Kaine is still gathering input but has drafted a resolution that would formally censure Trump. It also includes provisions that would mirror language in Section 3 of the 14th Amendment on barring officials from holding future office.
“In a way I view it as kind of censure-plus because it has these two factual findings that could have the same consequence as an impeachment conviction,” Kaine said. “It’s not just, ‘hey you did those things and that’s bad.’ ”
I mean seriously folks? Not sure what this is about, but twice the Democrats have attempted to impeach Trump, once after he was already a lame duck or out of office, depending on your view of the situation. I mean we had Clinton derangement syndrome, Bush derangement syndrome, but Trump derangement syndrome is it's own beast.
The reality is that if liberals hate Trump so much, then just let him go. He is busy playing golf, out of the spot light and every liberal social media company in the universe has banned him. The only reason he is still in the news is because Democrats and anti-Trumpers cannot seem to let go of their hate.
You have a point, but
Unlike you, I believe that he presents a clear and present danger to the United States of America.
If he wins in 2024, the American dream will end. He doesn't believe in the Constitution, or maybe worse, he wants to overturn our most sacred rights, to choose who we want to run the country.
It's not TDS. It's not policies, good people on both sides agree to disagree, and when they convince the people they win the election.
January 6th was the most dangerous event in domestic history.
Have a great day Scott and your beautiful wife. Happy Valentine's day.
I do hope that President Biden doesn't mention Trump ever again.
The clear and present danger is the hatred and irrational rage the left still subjects the rest of the country to. It will eventually cause another civil war.
Cassidy Explains His Guilty Vote for Trump
10:44 pm by Taegan Goddard quoting Cassidy.
Sen. Bill Cassidy (R-LA) writes in the Baton Rouge Advocate why he voted to convict former President Donald Trump in the Senate impeachment trial.
“I voted to convict former President Trump because he is guilty. That’s what the facts demand.
“I have no illusions that this is a popular decision.
I made this decision because Americans should not be fed lies about ‘massive election fraud.’
Police should not be left to the mercy of a mob.
Mobs should not be inflamed to disrupt the peaceful transfer of power."
History will agree with your principled stand.
It's not just "liberals" or "the left" who abhor Trump.
Seven million more Americans voted for Biden than for Trump,
largely because they despise what Trump stands for.
The Dark Winter President with a stroke of his pen increased the cost to insulin users.
What an epic failure.
Roger, you said the Fired Keystone Pipeline workers would be hired by Tesla.
How many have been Hired?
When will all 11k be hired by Tessa?
Surveillance and spying are now good. How else to ferret out “right-wingers,” “white supremacists,” and “insurrectionists”?
So the FBI and CIA have transmogrified into heroic agencies run by stalwart social activist fighters like John Brennan, the old Gus Hall supporter, James Clapper, James Comey, and Andrew McCabe. They cut to the quick to achieve social justice, without the messy give and take of Congress, or that albatross, the relic Constitution.
What a wonderful world they have created: Eavesdropping on the national security advisor, forging FISA documents, spying on American citizens, aiding one presidential candidate by surveilling another.
Finally, they can use their skills and surveillance to investigate and hound the “right” enemies, for the “right” causes.” The CIA and FBI always secretly wished to be beloved by the Left. Now they are deified.
And the military elite?
Militarization is now beautiful. The U.S. Army may become our People’s Revolutionary Army as generals sniff out counterrevolutionaries hidden deeply in their ranks. Maybe a cleansing purge or two is necessary, in the Soviet fashion.
Four decades of chronic underemployment and stagnant wages have shown how important public spending is for sustained growth. Not incidentally, growth reduces the debt as a share of the overall economy. The real danger is the opposite: fiscal austerity shrinks economies and causes national debts to grow in proportion.
The third canard is that generous safety nets discourage work.
Democratic presidents from Franklin D Roosevelt to Lyndon Johnson sought to alleviate poverty and economic insecurity with broad-based relief. But after Reagan tied public assistance to racism – deriding single-mother “welfare queens” – conservatives began demanding stringent work requirements so that only the “truly deserving” received help. Bill Clinton and Barack Obama acquiesced to this nonsense.
Not Biden. His proposal would not only expand jobless benefits but also provide assistance to parents who are not working, thereby extending relief to 27 million children, including about half of all Black and Latino children. Republican senator Mitt Romney of Utah has put forward a similar plan.
This is just common sense. Tens of millions are hurting. A record number of American children are impoverished, according to the most recent census data.
The pandemic has also caused a large number of women to drop out of the labor force in order to care for children. With financial help, some will be able to pay for childcare and move back into paid work. After Canada enacted a national child allowance in 2006, employment rates for mothers increased. A decade later, when Canada increased its annual child allowance, its economy added jobs.
Trump left behind a monstrous predicament. Here's how to tackle it
It’s still unclear exactly what form Biden’s final plans will take as they work their way through Congress. He has razor-thin majorities in both chambers. In addition, most of his proposals are designed for the current emergency; they would need to be made permanent.
But the stars are now better aligned for fundamental reform than they have been since Reagan.
It’s no small irony that a half-century after Reagan persuaded Americans big government was the problem, Trump’s demise is finally liberating America from Reaganism – and letting the richest nation on earth give its people the social support they desperately need.
Robert Reich
President Biden will be a transitional leader into a great New Deal
It’s worth noting that if even two Republican senators vote to convict Trump, it will be the most bi-partisan impeachment vote to convict a president in U.S. history. Senator Cruz (Q Tx) should be allowed to visit his jail cell in be his Monica Lewinsky.
Definitely Trump Derangement Syndrome
In 1933, Hitler’s government used a fire at the Reichstag, which housed the German Parliament, as a pretext to consolidate power and suppress dissent.
Robert Reich
A very conservative republican!
The new administration will act aggressively against domestic terrorism, instead of looking away, because the former President endorsed them. "Stand up and stand by.
On a Saturday morning in August 2019, a 21-year-old White man with ear protectors, safety glasses and an AK-47-style rifle walked into a crowded Walmart in El Paso, his pockets bulging with ammunition. He had driven hundreds of miles across Texas, prosecutors say, because he wanted to kill Latinos.
Kevin McAleenan, the acting homeland security secretary, was at a Coast Guard picnic in Virginia that day, and soon the urgent messages began arriving. A sinking feeling of horror set in as the magnitude of the attack became clear. “It was devastating,” he said.
Twenty-three people were killed in the worst attack on Hispanic Americans in modern U.S. history.
About 5,000 U.S. Customs and Border Protection employees live in El Paso, and six lost family members that day. “To have an individual attack us, at one of the home bases of our agency and specifically going after Hispanic Americans who make up a majority of our employees in that area, was very personal for us, and it galvanized an effort that was already underway,” McAleenan said.
For years leading up to El Paso, the Department of Homeland Security — created to prevent another 9/11 — had been under growing pressure to do more to address domestic extremism. Within seven weeks of the El Paso massacre, McAleenan released a plan for “countering terrorism and targeted violence” that amounted to a road map for the department’s pivot from foreign threats to homegrown ones. It was the first time DHS had identified the extent of the danger posed by domestic violent extremists and white supremacists.
The plan got little attention or support from the White House, and even though DHS began speaking more directly about domestic threats, the effort made little difference on Jan. 6, when the department was one of several federal agencies caught flat-footed. Since that day’s attack on the U.S. Capitol, calls have intensified for DHS to emphatically turn its attention inward and do more to protect Americans from other Americans.
Democratic presidents from Franklin D Roosevelt to Lyndon Johnson sought to alleviate poverty and economic insecurity with broad-based relief.
and both failed.
FDR's social security is a fucking train wreck that each generation openly wonders if it will exist when they're eligible...
...and LBJ's "Great Society" was nothing more than a massive vote-buying scheme with the sole purpose: "To keep those ni@@ers voting democrats for the next 200 years."
the Great Society systematically destroyed the black nuclear family. and that was a feature, not a bug. government dependency was the goal, and if anyone cares to find the true genesis of what you're calling "systemic racism," start right there.
MOAR Government is only the answer if your intent is to enslave more of the citizenry TO IT.
Pelosi Derangement Syndrome.
The acute onset of paranoia in otherwise normal people in reaction to the policies, the statements -- nay -- the very existence of Nancy Pelosi.
Roger: "I may not agree with everything Nancy Pelosi says, but that domestic policy agenda she supports seems pretty good, doesn't it?"
Scott: "What?! Queen Pelossshhi?! She's bad for America! She's drunk on power! She supports corrupt politicians! She's a defeat-o-crat! Have you seen her nose? She's an obstructionist! Limiting debate on bills was proper THEN, but NOW it's just hateful partisanship! Did you see how she didn't stand during the SOTU address? She hates our troops! Forget about the minimum wage, health care, jobs... I don't need any of those! They're just tricks to help the terrorists win!"
Roger: "Wow, you have a serious case of Pelosi Derangement Syndrome."
Since that day’s attack on the U.S. Capitol, calls have intensified for DHS to emphatically turn its attention inward and to do more to paint white Americans with the broadest of brushes, using the excuse of eliminating the threat they pose to other Americans.
pitting the citizens of America against one another. the work of evil genius, straight out of "1984."
show your work, alky.
Systematic racism symptoms include.
2: MOAR Government is only the answer if your intent is to enslave more of the citizenry TO IT.
oh, and alky?
it truly was a "rolling on the floor laughing and spitting a beverage through your nose" moment when the denture sucking cunt melted down at the podium on Saturday.
the only Speaker Of The House in American history to impeach twice and FAIL TWICE.
Trump: 2
Dean Wormer: "Madam Peloshee, zero point zero."
Plus signs of early onset of alzheimer's disease.
Blogger Roger Amick said...
Systematic racism symptoms include.
uh alky, I'm quoting a liberal hero - LBJ.
the guy who had to rely on REPUBLICANS to pass the Civil Rights Act of 1964. you know, the legislation filibustered by a KKK Grand Kleagle.
like clockwork you get seriously embarrassed every time I expose the history of racism in your party.
2: MOAR Government is only the answer if your intent is to enslave more of the citizenry TO IT.
That’s an example of systemic racism?
You’re a fucking stupid sot
The Wages of Trump Hatred
Hating Donald Trump in the hater’s eyes makes one moral. But in the real world, such pathological fixations usually result in abject immorality and moral decline.
- By Victor Davis Hanson February 14, 2021 -
Over the last five years, the pathology of Trump Derangement Syndrome has been widely described. It was more than a chronic disease and was often characterized by an array of rapidly advancing symptoms of deterioration in reasoning, emotional stability, and personal ethics.
More practically, often the deranged Trump hater found in his odium a cover for all sorts of prior personal intemperance and careerist dissipation. Loudly hating Trump became a passport for excess, private and public, and a sort of preemptive insurance that excused or rather greenlighted smears, slander, and personal misdeeds.
TDS. The kind of affliction that can launch one into fits of alcoholic rage, resulting in a severe beat-down & ass-kicking of one's wife. Resulting in the police being called, restraining orders being issued, and divorce. Right alky?
2009, a DHS report predicted that the recession coupled with the nation’s first Black president could give rise to a surge in right-wing domestic terrorism. Political backlash ensued, and the intelligence unit disbanded. Now, over a decade later, the report’s author is still ringing alarm bells. We share his story.
Daryl Johnson, former senior domestic terrorism analyst at the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. Owner of DT Analytics, a consulting firm for law enforcement that analyzes domestic terrorist activity. Author of "Hateland: A Long, Hard Look at America’s Extremist Heart" and "Right-Wing Resurgence: How a Domestic Terrorist Threat is Being Ignored." (@DTAnalytics)
Det. Sgt. Heather Taylor, president of the Ethical Society of Police, which represents many black officers in the St. Louis region. Night watch Homicide Sergeant with the St. Louis Metro Police Department. (@HthrTylr)
Rep. Norma Torres, Democratic Representative for California's 35th congressional district. Last month, she and 27 lawmakers requested that the Department of Justice release the full contents of a 2006 FBI report titled “White Supremacist Infiltration of Law Enforcement." (@NormaJTorres)
From The Reading List
Excerpt from the 2009 Department of Homeland Security report on the resurgence of right-wing extremist activity in the U.S., authored by Daryl Johnson.
The Washington Post: "I warned of right-wing violence in 2009. Republicans objected. I was right." — "Eight years ago, I warned of a singular threat — the resurgence of right-wing extremist activity and associated violence in the United States as a result of the 2008 presidential election, the financial crisis and the stock market crash. My intelligence report, meant only for law enforcement, was leaked by conservative media."
The Las Vegas Sun: "Right-wing extremist violence is a scourge in Las Vegas and across the nation" — "Never forget this: Radical right-wing extremists tried to attack Las Vegas and kill our citizens this week. Consistently and indiscriminately, the violent right wing targets our city. Targets you. And your children. And your friends. All of us. The violent right wing is the enemy of Las Vegas."
The Intercept: "The FBI Has Quietly Investigated White Supremacist Infiltration Of Law Enforcement" — "White supremacists and other domestic extremists maintain an active presence in U.S. police departments and other law enforcement agencies. A striking reference to that conclusion, notable for its confidence and the policy prescriptions that accompany it, appears in a classified FBI Counterterrorism Policy Guide from April 2015, obtained by The Intercept. The guide, which details the process by which the FBI enters individuals on a terrorism watchlist, the Known or Suspected Terrorist File, notes that “domestic terrorism investigations focused on militia extremists, white supremacist extremists, and sovereign citizen extremists often have identified active links to law enforcement officers,” and explains in some detail how bureau policies have been crafted to take this infiltration into account."
Salon: "He sounded the alarm on 'Hateland': Daryl Johnson warned us about right-wing terror in 2009" — "Over the past two weeks, 25 people were killed in a series of attacks by apparent white supremacists in El Paso, Texas, and Gilroy, California. These events are part of a global "race war," in which white supremacists, neo-Nazis and other members of the New Right have killed hundreds of people around the world since 2011. On Sunday, in what appears to be another white supremacist terror attack, a 21-year-old white man opened fire on a mosque in Norway. A 75-year-old man who is a member of the mosque's congregation tackled the alleged terrorist to the ground and then subdued and disarmed him."
Surveillance and spying are now good. How else to ferret out “right-wingers,” “white supremacists,” and “insurrectionists”?
So the FBI and CIA have transmogrified into heroic agencies run by stalwart social activist fighters like John Brennan, the old Gus Hall supporter, James Clapper, James Comey, and Andrew McCabe. They cut to the quick to achieve social justice, without the messy give and take of Congress, or that albatross, the relic Constitution.
What a wonderful world they have created: Eavesdropping on the national security advisor, forging FISA documents, spying on American citizens, aiding one presidential candidate by surveilling another.
Finally, they can use their skills and surveillance to investigate and hound the “right” enemies, for the “right” causes.” The CIA and FBI always secretly wished to be beloved by the Left. Now they are deified.
And the military elite?
Militarization is now beautiful. The U.S. Army may become our People’s Revolutionary Army as generals sniff out counterrevolutionaries hidden deeply in their ranks. Maybe a cleansing purge or two is necessary, in the Soviet fashion.
Victor Davis Hanson
He's a total fucking crazy mothrfucker.
Scott has been saying the same thing since Trump rolled down the escalator.
That’s an example of systemic racism?
actually it is, but in the exact opposite of what the alky thinks.
the left believes it owns blacks. all that's missing are the chains and the lynching's. need proof? look no further than the left's reaction to a conservative black person. the left goes fucking ape-shit every time a black person flees the plantation and thinks for themselves. the left knows that if that behavior becomes more prevalent and widespread, it poses a direct threat to their domain over blacks. Robert "Third" Reich knows this implicitly.
imo, this is the ultimate in leftist psychological projection. look at the alky's reaction. he went exactly where we knew he would. accusing us of behavior that is inherent in THEM.
and this was, also imo, one of the primary reasons they hated Trump. no politician has ever posed more of a threat to the democrat's lock on minorities - specifically hispanics and blacks - than Trump.
So the FBI and CIA have transmogrified into heroic agencies run by stalwart social activist fighters like John Brennan, the old Gus Hall supporter, James Clapper, James Comey, and Andrew McCabe.
That’s a rogues gallery of pieces of shit
If anyone is crazy it’s someone in his room, locked down in an old folks home, with his tv and WiFi
Happy President's Day.
In 4 more years we will have had Democratic Presidents for 12 years without domestic terrorism incited by the President.
The Four years in the middle, will go down in history as the worst administration ever before
Scott has been saying the same thing since Trump rolled down the escalator.
it was the same thing Orwell warned about in 1949.
this ain't new, alky. it just took an extra 37 years to come to fruition.
s crazy it’s someone in his room, locked down in an old folks home, with his tv and WiFi
February 15, 2021 at 6:09 AM
Awful early to be drinking and acting like a sophomoric UGA grad.....sad your life is so empty!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!
I suspect that the now private citizen Donald Trump, will be facing criminal charges, instead of running for President again.
the AP reports.
“Now a private citizen, Trump is stripped of his protection from legal liability that the presidency gave him. That change in status is something that even Republicans who voted on Saturday to acquit of inciting the Jan. 6 attack are stressing as they urge Americans to move on from impeachment.”
Incitement of violence is a crime.
The state of Georgia and the Fulton county district attorney's office is investigating vote fraud.
The Southern District of New York is investigating tax evasion and more.
If you apply Orwell's anti communism to anti fascism, it nails Trump. In November of last year it did not come to fruition.
81 million Americans said You're fired!
Trump University!
Senate Republicans
Feb 13, 2021
Well that was a waste of time. Let’s get back to work.
well fuck u all - traitors - cult members - reality deniers u have no shame - u tossed ur legacy in with his - the nation will not forget ur betrayal - he tried to kill mike pence for gods sake - what will it take - damn it #TrumpIsGuilty
rrb said:
uh alky, I'm quoting a liberal hero - LBJ.
the guy who had to rely on REPUBLICANS to pass the Civil Rights Act of 1964. you know, the legislation filibustered by a KKK Grand Kleagle.
like clockwork you get seriously embarrassed every time I expose the history of racism in your party.
Why isn't there a picture of alky on top of this thread ?
Too obvious ????
It’s Been One Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Week For The Democratic Party
We witnessed five catastrophes worsen for Democrats, all in the course of one week.
By Gabe Kaminsky
FEBRUARY 14, 2021
It has been one tough week for the left.
Impeachment for political theatre was squashed, the Never Trump Lincoln Project further imploded when it was reported its leaders knew about the sexual harassment allegations against co-founder John Weaver, and the petition to recall California Gov. Gavin Newsom D-Calif. reached 1.5 million signatures to likely trigger a special election.
The Donald Trump Charlottesville rhetoric lie was debunked again, and now, Gov. Andrew Cuomo, D-N.Y. is facing bipartisan flack from lawmakers after a Freedom of Information Request (FOIA) request showed as many as 9,000 COVID-19 infected patients were sent to nursing homes under his directive, resulting in one of the nation’s worst COVID scenarios.
That explains the alky all-nighter
and Valentines Day.
The chili dogs must have been barking
What upsets you about McConnell's statement, Scott, is the fact that he is being honest, and you are not. Your words to the effect that McConnell has damaged himself with both Republicans and Democrats show that with you it has all become mere political calculation, not a search for the truth. The truth, McConnell admits (in spite of his weak technical argument against impeaching and convicting a President who is no longer in office) is that Trump is guilty as hell and can still be held accountable in the courts, as a private, unprotected citizen.
Not that McConnell is not being his usual calculating self. It is just that he has become aware that Trump is such damaged goods, his out and out lying so obvious, that if the GOP continues to saddle itself with having to defend what is not defendable, it will sink itself.
At least he has the honesty to see and admit that. You don't.
81 million Americans said You're fired!
and like a line right out of "Fudgepack Mountain" you guys just can't quit him.
i can only imagine the severity of mental illness that must consume a person to obsess over Trump now that he's out of office.
you're completely fucked in the head alky.
And enjoy a round of golf !!!
You deserve it.
If this came up on TV roger may smash it unless he has it surrounded by razor wire for its own protection.
"Because of the sub-zero temperatures which causes an increased energy demand and natural gas supply constraints, utilities are currently experiencing wholesale natural gas prices anywhere from 10 to 100 times higher than normal," a release from the governor's office said. "Those costs will eventually flow through to consumers, and increase monthly natural gas and electric bills." USA Today
Happening in 27 US States.
The Dark Winter President plan, reduced supply .
It's freezing cold outside and then there's this:
Minneapolis to spend $6.4M to recruit more police officers
Minneapolis will spend $6.4 million to hire dozens of police officers
Guess that defund thing ran out.
And crime against blacks surged in cities that defunded.
Despite all the lockdowns
Who could have predicted that ???
Another symptom of the insanity against Trump last year.
Blogger JamesNewLeaf said...
What upsets you about McConnell's statement, Scott, is the fact that he is being honest, and you are not.
well pederast, I hate to break this to you, but no one i know is in any way even the least bit "upset" with McConnell's statement.
mere words on a page spoken purely for political theatre. Mitch blustered a bit, putting on a show for imbeciles like you and the alky, who once again misinterpret OUR reaction, which can be described simply as a big fucking YAWN.
it is the TDS-afflicted who 'ooh'ed' and 'ah'ed' over his comments.
the net impact to Trump, for all intents and purposes,from both a legal and practical perspective was, and is, exactly fucking ZERO.
but please, please have Schemer and Peloshee focus on Trump for the next two years. I would like nothing more than to see democrats lose their house and senate majorities by wide margins, so we can put Slow Joe an da Ho in the penalty box for the last two years of his term.
Eric Matheny 🎙
If I ever introduced a piece of evidence that I doctored, manufactured, or otherwise altered, I would be disbarred, held in contempt, and potentially prosecuted for a felony. This is a very big deal and it’s not nearly receiving enough attention or outrage.
The entire democrat party has TDS
as does the media
Biden's America
Kangaroo Court
Banana Republic
Alky we need your update, or Admit you made this Shit up.
Roger, you said the Fired Keystone Pipeline workers would be hired by Tesla.
How many have been Hired?
When will all 11k be hired by Tesla?
Eric Matheny 🎙
Another fucking zero with no creds posted by a bigger zero with no FUCKING brain......bWAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!
Democrats can't let go of Trump.
They're really afraid of him.
Along with the unpopular policies pushed by the Biden administration, I can foresee electoral disaster for the Democrats in the. 2022 mid-term elections.
ense said...
Democrats can't let go of Trump.
BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! Its dummies like you and the slurpers whose reality to trump need an exorcism!!!!!!!!!! Get back to us when those unpopular policies fail.....LOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!
VERY lo iq said:
BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! Its dummies like you and the slurpers whose reality to trump need an exorcism!!!!!!!!!! Get back to us when those unpopular policies fail.....LOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!
You mean like that now "female" sprint champion ?
Maybe if you contacted "her" she would suck your dick.
For Valentines Day
What an idiot, dems rely on them.
Or more likely VERY lo iq can suck "hers"
BWAAAAAAA!!!!!!!! WTF are you on ??????? Sad fucking is soooo stupid!!!!!!
"Get back to us when those unpopular policies fail"
Already happened.
Injured migrants say Border Patrol sent them back to Mexico after they fell off Trump’s wall
Trump Wall. 2
Illegals. 0
Anonymous Caliphate4vr said...
Injured migrants say Border Patrol sent them back to Mexico after they fell off Trump’s wall
Trump Wall. 2
Illegals. 0
electrify the fucking thing with 50,000 volts.
i like re-fried beans.
Scott said in his thread article:
"Trump derangement syndrome is it's own beast."
Scott, how many times do I have to tell you that it's can only mean "it is" or "it has."
It can never, ever serve as a possessive.
It's just not possible.
It's never been possible.
Its misuse by you is deplorable.
Our English language is a treasure that should be protected.
Even by Trumpsters.
My own comment this morning. It bears repeating:
What upsets you about McConnell's statement, Scott, is the fact that he is being honest, and you are not. Your words to the effect that McConnell has damaged himself with both Republicans and Democrats show that with you it has all become mere political calculation, not a search for the truth. The truth, McConnell admits (in spite of his weak technical argument against impeaching and convicting a President who is no longer in office) is that Trump is guilty as hell and can still be held accountable in the courts, as a private, unprotected citizen.
Not that McConnell is not being his usual calculating self. It is just that he has become aware that Trump is such damaged goods, his out and out lying so obvious, that if the GOP continues to saddle itself with having to defend what is not defendable, it will sink itself.
At least he has the honesty to see and admit that. You don't.
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