The Left’s message to the public is that there were no consequential 2020 Presidential election malfeasance, irregularities or illegalities — supposedly because the courts objectively and thoroughly investigated those claims, and ruled them to be unfounded.
Neither element of that assertion is even remotely true.
To counter the later part of that false narrative, a team of independent volunteer (unpaid) scientists and engineers recently put together a List of Lawsuits involving the 2020 Presidential election. In it we identified the issues at stake, how each case was treated by the courts, what evidence was objectively analyzed, who won and lost, etc.
How many times have you heard people in the media or politicians provide you with the amount of lawsuits that have been filed, with the DEMAND that Trump has lost them all. Generally this is coupled with the DEMAND that the Courts have ruled unequivocally that there was no truth what-so-ever to any claims of election fraud. You could say that this has been argued so many times that the concept of an ad nauseum logical fallacy fails to even grasp the total dishonesty of these particular claims.
So what is the truth, broken down?
There has been 75 cases so far:
- 8 cases have been withdrawn or consolidated
- 25 cases have been dismissed for lack of standing, jurisdiction, or timing
- 19 cases completed
- 23 cases are still active
- 11 cases have been won by Trump or Trump surrogates
- 8 cases have been lost by Trump or Trump surrogates
Now it's certainly probable that Trump will end up losing some of those cases that are still active. But it's also probably that he will win more of them as well. Will winning more of these active cases undo the results of the election? Of course not. Hardly anyone serious every expected or suggested that court challenges would overturn the results of the election.
But what we can garner out of this is a couple of things. First: that the media has been totally dishonest in their coverage of the election and the election lawsuits that followed. Second: that the media's claim that election fraud is a big lie, is actually the bigger lie.
Well Roger...
Can you tell us what was factually incorrect about the article (which was sourced by third parties)?
Or are you just being an idiot?
An idiot.
Thoroughly embarrassed on. 2 threads so far
C.H. Truth said...
Well Roger...
Can you tell us what was factually incorrect about the article (which was sourced by third parties)?
Or are you just being an idiot?
this is emblematic of why the alky advocates the silencing of his political foes.
he CAN'T refute the facts, so all that's left is shutting us up.
If you had sense enough use the word CLAIM when that's what you mean, it would be much better both grammatically and rationally, which would mean your argument could then DEMAND to be taken more seriously.
LOL ===>
AOC wasn’t even in the Capitol building where all the action was going down. If she was in her office, she was in the Cannon Building which is nearby, but a different building. But of course, many didn’t get the logistics and just assumed that she was in the Capitol building.
According to Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC), who has an office in the same hall as AOC, two doors away, there were never any rioters in their hall so there was never any physical danger from rioters coming in at any point.
AOC’s building appears to have been briefly evacuated during the day as police checked on a nearby suspicious package that was later cleared.
So her “near-death experience” was an overreaction to a Capitol Police officer knocking on her door to direct her to another building, the Longworth Building, where she then stayed in the office of Rep. Katie Porter (D-CA). Instead of thanking the officer, she paints him as somehow a possible danger of which to be afraid. The Capitol Police were likely trying to evacuate the building quickly, it’s possible the officer was focused on getting people out quickly so likely didn’t have time for all the niceties.
so Assholio Occasional Cortex made it all up.
I guess next Scott will tell us that Trump has not seriously been claiming to have won the election and that he was only joking around when filing all those court cases.
Biden Will Keep Space Force
White House press secretary Jen Psaki said Wednesday that the U.S. Space Force “absolutely” has the “full support of the Biden administration,” Axios reports.
A new Quinnipiac poll finds that two weeks into Joe Biden’s presidency of Joe Biden, a majority of Americans, 61% to 34%, say that they are generally optimistic about the next four years with Biden as president.
Said pollster Tim Malloy:
“Amid a palpable uncertainty about the months and even years ahead, there is a sense that President Biden is the man for the moment. And that moment can’t come too soon.”
Canada Declares the Proud Boys a Terrorist Group
“Canada on Wednesday declared the Proud Boys a terrorist entity, adding the far-right group to a list that includes al-Qaeda, ISIS and al-Shabab as part of an effort to crack down on what senior government officials called one of the country’s ‘most serious threats,'” the Washington Post reports.
Their Prime Minister is not telling them to stand by, BUT GET OUT!
White House press secretary Jen Psaki said Wednesday that the U.S. Space Force “absolutely” has the “full support of the Biden administration,” Axios reports.
yeah, the day after she ridiculed it and had no idea who the white house space force liaison was.
i guessed she really "circled back" on the old space force, eh pederast?
The real reason Bezos is leaving
Who wants work in Giant poop emoji.
If you had sense enough use the word CLAIM when that's what you mean, it would be much better both grammatically and rationally, which would mean your argument could then DEMAND to be taken more seriously.
Perhaps if the media actually just pretended to "claim" these things, that would be accurate. But when people like George Stephanopoulos refused to allow even the concept that a Senator might be allowed the opinion that there was election fraud...
Then it's no longer something that the media is just attempting to "claim". They are literally demanding that their assertions be treated as fact.
Gee I guess Lil Schitty actually thinks he proved something like trump won something other than being tossed out on his fat white ass.......As to the cases....trump and his cronies got trounced in court with more than 1 judge dressing his lawyers down.....Other than that 60 cases filed and 1 win on some trivial suit in Pa!!!!!!! Your screed is just that, more noise that can be filtered out with complete misstatements of results.....Sorry sport you saying something is true is like Marjorie Green saying the Jews have lasers to to start forest fires!!!!!
And I quote Roger.
He doesn't know how to use today's technology.
Boy you are stupid Denny...
Can't even read.
The Trump campaign won 11 of the 19 cases that are completed and there are still 23 active cases.
1st FEMA uses The Waffle House measure for natural disasters and now
Why Chick-fil-A Is so Much More Efficient (and Friendlier) Than Government
There's a simple reasons operations like Chick-fil-A can operate with an efficiency bureaucracies will never be able to match.
No President's Day this year as we don't have one...
When the first sentence in an opinion piece is false, the rest of the tirade is not credible.
election fraud drum needs to be banged until every American is aware of the MASSIVE election fraud during the 2020 elections.
Not even Mitch McConnell said that the election was safe from fraud. So did Bill Barr!
The only people who believes that the safest election in history is fraudulent, have lost their minds.
1984 you are a prime example.
You live in an alternate reality universe, and there is no cure.
The Dark Winter President, you will obey.... Or else.
"Cue the federal mask cops. Americans are now required to wear masks in planes, trains, buses, subways, taxis, car services, boats, and transportation hubs, per a new order from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) that took effect today. Masks must be of a style approved by the federal government and must fit properly. Failure to comply will result in being prohibited from traveling, booted from the transit in question, and potential criminal penalties."
The Socialists are off the chain.
The names of those who filed the list of lawsuits was filed by unidentified people.
Did you actually verify everything they said? If not, you were probably manipulated to believe what you already believed.
Qualified lawyers, don't have an opinion about the outcome, until they see if the information is true, beyond a reasonable doubt.
It's been evident since soars in 2001. After George W Bush had a 75% or so approval rating.
But it's been getting worse.
I'm not going into detail, but over the last few months I met a guy who was a great author about The Beatles in 1978.
He has a mental disorder and. Well, it is a sad story. He knew Richard Starkey aka Ringo Starr. And The Rolling Stones and others. He is always angry and steals everything he wants to.
I will tweet you his name.
My lord was George Orwell prescient
Justice Department drops lawsuit alleging Yale discriminated against white and Asian applicants
Discrimination is ok against certain folk
All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others
This link is a completely different take than Lil Schittys' pile of shit from Red State.....the source for morons and trump suckers!!!!
Very easy to follow and cuts through the gibberish of GOP rhetoric that is completely non sense!!!!!!
Like the cops killed because of BLM/Antifa.
Those deaths were just fine.
He has a mental disorder and. Well, it is a sad story. He knew Richard Starkey aka Ringo Starr. And The Rolling Stones and others. He is always angry and steals everything he wants to.
Is he in the next room with a tv?
George Orwell said that intellectual people are easily lead by dictators like Hitler and other tyrants.
You are a very intelligent person and an intellectual person. Scott.
Self reflection might help you out.
I'm not going into detail, but over the last few months I met a guy who was a great author about The Beatles in 1978.
He has a mental disorder and. Well, it is a sad story. He knew Richard Starkey aka Ringo Starr. And The Rolling Stones and others. He is always angry and steals everything he wants to.
I will tweet you his name.
The election fraud drum needs to be banged until every American is aware of the MASSIVE election fraud during the 2020 elections.
Scott, outside of the right wing media, show me credible evidence of the allegations that you endorsed.
James and anonymous know that he will either insult me or claim that I am mentally disabled!
I say that to him all the time!
Well, Roger is/was Suicidal, so ...
The Trump campaign won 11 of the 19 cases
BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! Are you that fucking stupid Lil Schitty?????? What cases were they???? And what did they resolve a real link would be nice if you can find one!!!!!!.....Have you no shame as the link I posted clearly refutes the Pile of Shit you think is true.....Sorry got nothing but idiocy in your logic and LIES!!!!!! 60 case filed 1 win!!!!! Want to dissect the red state BS with actual links or have you just taken their writing as truth!!!!! Sad sport that you have no shame in your fellation of trump!!!!!!!
Mark Shipper was the founder and editor of one of the first and most influential rock fanzines, Flash. He later wrote for Phonograph Record Magazine and became editor of the music industry trade publication Radio & Records.
Blogger Roger Amick said...
George Orwell said that intellectual people are easily lead by dictators like Hitler and other tyrants.
I strongly suspected that you have never read Orwell, alky.
thanks for confirming my suspicions.
I read it when it was published.
I might have it.
I started reading books when I was about 9 or ten.
My mother was always reading books and when I learned how to read she took me to the public library in Rapid City.
I spent more time reading than playing with my friends.
Orwell was very anti Communist.
But dumbshit his believed that intellectual people were easily influenced by dictators.
History is full of dictators on the left and the right.
Stalin was a communist. Mao and others.
Hitler was a fascist dictator.
Trump is a wannabe dictator.
But your political philosophy endangers the nation.
The president and his allies filed 62 lawsuits in state and federal courts seeking to overturn election results in states the president lost, according to Marc Elias, a Democratic election lawyer who is tracking the outcomes.
Election lawsuit defeats: 61
Out of the 62 lawsuits filed challenging the presidential election, 61 have failed, according to Elias.
Some cases were dismissed for lack of standing and others based on the merits of the voter fraud allegations. The decisions have came from both Democratic-appointed and Republican-appointed judges – including federal judges appointed by Trump.
More: 'It really is over now': The 24 hours that likely thwarted Trump's effort to overturn the election
State Supreme Courts in Arizona, Nevada and Arizona each rejected or declined to hear Trump’s appeals to overturn results in those states, while the Pennsylvania and Michigan supreme courts denied multiple lawsuits.
The 60th and 61st losses came in recent days.
Last Friday, a Trump-appointed federal judge in Texas dismissed a lawsuit from Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas, that argued Vice President Mike Pence has the conditional power to decide which states' Electoral College votes to count.
More: A look at what several state supreme courts said about rejecting attempts to overturn Biden's election win
On Monday, a federal judge dismissed a lawsuit filed by voters in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan and Arizona that argued state legislatures should have met after the election to certify votes.
The lone victory for the Trump team was a small one. A Pennsylvania judge sided with the Trump campaign, ruling that voters could not go back and “cure” their ballots if they failed to provide proper identification three days after the election. The ruling affected few votes and did not change the outcome in Pennsylvania, which Biden won by 81,660 votes.
This shoved it up Scott's ass
I read it when it was published.
Animal Farm was published in 1945, Alky
I make mistakes I should have checked out the day.
But, he was worried about the Russian empire. He thought the left side political party in Great Britain.
But dumbshit, he believed that intellectual people were easily influenced by dictators.
History is full of dictators on the left and the right.
Stalin was a communist. Mao and others.
Hitler was a fascist dictator.
Trump is a wannabe dictator.
But your political philosophy endangers the nation.
Hear you go Roger...
Look it up yourself.
I make mistakes I should have checked out the day.
All your mistakes are from your fantasies and poor memory, I hope this helps
Memory in the later stages
By the time the person reaches the later stages of dementia, they are likely to have significant memory loss and cognitive difficulties. Recent memories may be lost completely (for example, what they had for breakfast or when they last saw a friend) and they may only remember parts of past memories.
The person may believe they are living in an earlier time period from their life (for example, when they were at school). This can mean they say things and behave in ways that don't make sense to those around them. The person may also confuse those around them for someone else (for example, thinking their partner is their sister).
All your mistakes are from your fantasies and poor memory, I hope this helps
BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! The pot calling the kettle black as you support the GOP and the likes of Greene and her Q anon BS that the R's like you embrace!!!!!!!!
WISE ENERGY.......BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!! Sure Lil Schitty....LOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!!!!
AWED (Alliance for Wise Energy Decisions) is an informal, non-partisan, non-profit coalition of North American individuals, organizations, communities, and businesses who are primarily concerned about the future of the electrical energy sector. At AWED,
God you suck Lil Schitty if you buy into this fraud group!!!!!!!! About as credible as trump!!!!!! LOLOLOLOL
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