Tuesday, July 14, 2020

So are the medical experts "teachers" or "pediatricians"?

Most Pediatricians seems to agree with this assessment.

The reality is that on-line learning last year was a complete an utter joke in most places in America. My own son probably got about a third of the assignments he generally would have, only had two online sessions per class a week, and only "choir" actually tried to do anything really interactive (which we can all guess how well that went).

I would offer that he got less than half of what he would have gotten out of a normal on premise learning environment. With the loss of athletics, prom, graduation and other activities, it was a waste of his Junior year (although he enjoyed the freedom of barely having school).

Now certainly there is room for improvement, but there is no way to offer an online learning experience that will come close to the experience of normal high school. An experience that allows for social interaction, after school activities, and the such.

The reality is that Covid is far less dangerous to children than the seasonal flu.

Let me repeat that:

The reality is that Covid is far less dangerous to children than the seasonal flu.

and we do not close down school for the flu.

If we are shutting it all down to save the "teachers" then I ask why teachers are not up to the same task as retail workers, restaurant workers, and essential employees that have continued to work throughout this. They have all figured out how to make adjustments and stay safe while continuing to work.

Looks more like an excuse for teachers to take a year off normal work, and spend the year gliding through the on-line situation that allows for so much less for the students. Or perhaps it's because the teacher's unions are generally liberal and Democratic, and this is all just a big pile of politics to them?


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

You are full of shit again

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

"A research paper released by United Teachers Los Angeles (UTLA) suggests government schools could free up funds needed to reopen amid the coronavirus pandemic if police are defunded.

“Police violence is a leading cause of death and trauma for Black people, and is a serious public health and moral issue,” 

Good for them, YES Please, fire Cops.

Anonymous said...

LA. CA. Where Roger is warehoused , teachers have a go-back-to-school-plan.
Defund the LAPD.

Anonymous said...

Kansas Schools will open this Fall.

Socialist Gov. Kelly .

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The CDC is not a Democrat scam

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I'm at the beach

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

BOSTON -- The Trump administration has rescinded a rule that would have required international students to transfer schools or leave the country if their colleges hold classes entirely online this fall because of the coronavirus pandemic.

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement announced the decision as a court hearing was getting underway on a challenge to the rule by Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Commonsense said...

Roger Amick said...
You are full of shit again

Translation: I can't rebut this.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

"We have one of the lowest mortality rates anywhere," Trump falsely said Monday when asked how the U.S. will stop COVID-19 spread. Not only is America's coronavirus mortality rate far from the lowest in the world, it's also been deflated due to rampant testing and rising case numbers — not to mention that many people with COVID-19 face severe and debilitating illness without dying.

"Biden and Obama stopped their testing," Trump then said, referring to former President Barack Obama and former Vice President Joe Biden. "I'm sure you don't want to report it," Trump added to the reporter, which is probably true — the new coronavirus hadn't even infected a person until late 2019, well into Trump's presidency.,

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The CDC said that the virus is a serious threat

Anonymous said...

Looks more like an excuse for teachers to take a year off normal work, and spend the year gliding through the on-line situation that allows for so much less for the students. Or perhaps it's because the teacher's unions are generally liberal and Democratic, and this is all just a big pile of politics to them?


randi weingarten - head teachers union twat - is completely in charge on the left. she's the roadblock and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

she's demanding a massive increase in $$$$$$$$$$ for teachers doing basically nothing throughout the coming school year.

the "woman" is evil.

Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...

The CDC said that the virus is a serious threat

Fauci told us back in January it was no biggie.

broken-down drunks living off of a second hand liver are at risk, alky.

stay locked down in God's waiting room. the rest of us have work to do and kids to educate.

Commonsense said...

The most important lessons can't be taught on-line or even in a classroom.

It's those lessons from social interaction and social development that are learn from group activities face to face.

Without schools, we are raising an entire generation of basement dwellers who can't live independently on their own.

Caliphate4vr said...

and spend the year gliding through the on-line situation that allows for so much less for the students.

Roger and the “pastor” believe they can catch Covid from their students on-line!!

Commonsense said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...
I'm at the beach

You're not suppose to be at the beach. The virus is too dangerous, remember?

Guess not.

Anonymous said...


😂Roger and the “pastor” believe they can catch Covid from their students on-line!!😊

I saw that, yet, they said you lied. They are both HS. Debate Champions.

Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...

I'm at the beach

sitting in your nursing home handicapped van surrounded by other inmates huffing on oxygen tanks.

Anonymous said...


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I'm at a restaurant on-PCH

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

With my daughter

Anonymous said...

NY, California and other dark blue states restrict US Citizens from free travel, but no illegals.

Anonymous said...

cankles mcbittercunt:

“Look, I want a fair election. If people get to vote and they, for whatever reason, vote for Donald Trump, OK, we’ll accept it. Not happily. But I don’t think that’s what will happen.


Anonymous said...

Roger Amick said...

I'm at a restaurant on-PCH

With my daughter

uh huh.

at one of the restaurants newsome shut down.


Anonymous said...

Texas A&M police say student who reported racist notes placed them there himself

The 21-year-old senior continues to maintain his innocence even after police closed the case.


Anonymous said...

Before the Washington NFL team retired the “Redskins” moniker on Monday, we asked you to vote on your favorite replacement nickname.

The frontrunner was RedTails, with 28 percent of 91,936 votes, with Warriors (23 percent) and “other” (20 percent) close behind.


i vote for the "magic negroes" with a likeness of 0linsky's jug-eared mug slapped on the side of the squash bucket.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


Trump Abandons Plan to Strip Student Visas

“The U.S. backed down from a high-profile confrontation with Harvard and MIT over visas for foreign students who take online-only classes, ending a tense standoff that could have sent thousands of students back to their home countries and left colleges scrambling to plan for the fall,” Bloomberg reports.


Hospitals Ordered to Bypass CDC for Reporting

“The Trump administration has ordered hospitals to bypass the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and, beginning on Wednesday, send all coronavirus patient information to a central database in Washington — a move that has alarmed public health experts who fear the data will be distorted for political gain,” the New York Times reports.


“From now on, HHS, and not the CDC, will collect daily reports about the patients that each hospital is treating, how many beds and ventilators are available, and other information vital to tracking the pandemic.”


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Outside dining

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

In November elections we will save the country from Donald Trump

Anonymous said...

ORLANDO, Fla. - After FOX 35 News noticed errors in the state's report on positivity rates, the Florida Department of Health said that some laboratories have not been reporting negative test result data to the state.

Countless labs have reported a 100 percent positivity rate, which means every single person tested was positive. Other labs had very high positivity rates. FOX 35 News found that testing sites like one local Centra Care reported that 83 people were tested and all tested positive. Then, NCF Diagnostics in Alachua reported 88 percent of tests were positive.

How could that be? FOX 35 News investigated these astronomical numbers, contacting every local location mentioned in the report.

The report showed that Orlando Health had a 98 percent positivity rate. However, when FOX 35 News contacted the hospital, they confirmed errors in the report. Orlando Health's positivity rate is only 9.4 percent, not 98 percent as in the report.


anonymous said...

Gee rat, you would figure that Desantis would be yelling and screaming, not fox news.....Seems ol' ron has his head stuck up trumps fat ol obese white ass, just like you......BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!! Wonder why Floriduh is now the NY of the epidemic??????

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


Masks Could Get Virus Under Control In 4 to 8 Weeks

CDC director Robert Redfield said that if everyone in the U.S. wore a mask, the coronavirus pandemic could be “under control” within four-to-eight weeks, Axios reports.

Said Redfield: “If we could get everybody to wear a mask right now I think in four, six, eight weeks we could bring this epidemic under control.”


CNN: Fauci Spat Suggests Directionless White House

“The public spat unfolding this week between the White House and the nation’s respected top infectious disease specialist has vexed some allies of President Trump, whose visions for a highly focused reelection season have instead been replaced with unpopular fights and obscure fixations,” CNN reports.

“After outcry, the White House appeared to be recalibrating its approach to Dr. Anthony Fauci, who sat for a lengthy meeting with chief of staff Mark Meadows on Monday after White House officials questioned his record in a statement to reporters.

“But with a little more than 100 days until November 3, the fight with Fauci illustrated what, to many supporters of Trump, has been a disturbing pattern:
ill-timed battles with little evident public support that do
nothing to define the presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden,
[nothing to] articulate a rationale for another term in office or
[nothing to] contain a pandemic that is both crippling the nation and dooming his reelection chances.”


Caliphate4vr said...

Pedo do you still think teachers catch Covid from Zoom meetings?

anonymous said...

Rat the biggest asshole in NY posted

Fauci told us back in January it was no biggie.

Unfortunately you dumb fuck....that statement was taken out of context, but the wantonly lazy asshole left the rest of fuaci's statement out.....BTW....trump during the same week promised that the 15 cases would soon be zero.......why did only post the fsuci cherry picked quote you flaming jag off??????? You really need help!!!!!

Anonymous said...


Said Redfield: “If we could get everybody to wear a mask right now I think in four, six, eight weeks we could bring this epidemic under control.”

Said Redfield: "If we could get everybody to wear a mask right now I think in four, six, eight, ten, twelve, fourteen, sixteen, eighteen, twenty weeks...we could bring this epidemic under control."

do these fucking "experts" even fucking LISTEN to themselves?

Redfield went on to say: "Within approximately 100 years everyone alive today will be dead, and then we'll have the virus under control! We must continue to wear masks until then. Or perhaps just a little longer. Slightly longer. But not too long."

anonymous said...

Hey dumb fucking asswipe rat.......Since the only mask you would wear will only cover your asshole.....why do you think the trump appointed expert is not doing his job???? Yeah......I prefer anything he says over you or the fat fuck trump who can't find his ass in the dark.....Masks do slow the spread but until dumb fucks like you follow the lead, the country will continue to lead the world in stupidity!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

More Redfield:

"We at the CDC have discovered that everyone attending a Zoom meeting MUST wear a mask PLUS wrap themselves in saran wrap, wear a condom, a garbage bag poncho, rubber underpants, a shower cap AND a hard hat to avoid the risk of Covid spreading via Zoom."

"We have confirmed cases of Covid spreading from student to teacher via Zoom, and this is a very reasonable reactionary precaution to take against a very real threat."

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

rat is doing forgery again

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Cali sarcastically with great self righteousness says:

pedo do you still think teachers catch
Covid from Zoom meetings?

No, but apparently three of them did catch it from online teaching from a room formerly inhabited by pupils and handling (even with great care and antiseptics) objects the children had earlier handled.

If that happened, and apparently it did, just think what will happen when kids are actually present, and think what those kids will take home to their parents and grandparents.

But all you care about is Trump getting reelected -- Trump who was so self centered that he didn't even have the moral rectitude to listen to his experts and recommend that we all wear masks for our protection.

Anonymous said...

No, but apparently three of them did catch it from online teaching from a room formerly inhabited by pupils and handling (even with great care and antiseptics) objects the children had earlier handled.

except for the fact that there is no fucking way in hell to confirm this is actually what happened, it sounds remotely possible. maybe.

for this kind of bullshit we can go straight to the NYT, pederast.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Tom Frieden was director of the CDC from 2009 to 2017 during the H1N1, Ebola and Zika emergencies. He is senior fellow for global health at the Council on Foreign Relations and president and CEO of Resolve to Save Lives (an initiative of Vital Strategies).Follow
Headshot of Jeffrey Koplan
Jeffrey Koplan
Jeffrey Koplan, the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention from 1998 to 2002, is the vice president of global health at Emory University.
Headshot of David Satcher
David Satcher
David Satcher is the founding director and senior adviser of the Satcher Health Leadership Institute at the Morehouse School of Medicine. He served as CDC director from 1993 to 1998), surgeon general from 1998 to 2002 and and assistant secretary for health and human services from 1998 to 2001.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

We ran the CDC. No president ever politicized its science the way Trump has.

Anonymous said...

Trump who was so self centered that he didn't even have the moral rectitude to listen to his experts and recommend that we all wear masks for our protection.

so... the whole fucking country needed trump to tell them to wear a mask because without that explicit presidential order, wearing a mask was simply not possible.

yeah... makes sense. to a fucking moron.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

As America begins the formidable task of getting our kids back to school and all of us back to work safely amid a pandemic that is only getting worse, public health experts face two opponents: covid-19, but also political leaders and others attempting to undermine the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. As the debate last week around reopening schools more safely showed, these repeated efforts to subvert sound public health guidelines introduce chaos and uncertainty while unnecessarily putting lives at risk.

As of this date, the CDC guidelines, which were designed to protect children, teachers, school staffers and their families — no matter the state and no matter the politics — have not been altered. It is not unusual for CDC guidelines to be changed or amended during a clearance process that moves through multiple agencies and the White House. But it is extraordinary for guidelines to be undermined after their release. Through last week, and into Monday, the administration continued to cast public doubt on the agency’s recommendations and role in informing and guiding the nation’s pandemic response. On Sunday, Education Secretary Betsy DeVos characterized the CDC guidelines as an impediment to reopening schools quickly rather than what they are: the path to doing so safely. The only valid reason to change released guidelines is new information and new science — not politics.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

One of the many contributions the CDC provides our country is sound public health guidance that states and communities can adapt to their local context — expertise even more essential during a pandemic, when uncertainty is the norm. The four of us led the CDC over a period of more than 15 years, spanning Republican and Democratic administrations alike. We cannot recall over our collective tenure a single time when political pressure led to a change in the interpretation of scientific evidence.

We can reopen schools in the fall — if we close bars and gyms now

The CDC is home to thousands of experts who for decades have fought deadly pathogens such as HIV, Zika and Ebola. Despite the inevitable challenges of evolving science and the public’s expectation of certainty, these are the people best positioned to help our country emerge from this crisis as safely as possible. Unfortunately, their sound science is being challenged with partisan potshots, sowing confusion and mistrust at a time when the American people need leadership, expertise and clarity. These efforts have even fueled a backlash against public health officials across the country: Public servants have been harassed, threatened and forced to resign when we need them most. This is unconscionable and dangerous.

Anonymous said...

We ran the CDC. No president ever politicized its science the way Trump has.


that's why it's been funded for YEARS to the tune of TENS OF MILLION$ of $$$ to study...

wait for it...

...non-disease related issues.

like gun control. or fat lesbians.

nah, it's never been politicized before.

good one alky.

Caliphate4vr said...

except for the fact that there is no fucking way in hell to confirm this is actually what happened, it sounds remotely possible. maybe.

The pederast can’t admit he was flat ass wrong. I told him yesterday he and liver were inferring an infection caused by students because that’s how XiNN intentionally wrote it. They went down the primrose garden path to stupidity

Show where the teacher in AZ caught it liver. I understand you and James have limited comprehension abilities and read the article and believe it inferred the kids passed the virus, but it never states where the teacher caught the bug. I don’t care how many times you read the article and you and the pederast tortuously try to post about the kids passed it. It’s not there

July 13, 2020 at 4:00 PM
Blogger James said...
Let the readers read it and see what they think the article 'infers.'

Or how about 'indicates'?

Anonymous said...

Roger sounds like a nice way to spend an afternoon.

Anonymous said...


what the alky stole

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

We’re seeing the terrible effect of undermining the CDC play out in our population. Willful disregard for public health guidelines is, unsurprisingly, leading to a sharp rise in infections and deaths. America now stands as a global outlier in the coronavirus pandemic. This tragic indictment of our efforts is even more egregious in light of the disproportionate impact we’ve witnessed on communities of color and lower-income essential workers. China, using the same mitigation tools available to us and with a far larger population, has had just a tiny fraction of the 3.1 million cases reported here. The United States now has more cases and deaths than any other country and the sixth-highest rate of any large country in the world — and we are gaining on the other five. The United States is home to a quarter of the world’s reported coronavirus infections and deaths, despite being home to only 4.4 percent of the global population.

Sadly, we are not even close to having the virus under control. Quite the opposite, in fact.

That’s what makes it hard to plan for schools. Any parent with a young child knows that classrooms, cafeterias and school buses are petri dishes for the common cold and the flu, even in normal times. And although children are at lower risk for serious illness and death from covid-19, the same is not true for the adults who work in schools, nor for the families children and school staffers go home to each evening. We must pay careful attention to safer school policies, including those the CDC released, to do everything we can to reopen our schools — and our economy — as safely as possible. This cannot happen equitably without additional federal and state resources to ensure that every school district — no matter the Zip code — can take the necessary measures to protect children, teachers and staffers. Black, Latino and Native American communities have suffered disproportionately during the first six months of the pandemic. We cannot let this same tragedy unfold this fall in our schools. The CDC’s guidance is a call for all of our nation to work together so as many schools as possible can reopen as safely as possible. This will mean wearing masks correctly, increasing distance — including by closing bars and restaurants in many places — and tracking and stopping the spread of the virus by supporting patients and protecting contacts.

anonymous said...

because without that explicit presidential order, wearing a mask was simply not possible.

Leading by example is not a concept trump can handle !!!!!! But fucking whores and firing people are certainly in his wheel house!!!!!! BWAAAAAAPAAAAAA!!!!

Anonymous said...

The pederast can’t admit he was flat ass wrong. I told him yesterday he and liver were inferring an infection caused by students because that’s how XiNN intentionally wrote it. They went down the primrose garden path to stupidity

the pederast and the alky suck down misinformation like a whore on the business-end of a glory hole working the graveyard shift.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

It is not too late to give the CDC its proper role in guiding this response. But the clock is ticking.


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The President is costing thousands of lives

Anonymous said...

so according to the alky, we need to let the WaPo op-ed page provide our covid guidance.

next he'll be calling for the juice-boxers at vox to be in charge.

Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...

The President is costing thousands of lives

Cuomo is killing people like Dr. Mengele himself.

Anonymous said...

we can't track a single covid death directly back to Trump.

we can, however, track AT LEAST 6,000 covid deaths DIRECTLY to Cuomo.

Anonymous said...

Caliphate4vrJuly 14, 2020 at 3:59 PM

Pedo do you still think teachers catch Covid from Zoom meetings?"

Cali, James's dishonest is again on full display.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

When Trump encouraged people not to worry about the virus, he was not endangering lives, rat claims.

We see how your mind works, or rather doesn't, racist fogerer rat.

Anonymous said...

China Virus?
God bless her.
"Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg hospitalized for possible infection...."

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Let's see, three teachers teaching online from a room where children had earlier been. All caught Covid, in spite of precautions.

And one died.

I guess a bat flew in and gave it to them.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Quote of the Day
“I do think the fall and the winter of 2020 and 2021 are going to be the probably one of the most difficult times that we experienced in American public health.”
— CDC director Robert Redfield, quoted by CNN.

Especially if Republicans insist on following Trump by not wearing masks.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Oh wait. In 2021 he will be gone.
(smiley face)

Things should greatly improve then, as we start following real science.

Anonymous said...

Blogger James said...
When Trump encouraged people not to worry about the virus, he was not endangering lives, rat claims.

nice try pederast. i said this -

"so... the whole fucking country needed trump to tell them to wear a mask because without that explicit presidential order, wearing a mask was simply not possible.

yeah... makes sense. to a fucking moron."

the issue is masks. not "worry."

you're a liar.

Anonymous said...

Lying does not bother soulless James.
After all he care not about human life.
He said Covic19 in the US is "just running the herd"

Caliphate4vr said...

You stupid old fool go look at the timeline

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Oh, a lot of people paid no attention to Trump and DID wear masks. Fewer cases and deaths among them.

Others flocked to Trump-encouraged gatherings, maskless like him.

Looks like a lot are paying for that now.

People who sat maskless and crowded together in Tulsa, for example, although there was PLENTY of room for them to have spread out. :-)

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

"The three were using classroom tools to teach their summer school students online when all three got sick."

Caliphate4vr said...

"The three were using classroom tools to teach their summer school students online when all three got sick."

Pederast where does that indicate in any shape, fashion or manner the students caused the transmission.

Regardless of the fact a morbidly obese, asthmatic, diabetic, lupus patient should be out. No responsibility for her decisions it’s all bad Orange Man and the AZ guvnha’s fault.

You’re really fucking stupid and pathetic

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Trump Bristles at Question About Police Killing Blacks

President Trump told CBS News the killing of George Floyd was “terrible” but appeared to bristle when asked why Black Americans are “still dying at the hands of law enforcement in this country.”

Said Trump:
“So are White people. So are White people. What a terrible question to ask. So are White people. More White people, by the way. More White people.”

He also said the Confederate flag was a freedom of speech issue:
“All I say is freedom of speech. It’s very simple. My attitude is freedom of speech. Very strong views on the Confederate flag. With me, it’s freedom of speech. Very simple. Like it, don’t like it, it’s freedom of speech.”
"There are good people on both sides."

Caliphate4vr said...

Hey pederast


Mystery as 57 Argentine fishermen test positive for coronavirus despite spending 35 days at sea and testing negative before they left

*Echizen Maru fishing vessel left port in Ushuaia, southern Argentina, 35 days ago

*It returned after several sailors fell ill; 57 out of 61 are positive for coronavirus

*Scientists are baffled because ship had no contact with land while it was gone

*Sailors all tested negative and had 14-day quarantine before voyage began

Quiver in place forever


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The op od was written by 4 former directors of the CDC. Not the editorial board of the Washington Post

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Trump said

More White people, by the way. More White people.”

That's a lie. A higher percentage of African Americans are pulled over by the police officers than white Americans.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


Hopeful news.

Anonymous said...

A question for the radicalized leftist here.
Biden said "Environmental Justice" what is that?

Caliphate4vr said...

The op od was written by 4 former directors of the CDC. Not the editorial board of the Washington Post

Craving those opioids, liver?

It’s in your head.


Anonymous said...

1869 Joe Biden.

" Joe Biden promised a “second great railroad revolution” as part of his climate change pitch on Tuesday in Wilmington, Delaware.

As part of a “clean energy” push, Biden promised “jobs that lay the lies for the second great railroad revolution, which will not only slash pollution, it will slash commute times and open up investment in areas connected to metropolitan centers for the first time"

He can't debate Trump.


Geraldo Rivera

Interesting watching #NYT trying to worm its way out of #RussianBounty bullshit expose. No proof of any such specific program to target our GI’s. No wonder intell officials did not brief @realDonaldTrump Because they didn’t trust the uncorroborated, unproven report. Apologize.

Only partisan hypocrites ran with that story.

Oh, that's the MSM and lefties.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Chuck Woolery called COVID a hoax. Hours later his son tests positive for COVID and is sick. 🤦🏻‍♀️

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The authors

Tom Frieden was director of the CDC from 2009 to 2017 during the H1N1, Ebola and Zika emergencies. He is senior fellow for global health at the Council on Foreign Relations and president and CEO of Resolve to Save Lives (an initiative of Vital Strategies)

Jeffrey Koplan, the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention from 1998 to 2002, is the vice president of global health at Emory University.

David Satcher is the founding director and senior adviser of the Satcher Health Leadership Institute at the Morehouse School of Medicine. He served as CDC director from 1993 to 1998), surgeon general from 1998 to 2002 and and assistant secretary for health and human services from 1998 to 2001.

Caliphate4vr said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...
Chuck Woolery called COVID a hoax. Hours later his son tests positive for COVID and is sick. 🤦🏻‍♀️

You’re a dottering old fool, I’ll still be here tomorrow

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

June's federal budget deficit was $864 billion, an amount greater than the entire federal budget deficit for the year of 2018, according to Congressional Budget Office (CBO) data.

“That's more than the entire annual budget deficits of 2017 ($665 billion) or 2018 ($779 billion), more than any year during the George W. Bush administration or Barack Obama's second term,”

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Dementia squared

“We could go on for days,” he said at one point, and it sounded plausible.

At times, it was hard to understand what he meant. He seemed to suggest that his presumptive Democratic challenger, former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr., would get rid of windows if elected and later said that Mr. Biden would “abolish the suburbs.” He complained that Mr. Biden had “gone so far right.” (He meant left.)

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

” He cited Mr. Biden’s climate plan to reduce carbon emissions for new homes and offices by 2030. “That basically means no windows,”

Anonymous said...

Sandy Cortez a girl of privilege wrote the Biden New Green Deal.

What is "Environmental Justice"?

Anonymous said...


Testing Labs in Florida false reporting positive test results.

Anonymous said...

Did the Times Print an Urban Legend?

But, as I read the story originally earlier this week, I realized the details didn’t quite add up. If you believe COVID is a hoax, why would you attend a “Covid Party?” And, in a pandemic for an airborne disease, aren’t all parties potentially COVID parties? Chicken pox parties were aimed at spreading a local infection purposely to younger children who have milder cases. People don’t hold them because they are skeptics. Something doesn’t make sense.

A closer look showed that not only were there no names named, but there was no date or location of the party and no other sources about where and whether it happened. And then there was the curious fact that a dying man’s self-incriminating final words were relayed to the press. Who gave permission for that?

But if you click on the article link now, as I write this, you will find a few paragraphs of hedging added in:

"The Times could not independently verify Dr. Appleby’s account. On Monday, the San Antonio health department said its contact tracers did not have any information “that would confirm (or deny)” that such an event had happened there.

In recent days, the hospital distributed video of Dr. Appleby describing the case , along with a press statement. She did not say when or where the party took place, how many people attended or how long afterward the man was hospitalized with Covid-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus. She said she was sharing the story to warn others, especially in Texas, where cases are surging."

These paragraphs were added long after publication. They also indicate where the story originated. The young junior reporter who wrote it isn’t in Texas but sitting at a desk, presumably at home. There is also another additional paragraph saying that the Times tried several times, through the hospital, to contact the dead man’s family.

You might also note the entirely different sub-headline: “Health experts have been skeptical that such parties occur, and details of this case could not be independently confirmed.”

In fact, the story seems to have changed several times since publication, in order to salvage the Times’s own credibility. The story has been transformed, edit by edit, from one of a man who died by taking a foolish risk in which the doctor was the only source, to a story about the questionable claim a doctor is making. There are no editor’s notes on it documenting the changes in the published story and the huge tonal shift from credulousness to skepticism.

A number of young journalists have been arguing lately that the traditional mission of journalism needs to be cashiered in favor of “moral clarity,” that journalism should be more like activism. What we have in this story is an example of where that leads us. The “moral clarity” was all there. It told a literal “cautionary moral tale.” But, the reporting and editing have lacked all the traditional ethics of the trade of journalism. The result looks to me like fake news and a disgraceful attempt at memory-holing the evidence.



once again, the alky falls for a mountain of bullshit, hook, line, and sinker.

Commonsense said...

When you have lost CNN.....

Commonsense said...

A number of young journalists have been arguing lately that the traditional mission of journalism needs to be cashiered in favor of “moral clarity,” that journalism should be more like activism. What we have in this story is an example of where that leads us. The “moral clarity” was all there. It told a literal “cautionary moral tale.” But, the reporting and editing have lacked all the traditional ethics of the trade of journalism. The result looks to me like fake news and a disgraceful attempt at memory-holing the evidence.

The New York Times is garbage. You're a fool to believe their reporting.

anonymous said...

BTW.....cramps, your minority opinion that trump is GOD seems to be fading with his poll numbers and rambling pressers in the rose garden....What an embarrassment he is!!!!!!!!!!

anonymous said...

Funny, now rat is spewing fake news from the National Review.......a new low of worseness!!!!!! BWAAAAAAPAAAAAA!!!!!

anonymous said...

Yeah Rat......voter fraud is running rampant in the US......seems it is the R's are the ones doing it......BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!

Kansas Republican charged with three felonies in voter fraud investigation
The Topeka Capital-Journal reported in December that Rep. Steve Watkins listed the location of a UPS store as his residential address on several government forms.
By Elise Viebeck and David Weigel

Commonsense said...

Trump pegged Biden 100% in his rose garden conference. In politics optimism beats pessimism every time.

anonymous said...

Trump did nothing but lie in his rose garden disaster.....!!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! In politics , truth and leadership beat stupidity every time....Trump lacks both!!!!!

Anonymous said...

well, well, well...

Michael Duncan

Lincoln Project co-founder John Weaver registered as a foreign agent of Russia last year.

Quote Tweet

The Lincoln Project
· 21h
We pledge allegiance to our country, not a political party.
8:41 PM · Jul 14, 2020·Twitter for iPhone
Retweets and comments


John Weaver, a top strategist on former Ohio Gov. John Kasich's 2016 GOP presidential campaign, said Thursday he no longer plans to lobby against Russia sanctions after news broke the previous day that he had registered as a foreign agent.

Weaver was registered to lobby on behalf of the Tenam Corporation, which is a subsidiary of the nuclear energy company Rosatom that is owned by the Russian government, Politico reported Wednesday.


as usual, whatever the left is accusing the right of doing, they are actually doing themselves.

anonymous said...

And Michael Flynn was in bed with the turks while in the WH!!!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAA!!!!! Who gives a fuck aboutJohn Weaver and whether that tweet is even true!!!!!!!! But Rat the fuck will take it and perpetrate another fake news story!!!!!!! Perfect!!!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Ivanka Trump, who serves as a senior advisor to her father President Trump in the White House, weighed in on the growing controversy surrounding Goya Foods and took to Twitter to push products using the company's slogan “If it’s Goya, it has to be good” in both English and Spanish.

Critics, however, pointed out that she may have violated an ethics law that prohibits those with government positions from endorsing products.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The New York Times reports:
"The Trump administration has ordered hospitals to bypass the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and, beginning on Wednesday, send all coronavirus patient information to a central database in Washington — a move that has alarmed public health experts who fear the data will be distorted for political gain."

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

🇺🇸🇺🇲 TRUMP'S done plenty:

Even before his failures in the pandemic, Trump has ADDED $4.1 TRILLION to the US National Debt!!! ... You're being fooled into thinking the economy is doing well, but it is being falsely inflated by crap like this.

His promise of bolstering the coal industry? 8 large coal companies have SHUT DOWN since Trump's Presidency.

Healthcare reform? Where the f is that? 30 MILLION Americans have just lost their health insurance due to the pandemic.

Trump told us China would pay for his tariffs in his trade war. Truth is there were tariffs that cost AMERICAN importers $48bn and about 300,000 jobs. There were farming subsidies that cost AMERICAN taxpayers $28bn. How very socialist of him.

And the Mexican Wall is being paid NOT BY Mexicans but by Americans, and STILL hasn't been built.

And we already know Republicans are blocking any resolution or draft bill to stop Russians interfering again in US elections.


Trump and his family through their business dealings (including taxpayer funded golf trips to his own golf resorts for an entourage of 32) have personally profited from being in the White House to the tune of $83 million, $91 million, and $97 million (2017/2018/2019)

Anonymous said...

Critics, however, pointed out that she may have violated an ethics law that prohibits those with government positions from endorsing products.

of course they did, alky.


Ivanka Trump, who serves as a senior advisor to her father President Trump in the White House, weighed in on the growing controversy surrounding the Sun, and the fact that it really does rise in the East, and took to Twitter to push the controversy, using the Sun's slogan “A day without the Sun is like a day without Sunshine” in both English and Spanish.

Critics, however, pointed out that she may have violated an ethics law that prohibits those with government positions from endorsing celestial bodies. Critics also pointed out that making the remarks in English was an obvious bigoted, racist and nationalist dog whistle to white nationalists, white supremacists, neo-nazi's and various and sundry other tiki torch aficionados.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

People on the right are now trying to claim that Fauci has been wrong more than he has been right, which is simply not true.

Fauci has revised only a few of his statements, and then only when his understanding of the scientific evidence grew and improved. And he was completely honest about that.

He certainly was correct when he predicted -- and this is not a direct quote, but represents what he said -- he predicted that if openings occur too quickly and too soon, the virus may re-surge to such a degree that closings will have to be reinstated, and that will cause even more harm to the economy as well as to public health.

He sure called that one correctly, as is now becoming more and more obvious even to Republican governors who are now frantically shutting down what they once opened and calling for the universal wearing of masks.

Anonymous said...

People on the right are now trying to claim that Fauci has been wrong more than he has been right, which is simply not true.

it most certainly IS true.

at this point only a goddamned fool believes Fauci. sane people have dismissed him as yet another government hack who fails upwards and is rewarded handsomely for his failures.

Myballs said...

Two significant things came out of yesterday's primaries. Trump backed candidates did well and dem party is split between socialists and moderates.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

rat says:
at this point only a goddamned fool believes Fauci. sane people have dismissed him as yet another government hack who fails upwards and is rewarded handsomely for his failures.

James says:
Well, a LARGE majority of "goddamned fool" "INsane" Americans trust Fauci FAR more than they trust Trump to tell them the truth about Covid 19.

I don't remember Fauci EVER saying we'd soon be down to near zero cases and deaths within a very few days.

Anonymous said...

James says:
Well, a LARGE majority of "goddamned fool" "INsane" Americans trust Fauci FAR more than they trust Trump to tell them the truth about Covid 19.

you fucking imbecile.

it's not a binary trump/fauci proposition.

neither are of interest to me as a source of covid guidance.

there is a plethora of other qualified and highly experienced medical professionals who have weighed in on the issue.

only a fucking moron completely dependent upon government to guide every fucking move they make in life heeds advice from either trump or fauci, or any other government hack who pays no price for being WRONG.

like telling us that teachers contracted covid from pupils WRONG.


MSNBC Host's Face After Pediatricians Say It's Time to Send Kids Back to School Is Priceless

Let the word go forth: kids don’t get it and they don’t spread it. Also, don’t watch MSNBC or CNN. Actually, you should watch MSNBC which compiled multiple pediatricians who said it was time to get kids back to school. Yes, it seems the experts are actually supporting President Trump’s position that schools should re-open in the fall. MSNBC host Craig Melvin’s face at the end of all of these doctors pretty much dispelling the COVID panic porn being peddled by the national media. You’d think sending your kids back to school would be a death sentence. Granted, the experts have been wrong before, and this group of people has peddled some absolute garbage advice regarding this virus. The best being that everyone else must stay inside now, unless you’re gathering to conduct a mass Black Lives Matter protest because, you see, issues of moral urgency makes the virus non-transmittable in these settings. So, what to make of this? The best part is that liberals who shovel down the propaganda by the liberal media probably either ignored this segment or refuse to believe it was real.



Pediatricians "Absolutely" Would Send Children Back To School In Fall, "Without Hesitation"


Anonymous said...

heh. they are eating their own just like we knew they would...

The College Democrats of America’s national leadership team recently experienced a major shake-up after its only black board member claimed some of his peers in the group were guilty of racial microaggressions and similar bullying.

That black board member, Matthew Nowling, announced his resignation on June 27, claiming he’d been subjected to racist and elitist behavior and comments during his tenure as the organization’s communications director.

After the accusations, College Democrats of America President Mikaela Guido — a female woman of color — resigned amid pressure to do so, and other members of the executive board who stayed on promised not to run for re-election or accept future leadership positions within the organization.

Nowling is now interim president of the College Democrats of America.

The College Democrats of America is the official college student arm of the Democratic Party. It did not respond to The College Fix’s multiple requests for comment.

Guido (pictured), in a telephone interview with The College Fix, said that in retrospect she feels she fell prey to cancel culture. Before she resigned, the situation had devolved into people dehumanizing, mischaracterizing, and bullying her on social media, she said.

“I think that people needed a villain; they didn’t want to listen to any story that contradicted what they thought in their heads,” she said. “It’s a long-standing problem of mob culture and cancel culture that we’ve been seeing on a national level.”


Anonymous said...

asians all look alike to antifa. LOL:

Andy Ngô

Antifa in Portland track down and accost a random Asian male who they accuse of being Andy Ngo.



John Hayward

Contenders for the greatest gaslighting campaign in history:

1. Killer Cuomo was a great pandemic leader

2. Residents of border states are responsible for coronavirus coming over the border our elites refuse to secure

3. BLM protests were 100% peaceful and caused 0 infections

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

It’s Actually Trump That Has an Enthusiasm Problem

Michael Tesler: “First, while Biden voters may not be all that excited about voting for Biden, they’re very enthusiastic about voting against Trump. And that gives Biden a pretty strong edge, because Trump supporters don’t despise Biden the way they despised Hillary Clinton in 2016. In fact, according to survey data from the Democracy Fund + UCLA Nationscape project, the share of Trump voters who rate Biden unfavorably is consistently much lower than the share of Biden voters who rate Trump negatively — nearly 30 percentage points lower as of the last survey conducted at the end of June.

“Second, because Trump voters don’t dislike Biden as much as Biden voters dislike Trump, Biden actually has an advantage in net enthusiasm (calculated as the difference between a candidate’s ‘very favorable’ and ‘very unfavorable’ rating). The gap on this metric has widened between the two in the past month, too.”




Lincoln Project co-founder was a literal foreign agent for

... wait for it

... are you ready

... can you guess

— Russia!

Yes, really.

FARA FILING: https://twitter.com/Cernovich/status/1283224911448690689?cxt=HHwWgsC9jc2Qvc8jAAAA

can't make this shit up

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Biden Maintains Wide National Lead

A new Economist/YouGov poll finds Joe Biden leading Donald Trump in the presidential race nationally,
49% to 40%.

Trump’s job approval is now
39% to 54%.

A new Change Research poll finds Biden leading 51% to 41%.
Biden also leads in six major battleground states.


Russian interference in our election !!!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

President Trump has instructed hospitals to begin sending coronavirus-related information directly to the Department of Health and Human Services, not the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in a move that could manipulate or change the information the CDC had been tracking, including how many beds are available, the number of ventilators available and how many COVID-19 patients the hospitals have.

They are trying to manipulate the information given to the American people for political purposes.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


Arizona: Biden 51%, Trump 45%
Florida: Biden 50%, Trump 43%
Michigan: Biden 48%, Trump 42%
North Carolina: Biden 47%, Trump 46%
Pennsylvania: Biden 50%, Trump 42%
Wisconsin: Biden 48%, Trump 42%

(These must all be Russian polls,
Russian lies LOL LOL LOL)


here we go....

By Taegan Goddard

By Taegan Goddard

By Taegan Goddard

By Taegan Goddard

By Taegan Goddard

By Taegan Goddard

James said...

whatever Goddard prints the POS "pastor" will spam and plagiarize.


Dan Bongino

Liberals: “Don’t you dare talk about Black on Black crime in liberal cities, it’s a distraction!”

Same Liberals: “You better change the name of the Redskins!”

don't say I plagiarize.

My uncredited source credits his sources.


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Donald Trump is having trouble running against Joe Biden. So he’d rather run against Anthony Fauci?

Dan Rather

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...



Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

My 8:50 answers Roger's 8:50.
Ja, it sure does.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The Tramp TRAIN WRECK has already HIT us!!!!

139,174 Americans in Body Bags in under 19 weeks due to the Tramp Administration's FAILURE to Manage and Contain the Trump Virus.

16 straight weeks of first week jobless claims between 1.4 million and 7 million a week. (The old record for First Week Jobless Claims was 695,000 in October 1982 under President Reagan).

50 million Americans out of work.

28 million Americans facing eviction in August and November.

28 Million Americans losing their health care coverage in the Middle of a Pandemic.

-4.8% First Quarter GDP, the FIRST NEGATIVE quarter of GDP since G.W. Bush was President.

-52.8% Second Quarter GDP, the WORST NEGATIVE GDP in American history.

The 19 WORST single day Dow point drops in history.

Running up the LARGEST DEFICIT SPENDING in American history.

Giving Putin the OK to put bounties on American soldiers.

Pardoning the criminals who run his campaigns.

The TRAIN WRECK has already hit us.

Time to send Joe Biden in to CLEAN UP the Tramp Administration's MESS!

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Angi Stalnaker:
Turnout for GOP Runoff In Alabama Was Abysmal

Turnout for the Alabama GOP Senate runoff was abysmal, and one Republican strategist told the New York Times you can’t just blame it on the coronavirus.

Said Angi Stalnaker:
“The story here is that Trump cannot turn out votes in the reddest state in the country. That should worry him.”



Donald Trump Jr.

In all fairness, Joe Biden is not capable of debating Barron Trump let alone Donald Trump.

Rasmussen: Is Joe Biden Capable Of Debating Donald Trump? Only 54% Say Yes - The Daily Caller


and boy are those going to get a surprise !!!

Unbelievable poor numbers for Biden !!!

The people are starting to get it, and dems getting even more desperate !!!


anonymous said...

Anonymous JAMES'S FUCKING DADDY said...
Dan Bongino


anonymous said...

And don junior would be a fucking ZERO if his name was Jones!!!!!!!!!!! BWWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...


In the battleground states that Trump won in 2016 are all in favor of Biden



SHOCK: Convicted Child Rapist Arrested for Baton Attack at Washington ANTIFA Protest
He was convicted of second-degree rape of a child in 2017.

A man arrested and charged with felony assault for a baton attack on a bystander during an ANTIFA left-wing protest at Olympia, Washington’s City Hall is a convicted child rapist and registered sex offender.

Shaelyn Reed, 20, has been arrested and charged with fourth degree assault for attacking a conservative demonstrator with a baton.

Reed pled guilty to second-degree rape of a child in 2017, and is a registered sex offender in Thurston County, Washington.

In video of the violent protest event, a gang of black-clad ANTIFA demonstrators can be seen belligerently confronting two men, one of whom was waving an American flag, as the leftists attempted to trap vehicles within the parking lot of Olympia City Hall.

At one point in the video, a mask-clad thug strikes one of the conservative counterdemonstrators on the head, resulting in serious injuries from which the victim lost a significant amount of blood and fainted.

Olympia police later located Reed in an alleyway near city hall, having disposed of the baton he used to attack the victim, and attempting to dispose of his clothes in a possible plan to destroy evidence. Authorities suspect Reed on involvement in a vandalism of a Domino’s Pizza on July 5th, along with a second violent rioter they arrested for assault in the city hall incident.

Police are currently seeking a third suspect in the violent assault, which left the wounded counterprotestor in an area hospital and unable to eat solid foods. He may have suffered permanent injuries.

These are the outstanding citizens that ANTIFA was drawing throughout major American communities, especially in the Pacific Northwest.


mostly peaceful protestors...

is actually the party of violent pedophiles

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Trump hack Peter Nararro put out an
OpEd claiming that Dr. Fauci was
'wrong about everything.'


See for yourself:

White House Backs Away from Navarro Op-Ed

The White House is distancing itself from adviser Peter Navarro’s remarkable 0p-ed attacking Dr. Anthony Fauci with a spokeswoman now saying the piece “didn’t go through normal White House clearance processes and is the opinion of Peter alone.”

But of course, rrb and Cali and Ch and Commensa and KDim and F'N DADDY fell right in bragging and supporting Navarro's lies.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


Anonymous said...

boy, doesn't this smack of desperation.

Joe Biden's aides want President Trump to pay back taxpayers for campaigning from the White House's Rose Garden.

Biden spokeswoman Kate Bedingfield said Trump's speech Tuesday sounded more like a politician who sees "his re-election slipping away" than that of a president. She added he seemed frustrated he can't host large, boisterous rallies because of his "botched response" to the COVID-19 pandemic.

"The American taxpayer should be reimbursed for the abuse of funds this spectacle represented," Bedingfield wrote in a statement.

Trump spent most of his hourlong address, meant to tout tough new measures his administration's taking against China for its crackdown on Hong Kong, skewering Biden for being dragged to the political left by the likes of Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders and New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.


this is the best response you can muster? demanding reimbursement?


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Ballsy fell right in, too.


Former Wikipedia editor says website engaged in multiyear smear campaign against Mark Levin

A former editor at Wikipedia says that the online encyclopedia engaged in a multiyear smear campaign against conservative radio host Mark Levin.

T. D. Adler previously edited for Wikipedia under the name "The Devil’s Advocate" and currently writes under an alias to mitigate blowback for criticizing the website. He wrote in a piece published on Breitbart that Wikipedia's editors have been purposely undermining Levin’s credibility with edits since he accused then-President Barack Obama of using “police-state tactics” in 2017.

Adler said that following Levin’s criticism, which stemmed from the Obama administration’s use of intercepts and Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrants, Wikipedia editors started editing his page to discredit him.
A number of those attacks ended up on Fox News during the time leading up to the premiere of his show on the network.

“Levin warned his audience during his show early in 2018 to ‘Avoid Wikipedia like the plague’ after reading the content that had been added to his page,” Adler wrote. “Since then, Levin’s article has been expanded with even more slanted negative material and most efforts to remove smears have been repeatedly rejected.”

One Wikipedia editor, “Snooganssnoogans,” allegedly accused a Levin claim about Obama administration surveillance and wire-tapping of being made “without evidence,” despite a link citation to an article from the Guardian showing his source.

“Using the wire-tapping allegations as precedent, editor ‘Localemediamonitor’ began including what the editor claimed were ‘past similar allegations [and] controversies’ in the article,” Adler added. “Snooganssnoogans also added material in this vein and both editors considerably expanded the section with more negative material over the following months.”

When other people tried to remove the anti-Levin changes that editors had made, Adler said that Snooganssnoogans “repeatedly undid” the edits “well in excess of what is allowed by Wikipedia policy” and was not sanctioned.

“Another prolonged fight erupted in 2019 when the editor added viciously negative reviews from several left-wing outlets about one of Levin’s books,” Adler wrote. “When another editor tried to add conservative praise, Snooganssnoogans sought to have those reviewers labeled conservative to downplay them, despite left-wing reviews having no such label, and, when that was rejected, repeatedly removed the favorable reviews.”

Levin responded to Adler’s article, referring to the website's actions as “character assassination.”

“I am deeply appreciative of T.D. Adler and Brietbart for spending a great deal of time analyzing Wikipedia's years' long smears, lies, and spin campaign against my character and career. Thank you!” Levin tweeted Tuesday. “I had no idea that either had undertaken this task. And I hope Levinites will read this post (link follows) and share it via your email lists, etc.”

wikipedia, becoming even more of another left-wing tool

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Just a way of laughing at Trump and reminding all of us that candidates for President are not supposed to conduct campaign events on federal property.

He repeatedly made a fool of himself with his hour long rambling diatribes.

His handlers just CAN'T keep him on script or on teleprompter.

Trump insists on being Trump.
Fatal for this election.

Anonymous said...

But of course, rrb and Cali and Ch and Commensa and KDim and F'N DADDY fell right in bragging and supporting Navarro's lies.

pederast, i have no interest in navarro's comments re: fauci because i know fauci to be a clown. i don't need navarro's comments to reinforce that fact.

what i AM enjoying though is the inevitable meltdown by all of those "objective" msm asshats.

Journo meltdown in progress over Peter Navarro’s ‘rogue’ op-ed listing all the times Dr. Fauci has been wrong


led by queen lying cunt maggie haberman.


anonymous said...

Fucked up daddy now finds another corrupt source of facts.....BWAAAAAAAAAA!!! Truth is not part of fucked up daddy vernacular because with trump....truth does not exist!!!!!! LOLOLOLOL Mark Levin another fucking ZERO with a big mouth and nothing to say but BS and love of trump.......


Scott Adams

Have you ever seen an engineer, scientist, or statistician argue that police are killing black citizens at an alarming rate? Ask yourself why.

that will stump the BUTT BUDDIES.


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Maybe rat can explain why the White House was so quick to distance itself from Navarro's lies about Fauci.

They would distance themselves from rat's lies, too.

That's got to hurt.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Pollsters surveyed 1,258 likely general election voters nationally and 4,322 likely general election voters in the six battleground states between July 10-12. The poll has a 2.76-point margin of error for the national sample and a 1.49-point margin of error for the battleground sample.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

As a Reality show host he should say You're Fired


Candace Owens

This is your daily reminder that we shut down America, impoverished millions, forced businesses to fail and homeowners to foreclose, over a virus that has a 99.96% survival rate.

And the Democrats are demanding we continue the lockdowns for everyone but their protesters.


Bethany S. Mandel

Has any other essential industry put up a fight about working like teachers have? I never saw groups of doctors, nurses, meat packers, truckers, grocery store workers stand up and say they won’t work until there’s a vaccine and to hell with our society.

teachers have become like the MSM, just left-wing advocates pushing out propaganda to children. Might be a great chance to replace a bunch of them.

Anonymous said...

Exactly, Welcome to Obama/Biden America.

Anonymous said...

James, is it your life's goal to hurt people?

Anonymous said...

Which lying Pos Socialist wrote this?
"But of course, rrb and Cali and Ch and Commensa and KDim and F'N DADDY fell right in bragging and supporting Navarro's lie"

What or who is a "Navarro"?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The White House distanced itself from an op-ed by trade adviser Peter Navarro questioning the credibility of Anthony Fauci, the government's top infectious diseases expert, during the coronavirus pandemic.

"The Peter Navarro op-ed didn’t go through normal White House clearance processes and is the opinion of Peter alone. @realDonaldTrump values the expertise of the medical professionals advising his Administration."

Caliphate4vr said...

Turnout for the Alabama GOP Senate runoff was abysmal, and one Republican strategist told the New York Times you can’t just blame it on the coronavirus.

Pederast Tubberville will beat Jones flipping that seat back to an R

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Navarro is the economic adviser to the President and he has zero experience in the field of medicine and medical experience

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

trade adviser Peter Navarro

anonymous said...

What or who is a "Navarro"?

Playing dumb is sure a natural for you goat fucker.......BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!! Tubervillle another POS unqualified asshole that the big mouth of UGA fellates........LOLOLOLOL

Anonymous said...

Maybe rat can explain why the White House was so quick to distance itself from Navarro's lies about Fauci.

you require an explanation?


the WH didn't "distance" themselves from anything. they simply acknowledged that navarro was speaking on his own and his comments did not officially come from the WH press secretary.

for fuck's sake drama queens, not everything is a scandal. even if it does light the fuse on maggie haberman's tampon.

imo, this was well played. these things don't happen by accident. the WH knew all about it. he he he.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I wonder if the Democrats call the COVID-19 "The Trump Virus" will work as a campaign slogan?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Donald Trump is having trouble running against Joe Biden. So he’d rather run against Anthony Fauci?

Dan Rather

Anonymous said...


"Oh NOES!!! Navarro went rogue and criticised dear Dr. Fauci! Navarro is not a doctor!!! Scandalous!!!"

(proceed to fainting couch, dramatically clutch pearls and softly collapse on couch in overly-dramatic fashion.)

(curtain closes)


(roll credits)

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

THE COVER-UP OF THE TRUMP VIRUS BEGINS: The CDC will "no longer control" the coronavirus data collection system from hospitals across the nation, a spokesman for the Trump administration says.
The guy who illegally altered a weather map with a SHARPIE now wants to do the same to the data!!!

Anonymous said...

Dan Rather. the single most discredited "journalist" (LOL) in modern American history.

Myballs said...

The data going directly to HHS. CDC is part of HHS. This will eliminate the lag tbat CDC had in data reporting while still being involved.

Anonymous said...


cover up!

bad orange man!



orange man bad!


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

In 2018, women and people of color were elected to Congress in record-breaking numbers. This November, we’re going to do it again.

Anonymous said...

This will eliminate the lag tbat CDC had in data reporting while still being involved.

it should also help to reduce the gross inaccuracies we've seen in covid death classifications.

"We have confirmed that the deceased committed suicide by jumping from the observation deck of the Empire State Building. An autopsy has revealed that the deceased was COVID-19 positive at the time of his death."

CDC: "We've got another COVID fatality!!!"

anonymous said...

Dan Rather. the single most discredited "journalist

BWAAAAAAAA!!!!! Not to be confused with Bill O'Reilly, Tucker Carkson and Beck........

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

McConnell Has ‘Total’ Faith In Fauci

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) said he has “total” faith in Dr. Anthony Fauci while speaking to reporters in his home state of Kentucky, WAVE reports.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Biden Way Ahead In Pennsylvania

A new Monmouth poll in Pennsylvania shows Joe Biden leading Donald Trump by 13 points among registered voters, 53% to 40%.

Key takeaway:
“Biden is doing especially well in ten counties where the vote margins were closest in the 2016 presidential election. The Democrat currently holds a 54% to 35% lead among registered voters in these swing counties.”

Said pollster Patrick Murray:
“Even taking into account any polling error from four years ago, Biden is clearly doing well in swing areas. The Democrat has roots in this region which may be helping him, but there seems to be an overall erosion of support for Trump compared to 2016.”
Yep. People have seen him for what he is.

Anonymous said...

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) said he has “total” faith in Dr. Anthony Fauci while speaking to reporters in his home state of Kentucky, WAVE reports.

what a coincidence. so do i.

i have total faith in Fauci's ability to be consistently and categorically wrong, as he has been since January.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

You don't understand how scientists works.

We didn't understand how the infection epidemic occurred and during that time we had to figure out how to treat the disease and the symptoms.

When he said that most people shouldn't wear a mask, because we needed them for the caregivers and the nurses and the doctors.

After the supply of the masks was sufficient for everyone to wear on in public spaces and in nursing homes were their families well living.

Trump turned it into a political campaign strategy, despite the fact that thousands of people were at risk of death.

Get you head out of Trump's asshole.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) said he has “total” faith in Dr. Anthony Fauci while speaking to reporters in his home state of Kentucky,

He's running for reelection and he has to distance himself from the President.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The liar in Chief

Trump claimed that Biden and President Barack Obama got bad "marks" in the polls for their handling of the H1N1 pandemic.

Facts First: Polls on the Obama administration's handling of H1N1 did not ask respondents about Biden in particular -- and Obama's own approval rating on handling the pandemic was significantly higher than Trump's approval rating on handling the coronavirus pandemic.

Obama was at 57% approval on the pandemic in a CNN poll in the fall of 2009; Trump is now averaging 39% approval on the pandemic, according to an average by the political website FiveThirtyEight.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The state of New York and Dr. Fauci provided a template for the rest of the nation. It worked. Trump was upstaged by Fauci’s apolitical integrity, but he insisted on injecting politics into a pandemic. As a result all of the red states which carried Trump into the WH are now suffering, because they too believed as they were told-“it’s a hoax.” The blue state Governors never bought into a “hoax” conspiracy. They took the necessary action to protect its’ citizens, however they were met with pockets of people in each state who had voted for Trump, refused to wear masks and put the pressure on to open those states back up for business. Now we’re all paying the price because the pandemic is spreading like wildfire, with no regard for red state or blue state. And it is especially cavalier about party affiliations. It didn’t have to be this way..


Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...

The state of New York and Dr. Fauci provided a template for the rest of the nation. It worked.

oh, it worked all right.

if your goal was the wholesale slaughter of 10,000+ senior citizens, it worked like a fucking charm.

but let's be clear - Fauci deserves no credit for the killing fields of NY. The Angel of Death Cuomo deserves the solitary credit for this particular genocide.

Anonymous said...

and Obama's own approval rating on handling the pandemic was significantly higher than Trump's approval rating on handling the coronavirus pandemic.

well, the mocha messiah IS the magic negro.

this is the only time i find myself wishing that 0linsky was president right now.

if ol' skeets was at the helm we wouldn't be hearing a fucking peep out of ANYONE over anything to do with covid. it would be just like it was 10 years ago. pass the hand sanitizer and take your place in line waiting to polish dear leader's nutsack.

nothing would be shut down, masks wouldn't be required, and we'd be just past the all star break during baseball season.

Anonymous said...

Get you head out of Trump's asshole.

sure. right after you spit out 0linsky's scrotum.

anonymous said...

Biden +15 in Pa.......Biden +13 national quinippiac.........oopsie!!!!!

anonymous said...

our goal was the wholesale slaughter of 10,000

First you flaming asshole......the # is bogus.....Granted Cuomo made a mistake, admitted the mistake and corrected the mistake and listened to fauci.....NY ia under control for the time being....Unlikje Floriduh and the idiot governor their who instead of leading is letting the municipalities all run amok without a common thread....Yeah....Biden +15 in Pa and cuomo's #'s soaring in the polls in spite of you being a dumb fucking asshlole!!!!!!

Commonsense said...

The state of New York and Dr. Fauci provided a template for the rest of the nation.

1. Fauci initial skepticism about using HCQ to treat COVID-19 cost thousands of lives.
2. Cuomo's order to send infected patients to back to nursing homes killed thousands.

The kill more people than the terrorists did on 9-11.

Some template.