Sunday, July 12, 2020

Sunday Funnies


anonymous said...

Another hysterical coincidence.......cases surging in Tulsa 2 weeks after trumps stupid rally!!!!!! Yeah, I can't say it is a proven link, but it certainly can make you pause to wonder what happened.....BTW......the AZ debacle will soon be evident.....!!!! For the weak minded trump slurpers.....masks use cuts down the spread of infection in spite of idiots like the goat fucker saying it does not.....!!!

Oklahoma health officials reported record number of COVID-19 cases in the state this week, three weeks after President Donald Trump held a controversial rally in Tulsa, Okla., on June 20.

On Saturday, the Oklahoma State Department of Health (OSDH) reported 687 new COVID-19 cases had been confirmed in the last 24 hours. It was the second highest increase only coming after Tuesday’s 858 confirmed cases, per the Oklahoman. As of Saturday afternoon ET, Oklahoma had at least 19,779 confirmed cases of the virus, according to OSDH.

According to a reporter for local news channel KOCO 5, the seven-day average of COVID-19 cases is nearly six times what it was in early April. Officials also reported five new COVID-19 related deaths on Saturday. There have been at least 421 confirmed deaths in total from the virus in the state, according to OSDH.

Oklahoma began re-opening its economy in late April and entered phase three in early June. Retail stores, restaurants, bars and entertainment venues are open under certain guidelines.

The surge of new cases comes just weeks after President Trump held a campaign rally in an indoor arena in Tulsa, where many of the attendees reportedly did not wear masks. The event was criticized as being unsafe and a local newspaper ran an editorial asking the President not to hold the rally. On the day of the event, it was revealed that six staffers on the Trump campaign tested positive for the

anonymous said...

This asshole must be a friend of trump......don't give a shit about anything but himself and killing things.......
nclair posted on social media of the dead ram; the men whose faces were not shown are thought to be Mr Sinclair and Walter Palmer: Brent Sinclair / Facebook
The American dentist who killed Cecil the lion is reported to have hunted another endangered wild animal.

Walter Palmer is said to have slaughtered a protected ram in Mongolia, paying up to £80,000 for the kill.

The hunter, who prompted a worldwide outpouring of fury when he targeted Cecil five years ago, was identified as one of two men in a photo with the dead Altai argali – the largest wild sheep in the world.

The image posted on social media shows the pair posing with their kill during a trip to Asia, although their faces are cropped from sight.

According to WWF, the argali is legally protected by Mongolian law, and hunting it is banned. Internationally, the species is officially classed as near-threatened.

Actor and wildlife campaigner Peter Egan condemned “the depravity exhibited by the killers” in the photograph.

The dentist travelled to Mongolia last August from his Minnesota home, the Daily Mirror reported, identifying the two men as Mr Palmer and his friend Brent Sinclair. It said they tracked their prey in the mountains with the help of local guides.

The newspaper said the two men have travelled the world together to kill animals for fun. It’s thought the ram, a “much older male”, was killed with an arrow.

A source told the paper that Mr Palmer had several more trips planned, saying: “At the time of Cecil’s death, Walter took a back seat. But he’s been hunting ever since he was a boy. It’s a way of life to him. Walter has undertaken several hunts since Cecil’s death.

“The trip to Mongolia was his idea. The ram was on his list of hunts he wanted to complete.”

Mr Palmer allegedly paid £32,000 to his Zimbabwean guides in July 2015 to be able to kill Cecil, and was suspected of luring the 13-year-old big cat out of its home in Hwange National Park to shoot it with a bow and arrow.

Anonymous said...

Lots of Funny posts.

CHT , your stuff is funnier by far.

Commonsense said...

Another hysterical coincidence.......cases surging in Tulsa

There were also BLM protests in Tulsa. And anti-Trump protests at the rally. Some of those "protesters" spat on Trump supporters.

anonymous said...

There were also BLM protests in Tulsa

BWAAAAAA!!!!! Which numerous studies have stated there is no link in spikes....U of Mn is the most prominent.....asshole....

Yeah goat fucker they are about as funny as you saying masks don't work and people shouldn't wear them!!!!!

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Rep. Glenn Grothman (R-WI) suffered a coughing fit from the stage of the mask-optional Wisconsin GOP convention Saturday to the nervous laughter of the largely maskless audience, the HuffPost reports.

Louisiana Mandates Face Masks

Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards (D) issued an executive order requiring all people ages 8 and older to wear face coverings in public to curb the spread of the coronavirus, according to the Baton Rouge Advocate.

Louisiana is now the 25th state to issue some form of a mask mandate.

anonymous said...

But James, it is my right not to wear one and not care about the people around me!!!!!!! Our constitutional scholar Lil Schitty will say there is no law that requires anyone to follow that order!!!!!!!! Sad he has such little respect for anyone but himself!!!!!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Mr. Trump’s decision to commute the sentence of his longtime friend and former campaign adviser was the latest example of how the president has managed to bend the legal system to his advantage and undermine a criminal investigation that has dominated his presidency.

Anonymous said...

Roger, what did your "Private Chef" cock you for breakfast.🤣

Commonsense said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...
Mr. Trump’s decision to commute the sentence of his longtime friend and former campaign adviser was the latest example of how the president has managed to bend the legal system to his advantage and undermine a criminal investigation that has dominated his presidency.

Translation: Everything Trump did was legal and proper. Give it up Roger. By Tuesday no one will care. By Nov 3, no one will remember.

Commonsense said...

Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards (D) issued an executive order requiring all people ages 8 and older to wear face coverings in public to curb the spread of the coronavirus, according to the Baton Rouge Advocate.

If he didn't lose his bid for re-election already, he lost it now.

As I said, good luck enforcing it. You may get businesses to comply and require face-masks but the moment they are outside in a public space the masks will come off.

And it's stupid to require masks outside or while doing physically exerting tasks like exercising in a gym.

Commonsense said...

BWAAAAAA!!!!! Which numerous studies have stated there is no link in spikes....U of Mn is the most prominent.....asshole....

Well that now begs the question, where is your evidence the Trump rally cause the spike in Tulsa?


Commonsense said...

By Nov 3, no one will remember

Mueller probably already doesn't remember, despite what the WP wants you to believe:

Aaron Maté
Under oath, Mueller declined to say whether he wrote his March 2019 complaint letter to Barr or his May 2019 concluding statement. I'd bet there'd be a similar answer for this one.(WP "editorial")

Total shell like Biden.

Dem party is now party hiding behind demented old white men.

And no wonder the Mueller "investigation" only looked one way and still found nothing. EVERYTHING was actually done by Hillary and the left. Total farce "investigation" and now "op-ed"


Hidden Over 2 Years: Dem Cyber-Firm's Sworn Testimony It Had No Proof of Russian Hack of DNC

CrowdStrike, the private cyber-security firm that first accused Russia of hacking Democratic Party emails and served as a critical source for U.S. intelligence officials in the years-long Trump-Russia probe, acknowledged to Congress more than two years ago that it had no concrete evidence that Russian hackers stole emails from the Democratic National Committee’s server.

CrowdStrike President Shawn Henry's admission under oath, in a recently declassified December 2017 interview before the House Intelligence Committee, raises new questions about whether Special Counsel Robert Mueller, intelligence officials and Democrats misled the public. The allegation that Russia stole Democratic Party emails from Hillary Clinton, John Podesta and others and then passed them to WikiLeaks helped trigger the FBI's probe into now debunked claims of a conspiracy between the Trump campaign and Russia to steal the 2016 election. The CrowdStrike admissions were released just two months after the Justice Department retreated from its its other central claim that Russia meddled in the 2016 election when it dropped charges against Russian troll farms it said had been trying to get Trump elected.

Henry personally led the remediation and forensics analysis of the DNC server after being warned of a breach in late April 2016; his work was paid for by the DNC, which refused to turn over its server to the FBI. Asked for the date when alleged Russian hackers stole data from the DNC server, Henry testified that CrowdStrike did not in fact know if such a theft occurred at all: "We did not have concrete evidence that the data was exfiltrated [moved electronically] from the DNC, but we have indicators that it was exfiltrated," Henry said.

Google owns a significant equity position in Crowdstrike, and was a significant Hillary support provider and fund raiser.

Why would they not want the FBI to get their hands on Hillary's server and so eagerly say Russia, Russia, Russia with NO CONCRETE EVIDENCE ???

You'd have to be very lo iq not to at least be suspicious. And somehow the Mueller "investigation" didn't even pursue...


Commonsense said...

Mueller probably already doesn't remember, despite what the WP wants you to believe:

Mueller didn't write the op-ed Andrew Weissmann did. Once again the cowardly hack is hiding behind the dementia afflicted Mueller.

Commonsense said...

Young White Mother Killed By Black Lives Matter Mob for Allegedly Saying ‘All Lives Matter,’ National Media Fully Ignores

A 24-year-old mother was killed by a Black Lives Matter mob in Indianapolis last week, allegedly for saying “All Lives Matter.” Unlike Charlottesville, or any violence from the right, this killing was reported so quietly that barely anyone even noticed.

Jessica Doty Whitaker was shot and killed following an altercation with Black Lives Matter thugs who were upset that she and her fiance had said “All Lives Matter” last Sunday.

“According to the victim’s family, the shooting started with an argument over Black Lives Matter and language. Eventually the two sides separated and walked away from each other, until witnesses claim the killer opened fire from a nearby bridge and ran away,” Fox 59 reports.

It was squashed and they went up the hill and left we thought, but they were sitting on St. Claire waiting for us to come under the bridge and that’s when she got shot,” the victim’s fiancĂ© Jose Ramirez told the station.

Her grandfather posted on Facebook that “multiple black assailants” shot her in the head.

To the media only some lives matter.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The National Education Association, American Federation of Teachers, AASA, the School Superintendents Association, and American Academy of Pediatrics are calling on Congress and the Trump administration to provide billions in necessary funding to ensure schools can safely reopen amid the coronavirus outbreak: “It's not unlike a hurricane. When a hurricane hits, every American has a right to expect FEMA to come in and help. This is a similar emergency.”

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

President Trump’s commutation of Roger Stone’s sentence — over the objections of some aides and without the involvement of his administration’s pardon office — allowed an old friend to jump to the front of the slowest and longest line of federal inmates seeking mercy in decades.

�The grant of clemency to Stone is one of only 36 Trump has granted, with 180 denied. After more than three years in office, Trump’s six predecessors had acted on hundreds or thousands of petitions for clemency.

�Stone is emblematic of the very few people to receive clemency from Trump, with most being political allies who appealed directly to the White House instead of following Justice Department protocol.

�But Stone stands out as the first whose conviction grew from an investigation that also examined the president’s conduct. In an interview this past week, Stone boasted of resisting pressure from prosecutors to implicate the president and predicted that Trump would reward his loyalty.

�A juror in Stone’s 2019 trial called Trump’s announcement a “shocking act of corruption for the president to commute the sentence of a person convicted of lying to protect him.” Stone was convicted of seven felonies, including lying to Congress about his efforts to figure out what WikiLeaks had planned during the 2016 election so he could help Trump’s campaign with the information.

�The juror, Seth Cousins, 51, told The Washington Post: “The fact remains that Roger Stone is a convicted felon, that he was found guilty of seven counts of lying to Congress and intimidating a witness and of impeding an investigation. Nothing that Trump or anyone has done or can do changes that fact.”

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Trump bought his silence.

Stone stands out as the first whose conviction grew from an investigation that also examined the president’s conduct. In an interview this past week, Stone boasted of resisting pressure from prosecutors to implicate the president and predicted that Trump would reward his loyalty.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Another reason to vote blue Wave in November

Foreign policy will look drastically different if Joe Biden defeats President Trump in November, advisers tell Axios — starting with a Day One announcement that the U.S. is re-entering the Paris Climate Agreement and new global coordination of the coronavirus response.

Caliphate4vr said...

Oklahoma deaths

None occurred in the past 24 hours.
One in Garvin County, man in the 65 or older age group.
One in McCurtain County, man in the 65 or older age group.
One in Muskogee County, man in the 65 or older age group.
Three in Tulsa County, two men and one woman in the 65 or older age group.

Old and sickly like many here


ACTUALLY Stone said he resisted attempts by the Mueller team for him to LIE about the president to avoid going to jail.

He refused.

He is continuing to fight this in court and get his name cleared. The Mueller team tactics were despicable here as well as in the Flynn case.

It takes brave men to stand up to crooked big government despite the financial and personal ruin they faced. Hopefully they can get justice in a non-partisan courtroom.

And the people doing the squeezing need to be squeezed themselves.


Amazing how the "right people" ended up on the Hillary Clinton "exoneration", the Flynn setup and then the Mueller team.

Maybe Obama can explain if he was ever put under oath. We do have documented proof he said that about Flynn and no one questioned him who he was talking about...

Would appear to be something important to know.

Equal justice doesn't mean justice administered by a few "right people". Like Obama instructed.

but there are lots of "useful idiots" who will march forward unquestioningly. Like the left here.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Ann Coulter Hates DJT and now McConnell, too!

Ann Coulter Backs Democrat to Defeat Mitch McConnell

7/10/20 Newsweek

Republican pundit Ann Coulter blasted Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell on Friday while suggesting that her followers should vote for his "lovely" Democratic opponent in November.

The staunchly conservative commentator took to Twitter on Friday to accuse McConnell of backing so-called "RINOs," or Republicans in Name Only, in another Senate race. Coulter offered harsh words for the majority leader, while touting the military service of his Democratic challenger Amy McGrath.

"The lovely Amy McGrath is a Marine Corps veteran. The average donation to her campaign is $36," Coulter tweeted. "Mitch McConnell is a broken-down old man owed by cheap labor lobbyists. #DefeatMcConnell"

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Scott A**hole recently said that he will not wear a mask. Because he's nuts

"It protects everyone around you," Adm. Brett Giroir, the White House's coronavirus testing czar, said while discussing the use of face masks to curb the spread of the coronavirus. "And for this to work, we have to have like 90 percent of people wearing a mask in public in the hot spot areas. If we don't have that, we will not get control of the virus."

anonymous said...

Sad Lil Schitty can only think about himself while the rest of the world does not deserve anything but his scorn....His lousy attitude has gotten worse since he married that child in Paris......wonder if there is a correlation??????

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

This state has a Republican governor followed the President's guidelines.

Florida shattered previous records for any state's biggest single-day recording of new coronavirus cases on Sunday, announcing a staggering figure of almost 15,300 new cases.

With the addition of cases to its constantly-rising total, the state outpaces New York's previous daily record by more than 3,000.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

In a now-viral video, a Florida man was seen not wearing a mask while in a Costco in Fort Meyers, Florida, on June 27, as reported by local outlet NBC 2. The video shows a man wearing a red T-shirt and flip-flop sandals. What made the video go viral is not just his lack of a face covering, but that the video shows the man shouting at another customer after he was reportedly asked multiple times why he was not wearing a mask in the store. Costco has required employees, members, and guests to wear face coverings over both the nose and mouth since May 4, 2020. According to the Orlando Sentinel, the man in the video has since been fired from his job at an insurance agency.

In the video, the man can be heard yelling “I feel threatened!” as well as “Back the f--k up” and to “put your f--king phone down!” This incident was reportedly sparked when a fellow customer—identified in the original Twitter thread as an elderly woman—asked the man why he wasn’t wearing a mask. The person filming the video was reportedly a fellow customer who stepped in after the interaction became heated.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...


Ann Coulter

Presidential seal looks cool on Trump's mask! Everyone should add a personal crest to theirs. Only problem for Biden is, Mr. Magoo is a registered trademark.

suddenly the left won't like Coulter

That was quick




The claim: Trump campaign shirts feature imperial eagle, a Nazi symbol

Our ruling: True

Ryan Saavedra

Whoa, you mean Democrat House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has a Nazi symbol on her official government website?


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Five states and territories Saturday set record for COVID-related hospitalizations

More than 70,000 Americans tested positive for coronavirus on Friday

The toll marked the fourth consecutive rise in confirmed cases

More people in the U.S. now have COVID-19 than live in Chicago

Texas, Arizona and South Carolina saw a 100% increase in cases in a month

Dr Robert Lahita has urged states to reimpose lockdown or face huge deat

Anonymous said...

"Cancel Culture" How are you liking this President Now?