Monday, July 6, 2020

So Covid is now about cases according to liberals!

Then let's compare apples to apples:

- 3 million Covid-19 cases (2020)

- 60 million Swine Flu cases (2009-2010)

So hey Liberals!  

You can criticize Trump in 57,000,000 more Covid cases.
Then he will have surpassed the  record number of cases for a modern epidemic!
Since, it's suddenly about cases! 

At the current pace it will only take three and a half years!

btw... who was the President back in 2009 when we had 60 million cases of Swine flu? 


anonymous said...

THE ONLY ONE CALLING IT ABOUT CASES IS YOU LIL SCHITTY!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAA!!!! Another example of your desperation to change the subject to save trumps fat fucking white old ass!!!!! His new message....LIVE WITH IT.......What a crock of bullshit that idiots like you will embrace because you think like a herd animal.......!!!!!!!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

We had a vaccine for the swine flu.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

It didn't overwhelm the hospitals

anonymous said...

BTW...The large number of flu cases is a direct result of those millions of idiots like rat who thought the vaccine was more dangerous than the virus.....sad but true!!!!! Any comparison lil schitty makes is because he heard it on some right wing radio show that he fell for....Like deaths decreasing;.....true....but the treatments are maturing and the Dr's are learning how to treat it with steroids, a drug and plasma.......I guess that makes it a very harmless thing like trump says!!!!!

anonymous said...

Once again Lil Schitty compares apples to tennis sneakers with his flu analogy.....He should knock off the stupidity and practice safe sex since he really is too old to become a daddy again.....BWAAAAAAAAA!!!

estimates there were 60.8 million cases, 274,000 hospitalizations, and 12,469 deaths in the United States due to the virus.[117]

Gee.....130k deaths in 4 months .....BTW....only 57% received the vaccine that year!!!!!!! Only idiots and trump voters ignored the fact it was available.....

Caliphate4vr said...

Fatty many of the deaths on you antitrumpers

Last week, a new peer-reviewed study of hydroxychloroquine’s effectiveness at treating the coronavirus was published, and it found that the drug significantly reduced mortality rates.

And by significantly, I mean it literally cut the mortality rate by more than half.

The study also determined that despite previous reports, there were no adverse effects on the heart.

President Trump has been touting hydroxychloroquine as a potential game-changer since mid-March after small studies showed it potentially served as an effective treatment for coronavirus patients. “I feel good about it. Just a feeling. I am a smart guy, we’ll see soon enough and we have certainly big samples of people,” Trump said at the time. Since then, the media has desperately tried to undercut Trump’s positive message about hydroxychloroquine’s potential as a treatment for the coronavirus, calling it “unproven” and claiming there’s “no proof” that it works, and that certain at-risk people can die from the drug. They pounced when Dr. Anthony Fauci expressed reluctance to fully endorse the drug because there had not been clinical trials studying it’s effectiveness as a coronavirus treatment yet.

Hydroxychloroquine offered hope, but since Trump was the messenger, the media was desperate to quash it. They claimed an elderly Arizona couple had ingested chloroquine after seeing President Trump talking about it during a Coronavirus Task Force press briefing. The incident left the husband dead and the woman in intensive care. Eventually, it was revealed that the media hadn’t reported the fact that they didn’t take the medication at all, but had actually ingested poisonous fish tank cleaner because it contained a chemical variant of chloroquine, chloroquine phosphate, as an additive. But that didn’t stop the media from pretty much accusing Trump of murder.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

A 21-year-old Penn State student has died from complications related to COVID-19, and the university is now working to track down those who have had contact with the student, the school said in a statement Thursday. Juan Garcia was living off-campus when he became sick and decided to travel home June 19 to Allentown, which is about 165 miles east of the university. While home, Garcia was tested for COVID-19 on June 20 and died 10 days later, according to the school.

But we just have to live with it.

According to the

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

100,000+ US deaths from COVID-19? How does that compare to swine flu?

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. – The novel coronavirus disease we’re battling is on track to become the deadliest pandemic this nation has seen in 100 years.

The nation’s top infectious disease expert and member of the White House Coronavirus Task Force, Dr. Anthony Fauci, said Sunday that based on models, the United States could eventually see 100,000 or more deaths from the novel coronavirus.

“I don’t want to be held to that,” Fauci said, but he did add that the US is going to face “millions of cases.”


How does that compare to
Swine flu?

The nation’s most recent fight was in 2009 when the H1N1 virus, also called swine flu, appeared in the U.S. and spread quickly across the world. This H1N1 virus contained a unique combination of influenza genes not previously identified in animals or people, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

According to the CDC from April 2009 to April 2010 there were about 60.8 million cases of the swine flu with 12,469 deaths in the United States.

Unlike COVID-19, swine flu targeted the younger population, who health officials said had little to no existing immunity. Nearly one-third of people over 60 had antibodies against the virus, making CDC experts believe these people were likely exposed to an older version of the virus earlier in their lives.

Since the swine flu was very different from seasonal influenza, vaccination with flu vaccines offered little protection. After the peak of illness in the U.S., a vaccine to this strain of H1N1 was produced. According to the CDC, people are still infected with, hospitalized and die from the swine flu.

So, Ch, if we are comparing, as you say, apples to apples, how does 100,000 or more deaths compare to 12,469 deaths?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Just live with it

Atlanta mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms has tested positive for coronavirus, but has no symptoms, she tweeted on Monday evening.

Keisha Lance Bottoms
COVID-19 has literally hit home. I have had NO symptoms and have tested positive.

July 6, 2020
Bottoms has been publicly discussed as a potential vice presidential running mate for Democrat Joe Biden.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

So, Ch, if we are comparing, as you say, apples to apples, how does 100,000 or more deaths compare to 12,469 deaths?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

But of course if cases are apples,
then I guess actual deaths would have to be pears.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Still, if we are comparing
apple covid deaths-- 100,000 or more,

with apple swine flu deaths-- 12,469,
the analogy holds.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Got yourself in a tight place,
didn't you, Ch?

C.H. Truth said...

So, Ch, if we are comparing, as you say, apples to apples, how does 100,000 or more deaths compare to 12,469 deaths?

Okay Reverend...

We are in agreement now!

Let's just concentrate on deaths moving forward, since you have now established that deaths (not cases) are what matters.

So respect your own logic next time I bring up deaths...

and refrain from typing anything about "CASES" as you have been prone to do over the last couple of weeks.

Unless, of course, it really is about "cases"... then we are right back to comparing it to the Swine flu and 60 million.

Take your pick.

I am good either way.

But what you cannot do is demand that it's about deaths when we compare it to Swine flu, but it's about "cases" when we don't.

C.H. Truth said...

So Reverend!

Looks like for the third day in a row we are going to be under 300 deaths.

Boy oh boy... I guess we can now both agree that things have really taken a turn for the better!

We must both be so happy that Covid-19 is on the way down!!

and sooooo drastically on the way down!

Wouldn't you agree?

oh... and btw... 60 million Swine flu "cases".

Commonsense said...

We had a vaccine for the swine flu.

No, we did not.

It didn't overwhelm the hospitals

Yes, it did.

C.H. Truth said...

Don't worry about it Common...

The Reverend and the old guy are now both in agreement with me that "cases" are irrelevant to these sorts of things.

What really matters is deaths.

We should all be glad this is settled and we are on the same page.

Although from time to time I am sure we will have to remind both the Reverend and the old guy that THEY believe that these sorts of pandemics are all about how many people die, not about "cases".

Commonsense said...

It is estimated that 150, 000 to 575,000 people died from (H1N1) [Swine Flu] pandemic virus infection in the first year of the outbreak.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

I knew you would do that, Ch. You always dance around like that.

But it was a pretty ineffectual little dance this time, Ch.

Actually, I have been talking about both cases and deaths all along. So has Fauci.

So dance around again, Ch, and this time try to convince us that a very likely more than 100,000 covid deaths should concern us less than 12,469 swine flu deaths.

So start dancing. You'll have to go some distance dancing and twisting to convince anyone of that.

And by the way. Someone tell Senseless that we are talking about U.S.A. cases and deaths, not world wide cases and deaths.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

So how many died, total, from swine flu in the USA, Senseless?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Hear the crickets chirping...

Anonymous said...

Death rate dropping very rapidly. Great news. Yes?


Todd Lowdon

July 6 Update: US C19 CASES v DEATHS graph highlights the cases upturn beginning early June. The CDC estimates mean time from symptom onset to death of ~14 days. Still no observable deaths curve inflection, despite the sharp increase in cases now nearly 4 weeks ago.

Newman Nahas

242 US deaths today. Lowest Monday since Mar 23. 7-d avg falls to 480.

Meanwhile, case counts continue to rise, as they have for 4 weeks—without a commensurate impact on mortality.


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

United States COVID-19 Cases and Deaths by State
Reported to the CDC since January 21, 2020
CDC | Updated: Jul 6 2020 5:45PM
CDC | Updated: Jul 6 2020 5:45PM
Cases per 100,000 People
CDC | Updated: Jul 6 2020 5:45PM

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Cases by State/Territory

State/Territory Total Cases Confirmed Probable
American Samoa
District of Columbia
Federated States of Micronesia
New Hampshire
New Jersey
New Mexico
New York City*
New York*
North Carolina
North Dakota
Northern Mariana Islands
Puerto Rico
Republic of Marshall Islands
Rhode Island
South Carolina
South Dakota
Virgin Islands
West Virginia
CDC | Updated: Jul 6 2020 5:45PM

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Nearly 190 Farmworkers Contract Virus in Southern California
Monday, Jul. 06, 2020 | Updated 11:34 AM PDT
By The Associated Press | Photo Credit: Joe Klamar/AFP via Getty Images
Dozens of farmworkers staying at a Southern California housing facility for migrant agricultural laborers tested positive for the coronavirus last week, the Ventura County Star reported.

County Public Health Director Rigoberto Vargas said that as of Friday 188 of the 216 workers tested positive at Villa Las Brisas in Oxnard.

No problem because they are just brown skinned people

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The CDC reported that through May 30, 14% of confirmed coronavirus cases led to hospitalizations — including 2% in intensive care units. But President Trump falsely claimed “99%” of cases “are totally harmless.”

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Some estimates do place the mortality at about 1%,” Columbia University epidemiologist Stephen Morse told us in an email, noting that we don’t have a solid figure for the total number of people who have been infected. “However, 1% mortality is not the same as ‘99% … totally harmless’. I wish that were true. ‘Totally harmless’ suggests that the infection doesn’t do any harm.”

In addition to patients who get sick enough to need hospitalization, some who have recovered from COVID-19 report experiencing long-term effects, “including lung damage but also other symptoms, and we don’t know how common these sequelae (the term for aftereffects of disease) are,” Morse said.

Trump made his claim in July 4 remarks at the White House.

“Likewise, testing — there were no tests for a new virus, but now we have tested almost 40 million people,” he said. “By so doing, we show cases, 99% of which are totally harmless. Results that no other country can show, because no other country has testing that we have — not in terms of the numbers or in terms of the quality.”

The president exaggerated the number of tests a bit: 36.3 million had been conducted as of July 3, according to the CDC. The COVID Tracking Project had the total at 34.9 million as of July 4.

What those tests show is that 2.8 million people had tested positive for COVID-19 and 122,464 had died in the U.S., as of July 4. That puts the case-fatality rate — the percentage of confirmed cases that resulted in death — at more than 4%.

Trump is also wrong to say these are “results that no other country will show.” Several countries have lower case fatality rates than the U.S.

Among the 20 countries most affected by COVID-19 now, the U.S. has the sixth highest case fatality rate — which means 14 other countries have lower rates, according to data collected by Johns Hopkins University & Medicine.

And, as we’ve written before, the president is wrong to claim other countries don’t have the same “quality” of tests. Rangarajan Sampath, the chief scientific officer of the nonprofit Foundation for Innovative New Diagnostics, told us in late April there wasn’t any data to support Trump’s claims that the U.S. tests are better than those in other countries.

Morse said: “Most of our tests for the virus are of very good quality, but quality varies, too, and many tests in other countries use the same methodology and are just as good.”

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

anonymous said...

Anonymous Caliphate4vr said...
Fatty many of the deaths on you antitrumpers

PJ Media....your Above Top secret source of abject bullshit....Nice try drunkard BWAAAAAAPAAAAAA!!!!!!

anonymous said...

Finally Lindsey Graham breaks with trump on a simple problem......Bubba has no need to apologize and that the Nascar surrounding Wallace in support was heartening!!!!! You slurpers like the drunk fuck from UGA with the big mouth will think otherwise that the Stars and Bars ban is wrong.......BWAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!

anonymous said...

Another big mouth white women getting what she so richly deserves!!!!!!! The mouth of the souths kind of girl......BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!

Michael Brice-Saddler
July 6, 2020 at 7:23 p.m. EDT
Add to list
The white woman who falsely claimed she was threatened by a black birdwatcher who asked her to leash her dog in Manhattan’s Central Park was charged Monday with filing a false report, the Manhattan district attorney said.
Amy Cooper, 41, gained national notoriety in late May after she was captured in a now-infamous video threatening to call police on the man, stating, “I’m going to tell them there’s an African American man threatening my life.”
The exchange went viral after it was posted online, drawing comparisons to the case of Emmett Till and sparking discourse about the ways that white people weaponize authorities against black people who have done nothing wrong.
Cooper was charged Monday with falsely reporting an incident in the third degree, District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr. said — a misdemeanor that carries a maximum penalty of one year in jail or three years’ probation and a fine of up to $1,000.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Trump has never apologized to the Central Park 5

anonymous said...


anonymous said...

It is sad so many white adults are seduced by the racist/bigot in chief showing the complete failure of our education system!!!!!

President Trump mounted an explicit defense of the Confederate flag on Monday, suggesting that NASCAR had made a mistake in banning it from its auto racing events, while falsely accusing a top Black driver, Darrell Wallace Jr., of perpetrating a hoax involving a noose found in his garage.

The remarks are part of a pattern. Almost every day in the last two weeks, Mr. Trump has sought to stoke white fear and resentment, portraying himself as a protector of an old order that polls show much of America believes perpetuates entrenched racism and wants to move beyond.

Two weeks ago, the president retweeted a video of a supporter shouting “white power” at a retirement community filled with older people whom he wants to win over. Last week, he wrote that he was reviewing a fair housing regulation that is aimed at eliminating racial housing disparities in the suburbs, but that he said would have a “devastating impact” on those communities — a play to white suburbanites whose votes would be crucial to his re-election.

On Monday, he also tweeted his displeasure with sports teams that are reviewing the appropriateness of nicknames that are offensive to Native Americans, seeking to curry favor with Americans who believe political correctness has gone too far. He has invoked fear of crime with tweets about sanctuary cities and crime rates in New York and Chicago, and has spoken of preserving “our heritage,” picking up the language of those who want to honor the Confederacy.

anonymous said...

The trump administration covering up another investigation into the chief liars BULLSHIT!!!!!!!!!

HINGTON — The Department of Commerce is preventing the release of an investigation’s findings into whether it coerced the head of a federal agency into supporting President Trump’s erroneous claim that Hurricane Dorian would hit Alabama last year, the department’s inspector general said on Wednesday.

In a memo to Commerce Secretary Wilbur L. Ross Jr., the inspector general, Peggy E. Gustafson, said that staff in his department had “thwarted” the publication of her report. According to Ms. Gustafson’s memo, the department has said portions of that report contain information that cannot be made public, but will not say which ones.

The department’s refusal to cooperate with the release of the investigation “appears to be directly linked to the content of our report and the findings of responsibility of the high-level individuals involved,” Ms. Gustafson wrote.

She compared the move to the department’s vetoing her investigation, a significant statement given that an inspector general’s office is designed to conduct inquiries that are independent from the agency being examined.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

On Tucker Carlson Tonight Monday, Fox News host Tucker Carlson attacked Democratic senator out of Illinois, Tammy Duckworth, a possible pick for Joe Biden’s running mate and veteran who lost both legs in Iraq in 2004 when the helicopter she was piloting was struck by a rocket propelled grenade. Over the weekend, Duckworth said in an interview with CNN that “we should listen to the argument” from those who believe monuments to George Washington should be taken down because he owned slaves. So Carlson took some shots at Duckworth and, despite her years of service and the sacrifices she’s made for this country, he accused her of hating the United States.

“You’re not supposed to criticize Tammy Duckworth in any way because she once served in the military. Most people just ignore her. But when Duckworth does speak in public, you’re reminded what a deeply silly and unimpressive person she is,” Carlson said, adding, “It’s long been considered out of bounds to question a person’s patriotism. It’s a very strong charge and we try not ever to make it. But in the face of all of this, the conclusion can’t be avoided. These people actually hate America. There’s no longer a question about that.”

Duckworth, a Purple Heart recipient who retired a lieutenant colonel in 2014 after 23 years of service, hit back at Carlson in a tweet.

But Duckworth wasn’t Carlson’s only target. He soon concluded that all of the Democratic Party leadership despises the United States.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Tammy Duckworth
want to walk a mile in my legs and then tell me whether or not I love America?
6:30 PM · Jul 6, 2020·Twitter for iPad

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

She lost both legs in combat.

The bone spur draft dodging son of a bitch and traitor can go to hell.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

From Clint Eastwood: "I love when people call Trump stupid..

You mean the billionaire who kicked every Democrats butt, buried 16 career Republican politicians, and continues to make fools out of once reputable news organizations?
You mean the guy who won the presidency?
You mean the guy with the super model wife?
You mean the guy whose words alone put a massive slow down on illegal border crossings?
You mean the guy whose mere presence made the stock market smash its previous records?
You mean the guy who created 1 million jobs in his first 7 months in office?
Are you sure you even know what it is you're resisting?
Are you sure you can back a party that enables the decimation of every core principal of Christianity?
Are you sure can you back a party that voted 100% against abolishing slavery?
Are you sure you can really take a politician like Maxine Waters seriously?
Are you sure you don't see anything wrong with someone who has a 40 yr career as a public servant living in a $4.5 mansion representing a district she doesn't even live in?
Are you sure you see nothing wrong or peculiar about Hillary Clinton a woman being involved in politics for the last 30 yrs having a net worth of $240 million?
Are you sure you're not just basing your opinion on hatred spewed by a crooked paid-for-media platform?
Could you even tell me 5 things the Democratic Party has done to improve your day to day prosperity as a hard working American citizen?

Probably not.

Do you realize the debacle you are sending your children into once they become adults, by continuing to support a political party that has done nothing for the poor except kept them poor, gave them free abortions, and a few hundred a month to keep food in their fridge?
The prosperity and safety of its citizens is job one of your government.
Get with the program.
Everyone else has horribly failed you!

Smarten up and take a position for the sake of your children.
I promise you a country full of illegal immigrants, abortions, $15 an hour jobs, and non-gender specific people aren't gonna make your country and life any more prosperous.
Rosie, Madonna, Katy Perry, and Robert Deniro are not just like you. They don't have to live through the real world day to day disparity of an average American.
Men don't hate women, white people don't hate black people, and Donald Trump is not a racist.
Stop allowing yourself to be brainwashed by a party that has continuously failed you.
Be about your prosperity, your safety, your children, and an America First mindset.
Dump these crooked politicians that have stunted your growth.
Dump these crooked politicians that have stunted your children's growth.

Toughen up, take a stand, and act like a proud American.”

Myballs said...

A dozen questions from white house press to the press sec and zero about all the deaths, black on black deaths, over the weekend. Mceanany rightfully ripped them for it. Even the newscaster remarked 'so do black lives matter or not?'

Myballs said...

Dozen questions on Confederate flag

Anonymous said...

The Democrat Marxist here support their fellow travelers.

"Patrisse Cullors, one of the founders of the Black Lives Matter movement, just admitted that they are “trained Marxists” and that their goal is “to get Trump out.”

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

If this administration spent as much time actually addressing coronavirus as they've spent crafting misleading messaging to cover up their failures, they could have saved lives.

Anonymous said...

James and Alky never take a position in a debate, they can't, they simply can't.

Anonymous said...

Trump has saved 100 million lives in the US.

Myballs said...

They have. You're not seeing it by watching cnn.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Myballs said...

CNN bashed Trump's speech all weekend but couldn't be bothered to show one second of it.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The Confederacy was designed to protect slavery.

You guys won't have been traitors.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Would have been Traitors

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I watched the speech live on PBS

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

You claim the 2nd , 14 th amendments are as well as the Ellectorial college.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The Constitution as originally written allowed slavery.

It took a Civil war and a Constitutional amendment to overturn slavery.

Anonymous said...

Alky, is the US Constitution racist as you claim?

Anonymous said...

Roger uphold your past position. Is it or not?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Two weeks after Americans learned about Russia allegedly putting bounties on the heads of American troops, the White House is taking action.

Team Trump, however, isn't targeting Russia; it's targeting leakers.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The Trump administration has opened an internal investigation to try to uncover who leaked intelligence about Russians paying the Taliban bounties to kill American soldiers. The administration maintains the story is overcooked and the leaks cherry-picked despite a steady stream of follow-ups from media outlets across the globe. The administration has interviewed people with access to the intelligence, and believes it has narrowed down the universe of suspects to fewer than 10 people.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

As originally written it allowed slavery. It was racist.

It took a Civil war and a Constitutional amendment to forbid slavery

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Commonsense said...

Two weeks after Americans learned about Russia allegedly putting bounties on the heads of American troops, the White House is taking action.

Adam Schiff and his staff knew for months about the unverified intelligence. And yet did nothing about it. It's rather bizarre that you would criticize Trump and remain silent as a tomb about Schiff.

Team Trump, however, isn't targeting Russia; it's targeting leakers.

As they should, leaking classified intelligence is a serious felony, and in this case it seriously damaged our national security. You never tell the enemy what you know or don't know to be true.

Right now it looks like a member of Schiff's staff (If not Schiff himself) is the source of the leak. They should go to jail for a long time.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Pentagon leaders are considering a ban on Confederate flags at all bases, an official said Monday, in another possible step in the military’s reckoning with racism and its long acceptance of Civil War tributes.

Trump and his pathological supporters will be upset.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Banana republic

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Sen.⁴. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) characterized Trump's remarks from the Rose Garden of the White House as a "fascist speech" that "verged on a declaration of war against American citizens" who have taken to the streets across the nation to condemn police brutality and racial injustice.

"The president of the United States tear-gassed peaceful protestors in order to clear the way for a useless photo-op outside the White House—just after vowing to activate the military against our own people. Lives and our democracy are in danger."
—Sen. Elizabeth Warren

"I fear for our country tonight and will not stop defending America against Trump's assault," Wyden tweeted.

Other progressive lawmakers similarly condemned Trump's address, during which the president vowed to deploy " thousands and thousands of heavily armed soldiers, military personnel, and law enforcement officers," to the streets of the nation's capital.

Following his speech, the president walked from the White House to St. John's Episcopal Church as police officers swinging batons and hurling tear gas canisters cleared the streets of peaceful demonstrators. The ACLU demanded an immediate investigation into the president's approval of "politically-motivated and life-threatening use of indiscriminate weapons" against the crowds of protesters.

After police officers and military personnel forcefully removed demonstrators from his path, Trump arrived at the church and hoisted a Bible for the cameras. The White House Monday night posted an edited video of the president's walk on Twitter which includes zero indication that, as Trump casually strolled to St. John's, protesters were being brutally attacked for his benefit.

"The president of the United States tear-gassed peaceful protestors in order to clear the way for a useless photo-op outside the White House—just after vowing to activate the military against our own people," tweeted Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.). "Lives and our democracy are in danger."

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) slammed Trump for having "peaceful demonstrators viciously attacked."

"This is not a dictatorship," tweeted Sanders. "This is the United States of America. Our citizens have a constitutional right to peacefully protest. It's called the First Amendment."

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

If the President is reelected he and the Republicans will try to put Obama in jail. Obamagate

Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...

She lost both legs in combat.

so what?

she remains a fucking idiot.

for all we know she got drunk and blowed herself up like max cleland.

Commonsense said...

Alky, is the US Constitution racist as you claim?
Blogger Roger Amick said...
As originally written it allowed slavery. It was racist.

Fredrick Dougles disagree with you:

Fellow-citizens! there is no matter in respect to which, the people of the North have allowed themselves to be so ruinously imposed upon, as that of the pro-slavery character of the Constitution. In that instrument I hold there is neither warrant, license, nor sanction of the hateful thing; but interpreted, as it ought to be interpreted, the Constitution is a GLORIOUS LIBERTY DOCUMENT. Read its preamble, consider its purposes. Is slavery among them? Is it at the gateway? or is it in the temple? it is neither. While I do not intend to argue this question on the present occasion, let me ask, if it be not somewhat singular that, if the Constitution were intended to be, by its framers and adopters, a slave-holding instrument, why neither slavery, slaveholding, nor slave can anywhere be found in it. What would be thought of an instrument, drawn up, legally drawn up, for the purpose of entitling the city of Rochester to a track of land, in which no mention of land was made? Now, there are certain rules of interpretation, for the proper understanding of all legal instruments. These rules are well established. They are plain, common-sense rules, such as you and I, and all of us, can understand and apply, without having passed years in the study of law. I scout the idea that the question of the constitutionality, or un.

The Speech was given 13 years before the 13th amendment was adopted.

Anonymous said...

See CHT, Roger simply can't defend his anti-US Constitution stands.

He hasn't the brain power.

Anonymous said...

Bernie Sanders the true believer in Nazi Socialism is going to attempt to tell US about freedom.

Alky , your hero's are 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡.

Anonymous said...

Virol J. 2005; 2: 69.

Published online 2005 Aug 22. doi: 10.1186/1743-422X-2-69

PMCID: PMC1232869
PMID: 16115318

Chloroquine is a potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus infection and spread

Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) is caused by a newly discovered coronavirus (SARS-CoV). No effective prophylactic or post-exposure therapy is currently available.

We report, however, that chloroquine has strong antiviral effects on SARS-CoV infection of primate cells. These inhibitory effects are observed when the cells are treated with the drug either before or after exposure to the virus, suggesting both prophylactic and therapeutic advantage. In addition to the well-known functions of chloroquine such as elevations of endosomal pH, the drug appears to interfere with terminal glycosylation of the cellular receptor, angiotensin-converting enzyme 2. This may negatively influence the virus-receptor binding and abrogate the infection, with further ramifications by the elevation of vesicular pH, resulting in the inhibition of infection and spread of SARS CoV at clinically admissible concentrations.

Chloroquine is effective in preventing the spread of SARS CoV in cell culture. Favorable inhibition of virus spread was observed when the cells were either treated with chloroquine prior to or after SARS CoV infection. In addition, the indirect immunofluorescence assay described herein represents a simple and rapid method for screening SARS-CoV antiviral compounds.

so... 15 fucking years ago fauci's NIH KNEW chloroquine was effective in treating coronavirus.

yet he still has a job.

Anonymous said...

Blogger KansasDemocrat said...
See CHT, Roger simply can't defend his anti-US Constitution stands.

He hasn't the brain power.

and he insists the electoral college is a relic of slavery, while it managed to elect his magic negro not once, but TWICE.

fundamental tenet of liberalism number four: when you lose, insist upon changing the rules.

Anonymous said...

oops -

link for the chloroquine paper:

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

WASHINGTON — Americans have significantly more confidence in their governors than in President Donald Trump when it comes to handling the coronavirus, according to new data from an NBC News/SurveyMonkey Weekly Tracking Poll.

Forty-three percent of respondents approve of Trump's handling of the pandemic, while 55 percent disapprove.

That's compared to 60 percent of Americans who say they approve of how their governors are handling the response and just 37 percent who said they disapprove.

And 7 out of 10 Americans say they trust their governors over the president to decide when to reopen businesses in their area. Just 25 percent say they trust Trump over their governors. Even among Republicans, just over half — 53 percent — say they trust the president's judgment on reopening over that of their governors.

The data come from the first installment of a weekly online tracking poll on social and economic issues that will be released over the coming months.

Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...

From Clint Eastwood: "I love when people call Trump stupid..

the alky just punked himself by not realizing that eastwood was mocking democrats in that diatribe.

Myballs said...

The likeness targeting sports teams is getting ridiculous. We better keep it going....

The Dallas Cowboys need to become the Cowpersons to not offend the trans activists

The Cleveland Browns need to become the Cleveland purples because...well, you know why

The Chicago White Sox should become the beigh Sox or something

Atlanta baseball cannot be the Braves. They would be the Altanta Peace Activists

Cincinnati Reds must become the Cincinnati maroons

The liberals are ruining this country. Because they hate it.

Myballs said...

Wokeness. Damn auto correct

Anonymous said...

Alky, has the brain function of Biden.
RRB is right.

Anonymous said...

"and he insists the electoral college is a relic of slavery, while it managed to elect his magic negro not once, but TWICE.

fundamental tenet of liberalism number four: when you lose, insist upon changing the rules."


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

washington post:
Both Campaigns See Pandemic Deciding Election


“The Trump and Biden presidential campaigns now see the coronavirus response as the preeminent force shaping the results of November’s election, prompting both camps to try to refocus their campaigns more heavily on the pandemic,” the Washington Post reports.

“Advisers to Joe Biden see the covid-19 crisis as perhaps the clearest way yet to contrast the former vice president with President Trump, using the stumbling response and renewed surge in cases as ways to paint Trump as UNINFORMED, INCAPABLE OF EMPATHY AND CONCERNED ONLY ABOUT HIS OWN POLITICAL STANDING.”


“Trump’s advisers, by contrast, are seeking ways to REFRAME HIS RESPONSE to the coronavirus
even as the president himself largely seeks to AVOID the topic because he views it as A POLITICAL LOSER.”


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

In a direct election system, the South would have lost every time because a huge percentage of its population was slaves, and slaves couldn't vote. But an Electoral College allows states to count slaves, albeit at a discount (the three-fifths clause), and that's what gave the South the inside track in presidential elections. And thus it's no surprise that eight of the first nine presidential races were won by a Virginian. (Virginia was the most populous state at the time, and had a massive slave population that boosted its electoral vote count.)

This pro-slavery compromise was not clear to everyone when the Constitution was adopted, but it was clearly evident to everyone when the Electoral College was amended after the Jefferson-Adams contest of 1796 and 1800. These elections were decided, in large part, by the extra electoral votes created by slavery. Without the 13 extra electoral votes created by Southern slavery, John Adams would've won even in 1800, and every federalist knows that after the election.

And yet when the Constitution is amended, the slavery bias is preserved.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

"and he insists the electoral college is a relic of slavery, while it managed to elect his magic negro not once, but TWICE."

Rapist rat, I thought Obama won both the electoral AND the popular vote.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Trump didn't.
Geo. W. didn't.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Man where are all these peoples concerns about the death rate associated with the common flu? Yeah sadly a lot of people have died from COVID. That is because it is brand new. Our health care professionals didn’t know how to treat it. At this point they are getting it figured out. That is why the death toll is dropping. COVID will never be gone and people will continue to die from it just like people die from the FLU. Another news flash people get the FLU vaccine and still die from the FLU. So it will be the same for COVID.

Anonymous said...

I thought Obama won both the electoral AND the popular vote.

he did. the point being that i laid waste to alky's "logic."

a "relic of slavery" elected a half-rican american. twice.

the system as designed, WORKED. twice.

now suddenly, because felonia von pantsuit lost an election so set up in her favor it wasn't even funny, we must change the rules because liberal tears.

uh no.

our electoral institutions are working just as designed. including voting itself.

if voter fraud by mail favored the GOP, the left would burn down every post office in america.

so fuck off pederast.

fuck off so far that when you find yourself back here, fuck off again.

Caliphate4vr said...

Flattening the curve always meant having higher hospitalizations now

anonymous said...

Fuck John Locke......another group of unmitigated assholes attached to trumps fat white obese ass just like you, mouth of the south!!!!!

anonymous said...

rn down every post office in america.


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Rapist rat, I for one expect the electoral college to SINK Trump this time.


THAT'll sure f YOU off.

Myballs said...

Removing the electoral college would subject the country to the same election problem we in NY have. We in upstate NY have no say in anything. NYC we idea everything because of the popular vote methodology. It is very frustrating. If the country went to this, CA and NY would decide everything and Midwest states would have no vouce at all.

Caliphate4vr said...

Scintillating retort, fatman, simply scintillating

Now shelter under the bed you aged, sickly old man and inhale a pie


Myballs said...


And you're a pastor?

Anonymous said...

If the country went to this, CA and NY would decide everything and Midwest states would have no vouce at all.

we call that 'saying the quiet part out loud.'

that is of course, the ultimate goal.

coastal liberal elites with all the power; rural Americans with ZERO power.


Myballs said...

And you're a pastor?

He's just a lying POS who who "thinks" whatever Goddard posts in his blog is the unvarnished truth and needs to be posted in any and every thread here.

Without revealing where it comes from and who dissected it.

Just an asshole hiding behind his title.


anonymous said...

The mouth of the south uses a new word he found today!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! Awesome come back for our UGA drunken idiot!!!!!! Stars and bars are forever gone!!!!!!

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Anonymous Myballs said...

And you're a pastor?

Yes. And not the pederast rapist rat calls me.


James said...
Anonymous Myballs said...

And you're a pastor?

Yes. And not the pederast rapist rat calls me.

Well the "pastor" lies about just everything else. Look at his actions here. So pederast it is.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

F'n absolutely LIES when he says I post
"Without [ever] revealing where it comes from"

My, my. I thought I made it clear that
5:11AM far above* comes from Fauci and the CDC (and not in this case via pol.wire)
and 8:14AM directly above comes from the Washington Post.

I guess F'n has reading difficulties.

*Some very good reading up there, by the way. Note how I caused Ch to paint himself into an corner he could not get out of.

Nor could Commensa :-)

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

* a corner


He's just a lying POS who who "thinks" whatever Goddard posts in his blog is the unvarnished truth and needs to be posted in any and every thread here.

Without revealing where it comes from and who dissected it.

Just an asshole hiding behind his title.



didn't say "ever" (another implied lie by the "pastor")

Though that is the norm.

I guess the lying POS "pastor" has reading comprehension difficulties.


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

huge lol here
YOU definitely implied "ever."
That's why I put it in brackets.



Wall Street Is No Longer Betting on Trump
July 7, 2020 at 10:15 am EDT

“Betting markets have turned decisively toward an expected victory for Joe Biden in November — and asset managers at major investment banks are preparing for not only a Biden win, but potentially a Democratic sweep of the Senate and House too,” Axios reports.

I boldfaced the source for the reading challenged among us. [F'n comes to mind.] :-)

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Wall Street No Longer Betting on Trump
July 7, 2020 at 10:15 am EDT By Taegan Goddard

The Goddard worshipper comes through again.

Though he doesn't like to openly acknowledge his true God.

And sure doesn't take him long to copy over a new posting from there. He must salivate waiting for the next posting, whatever it is.

And spam it over here no matter what the thread topic.

He must get the word of his TRUE GOD out.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Er... Somebody gently tap F'n on the shoulder and explain to him that when Goddard quotes Axios for example, the source really is Axios.

That seems beyond F'n's comprehension.

Actually, I should think F'n would be happy to be updated on what the betting markets and Wall Street investors are anticipating, for he put SO much emphasis on the betting averages a while back when they had Trump far ahead.


James said...
Er... Somebod tap F'n on the shoulder and explain to him that when Goddard quotes Axios for example, the source really is Axios.

That seems beyond F'n's comprehension

Err... somebody tap the POS "pastor" on the shoulder and explain to him that when Goddard quotes Axios for example, the source really is Axios but EVERYTHING NOT IN QUOTES is Goddard and needs to be attributed (including his original "headlines") else it is plagiarism. That is why Goddard posts "by Taegan Goddard"

That seems beyond the POS "pastor's" comprehension


Commonsense said...

In a direct election system, the South would have lost every time because a huge percentage of its population was slaves,

Wrong again. The voting population in the 18th century south would dominate the election of any president if they used the popular vote.

Anonymous said...

KansasDemocrat July 7, 2020 at 7:26 AM

Roger uphold your past position. Is it or not?

Alky, crickets, always.

Anonymous said...

Kamalatoe Harris is attempting to "scrub" unwanted data from the internet.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...



100,000+ US deaths from COVID-19? How does that compare to swine flu?

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. – The novel coronavirus disease we’re battling is on track to become the deadliest pandemic this nation has seen in 100 years.

The nation’s top infectious disease expert and member of the White House Coronavirus Task Force, Dr. Anthony Fauci, said Sunday that based on models, the United States could eventually see 100,000 or more deaths from the novel coronavirus.

“I don’t want to be held to that,” Fauci said, but he did add that the US is going to face “millions of cases.”


How does that compare to
Swine flu?

The nation’s most recent fight was in 2009 when the H1N1 virus, also called swine flu, appeared in the U.S. and spread quickly across the world. This H1N1 virus contained a unique combination of influenza genes not previously identified in animals or people, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

According to the CDC from April 2009 to April 2010 there were about 60.8 million cases of the swine flu with 12,469 deaths in the United States.

Unlike COVID-19, swine flu targeted the younger population, who health officials said had little to no existing immunity. Nearly one-third of people over 60 had antibodies against the virus, making CDC experts believe these people were likely exposed to an older version of the virus earlier in their lives.

Since the swine flu was very different from seasonal influenza, vaccination with flu vaccines offered little protection. After the peak of illness in the U.S., a vaccine to this strain of H1N1 was produced. According to the CDC, people are still infected with, hospitalized and die from the swine flu.

So, Ch, if we are comparing, as you yourself say, apples to apples, how do 100,000 or more deaths compare to 12,469 deaths?

But of course if cases are apples,
then I guess actual deaths would have to be pears.

Still, if we are comparing
apple covid deaths-- 100,000 or more,
with apple swine flu deaths-- 12,469,
the analogy holds.


Got yourself in a tight place,
didn't you, Ch?


So, Ch, if we are comparing, as you say, apples to apples, how does 100,000 or more deaths compare to 12,469 deaths?

Okay Reverend...

We are in agreement now!

Let's just concentrate on deaths moving forward, since you have now established that deaths (not cases) are what matters.

So respect your own logic next time I bring up deaths...

and refrain from typing anything about "CASES" as you have been prone to do over the last couple of weeks.

Unless, of course, it really is about "cases"... then we are right back to comparing it to the Swine flu and 60 million.

Take your pick.

I am good either way.

But what you cannot do is demand that it's about deaths when we compare it to Swine flu, but it's about "cases" when we don't.


So Reverend!

Looks like for the third day in a row we are going to be under 300 deaths.

Boy oh boy... I guess we can now both agree that things have really taken a turn for the better!

We must both be so happy that Covid-19 is on the way down!!

and sooooo drastically on the way down!

Wouldn't you agree?

oh... and btw... 60 million Swine flu "cases".

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

"We had a vaccine for the swine flu."

No, we did not.

And again quoting Roger:
"It didn't overwhelm the hospitals"

Yes, it did.


Don't worry about it Common...

The Reverend and the old guy are now both in agreement with me that "cases" are irrelevant to these sorts of things.

What really matters is deaths.

We should all be glad this is settled and we are on the same page.

Although from time to time I am sure we will have to remind both the Reverend and the old guy that THEY believe that these sorts of pandemics are all about how many people die, not about "cases".

It is estimated that 150, 000 to 575,000 people died from (H1N1) [Swine Flu] pandemic virus infection in the first year of the outbreak.


I knew you would do that, Ch. You always dance around like that.

But it was a pretty ineffectual little dance this time, Ch.

Actually, I have been talking about both cases and deaths all along. So has Fauci.

So dance around again, Ch, and this time try to convince us that a very likely more than 100,000 covid deaths should concern us less than 12,469 swine flu deaths.

So start dancing. You'll have to go some distance dancing and twisting to convince anyone of that.

And by the way. Someone tell Senseless that we are talking about U.S.A. cases and deaths, not world wide cases and deaths.

---So how many died, total, from swine flu in the USA, Senseless?



Crickets chirping... chirping.... chirping... and chirping...



helping "james" out

--the article continues

This is where you post a link

missing from yesterdays previous "posts"

By Taegan Goddard

By Taegan Goddard

By Taegan Goddard

By Taegan Goddard

By Taegan Goddard

By Taegan Goddard

By Taegan Goddard

By Taegan Goddard

By Taegan Goddard

By Taegan Goddard

By Taegan Goddard

By Taegan Goddard

By Taegan Goddard

By Taegan Goddard

By Taegan Goddard

By Taegan Goddard

By Taegan Goddard

By Taegan Goddard

By Taegan Goddard

By Taegan Goddard

By Taegan Goddard

By Taegan Goddard

By Taegan Goddard

By Taegan Goddard

By Taegan Goddard

By Taegan Goddard

By Taegan Goddard

By Taegan Goddard

By Taegan Goddard

By Taegan Goddard

By Taegan Goddard

By Taegan Goddard

Copyright © 2020 · Goddard Media LLC

plagiarism -copying words or ideas from someone else without giving credit

Appears to be a very strong connection with the "pastor"

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Sorry, F'n.
But this time the article was NOT from Goddard, and besides, for the most part I was arguing my own argument only.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.

James said...
Sorry, F'n.
But this time the article was NOT from Goddard, and besides, for the most part I was arguing my own argument only.


"missing from yesterdays previous posts"

or maybe it's just a lack of being able to comprehend.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

And now the reader might like to go back to Ch's original thread article above and notice how dishonestly he sets up his thesis:

Because he noticed that there were MILLIONS of Swine Flu CASES during Obama's presidency, he thought he could make a great big deal about that.

Trouble is, he overlooked the fact that there have already been significantly more DEATHS during Trump's presidency than during ALL of Obama's.

So sorry to embarrass you by pointing that out, Ch. I know truth hurts.