Thursday, October 29, 2020

Sometimes early voting can tell a story that is different from the obvious?

One of the things I was reading recently was that in Florida, there was record setting early voting and that early voting was especially good in traditional Democratic strongholds such as Broward County.  The intuitive situation is that when a county like Broward (which went 67% to 31% for Clinton over Trump) has big numbers, that this is good for Biden. 

Now, obviously anywhere a candidate is considered a heavy favorite in an area (or county in this case), it is good to have as many voters as possible putting in their early ballots. But does that tell the "whole" story? Is it possible that there could be heavy early voting in a county like Broward, yet not necessarily be something that is "good" for Joe Biden?

If we look at some  Broward county numbers for early voting (this report is from a few days ago) - it shows that there were 13,391 Democratic ballots returned, while there was 8310 Republican ballots returned, and 6516 ballots returned from people not affiliated. Assuming that the vast majority of Party ballots are being returned across Party lines, the Republican ballots already make up approximately 30% of the ballots returned, whereas the Democratic ballots only make up 47% of the returned ballots. 

This essentially makes it effectively impossible for Democrats to be running ahead of their 2016 totals in terms or percentages. Unless nearly every independent ballot is marked for Biden, he is not going to reach the 67% of the early vote that would be reflective of what Clinton received in the full count. On the flip side, it would only take an extremely small percentage of the unaffiliated ballots to have Trump marked, for the President to be running ahead of his 2016 percentage in Broward County. 

So what does this tell us? Well at least in Broward County there is not factual tangible evidence at this time that Democrats are early voting by the same margins as all of the polling suggests that they are. If these polls are correct, we would not just expect more Democrats than Republicans to be voting in Broward county, we would expect that the percentages would be larger for Democrats than they ended up with in 2016 (because there is a much larger number of Democrats in Broward county). If this early voting holds true, and Republicans turn out heavy on election day, then Biden could be looking at a much closer Broward County result than Hillary won. That would be bad news for Biden in Florida where they expect huge percentages and even larger raw numbers out of these counties.

Of course, this could simply mean that more Democrats than expected will vote on election day or that less Republicans than expected will vote on election day. Perhaps someone's intent on "when" to vote is not as important as who they intend to vote for?

Or perhaps the Democrats of Broward county are in "why bother" mode? After all, Biden leads by double digits and the President has all but conceded the election. What incentive or reason do they have to just "pad that total" when they can just sit this one out and still see their candidate win by a landslide?


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Ashley Parker:
The View from Inside Trumpworld
1:12 pm

Underscoring the true uncertainty in Trumpworld, Ashley Parker asked a Trump adviser for their gut sense on what will happen on Election Day.

The response: “If you put a gun to my head, I’d say, ‘Shoot.'”

(Don't go near any guns, Ch.)

More Battleground State Polls
1:04 pm

From Monmouth University:
Biden 51%, Trump 45%

From New York Times/Siena:
Biden 48%, Trump 45%

From University of Massachusetts Lowell:
Biden 48%, Trump 48%

American voters said...

Many pundits are now thinking that the national polls showing big biden leads are way off. Some of us have been saying it for months.

And Hillary won FL hispanics by 27 points. Now Trump is within 5 points.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Why does Balls occasionally pose as American voters?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

More Battleground State Polls
2:02 pm

From Quinnipiac University:
Biden 45%, Trump 42%
Trump 47%, Biden 46%
Biden 48%, Trump 43%
Biden 51%, Trump 44%

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

There are three groups that matter.

Among the over 65 age group, the President has lost the majority.

The Cuban American voters strongly support the President.

The Puerto Rican American voters support Biden.

Florida counts the votes very quickly.

If we get the results of Biden winning Florida, it's over.

But if the President wins, we probably won't know the final results for a few days

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Election Is On Track for Record Gender Gap
2:30 pm
Wall Street Journal:
“Polling suggests that if the election were held today, it would show the largest gap on record for a presidential election–a 15-percentage-point divide.”

Thousands of Mail Ballots Lost In Pennsylvania
2:03 pm
"Potentially thousands of mail ballots requested by Butler County voters appear to be lost… and the U.S. Postal Service has been asked to immediately investigate what happened to them.

“Nearly 40,000 registered voters in the county requested mail ballots. So far, only 24% of them have been returned to the county, by far the lowest rate among the state’s 67 counties. The county with the next-lowest return rate, Fayette, has received 50% of requested ballots.”

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

In Florida over 65% of people over 65 have already voted.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Trailing in the polls and with little time left to change the trajectory or closing themes of the presidential race, President Trump has spent the final days of the campaign complaining that the coronavirus crisis is getting too much coverage — and openly musing about losing.
Trump has publicly lamented about what a loss would mean, spoken longingly of riding off into the sunset and made unsubstantiated claims that voter fraud could cost him the election. He has sarcastically threatened to fire state officials if he doesn’t win and excoriated his rival Joe Biden as someone it would be particularly embarrassing to lose to.
“If I lose, I will have lost to the worst candidate, the worst candidate in the history of presidential politics,” Trump said at an Oct. 17 campaign rally in Janesville, Wis. “If I lose, what do I do? I’d rather run against somebody who’s extraordinarily talented, at least, this way I can go and lead my life.”
The president, who said at the same rally that “we’re not going to lose, we’re going to win,” has certainly not abandoned his showman’s approach to the campaign trail. But his unscripted remarks bemoaning a potential loss — and preemptively explaining why he might suffer one — offer a window into his mind-set as he barnstorms the country in an attempt to keep himself from becoming the one thing he so derisively despises: a loser.


As Election Day nears, Trump ponders becoming one thing he so despises: A loser
By Toluse Olorunnipa

Anonymous said...

Among the over 65 age group, the President has lost the majority.

geezus. what an asshat. you have absolutely no fucking way of knowing this.

hack, hack, hack...

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Right now, at 538 forecasts,
in some of the most important states with the closest races,

a toss up

a toss up

Biden slightly favored to win

Biden slightly favored to win

Biden slightly favored to win

Biden slightly favored to win

Trump slightly favored to win

Biden favored to win

Biden clearly favored to win

Biden clearly favored to win

Biden clearly favored to win

Biden clearly favored to win


anonymous said...

What this thread and your guano really tells me Lil Schitty is that you are becoming aware of the truth you knew but refused to admit.....trump is in deep shit and there ain't a lot you can do about it!!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!

anonymous said...

In Florida over 65% of people over 65 have already voted.

Including me and most of the old farts i know........90% vote blue......!!!!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Use Google jackass

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

RSP said the same thing asshole

Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...

RSP said the same thing asshole

RSP, alky?

Real Stupid People?

coming from you i'll buy that. i'm sure you surround yourself with them and they're all saying the same thing.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I get a kick out of the racist rodent. If I post information th he doesn't like, when I write it. He calls me alky. He isn't capable of arguing, because he ain't very smart.

When I back up my comments, he calls me a plagiarist before I post the link.

Calling names like Olinski and alk is like a child who was a bully.


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Iran was planning a pay back!

The briefings of FBI, CIA and military officials on the threat took place after an incident on the evening of Sept. 22 involving a senior leader at the Defense Department, officials said.

The Defense Department leader left the Pentagon that evening in a government-owned black SUV driven by a member of his security detail, when an unknown vehicle immediately began to follow them, officials said. The driver, identified as an Iranian national, was in a vehicle with Virginia license plates and trailed closely behind the official SUV for five to seven miles, at times driving aggressively, according to officials who described a report on the incident that was created by the Pentagon.

The Pentagon and the FBI disagree about whether it was a serious attempt to target a senior Defense Department leader, officials said, with the Pentagon raising more concern. The FBI investigated the incident and determined it was not part of any larger threat to senior military leaders or connected directly back to Iran, officials said.


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

We need make sure that King Kong Don doesn't have another term.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


Making it,

==== BIDEN 356 vs TRUMP 182 ====


Looks like we ARE going to be sure of that, Roger!