Sunday, November 22, 2020

Sunday Funnies



anonymous said...

Just saw an interesting and funny statistic about the Covid infections in ND!!!!! Due to the high number of transient oil workers in the state and the fact that many live together in dorm style housing and shared homes.....leading to the high rates of infection in such a sparsely populated state!!!!!!! What is more amusing is Lil Schitty thinking covid is just the flu.......BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! In this instance....I doubt if masks would be much help with such cramped living styles!!!

anonymous said...

Correcting another lie from the other thread so Lil Schitty can apologize for being a spreader of fake news......BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!

Blogger anonymous said...
God Lil really are being more stupid than normal......BWAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

Fauci: ‘We Might Have A Vaccine By The End Of The Year’
May 27, 2020 · “We have a good chance—if all the things fall in the right place—that we might have a vaccine that would be deployable by the end of the year, by November-December,” Dr. Fauci said on CNN Wednesday...

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


Frankenstein Monster Case

“This Court has been presented with strained legal arguments without merit and speculative accusations, unpled in the operative complaint and unsupported by evidence,” U.S. District Judge Matthew Brann wrote.

“In the United States of America, this cannot justify the disenfranchisement of a single voter, let alone all the voters of its sixth most populated state. Our people, laws, and institutions demand more.

“This claim, like Frankenstein’s Monster, has been haphazardly stitched together from two distinct theories in an attempt to avoid controlling precedent.

“Even assuming that they can establish that their right to vote has been denied, which they cannot, Plaintiffs seek to remedy the denial of their votes by invalidating the votes of millions of others. Rather than requesting that their votes be counted, they seek to discredit scores of other votes, but only for one race. This is simply not how the Constitution works.”

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Also funny:

Rudy Guiliani making an absolute fool of himself before the judge.

Sydney Powell getting raked over the coals by Tucker Carlson because she can't present him with evidence for her outrageous claim that 80 million votes were transferred to Biden by machines.

anonymous said...

Even funnier....

More R senators with Covid, 7, than have admitted Biden won 5......our slurpers applaud with every new fraud case!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!

anonymous said...

Modifying the Wa Post banner with a little change...

Democracy dies with stupidity of the GOP!!!!!!!

anonymous said...

This is really a sad thing to track or post....but the GOP heading down the of the Whigs!!!!!!

Jennifer Bendery·Senior Politics Reporter,
Fri, November 20, 2020, 1:06 PM EST

Here’s a guessing game that perfectly suits the sad state of affairs in the U.S. Senate: How long until the number of Republicans who accept Joe Biden as the president-elect surpasses the number of them who have tested positive for the coronavirus?

At the moment, the virus is winning.

Rick Scott of Florida announced Friday that he has tested positive for COVID-19, making him the seventh GOP senator infected by the deadly disease. The others are Chuck Grassley (Iowa), Mike Lee (Utah), Bill Cassidy (La.), Rand Paul (Ky.), Thom Tillis (N.C.) and Ron Johnson (Wis.). Paul was the first to test positive, back in March; Grassley and Scott revealed their infections this week.

Meanwhile, it’s been nearly two weeks since Biden won enough states to become the president-elect but the vast majority of GOP senators are refusing to publicly acknowledge it.

As of Friday, HuffPost counts just five Senate Republicans who have said Biden won or referred to him as the president-elect: Mitt Romney (Utah), Lisa Murkowski (Alaska), Susan Collins (Maine), Ben Sasse (Neb.) and Marco Rubio (Fla.).

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Also funny:
How Trump Hopes to Retain Control of the GOP and Drive it Deeper and Deeper Into the Ground

“As President Trump brazenly seeks to delay the certification of the election in hopes of overturning his defeat, he is also mounting a less high-profile but similarly audacious bid to keep control of the Republican National Committee even after he leaves office,” the New York Times reports.

“Ronna McDaniel, Mr. Trump’s handpicked chairwoman, has secured the president’s support for her re-election to another term in January, when the party is expected to gather for its winter meeting. But her intention to run with Mr. Trump’s blessing has incited a behind-the-scenes proxy battle, dividing Republicans between those who believe the national party should not be a political subsidiary of the outgoing president and others happy for Mr. Trump to remain in control of it.”

anonymous said...

A rather long read, but for those who care.....complete repudiation of the Danish Bullshit that Lil Schitty posted as science!!!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! Masks are beneficial when used by all!!!!!! The lazy fucks here will just plod along in their cone of stupidity that trump has made them!!!!!

LA Times
Face mask trial didn't stop coronavirus spread, but it shows why more mask-wearing is needed

Anonymous said...

I see the Grasshoppers are posting.

This Ant is laughing @ them.

Anonymous said...

Warren/Booker believe that a living can be made IF only Blacks are given land to farm.

They have allocated $600 per acre.
Only 120 acres per black only families.

I am sure Warren/Booker know who to farm .

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Donald Trump is no longer leading a political party, he's leading a cult who believe in him no matter what he says or does, and the Republicans, although they know better, are going along with him because they are afraid of him.

David Plouffe said something like that, and I am paraphrasing him because I completely agree.

Anonymous said...

correction, 160 acres.
No matter, the land , IF they can find it, will cost 3 to 6 times their b.s. $600 per acre.

100,000,000 million acres.
Is it their plan to give the black only wannabes government lands?

When do they also get free machinery at $65,000 per Tractor, $500,000 per combine, Free planter at $25,000, oh and free Fertilizer and seed and cattle and fencing and water rights.....and....

Anonymous said...

The Booker/Warren Free Farm Act.

 "$8 billion annually to buying farmland on the open market"

The act runs for 9 years.

it is unworkable.
Placing 22,000 newly minted black only farmers on Unencumbered land.


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

The Danger (and Ineptitude) of Trump's Failed Coup Attempt

This is an excellent article. It has several "funnies" in it, but it is also starkly serious.

The article ends by stating that Trump has now made clear what many have been saying:
America could not have survived another Trump term.

Anonymous said...

The coming Biden Economic Dystopian Socialist dumpster fire.

Anonymous said...

The Lost Obama Years being rightfully trashed.
The Justice for Black Farmers Act’s much more modest proposal would amount to an “equitable balancing of the scales after decades of systematic racism within the USDA that disadvantaged Black farmers, excluded them from loans and other programs, [and] prevented them from holding on to their land,” Booker said. 

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Ch said:
In the 1880s, A&W tried to compete with Mcdonald's Quarter Pounder by selling a 1/3 pound burger at a lower cost. The product failed, because most customers thought the 2/4 pound was bigger.

This is why I don't argue online.


JamesNewLeaf said...
No, Ch. HERE'S why you don't argue with me online:

On November 21, 2020 at 10:57 AM,
I, JamesNewLeaf said...

Historians will NOT record this election as having been stolen.

Simple fact. Live with it.


November 21, 2020 at 11:01 AM
C.H. Truth said...
Historians will NOT record this election as having been stolen.

Just as they did "NOT" record the 2016 as being stolen by the Russians. But just as Trump spent 4 years being dissed by Democrats claiming he was illegitimate, the same will be said about Joe Biden by conservatives.

When even 30% of your own Party believes Democratic poll workers and vote counters likely cheated to make sure Biden won... there is going to be a problem.

A problem that could be solved by a little bit of transparency and just a little bit of effort in avoiding suspicious behavior. If there was nothing to hide, then why did so many of these counties work sooooooo hard to prevent legal poll watchers from actually watching?

Moreover Reverend... why are the counties attempting to block or remove poll watchers from watching (as the law provides) always run by Democrats?

If you can give me ONE good reason why someone wants to do this sort of work without any supervision or anyone watching... then please provide it. Because so far, nobody has provided a reasonable explanation what-so-ever.


November 21, 2020 at 11:10 AM
JamesNewLeaf said...
Ch, would you please give us any evidence you have as to which court has agreed with the accusation that poll watchers were blocked.

November 21, 2020 at 11:30 AM Delete
JamesNewLeaf said...
While readers are waiting, they might want to look at this:

November 21, 2020 at 11:36 AM
C.H. Truth said...
Sorry James...

There was actual video posted online of poll watchers being removed, poll watchers being placed 25' away, poll watchers not being allowed in.

There was a viral video where one precinct removed the last remaining Republican poll watcher for "not properly wearing his mask" and the poll workers broke out in applause.

There were court cases where Judges had to order precincts to allow the poll watchers in.

So with all due respect to "polifact" (which is none) - you're full of shit and once again simply refuse to EVER address anything. You just deny things in plain sight, like every liberal does..

So this is why I rarely bother to engage in these threads anymore. It's just so pathetic.


November 21, 2020 at 11:42 AM
JamesNewLeaf said...
Well, Ch, it looks like you are forced to admit that some of the claims that poll watchers were not allowed to watch are bogus.
"Pants on Fire" bogus, as a matter of fact.

Seems to me, if true, and widely true, the results of the election could be overthrown.

Why is it that Trump's supporters are having so little success in the courts?

And why are local election officials, both Democratic and Republican, so indignantly angered by accusations that they did not run fair elections when they made every attempt to do so?

You can make all kinds of ridiculous charges (just look at Giuliani and Powell) but proof is needed, evidence that holds up in court.

Yours doesn't.


November 21, 2020 at 3:56 PM Delete
C.H. Truth said...

Hey Reverend...

I might have read that last comment if it wasn't in all caps!


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

After I saw Ch's lame excuse for not answering (not reading) my post (a lie), I said

Ch, I just this minute read your response.

(I've been out mulching leaves and discussing politics with a good neighbor while social distancing.)

YOU dishonestly said,
"I might have read that last comment if it wasn't in all caps!

Ch, it was not "in all caps," it was in all italics, to emphasize how important it is that you answer it, which obviously you cannot.

So I will now repeat "that last comment" again, neither in caps nor in italics.

But before I do, I will state that the reason you do not argue online, as you said, and the reason you do not answer the following, is because you simply cannot do either convincingly.

So prove me wrong, if you can, by answering this simply and convincingly, not by dancing all around it as you always do.

November 21, 2020 at 11:42 AM
JamesNewLeaf said...
Well, Ch, it looks like you are forced to admit that some of the claims that poll watchers were not allowed to watch are bogus.
"Pants on Fire" bogus, as a matter of fact.

Seems to me, if true, and widely true, the results of the election could be overthrown.

Why is it, then, that Trump's supporters are having so little success in the courts?

And why are local election officials, both Democratic and Republican, so indignantly angered by baseless, evidence-lacking accusations that they did not run fair elections, when they made every effort to do so?

Now, you can make up all kinds of ridiculous charges (just look at Giuliani and Powell!) but proof is needed.
Evidence is needed.
Evidence that holds up in court.

Yours doesn't.

It doesn't hold up because it doesn't even exist, as the courts keep pointing out.

Ch can no more give us evidence for his accusations than Rudy Giuliani and Sydney Powell could give for their ridiculous accusations, which were soundly rejected by a judge.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

You can read the judge's reactions toward the beginning of this thread.

The judge dismissed Rudy's accusations "With Prejudice" -- a rare thing in such proceedings, for it means, "Go away and don't come back."

Trump is appealing this to the Supreme Court. I doubt the Court will even agree to consider it.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Sunday Funny

Now that Trump has lost and will be facing Criminal Prosecution, we will be facing the unholy Trinity left in his wake: White Supremacists, The Selfish Greedy Rich and Ignorant Truth Deniers. If we stay engaged we will prevail.

Anonymous said...

If we stay engaged we will prevail.

how does one "engage" from the confines of a nursing home lockdown, alky?


oh, and is Trump facing prosecution for "involuntary homicide?"


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Involuntary homicide is a common criminal activity

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

PHILADELPHIA (AP) — As they frantically searched for ways to salvage President Donald Trump’s failed reelection bid, his campaign pursued a dizzying game of legal hopscotch across six states that centered on the biggest prize of all: Pennsylvania.

The strategy may have played well in front of television cameras and on talk radio. But it has proved a disaster in court, where judges uniformly rejected their claims of vote fraud and found the campaign’s legal work amateurish.

Giuliani wants rrb to contribute to the President funding to pay him $2,500 per day

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Even Faux News is no longer Pravda for the lame duck President.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Ivanka Trump is among a growing number of President Donald Trump’s close advisers who want nothing to do with his legal efforts to subvert the results of the Nov. 3 election

anonymous said...

Trump turned on faux and his slurpers followed like the good little steeples they are!!!!! Rumors abound on Newsmax being bought by trump which will become the next worthless right site!!!!!! Suddenly Tucker is a pariah!!!!!!! BWAAAAAAPAAAAAA!!!!

Anonymous said...

Biden's Masters command frail Joe.

"Obey Beijing, do not challenge China’s assumed economic superiority and open your domestic markets without restraint: these are the three key instructions for Joe Biden issued in an op-ed published Sunday by the Global Times, official propaganda mouthpiece of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)."

Anonymous said...

🤣how does one "engage" from the confines of a nursing home lockdown, alky?

Kicking the Alky.

CH said...

Sunday Funnies

anonymous said...

How does anyone believe anything that is linked to Facebook?????? Only morons and trumpers find solace and truth in that heaping pile of bullshit!!!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks "CH"! Those really were funny for a change!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

We are an extraordinary nation

On the Monday following the election of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to the White House, I made the short drive from my home in Maryland down to Washington, D.C., to visit the Lincoln Memorial. It was unseasonably warm for November, and I rolled up my sleeves as kayakers propelled their bodies forward on the river behind me. Just 48 hours before, every major U.S. news network had projected that Biden had won the presidency. That outcome—even though President Donald Trump and most Republican officials were (and still are) refusing to accept it—pulled the country back from continuing on what has been an ever more dangerous trajectory. For four years, Trump has, among other things, hammered away at government accountability, dismissed the reality of systemic racism, strained relationships with our allies overseas, eroded America’s commitment to human rights around the world and at home, and ignored and exacerbated the climate crisis. Four more years of his administration would have rendered the damage even worse than it currently is.

That possibility is why I was thinking of Lincoln. His bid for a second term in 1864 was another election that could have turned American history in a far more frightening direction. But for the good fortune and lucky timing of two battles that fell in the Union Army’s favor prior to the 1864 election, slavery might have been allowed to continue in exchange for peace with the Confederacy, and our country might look very different than it does. But then, as now (at least for the time being), the United States has managed to avoid a descent into immediate catastrophe. That events could so easily have turned out the other way, however, should make Americans wary of any notion that this country glides across time and space along a natural arc of progress. Our norms, our institutions, or our systems do not inevitably bend toward justice and protect us. That has been made clear. The truth is that, in some instances, we have simply been extremely lucky. And this month, even after a period of uncertainty, we were lucky again.

Clint Smith. The Atlantic Magazine author.

Our American dream would have died if Trump was reelected.

Enablers like Scott would have stood by and cheered him on.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

A Sunday Funny idea

If he resigns, Trump could begin at the top-rated golf course in the world, Royal County Down Golf club located in Newcastle, Northern Ireland. This course, founded in 1889, is located between Dundrum Bay to the east and Mountains of Mourne to the south and is famous for its "gorse-covered dunes in golden bloom." As Golf Digest notes, "There is no lovelier place in golf."

From there, Trump could jet over to New Zealand to play the world's second-highest-rated golf course, Tara Iti golf club. For golfers, this must be the eighth wonder of the world, with a course that took two years of "gently re-sculpting the sandy soil into hummocks, punchbowls and sand dunes that look like they were formed by wind and vegetated by nature." It's breathtaking -- and it could be Trump's at no cost to him if he simply signs that resignation paper. (Of course, he might have to wait until New Zealand lifts its coronavirus travel ban -- but perhaps if he books now he can get a credit for later.)

But wait, there's more. Trump could then skip over to South Korea to play the ninth-ranked golf course in the world, South Cape Owners club, located on the picturesque Namhae Island. This course not only features a view of the ocean from every tee, but it could also feature a very special golfing partner. That's right: the man Trump exchanged "love letters" with, the one and only dictator of North Korea: Kim Jong Un. Trump already asked Kim to play golf in their February 2019 summit, as noted in Bob Woodward's recent book, "Rage." In fact, Trump said to Kim, "Let's go play a round of golf" and "Let's go to a movie together." Well, now they can do both, and we US taxpayers will foot the bill if Trump accepts our offer.

Then the state of New York couldn't investigate his taxes and allegations of fraud.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...