his FB Page.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.