Sunday, August 23, 2020

Biden would willy nilly shut down entire country if a "scientist" told him to do so?

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris did their first post-convention interview with ABC News, which airs this weekend. In one segment, Biden is asked if he would shut the country down again, and Biden says he would do it, claiming he would listen to the scientists.

So as in one of those people who calls themselves a doctor comes up to him and says... shut down the country, well then... so be it? He wouldn't consider economic considerations, he wouldn't consider what the individual State governments have determined. He wouldn't consider what the American public actually wants. He would just "shut everything down" as if he actually had that power?

This is exactly the sort of non-thinking political puppet that the left "wants" to install in the White House. Someone that they can just count on to do what the social "experts" on the left tell him to do As if Biden (as President) can justify following silly social justice warriors by demanding that doing so is listening to science.

There is literally no "science" that suggests anything about locking down a country other than to suggest empirically that it doesn't show that it works. You know what empirically is proven to work in actual statistical analysis? Treatment early on with things like Hydroxychloroquine and other drugs.

Our own shut down model has yet to prove that states that shut down harder are better off. In fact, they appear worse off. We are likely going to pass Sweden in the amount of deaths per million and our only line of defense would be do double down on something that is proving itself not to work.

The reality is that Liberals don't listen to science. In fact they pretty much ignore it. The pick and choose certain social justice experts, they call them scientists and then they follow them blindly. But here is the rub. For every scientist on one side of this argument, there are others on the other side. Worldwide, I am not sure that the more credible ones are in any sort of lock step on covid... other than to suggest a comprehensive response that includes everything (including treatment).


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Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

You don't believe scientists because they actually understand science.

Commonsense said...

Scientist shouldn't make decisions for everybody because NO ONE ELECTED THEM.

C.H. Truth said...

Sure Rog...

- Pediatricians (doctors with MDs) believe schools can safely open.
- Teachers unions want them closed.

Which side of that argument are you on, Roger?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Presidents need to get information from people who know more about any specific issues. Every President before this one, has adviser that had far more experience and scientific knowledge.

That's how difficult decisions are made!

Anonymous said...

the problem with the left and their scientists is that there is never a price to be paid for being wrong. meanwhile, destroying the economy and along with it, the lives of tens of millions of people is met with a collective "yawn" by our better.

though it's beginning to turn...

Carlos Picatta: [quote] I wasn’t gonna speak but I was asked to speak here. Sheriff, good to see you. I’m telling you guys, I’m pretty appalled with what’s going on. At first we sat as concerned citizens, we all wanted to figure out how to navigate our way through this whole Covid thing. And as we realized that it’s not quite as dangerous as we thought it’d be, I was absolutely appalled at the cowardice. You’re just sitting there with your masks on. I don’t blame you for wearing masks because I’d be hiding my face too if I were you, for what you’re doing. It’s absolutely horrendous what you’re doing to these people. I’m a business owner and I’m telling you, our families are starving. You guys can sit here with your jobs, you can sit here and you’re getting paid, you can fall asleep in your chair like that gentleman’s doing behind his mask right there. And I’m telling you right now, that right now we’re being peaceful. And you better be happy that we’re good citizens, that we’re peaceful citizens.

But it’s not gonna be peaceful much longer. This isn’t a threat, I am not a criminal, I’ve never been a criminal, but I’m telling you: good citizens are gonna turn into real concerned and revolutionary citizens real soon. And nobody else is gonna say that. I’m probably the only person that has the balls to say what I’m saying right now. That we’re building, we’re organizing, and we’ll work with law enforcement or without law enforcement. But you won’t stop us when time comes because our families are starving.

And if you don’t hear the seriousness in my voice, I hope you open your ears. You absolutely listen to what I’m saying. Because this is a warning. For what’s coming. It’s not gonna be peaceful much longer. It’s not gonna be “rah-rahs,” it’s not gonna be speeches, it’s not gonna be gathering outside saying the Pledge of Allegiance, it’s not gonna be waving flags. It’s gonna be real.

C.H. Truth said...

Mental health scientist say that the lock downs increase depression, suicide rates, damage marriages, lead to domestic violence, and it already appears that the Covid lock downs are having the affect of increasing divorce.

General Physicians say that lock downs have prevented millions of Americans from garnering their simple testing, physicals, etc... and that there will be diagnosed problems, people will miss cancer screenings, vaccines and other important medical attention. They believe a single month of lock downs will cost about 75K lives.

Are you willing to listen to either of those sets of medical experts, or just epidemiologists? Are medical concerts from lock downs not to be weighed in any of this? Is there a scientific principle that I am unaware of that says only part of your data set can be considered when making a decision?

Anonymous said...

Is there a scientific principle that I am unaware of that says only part of your data set can be considered when making a decision?

actually there is. it's called "cherry picking."

examples of which are legion in the climate change debate.

see: mann, michael; hockey stick graph, penn state university.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Some pedestrians have that option. Not all of them believe that it's safe to open the schools.

The teachers are front line people in the age of the pandemic. So of course, their unions have their best interests in mind Scott

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

We have a President in the office, who believes only what he thinks is correct.

C.H. Truth said...

Some pedestrians have that option.The teachers are front line people in the age of the pandemic

but they are not scientists. To the degree an epidemiologist is a scientist, then so is a pediatrician.

You just told me that we should listen to the scientist..

Then you make and excuse why the scientist should be ignored for people who are not scientists... because it fits your politics.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Mental health scientist say that the lock downs increase depression, suicide rates, damage marriages, lead to domestic violence, and it already appears that the Covid lock downs are having the affect of increasing divorce.

If we followed this President policies we would suffer hundreds of the thousands of suicides, drug abuse and marital abuse, because they would get infected and would be put in isolation rooms and die.

Anonymous said...

The teachers are front line people in the age of the pandemic. So of course, their unions have their best interests in mind Scott

yup. i mean, what's better than picking up a paycheck for NOT doing the work, right alky?

unions invented the no-show job for fuck's sake.

want to see the goonion teachers snap out of it in a fucking hurry?

do not pay them for each day NOT worked.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

You don't believe scientists because it fits your politics.

Your own words provide that you are incredibly incapable of thinking outside of your political views.

I try to keep looking at data to make my mind up on everything.

You don't have that ability.

C.H. Truth said...

Some pedestrians have that option.

So some people walking across a sidewalk have what option exactly?

Here is the rub Roger...

Scientists don't agree with each other 100% of the time.

One of the top epidemiologists in Sweden (DrTegnell) says that our reliance on "masks" is not only ineffective, but could potentially be dangerous. Obviously Sweden went with a different approach and while they were criticized early, not many are criticizing them now as their whole country is only seeing a few hundred new cases and deaths that can be counted generally on one hand (without the need for the thumb).

We will no doubt pass up Sweden (deaths per million) in spite of most of our country shutting down, most of it wearing masks, much of our schools closed, people working from home, etc... etc...

So at some point in time, you have to rely on the science (which is the data and the analysis of the results) rather than keep blindly trusting the "opinions" of the scientists (or in your case the options of people walking along the street).

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The hatred of unions is not rational.

People who work for a living, should make enough money for a comfortable life with medical insurance and pension funds to afford a great life after they retire .

Anonymous said...

If we followed this President policies we would suffer hundreds of the thousands of suicides, drug abuse and marital abuse, because they would get infected and would be put in isolation rooms and die.

pure speculation based upon exactly zero evidence.

outside of the elderly/infirmed or those with significant pre-existing conditions, covid is not lethal.

you need to scare people into believing contracting covid is an automatic death sentence in order to control them, alky. that's what this has always been about - control. freedoms and liberties being the first casualties in the name of "science."

the two weeks we were promised to flatten the curve turned into more than 20.

gyms and fitness centers here in NY are finally being allowed to open with restrictions TOMORROW for fuck's sake.

mayor whilhelm defuckstick continues to prohibit indoor dining in NYC restaurants. people are fleeing the city as if it's on fire.

ultimately it will be proven that you assholes have done what you always do alky - over-reached. you managed to take an American society willing to comply with a couple weeks of inconvenience and you've turned them into angry lawbreakers. all because you couldn't fucking help yourselves.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The Sweden comparison is based upon faulty evidence of population density.

C.H. Truth said...


You didn't go to college and you didn't have to take any science classes. But I did go to college and part of my degree (as a Bachelor of Science) required me to take science.

You know the most useful thing you can learn about science is that early scientific hypothesis are wrong about 99.9% of the time. Scientists early on in every situation are just troubleshooting a best guess scenario where they adjust their assumptions based on reading and analyzing the data.

What do you think the scientist working on the Vaccine are doing? Twiddling their thumbs while hoping their one first theory comes back right? The reason it takes so long is because they keep having to make adjustments and keep changing things in order to get it to work.

A President cannot rely on an early scientific "theory" and not bend from it, not by any scientific concept. Everything we know today is different from what we thought we knew 60 days go, which is all different from what we believed when this whole thing started.

At some point in time the scientists need to just report the science (without justification of defending of an opinion or position that no longer seems correct).

Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...

The hatred of unions is not rational.

it is when those union members have nothing but utter disdain for those who pay their lazy asses.

even FDR was against public employee unions alky. the reasons were THAT obvious, even to a liberal hack like him.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

New York has almost zero infections today, because he listened to the scientific evidence and medical officials.

C.H. Truth said...

If we followed this President policies we would suffer hundreds of the thousands of suicides, drug abuse and marital abuse, because they would get infected and would be put in isolation rooms and die.

Or we might be just like Sweden and other places and be pretty much over it by now...

At least that is what the Science shows for countries and states that did not lock down...

See Roger... you don't listen to science.

You continue to rely on opinions that have already been proven wrong.

Anonymous said...

I try to keep looking at data to make my mind up on everything.

ha! laughable on its face.

what was the first thing you did when you heard that melania was taking out jackie o's crabapple trees in the WH rose garden?

you went full-on stage IV TDS.

the first thing i did was research the average lifespan of a crabapple tree, which can vary from 30-70 years.

jackie's were planted in 1961 making them 59 years old.

so no, you didn't let science inform your opinion. you went knee jerk TDS apeshit like always do.

C.H. Truth said...

The Sweden comparison is based upon faulty evidence of population density.

Actually Sweden is the most densely populated country in Scandinavia and is pretty close in demographics to states like Washington, Minnesota, and others who have populations of a few million with about half of them being part of one major metropolitan area surrounded by less densely populated areas.

The truth is that they may have suffered a few more deaths (almost exclusively with the elderly and unhealthy) than they might otherwise have, but were able to maintain their economy, not deal with the same amount of mental health issues or other medical issues that our states with big lock downs have dealt with.

Sweden overall likely saved lives (even if they lost slightly more to Covid) and they didn't destroy their economy in the process.

Statistical data and analysis (you know... what science is) shows you are wrong about Sweden.

But that is just a flat out refusal from the left to accept science that they don't like.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Scott, early scientific hypothesis are wrong about 99.9% of the time. . they believed that there are only 4 types of matter.

Einstein discovered that time is affected by speed!

Trump doesn't listen to anyone but himself.

I studied science for the time I was a child. The librarians kept books on history and science.

I don't have a college degree, but that doesn't mean that I don't know shit

Anonymous said...

Roger Amick said...

New York has almost zero infections today, because he listened to the scientific evidence and medical officials.

wrong. we have new infections every fucking day.

what we don't have is people dying at such an alarming rate because we stopped packing covid cases into nursing homes. and those others who are getting infected are recovering.

hospitalizations and deaths, and NOT new infections, are the metrics that scientists are focused on.

infections are what politicians are focused on, purely for political benefit.

Anonymous said...

Roger where is your "Black Star"?

Anonymous said...

Roger's Peaceful Portland.
ty RRB.
"Antifa militant and convicted pedophile Blake David Hampe was bailed out by an Antifa bail group in Portland and released from jail after his Jul. 25 arrest for felony assault. Hampe allegedly stabbed black Trump supporter Drew Duncomb, who broke the news via Twitter on late Thursday night.

After being doxxed by Antifa on social media, Duncomb alleged that Hampe had stalked him for several blocks in Portland before stabbing him with a 7-inch blade, impaling his lower right flank."

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

But that is just a flat out refusal from the right to accept science that they don't like.

We have to control the pandemic, instead of listening to the President only!

C.H. Truth said...

New York has almost zero infections today, because he listened to the scientific evidence and medical officials.

New York lost 1694 people per million so far...

Florida lost 479 people per million and Texas 404...

Florida is now down under 3000 new cases and are dropping rapidly. Arizona (whom the left deemed a failure) came in at 14th yesterday for new cases and lock down states like Illinois, Michigan, Virginia, etc... are now showing more cases than Arizona.

Cuomo and his policies killed 3.5 times more people than Florida and over four times as many people as Texas.

You don't need science - just common sense - to show that New York did it about as wrong as wrong could possibly be.

Only by COMPLETELY IGNORING ALL SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE can you suggest New York is a success story. But such ignoring of science was literally on display at your convention.

Democrats - we ignore science!

anonymous said...

Sure you dumb fuck Lil Schitty!!!!!!!!

- Pediatricians (doctors with MDs) believe schools can safely open

And there are many that don't think so!!!!!!!

Teachers like to live in spite of Lil Schttty claiming they don't !!!!!!

And science is not politics or an electable tenet cramps....Science is based on the real world unlike your cultist bullshit self!!!!

Anonymous said...

Socialism + Guaranteed outcome =
"People who work for a living, should make enough money for a comfortable life with medical insurance and pension funds to afford a great life after they retire."


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Scott, Sweden has national health care, we have about 20 million Americans who don't have medical insurance. The percentage who don't have any insurance are minority populations, and the death rate is significantly higher than whites

C.H. Truth said...

Einstein was like every single famous scientist. He admitted that he was wrong about much of what the hypothesized throughout his career. He got some of it right after much testing and deliberation and that is what he is famous for.

Do you think he spent his entire life on the one or two theories that made him famous?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

This is the example of why you are wrong again.

The medical experts didn't know how the virus would affect older patients, than they know now.

anonymous said...

asDemocrat said...
Socialism + Guaranteed outcome =

BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! Trump again has brainwashed me into a blithering idiot!!!!!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...


C.H. Truth said...

And there are many that don't think so!!!!!!!

Just like there are many epidemiologist world wide who think the United States has botched most everything with random lock downs and mandatory mask requirements.

Scientists never agree 100% - but a vast majority of pediatricians believe that the children should be in school in spite of the limited risks.

Which is why a scientist with an opinion is probably more dangerous than a good statistician and time to analyse the scientific data.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Quantum mechanics

Anonymous said...

Roger has been unable to debate his topic once again.
What is a :
""People who work for a living, should make enough money for a comfortable life with medical insurance and pension funds to afford a great life after they retire."

You don't
"....well regulated capitalist government that will share the wealth and not limit to the Super rich" Alky

goes with this ;

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

You are admitting that you choose to believe only that fits your personal partisan agenda.

anonymous said...

amous scientist. He admitted that he was wrong about much of what the hypothesized throughout his career

BWAAAAAAAAA!!!!! I guess that makes you another science is a hoax trumpsist!!!! While you have been proven wrong on just about every law interpretation you have I guess you and einstein have something in common.....complete fuck ups!!!!!

C.H. Truth said...

Scott, Sweden has national health care, we have about 20 million Americans who don't have medical insurance.

Well nobody anywhere was charging anyone for Covid testing...

On the flip side, we refused to actually "treat" anyone because of political considerations, so having insurance or not is really irrelevant to that.

So technically what were we doing?

We were only testing in order to work to control the spread (not treat it) and we were listening "only" to an epidemiologists (who had a sole concern in preventing the spread) versus other areas of the world where they focused on testing so they could provide early treatment.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

A good education doesn't mean that you have good judgment.

Brilliant sciences were wrong about many things.

You use your political views to influence your decisions.

C.H. Truth said...

So Rog...

It might have mattered in Sweden that they have less uninsured because they were treating people.

It really didn't matter here, because you were sent home to isolate whether you had the greatest insurance in the world or no insurance at all.

Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...

This is the example of why you are wrong again.

The medical experts didn't know how the virus would affect older patients, than they know now.

oh for chrissakes...

you couldn't be more wrong. in fact, it was the safest assumption a medical professional could make in this whole affair.

the garden variety flu kills a disproportionate number of elderly every single year. tens of thousands, in fact. any medical professional worth anything could immediately assume that covid would kill the elderly at a much higher rate than the general population since practically every disease known to man is more deadly to old folks.

it's part of the aging process, alky.

Anonymous said...

You use your political views to influence your decisions.

says the clown who flipped his shit upon hearing of the removal of jackie o's 59 year old crabapple trees.

your psychological projection never takes a day off.

C.H. Truth said...


Stephen Hawking spent much of his final years in science disproving hypothesis that he had developed much earlier in his career. literally disproving himself.

That is how science and scientist work when politics is not involved.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Scott, Well nobody anywhere was charging anyone for Covid testing...

At the Tulsa convention speech he said that we should stop testing because it would show that more people would be infected!

anonymous said...

the garden variety flu kills a disproportionate number of elderly every single year

And what is that number......compared to 170k in 6 months that trump `did nothing about.....At least you have stopped your stupid argument that Obama did nothing for the flu lie......BWAAAAAAAAAA!!

C.H. Truth said...

You use your political views to influence your decisions.

One of use uses political views to take the union's word over doctors on medical decisions.

One of uses political views to suggest that having 3.5 to 4 times as many deaths per million is a success.

One of us continuously rejects the notion of Covid treatment that is working across the globe "entirely" out of political views.

Perhaps you can explain some examples of where I am not allowing objective science (results and empirical data) to guide my opinion.

To be clear Roger...

Don't confuse listening to the opinion of one or two people with degrees with the actual scientific results and empirical data available to judge with.

Anonymous said...

Roger is the King of Errors.

anonymous said...

And the goat fucker is king of his mommy's basement !!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

At the Tulsa convention speech he said that we should stop testing because it would show that more people would be infected!

and the point that he was making is one you're too fucking stupid to grasp.

infection rates as a material data point are meaningless except to those politicians who would use the obvious to inflict more control and lockdowns to score political points with sheep like you.

let's subject every American to an IQ test. and watch the number of imbeciles skyrocket.

out of context the data is meaningless.

accept the fact that virtually all of us will contract covid. it's practically unavoidable. expend your energy on protecting those most at risk and let's get the fuck on with our lives.

you clowns NEED to politicize the pandemic for political purposes. all because you chose Slow Joe an da Ho.

you don't get to hold the country hostage to your political failings alky.

anonymous said...


Stephen Hawking spent much of his final years in science disproving hypothesis

BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! Which proves what....that your genius in law opinions is bullshit?????? Too funny even for your dumb fuck attempt at science!!!!!! BTW....that's why they are called hypothesis asshole!!!!!!!

anonymous said... holes, plate tectonics, and Higgs bosons where hypothesis a few short years ago.......BWAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

C.H. Truth said...

accept the fact that virtually all of us will contract covid. it's practically unavoidable.

Or at least those without the appropriate "T cell" immunity which could be anywhere from 30-70 percent of the population. According to some epidemiologist, we may only need 20-30 of a population to be infected before herd immunity takes place.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Unlike you, I look at information from many sources, before I make up my mind on dangerous situations.

With everything thigh you say are based upon your political beliefs. Almost every politician makes up his or her mind, upon his election victories.

True American Presidents will look at things that are the best thing for the people, not those who will vote for him or her.

Trump thinks about himself only.

George H.W Bush lost to Bill Clinton because he raised taxes to address the deficit. I didn't agree with him, but I believe that he was a good person!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

everything you say

C.H. Truth said...

Which proves what.

That nobody with any real degree of scientific understanding would place their faith in early "opinions" regarding any scientific study. They would wait until the scientists have had time to test, adjust, retest, adjust, retest, etc... before trusting what they say is actual science.

Science has never been about predicting the future.

That would be astrology.

C.H. Truth said...

Unlike you, I look at information from many sources, before I make up my mind on dangerous situations.

U huh...

and how many opinions did you get from the epidemiologists from Sweden or other parts of the world when you determined that Joe Biden should shut down the entire Country if a scientist told him so?

What sources are you actually looking at, Roger?

Name them!

Anonymous said...

According to some epidemiologist, we may only need 20-30 of a population to be infected before herd immunity takes place.


and because of politics it will take us exponentially longer as a nation to reach herd immunity.


C.H. Truth said...

True American Presidents will look at things that are the best thing for the people, not those who will vote for him or her.

And by ignoring pediatricians, medical doctors, economists, businesses, local governments, the citizens of the country...

and simply allowing an epidemiologist to make the decision to simply shut down an entire country of 327 million people...

You believe that is a prudent concept that takes everything into account?

Isn't it... by definition... the exact opposite?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

George H.W Bush handled the collapse of the Soviet Union brilliantly.

anonymous said...

That nobody with any real degree of scientific understanding would place their faith in early "opinions" regarding any scientific study.

BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! Like you and trump did with HCQ??????? And trump saying the vaccine will be ready by election???? Like that lil Schitty???????? Sad you fail to see the correlation.....LOLOLOLOLOL and hypothesis are 2 different animals idiot!!!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Real Presidents listen to epidemiologist and other experts, to make their decisions. The President is ultimately responsible for his decision, not the doctors.

Anonymous said...

That nobody with any real degree of scientific understanding would place their faith in early "opinions" regarding any scientific study.

yet that's exactly what our revered "scientific and medical experts" did.

they bought the imperial college "model" hook, line, and sinker, and went on to get suckered by the IMHE "model."

oh, and they fell for the retracted "Lancet" article too.

ironically, Fauci's greatest contribution to this entire situation has been over the past few days, since he's been prohibited from speaking due to his vocal chord surgery.


C.H. Truth said...

Like you and trump did with HCQ??

What do you think that the rest of the world is treating their Covid patients with, Denny? Actual "scientific study" of the data worldwide shows that the singular most effective means in controlling deaths from Covid-19 is early treatment.

Something we completely refuse to do... 100% refuse to do it to the point where some people wanted to make it illegal for American doctors to allow the same treatment that doctors in 100 different other countries were prescribing (successfully) every single day.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

It's been fun to kick Scot's ass

C.H. Truth said...

Like you and trump did with HCQ??

Even the Word Health Organization admitted they were wrong and reversed their short lived ban on Hydroxychloroquine after multiple countries provided real data showing a massive increase in hospitalizations and eventual deaths when they stopped early treatments.

Believe it or not, Denny... we are less than 10% of the world, and sometimes we are simply wrong. The world does not revolve around US and the opinions of our social justice experts.

C.H. Truth said...

It's been fun to kick Scot's ass

Sure Rog...

You can't even spell my name correctly, much less actually offer even the slightest bit of competition in any debate.

C.H. Truth said...

Real Presidents listen to epidemiologist and other experts, to make their decisions.

Technically in this country, Roger... A President should listen to everyone, provide some sort of guidance... then allow States to make their own individual decisions and provide them with Federal assistance to the degree that they can.

A President cannot constitutionally do what Joe Biden stated he would do. But then what does following or even understanding the constitution have to do with being President, huh?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Misspelling doesn't change the fact that I have kicked you ass

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Biden said that the states should enforce wearing masks.

He followed the Constitutional rights of Federalism of the Constitution.

C.H. Truth said...

Misspelling doesn't change the fact that I have kicked you ass

Sure Rog...

If you believe that having 1694 deaths per million is more success than having 481 or 404 deaths per million...

If you believe that listening to a teachers union over doctors is listening to science...

and if you believe that claiming you listen to a variety of sources without being able to name any of them...

kicking ass...

then you sure kicked ass!

You deserve an extra cup of meds this morning Roger!

Good for you, ace!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

His --------- tweet and lying, oh my God.” She adds: “I’m talking too freely, but you know. The change of stories. The lack of preparation. The lying. Holy ----.”

Barry can also be heard saying that she guesses that her brother has never read her opinions on immigration cases.

"What has he read?" Mary Trump asks her aunt.

Barry responds: "No. He doesn't read."

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

We are the 4th largest country in the world and we lead in infections and deaths.

Good for you ace!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Trump said that the American democracy is at risk!

He's desperate

Caliphate4vr said...

And you’re a doddering old fool that believes China

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The President is not up to the job

cowardly king obama said...

What do scientists have to say about China's role ?

Why are politicians hesitant ?

C'mon man.

Our two biggest failures in Covid response (after China) are HCQ and nursing homes causing significant increases in our deaths.

What were/are the dems position on that as well as the early travel ban put on China ?

Dems are obviously not up to the job.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

A good question for a friend

Do You Know Anyone Who Is “Brainwashed” by #MAGA?

S. Scott A**hole

cowardly king obama said...

Looks like Racist roger has eaten too many crab apples.


and I should have added with all their failures that is the main reason they have gravitated to mandatory masks.
And obviously their "peaceful" protests didn't help either.

Too bad Trump listed to Fauci on masks early on or the dems would be totally out of a defense. Though the real science is out on that.

Oh and schools, dems wrong there too and a whole generation understands that.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Chris Wallace devastated Mark Medows

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Trump says he built a great economy. Numbers tell a different story

Key economic indicators from Obama’s second term to Trump’s first three years (before the pandemic hit), show a continuation of trends — not a dramatic shift.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The first amendment is under attack by Republicans

Tennessee protesters could now lose their right to vote under a new law Gov. Bill Lee (R) signed with little fanfare Thursday. a man wearing a suit and tie talking on a cell phone: Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee (R) removes his face mask July 1 as he begins a news conference in Nashville.© Mark Humphrey/AP Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee (R) removes his face mask July 1 as he begins a news conference in Nashville. Protesters who camp out on state property, such as the activists who have demonstrated for months outside the state Capitol against racial injustice, could now face felony charges punishable by up to six years in prison. Convicted felons are automatically stripped of their voting rights in Tennessee. The new law, which went into effect immediately, outraged civil rights groups, who say the move is Tennessee’s latest attempt to repress voting ahead of the November elections.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The Hill

Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden, who at 77 would be the oldest president ever elected, said he is "absolutely" willing to serve two terms in the White House if elected in November.

“I think it’s a legitimate question to ask anyone over 70 years old if they’re fit, they’re ready," Biden said. "But … watch me.”

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

If the Republicans lose this election, they might not recover from Trumpism.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden saw his favorability increase 5 percentage points following his party's virtual convention last week, an ABC News-Ipsos poll found.

The former vice president's favorability increased from 40 percent to 45 percent in a week, according to the poll. This included an increase from 79 percent to 86 percent among Democrats. Black Americans gave him the highest favorability rating of any racial group, at 69 percent. His favorability is 39 percent among whites and 52 percent among Hispanics.

The poll found President Trump’s favorability around 32 percent, mostly unchanged from other recent polls, but his unfavorability increased to 60 percent. Vice President Pence had a favorability rating of 30 percent and an unfavorability rating of 46 percent.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Twitter blocked this comment from the President of Russia America account.

So now the Democrats are using Mail Drop Boxes, which are a voter security disaster. Among other things, they make it possible for a person to vote multiple times. Also, who controls them, are they placed in Republican or Democrat areas? They are not Covid sanitized. A big fraud!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Holy shit again

McCollister endorses Biden, invites other Nebraska Republicans to join
| Star-Herald | 19h
Sen. John McCollister of Omaha said Friday he's joining a number of fellow Republicans in deciding to formally endorse Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden in his bid to unseat Republican President Donald Trump. Biden would be 'a real president,' McCollister said, 'not the disaster' that occupies the White House today.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Comey Says Bannon Is In a ‘World of Trouble’
August 23, 2020 at 11:54 am EDT By Taegan Goddard

Former FBI director James Comey told CBS News that former Trump strategist Steve Bannon was in “a world of trouble” following his arrest last week on fraud charges.

Said Comey: “It’s another reminder of the kind of people this president surrounds himself with, at this point they could almost start their own crime family.”

He added: “It’s a very serious case, the Southern District of New York has laid it out in a very detailed indictment called a speaking indictment, and he’s in a world of trouble.”

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Scott, is this perfect?

Coronavirus Cases: 5,835,609

Deaths: 180,077

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The armed couple from St Louis will speak at the RNC. It's not a convention it's a Klan rally.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Trump Heads Into Convention In BAD Position
August 23, 2020 at 11:32 am EDT By Taegan Goddard

Harry Enten:
“There have been only three incumbents who were down by more than a point at the beginning of the convention period since 1940:
Harry Truman in 1948, Gerald Ford in 1976 and Jimmy Carter in 1980.

"Only Truman, down by about 10 points, had a deficit that matched Trump’s at the current time. But even Truman didn’t have an opponent who was already pulling in more than half the vote.

“The potentially good news for Trump is that because he’s in an unprecedented position, it’s difficult to ascertain his true chance of a comeback, especially during a global pandemic.
Further, it’s noteworthy that Truman actually did win in 1948. Ford closed his 7-point deficit pre-conventions against Carter in 1976, but still lost by 2 points.

“One way in which Trump is clearly in a worse position than either Truman or Ford is his own popularity. Truman’s net approval rating (approve – disapprove) was only about -5 points on the eve of the conventions in 1948. Ford’s was actually positive. Trump’s net approval rating is about -12 points.”

Washington Post:
“He is confronting multiple crises at home and has been running a deficit in state and national polls throughout the spring and summer. If the election were held today, Trump probably would become the first one-term president since George H.W. Bush was defeated in 1992.”


Caliphate4vr said...

I’ll take the St Louis couple over Donna Hylton any day

Anonymous said...

Roger you said you kicked CHT ads.

Now that is truly delusional.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Tell us about QAnon, Ch.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Why did Trump say that those people like him,
referring to QAnon?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

When it comes to QAnon, would Trump again want to say that there are good people on both sides, pro and anti QAnon?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Someone else just posted a new name for The Rose Garden! The Hoe’s Garden! I love it!

Commonsense said...


Florida deaths: 10,274, New York deaths: 32,464. Florida has a larger population and an older population. Guess which governor is writing a Mission Accomplished book:


Florida update: percent positive today is 4.89%. This means the “outbreak” is officially over in FL with a fraction of NY & NJ’s death rate. Should be top story in country after months of FL fear porn. But most in media will completely ignore it.…

Commonsense said...

Someone else just posted a new name for The Rose Garden! The Hoe’s Garden! I love it!

You do know that shit like this is going to get Donald Trump re-elected right?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

I calling someone a hoe is going to get someone elected, Biden and Harris have nothing to worry about. She has been called that REPEATEDLY
(here, especially).

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

.@JasonMillerinDC: President Trump has a "record of hiring excellent people"

Trump campaign's senior adviser talks about the number of former Trump advisers and senior officials who have been indicted, during an interview with #MTP

Commonsense said...

With regard to Harris one woman columnist said that if you don't want to be called a whore then don't act like one.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

His supporter Rush Limbaugh used similar rhetoric

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Kput'z and the racist rodent bastard used the same damn name, rrb called her a cunt

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Trump's crazy again

"The deep state, or whoever, over at the FDA is making it very difficult for drug companies to get people in order to test the vaccines and therapeutics," Trump tweeted on Saturday. "Obviously, they are hoping to delay the answer until after November 3rd."

Trump tagged FDA Commissioner Dr. Stephen Hahn, a Trump appointee, in the post.

Anonymous said...

Running Roger, keep Running away from you word salad posts.

Roger has been unable to debate his topic once again.
What is a :
""People who work for a living, should make enough money for a comfortable life with medical insurance and pension funds to afford a great life after they retire."

"....well regulated capitalist government that will share the wealth and not limit to the Super rich" Alky
Economic gibberish

Anonymous said...

BIG "Mike" Obama is a expensive Whore.
The Hoe is cheap one, drag a $20 in front of her and she'll kneel.

Commonsense said...

New York has almost zero infections today, because he listened to the scientific evidence and medical officials.

New York is first in the nation in COVID-19 deaths per million no other state comes close.

Florida has 1/3 of the death New York has and has a larger and far more elderly population.

And as was pointed out; Guess which governor is writing the mission accomplished book.

Here's a hint. He bragged about his "achievements" at the DNC.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

"And as was pointed out; Guess which governor is writing the mission accomplished book.

Here's a hint. He bragged about his "achievements" at the DNC."

He is profiting while standing on the graves.

Anonymous said...

The boo hooing and tear dropping from Jane and Alky is priceless and oh so typical of effeminate liberal boi's.

You are the worse offenders here, yet, you can't take it.

anonymous said...

The boo hooing and tear droppi

The goat fucker again proving why he sucks on donnie's big fat old white ass with gusto.......too fucking stupid to think on his own!!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAA!!! Basement dwelling asshole!!!!!

anonymous said...

New York is first in the nation in COVID-19 deaths per million

Which has what to do with the current rate?:??????? NOTHING ASSHOLE!!!!!! BTW.....The US is Number 1 in total mortality!!!!! A statistic you seem to ignore!!!!!!

anonymous said...

I look forward to the day all these assholes are in jail or have gone away!!!!!

tano on Fox
HuffPost US
Aug 23rd 2020 8:06AM
Attorney General William Barr met last year with media mogul Rupert Murdoch to pressure him to “muzzle” Donald Trump critic Andrew Napolitano on Fox News, according to a new book out Tuesday.

Napolitano’s air time has dwindled as his criticism of Trump had increased over the last year.

Barr’s meeting with Murdoch, the executive chairman of Fox News’ parent company, at his New York home was widely reported at the time, but its purpose was not revealed. One aim of the meeting was to shut up Napolitano, according to the book “Hoax: Donald Trump, Fox News, and the Dangerous Distortion of Truth,” written by CNN media reporter Brian Stelter.

Trump “was so incensed” by Napolitano’s increasingly critical comments about him in Fox broadcasts that he “implored Barr to send Rupert a message in person … about ‘muzzling the judge,’” according to the book, reported the Guardian, which obtained a copy. Trump “wanted the nation’s top law enforcement official to convey just how atrocious Napolitano’s legal analysis had been,” wrote Stelter, citing information from an unnamed source.

Napolitano, a former New Jersey superior court judge, reportedly told friends early in 2019 that he was on Trump’s “short list” for the U.S. Supreme Court. But when news emerged later that year of Trump’s phone call pressing Ukraine’s president to launch an investigation into baseless accusations against Joe Biden, Napolitano called the president’s actions both “criminal and impeachable.”

Commonsense said...

A statistic you seem to ignore!!!!!!

Yeah, because that statistic is meaningless when you compare it to smaller less populist countries. But here's the thing.

If you took New York out of the equation altogether we would be like number 10.

anonymous said...

Yeah, because that statistic is meaningless when you compare it to smaller

HORSESHIT YOU FUCKING LOSER!!!!! THE US LEADS THE WORLD IN THAT GRIM STATISTIC PERIOD!!!!!! If you took trump out of the equation we might not have reached the grim milestone!!!!!! But NY is part of the US and cherry picking does not work in statistics!!!!!! BWAAAAAAPAAAAAA!!!!!!

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Here are the latest Trumpfooleries,
starting with the latest and working down to the earlier:

Trump to Authorize Virus Treatment Over Objections
August 23, 2020 at 3:38 pm EDT
All by Taegan Goddard

President Trump will announce that the FDA will issue an emergency authorization for blood plasma as a coronavirus treatment, Politico reports.
--“The agency held off on the decision last week over concerns from government scientists that evidence for the treatment’s effectiveness is thin — prompting Trump to accuse the FDA of slow-walking the therapy to harm his reelection chances without offering any evidence to support his claim.”

Washington Post:
“Many scientists and physicians believe that convalescent plasma might provide some benefit but is far from a breakthrough. It is rich in antibodies that could be helpful in fighting the coronavirus, but the evidence so far has not been conclusive about whether it works, when to administer it and what dose is needed.”

Trump Tweet Flagged for Violating Election Rules
3:29 pm EDT
Twitter flagged a tweet by President Trump that claimed, without evidence, that mail drop boxes are a “voter security disaster” and are “not Covid sanitized.”

Trump Obliterates Line Between Governing and Campaign
3:15 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard
“Trailing in the polls and struggling to find a message, President Trump is leveraging one of the most powerful assets he has left — his White House office — in service of his reelection bid, obliterating the lines between governing and campaigning and testing legal boundaries in ways that go well beyond his predecessors,” the Washington Post reports.

Trump May Fast Track Vaccine Before Election
[whether it is safe or not]
2:09 pm EDT
“The Trump administration is considering bypassing normal US regulatory standards to fast-track an experimental coronavirus vaccine from the UK for use in America ahead of the presidential election,” the Financial Times reports.
“One option being explored to speed up the availability of a vaccine would involve the US Food and Drug Administration awarding ’emergency use authorisation’ in October to a vaccine being developed in a partnership between AstraZeneca and Oxford university, based on the results from a relatively small UK study if it is successful.”

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The President wants to send Sherriff's and intimidate minority voters but his own deputy said he can't.

Acting Homeland Security chief says department does not have authority to send agents to polling locations.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Trump has already cost Americans too many lives and too much suffering by his constant self serving desire to improve his own political standing regardless of what that does to our country.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Hitler tried to drag the German nation down with him. Sound familiar?

anonymous said...

eat Trump will announce that the FDA will issue an emergency authorization for blood plasma as a coronavirus treatment, Politico reports.

It is already being used without approval....Now that it may be blessed by trump means SHIT!!!!!!!!!!! But the slurpers will take another deep breath of trumps big fat white ass and hope something becomes of it!!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAA!!!! And yes the studies to date have not been that good!!!!!! Just ask Lil Schist!!!!

Commonsense said...

Trump has already cost Americans too many lives

So if God knows the exact day, everybody dies wasn't their death inevitable anyway? In other words, isn't it pointless to blame a mere mortal for someone's natural death.

anonymous said...

How does donnie send local sheriff's to poling places????? Is this more wish management???????

anonymous said...

In other words, isn't it pointless to blame a mere mortal for someone's natural death.

So our genius cultist believes those passing from Covid is a natural event!!!!!!!!! I am sure those old farts who have gone already may disagree with an idiot comment like that!!!!!!! BWAAAAAAPAAAAAA!!!!!! I guess in the warped world of cramps.....we should do nothing about the virus because it is natural!!!!!! God you are stupid

Commonsense said...


It's far more likely China leads the world based on population alone.

And don't quote the numbers published by the Chinese government. Everybody and his dog knows China is deliberately undercounting deaths and other COVID-19 numbers.

anonymous said...

Ir is more likely you cannot prove that can you ......BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!! Grabbing at straws don't care like trump and lives other than yours are worthless to you!!!!!!

Caliphate4vr said...

So our genius cultist believes those passing from Covid is a natural event!!!!!!!!

The old and sickly always die, pedo and the Alky are rightly concerned, and why a morbese diabetic like you should be terrified

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

This is a friend's comment when she posted the same article...

As a rose garden fanatic -- It reflects the sad decline of what has happened in the cultivated roses community, too, especially in the US. Carefully crafted rose varieties have a deep history, going back to Marie Antoinette. More recently, the demand for cheap cut roses in the US, combined with corporate acquisitions of companies like Jackson Perkins has reduced the availability of new, innovative rose varieties. This article covers some of that trend "In 27 years, market forces and decisions made in Washington have reshaped the rose business on two continents. The American flower industry has seen its production of roses drop roughly 95 percent, falling from 545 million to less than 30 million." It is getting harder to find those beautiful, unusual cultivated roses, and the specialized companies that developed and promoted those varieties no longer exist. Many of these plant sales companies now promote and sell these bland, generic shrub mass production types of roses (the types seen in this Melania garden) since they are seen as more profitable then the quirky designer rose varieties. So from the perspective of this amateur rose garden zealot, Melania's garden represents the worst of both what is happening economically (corporate behemoths crushing smaller creatives companies), and what has happened to the specialty rose market.

Commonsense said...

we should do nothing about the virus because it is natural!!!!!! God you are stupid

It is as natural a death as heart attacks, cancer, or the flu. We do something about all three of them. What we don't do is lock down the economy and wear mask to feel good about ourselves.

Anonymous said...

Dystopian Democrat Convention blamed Europe for the China Virus.
A priceless moment in Slow Joe and The Hoe attempt at protecting China.

No leadership by Slow Joe. No mention or condemnation of Antifa or BlackOlivesMatter.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Trump will Twitter tirade!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Where you stole it

anonymous said...

Blogger KansasDemocrat said...
Dystopian Democrat Convention blamed Europe for the China Virus.

BWAAAAAAPAAAAAA!!!!! The bottom feeding basement dweller lies again......I am sure you have the proof for that allegation goat fucker!!!! LOLOLOLOLOLOL

It is as natural a death as heart attacks, Maybe you should catch it and let us know how naturally you feel!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAA!!!! Brains is not your long suit!!!!!

BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!! Your unlearned opinion asshole......

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

3:10 That's you talking apparently from your theological perspective, certainly not from mine.

But you have not replied theologically to my last post in the next thread down which I will repeat here:


Why do Evangelicals think a narcissistic, lying, cheating, adulterer was chosen by God to lead our country?

Well Pastor, if I have to explain Christian theology to you you're not much of a pastor.

Roger is not a Christian, Commensa, so maybe you SHOULD try to explain Christian theology to him in a way that both answers his question and makes sense to him.

We will wait.

August 23, 2020 at 1:13 PM

Commonsense said...
Well James since you care about Roger's immortal soul more than I do perhaps you should explain it him.

Or don't you know?

And you still didn't answer my question:

Do you believe that an unborn baby is endowed with an immortal soul as God said in Jeremiah 1:5?

Not that I expect an answer. Chickenshit that you are.

August 23, 2020 at 1:34 PM

Let me counter your question, Commensa, with a sincere question.

It is true that the prophet Jeremiah was utterly convinced that God had chosen him in the womb before he was born and appointed him to be 'a prophet to the nations' (Jeremiah 1:5).

It is also true that in Psalm 139:13-18
the psalmist says that God ("You") formed him in the womb and had already numbered all the days of his life ahead of time.

In other words, it would seem the psalmist is saying that God knows ahead of time and before we are even born exactly how many years and even days that any of us are going to live.

13 For You formed my inward parts;
You wove me in my mother’s womb.
14 I will give thanks to You, for I am
fearfully and wonderfully made;

Wonderful are Your works,
And my soul knows it very well.

15 My frame was not hidden from You,
When I was made in secret,
And skillfully wrought in the depths of the earth;

16 Your eyes have seen my unformed substance;
And in Your book were all written
the days that were ordained for me,
When as yet there was not one of them.

So does that mean, Commensa, that God knows ahead of time the exact number of the days of any zygote/ embryo/ fetus/ baby/ child which undergoes spontaneous abortion (due, for example, to a disease), or induced abortion due to a medical procedure?

August 23, 2020 at 2:20 PM


Your dodge is duly noted.

"So does that mean that God knows ahead of time the exact number of the days of any zygote/ embryo/ fetus/ baby/ child which undergoes spontaneous abortion (due, for example, to a disease), or induced abortion due to a medical procedure?"

Wouldn't be much of a God if he didn't. He also knows if and when you will be murdered which is what "medically induced abortion" is.

August 23, 2020 at 2:28 PM

That was no dodge. It is a valid question.

So when, according to the Book of Genesis, Yahweh God himself killed off almost all forms of human and even animal life in the great flood of Noah's time,* does that mean God knew ahead of time, while they were still in the womb or in the egg, the exact number of days allotted to each of them?
*and later said he wouldn't do it again, apparently because it had not had the intended effect of improving humans [Genesis 8:21-22]!
Connected question: Didn't God know ahead of time that this great murder including babies in the womb would not be effective?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Since then, his administration has dispatched federal authorities — including a tactical Border Patrol division and secret police from the Department of Homeland Security — to Portland, Seattle and other cities to tamp down protests and make arrests. Trump has blamed Democratic mayors and governors for failing to quell the mostly peaceful demonstrations, which have included some violence, looting and arson.

His own deputy director of the Homeland security administration said that he can't send secret police to intimidate voters of color.

The Washington Post editorial board has written four articles about how dangerous President Trump is.

Since then, his administration has dispatched federal authorities — including a tactical Border Patrol division and secret police from the Department of Homeland Security — to Portland, Seattle and other cities to tamp down protests and make arrests. Trump has blamed Democratic mayors and governors for failing to quell the mostly peaceful demonstrations, which have included some violence, looting and arson.

His own deputy director of the Homeland security administration said that he can't send secret police to intimidate voters of color.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

anonymous said...

BTW.....Cramps.....James just kicked your cultist ass into next week!!!!!! Maybe you can ape more trump BS like eliminating GOD from the pledge which was proven to be another lie you embraced!!!!!

Anonymous said...

In early July CDC said wear the masks for 4-6 weeks it will crush the China Virus.

Well, here we are at the 6 week mark.

Masks off?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

I just looked and saw that Commensa in nearly an hour still has not answered my question above.

anonymous said...

BTW....cramps never answers questions posed to him!!!!!!!!

Hey goat fucker.....wearing masks is not mandatory like the CDC wanted so your bullshit is just that!!!!!

anonymous said...

But the party of small government embraces the intimidation tactics and police presence by trump with joy!!!!! God are they fucked up or what??????? They have problems seeing what is happening and do not care!!!!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Here you go senseless.

Do you consider the number of US fatalities from coronavirus so far to be... via new CBS/YouGov poll:

10% acceptable
90% unacceptable

57% acceptable
43% unacceptable

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Caliphate4vr said...

I’ll take the St Louis couple over Donna Hylton any day

same here. leave it to the alky to become incensed at the thought of law abiding homeowners protecting their lives and property from a violent mob, while fawning over a convicted murderer.

that's about as fucked in the head as a person can get.

Commonsense said...

I just looked and saw that Commensa in nearly an hour still has not answered my question above.

Well James if you looked I did. It was essentially fuck you until you answer my question chickenshit.

Anonymous said...

and secret police from the Department of Homeland Security


'secret police.'

yeah, so secret they had the word POLICE emblazoned across their chests.

the WaPo - democracy drowns in bullshit.

anonymous said...

yeah, so secret they had the word POLICE

Which does not identify them by name or branch.IOW's secret!!!!!....sad you think that is sufficient but those with troubled brains think everything trump does is good!!!!! BWAAAAAAPAAAAAA!!!!!!

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

But my question trumps (no play intended) and includes your question.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Trump Looks to Change Narrative After Brutal Week
August 23, 2020 at 4:30 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard

New York Times:
“The last thing the president wanted to see as he kick-starts his campaign was the architect of his last campaign hauled away in handcuffs on charges of bilking his own supporters in a build-the-wall fund-raising scam. Yet there was Stephen K. Bannon, the mastermind of the 2016 election, with his hair now long and scraggly and his face weathered, marched into court and called a crook.

“That was only part of the president’s tough week or so.
*In recent days, the Senate released a damning bipartisan report on Russia’s efforts to help Mr. Trump win in 2016.
*A government agency concluded that a member of the president’s cabinet is serving in violation of the law.
*A court rejected Mr. Trump’s effort to keep his tax returns secret.
*Unemployment claims ticked back up.
*And former Vice President Joseph Biden smoothly pulled off his own convention without the gaffes Mr. Trump had predicted.

“If that were not enough, the president found his family dysfunction playing out in public at the same time he was presiding over a funeral for his younger brother at the White House.”


Commonsense said...

This is a friend's comment when she posted the same article...
As a rose garden fanatic --

Melania Trump has been an exemplary first lady who had taken the traditional role and has stayed out of the limelight and out of politics altogether and still she is viciously attacked because orange man bad.

This is way most Americans hate the media.

And it's also why most American hate people like you Roger.

And if they were on the fence about voting for Trump they are no longer on the fence. They may have even converted some voters who were voting for Biden just because they don't like Trump.

anonymous said...

Well James if you looked I did. It was essentially fuck you

James kicked your creationist ass!!!!! I guess your reading comprehension level is still grammar school, just like trump!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAA!!! All you will do now is obfuscate and change the subject like this post!!!!

anonymous said...

Melania Trump has been an exemplary first lady who had taken the traditional role

BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! A mail order cunt who looks great with an aura of my shit don't stink!!!!!!!!! Yeah her english sucks!!!!

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

So I guess Commensa must believe that God DID know ahead of time that his great God-inflicted murder even of numerous innocent babies in the womb would NOT be effective. So wouldn't God be guilty of all those ineffective murders?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The Republican nominee is not able to provide a positive agenda for the next four years.

Biden has got a bounce of support since the convention speech.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I have over 2000 friends on Facebook.

Most of them are highly educated people. Harvard University and other universities.

anonymous said...

When is George W Bush scheduled to speak at the RNC???????

anonymous said...

Does anyone care if Eric Trump endorses his old man??????

cowardly king obama said...

Tim Young

Hunter Biden is thankful that the DNC didnt drug test its speakers.

So is Joe

cowardly king obama said...

New York Post

Air-conditioned rooms help spread COVID-19, research shows

Everyone in California who still has electricity needs to turn off their air conditioners.

On the plus side those without will reduce the spread.

cowardly king obama said...

Shem Horne

"It's good to see you all. I hope you had a great weekend at your convention." President Trump to the media at the start of his news conference


cowardly king obama said...


Today, we issued an emergency use authorization (EUA) for investigational convalescent plasma for the treatment of hospitalized COVID-19 patients as part of the agency’s ongoing efforts to fight #COVID19.

The EUA authorizes the distribution of #COVID19 convalescent plasma in the U.S. and its administration by health care providers, as appropriate, to treat suspected or laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 in hospitalized COVID-19 patients.

We determined that it is reasonable to believe that #COVID19 convalescent plasma may be effective in lessening the severity or shortening the length of COVID-19 illness in some patients.

Additionally, the known and potential benefits of the product, when used to treat #COVID19, outweigh the known and potential risks of the product and that that there are no adequate, approved, and available alternative treatments.

“I am committed to releasing safe and potentially helpful treatments for #COVID19 as quickly as possible in order to save lives.” – FDA Commissioner


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Trump had a press conference and issued an executive order declaring the plasma is a cure for the COVID-45 virus.
Let the a$$ kissing begin!
The FDA just issued the emergency use of Convalescent plasma for Covid 19 treatment even though just last Wednesday they said the data on it was too weak to go forward on it. What changed in five days? What new data since Wednesday was submitted? This makes it more challenging to do random trials. There is no clear evidence that it works.

Did Trump’s tweet yesterday about the deep state in the FDA pressure them into this? He said he broke the log jam.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

"It's good to see you all. I hope you had a great weekend at your convention." President Trump to the media at the start of his news conference.

A reporter could have said,
"Yes we did, thank you, Mr. President, and we're going to have even more fun laughing at you and YOUR convention. Not the Republican convention, but YOUR convention."

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

(W) The infamous Trump's Touch. They have it!
MORE: "Melania Trump ridiculed as her White House Rose Garden redesign is compared to a 'cemetery'" -

Caliphate4vr said...

Everyone in California who still has electricity needs to turn off their air conditioners.

What’s the difference between California and the Titanic?

The Titanic had its lights on when it went down

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

It's a scam

.WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump announced Sunday the emergency authorization of convalescent plasma for COVID-19 patients, in a move he called “a breakthrough,” one of his top health officials called “promising,” and other health experts said needs more study before it's celebrated.

The announcement came after days of White House officials suggesting there were politically motivated delays by the Food and Drug Administration in approving a vaccine and therapeutics for the disease that has upended Trump’s reelection chances.

On the eve of the Republican National Convention, Trump put himself at the center of the FDA's announcement of the authorization — it makes it easier for some patients to obtain the treatment — in a news conference Sunday evening.

The blood plasma, taken from patients who have recovered from the coronavirus and rich in antibodies, may provide benefits to those battling with the disease. But the evidence so far has not been conclusive about whether it works, when to administer it and what dose is needed.

In a letter describing the emergency authorization, the chief scientist for the FDA, Denise Hinton, noted: “COVID-19 convalescent plasma should not be considered a new standard of care for the treatment of patients with COVID-19. Additional data will be forthcoming from other analyses and ongoing, well-controlled clinical trials in the coming months.”

An emergency use authorization is not the same as full FDA approval.

In the authorization letter, FDA officials emphasized convalescent plasma is still under investigation. “COVID-19 convalescent plasma should not be considered a new standard of care for the treatment of patients with COVID-19. Additional data will be forthcoming from other analyses and ongoing, well-controlled clinical trials in the coming months,” it said.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

An emergency use authorization is not the same as full FDA approval.

In the authorization letter, FDA officials emphasized convalescent plasma is still under investigation. “COVID-19 convalescent plasma should not be considered a new standard of care for the treatment of patients with COVID-19. Additional data will be forthcoming from other analyses and ongoing, well-controlled clinical trials in the coming months,” it said.

It's not a cure

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Climate change is real science

Caliphate4vr said...

So is clearing the undergrowth.

Maybe you idiots can get some money recycling parts to your bullet train to pay off the fires. Oh and quit releasing your criminals it’s how you fought fires in the past

California loses manpower to fight wildfires after more than 800 inmates in controversial firefighting program were released due to pandemic - as the prison population makes up 43% of all responders

And I thought Cool Hand Luke was brutal treatment


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un has fallen into a coma, a former South Korean official is claiming on the heels of reports that the northern leader has ceded over some of his power to his younger sister.

Trump is crying out loud!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

You may as drink some bleach!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

You don't know how much work it takes to clear thousands of acre acres in the forest.

Commonsense said...
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Commonsense said...
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Commonsense said...
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Commonsense said...

So wouldn't God be guilty of all those ineffective murders?

James either answer my question or don't answer my question but if you don't answer my question don't expect me to answer your question in return.

That's not how dialog works.

Caliphate4vr said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...
You don't know how much work it takes to clear thousands of acre acres in the forest.

Doddering old fool, Calizuela, the Venezuela of the Pacific, has mismanaged it’s forests for decades

Commonsense said...

It's not a cure

It's a treatment. But it uses the same virus antibody theory as a vaccine.

So it's pretty close to a cure as you can get and it's certainly not a scam.

It's actually been used for H1N1 and Ebola with good results, and the preliminary studies are promising.

What's a scam and the real crime is letting people die because orange man bad.

Commonsense said...

BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! A mail order cunt who looks great with an aura of my shit don't stink!!!!!!!!! Yeah her english sucks!!!!

So how many languages do you speak beside English Denny (and from you writing you can barely speak, read, and write English). Melania can speak seven of them.

Go on and keep calling her a cunt. People like you are going to get Trump re-elected.

Commonsense said...

Trump Looks to Change Narrative After Brutal Week

This is funny. During the week of the DNC Trump's approval rating went up.
While Biden's approval rating went down.

But it was Trump who had the brutal week.


Anonymous said...

"Defeat Trumps plan to keep you from voting by mail, Vote in Person."

Anonymous said...

"Brutal Week" 😀

Dystopian Democrat Convention drive The President of the United States Donald Trump polls higher.

And he gets a week to go higher.

I hope the alphabet media treat The President of the United States Donald Trump as well as they did Slow Joe and The Hoe.

Anonymous said...

" Caliphate4vr said...

I’ll take the St Louis couple over Donna Hylton any day"

Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...

You don't know how much work it takes to clear thousands of acre acres in the forest.

and you do, mr. milk cattle rancher?

the process is called a "controlled burn" or "prescribed fire" alky.

we use it right here to manage the albany pine bush preserve, home to the karner blue butterfly. i had family members that participated in this process via the local fire company. 3350 acres. the last prescribed fire burned 400 of them. flawlessly, with no harm done to people, property, or wildlife.


Periodic disturbance by wildfire was the key ecological process that historically maintained inland pine barrens communities in the Albany Pine Bush. Both plant and animal species here have developed adaptations to and dependencies on fire. Whereas mechanical techniques and other forms of management may mimic some of the effects of fire and are critical parts of our restoration process, they cannot fully substitute for fire. Prescribed fire remains the most important tool for long-term management of the inland pine barrens communities and the species that depend on them.

if you fucking morons in CA had been using this process methodically, thoughtfully, and under proper management, Paradise CA might never have burned to the fucking ground.

cowardly king obama said...

Question Is race associated with mortality among patients hospitalized with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in the United States?

Findings In this cohort study of 11,210 individuals with COVID-19 presenting for care at 92 hospitals across 12 states, there was no difference in all-cause, in-hospital mortality between White and Black patients after adjusting for age, sex, insurance status, comorbidity, neighborhood deprivation, and site of care.

Meaning In this study, race was not independently associated with in-hospital mortality after adjusting for differences in sociodemographic and clinical factors.

Anonymous said...

"If you look at Joe Biden’s goals and Bernie Sanders’s goals, they’re not that different.." Obimbo

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Commonsense said...
Trump Looks to Change Narrative After Brutal Week

This is funny. During the week of the DNC Trump's approval rating went up.
While Biden's approval rating went down.

But it was Trump who had the brutal week.


Oh really?

Latest national polls have Biden at +10 and +8.

Anonymous said...

"Roger AmickAugust 23, 2020 at 6:51 PM

You don't know how much work it takes to clear thousands of acre acres in the forest."

So because it requires work, Alky is against it.

Caliphate4vr said...

if you fucking morons in CA had been using this process methodically, thoughtfully, and under proper management, Paradise CA might never have burned to the fucking ground

But they have a few miles of a high speed bullet train to nowhere and they fund illegals

I say let it burn

Anonymous said...

We know the Alphabet Media bias will not allow them to treat The President of the United States Donald Trump as they did the Dystopian Democrats.

cowardly king obama said...

Scott Adams

Top two search results for “asshole” are about Joe Biden.


Anonymous said...

They could have removed a lot of it with volunteers that would harvest dead trees for firewood.

cowardly king obama said...

Tim Murtaugh -

It's amusing to see the "fact checkers" running around insisting that it's false that the DNC omitted "under God" from the Pledge of Allegiance.

Here's one example.

This is Joe Biden's party.


Donald Trump Jr.

The media is gaslighting everyone to protect Biden.

FACT CHECK: TRUE just look at the feeble lefties here who buy it.

cowardly king obama said...


I went to Joe Biden’s hometown of Wilmington Delaware to talk to the people who live there about Joe Biden.

While we were filming a young man skateboarded up to me and said - “Can we do an interview?”

I never expected what happened next. Wow. Just watch:



cowardly king obama said...


UNCONSTITUTIONAL: Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot used police to block me/
from filming on a public street

While covering a controversial story about her

We were then accused of being a threat to the mayor & told to leave just for filming outside


typical democrat bullshit

Anonymous said...

Classless California
As people loss homes and are driven from them because of mismanagement , the looters rush in.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Trump Looks to Change Narrative After Brutal Week


This is funny. During the week of the DNC Trump's approval rating went up.
While Biden's approval rating went down.

But it was Trump who had the brutal week.



Oh really?


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