Sunday, March 28, 2021

Do Liberals even have the energy to heighten their rhetoric to where it will need to be?

It's not just Georgia... 43 states are reported to be proposing election law updates

As it stands, we have three cases already that have been returned by the USSC that ruled executive orders from Governors that largely reduced security standards for the 2020 election were illegal. Obviously these are rulings that came several months too late to make a difference, but they definitely change the playing field moving forward. 

There are 23 states that are currently completely run by Republicans, as in the Governor and all chambers of Congress belonging to Republicans. It's likely that after the 2020 fiasco that Georgia will not be the only state to start to tighten the screws on what has becomes a generally careless state of affairs in our elections. While there are also 13 states where the Democrats control all of the aspects of the Government, but these are in states where almost nothing can still be done to make it any looser to vote. 

If you wonder why Democrats in Congress are pushing for a "Federal revamping" of the election laws, that is entirely because they do not have any real advantage at the State level. Short of that, they will move forward at warp speed with the dishonest political narrative to attack the various election law changes that will likely keep being proposed and passed by local Republican states that for some reason still have purple federal leanings.  

So look for more comparisons to "Jim Eagle" or whatever as Republicans attempt to drag Democrats into the 21st Century with laws such as requiring ID that every other first world Democracy already have.  Look for more strange rhetoric from Democrats that suggests minorities are somehow less capable of understanding laws, following laws, garnering an ID, being able to sign their name in a manner that matches what is on file.... all while simultaneously suggesting that Republicans are being racist for treating everyone the same. 

All I know is that this could all get rather entertaining.


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

American democracy urgently needs repair. We now have a historic opportunity to bring about transformative change. In both houses of Congress, the For the People Act — H.R. 1 in the House and S. 1 in the Senate — was designated as the first bill, a top priority this session.

This historic legislation responds to twin crises facing our country: the ongoing attack on democracy — reflected in the assault on the Capitol on January 6 and the subsequent flood of vote suppression bills across the country — and the urgent demand for racial justice. It is based on the key insight that the best way to defend democracy is to strengthen democracy. If enacted, it would be the most significant voting rights and democracy reform in more than half a century.

The 2020 election, like the 2018 midterms, featured historic levels of voter turnout — the highest in over a century, even in the face of a deadly pandemic. But there were also unprecedented efforts to thwart the electoral process and disenfranchise voters, primarily in Black and brown communities, based on lies about “voter fraud.” Those efforts continue through restrictive voting bills in states across the country. Extreme partisan gerrymandering continued to distort far too many races for the House — a plot that is poised to be repeated in the upcoming redistricting cycle unless Congress steps in to prevent it. And despite increased engagement by small campaign donors last year, the most expensive campaigns in American history were still largely bankrolled by a small coterie of individual megadonors and entrenched interests, many of whom were able to keep their identities secret from voters. "The most dangerous Supreme Court decision in history, allowed the rich to hide their identity.

These problems were more extreme this cycle, but they are certainly not new. For decades, citizens’ voices have been silenced through voter suppression, gerrymandering, and deceptive tactics. Wealthy campaign donors maintain outsized sway over policy. And the guardrails against discrimination, corruption, and manipulation of the system for personal gain have all been cast aside or eroded. The virulent coronavirus, whose worst effects in terms of both health and the economy have fallen disproportionately on communities of color, underscores the urgent need for a functioning democracy that serves all the people. Not a just a minority.

The current assault on voting rights across the country underscores the urgency of reform. Even though our democratic institutions survived an attempt to overturn the result of the 2020 election, unscrupulous state legislators have seized on the disinformation that fueled this attempt to introduce an alarming number of regressive bills aimed at restricting access to the ballot, including by sharply restricting access to mail ballots, cutting back on early voting, and slashing voter registration opportunities. To date, more than 250 bills to restrict voting access have been proposed in 43 states, more than seven times the number introduced by this same time last year. These measures target and will disproportionately harm voters of color, young voters, and voters with disabilities. In Georgia, for instance, a recent Brennan Center analysis found that proposed bills to cut Sunday early voting and mail-voting access would burden Black voters most. 

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

A high turnout will keep Republicans from getting the majority in Congress and the Presidency for decades.

The people spoke last year.

It frightens Scott and almost every other Republican.

Myballs said...

High turnout of whom. That's the question.

Commander-in-Thief Biden said...

Look for more strange rhetoric from Democrats that suggests minorities are somehow less capable of understanding laws, following laws, garnering an ID, being able to sign their name in a manner that matches what is on file.... all while simultaneously suggesting that Republicans are being racist for treating everyone the same.

All I know is that this could all get rather entertaining.

If democrats didn't have pools overflowing with uncast ballots which could be harvested they never would have "won"

And that's only one thing

No wonder democrats are against election integrity and elections ending on election day.

rrb said...

The integrity in our electoral system is completely shot and in desperate need of repair.

The unconstitutional H.R. 1 actually codifies into law what got us to this point, and if implemented, secures a democrat majority forevermore.

Which is exactly why the democrats are so desperate to pass it, and exactly why those same democrats are so quick to LIE about voter reform measures that seek to return integrity to the process.

rrb said...

Anonymous Myballs said...

High turnout of whom. That's the question.

A high turnout of fraudulent ballots with votes cast only for president, with no down ballot votes cast.

Counted in the middle of the fucking night, by democrat operatives.

THIS is how you drag a demented soon to be corpse across the finish line of an election. And then you surround him with razor wire and soldiers.

Nothing to see here. Move along.

Unless we reform the system and re-introduce integrity to it, there are millions of Americans who will never cast another ballot. Democrats know this, which is why they're desperate to implement H.R. 1.

Those who cry "voter suppression!" in the face of electoral process reform are the real liars, cheats, grifters, con artists, and thieves.

They can't win without the steal and they know it. Hence the rising volume of their lying cries.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The Georgia law won’t even allow strangers to plug their candidate and hand out water bottles.

It's an attack on the first amendment rights.

rrb said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...

The Georgia law won’t even allow strangers to plug their candidate and hand out water bottles.

It's an attack on the first amendment rights.


Stand outside the boundary, which I believe is 150 feet, and plug to your hearts content.

See? This is what I mentioned earlier. The left must LIE to demonize what is a completely fair, logical, and lawful response to their efforts of voter fraud.

And this serves as an indicator of just how much democrats rely upon their fraudulent ballots. Illegals, the dead, and as we saw in 2020, the manufacture and counting of obviously fraudulent ballots under the cloak of darkness by democrat hacks.

Keep plagiarizing alky. Apparently that's all you have to support your position. The cries of liberal hacks whose most holy ox - voter fraud - is being gored.

C.H. Truth said...

Roger - it's a federal crime to campaign within a certain distance from a polling station. That has nothing to do with Georgia. The Federal law prohibiting campaigning at polling stations has withstood all legal First Amendment challenges.

The idea that water cannot be provided to people standing in line is actually a lie. A person who works for someone who sells food or beverages could deliver it to someone. A person could order a Pizza while in line or door dash and it can be delivered.

If an individual or group wants to provide bottles of water, they can donate a million bottles of water if they so choose, and election officials working at the polling station will happily and legally hand them out to those standing in line.

If the concern "really" was that these people should have water, then the law doesn't challenge that at all. It's a flat out lie to claim it does. A despicable political lie, because Democrats cannot get a rise out of people by telling the truth.

But a random person who is not working at the polling station and not voting at the polling station and has no business at the polling station cannot use bottles of water as a pretense to address voters while standing in line.

The issue isn't handing out Water Roger. That hasn't been changed. The issue is closing a loophole because political advocacy groups who are attempting to skirt the Federal laws prohibiting polling station campaigning by using bottles of water to either explicitly or implicitly campaign.

rrb said...

The issue isn't handing out Water Roger. That hasn't been changed. The issue is closing a loophole because political advocacy groups who are attempting to skirt the Federal laws prohibiting polling station campaigning by using bottles of water to either explicitly or implicitly campaign.

There are bottlers all across America who will custom-label bottles of water and even hand sanitizer with a person's name, logo, slogan, and whateverthefuck else you want as long as -

it's legal, it fits, and it's not vulgar.

THIS is what the alky is crying about.

He would like to be able to distribute bottles of water with - insert democrat candidate name here - at the door of the polling place. Or at the voting booth itself. Specifically to influence the vote of the recipient.

Every vote I've ever cast has had advocates for candidates rallying outside the boundary. As you've stated - it's perfectly legal to do.

The alky seeks yet another unfair advantage because he knows deep down that his team can't win without it. Which is exactly why we find ourselves staring down the barrel of H.R. 1.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Trump lost Georgia in 2020. But his narrative about that election — that it was stolen from him — has won among state Republicans and has now effectively been codified in state law.

rrb said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...

Trump lost Georgia in 2020. But his narrative about that election — that it was stolen from him — has won among state Republicans and has now effectively been codified in state law.

Hey alky, can you please direct us to the specific language in the Georgia legislation that references Trump, the 2020 election, or claims that it was stolen from him?

Thanks alky.

Now, we're not stupid enough to hold our breath waiting for you to accommodate our request, and in fact, I make the request just to illustrate how completely full of shit and LIES you really are.

rrb said...

Oh and alky?

Your new found friends over at National Review take apart your bullshit rhetoric RE: the GA election legislation with surgical precision.:

In other words, this entire controversy is not about people dropping dead of hunger and thirst on long voting lines at all. It’s about electioneering around the polling place by people looking to advertise that they represent a cause, and who try to influence voters by giving them free stuff. Across the country today, we already have lots of laws against this sort of thing. There is nothing wrong with Georgia trying to limit it.

Garden rake meet alky face.


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

America has become a declining democracy, because it has one major party, that increasingly does not respect the results of elections that it loses or the right to vote of people who oppose it. 

The current assault on voting rights across the country underscores the urgency of reform. Even though our democratic institutions survived an attempt to overturn the result of the 2020 election.

The non partisan branch of the United States refused to overturn the election.

But unless HR1 passes the American dream is going to disappear.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The Welfare Queen rhetoric is not going to work anymore.

The Democrats are try to influence voters by giving them free stuff.

rrb said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...

The Welfare Queen rhetoric is not going to work anymore.

Nothing on this thread or in that NRO piece has anything to do with welfare.

Try again, alky.

In the meantime we'll unload a new shipment of garden rakes.

rrb said...

The Democrats are try to influence voters by giving them free stuff.

Oh, and alky?

The only weapon in the democrats electoral arsenal IS giving away free stuff. That is quite literally all they have to offer. Ever. The entirety of their message has always been a thinly veiled message of government dependence. Welfare, Section 8, EBT... ALL designed to maintain a permanent underclass of poor people who can be roused every two years to vote for more of it.

Lately the left has stepped up their game with CRT, Equity, and ever more complex disguises to what amounts to the same old shit.

You know what democrats NEVER offer the poor, alky?

Opportunity. The means to release themselves from the yoke of government dependence. It is probably the saddest and most cynical thing any of us will ever witness.

The LBJ quote that you guys never like to acknowledge really has become the mantra for the modern democrat party. H.R. 1 codifies LBJ's claim like no legislation ever before.

Ironic, isn't it? Racist democrats like Robert Byrd fought tooth and nail to defeat the Civil Rights Act of 1964 while republicans fought AND WON its passage.

And with it's passage all democrats could do was cynically plot to get those blacks to vote democrat for the next 200 years. To USE THEM.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Al Cárdenas, a Republican strategist, said Republican voting bills are "cotton candy" for the Trump base.Cárdenas, who previously led the organization in charge of CPAC, made the comments on "Meet the Press."Republicans in several states have launched efforts to overhaul the voting process.See more stories on Insider's business page.

Al Cárdenas, a longtime Republican strategist who once led the organization that oversees CPAC, said Sunday that GOP bills to curtail voting rights are Republican leaders' attempt to appeal to the Trump-obsessed wing of the party.

"These 20 some voter reform laws being proposed in all of these states are all about providing cotton candy to the far-right base that believed the Donald Trump big lie about the election being fraudulent," Cardenas, the leader of the American Conservative Union from 2011 to 2014, said during an appearance on NBC News' "Meet the Press" on Sunday.

"Most of the voter suppression that takes place is run under the radar of laws and so forth," he added. He referenced ProPublica data that showed voters in predominantly white areas of Georgia waited to vote eight times less often than voters in communities that were majority Black during the June 2020 primary election.

Cárdenas, now a senior partner at the Ohio-based Squire Patton Boggs law firm, pointed toward the number of polling stations, poll workers, and polling machines as examples of how minority voters can be supressed.

rrb said...

Link to alky's plagiarism:

rrb said...

By the way, Cárdenas was a senior adviser and fundraiser for the 2016 Jeb Bush presidential campaign until it was suspended.

That makes him a Never-Trumper and reliable democrat stooge all day long.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

rrb STILL hasn't figured out what plagiarism is

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

The Reason Biden Is Popular Is No Secret
Harry Enten:
“President Joe Biden’s approval hasn’t moved in two months. He had an average 55% approval rating at the beginning of his presidency. Two months later, Biden’s approval rating stands at 54%. That’s less movement than even former President Donald Trump had during his first few months on the job, and opinion on Trump was notoriously stagnant.

“Biden’s secret to success is simple: he’s addressing the issues Americans care about, while his weaker issues are those that most Americans don’t seem as worried about.”

“You can see this well in Gallup polling and a newly released ABC News/Ipsos poll.”

Isn't it GREAT to have a president who is popular

rather than one who is popular only
with a minority.

Enten quoted by T.G. at

RINO Detective said...

Senator, why on Earth—if Americans are willing to wait in [line] hours to vote, would you make it a crime for people to come and give them a bottle of water?" Chris Wallace asked Graham.

"All I can say is that that doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me. I agree with you there," Lyndsey Graham (Queer-SC)

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

From 2010 when he was still alive.

There was something happening inside the mind of Robert Byrd. Last year he spoke to C-SPAN about why he would vote differently on the Civil Rights bill today. He said, "I thought, well now suppose I were black, and my grandson and I were on the highways in the mid-hours of the morning or midnight, and I stopped at a place to get that little grandson a glass of water or to have it go to the restroom, and there's a sign 'WHITES ONLY'... black people love their grandsons as much as I love mine, and that's not right."

Unlike the racist rodent bastard, Senator Byrd stepped away from his early life as a member of the KKK.

Jimmy Hitler Sr, probably contributed to the KKK defense after Charlottesville where there were "good people on both sides."

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...