In a Friday night ruling, the Supreme Court voted along ideological lines and ruled that California Governor Gavin Newsom can’t entirely ban indoor church services due to the pandemic. But they didn’t go so far as to say that churches are “untouchable” and can’t be restricted in any fashion. Unsurprisingly, the court’s three remaining liberal justices dissented and would have been willing to allow Newsom to forbid indoor church services entirely.
This is a decision that will likely impact a number of other pending cases in multiple states. It was a case of the First Amendment being pitted against the extraordinary authoritarian powers granted to executive officials during a declared state of emergency. (Associated Press)
This is significant because Roberts had been siding with the liberals on these previous rulings. While that hasn't mattered recently, it did prior to Barrett-Coney being sworn in, as many of these Governor executive actions had been allowed to stand previously.
Not sure if this is Roberts just playing more politics, or if Robert's opinions have evolved the deeper we get into this and the more we have to question whether or not these policies actually help. Certainly it could be that Roberts sees these previous 5-4 decisions as stare decisis at this point and wants to reinforce it by making these 6-3 vs 5-4.
But there is no scientific evidence that lockdowns are really working. Even if one might argue that there is scientific evidence to that point, there is certainly no evidence that people are more likely to catch the virus in Church vs at a supermarket, gas station, or restaurant.
The decisions being made to target churches are just that. Decisions to "target" churches. The courts are making the proper rulings based on every fragment of the constitution and law.
Fake news robotics again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again
But there is no scientific evidence that lockdowns are really working.
Every single scientists and medical experts don't agree with a computer technology person with no medical education.
The decision allowed the government to decide crowd density, based upon science, not your spreadsheets.
I agreed with Roberts.
Cultural tightness was negatively related to cases per million (r −0·41, p=0·0017, n=57) without controls. These case rates at different levels of cultural tightness are shown in figure 1. To test whether this effect was robust to other factors, our first model included covariates and their association with variance in cases per million (table 1). In our second model, which included cultural tightness above and beyond these covariates (table 1), we observed a robust main effect of cultural tightness (b −0·80, SE 0·21, t −3·91, p=0·0003, n=50). To put these results in context, reconverting the log-transformed cases through exponentiation, nations with high levels (Z score 1) of cultural tightness are estimated to have had an average of 1428 cases per million, whereas nations with high levels (Z score −1) of cultural looseness are estimated to have had an average of 7132 cases per million. Models 3–5 replicated the results of the second model with alternative measures of under-reporting (table 1). Model 6 replicated the effects including collectivism and power distance (table 1). This model replicated our main effect of cultural tightness (b −0·81, SE 0·21, t −3·80, p=0·0005). This replication was important to demonstrate the robustness of our results, because cultural collectivism and power distance each correlate positively with cultural tightness.
Model 7 replicated the effects of cultural tightness, while controlling for political authoritarianism (b −0·90, SE 0·22, t −4·09, p=0·0002; table 1). The remaining models replicated the main effect of cultural tightness, while including median age and non-pharmaceutical government interventions (table 1).
The graphics show that crowd density increased the risk of ingestions.
Not an Excel spreadsheet
The decision allowed the government to decide crowd density, based upon science, not your spreadsheets.
Scott the red states are predominantly rural with no large cities or minorities.
Stupidest fucking thing on the internet this week
Every single scientists and medical experts don't agree with a computer technology person with no medical education.
as cases rise the MOST in states with the most rigorous and draconian lockdown and mask policies.
alky, your beloved lockdowns are working just as well as a screen door on a submarine.
Roger Amick said...
The decision allowed the government to decide crowd density, based upon science, not your spreadsheets.
like the 10 PM curfew, because the virus only comes out after 10 pm.
like "outdoor dining" that has effectively become indoor dining with the construction of temporary shelters as dining rooms.
that says the TV's in restaurants cannot be turned on because the virus is attracted to television shows. especially sports like the super bowl.
that says you cannot be allowed to sit in a bar and just drink, you must order food because the virus can be tricked into leaving you alone if you're eating.
that requires a mask when you enter a restaurant, but allows you to remove it when you're seated because the virus only attacks standing persons and never sitting persons.
your science!!! is a fucking fraud, alky.
'two weeks to flatten the curve' is turning into '52 weeks because we say so just to fuck with you and keep you under our control.'
sorry for the duplicate posting but this also applies to this current thread
Based on his commentary here roger amick is either back on the sauce or his alcoholism has done permanent damage.
He is desperately calling out for help.
Somebody please help him
He is desperately calling out for help.
Somebody please help him
he has a nurse call bell button in his 'room.'
he'll be fine.
Just saw a story on Yahoo that the science is supporting Biden in his push to get the schools open. Just live how the news media makes up their own reality. It's been Trump pushing to open the schools while Biden sides with the unions keeping them closed.
Joe Biden Enjoys Something Trump Never Had, Poll Shows
JED GRAHAM 02:06 PM ET 02/01/2021
The February IBD/TIPP Poll finds 53% of adults approve of how President Joe Biden is handling his job, while just 29% disapprove of his performance. The Biden job approval number shows the new president is enjoying something Donald Trump never had: a honeymoon.
Among registered voters, 58% approve of how Biden is handling his job and 29% disapprove. Among registered independents, 42% approve and 34% disapprove.
On the coronavirus, 56% give Biden a good grade, while 21% give him poor marks. Biden's handling of the economy is judged excellent or good by 49% of American adults, while 25% see it as poor or unacceptable.
A friendly press?
rrb said...
he has a nurse call bell button in his 'room.'
he'll be fine.
Are we sure that the alky and the "pastor" aren't really the same guy ? They appear to share the same room. Every time a discussion is taking place they divert to some FAKE NEWS polls like that's going to win the argument and is relevant.
Just an illustration of how the left relies on lo iq and easily manipulated voters and throws out fake polls to show their followers they are in a supposed big tent. Or a big room.
Roger, I notice you coward in the corner at the facts I laid out.
Can't make this shit up. Just have to read what Roger Posted.
Roger said he has a "guaranteed for life 6 figure income.
As it stands now, Biden’s plan would give $1,400 to every adult taxpayer earning up to $75,000 a year."
Wait, $ 100,000 (aka "guaranteed for life 6 figure income.) is great then the limit.
So , how is it Roger made the following unprompted statement?
"I will get the $1,400 this month like 250,000,000 other Americans"
Roger, you have free time, can you clear up your conflicting statements?
he has a nurse call bell button in his 'room.'
he'll be fine." RRB
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