Sunday, November 1, 2020

Sunday Funnies



Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


========= BIDEN 350 TRUMP 188 =========

!!!!!!!oh no! no no no no no no no no no!!!!!!!!!!!

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

The Battlegrounds Within the Battlegrounds
November 1, 2020 at 7:28 am EST

“The most contested battles this year will take place in six states: Arizona, Florida, Michigan, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. Mr. Trump won some of them by razor-thin margins.

“Within these states are 20 counties that will help decide who wins enough electoral votes to reach the White House. They represent groups of voters both candidates are seeking.”

Trump Praises Supporters Who Surrounded Biden Bus

President Trump posted video of his supporters surrounding a Biden-Harris campaign bus with the comment, “I LOVE TEXAS!”

Witnesses told the New York Times the Trump supporters were trying to force the bus off the road.

New Battleground State Polls
5:41 am EST

From New York Times/Siena:
Biden 49%, Trump 43%

Biden 47%, Trump 44%

Biden 49%, Trump 43%

Biden 52%, Trump 41%

From ABC News-Washington Post:
Trump 50%, Biden 48%

Biden 51%, Trump 44%

Biden 48%, Trump 41%

From St. Pete Polls:
Biden 49%, Trump 41%

From RMG Research:
Biden 51%, Trump 47%

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful day God has made .

The sun is up on a perfect clear blue sky.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Dishonesty Has Defined the Trump Presidency
8:04 am
"Born amid made-up crowd size claims and ‘alternative facts,’ the Trump presidency has been a factory of falsehood from the start, churning out distortions, conspiracy theories and brazen lies at an assembly-line pace that has challenged fact-checkers and defied historical analogy.

“But now, with the election just days away, the consequences of four years of fabulism are coming into focus as President Trump argues that the vote itself is inherently “rigged,” tearing at the credibility of the system. Should the contest go into extra innings through legal challenges after Tuesday, it may leave a public with little faith in the outcome — and in its own democracy.

“The nightmarish scenario of widespread doubt and denial of the legitimacy of the election would cap a period in American history when truth itself has seemed at stake under a president who has strayed so far from the normal bounds that he creates what allies call his own reality. Even if the election ends with a clear victory or defeat for Mr. Trump, scholars and players alike say the very concept of public trust in an established set of facts necessary for the operation of a democratic society has eroded during his tenure with potentially long-term ramifications.”


Trump Plots Second Term Cabinet Purge
“President Trump and his top aides are planning a huge overhaul of his Cabinet if he wins a second term, scuttling officials in key health-related and intelligence jobs who Trump views as disloyal, slow-acting or naysayers.

“The shift would amount to a purge of any Cabinet member who has crossed the president, refused to mount investigations he has demanded, or urged him to take a different, more strict tack on the coronavirus response.”

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...


Donald Trump Jr.

The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette has not endorsed a Republican for president since 1972.

Today they endorsed @realDonaldTrump based on:

China Policy
Keeping America Open
Supreme Court
Stamina for the Job #PA

They understand.

So do the voters !!!


MAGA 2020 is Happening !!!

Commonsense said...

Trump up 7 in Iowa. Des Moines Register Last Election poll.

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Reported in the UK

Phil Kerpen

National security nightmare of Hunter Biden's abandoned laptop containing phone numbers for the Clintons, Secret Service officers and most of the Obama cabinet plus his sex and drug addictions - all secured by the password Hunter02

Nothing implicates Joe, just lots of references to "the big guy" and his "chairman".

The FBI is still unable to determine who this was.

Nothing in Joe's taxes to support it was him.

A real puzzler.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Scott your state is not in play

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

It's going to be close

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

***MISSING from Sunday Funnies ***


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

This might be the biggest thing in this year. First time and those who didn't vote in 2016!

More broadly, Mr. Trump is facing an avalanche of opposition nationally from women, people of color, voters in the cities and the suburbs, young people, seniors and, perhaps most significantly, new voters. In all four states, voters who did not participate in 2016, but who have already voted this time or plan to do so, said they support Mr. Biden by wide margins. That group includes both infrequent voters and young people who were not yet eligible to vote four years ago.

This will overweigh the election day turnout the President is depending upon.

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Roger Amick said...
It's going to be close

Are you talking about your prediction of 285,000 Covid deaths by election day ?

Looks like your "genius" iq is just a bit off.

Well you were looking a whole week into the future.

Very tough to predict for someone like you.


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The new NBC poll released now!

Biden leads Trump by 10 points in final days before election: NBC/WSJ poll



Joe Biden leads Donald Trump by 10 percentage points nationally two days before Election Day, a final NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll has found.Six-in-10 voters said the the country is on the wrong track under the president’s leadership and a majority disapproved of Trump’s handling of the pandemic.Biden also leads Trump in the key swing states of Pennsylvania, Florida, Arizona and Wisconsin, bolstered by voters who didn’t participate in the 2016 election, according to a New York Times/Siena College poll.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Biden also leads Trump in the key swing states of Pennsylvania, Florida, Arizona and Wisconsin, 

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Biden has officially lost it.

This is why they left him locked in the basement

Disaster if he crawls across the finish line...

Julie Kelly

Dude can’t keep his lies straight. The bogus Russian bounty story was troops in Afghanistan not Iraq...


Putin's "puppy"

Howling !!!

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Trepidation Replaces Hope Among Democrats
9:00 am EST
“In the days after the [2016] election, there was a rush of sick days, therapy sessions, social media rants and tear-filled huddles that often involved comfort food or alcohol. Some mosques and Islamic community centers encouraged members to gather and openly share their fears. School counselors watched for students who might be struggling, especially those from immigrant families. Pastors who typically never touched politics in their sermons grappled with how to address the election.

“Democrats in states that unexpectedly voted for Trump scoured precinct-by-precinct results, trying to answer the question so many were asking: What happened? For many of those who felt targeted by Trump during his campaign, the question was more dire: What could happen?

“The trauma of that night has hung over the party. Many Democrats say they will not allow themselves to become too optimistic this year, even with some promising signs: Sweeping successes in the 2018 midterm elections, Joe Biden’s narrow polling advantages, a rush of liberal activism, long lines at early voting locations and a palpable sense of energy in many cities and suburban neighborhoods.”

True. But I remain cautiously hopeful. (And by the way, the loss of Iowa has long been a foregone conclusion.)

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Eddie Zipperer

Looking at crosstabs this morning, and here's an interesting nugget. YouGov, who samples through web interviews where you don't talk to an actual person shows Trump +17 among people 65 and older. Fox News, which uses live interviews, shows Trump -10 in that same age range.

over 65 people scare easily and will not admit their true intentions if they perceive a risk...

For that matter sane people avoid unnecessary violence...

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Biden is ahead of Trump nationally by 10 points among registered voters, 52 percent to 42 percent, in what’s been a remarkably stable race over the course of a tumultuous year in American politics.

The former Democratic vice president’s lead was 11 points in the NBC News/WSJ poll two weeks ago, 53 percent to 42 percent.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I have relatives in Iowa and they are not happy with the President.

Lifelong Republicans

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Fucking stupid troll


JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...


British media with many more details about major scandal that is being censored by US media because of their firm belief it will hurt their preferred candidate. "Strangely, the story got little traction in the US media. Stranger still, ..."

General Flynn

@MZHemingway Ask who is Kathy Chung (EOP) and why in 2015 is she giving a “treasure trove” of intelligence (phone no’s) to Hunter & Redacted. Any foreign power would love to have this information!!!



The pieces are coming together...

Someone is compromised and it's not Trump...

Way above the intelligence level of TDS infected Biden supporters marching obediently off the cliff...

including my "stocker"


JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

the stocker shocker

Well TDS infected and clueless

Nicholis Christoph said...

So in my last column before Election Day, let me explain as respectfully as I can why I’m so worked up about this election.

It’s partly because I believe that Trump is a charlatan who preys on my friends who trust him. Trump’s own sister has said he is a liar with “no principles,” and his former chief of staff Gen. John Kelly reportedly referred to him as “the most flawed person” he has known.

So if I’m passionate, it’s because I feel he has exploited my friends and then betrayed them with his policies.

How can a president be called “pro-life” when he has presided over the deaths of more than 225,000 Americans from Covid-19 and still doesn’t have a strategy to fight it? Trump is also working to take away health insurance from my friends: Already, the number of Americans with health insurance has dropped by 5.2 million since Trump took office, and he is trying to completely overturn the Affordable Care Act right after the election.

I’m a great believer in community, in the idea that what makes countries strong is “social capital” — the web of relationships, beliefs, trust, decency and identity that make a society work. Trump has taken this social fabric and acted as the Great Unraveler.

He replaces accepted facts with lies, baseless accusations, support for QAnon and even a conspiracy theory that President Barack Obama had SEAL Team 6 killed instead of Osama bin Laden. In both supporters and opponents, Trump nurtures hate. He is what Proverbs 6:19 calls “a person who stirs up conflict in the community.”

Trump has been a corrosive acid on America’s social capital. He has cost us trust. He has dissolved our connectivity.

I understand now why kindergarten teachers sometimes want to remove a loudmouth bully who disrupts the class and leaves it dysfunctional. That is what Trump has done to our democracy.

For much of my career, I’ve written about national security, from Afghanistan to North Korea, China to Iran. But great nations more often rot from within than suffer defeat from outside, and Trump is exacerbating longstanding divisions and weaknesses in this country.

So to those who think I suffer from “Trump Derangement Syndrome,” let me explain — with respect, but also urgency — that my intensity arises because I see Trump as not just a phony but also a threat. He has left the United States a more turbulent and divided nation, one close to war with itself.

Today the greatest threat I perceive to America’s national security isn’t from Qaeda terrorists, Russian cyberattacks or Chinese missiles. As I see it, it’s from Trump’s re-election.

This is when conversations with friends become awkward. I may think that Trump bamboozled my pals, and they may think I’m manipulated by leftist propaganda, but we all have agency — and we each think the other is using that agency to endanger a country we all love.

I doubt I’ll change many minds. But the only thing I can do is reach out in a good-faith effort to undecided voters.

Sometimes it works. Jani, a committed Christian, has worried about Democrats and abortion. But this time she will vote for Biden because she’s appalled at Trump’s policies toward migrants, Black Lives Matter and health care, and because “God cares about oppression, justice, the voiceless.”

As Jani goes, so, I hope, will the nation.

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Replying to

Does anyone want to wager all of these emails were seen on the wiener laptop..... what exactly was the FBI doing??

BINGO... the Obama FBI leadership can't afford Trump to have a second term.

Look for Wray to go immediately after election day win or lose. Biggest coverup ever.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

A lifetime Republican.

So to those who think I suffer from “Trump Derangement Syndrome,” let me explain — with respect, but also urgency — that my intensity arises because I see Trump as not just a phony but also a threat. He has left the United States a more turbulent and divided nation, one close to war with itself.

I know that I'm wasting my time arguing with a fucking troll squad asshole

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...


Your PA Halloween update. Spooky for Joe Biden.

Trend line for Trump continues to outperform final predicted vote total.


and late breaking (in person) should favor Trump.

Fantastic News.

Now have to be very careful about democrat fraud.

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Some people can't handle the truth

like those TDS infected "stockers" expecting 285,000 Covid deaths by election day...

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Larry Schweikart

Report: Democrats Growing More Anxious in Pennsylvania via @BreitbartNews

They should. PA is Trump's now.

Demented Perv Biteme gonna lose in a crushing (not quite landslide) defeat.

We are going to party like it's 2016 !!!

And even better !!!

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Vote Trump Pics

"After my husband became president, it was so disheartening to see the once-proud integrity of American journalism become a political propaganda tool of swamp politicians." -
@FLOTUS Melania Trump

Full quote:

A first lady we can all be proud of.

Anonymous said...

He has left the United States a more turbulent and divided nation, one close to war with itself.

don't blame Trump for this. not even a little bit. any creep to civil war that exists in this nation lies completely at the feet of the left.

why in the ever loving FUCK does the WaPo put up an article calling for Trump's impeachment 19 fucking minutes into his Presidency? why was there even a "resistance? why was there even a coup attempt? why did you assholes impeach Trump for something Biden actually fucking did?

it's like i keep telling you alky -

don't start none, won't be none. but if you insist...

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The Economist is analysing polling, economic and demographic data to predict America’s elections in 2020

Read more of our election coverage


Last updated 29 minutes ago

Right now, our model thinks Joe Biden is very likely to beat Donald Trump in the electoral college.

Joe Biden


Donald Trump


Chance of winning the electoral college

better than 19 in 20

or 97%

less than 1 in 20

or 3%

Chance of winning the most votes

better than 19 in 20

or >99%

less than 1 in 20

or <1%

Predicted range of electoral college votes
(270 to win)



Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...


We’re now two days away from Election Day, and Joe Biden leads in both national and state polls. At this point, President Trump needs a big polling error in his favor if he's going to win — and as editor-in-chief Nate Silver writes, a 2016-sized polling error just isn’t going to cut it. But that doesn’t mean there isn’t still a path for Trump. Trump might be the underdog, but bigger polling errors have happened in the past, and there’s a difference between a 10 percent chance of winning and a 0 percent chance. A 10 percent chance of winning, which is what our forecast gives Trump, is roughly the same as the odds that it’s raining in downtown Los Angeles. And it does rain there. (Downtown L.A. has about 36 rainy days per year, or about a 1-in-10 shot of a rainy day.)

We’ve gotten a lot of new polls in the past couple of days, and we’ll continue to get many more, but so far, there’s little evidence that the race is tightening. If anything, Biden is continuing to make gains in the Midwest (1.7 points, on average, since the final debate).But unless Trump or Biden has a really good night on Nov. 3, it’s pretty unlikely that either of them will hit the 270 electoral votes needed to win by the end of the night. That doesn’t necessarily mean, though, that we won’t have a pretty good idea of who won. It’s all going to come down to how close some of the key battleground races are and whether a representative share of the vote can be reported, which won’t always be possible given the challenges of the pandemic. We’re tracking when we expect results in every state.

Anonymous said...
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