Tuesday, January 19, 2021

But a majority of those who are not Democrats feel that the Biden win is illegitimate?

People feel election was legitimate by approximately two to one

In the same week President-elect Joe Biden will be sworn into office, a majority of voters say 64-31 percent that his victory in the 2020 presidential election is legitimate. 
  • Republicans say 67-28 percent that Biden's victory is not legitimate. 
  • while Democrats say 97-0 percent it was legitimate.
  • independents say 62-32 percent that Biden's victory is legitimate.
This is up slightly from a December 10, 2020 poll when voters said 60-34 percent that Biden’s victory was legitimate. In that poll, Republicans said 70-23 percent it was not legitimate.

So what is interesting here is that literally zero Democrats are willing to question the election results according to this poll. I mean, I would think that there would be at least a handful of Democrats who might have some questions here. But, alas, apparently they are all convinced any and all allegations are simply a hoax.

Which, of course is going to be the case when you are forced to be in lockstep... or else! 

Meanwhile, when you look at the rest of the country (Republicans and Independents) a slight MAJORITY believe that the Biden election was not legitimate. Let that sink in for a second. A majority of the people in this country who do not affiliate themselves as Democrats believe that Biden's win was not legitimate.

And this is from a Quinnipiac poll, which is about as biased for Democrats as they can get. One has to wonder what the country "really" thinks.

When you think about this, along with the rhetoric that pretty much everyone who questions things is a nutcase who should be cancelled, sanctioned, have degrees taken away, fired, or otherwise drawn and quartered... it seems rather excessive and likely to create more friction, more partisanship, more division, and more problems.

Especially when you consider that over half of the non-Democrats in the country fall into the category of those that these liberal elitists want to punish for their thoughts. Seems like there might be some backlash coming and coming hard. 


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Scott. let this sink in for a second:

Trump has been shown time after time after time after time after time after time to have LIED.

Yet slurpers like you have pretended that he has not, and have defended lies that were not defendable.

So it is not surprising that many gullible people still believe him when he says that the election was stolen from him.

You yourself know better, but you too go along with the charade.


Right now this is the BIGGEST, most DIVISIVE problem facing Republicans:

How much to continue supporting the Trumpian idiocies,
and how much to refute them and get back to responsible governing.

anonymous said...

The poll is skewed by the 75% of R's who question the election....If you presume 25% of the country is R.....66% independents think he won......99% D's think he won which leaves a still rock solid majority thinking the election was Bidens......Ha Ha you lose again Lil Schitty in your inane spine.......BWAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!

BTW.....T Minus 24 hours until this disgraceful trump era ends!!!!!!!!!

C.H. Truth said...

Yet slurpers like you

Well there you go... quite obviously someone is still upset about being humiliated with their own words and running away like a baby yesterday. Especially when they realized that as Senators Obama and Clinton also objected to the Electoral College vote without anyone demanding that their degrees be taken away or that they be kicked out of congress.

But hey... that's where we are today with liberals.

Don't like what someone argues, they attack them. Why make a real point?

Commander-in-Thief Biden said...

SOUND ON: here's how the lazy journalists are pimping their stories of fear in DC. WATCH THEIR FACES....THEY KNOW


every day Gab gets a little better.

Citizen journalists uncensored.

Sure looks like Biden needs tens of thousands of troops to protect him...

And razor wire and fences

I thought the FAKE NEWS media said the military loved Biden and hated Trump.

Trump was never scared.

Is Corn Pop coming after Biden again ???

Anonymous said...

This is why I ask Alky and James to explain so called "economic terms" they say here.

"JamesNewLeaf January 19, 2021 at 9:39 AM

Democratic capitalism
says government should be
of the people, by the people, and FOR the people."

Nope, not even close.

Try again. Try a lot harder.

rrb said...

Sure looks like Biden needs tens of thousands of troops to protect him...

tens of thousands of WHITE SUPREMACIST troops according to democrats.

C.H. Truth said...


I think the term you are lookin for is "Storm Troopers".

Anonymous said...

Broken and Scammed Alky Failed to define Socialism .

It was shocking, given how often I have educated him on this economic subject.

Anonymous said...

JamesNewLeaf January 14, 2021 at 3:24 PM


Readers get bored by these constant personal insults and attacks made by people who are incapable of arguing the real issues.


JamesNewLeaf January 15, 2021 at 11:34 AM

Kansas Dimwit:
Nothing from James, on the issues.
James , I understand why.

LOL, no you do not understand why.
It is because you are an ignorant, insatiable troll and answering you is futile."


"Yet you slurpers" James

rrb said...

Blogger C.H. Truth said...


I think the term you are lookin for is "Storm Troopers".

yeah, the term steve cohen was looking for.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Scott, you keep setting up a false equivalency and if you are too obtuse to see it, it's YOUR problem.

Legitimate questioning of whether there may have been some problems in voting while accepting the result is NOT the same thing as what Donald Trump did.

He planned ahead of time to declare himself the winner of the election no matter how it came out, and he did that because his advisers had made it clear to him that because of his own discouraging Republicans to do mail in voting, Democrats would have their votes counted later, and early counting might put him ahead while later counting could put him behind, which is exactly what happened.

So he lied and lied and HAS continued to lie, questioning the outcome no matter how many courts and judges and even his own people have refused to go along with him. He even demanded that Bill Barr and Mike Pence do things they simply refused to do.

That is not the equivalent of raising some questions about the voting process while accepting the results, and you know it. So does everyone else.

Now, you can call me a baby and say I run away, but the truth is, I just break off from you because I consider that I have clearly made my point, but I also see how futile it is to try to talk some sense into you muddled head.

So go ahead and unsuccessfully try again to muddle what I say. That's your modus operandi, you way of doing.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The President has been sewing doubt about the election from day one.

It's irresponsible behavior, but Scott's head is still up Trump's ass.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Scott, seriously

Outgoing Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) on Tuesday accused President Trump of provoking the violent crowd that stormed the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6.

"The last time the Senate convened, we had just reclaimed the Capitol from violent criminals who tried to stop Congress from doing our duty. The mob was fed lies. They were provoked by the president and other powerful people," McConnell said on the Senate floor, marking the first convening of the full Senate since the attack.

McConnell's statements carry significance ahead of an anticipated Senate impeachment trial. The GOP leader has told colleagues he hasn't yet decided how he would vote on a House-passed article of impeachment against Trump.


Even Moscow Mitch doesn't agree with your attempt to draw a false equivalency.

You have been doing that since the murder of George Floyd!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...


Caliphate4vr said...

Legitimate questioning of whether there may have been some problems in voting while accepting the result is NOT the same thing as what Donald Trump did.

No pedo you are one making the false equivalency, we are talking about Cruz and Hawley, you know Senators like Cankles and Obunghole were

You are truly stupid

C.H. Truth said...

Here is the problem Reverend...

There are at least a hundred million Americans who literally do not see Joe Biden's win as legitimate. That includes probably close to 50 million people not affiliated with the Republican Party.

Moreover, that hundred million does not include those who probably feel Joe Biden won, but that there are still unanswered questions about election fraud that was not "widespread enough" to have changed the election results.

Only Democrats seem "lock step" - not only in their belief that there was no fraud, but that those who say there was are a bunch of crackpots who deserve to be cancelled, punished, censored, doxed, fired, kicked out, etc...

all over an opinion that is pretty widely held in spite of all of the media, all of our tech giants, those who run the mainstream social media, all doing everything in their power to "shut down" the belief.

by force if they feel it necessary.

You need to get off the concept that a third of the country is being gaslighted by one man and accept the fact that there is quite a bit of actual evidence of election fraud that can be found and analyzed without getting their information from Trump, Giuliani, or Powell.

You should also stop referring to the lack of successful Election fraud "court cases" as some sort of "final proof" of anything. It simply isn't and you can repeat the claim till you are blue in the face and it doesn't change anything. These cases are generally being tossed due to lack of standing, lack of time, or simply because election challenges do not allow for a typical "discovery" phase that would allow a civil suit to subpoena, question, and otherwise actually build a case. It's difficult to have to walk into a court with absolute proof, when you are entitled to zero discovery.

You should accept that there are a ton of smart talented statisticians, election prognosticators, and others who have raised many legitimate questions that have not been answered... and that the left would like to make sure are "never" answered. You can attempt to "silence" an opposing opinion, but just because you are no longer required to hear it, doesn't mean it stops.

Consider the Russian collusion issue. At least as many people believed that Trump was illegitimate because he conspired with Vladimir Putin to steal the election. We had five different investigations (including a Special Counsel) and spend millions of dollars over three years to put that whole thing to rest. But when it comes to 2020, these same people that demanded all of these investigations want to literally PUNISH anyone who wants any sort of investigation.

Which seems sort of strange, considering an real live full scale investigation would be the only thing that would ever really settle it, huh? If these people are so sure that there were no problems and nothing to see, why are they not inclined to let it be audited, investigated, or otherwise to prove it as such (like we did with the Russian collusion hoax)?

Why, instead, do you demand that a third of the country be silenced, censored, and even punished for a belief?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia.

You keep drawing false equivalencies on everything!

You put party over country every fucking day.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi isn't going to submit the impeachment bill until late next week.

The Republicans will work with the President to pass the economic recovery bill before they hold impeachment hearings, because McConnell wants to move forward without Trump.

Caliphate4vr said...

simply because election challenges do not allow for a typical "discovery" phase that would allow a civil suit to subpoena, question, and otherwise actually build a case. It's difficult to have to walk into a court with absolute proof, when you are entitled to zero discovery.

But that phase will occur If Dominion goes through with their lawsuits

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The social media disputes are not going to dominate politics.

The pandemic and the economy are much more important.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The quote of the day.

“The mob was fed lies. They were provoked by the President and other powerful people, and they tried to use fear and violence to stop a specific proceeding of the first branch of the federal government which they did not like.”

— Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY)

rrb said...

The Republicans will work with the President to pass the economic recovery bill before they hold impeachment hearings, because McConnell wants to move forward without Trump.

dumbass - we don't need an economic recovery bill.

we simply need democrat governor's to take their jackboots off our necks and open the fucking economy.

We were enjoying a 3.7% unemployment rate prior to covid. we can return to that anytime we want. and now that Trump's gone there's no need to further politicize the pandemic as Cuomo and that Lightfoot troll in Chicago have recently stated.

we had better open while there are still business left TO open.

Caliphate4vr said...

Lightfoot troll in Chicago

She resembles Admiral Ackbar

Commander-in-Thief Biden said...

Trump designates China's action against the Uyghurs genocide

Biden says China is "good guys, guys"


I think Hitler agrees with Biden

Anonymous said...

��The President has been sewing doubt about the election from day one.��

Is anti-sewing.

Commander-in-Thief Biden said...

Emerald Robinson

Biden: Let's unify! Also, some GOP senators are like Nazis.

AOC: We need funding to reprogram all of them!

McChrystal: They're like al-Qaeda!

Sue Gordon: We need a commission!

Jeremy Bash: the FBI is gonna have to go after them!

Hillary Clinton: Russia! Russia! Russia!

funny how no one on the left wants to look into election fraud or anything Biden...

A fraudulent election after 4 years of fraudulent reporting on Trump...

Anonymous said...

“I mean, you know, they’re not bad folks, folks. But guess what? They’re not competition for us,” he added.

Anonymous said...

The Dark Winter President is clueless.
"“I mean, you know, they’re not bad folks, folks. But guess what? They’re not competition for us,” he added.

rrb said...

Hillary Clinton: Russia! Russia! Russia!

this miserable drunken twat wants to see Trump's phone records on the day of the panty raid.


Anonymous said...

This is why I ask Alky and James to explain so called "economic terms" they say here.

"JamesNewLeaf January 19, 2021 at 9:39 AM

Democratic capitalism
says government should be
of the people, by the people, and FOR the people."

Nope, not even close.

Try again. Try a lot harder.

Commander-in-Thief Biden said...

Chinese have installed their puppet president

CIA Director Gina Haspel has left the CIA just a few days after a letter from @DNI_Ratcliffe to Congress was made public that stated "CIA management" covered up Chinese interference in the 2020 election.

Emerald Robinson

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Pence said that he's not going to attend the President's departure

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

It's pointless to talk to kputz and rrb

Neither one has a brain

Commander-in-Thief Biden said...

Joel Pollak

Unlike Trump, @JoeBiden fears the troops. Trump had more reason to fear, given the general derangement of opposition, but chose to take the risk of trust. Biden set the worst possible example of disunity, vetting soldiers for pro-Trump sympathies. - @ScottAdamsSays (paraphrasing)

Biden is just a feeble scared old man, like the left here.

And demented, like the left here.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Enough Republicans will not block the Democrats bills, so it will pass.

Some hypocritical assholes will be against deficit spending, but not enough of them.

Anonymous said...

Roger, tell us more of how you where "scammed" out of your life savings ?

Maybe you can tell us how to avoid that same mistake.

Did you make that investment in a hope to become wealthy?

rrb said...

vetting soldiers for pro-Trump sympathies.

the dementia-addled shitstain came up with 2 whole suspects after smearing 25,000.

what a way to get off on the right foot as C in C with those you called stupid bastards.

So what's the problem with calling service personnel "stupid bastards?" Joe Biden did this while serving as vice president during a 2016 visit to an air base in the United Arab Emirates. The remarks were not made in private or alleged by nameless persons but spoken directly to American troops and captured on videotape.


Anonymous said...

Clear this up for us Roger.
Explain how you made a lot of money by buying and holding a stock with a declining share value.

You said you knew how.

rrb said...

Biden Taps Mentally Ill Nutbag Tranny Health Official With Horrifying COVID-19 Nursing Home Record for HHS


the adults are in charge now!!!


Anonymous said...

Enough Republicans will not block the Democrats bills, so it will pass." Alky

“We cannot afford to wait any longer. Let’s send out $2k monthly checks,” Khanna said Tuesday as Democrats continue to clamor over President-elect Joe Biden’s $1.9 trillion spending plan, which includes $1,400 checks rather than $2,000"

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Day One executive actions

While sweeping immigration reform and climate plans may no longer be at the top of the to-do list, Biden has promised to reverse some of Trump's most controversial policies.

Many Trump policies, such as climate deregulation, were enacted through executive orders or as informal guidance, not through congressional lawmaking, meaning Biden can roll them back fairly easily.

Incoming White House chief of staff Ron Klain said that on Inauguration Day, Biden will "sign roughly a dozen actions to combat the four crises" — Covid-19, the economy, climate change and racial inequality.

The Day One actions will include asking the Education Department to extend the pause on student loan payments and interest, rejoining the Paris Agreement on climate change, reversing the "ban" on travel from several majority-Muslim countries, issuing a mandate to wear masks on federal property and during interstate travel, and extending nationwide restrictions on evictions and foreclosures.

On Day Two, Klain said, Biden will "sign a number of executive actions to move aggressively to change the course of the Covid-19 crisis and safely reopen schools and businesses, including by taking action to mitigate spread through expanding testing, protecting workers, and establishing clear public health standards."

Other executive actions Biden plans soon after he takes office include rescinding the permit for the Keystone XL pipeline, ending Trump's national emergency declaration at the southern border, stopping federal executions and reversing the ban on transgender people serving in the military, rrb will go crazy with desire said a person familiar with the plans.

He is also expected to establish new ethics guidelines at the White House, and he has promised to sign an executive order declaring that any member of his administration would be fired if found trying to influence a Justice Department investigation, as Trump was accused of doing.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...


Anonymous said...

Yes, Roger , The Dark Winter President is going to act quickly.

You won, enjoy it.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...


Biden is expected to propose a bill that would provide a pathway to citizenship for about 11 million immigrants who are in the country without legal status.

The bill would provide an eight-year path to citizenship for immigrants and a fast track for people in the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, said an immigration advocate briefed on the plan.

Klain said Saturday in a memo to incoming senior White House staff members that Biden will send an immigration bill to Congress "on his first day in office," but he did not provide specifics.

If it is passed, Biden's bill would be the biggest move to grant legal status to people in the country without documentation since President Ronald Reagan did it for nearly 3 million people in 1986. Rush Limbaugh went crazy about that.

Still, recent attempts to overhaul the immigration system have failed, and Biden's plan is likely to face an uphill battle on Capitol Hill, especially as he juggles other legislative priorities.

Biden has also promised to end some of the strict immigration practices of the Trump administration, which focused on building a border wall and restricting eligibility for asylum.

We have granted asylum for a century. But Trump tried to keep the beaners out, to make rrb happy!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...


Caliphate4vr said...

Biden Taps Mentally Ill Nutbag Tranny Health Official With Horrifying COVID-19 Nursing Home Record for HHS

Have you seen that thing? Oh and she got her mom out of the nursing home a few days after ordering them to take Covid patients

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I predicted this months ago.

The U.S. death toll from the coronavirus eclipsed 400,000 on Tuesday in the waning hours in office for President Donald Trump, whose handling of the crisis has been judged by public health experts a singular failure.

rrb said...

Biden is expected to propose a bill that would provide a pathway to citizenship for about 11 million immigrants who are in the country without legal status.

except for one thing -

there's more like 22 MILLION illegal beaners in the US. with probably a million more on the way.

so they start out by LYING on the issue.

sounds about right.

rrb said...

Have you seen that thing? Oh and she got her mom out of the nursing home a few days after ordering them to take Covid patients

yeah, being a neighboring state we see "it" often.

and yeah, "it" dragged mom out of the nursing home just as the place was being wiped out by covid.

Caliphate4vr said...



Table 3 shows the types of health conditions and contributing causes mentioned in conjunction with deaths involving coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). For 6% of the deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned. For deaths with conditions or causes in addition to COVID-19, on average, there were 2.9 additional conditions or causes per death. The number of mentions for each condition or cause is shown for all deaths and by age groups.

Damn it was 2.6 comorbidities a couple of weeks ago

And never forget Trump cured the flu.

This week, five jurisdictions experienced low activity, and the remaining jurisdictions experienced minimal activity. ILI activity levels may be impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic and should be interpreted with caution.


rrb said...

show your plagiarism alky:


rrb said...

And never forget Trump cured the flu.


this was the year that covid was like racism. if everything is racist then nothing is racist.

if everything is covid then nothing is covid.

what a fucking coincidence. NO flu for the 2020-2021 flu season.

a fucking miracle!

Anonymous said...

"there's more like 22 MILLION illegal beaners in the US. with probably a million more on the way.

so they start out by LYING on the issue."


The Dark Winter President is a Socialist.
The debate on that issue is over.

anonymous said...

s was the year that covid was like racism.