Wednesday, January 13, 2021

For those who trust polling!

So to  recap:
  • 60% say impeachment is a waste of time
  • 77% say Covid should be priority over impeachment
  • 74% say impeachment is politically motivated
  • 65% say impeachment would keep country divided
  • 48% less likely to vote for candidate who is in favor of impeachment
  • 36% more likely to vote for candidate who is in favor of impeachment
Now if you are curious as to why this poll might be different than some of the others you have seen, it would likely because this is purely a battleground ground state voters (not adults at large). So it would be limited to actual voters that have previously been singled out in battleground states.

Also, it's not a fake poll from CNN or the NYT that is designed to gaslight liberals with biased polling that pretty much is always wrong (but tells liberals what they want to hear).

But have no fear, liberals... Nancy will go forward regardless. 

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