Thursday, October 29, 2020

Remember the big NY Times Ed-Op from "anonymous" ?

There was much buzz about the criticism of the high ranking Administration official who took the President to task in a brutal opinion piece published by the NY Times. At the time, the speculation (especially with people on CNN, MSNBC, etc...) was that this high ranking official could actually have been Mike Pence, Nikki Haley, General Kelly, or Jared Kushner. Some suggested that it might be his own daughter, Ivanka. 

Here is our high ranking Trump administration official better known as "anonymous"

But the one thing that they were sure of was that this was someone extremely well placed, someone who was extremely close to the President, and someone with the inside knowledge required to make his scathing article all the more damning. 

So was it Mike Pence?
Was it Nikki Haley or General Kelly?
Was it a member of the President's own family?

Nope... it was non-other than the ridiculously well placed Miles Taylor. If you have never heard of Miles Taylor, it's because he really isn't anyone worthy of hearing about. Miles Taylor employed by the Department of Homeland Security and served directly under Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen during her reign. I am not even sure that Kirstjen Nielson was a big enough fish to have been discussed as possibly being the infamous "anonymous" ed-op writer. Certainly a subordinate to her would not have been considered. 

But apparently Miles Taylor is providing us all with a tell-all book, complete with his assertion that he was considered a "high ranking" member of the Trump administration. The sad thing is... there are people out there probably dumb enough to buy it! 



Well he did use his proper name - anonymous

31 years old, and left praising the administration before he ended up at google... and changed his mind.

Kids do that.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Not important. What's coming is important.

The Los Angeles Times
Biden Seeks Knockout Blow In Florida

“The presidential candidates unleashed a frenzy of last-minute campaigning Thursday in Florida, a must-win state for President Trump, whose packed rallies have become their own political liability amid surging coronavirus cases.

“Both Trump and Joe Biden headed to the rapidly growing Tampa region, where their get-out-the-vote events showcased sharply contrasting approaches to the COVID-19 pandemic.

"The focus on Florida comes as polls give Biden a slight edge in the state, which holds 29 electoral votes the Trump campaign desperately needs for a viable path to victory.”

Taegan Goddard says:
"Trump Really Has Just One Path Left"

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Also more important:

Perdue Bails Out of Final Debate

Sen. David Perdue (R-GA) withdrew from the final debate in his tight re-election race, a day after Jon Ossoff (D) called him a “crook” and accused the vulnerable Republican of trying to profit from the coronavirus pandemic, the New York Times reports.

Ossoff announced Perdue’s cancellation on Twitter:
“At last night’s debate, millions saw that Perdue had no answers when I called him out on his record of blatant corruption, widespread disease, and economic devastation. Shame on you, Senator.”

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


Making it,

==== BIDEN 356 vs TRUMP 182 ====


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Susan Glasser:
The Final Days of the Trump Campaign
10:05 pm

“In many ways, the whole Trump Presidency can be encapsulated in the past few days and weeks.

It is self-dealing, denialism, dishonesty, and deflection.

It is narcissism, recklessness, and disregard for the public good—and for democracy itself.

There is nothing and no one he has not corrupted—or tried to.

Even the remaining uncertainty about the election’s outcome is a product of Trump’s cynical, self-serving, and dangerous assault on the political system.

Washington can read the polls, but after four years there’s still no poll that can fully account for this President.

Folks, it ain’t over till it’s over.”

Charlie Cook:
Is a Blue Wave Coming?
10:11 pm
“What I am wondering is if this will be one or the rarest species of national elections
—a wave election in a presidential year ending in a zero, meaning it will reverberate for a decade thanks to the coming redistricting.

There are not a dozen Republican Senate seats that could fall, as Democrats suffered in 1980, but Joe Biden may well replicate Ronald Reagan’s 10-point victory over President Carter.

The odds are it will be a bit less, perhaps in the 53 to 44 percent range, with 3 percent going to independents and write-ins, half of the number from four years ago.”

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Scott, no President in history has had dozens of people who had worked for, has had a dozen other Republicans and military leaders step up and say that the President is unfit to be the President and the commander in chief.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

His niece Mary Trump wrote about the most dangerous man in history. You probably refused to read it.

Scott this isn't a difference between a Democrat and a Republican.

I had my doubts about Trump when he was a birther. But Charlottesville was the one that convinced me that he is the most dangerous incumbent President in history

You know much more about history and politics and the Constitution than he does!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Scott this is about the soul of our nation and for which it stands.

Donald Trump is as big a threat as the civil war

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Almost as many who voted in 2016 in Texas have already voted today

The news today I saw that a huge number of people who had not voted before were on the list!

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


The Atlantic

Don’t Sweat the Polls

“I want to feel hopeful about Joe Biden’s chances this year, but I just can’t,” my neighbor confessed to me, as we stood in line outside a coffee shop. What had begun as pleasant conversation—dogs, the temperature, clouds—had been pulled, through the vortex known as Late October in an Election Year, into an airing of political anxieties. “I’m still so afraid that 2016 is going to happen again and Trump is going to win,” she said.

Based on the sample size of my life, every Democrat feels this way. Yes, they’ll preface, the polls look all right for Biden. But four years ago, they looked good for Hillary Clinton too. And so, they fear, the horror film of 2016 is about to get its sequel.

There is a small chance that their fears will come true. But for the past few weeks, I’ve been stockpiling all of the quantitative reasons why the 2020 election is really, truly different from 2016, from new polling methodologies to fewer undecided voters. As always, do not allow any level of optimism (or pessimism) to guide your decision to vote. Just vote.

1. In 2016, the pollsters totally whiffed on the Great Lakes states. In 2020, they’ve changed their methods.

National polls weren’t more off in 2016 than in previous years. The problem happened at the state level. Whereas state polls underestimated Barack Obama’s support by about three points in 2012, they underestimated Trump’s support by more than five points in 2016, the largest error so far this century. The most important reason, according to a postmortem from the American Association for Public Opinion Research, was that state polls undercounted non-college-educated voters, who turned out in droves for Trump.

Here’s how that happened. Most polls are weighted surveys. That means a pollster collects a bunch of responses and then weights, or adjusts, the answers by age, gender, and political orientation so that the final count closely resembles the American electorate. For instance, if the sample is 60 percent male, the pollster will want to give the women’s responses more weight, because women actually vote more than men.

In 2016, many pollsters failed to adjust for the fact that college-educated Americans are typically more likely to respond to surveys. Another way to say this is that pollsters “under-sampled” non-college-educated voters. At the same time, the electorate split sharply along the “diploma divide” to give Trump an advantage among non-college-educated voters. In short, state pollsters made a huge, obvious mistake: Their surveys failed to account for 2016’s most important demographic phenomenon.

The good thing about huge, obvious mistakes is that they’re huge and obvious. Practically every high-quality state pollster acknowledged the non-college-educated-voter problem and committed to weighting their 2020 polls by education. The Pew Research Center now weights by education within racial groups. The Marist College and NBC News/Wall Street Journal polls now also weight by geography, in part because college-educated voters are more likely to live in urban and suburban areas.

Does this mean that the state polls in 2020 are guaranteed to be perfect? Absolutely not. In fact, they’ll almost certainly be wrong again. (They’re never exactly right.) But the polls almost certainly won’t undercount the pro-Trump non-college-educated vote by the same margin, given how many pollsters adjusted their methodologies specifically to avoid making the same mistake in consecutive presidential elections.

Anonymous said...

A Department of Justice (DOJ) official confirmed Thursday that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) opened a criminal investigation into Hunter Biden and his associates in 2019, focused on allegations of money-laundering, and that it remains “open and active,” according to Sinclair investigative reporter James Rosen."

Oh boy.... Twitter, Facebook and ALL the in Bed Bias Left missed this.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

2. In 2016, a ton of undecided voters broke late for Trump. In 2020, most of those voters have already decided.

Two weeks before the 2016 election, FiveThirtyEight’s Nate Silver noted that 15 percent of voters still hadn’t made up their minds, which was roughly three times more than the number of undecideds in 2012. This statistic was the Chekhov’s gun of the last election: the ominous presence foreshadowing a final-act surprise. “One of the reasons why our models still give Trump an outside chance at victory,” Silver wrote four years ago, was that Trump could eke it out “by winning almost all of the undecided and third-party voters.”

And so he did. Exit polls and post-election surveys found that undecided voters broke strongly for the president. About one in seven voters in key swing states decided in the final week, and they broke for Trump by about 30 points in Wisconsin and 17 points in Florida and Pennsylvania, spelling disaster for Clinton.

But 2020 doesn’t have the same capacity for last-minute Democratic horror, because there aren’t nearly as many undecided voters. Fewer undecided voters means less volatility and a smaller chance of last-minute surprises that actually move votes.

The relative lack of undecided voters suggests another positive difference for Biden. In 2016, voters disliked both candidates, which is why so many were persuadable in late October. In 2020, voters dislike Trump, and actually like Biden—certainly more than the last Democratic nominee. Biden’s national polling has consistently been about four to six points higher than Clinton’s. His net favorability rating is 17 percentage points higher than Clinton’s was on Election Day. In short, many of 2016's undecideds have decided in 2020 to vote for Biden.

3. In 2016, we had the mother of all October surprises. In 2020, we have the most stable race in decades.

Biden’s lead is larger and more stable than Clinton’s lead was in 2016. In fact, by one measure, it’s more stable than any presidential nominee’s lead in more than 30 years.

In every election going back to the 1980s, the loser was, at some point, ahead in mainstream polls or in the average of polls. In the summer of 1988, Michael Dukakis led George H. W. Bush by double digits. In the spring of 1992, both Ross Perot and Bush were leading Bill Clinton. In January 1996, Bob Dole held a narrow lead over Clinton in Gallup polls. In September 2000, Al Gore surged ahead of George W. Bush. In August 2004, John Kerry led Bush. In September 2008, John McCain led Obama. In October 2012, Mitt Romney inched ahead of Obama. And in 2016, Hillary Clinton’s lead over Trump pogo-sticked all year—from up 10 in March to tied in May, to up six in June, to tied in July.

The 2020 election has been totally different. Biden, who is currently up about eight points in the FiveThirtyEight and RealClearPolitics averages, has led by at least four points since October of last year. Through everything—the primaries and the pandemic; 4 percent unemployment and 9 percent unemployment; the Democratic National Convention and the Republican National Convention—Biden has led Trump by a moderate to wide margin, and Trump’s support has never exceeded 46 percent in polling averages.

People who can remember only the 2016 election are anchoring their expectations to a historically bonkers election. The Comey letter, released on October 28, likely moved the electorate several points toward Trump. In the final weeks of the election, careful poll analysts could see Clinton’s support melting in white working-class districts. But in 2020, that just isn’t happening.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

4. In 2016, district-level polls indicated a last-minute Democratic collapse. In 2020, they indicate Democratic strength.

In early November 2016, several careful polling analysts started sounding the alarm for Hillary Clinton in the upper Midwest.

Six days before the election, The Atlantic’s Ron Brownstein noted that “Clinton has not visited Wisconsin since April, and appeared just twice in Michigan from June through October.” By abandoning these key states, she was acting “like a general who has sent out a large expeditionary force and left modest forces to defend their homeland.”

Five days before the election, Dave Wasserman at the Cook Political Report tweeted a poll from upstate New York that found Trump ahead by 14 points in a district where Obama and Romney had tied four years earlier. It suggested that Clinton’s support among white working-class districts was collapsing at the worst possible time. “Five days from Election Day, it’s clear who has the momentum,” he wrote. “And it’s not Hillary Clinton. This thing is close.”

This year, those congressional polls are telling a different story. Rather than illuminating surprising weaknesses for Biden, they’re reaffirming his strengths. In some cases, the district polls are pointing to an even larger Biden blowout than the national or state surveys. Most important, Trump isn’t getting anywhere near his 2016 margins in Michigan and Pennsylvania, Wasserman observed. Four years ago, there was a quiet “Trump! Trump! Trump!” alarm going off that only congressional polling analysts could hear. This year, they’re listening closely—but no Trump alarm is sounding.

5. In 2016, there wasn’t a global pandemic. In 2020, there is a global pandemic.

It’s been four years of one “shocking but not surprising” thing after another. But this year’s October surprises have been—unshockingly, unsurprisingly—all about the plague. The president’s COVID-19 diagnosis, which overlapped with a disastrous first-debate performance, buoyed Biden at the moment when Trump needed to stage a comeback. An autumn surge of nationwide cases refocused the national media’s attention on the pandemic, which the public believes Trump has mishandled.

No one can say for sure who will win the election. If undecideds in key states such as Pennsylvania break hard for Trump, and the president benefits from another large polling error—or smallish errors in the right places—he could eke out another victory. Or he could fight Biden to a tie and then win the ensuing legal battles that discount Democratic mail ballots. But that is not the most likely outcome.

Biden holds a solid and steady lead over the incumbent president, while the pandemic is becoming more, not less, of a story as the country heads into the final days of voting.
When the president complained, once again, on Monday about the news media’s pandemic obsession, his critique usefully crystallized his campaign’s biggest problem: “COVID, COVID, COVID.” The most important difference between 2016 and 2020 isn’t about polling methodology or the opposing candidate. It’s this: Four years ago, Trump ran on the vague promise of success, and this year he’s running on a clear record of failure. Judging by the polls, Americans have noticed.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

The Atlantic
Don’t Sweat the Polls
by Derek Thompson

Anonymous said...

"The Wall Street Journal reports that Walmart wants to “head off any potential theft of firearms if stores are broken into amid social unrest.” Guns and ammunition are to be out of sight for an unspecified amount of time."

The rioting left has spooked Wakmart.

Anonymous said...

.CA and Michigan Govenors are playing "Hold my Beer" in their Socailist lock downs of their subjects living in their States.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Are they equally or even more spooked by the rioting right--Proud boys, White nationalists, KKKers, Skinheads, Aryan Americans, etc., etc., etc.?
(Trump told them to stand by.)

Anonymous said...

Joe Biden
"to institute mask mandates nationwide"
October, 28th, 2020

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

A Department of Justice (DOJ) official confirmed Thursday that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) opened a criminal investigation into Hunter Biden and his associates in 2019, focused on allegations of money-laundering, and that it remains “open and active,” according to Sinclair investigative reporter James Rosen."

So this has been going on since 2019 and they've still found nothing to charge Hunter with?

And that remains true even though Trump has been PUSHING Barr and Wray to arrest both Bidens.

So is there no "there" there?

Anonymous said...

Joe and the Hoe , turning hard left in closing days.

"“And we will take immediate steps to restore economic and humanitarian assistance to the Palestinian people, address the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Gaza, reopen the U.S. consulate in East Jerusalem, and work to reopen the PLO mission in Washington,” Harris said.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

according to Sinclair investigative reporter James Rosen."

Sinclair is a propaganda machine

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I knew something was fishy!

The network cited no reason for Rosen's exit and did not announce it on the air. According to Rosen's former colleagues, however, he had an established pattern of flirting aggressively with many peers and had made sexual advances toward three female Fox News journalists, including two reporters and a producer. And his departure followed increased scrutiny of his behavior at the network, according to colleagues.

This story is based on interviews with eight of Rosen's former colleagues at the Fox News bureau in Washington, D.C., just a few blocks from the U.S. Capitol.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Rosen is a sexual assaultist

had an established pattern of flirting aggressively with many peers and had made sexual advances toward three female Fox News journalists, including two reporters and a producer. 

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The United States broke its single-day record for new coronavirus infections on Thursday, reporting over 91,000 new cases, as hospitalizations also hit new highs in many states, according to a Reuters tally.

Anonymous said...

Roger Amick said...

Rosen is a sexual assaultist

sexual assaultist?

is that like a "milk cattle rancher", alky?


Anonymous said...

But apparently Miles Taylor is providing us all with a tell-all book, complete with his assertion that he was considered a "high ranking" member of the Trump administration. The sad thing is... there are people out there probably dumb enough to buy it!

if for no other reason i'm grateful for this story for how it shows the NY Times to be nothing but a bunch of comical liars.

to paraphrase mollie hemingway, the next time the NYT puts up a story referencing some anonymous high ranking official, you can be sure they're referencing some low level asshat.

and after this walking, talking dildo lies to anderson vanderbilt's face on air, XiNN keeps him on as an anal-yst anyway.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Were turning the corner according to the most incompetent President

With daily reports of coronavirus cases in the United States surging to previously unseen heights, the country has crossed the threshold of nine million known infections since the pandemic began.

On Thursday, the U.S. set another record for new daily cases, more than 89,000, topping the record set last Friday when the country recorded 85,000. It’s the equivalent of more than one new case every second.

“There is no way to sugarcoat it: We are facing an urgent crisis, and there is an imminent risk to you, your family members, your friends, your neighbors,” said Gov. Tony Evers of Wisconsin.

Over the past week, new cases in the United States have averaged more than 75,000 a day, and eight states reported daily records on Thursday. More total cases have been identified in the U.S. than in any other country, though some nations have had more cases in proportion to their populations.

In Wisconsin, more than 200 coronavirus deaths have been announced over the last week, and as case numbers explode, hospitals have been under increasing strain.

Wisconsin, home to eight of the country’s 15 metro areas with the highest rates of recent cases, was among the first states to lose control of the virus this fall. But the surge that started in the Upper Midwest and rural West has now spread far beyond, sending infection levels soaring in places as disparate as El Paso, Chicago and Rexburg, Idaho.

Idaho’s governor, Brad Little, this week imposed new restrictions on businesses and gatherings. “Hospitals throughout the state are quickly filling up or are already full with Covid-19 patients and other patients, and way too many health care workers are out sick with Covid-19,” Mr. Little said.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

U.S. Surpasses 9 Million Virus Cases and Sets Another Daily Record

Anonymous said...

well alky,

i guess we should just shut it all down. everything. lock it up tight.

then we can all sit at home cowering in fear, depleting our savings, losing our homes, ruining lives, families, businesses... all to secure a future that is a vast barren wasteland from which no one emerges intact if at all. so yes, let's totally destroy a $23 TRILLION economy...

the handful that remain can declare victory against a flu. a flu that we allowed to destroy us all because of the very bad, very orange, MAN.


today's descendents of the greatest generation are now the biggest collection of pussies, pansies, sissies, and narcissistic cynical snowflakes the world has ever seen. all slaves to a politically correct marxist agenda that soils the memory of all who came before us to provide us with all that we are willing to piss away today. all because of a massive liberal temper tantrum, the genesis of which is the refusal to accept the results of an election in 2016.

Anonymous said...

in other news, it appears that NBC news has decided to embark on a disinformation campaign to provide cover for Joe Lid and his shitstain, crackhead son...

It seems the media — NBC News at least — has finally found a Hunter Biden story it can report on, because it’s been debunked. Both NBC News and MSNBC producer Kyle Griffin are reporting that a “dossier” on Hunter Biden that’s (supposedly) gone viral on the internet appears to be from a fake intelligence firm.

Yes, this 64-page document has nothing to do with the laptop or its contents. But because it’s been found to be fake, it’s safe for the media to report on, and hopefully confuse people who’ve never heard a thing about it.

As someone tweeted above, now the media can say they covered the Hunter Biden story and it was all a hoax. NBC News is calling this an exclusive, but we wonder how many other mainstream media outlets will pick up this story? It’ll probably be one of Twitter’s trending news stories Friday.

the pederast fails again.

Anonymous said...

Prominent Neo-Nazi, White Supremacist, White Nationalist, Klan Member and All-Around Racist Hate-Monger Rapper Lil Wayne meets with Trump

On Thursday, the 38-year-old, whose real name is Dwayne Michael Carter Jr., tweeted a photo of himself standing next to Trump.

"Just had a great meeting with @realdonaldtrump @potus besides what he’s done so far with criminal reform, the platinum plan is going to give the community real ownership," Wayne said. "He listened to what we had to say today and assured he will and can get it done."

Trump's proposed “Platinum Plan” includes creating 3 million jobs in the Black community over the next four years, increasing access to capital by nearly $500 billion and strengthening Trump’s immigration policies to protect American jobs, according to his website.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Some sad facts I read on COVID-19:

COVID is now the third leading cause of death in the USA.

Thirteen is the average number of years each of the 230,000 Americans killed by Covid lost.

Nine is the average number of people bereaved for each Covid death.

The United States broke its single-day record for new coronavirus infections, reporting over 91,000 new cases, as hospitalizations also hit new highs in many states.

An American dies every 107 seconds of COVID-19.

US has now surpassed 9,000,000 cases of #COVID19.

Millions of tragedies. Most could have been prevented with basic competence.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

None of this matters outside of your mind

The average voters are not listing to your bullshit

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

89 - 11

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Eugene Robinson Pulitzer Prize Winner

Many people might not know what a policy wonk Biden is at heart. This characteristic is important because of the damage Trump and his crew of vandals have done to the executive branch. Not only have they made it difficult for vital organizations such as the Environmental Protection Agency to fulfill their assigned missions, but they have also perverted others, such as the Department of Homeland Security, using them to torment children. Biden understands, in detail, how the government is supposed to work. He can fix it.

But Biden's most urgent task, should he win, will be to deal with the deadly coronavirus pandemic that Trump first denied, then botched, and now seeks to ignore. Throughout the campaign, Biden has modeled the kind of behavior — social distancing, wearing masks — that will bring down infection rates and save lives. He will listen to scientists, not quacks.
When Biden talks about covid-19, he does so knowing what it feels like to lose a loved one. When he meets young people who stutter, he gives them his private number so they can stay in touch.

He is, simply, a good man. What a wonderful change that would be.

anonymous said...

Eric Magna cum laude graduate of trump U.....steps on his dick like his brothers comment about covid mortality....

And rat will drool all over himself thinking this is brilliance......BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

Anonymous said...

COVID is now the third leading cause of death in the USA.


suuuuuuuuuuuure it is, alky.

there is a difference between those who die FROM covid and those who die WITH covid. and for the sake of sensationalizing and politicizing the pandemic we'll just label those who died WITH it as having died FROM it.

inflating the body count is key to displacing the very bad, very orange MAN.

die in an accident and test positive in the autopsy? covid death.

enjoy a suicidal plummet from the window of a high rise, go SPLAT on the fucking sidewalk and test positive in the autopsy? covid death.

waddle through life as a fat, diabetic, high blood pressure, heart disease addled slob... who dies with a list of comorbidities longer than the black lies matter mural painted in front of Trump Tower?

covid death.

numbers don't lie, but liars can count alky. including when you UNDERCOUNT and only report half the total who died in your NY nursing homes from covid.

what should sicken us all is the fact that we will never know the true number of covid deaths. numbers have been both undercounted AND overcounted for political gain, while being grossly overcounted for financial gain. and you tacitly approve of this malfeasance alky, because it serves your political agenda.

Anonymous said...

89 - 11


just like 2016 when ol' nate had it 90 - 10.


anonymous said...

there is a difference between those who die FROM covid and those who die WITH

SURE IT IS YOU DUMB FUCKING ASSHOLE!!!!!! Now the ag school drop out is an expert on dying.....too bad he ain't one of them!!!!!! God you are stupid!!!!! No wonder why the GOP is heading toward the cliff of irrelevance!!!!

Myballs said...

So 4 days before the election, both candidates are where? In MN, a state a Republican hasn't won in decades. And since Joe Biden can't draw more than 250 peoe, MN AG Keith Ellison is forcing Trump to limit has rally to the same small size. It's clear who is on the offensive and who is on the defensive.

anonymous said...

Funny that the loser from NY with an advanced degree in stupidity still promoting mass spreading events like trump or safe rally's by biden which appearanctly is resonating with older voters!!!!!! I guess all those trump abandoned in Nebraska or those who passed out in Florida is a sign that people will die in their support of the dullard leader!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! Too bad you are just too stupid to see the difference!!!

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Harrisburg Patriot Ledger
Mail Slows Dramatically In Pennsylvania
7:32 am
“Timely mail delivery across Pennsylvania took a drastic turn for the worse in just the last two weeks amid a glut of voting by mail.

“In Philadelphia, 42% of all first-class mail is taking longer than five days to be delivered. For comparison, that figure was 33% two weeks ago and just 13% in January, before a series of changes handed down by the Trump administration led to a national slowdown.”


An Interview with Anonymous
7:30 am

Miles Taylor, who admitted this week he is the Anonymous author, told the Washington Post that President Trump’s furious middle-of-the- night demand that U.S. raise flags already lowered for Sen. John McCain’s death pushed him over the edge.

He says he wrote the anonymous New York Times op-ed in about 30 minutes from his hotel room.

That's what pushed my NC father over the edge too.

Ex-GOP Governor Backs Biden
6:50 am

Former Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder (R) told Fox News he’s supporting Joe Biden for president.

Democrats Sound Alarm In Florida
6:39 am

“Democrats are sounding the alarm about weak voter turnout rates in Florida’s biggest county, Miami-Dade, where a strong Republican showing is endangering Joe Biden’s chances in the nation’s biggest swing state.

“No Democrat can win Florida without a huge turnout and big winning margins here to offset losses elsewhere in the state. But Democrats are turning out at lower rates than Republicans and at lower rates than at this point in 2016, when Hillary Clinton won by 29 percentage points here and still lost the state to Donald Trump.”

Trump’s Chances Hinge on Polling Screw Up
6:37 am

“President Trump still has a path to a second term. But it would take a polling debacle that would make 2016 look like a banner year. According to a series of battleground state polls conducted and released in the week following the last Trump-Biden debate, the president’s chances of winning a second term now require winning states where he still trails with only days to go until voting concludes...

“In most of the core swing states, Joe Biden has maintained a stable — though not overwhelming — lead over Trump in polls over the past few months, continuing into the final week of the election. Some of the state polling averages have tightened slightly since the last debate, though Biden remains consistently ahead. In three live-interview polls of Florida all released on Thursday, Biden led Trump by between 3 and 5 points.

“In some of the potentially decisive states, like Pennsylvania, the polls would have to be wrong to a significant greater — greater than the errors in 2016 — for Trump to win.”

Don Jr. Says Virus Deaths Are ‘Almost Nothing’
5:39 am
Donald Trump Jr. repeatedly claimed in a Fox News interview on Thursday night that coronavirus deaths had dropped to “almost nothing”—despite the fact that more than 1,000 Americans had died from the virus already that day.

Biden Maintains Steady Lead Over Trump
5:34 am
A new USA Today/Suffolk poll finds Joe Biden leading Donald Trump nationally,
52% to 44%.

Also interesting:
“Nearly six in 10 Americans disapprove of Trump’s decision to continue to hold large rallies during the pandemic, according to the poll, while nearly 64% approve of Biden’s decision to jettison big events in favor of much smaller gatherings.”

IOW, Trump’s rallies are backfiring.

USA Today:
Trump’s Grip on GOP Will Remain Even If He Loses
5:30 am
“Donald Trump’s hold on the Republican Party is something few could have imagined when he launched what seemed an unlikely bid for the 2016 nomination.

“But even if Trump loses reelection Tuesday, his grip on the GOP is now strong enough that it could take some time before the party figures out a path forward.”

Said GOP consultant Brendan Buck:
“I do not think this is a party that is ready to grapple with what it’s been doing or reassess itself anytime soon,”

IOW, Trump's gonna be a GOP headache for a LONG time to come.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Judge Orders Ballots In Minnesota Separated
8:00 am
“A federal court sided Thursday with a GOP challenge to Minnesota’s extended deadline for receiving absentee ballots after Election Day, imperiling a state rule that would count mail-in ballots received up to a week after Tuesday’s election.

“In a 2-1 decision, a panel of Eighth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals judges ordered that all mail-in ballots received after 8 p.m. on Election Day be set aside, setting the stage for a potential legal battle after the election. But the order stopped short of a final determination on the validity of the post-Election Day ballots.”

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


Trump Remakes His Election Night Plans
8:36 am
“President Trump has called off plans to appear at the Trump International Hotel on election night and is likely to be at the White House instead.

“Advisers had said privately that Mr. Trump was going to appear at his namesake hotel in Washington for an election night party for which his campaign had sent out multiple fund-raising solicitations to his supporters.

“It was unclear why the plans had changed.”

Coronavirus Infections Surging In Every Swing State
8:34 am

“Coronavirus cases are surging in every competitive state before Election Day, offering irrefutable evidence against President Trump’s closing argument that the pandemic is nearly over and restrictions are no longer necessary.

“In the 13 states deemed competitive by the Cook Political Report, the weekly average of new cases reported daily has jumped 45 percent over the past two weeks.”



I see our ignorant lefties have continue their desperate ravings.


alky posts that the NYT warned about FAKE NEWS coming out.

ON THE VERY DAY THEIR FAKE NEWS "anonymous" STORY WAS EXPOSED !!! While ignoring real news because it didn't come from the state media. Just Biden's CEO and partner with hard physical evidence.

and the lying plagiarizing POS "pastor" james is in full-blown desperation mode running here and posting whatever Goddard farts while they are still warm.



Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Texas Official Says Democrats Will Steal Election
8:58 am

Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick (R) repeated unsubstantiated claims that the only way Republicans can lose on Election Day is if Democrats cheat, the Texas Tribune reports.

Said Patrick:
“The Democrats have just decided this election… we don’t have to pay attention to any laws. We’re gonna use COVID as an excuse to steal the election, and that’s what they’re trying to do everywhere. If the president loses Pennsylvania or North Carolina, or Florida, they’ll lose it because they stole it.”

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Was that a fart from the Texas Lt. Gov.?



Former DHS chief of staff @MilesTaylorUSA was revealed to be the author of the "Anonymous" NYT op-ed that criticized the Trump administration.

@ElizLanders asked him whether he was "Anonymous" back in August, and he told us he wasn't.

VIDEO of the twerp lying:

The NYT called him a senior administration official. He wasn't even listed in the DHS directory when he wrote his editorial. 64 other people were !!!

He does have a lot of facial expression similarities with Peter Strzok...

Maybe that is a "tell", though his lies are now blatantly obvious.


James said...
Was that a fart from the Texas Lt. Gov.?

Quite the connoisseur there james.

You must be a blast in elevators.

But your off-topic GODdard streaming doesn't interest me.

Even if you hold the Guinness World Records record for plagiarism.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...



and spam


anonymous said...

Fucked up once again leaves his own special mark of stupidity....Troll!!! bwaaaaaapaaaaaa!!!


Kyle Becker

Tony Bobulinski says he was questioned by 6 FBI agents on Oct. 23 as a "material witness" in ongoing investigation on Hunter Biden & associates. The agents carefully examined digital evidence captured on three cell phones. He is set for another interview.

funny how the NYT can't find anyone to cover this.

Obvious not "Russian disinformation"

bit quite relevant...

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

lol He still hasn't figured out the difference between plagiarism and correctly citing others.



I see that VERY lo iq has nothing to say as usual.

Carry on.



James said...
lol He still hasn't figured out the difference between plagiarism and correctly citing others.

Actually copying GODdard's blog posts and copying them here unattributed is plagiarism. You see he even takes credit for them in his blog, uses editorial discretion for what to title them himself, decides what portions of the source he is referencing to include and what to exclude and what remarks of his own to make.

You copy that here verbatim.

Classic plagiarism.

But you are obviously to ignorant to understand and to proud to correct

Caliphate4vr said...

These 12 Graphs Show Mask Mandates Do Nothing To Stop COVID

No matter how strictly mask laws are enforced nor the level of mask compliance the population follows, cases all fall and rise around the same time.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

And he's always rolling on the floor laughing about stuff nobody else finds funny. :-)


Hey, good news it the lying plagiarizing POS "pastor" james is qualified to go work for the NYT.


James said...
And he's always rolling on the floor laughing about stuff nobody else finds funny. :-)


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Herman Cain said that people should wear masks but didn't himself at a Trump rally and died.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Caliphate4vr said...

These 12 Graphs Show Mask Mandates Do Nothing To Stop COVID

yep. but we knew this. nice to see it confirmed.

Caliphate4vr said...

A person with stage 4 cancer would’ve been wise to not expose himself at all


Caliphate4vr said...
These 12 Graphs Show Mask Mandates Do Nothing To Stop COVID

No matter how strictly mask laws are enforced nor the level of mask compliance the population follows, cases all fall and rise around the same time.

Masks have become a political tool and a talisman. When COVID-19 hit, governments panicked and created enormous fear. The Centers for Disease Control currently estimates a COVID-19 survival rate of 99.99 percent for people younger than 50, but the damage created by the panic was too great to undo.

It is likely that some politicians eventually realized their mistake and needed a way to back-pedal without admitting their lockdowns were a policy disaster. Their solution was for people to put any old piece of cloth across their face and magically believe that it’s okay to go out shopping again.

Masks are not merely a small inconvenience. They have inadvertently become a key impediment to returning to a more normal life, a desirable goal for those seeking to twist the pandemic for political and electoral purposes.

Science now takes a back door to politics on the left.

And the actual censorship of science is now occurring on Covid.

Dems are now the totalitarianism party.

Anonymous said...

Consumer spending Sept. 1.4%⬆️

Petsonal Earning is up strongly too

Anonymous said...

California Govenor is telling his subjects in that State what to do in their homes.

Think about that.

anonymous said...

r how strictly mask laws are enforced nor the level of mask compliance the population

Posting more bullshit from Dr Malcolm Kendrick mouth of the south???????? Seems to me that is the only study that concludes that!!!!!! BWAAAAAAPAAAAAA!!! BTW....what is your source....that seems to be missing!!!

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Keep watching to see how states where masks are mandated or recommended compare with states where they are not.

Anonymous said...

😃sexual assaultist?

is that like a "milk cattle rancher", alky?😆 RRB

That was priceless, when Roger was telling us how much he knew about the US Dairy Industry.

Anonymous said...

No one Socialist Democrats here can tell us how many more US Citizens have died this year in excess of last years?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Are Florida and Georgia still in the Biden category?


So this still hasn't changed?


====== BIDEN 345 vs TRUMP 189 =====

That's correct. It hasn't.

It makes for a lovely map, doesn't it?

Hint: Watch for Arizona to go blue.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

At 538 election forecasts,
Biden just rose to a
89 in 100 chance of winning while
Trump just fell to a
10 in 100 chance of winning.

anonymous said...

Hey goat fucker....why are you wondering how many died in excess......????? Excess of what????? God help our country!!!!

Anonymous said...

Monte Carlo simulation. is all you have. don't act/believe as if it is real.

Anonymous said...

The fact that one of the posters does not know "excess draths" proves her/his ignorance on yet another subject .

anonymous said...

And once again the goat fucking loser shows us why he lives in mommy's basement with a broom stuck up his ass!!!!!! BWAWWWWWWWWW Ignorance is your blissful state of being!!!!!