Saturday, July 11, 2020

The liberal psychology of the Mueller probe...

Liberals still want to believe that the Mueller special counsel was a success?

The reality is that Robert Mueller was tasked with finding the ever-elusive and non-existent collusion, collaboration, and conspiracy between the Trump campaign and the Russian government. I would offer that most "reasonable" people knew upfront that Mueller would come up empty. I think nearly all "reasonable" people deep down understood that it was a political hoax designed specifically to undermine Trump and his Presidency. Most understood there was never going to be any evidence found of an actual conspiracy (other than the one between Obama and his DOJ and FBI to undermine Trump).  There was never any "reasonable" reason to believe differently. 

The commuting of Stone's sentence is another psychological blow for liberals
who desperately wanted Robert Mueller to be a hero and bring down Trump

On the flip side, there are an awful lot of liberals in this country that are not even in the general ballpark of being "reasonable". Many "probably" were dumb enough to buy the crap than Rachel Maddow and all of those former Obama officials turned CNN and MSNBC pundits were selling. Or maybe they were banking on Mueller manufacturing something out thin air to take down the President. 

Either way, the idea that Mueller was offering "indictments" was all the prove required for many of the unreasonable to solidify their idea that the Mueller probe was justified and successful. But of course turning indictments into actual real convictions and prison sentences is always going to be the true judgment. On that account, as it pertained specifically to this Russian conspiracy, the Mueller team came up almost completely empty. Moreover, as time goes on, the emptiness seems to grow like a malignant cancer.

The first issue for Mueller and gang is the fact that his most successful prosecutions had nothing to do with Russia or even his probe. He turned the screws on Paul Manafort and Rick Gates (both had short lived roles on the Trump campaign) by indicting them on old tax evasion and banking violation charges. These alleged crimes were so old that the statute of limitations were almost running out. They ended up having to prosecuted them in the middle of the probe, rather than wait because they were losing charges every day.

The fact that Manafort and Gates were found guilty and was oddly cheered by liberals just goes to show you how hateful and spiteful they truly are. Their real crimes to liberals was that they worked with Trump on his campaign, which of course ended up with Trump being elected President. But almost nobody (even the most desperate liberal) was going to suggest that these prosecutions were about Russia or Trump or proved anything regarding Russia or Trump. 

That left a group of Trump associates all being charged with process crimes. Either making false or misleading statements to Congress or to Investigators. Four Trump players were charged with such crimes: George Papadapoulos, Michael Cohen, General Flynn, and Roger Stone. 

Papadapoulos was a bit player, set up by an FBI undercover informant. He spend a whopping 12 days in jail and is now selling his story about the set up. Flynn's charges have been dropped after it was found that Mueller's prosecutors withheld about 1000 documents that legally needed to be turned over to Flynn and the court (at least if you believe in this Constitution thing).  Roger Stone's ridiculous sentence was justly commuted by the President. 

So basically, the only thing "left" for the Mueller fans to crow about and tie to the President is Micheal Cohen, who is "only" in jail right now because violated the terms of his release. He was likely only sentenced in the first place because he is an idiot who thought it would help him to get into bed with SDNY prosecutors by pleading guilty and trying to implicate the President in a non-existent crime, rather than circle the wagons with Trump and his team. 

So if it makes you wonder why (in the midst of violence and carnage that we have not seen in a generation here in the US) that liberals would be so upset about the fact that two old men who committed no real crimes are not going to jail... just keep in mind that this is about Mueller and the fact that he fell flat when they wanted him to be a hero. The lack of evidence that the President committed any crimes was the original cut. The fact that everything else is falling apart is just rubbing salt in the wound. 


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

The News York Times:
Trump Goes Where Nixon Would Not Go
1:19 pm EDT

“President Trump has said he learned lessons from President Richard M. Nixon’s fall from grace,
but in using the power of his office to keep his friend and adviser Roger J. Stone Jr. out of prison he has now crossed a line that even Mr. Nixon in the depths of Watergate dared not cross.

“For months, some of Mr. Trump’s senior White House advisers warned him that it would be politically self-destructive if not ethically inappropriate to use his clemency power to help Mr. Stone, who was convicted of lying to protect the president. But in casting aside their counsel on Friday, Mr. Trump indulged his own sense of grievance over precedent and restraint to reward an ally for his silence.”

Jeffrey Toobin: The Roger Stone case shows why Trump is worse than Nixon.

C.H. Truth said...

Well Reverend...

Let's agree that everyone who lied to Congress over the past few years (which would include Clinton, Comey, Brennan, Clapper) should either ALL go to jail or ALL of them be set free.

I don't buy your nonsense that it's only a crime when a Trump associate does it.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

The New York Daily News:
Michael Cohen Wouldn’t Agree to Not Publish Book
2:03 pm EDT

Michael Cohen was returned to prison because he declined “to sign a home confinement contract that required him to promise he wouldn’t speak to any journalists, use social media or publish a tell-all book about Trump for the duration of his sentence."


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

It's definitely a crime when Trump behaves criminally.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

RE 1:22 How MUCH is Trump hiding?

Commonsense said...

James you do realize that Cohen's agreement is with the court who sentenced him and is consistent with the law not allowing inmates to profit from their crimes. Right?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

It was a direct rejection of his first amendment rights

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

That's why he refused to sign the agreement

Commonsense said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...
It was a direct rejection of his first amendment rights

He's a convicted felon in custody of the court. He has no rights for now.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Well, according to the New York Daily News:

Michael Cohen rushed back to upstate N.Y. prison after refusing to sign Trump book gag order
4:32 PM

Hours after being taken into custody on Thursday, Cohen was rushed back to the upstate New York prison he got released from just weeks ago over coronavirus concerns, according to his attorney, Jeffrey Levine.

Levine told the Daily News that the Bureau of Prisons didn’t let him or his client’s family know until Friday morning that Cohen had been returned to the federal lockup in Otisville.

“I had been trying to locate him all night and no one had any information, and this morning I spoke to the prison and they confirmed to me that he’s been there since last night,” Levine said. “We’ve been completely in the dark on this.”

Cohen, 53, has been placed in solitary confinement to isolate for two weeks as consistent with the prison’s coronavirus protocols, Levine said.

The Bureau of Prisons did not return a request for comment.

The former personal attorney to President Trump was released from the Otisville prison on May 21 to serve out the rest of his sentence in home confinement as part of a Justice Department effort to thin out inmate populations amid the COVID-19 pandemic. He’s serving time after pleading guilty to a range of financial charges, including campaign finances crimes that implicate Trump.

But, on Thursday afternoon, he was arrested at a probation office in downtown Manhattan after declining to sign a home confinement contract that required him to promise he wouldn’t speak to any journalists, use social media or publish a tell-all book about Trump for the duration of his sentence.

He arrived at the probation meeting expecting to have an electronic surveillance bracelet fitted to his ankle so he could return to home confinement, Levine said.

Levine, who was with Cohen when he got arrested, said his client at first balked at the de facto gag order when his probation officer presented it because he believed it violated his First Amendment rights.

The officer then left the room and said they would try to work something out, Levine said.

But, nearly two hours later, three U.S. marshals instead came into the room and cuffed Cohen, Levine said.

At that point, Levine said Cohen pleaded with the marshals and told them he was willing to sign the hush contract as long as he could stay out of prison. But the marshals didn’t budge and took him away, according to Levine.

“He never refused to sign anything,” Levine said. “If door number one is going back to prison and door number two is staying home with a gag order, anyone would choose door number two.”

Levine said he’s tried to get in touch with BOP officials ever since Cohen’s arrest in hope of getting him released back into home confinement.

But no one’s gotten back to him so far, Levine said.

“These are unprecedented times,” the attorney added.

Cohen started working on a book about Trump while still in prison, according to sources. He tweeted earlier this week that he’d have it ready “soon.”

Trump has faced a stream of damning headlines recently over tell-all books written by his estranged niece, Mary Trump, and former national security adviser John Bolton.

I hope he blows the whistle on every single shady thing he knows about Trump.

Commonsense said...

Mary is a kook and nobody really trust John Bolton. Pretty much the jist of his book is Trump is a bad president because he didn't follow his advise.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

You mean Trump chose Bolton for such a high office even though he never trusted him? What kind of a President is that?>

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Criminals write books

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Mary Trump has a PhD in psychology

Anonymous said...

She could help Alky with his suicidal thoughts, James with his compulsive lying and Denise with his gender reassignment.

Anonymous said...

"What kind of a President is that?"

Your President

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

JUST IN: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is seeking to limit the president's pardon powers after President Trump commuted the sentence of longtime adviser Roger Stone.

“Congress will take action to prevent this type of brazen wrongdoing. Legislation is needed to ensure that no President can pardon or commute the sentence of an individual who is engaged in a cover-up campaign to shield that President from criminal prosecution," Pelosi said.

Caliphate4vr said...

Yeah Stone is no Oscar Lopez Rivera

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Stone served as the liaison between the Trump campaign and Wikileaks, the website that Russian intelligence used to release stolen Democratic Party emails to help Trump win the presidency. Stone refused to testify about what he knew; he perjured himself and obstructed justice to protect the president. And now Trump has rewarded him for his silence. The quid pro quo is blindingly obvious. Not even Nixon during Watergate dared to pardon his co-conspirators or commute their sentences. That Trump has done so secures his unrivaled place in the annals of presidential infamy.

He is not just the worst president ever; he keeps getting worse.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

A Republican

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

"I think I made a mistake. I thought this was a hoax, but it's not."

Those were the final words of a 30-year-old patient who died at Methodist Hospital in San Antonio, Texas, this week after attending a so-called "COVID party," according to the hospital's chief medical officer.

Dr. Jane Appleby, chief medical officer for Methodist Hospital and Methodist Children’s Hospital, said in a recorded statement that the unidentified patient told nurses about the party, which she said is hosted by someone diagnosed with coronavirus.

"The thought is people get together to see if the virus is real and if anyone gets infected," Appleby said.

Appleby said she shared the story not to scare people, but to make sure they understand that the virus can affect anyone.
Bexar County, where San Antonio is located, currently has 18,602 confirmed cases, with an increase of 923 on Friday, according to the Department of Health.

The age range with the most cases were in people aged 20 to 29, making up 24%, and 30 to 39, making up 20%, according to the department.

Appleby said her hospital is seeing more cases in people in their 20s and 30s.
She said while some can be treated and discharged, others become seriously ill.
Appleby warned that the virus "doesn't discriminate" and encouraged the public to wear a mask and stay home as much as possible.

Anonymous said...

🤣House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is seeking to limit the president's pardon powers after President Trump commuted the sentence of longtime adviser Roger Stone.😂

Pandering to Locked up broke n broken recovering alcoholic.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Southern Poverty Law Center
A special SPLC Hatewatch investigation has uncovered far-right TV host Jack Posobiec’s ties to white supremacy, neo-fascists, antisemites — and the White House.

Posobiec, a host for One America News Network (OANN), rose to conservative fame using a “Game of Thrones” fan account to tweet antisemitic attacks and spread propaganda. Then, he started linking up with white supremacists like Richard Spencer.

Beginning in 2016, Posobiec ramped up his efforts to boost hate content on Twitter, sharing propaganda promoting white supremacist activism, collaborating with white supremacists and participating in disinformation campaigns. Posobiec described himself as “fmr CBS News” in his Twitter bio while appearing to cover news events like press conferences. CBS News and two other CBS affiliates where Posobiec lived told Hatewatch that he never worked there.

During that time, his promotion of the now-infamous “Pizzagate” conspiracy netted him more than 9,000 new followers each month. Regardless, Twitter verified Posobiec’s account, which gave him an appearance of authority. He proceeded to unleash a torrent of disinformation and hate content, such as white supremacist memes, tweeting more than 60,000 times between June 2018 and June 2020.

Posobiec forged physical ties with far-right figures outside of the 2016 Republican National Convention while working for Citizens for Trump, a 501(c)(4) organization tied to longtime political operative Roger Stone. Posobiec’s connections included white nationalist Spencer, Kevin DeAnna, a white supremacist author who has written thousands of posts for VDARE and American Renaissance; Nathan Damigo, the founder of the white nationalist group Identity Evropa; Peter Brimelow and his wife Lydia, of the white nationalist nonprofit VDARE; and male supremacist Daryush “Roosh” Valizadeh.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Posobiec’s affiliation with OANN, a network known for propping up the president, has made him increasingly important to President Trump’s 2020 campaign and captured the attention of the president himself.

On May 2, Trump praised Posobiec in a tweet. “That’s right Jack. Keep up the good work!” Trump was referring to the OANN host boasting on Twitter that the president reads his feed. It was not the first time Trump promoted Posobiec to his millions of followers. Trump also posted a self-promotional video to Twitter on May 16, where he was depicted as being surrounded by his allies while he gives a speech from the movie “Independence Day.” Posobiec’s face was included in the video alongside Vice President Mike Pence.

For the full story, click here to read about Posobiec and his ties to the world of organized hate and the White House.

To learn more about Twitter’s role in Posobiec’s dissemination of antisemitic hate and disinformation, click here to read the SPLC’s analysis.

The Southern Poverty Law Center

C.H. Truth said...

Stone served as the liaison between the Trump campaign and Wikileaks

Stone tried "unsuccessfully" to find out what Wikileaks had...

Just like about 1000 different journalists and interested parties.

There is not even a suggestion that Stone actually provided Wikileaks with anything (which technically could have been a crime).

Clearly whoever wrote this read too many detective novels.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Trump listens to OANN network

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Max Boot

Anonymous said...

Bradley Edward Manning, Pardoned.

Obimbo did it for "Mike".

Anonymous said...

"Clearly whoever wrote this read too many detective novels."

effeminate Book's like Rump Ranger Roger.

anonymous said...

Stone was a paid trump operative who acted for trump in his name......IOW's monkey see, monkey does and trump world is going south just like his poll numbers....A piece of shit like stone have nothing to offer but was the dirt and stone told trump about itl.....he deserves jail....just like you think every liar should...!!!!!!! BTW....comey is not a liar......BWAAAAAAAA!!!

Anonymous said...

Goya Foods a Hispanic Owned company is being attacked by Open-minded Socialists.

Anonymous said...

For the full story, click here to read about Posobiec and his ties to the world of organized hate and the White House.


posobiec, alky?

LOL, again.

you don't even know who the fuck he is. the splc hate brigade told you to hate him and him him you did.

posobiec got assaulted by antifa a couple weeks ago, alky. and the little shit who led the assault has been arrested on several other charges.

geezus, look at you go alky. copy/pasting your wrinkled nursing home ass off without even knowing the backstory of what the fuck you're talking about.

LOL. dumb fuck.

Anonymous said...

Blogger KansasDemocrat said...

Bradley Edward Manning, Pardoned.


and that other fucking scumbag traitor... what was his name? the shitstain who got guys killed trying to kind and rescue him after he DESERTED.

0linsky pardoned a fucking DESERTER.

we used to shoot them. nowadays liberals suck their balls.


Caliphate4vr said...




Caliphate4vr said...


I didn't anyone was left who thought they had an ounce of credibility.


Roger Stone speaks out after release

Worth listening to:


He was railroaded

Anonymous said...

I didn't anyone was left who thought they had an ounce of credibility.

never underestimate the alky's capacity to be a dumb fuck and to believe anything the twat-waffles at vox, the SPLC, maggie haberman, josh marshall or kevin drum can muster.

the wilder and more outrageous the bullshit, the more prone the alky is to parrot it.

people are starting to catch on to the SPLC though, and their con is slowly being revealed. their sweet spot for raising $$$ is basically at the bottom of the fucking barrel. right where the alky resides, with a life that's at rock bottom. what a coincidence.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

New York reached several milestones in its fight against the coronavirus on Saturday. The state reported six COVID-19 deaths on Friday and its lowest three-day average death toll since mid-March: seven, the governor announced.

COVID-19 hospitalizations also dropped to their lowest since March 18. Less than 800 people were hospitalized with the disease across the state as of Saturday.

Governor Andrew Cuomo said in a statement that New Yorkers should be cautiously proud of the progress.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

(W) “Donald Trump and His Assault on Truth” is an encyclopedia of 16,000 Trump lies with in-depth analysis and fact checks. By The fact-checkers from the Washington Post

You think Trump lies? You think democracy is at risk? You ain’t seen nothin’ until you read this book. Published by Simon & Schuster



Jack Posobiec Flag of United States

BREAKING: Roger Stone claps back on Mitt Romney




Anonymous said...

RRB , it was deserter Bowe Bergdah.

Alky , 8 years of cowardly Obimbo and hermaphrodite "mike".

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

JUST IN: Republican Sen. Pat Toomey called President Trump’s decision to commute the prison sentence of Roger Stone this week "a mistake," one of the few GOP lawmakers to challenge the move.

Anonymous said...

RRB , it was deserter Bowe Bergdah.

ah yes. that fucking scumbag bergdahl.

patriots dies to find his traitorous ass.

when it's his time may he burn for all eternity in the hottest corner of hell...

...right next to 0linsky.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

"While I understand the frustration with the badly flawed Russia-collusion investigation, in my view, commuting Roger Stone’s sentence is a mistake,” Toomey said, adding that Stone was “duly convicted of lying to Congress, witness tampering, and obstructing a congressional investigation conducted by a Republican-led committee.”

Toomey noted that in a July 8 interview Attorney General William Barr said he thought Stone’s prosecution was “righteous,” “appropriate" and that the sentence he received was “fair.” Barr reportedly advised against the move.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Anonymous said...

fuck off alky.

take your pathetic copy/paste bullshit down to the tv lounge. they might even have jello.

Anonymous said...

🤣alky resides, with a life that's at rock bottom😃 REV

Yep, no wait Roger said his life has been a raging Success, he lives with 50 others in a single Building, in a warehouse of the dying.
Roger told us he has "a private Chef".

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

H]e shall have power to grant reprieves and pardons for offenses against the United States, except in cases of impeachment.

Anonymous said...

Alky, no loves him so Barr.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The U.S. Constitution, Article II, Section 2


The Washington Post wouldn't know the truth if it bit them in the ass.

How many years and stories did it fraudulently do on the Russian collusion HOAX?

How many anonymous "sources" which were later proven fraudulent?

The have trademarked FAKE NEWS by their constant production.

News had been turned upside down from what it was 30 years ago

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Barr is trying to keep his Department of Justice members from resigning in disgust.

This President has been unable to understand the Constitutionality granted to the President.


Andrew Klavan

So Roger Stone won’t go to prison for covering up a crime that never happened during an investigation that never should have begun. My outrage knows no bounds.

libs are going berserk


Anonymous said...

RRB it is fair to point out that Roger is unable to have sex, but he can fuck off.

Alky, I am an open-minded conservative.
I derive enjoyment in your failures.
You have failed as a husband x2, as a parent, in your personal finances.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Anonymous said...

Roger, you post the US Constitution as if is your first blush of the document.


Jack Posobiec Flag of United States

Nothing from @MittRomney about Benghazi

Nothing from @MittRomney about the Taliban 5

Nothing from @MittRomney about Manning

But Roger Stone rustles his jumblies

Sit down, Senator

he's the junior senator, right?


Jack Posobiec Flag of United States

Trump commuted the sentence of Roger Stone, convicted of lying to Adam Schiff

Obama freed 5 Taliban generals from Guantanamo, including Mullah Fazil who committed ethnic cleansing of hundreds of Hazara in northern Afghanistan

lying to Schiff on a nothingburger can get you locked up but Schiff lying to the American people about the president is fine.

And he did it for a LONG TIME. still does. He's got immunity.

Anonymous said...

Alky, with 24 x 7 x 365 of nothing but idle time, do you reflect upon your failure of a life and wonder "IF"?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

NEW YORK (AP) — A long-expected upturn in U.S. coronavirus deaths has begun, driven by fatalities in states in the South and West, according to data on the pandemic.

The number of deaths per day from the virus had been falling for months, and even remained down as states like Florida and Texas saw explosions in cases and hospitalizations — and reported daily U.S. infections broke records several times in recent days.

Scientists warned it wouldn't last. A coronavirus death, when it occurs, typically comes several weeks after a person is first infected. And experts predicted states that saw increases in cases and hospitalizations would, at some point, see deaths rise too. Now that's happening.

“It's consistently picking up. And it's picking up at the time you'd expect it to," said William Hanage, a Harvard University infectious diseases researcher.

According to an Associated Press analysis of data from Johns Hopkins University, the seven-day rolling average for daily reported deaths in the U.S. has increased from 578 two weeks ago to 664 on July 10 — still well below the heights hit in April. Daily reported deaths increased in 27 states over that time period, but the majority of those states are averaging under 15 new deaths per day. A smaller group of states has been driving the nationwide increase in deaths.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

As coronavirus cases spike in Arizona, morgues are reporting that they are nearing capacity and some are even requesting refrigerated trucks.

Like in New York before they shutdown the state.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Trump still wants large indoor gatherings of people, but he's now having to swim against the stream on that.

Caliphate4vr said...

Phoenix Mayor Kate Gallego sent waves of concern through Maricopa County on Friday morning when, on national TV, she said one of Phoenix's hospital systems had reached its morgue capacity and would start storing dead bodies in freezer trucks.

"Maricopa County, which is our county public health agency, just announced that they're going to be getting refrigerated trucks because the Abrazo health care system has run out of morgue beds," Gallego told MSNBC's Chuck Todd and Katy Tur.

This is not true, according to Abrazo Health and Maricopa County.

'Adequate morgue space'

Abrazo hospitals have "adequate morgue space," according to spokesman Keith Jones.

The state has asked all hospitals to implement their emergency plans to prepare for possible COVID-19 overloads. Part of Abrazo's plan is to make sure there is enough morgue space, so the hospital system proactively ordered refrigerated storage in case of a surge of COVID-19 patients, Jones said.

"At this point, it is not needed," Jones said.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

This is a very interesting story.

On Friday afternoon, conservative commentator Ann Coulter made news by doing something extremely uncharacteristic – endorsing a Democrat. The question is: why?

Coulter, a notoriously provocative, but also independent-minded, conservative commentator, posted a series of Tweets endorsing U.S. Senate candidates for the upcoming November election. While the Tweet endorsing Kris Kobach, the Republican Senate candidate for Kansas, was not surprising, it was the other endorsement that raised eyebrows. In a pair of Tweets, Coulter seemingly endorsed Amy McGrath, the Democratic candidate challenging current Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Coulter followed up a with another Tweet that didn’t explicitly endorse McGrath, but made it clear she believes McConnell should be defeated. Referring to McConnell as a “Republican in name only” (RINO) she encouraged voters to stay home on election day, to seemingly help McGrath win.


Richard Grenell

@AdamSchiff publicly said he had overwhelming evidence of Russian collusion but because of classified information, he couldn’t share the evidence.

He lied. Completely lied. I saw everything. He should resign in total disgrace.

A big meaningful LIE told repeatedly.

Copied here repeatedly.

And probably will continue in the future.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Anonymous said...

"seemingly endorsed".

So what were her exact words.

Anonymous said...

So she didn't do what Alky said.

Roger is hopelessly locked in his emotionally abysmal exisistance.

Roger when a real Audi A8 goes by do you think "IF Only"........

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

President Trump a mask during his visit to Walter Reed hospital on Saturday, marking the first time he has done so in front of cameras.

Trump visited the medical center in Maryland to meet with wounded soldiers and health care staff who have been caring for COVID-19 patients.

Scott A**hole he wore a black mask so he could look like The Lone Ranger

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The President said he will stick closer to his own instincts from now on.

Tsunami warning signs are not going away because he's a narcissistic person


Catherine Herridge

NEW #FLYNN Attributable to FBI: "The materials recently produced to Michael Flynn’s counsel include two pages of handwritten notes taken by Peter Strzok in early 2017, prior to his termination from the FBI in August 2018. The FBI previously made Mr. Strzok’s notes available to..

US Attorneys John Durham and Jeff Jensen, as well as to DOJ’s Office of Inspector General during its review of the Crossfire Hurricane investigation. The documents recently produced to Mr. Flynn’s counsel also include certain other handwritten notes made by senior DOJ officials..

during the time of the Flynn investigation. The FBI has been, and will continue to be, fully cooperative and transparent with U.S. Attorneys Durham and Jensen. The decision whether to turn over documents to defense counsel as part of discovery in a pending criminal...

case typically belongs to the prosecutors handling the case, not the FBI."


So it looks like either the former DOJ prosecutors or Flynn's former lawyers (Eric Holder's firm) are in deep shit.

Or both. Or the FBI is lying.
Or perhaps the DOJ, FBI, Mueller and Flynn's former attorneys were all in this together.

Ding, ding, ding

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

McConnell had already been targeted by fellow Republicans, particularly the Lincoln Project, a group of Republican #NeverTrumpers that have largely targeted President Trump, but also targeted McConnell in a political attack ad that refers to him as “#RichMitch.” The ad accuses the Senator of growing his own personal wealth at the expense of Kentuckians voters that put him in office. The group, that also has a substantial presence on Twitter, was quick to welcome Coulter to the anti-McConnell camp.

Twitter lit up following Coulter’s Tweets, with many followers expressing shock at the conservative commentator’s uncharacteristic endorsement. Some comments questioned if her account had been hacked, while others bewilderingly welcomed her opposition to the Republican leader that has drawn the ire of Democrats for years. Many who have demonized Coulter for her various conservative and far-right positions, were at great pains to agree with her.

In many ways, however, Coulter’s stunning Tweets aren’t all that surprising given the deepening divide in the GOP as conservative leaders and commentators begin to wonder what a post-Trump Republican party would look like. With President Trump trailing former vice-president Joe Biden in most polls, many GOP insiders are openly speculating whether the President has a meaningful chance to win reelection. As a result, the race for the future of the Republican party is already be getting a head start in advance of the November election.

While many, such as the Lincoln Project, are looking for the party to return to the more mainstream conservative policies and principles of the GOP before Trump won the mantle of the party in 2016, others like Coulter, appear to be doubling-down on the more right-wing populist policies and perspectives that they feel have been abandoned by much of the current Republican leadership.
In that sense, they see legislators like McConnell as not being sufficiently conservative, or right-wing, enough. Hence the reference to them as RINOs. In the past, Coulter has been extremely critical of President Trump and Senator McConnell as RINOs for failing to deliver even more aggressive border control policies than those they have already pursued. These failures have likely further fueled her animosity for the Kentucky senator.

Whatever her underlying motivation is, Coulter’s suprising Tweets are one more unpredictable development in an already unpredictable election year. Is Coulter really interested in seeing a Democratic Senate candidate win? Probably not as much as she is interested in promoting herself and her provocative perspectives in an overheated election year. But nonetheless, the Republican provocateur has only helped reinforce the reality that in the hot summer months of 2020, a Republican leadership meltdown is developing…

And Ann Coulter is happy to help fan the flames.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Deep state conspiracy theories are toast bullshit again


Flynn is going to go from bankruptcy to the penthouse suite.

Thanks to a corrupt federal government.

But he paid a huge price as did president Trump.

good work from CBS news and Catherine Herridge. Maybe one of the MSM will break away from the FAKE NEWS group.

So far just one outstanding reporter.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Mueller speaks...����

"The work of the special counsel’s office — its report, indictments, guilty pleas and convictions — should speak for itself. But I feel compelled to respond both to broad claims that our investigation was illegitimate and our motives were improper, and to specific claims that Roger Stone was a victim of our office. The Russia investigation was of paramount importance. Stone was prosecuted and convicted because he committed federal crimes. He remains a convicted felon, and rightly so.

"Russia’s actions were a threat to America’s democracy. It was critical that they be investigated and understood. By late 2016, the FBI had evidence that the Russians had signaled to a Trump campaign adviser that they could assist the campaign through the anonymous release of information damaging to the Democratic candidate. And the FBI knew that the Russians had done just that: Beginning in July 2016, WikiLeaks released emails stolen by Russian military intelligence officers from the Clinton campaign. Other online personas using false names — fronts for Russian military intelligence — also released Clinton campaign emails.

"Following FBI Director James B. Comey’s termination in May 2017, the acting attorney general named me as special counsel and directed the special counsel’s office to investigate Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election. The order specified lines of investigation for us to pursue, including any links or coordination between the Russian government and individuals associated with the Trump campaign. One of our cases involved Stone, an official on the campaign until mid-2015 and a supporter of the campaign throughout 2016. Stone became a central figure in our investigation for two key reasons: He communicated in 2016 with individuals known to us to be Russian intelligence officers, and he claimed advance knowledge of WikiLeaks’ release of emails stolen by those Russian intelligence officers.

"We now have a detailed picture of Russia’s interference in the 2016 presidential election. The special counsel’s office identified two principal operations directed at our election: hacking and dumping Clinton campaign emails, and an online social media campaign to disparage the Democratic candidate. We also identified numerous links between the Russian government and Trump campaign personnel — Stone among them. We did not establish that members of the Trump campaign conspired with the Russian government in its activities. The investigation did, however, establish that the Russian government perceived it would benefit from a Trump presidency and worked to secure that outcome. It also established that the campaign expected it would benefit electorally from information stolen and released through Russian efforts.

"Uncovering and tracing Russian outreach and interference activities was a complex task. The investigation to understand these activities took two years and substantial effort. Based on our work, eight individuals pleaded guilty or were convicted at trial, and more than two dozen Russian individuals and entities, including senior Russian intelligence officers, were charged with federal crimes.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

"Congress also investigated and sought information from Stone. A jury later determined he lied repeatedly to members of Congress. He lied about the identity of his intermediary to WikiLeaks. He lied about the existence of written communications with his intermediary. He lied by denying he had communicated with the Trump campaign about the timing of WikiLeaks’ releases. He in fact updated senior campaign officials repeatedly about WikiLeaks. And he tampered with a witness, imploring him to stonewall Congress.

"The jury ultimately convicted Stone of obstruction of a congressional investigation, five counts of making false statements to Congress and tampering with a witness. Because his sentence has been commuted, he will not go to prison. But his conviction stands.

"Russian efforts to interfere in our political system, and the essential question of whether those efforts involved the Trump campaign, required investigation. In that investigation, it was critical for us (and, before us, the FBI) to obtain full and accurate information. Likewise, it was critical for Congress to obtain accurate information from its witnesses. When a subject lies to investigators, it strikes at the core of the government’s efforts to find the truth and hold wrongdoers accountable. It may ultimately impede those efforts.

"We made every decision in Stone’s case, as in all our cases, based solely on the facts and the law and in accordance with the rule of law. The women and men who conducted these investigations and prosecutions acted with the highest integrity. Claims to the contrary are false."

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Mueller said that today

He communicated in 2016 with individuals known to us to be Russian intelligence officers, and he claimed advance knowledge of WikiLeaks’ release of emails stolen by those Russian intelligence officers.

Anonymous said...

Taking my Life time Wife and two kids to out Favorite Authnitic Mexican Dine In Restaurant.

It is a reservation only kind of place.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Republican Senators Remain Quiet Over Trump’s Plan To Replace Lincoln Memorial With Statue of Roger Stone.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Trump tours Walter Reed Hospital and finally is convinced he needs to wear a mask. This visit is to balance his support of Putin’s bounties that probably got a few of them injured. He’s a damned disgrace to this nation.


Mueller speaks


Andrew Weissmann almost certainly produced this, Mueller is just an empty shell like Biden. Mueller testified he didn't even know who Steele was. In case you don't either he was the source for the basis of Mueller's scope memo. Which just got obliterated in a British court as trash.

If you have a trash foundation and the person in charge doesn't even know of the key source you have shit.

It's embarrassing a British judge could so quickly conclude something the FBI and Mueller never could accomplish.

It was a partisan WITCH HUNT.

and the dems are desperately trying to keep it's "legitimacy" propped up.

Myballs said...

Roger can post all the stupid shit he 2ants. No one is responding to it because the whole board knows he's a pathetic shell of his former self.

And he's a damn moron.



Mueller (or his handlers) pen an op-ed in, you guessed it, Washington Post.

If you force yourself to read through the nonsense, Mueller tells the truth:

I haven't seen Mueller doing any interviews.

Is he in Biden's basement?

Maybe playing solitaire together.

Or maybe Biden broke out this new exciting video game.


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The wartime President.

Incase you think Texas has topped out...

Over 10,000 new infections today, new high...

Governor Abbott has been trying to keep the President happy

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

‘Roger Stone Remains a Convicted Felon’

“The work of the special counsel’s office — its report, indictments, guilty pleas and convictions — should speak for itself. But I feel compelled to respond both to broad claims that our investigation was illegitimate and our motives were improper, and to specific claims that Roger Stone was a victim of our office.

“The Russia investigation was of paramount importance. Stone was prosecuted and convicted because he committed federal crimes. He remains a convicted felon, and rightly so.”

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Never Trumpers Become a Force

“Groups such as the Lincoln Project and Republican Voters Against Trump emphasize guerrilla tactics and scathing ads as they troll the president. The movement seeks to build a national political operation to oust both the president and his supporters in Congress, with a particular emphasis on convincing white suburban voters who consider themselves true Republicans to break from the president, according to interviews with more than a dozen anti-Trump advisers and allies who are involved in the planning...

“A Friday memo from the group obtained by The Washington Post argues that ‘Arizona and Colorado are off the board for Republicans’ and says South Carolina, Kansas, and even Alabama could be in play.”


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Trump Wears a Mask In Public

“President Trump wore a mask during a visit to a military hospital on Saturday, the first time the president has been seen in public with the type of facial covering recommended by health officials as a precaution against spreading or becoming infected by the novel coronavirus,” the AP reports.

Commonsense said...

"While I understand the frustration with the badly flawed Russia-collusion investigation, in my view, commuting Roger Stone’s sentence is a mistake,” Toomey said, adding that Stone was “duly convicted of lying to Congress, witness tampering, and obstructing a congressional investigation conducted by a Republican-led committee.”

He was convicted in a kangaroo court whose jury was lead by a Democrat activist after he was perp walked by the FBI who called CNN to make sure they made the news

I'm not a fan of Stone but no man should be treated like this in America.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

A jury of your peers convicted him.

That's the law of the land

Commonsense said...

A [rigged] jury of your peers convicted him.

FIFY You know 89 years ago you would have probably said the same thing about the Scottsboro boys. You would have felt right at home.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...


"I've never been against masks, but I do believe they have a time and a place," he said.

He has ridiculed a reporter who was wearing a mask.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

On April 1, 1935, four years after the Scottsboro boys' arrest, the Supreme Court decided two cases related to the Scottsboro trials: Norris v. Alabama and Patterson v. Alabama. In the Norris case, Leibowitz argued that the trials were inherently biased due to the exclusion of African Americans on the juries.

It was a totally different situation.

This was a racist Jury

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

"Stone was prosecuted & convicted because he committed federal crimes. He remains a convicted felon & rightly so," the former special counsel wrote in a rare Washington Post op-ed.

"He (Stone)communicated in 2016 with individuals known to us to be Russian intelligence officers & he claimed advance knowledge of WikiLeaks’ release of emails stolen by those Russian intelligence officers."

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The White House has scuttled some of Fauci's planned TV appearances and largely kept him out of the Oval Office for more than a month even as coronavirus infections surge in large swaths of the country.

He won't listen to the Doctor

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

You guys have to wonder why you support the President or his administration?

Betsy Devos said only .02% of kids are likely to die from Covid19 when they go back to school. No big deal.That’s only 15,000 kids...

Do you want your kids to go back to school this year?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

He must be a never Trump supporter

Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards announced a mask mandate for the state on Saturday as COVID-19 cases continue to spike.

"We know that face masks work. It's as simple as that," The governor said. "It is the necessary thing to do. It is the right thing to do under the circumstances. That is why we're going to do it. We are not going to let this virus win."

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

United Airlines announced plans to lay off more than one-third of its 95,000 workers. Brooks Brothers, which first opened for business in 1818, filed for bankruptcy. And Bed Bath and Beyond said it will close 200 stores.

It's the economy stupid.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

PIERRE THOMAS: Mr. [Roger] Stone is scheduled to report to prison I believe next week, July 13th or 14th. You said earlier in a previous interview that it was a righteous prosecution. You still believe that?

ATTORNEY GENERAL WILLIAM BARR: Yes. He-- he was prosecuted while I was attorney general. I think the prosecution was righteous. And-- I think the sentence that the judge ultimately gave-- was fair. As you recall, I objected to a seven to nine-year sentence which I thought was very excessive and the judge ended up I think effectively agreeing with me and gave him a sentence of three years and--



PIERRE THOMAS: --years, that's prison time-- that he should get for these crimes. The president tweeted something this weekend-- about pardoning him. It's a possibility he might commute the sentence. Do you recommend that he do-- do that? And will you care if he commutes or pardons Mr. Stone?

ATTORNEY GENERAL WILLIAM BARR: Well, I think it's the president's prerogative.-- it's a unique power that the president has. And it's certainly something that is committed to his judgment. But as I say-- I felt it was-- appropriate prosecution and I thought the sentence was fair.

He has contradicted the President.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Myballs said...

10 straight posts from Roger. Get a life.

Commonsense said...

It was a totally different situation.
This was a racist Jury

"It was the law of the land."

And both cases resulted in a conviction for the same reason. The jury hated the defendant(s).

Commonsense said...

Myballs said...
10 straight posts from Roger. Get a life.

This is his life.

Commonsense said...

He must be a never Trump supporter
Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards announced a mask mandate for the state on Saturday as COVID-19 cases continue to spike.

He's a Democrat. Good luck enforcing that mandate.

Anonymous said...

Do you want your kids to go back to school this year?

the American Academy of Pediatricians does, alky.

but of course a drunken sot living in a nursing home on a second hand liver knows more than a pediatrician, right?

Commonsense said...

Trump Spares Stone from Imprisonment, Sparking Howls from Amnesiac Democrats One-time defenders of unsavory Clinton and Obama pardons are outraged by the president’s commutation of his old associate’s 40-month sentence.

Bill Clinton pardoned his own brother for felony distribution of cocaine. And a key witness in the Whitewater scandal for which he and Hillary Clinton were under investigation. And three others convicted in independent counsel Ken Starr’s probe. And Marc Rich, in what was a straight up political payoff. And his CIA director. And his HUD secretary. And eight people convicted in an investigation of his Agriculture Department.

No surprise there: The Clintons and their supporters then, like Trump and his supporters now, regarded the special-prosecutor probes into the administration as witch hunts.

Clinton also commuted the sentences of convicted terrorists, some of whom hadn’t even asked for clemency. Shameless as he was, though, even he couldn’t bring himself to pardon Oscar Lopez Rivera, the defiantly unrepentant FALN leader.

President Obama took care of that.

Obama also commuted the sentence of a U.S. soldier who passed top-secret information to WikiLeaks. He pardoned his former Joint Chiefs of Staff vice chairman, who’d been convicted of making false statements about a leak of classified information to the New York Times. And when he couldn’t get Congress to amend federal drug laws the way he wanted them amended, Obama used the pardon power to slash hundreds of sentences, under an executive initiative later sharply criticized by the Obama-appointed DOJ inspector general.

The hypocrisy is strong in Roger today.

Anonymous said...

The hypocrisy is strong in Roger today.


anonymous said...

Hey keep pointing out how all those D's lied to congress and the voters....I can also point out that your scumbag GOP had both houses and the WH for 2 years and did nothing but BS benghazi investigations that did nothing!!!!!! IOW's you had your chance to charge all of them and did nothing....just like the ACA replacement you promised. So shut the fuck up about hillary's lies.....and Obama spying on trump which are all opinion of your broken mind!!!!!!!!

anonymous said...

And the stupidity is monumental in the dumb fuck rat, especially today......BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! know that recovery trump is pinning his reelection on......well.....mark that as another broken promise and massive fail!!!!!!!!! Kiss my ass you jerk!!!!

United Airlines check-in kiosks at San Francisco International Airport. (Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)
David J. Lynch
July 11, 2020 at 4:58 p.m. EDT
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United Airlines announced plans to lay off more than one-third of its 95,000 workers. Brooks Brothers, which first opened for business in 1818, filed for bankruptcy. And Bed Bath and Beyond said it will close 200 stores.
Welcome to the recovery.
If there were still hopes of a “V-shaped” comeback from the novel coronavirus shutdown, this past week should have put an end to them. The pandemic shock, which economists once assumed would be only a temporary business interruption, appears instead to be settling into a traditional, self-perpetuating recession.
When states and cities began closing most businesses in March, the idea was to smother the virus and buy time for the medical system to adapt. Jared Kushner, the president’s son-in-law and a senior White House adviser, spoke of hopes “that by July the country’s really rocking again.”

Commonsense said...

I can also point out that your scumbag GOP had both houses and the WH for 2 years and did nothing but BS benghazi investigations that did nothing!!!!

Gee Denny I can also point out you are suffering as much from dementia as Joe Biden. The GOP didn't control the White House during the Benghazi investigation.

The president was Barack Obama.

anonymous said...

BWAAAAAAAAA!!!!! Great post there assholoe....What does the congress filing charges have to do with them doing nothing about Benghazi???????? had both houses for 2 years plus the white house and did nothing but call her a liar and lock her up!!!!! God you are a dumb fuck......BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAA You cannot escape the fact your SIDE DID NOTHING BUT ALLEGE!!!!!