No explanation given. Health and cognitive issues are assumed
![]() |
Did not look or sound well during his press conference |
No question about it folks. Dementia Joe is on the down side of his abilities. The only question is how long this embarrassment will keep up before someone from the MSM actually decides to call this out. Trump once held onto a railing while walking up a ramp and it was 24/7 coverage regarding the possible health implications and whether or not he was still capable of being President. Trump is currently out playing 18 holes and displaying more energy in a day than Biden does in a week.
I still find it amazing that this walking stiff is still finding pollsters saying he has a popularity that would make Reagan Obama and Clinton blush. Anyone who believes those polls are probably also interested in ocean side Florida property being sold by a realtor named Slick Gator Rick.
Will this guy make it to 2024? He once questioned whether there will be a Republican Party to field a candidate against him. Now we might want to question whether he is still in the White House or a locked down wing of a nursing home.
If we had a semblance of a real press he would already be toast
Or if he had a reasonably competent backup.
Harris is having a worst time of it than Biden
despite what the press says.
And everyone knows the reason Biden doesn't want to stand next to Putin at a press conference is that Putin will get a chance to call on reporters as well as Biden.
And without note cards and advance notice Biden would fail.
Biden's America
America last
Biden administration pushes plan to combat domestic terror
Associated Press
June 15, 2021, 9:14 AM
WASHINGTON (AP) — The Biden administration says it will enhance its analysis of threats from domestic terrorists, including the sharing of intelligence within law enforcement agencies, and will work with tech companies to eliminate terrorist content online as part of a nationwide strategy to combat domestic terrorism.
The National Security Council on Tuesday released the strategy plan, which comes more than six months after a mob of insurgents loyal to President Donald Trump stormed the U.S. Capitol as Congress was voting to certify Joe Biden’s presidential win.
“Domestic terrorism — driven by hate, bigotry, and other forms of extremism — is a stain on the soul of America,” Biden, who's traveling in Europe, said in a statement. “It goes against everything our country strives for and it poses a direct challenge to our national security, democracy, and unity."
A report from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence found that domestic violent extremists posed an increased threat in 2021, with white supremacist groups and anti-government militias posing the highest risk, officials said.
The new strategy includes enhancing the government’s analysis of domestic terrorism
and improving the information that is shared between local, state and federal law enforcement agencies.
Administration officials said the Justice Department had also implemented a new system to “methodically track” domestic terrorism cases nationwide within the FBI.
The Justice Department was also evaluating whether the administration should recommend Congress pass a specific domestic terrorism law, which does not currently exist.
In the absence of domestic terrorism laws, the Justice Department relies on other statutes to prosecute ideologically motivated violence by people with no international ties.
But that has made it harder to track how often extremists driven by religious, racial or anti-government bias commit violence in the U.S and complicates efforts to develop a universally accepted domestic terror definition. Opponents of domestic terrorism laws say prosecutors already have enough tools.
The government’s new plan also includes an effort to identify government employees who may pose a domestic terrorism threat, with a number of federal agencies working on new policies and programs to root out potential domestic extremists in law enforcement and in the military.
A senior administration official said the Office of Personnel Management was considering updating forms to assist in improving screening and vetting of government employees to make sure people who could pose a threat are identified before being put in sensitive roles. The official spoke to reporters on the condition of anonymity to detail the internal tools.
Officials said the Justice Department had also formally made domestic terrorism a top priority and had been reallocating resources at U.S. attorneys' offices and at FBI field offices across the U.S. to combat the threat from domestic extremists. The Justice Department’s proposed budget for next year includes $100 million in additional resources related to domestic terrorism to be used for analysts, investigators and prosecutors.
The U.S. and four other countries joined onto an effort to stop extremist violence from spreading online. The effort, known as the Christchurch Call, involves some 50 nations plus tech companies including Google, Facebook, Twitter and Amazon, and is named for the New Zealand city where the slaughter at the two mosques took place.
You wanted war.
Biden is declaring war.
The right kind of war.
Bullshit again
I watched it live.
You depends upon right wing nutcase websites asshole
Biden’s domestic terrorism strategy details unprecedented focus on homegrown threats.
By Hannah Allam and Ellen Nakashima
June 15 at 3:00 AM PDT
The White House on Tuesday released a first-ever national strategy devoted solely to fighting domestic terrorism after more than two decades of successive administrations focusing almost exclusively on the militant Islamist threat.
The strategy comes after a deadly assault on the U.S. Capitol and a resurgence in far-right violent extremism that the Trump administration — with rare exceptions — was loath to acknowledge.
[Read the strategy]
For many terrorism analysts, the strategy was long overdue. Violent far-right extremists have posed the deadliest and most active domestic threat for more than 15 years, though federal resources remained heavily focused on countering foreign terrorism.
The 32-page strategy seeks to coordinate efforts across the government in law enforcement and prevention, some of which were already underway. It calls for new spending at the Justice Department and FBI to hire analysts, investigators and prosecutors; greater information-sharing between the federal government and state and local partners as well as with tech companies; and addressing the factors contributing to the problem, such as systemic racism.
“We cannot ignore this threat or wish it away,” President Biden said in the introduction.
The plan gives the White House imprimatur to a shift in counterterrorism priorities that began in recent years in response to a rise in deadly hate-fueled attacks and picked up momentum after the stunning Jan. 6 breach of the Capitol. Last week, FBI Director Christopher A. Wray told Congress that the bureau had made “close to 500 arrests” in connection with the Capitol attack. Wray has said that the total number of domestic terrorism investigations increased to 2,000 from 1,400 at the end of last year.
American terrorism is much more dangerous than 9/11.
Trump wants to overturn the election just like Vladimir Putin
Biden’s domestic terrorism strategy details unprecedented focus on homegrown threats
By Hannah Allam and Ellen Nakashima
Scott is losing his mind.
He's not rational anymore.
He's about 57. That's the age when alzheimers symptoms occur.
He is able to write clearly but irrational diatribes about Democrats.
He's a complete fucking mess and an absolute embarrassment to America.
But since we've returned to "America Last" as in dead fucking last, Slow Joe in his current state of cognitive decline is perhaps the perfect representative of a nation as fucked as we are.
...Slow Joe has drawn a bead on Trump supporters and is labeling them "domestic terrorists" while real domestic terrorists like Antifa/BLM continue to attack and destroy across the nation unabated.
“Secondly, I want to ask you: Did you order the assassination of the woman who walked into the Congress and who was shot and killed by a policeman?” Putin said.
“Do you know that 450 individuals were arrested after entering Congress? And they didn’t go there to steal a laptop. They came with political demands. 450 people have been detained. They’re facing jail time, from 15 to 20 years. And they came to Congress with political demands. Isn’t that persecution for political opinions?”
Domestic terrorism is not a new threat in the United States. It has, over centuries, taken many
American lives and spilled much American blood – especially in communities deliberately and
viciously targeted on the basis of hatred and bigotry. After the Civil War, for example, the Ku
Klux Klan waged a campaign of terror to intimidate Black voters and their white supporters
and deprive them of political power, killing and injuring untold numbers of Americans.
The Klan and other white supremacists continued to terrorize Black Americans and other
minorities in the decades that followed. In recent years, we have seen a resurgence of this
and related threats in one horrific incident after another: the shooting and killing of 23 people
at a retail store in El Paso; the vehicular killing of a peaceful protestor in Charlottesville; the
shooting and killing of three people at a garlic festival in Gilroy; the arson committed at a
mosque in Victoria, Texas; the appalling rise in violence and xenophobia directed against Asian
Americans; the surge in anti–Semitism; and more.
Domestic terrorist attacks in the United States also have been committed frequently by those
opposing our government institutions. In 1995, in the largest single act of domestic terrorism
in U.S. history, an anti–government violent extremist detonated a bomb at the Alfred P. Murrah
Federal Building in Oklahoma City, killing 168 people – including 19 children – and injuring
hundreds of others. In 2016, an anti–authority violent extremist ambushed, shot, and killed
five police officers in Dallas. In 2017, a lone gunman wounded four people at a congressional
baseball practice. And just months ago, on January 6, 2021, Americans witnessed an
unprecedented attack against a core institution of our democracy: the U.S. Congress.
Some aspects of the Federal Government’s response also are not new. During Reconstruction,
the U.S. Department of Justice was created and immediately focused on prosecuting and
convicting hundreds of Klan members in connection with their vicious campaign of domestic
terrorism. In the 1980s, Joint Terrorism Task Forces, now a nationwide staple of Federal, state,
local, tribal, and territorial law enforcement cooperation against all forms of terrorism, were
created to maximize information sharing and address the full range of terrorism threats, both
domestic and international. While domestic terrorism’s roots and elements of our response
may be longstanding, domestic terrorism is both persistent and evolving
Domestic terrorism poses a serious and evolving threat. A provision of Federal law defines
“domestic terrorism” as “activities that involve acts dangerous to human life that are a violation
of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State; appear to be intended to intimidate
or coerce a civilian population, to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or
coercion, or to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or
kidnapping; and occur primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States.” Over
time, domestic terrorism threats in the United States have ebbed and flowed, reflected different
motivating ideologies, and demanded varying governmental responses. Today’s domestic
terrorism threat, as assessed comprehensively by America’s intelligence and law enforcement
professionals in early 2021, involves a complex mix of elements.
According to this assessment, one key aspect of today’s domestic terrorism threat emerges
from racially or ethnically motivated violent extremists and networks whose racial, ethnic,
or religious hatred leads them toward violence, as well as those whom they encourage to
take violent action. These actors have different motivations, but many focus their violence
towards the same segment or segments of the American community, whether persons of color,
immigrants, Jews, Muslims, other religious minorities, women and girls, LGBTQI+ individuals,
or others. Their insistence on violence can, at times, be explicit. It also can, at times, be less
explicit, lurking in ideologies rooted in a perception of the superiority of the white race that
call for violence in furtherance of perverse and abhorrent notions of racial “purity”
or “cleansing.”
Another key component of the threat comes from anti–government or anti–authority violent
extremists. This significant component of today’s threat includes self–proclaimed “militias”
and militia violent extremists who take steps to violently resist government authority or
facilitate the overthrow of the U.S. Government based on perceived overreach; anarchist
violent extremists, who violently oppose all forms of capitalism, corporate globalization, and
governing institutions, which they perceive as harmful to society; sovereign citizen violent
extremists, who believe they are immune from government authority and laws; or any other
Domestic terrorists have – particularly in recent years – often been lone actors or small groups
of informally aligned individuals who mobilize to violence with little or no clear organizational
structure or direction. These individuals often consume material deliberately disseminated
to recruit individuals to causes that attempt to provide a sense of belonging and fulfillment,
however false that sense might be. Their ideologies can be fluid, evolving, and overlapping.
And they can, in some instances, connect and intersect with conspiracy theories and other
forms of disinformation and misinformation. The often solitary and, at times, rapid nature
of such mobilization to violence poses a particularly acute challenge to law enforcement and
others seeking to prevent, disrupt, and deter domestic terrorism.
These elements combine to form a complex and shifting domestic terrorism threat landscape
and create significant challenges for law enforcement. Especially on Internet–based
communications platforms such as social media, file–upload sites, and end–to–end encrypted
platforms, all of these elements can combine and amplify threats to public safety. This is the
domestic terrorism threat America faces today – one with the distinctive imprint of today’s
digital age as well as longstanding roots in domestic terrorism challenges throughout our
country’s history. Tackling that threat comprehensively and persistently demands appreciating
both its historical lineage and its distinctively modern form!
Not like you Scott yet.
RRB quotes from the propagandistic
Here is some anti propaganda propaganda: is a website that allows wingnuts to rant about anything too liberal for them, which is nearly everything. It is further to the right than the National Review Online. Like Salem Radio Network it is owned by Salem Communications. It represents all of the loudest sects of the American right, including hardline neoconservatism, the religious right, and some paleoconservatives.
1 Overview
2 Columnists
3 A few articles
4 See also
5 External Links
6 References
Townhall is a hotbed for wingnut paranoia. It has a severe persecution complex and sees liberalism everywhere, which is trying to destroy Christianity and democracy as we know it. Like most websites on the radical right blogosphere it has many columns opposing the "gay agenda", abortion, the "liberal media" (which is almost all of the media), universal healthcare, and Barack Obama. It promotes global warming denialism, the Iraq War, torture, and, oddly, Sarah Palin. There is an inherent disdain and paranoia towards Europe, Hollywood, and "liberal elites" such as Al Gore. For whatever reason, random attacks on John McCain and his daughter Meghan McCain for not being "true conservative Republicans" is a running theme as well.
Pretty much any notable conservative can contribute an article to the site regardless of their credentials, leading to the site having too many contributors to name. They pump out tens of articles in no time, which helps counter any fact checkers who would need to go through the massive list of archives to find the absolute worst articles. Here's a list of their most "notable" columnists:
Bidenomics has a huge problem, it sucks.
"Retail sales unexpectedly plunged
Retail sales May -1.3"
Jamie posts something vitally important to him and his core economic beliefs.
Then, after I challenge her on it, he back tracks.
Dick Armey
Michelle Bachmann
Bob Barr
Glenn Beck
Guy Benson
Ken Blackwell
Neal Boortz
L. Brent Bozell III
Pat Buchanan
William F. Buckley
George W. Bush (though it's just an excerpt from his book)
Herman Cain
Ann Coulter
S. E. Cupp
Dinesh D'Souza
Larry Elder
Erick Erickson
Brigitte Gabriel
Frank Gaffney
Newt Gingrich
Jonah Goldberg
Hugh Hewitt
Christopher Hitchens (not a conservative; the only article he submitted was on U.S. history)
Derek Hunter
Charles Krauthammer
Michelle Malkin
Kevin McCullough
Andrew Napolitano
Oliver North
Christine O'Donnell
Bill O'Reilly
Dennis Prager
Ben Shapiro
Thomas Sowell
John Stossel
Allen West
There are some more columnists of note, but for the most part the list is made up C-list conservative celebrities. It's worth noting that not all of the columnists get along with each other. For instance, William F. Buckley wanted to impeach Bush, which went against the wishes of the majority of the other contributers. Another example would be when Michael Medved and Jonah Goldberg criticized Dennis Prager over his attack on Keith Ellison for being sworn into office on the Koran.
A few articles
Hugh Hewitt humiliates Nate Silver by predicting a Mitt Romney landslide! Over 100 Townhall readers voted the article was "awesome".
Michael Medved reveals the politically incorrect truth, that American DNA is just plain better than European or African DNA.
"Why is bisexuality not a recipe for infidelity?" To Mona Charen you're not really a bisexual unless you're actively sleeping with both sexes.
All the pseudoscience surrounding abortion in one article
Michelle Malkin goes nuts. Here's a taste: "Rubio, Ryan and other Republicans who've made common cause with these welfare-state goons have betrayed fundamental principles of limited government and the rule of law. They've allied themselves with the mob. There's nothing, not one thing, "conservative" about mass illegal alien amnesty. It's the complete Chicago-ization of America."
Thomas Sowell doesn't think Obama is a socialist, because it turns out Obama's actually a fascist. Thanks for clearing that up Tom. Oh, and over 500 Townhall readers gave the article positive reviews.
This is the DOJ counterterristc team
But very carefully about the first amendment rights.
The only real "blood" being spilled today is at the hands of Antifa and BLM rioters. It's now been over six months since the Capital Riot and there hasn't been one other instance of "conservatives" rioting over anything.
But how many riots in Portland, Seattle, Mpls, etc... from the Antifa BLM tandem? Been probably dozens since Jan 6th.
But- that is okay. Let the fucking Biden DOJ keep charging conservatives with trespassing and picketing, while allowing Antifa/BLM go free to burn down something else tomorrow.
That just makes sooooo much sense.
Today’s Threat Domestic terrorism poses a serious and evolving threat. A provision of Federal law defines “domestic terrorism” as “activities that involve acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State; appear to be intended to intimidate or coerce a civilian population, to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or
coercion, or to affect the conduct of a government by mas
destruction,assassination, or
kidnapping; and occur primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States.” Over time, domestic terrorism threats in the United States have ebbed and flowed, reflected different
motivating ideologies, and demanded varying governmental responses. Today’s domestic terrorism threat, as assessed comprehensively by America’s intelligence and law enforcement professionals in early 2021, involves a complex mix of elements.
According to this assessment, one key aspect of today’s domestic terrorism threat emerges from racially or ethnically motivated violent extremists and networks whose racial, ethnic, or religious hatred leads them toward violence, as well as those whom they encourage to take violent action. These actors have different motivations, but many focus their violence
towards the same segment or segments of the American community, whether persons of color, immigrants, Jews, Muslims, other religious minorities, women and girls, LGBTQI+ individuals, or others. Their insistence on violence can, at times, be explicit. It also can, at times, be less
explicit, lurking in ideologies rooted in a perception of the superiority of the white race that call for violence in furtherance of perverse and abhorrent notions of racial “purity” or “cleansing.”
Another key component of the threat comes from anti–government or anti–authority violent extremists.
This significant component of today’s threat includes self–proclaimed “militias”
and militia violent extremists who take steps to violently resist government authority or facilitate the overthrow of the U.S. Government based on perceived overreach; anarchist violent extremists, who violently oppose all forms of capitalism, corporate globalization, and
governing institutions, which they perceive as harmful to society; sovereign citizen violent extremists, who believe they are immune from government authority and laws; or any other
Gee.....Lil Schitty now projects that something is amiss because Joe was late????? BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! Ever think he might be taking a shit????? Idiots!!!! Sad with all the positive news coming out of the trip.....all LIlSchittty can come up with is he is late!!!!!!! BWAAAAAAPAAAAAA!!!!
Bidenomics has a huge problem, it sucks.
"Retail sales unexpectedly plunged
Retail sales May -1.3"
Jamie posts something vitally important to him and his core economic beliefs.
Then, after I challenge her on it, he back tracks.
This is the President's government is protecting the United States from domestic terrorism.
Waiting for someone to ask Portland business owners who are the domestic terrorists.
" The Producer Price Index rose 6.6 percent in May from 12-months earlier, the highest recorded for the series since at least 2010"
The latest Idiocy from DeSantis on why vaccine passports are a bad idea..
the Miami Herald Editorial Board
Mon, June 14, 2021, 2:23 PM
Here’s the latest cynical ploy Florida’s GOP lawmakers have come up with to explain their short-sighted and irresponsible battle with the cruise industry over vaccine passports: We were only trying to protect minorities.
That’s what the House sponsor the measure, Republican Rep. Tom Leek of Ormond Beach, told the Miami Herald last week as he tried to justify the state ban that has thrown the cruising industry into limbo.
Me thinks the cruise industry just may try to do something about this idiocy if they want to remain in floriduh!!!!
And the unemployed goat fucker with no income stream gets further and further from reality......BWAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!
all my stocks (except AMC) are taking a beating today.
Town Hall quoted Vladimir Putin directly, as he asked a very important question regarding Ashli Babbitt. Her death was ruled a homicide. She was murdered. Murdered by a Capitol cop. Murdered because she's been branded a "domestic terrorist" by our president. Murdered because she was a political enemy of the current regime.
When a tyrant like Putin can point out the political hypocrisies that our MSM won't report, and he must be quoted by Town Hall, that's telling.
What's chilling is that there's not a dime's worth of difference between Biden and Putin at this point. Both are willing to murder their political enemies, and Biden can claim no moral high ground here.
There will be more Ashli Babbitt's. The Biden DOJ/FBI has illustrated clearly that they have no compunction regarding the total destruction of their political enemies by any means necessary.
Protests over George Floyd were not attempted Insurrection.
Domestic terrorism poses a serious and evolving threat. A provision of Federal law defines “domestic terrorism” as “activities that involve acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State; appear to be intended to intimidate or coerce a civilian population, to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion, or to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination,
kidnapping; and occur primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States.” Over time, domestic terrorism threats in the United States have ebbed and flowed, reflected different
motivating ideologies, and demanded varying governmental responses. Today’s domestic terrorism threat, as assesse comprehensively by America’s intelligence and law enforcement professionals in early 2021, involves a complex mix of elements.
Christopher Wray will testify today.
Trump and McConnell Are On a Collision Course In 2022
June 15, 2021 at 11:34 am EDT By Taegan Goddard Leave a Comment
Chris Cillizza: “While Trump hasn’t set out any sort of guidelines for which candidates he will endorse and why, we have some strong clues. Trump likes people (and politicians) who like him. The more you praise Trump (and adhere to his increasingly-wild conspiracy theories), the more favorably inclined he is toward you.
“Which, you will notice, has nothing to do whether a candidate has the best chance of winning a seat in next November’s general election. Trump is about Trump — and his endorsements seem very likely to echo that self-focus.
"McConnell, like him or hate him, has long been focused on the Party, and securing as many seats as possible for the GOP.”
Justice Official Called Meadows Email ‘Pure Insanity’
June 15, 2021 at 10:48 am EDT By Taegan Goddard 56 Comments
Wall Street Journal: “The House Oversight Committee released email exchanges on Tuesday that shed new light on former President Donald Trump’s unsuccessful efforts to get the Justice Department to investigate his baseless claims of voter fraud in the weeks before President Biden’s inauguration.
“Among the communications was one from Mr. Trump’s chief of staff, Mark Meadows, who on Jan. 1 forwarded to the Justice Department a YouTube link referencing unsubstantiated allegations that people in Italy had manipulated the U.S. election results. A then-senior Justice Department official, Richard Donoghue, had two words for it: ‘Pure Insanity.'”
It’s Really That Simple
June 15, 2021 at 10:43 am EDT By Taegan Goddard 41 Comments
Washington Post: “States with higher vaccination rates now have markedly fewer coronavirus cases, as infections are dropping in places where most residents have been immunized and are rising in many places people have not.”
Mitch McConnell Telegraphs New Principle
June 15, 2021 at 10:37 am EDT By Taegan Goddard 66 Comments
Dan Pfeiffer: “It’s easy to get caught up in the calendar implications of McConnell’s statement. It’s understandable to panic about the fact that Justice Stephen Breyer seems so naive about the state of American politics yet is likely to stay on the court past the 2022 election.”
“But we should be crystal clear that McConnell is elucidating an entirely new principle — a Republican Senate will never confirm a Democratic president’s nominee to the Supreme Court. It doesn’t matter when the vacancy occurs or who the president nominates to fill it. If a Republican can prevent that appointment, it is their duty to do so. The blocking of Garland is not the exception; it’s the rule.”
Critical Race Theory Battle Invades School Boards
June 15, 2021 at 10:33 am EDT By Taegan Goddard 67 Comments
NBC News: “Virtually all school districts insist they are not teaching critical race theory, but many activists and parents have begun using it as a catch-all term to refer to what schools often call equity programs, teaching about racism or LGBTQ-inclusive policies.”
“Now, conservative activists are setting their sights on ousting as many school board members as they can, and local Republican Parties have vowed to help, viewing the revolt against critical race theory as akin to the tea party wave from a decade ago.”
New York,,,, NEW YORK....
The Forecast was for. "22.9 "
"manufacturing index June. 17.4"
This is a tragic drop.
It's a pdf file
Read it yourself instead of American Greatest distortion
Jamie, we know you, Roger and Denny support Critical Race Theory.
When did you become a self-hating Caucasian?
Rat (rrb) says
Both Biden and Putin are willing to murder their political enemies, and Biden can claim no moral high ground here.
Biden ordered someone shot? I don't think so.
Putin ordered someone poisoned? I think so.
Ashli Babbitt went on a terrorist suicide mission just like the ones that flew planes into the Trade Center on 9-11.
She died a terrorist and a traitor to her country.
rrb said...
“Secondly, I want to ask you: Did you order the assassination of the woman who walked into the Congress and who was shot and killed by a policeman?” Putin said.
“Do you know that 450 individuals were arrested after entering Congress? And they didn’t go there to steal a laptop. They came with political demands. 450 people have been detained. They’re facing jail time, from 15 to 20 years. And they came to Congress with political demands. Isn’t that persecution for political opinions?”
You have to be blind not to see that
which is true of our few frothing, rabid liberals here
who are just a waste of everyone's time
though their time obviously isn't worth much
"She died a terrorist and a traitor to her country."
I think I would characterize her more as a person who mistakenly thought she was doing what was right because she believed the Trump line of lies.
Roger Amick said...
Ashli Babbitt went on a terrorist suicide mission just like the ones that flew planes into the Trade Center on 9-11.
She died a terrorist and a traitor to her country.
Whatever a democrat accuses you of is what they are or have done
This is beyond abhorrent
it's evil
rot in hell fucker
Teaching the truth about our dark past, and and again the recovery process like the civil rights legislation and voting rights act, will not make children angry at white people.
In fact showing the gradual change in our society, will impression them.
We were founded by slave owners and today we are no longer enslaving Africans in 1661.
It might be overstating it but she was attempting to overthrow the election day outcome.
rrb said...
Town Hall quoted Vladimir Putin directly, as he asked a very important question regarding Ashli Babbitt. Her death was ruled a homicide. She was murdered. Murdered by a Capitol cop. Murdered because she's been branded a "domestic terrorist" by our president. Murdered because she was a political enemy of the current regime.
When a tyrant like Putin can point out the political hypocrisies that our MSM won't report, and he must be quoted by Town Hall, that's telling.
What's chilling is that there's not a dime's worth of difference between Biden and Putin at this point. Both are willing to murder their political enemies, and Biden can claim no moral high ground here.
There will be more Ashli Babbitt's. The Biden DOJ/FBI has illustrated clearly that they have no compunction regarding the total destruction of their political enemies by any means necessary.
Actually Putin doesn't need note cards when answering questions
and his staff doesn't come out afterwards to clean up after him
Even after he is "grilled" with questions about cats, ice cream, cookies and soft drinks
Our lapdog press is a disgrace even compared to Russia's
Let the fucking Biden DOJ keep charging conservatives with trespassing and picketing, while allowing Antifa/BLM go free to burn down something else tomorrow.
That just makes sooooo much sense.
I think the word you're looking for is "unifying." LOL.
Shit just got real. If Slow Joe is willing to keep trespassers locked up indefinitely, he's more than willing to have the FBI do several more Ruby Ridge/Waco slaughters and justify it by calling it combatting domestic terrorism. The FBI murdered a woman holding an infant for fucks sake. For NOTHING.
These assholes will stop at nothing in pursuit of their agenda.
Teach history.
"In fact, 17 of the 55 delegates to the Constitutional Convention owned slaves"
Roger, is a historical retard.
Roger, When did you become a self-hating Caucasian?
Roger Amick said...
Ashli Babbitt went on a terrorist suicide mission just like the ones that flew planes into the Trade Center on 9-11.
She died a terrorist and a traitor to her country.
and now he has deleted it
and said he might be overstating
11:03 Right. It was a seditious act, but she didn't see it that way because she believed the Trump brainwashing.
You lie. Roger did not delete, just clarified.
And I don't have to spit at you to say that.
Jamie, we know you, Roger and Denny support Critical Race Theory.
Roger described CRT as "Bonkers" and said his Party would never support such a thing.
‘Pure Insanity’: Documents Show Loyalists Pestering DOJ Officials at Trump’s Direction Over Bogus Election Fraud Claims–Including a ‘CIA’ Plot Involving ‘Military Satellites’ Or Jewish lasers!
COLIN KALMBACHERJun 15th, 2021, 11:55 am
Newly-released documents from a congressional oversight committee reveal a White House-led effort to enlist the U.S. Department of Justice officials into litigating baseless conspiracy theories aimed at overturning the results of 2020 election.
At the helm of this failed campaign was then-President Donald Trump’s right-hand man, Mark Meadows, a former member of the U.S. House of Representatives from North Carolina and Tea Party Republican who served as the 45th president’s chief of staff.
If Meadows is subpoenaed, he can't decline.
This is where we're headed...
MANAGUA, June 13 (Reuters) - Nicaraguan police arrested and jailed five prominent opponents of President Daniel Ortega over the weekend, including one-time rebel allies who denounced the detentions as an assault on democracy.
The arrests beginning late on Saturday marked a deepening political crisis in the Central American nation, ahead of an election in November in which the leftist Ortega, 75, is seeking to extend his 14 years as president.
Over the past few weeks, a dozen opposition figures have been arrested on orders from Ortega's security apparatus, including four declared presidential rivals.
Ortega loyalists argue they are only enforcing the law, which prohibits would-be candidates from receiving foreign financing or the publication of information the government determines to be false.
...and all it takes is labeling Ashli Babbitt domestic terrorist who attempted to overthrown the US government.
It might be overstating it but she was attempting to overthrow the election day outcome.
Please explained how one unarmed person was going to "overthrow" an election outcome? I mean if you are going to make silly arguments, please explain to us all how it works.
Did she plan to do what exactly inside the Capital building?
I mean, Roger... you do realize that the counting of the Electoral College votes is basically symbolic more than anything else and there is no way to "protest" a change to an election outcome.
And let's be clear?
Which is it?
Was an unarmed person going to "take over the US Government" as you keep suggesting or what that unarmed person going to "overturn an election" or was that unarmed person going to do both?
And how exactly?
I see roger actually did not delete it.
I saw a
Comment deleted
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and assumed it was that statement. It wasn't.
Obviously he and the POS "pastor" can't be counted on doing the right thing.
and that's being nice.
The Nicaraguan police officers were not attacking the Capitol building like the traitor Ashli Babbitt.
Low double digit IQ racist rodent bastard
Please explained how one unarmed person was going to "overthrow" an election outcome? I mean if you are going to make silly arguments, please explain to us all how it works.
Most of those making this claim know it to be bullshit. For them it's a means to an end. It allows them to mobilize DOJ/FBI resources against their political enemies under the guise of combatting domestic terrorism. And as long as corrupt liberal judges exist within the federal courts, they'll get away with it.
See: Sullivan, Emmett.
Then there's true believer nitwits like the alky...
The Nicaraguan police officers were not attacking the Capitol building like the traitor Ashli Babbitt.
That statement literally suggests that someone was "attacking a building" - picture someone with a big knife chopping at a window or possibly someone taking a baseball bat to a wall.
But alas... Roger believes that political protesters are "traitors" and should be shot on sight. He supports the shooting of unarmed protesters. As long as they are white conservatives.
I did further research into the CRT and I found out that the Republicans are grasping at straws, because they don't have a plan except hatred Syndromes at Democrats.
Some right wing nutcase websites believe it is designed to make the United States of Communist government.
The Red scare in 1952!
Scott believes that political protesters are "traitors" and should be shot on sight. He supports the shooting, threatening using baseball bats o police officers. As long as they are Anti and again they are drug addict people who are black, they deserve to die because they are not Anglo Saxonist people like me.
Why Is the Government Hiding January 6 Video Footage?
The American public still doesn’t know exactly what happened on January 6—and it’s clear the government will use any means necessary to keep it that way.
Joe Biden calls it the worst attack since the Civil War. Attorney General Merrick Garland compares it to the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing. The FBI is breaking down the doors of Iraq War veterans and small business owners who have no criminal records, and some are hauled off to rot in solitary confinement in a fetid D.C. jail, for their involvement in the alleged travesty.
The event, of course, is the roughly four-hour-long disturbance at the U.S. Capitol on January 6. As mostly nonviolent Americans dared to protest Congress’ certification of a clearly fraudulent presidential election in a place that once was considered “The People’s House,” lawmakers scurried for cover as reporters and photographers captured part of the ruckus on video and still shots to wield as political ammunition against Donald Trump and his supporters.
But have we seen a full and fair depiction of exactly what happened that day? The answer, as evidenced by an ongoing coverup by the U.S. Capitol Police and the Justice Department, clearly is no.
Almost all the January 6 video seen by the public isn’t from official government sources but by social media users and journalists on the scene. For example, the widely viewed footage of protestors occupying the Senate chamber was recorded by a New Yorker journalist.
one of the few emaining non-state reporters
a dying breed
Joe Bidens America
lapdog press
rewrite history
Bib Brother
That statement literally suggests that someone was "attacking a building" - picture someone with a big knife chopping at a window or possibly someone taking a baseball bat to a wall.
Ron Johnson has been watching the same video from the Capitol I have. The video showing the Capitol Police welcoming the "rioters" inside.
The left's entire argument surrounding 01/06 is preposterous and an outright lie. But it serves to illustrate just how far they'll go and the crimes they'll commit/forgive to destroy their political enemies.
The murder of Ashli Babbitt is a cautionary tale for our side. They murdered her, got away with it, enjoyed it, and will do it again.
Ashli Babbitt was brainwashed by Trump and she put herself at risk, by police officers who were being beaten by white terrorists who you supported on January 6th!
“The new U.S. administration requested that I save our disagreements on the Iran nuclear deal for behind closed doors, and not share them publicly,” Netanyahu said. “I told them I won’t act that way.”
He compared the Biden administration’s efforts to reenter the Iran nuclear deal to Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s decision not to bomb the train tracks to the Auschwitz concentration camp in Poland in 1944.
“We waited for salvation from others, and it didn’t come. Against the threat of annihilation, we had no savior… we didn’t have a country then and we didn’t have an army. But today we have a voice, we have a country and we have a defending force.”
Ouch. Bibi nailed it.
Dementia Sleepy Joe's competence is getting better day over and over again and again and.
Lumber prices are falling back to earth.
Futures for July delivery ended Monday at $996.20 per thousand board feet, down 42% from the record of $1,711.20 reached in early May. Futures have declined 14 of the past 15 trading days, the last two by the most allowed by exchange rules.
Cash lumber prices are also crashing. Pricing service Random Lengths said Friday that its framing composite index, which tracks on-the-spot sales, dropped $122 to $1,324, its biggest ever weekly decline. The pullback came just six weeks after the index rose $124 during the first week of May, its most on record. Random Lengths described a chaotic rout in which sawmill managers struggled to provide customers with price quotes.
Economists and investors have wondered if sky-high prices for wood products would doom the booming housing market. Builders raised home prices and many stopped selling houses before the studs were installed, lest they misjudge costs and sell too cheaply. Lumber became central to the inflation debate: whether a period of runaway inflation was afoot or high prices were temporary shocks that would ease as the economy moved further from lockdown.
Copper prices are declining rapidly too
Lumber Prices Are Falling Fast, Turning Hoarders Into Sellers
rrb said:
Ron Johnson has been watching the same video from the Capitol I have. The video showing the Capitol Police welcoming the "rioters" inside.
The left's entire argument surrounding 01/06 is preposterous and an outright lie. But it serves to illustrate just how far they'll go and the crimes they'll commit/forgive to destroy their political enemies.
The murder of Ashli Babbitt is a cautionary tale for our side. They murdered her, got away with it, enjoyed it, and will do it again.
Hundreds of thousands attended the protest. Somewhere around 50,000 were at the capitol. something like 500 went in.
This is not brainwashing. It is protesting
And by not allowing a real audit before installing Joe Biden as "president" the nation will never be united
Until we have a fair, transparent and timely election with integrity.
Joe Biden did not have that.
And Ashli Babbit has not had equal justice and accountability
no eminent danger
no warning
What moral authority does USA have?
- Ashli Babbitt was executed. Her killer isn’t identified.
- Largest corporations censor and deplatform administration critics in order to protect Democrats from truthful reporting.
- January 6 defendants are regularly beaten by guards.
Folks, the guards are beating the hell out of the January 6th defendants.
One had a black eye. Judge didn’t care.
It’s gulag level stuff happening right here in USA.
You can no longer get justice in Washington DC
96% democrats
including the liberal judges
We need a January 6th bipartisan bill passed because of this new news coverage.
WASHINGTON – The FBI’s unheeded warnings that violence threatened the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6 echoed intelligence failures of previous violent attacks in the United States, including mass shootings and the terrorist hijackings of Sept. 11, 2001, according to experts.
National security experts said the lapses revealed that authorities continue to have trouble separating real threats from empty talk, sharing information across agencies and acting to prevent violence.
“You always find incompetence,” said former Rep. Lee Hamilton, who was vice chairman of the commission that studied the Sept. 11 attacks. “It arrives all the time. Some days the same person can be competent and then incompetent a few hours later. That’s a great concern.”
Congressional committees are reviewing intelligence lapses as part of their investigations to prevent another attack like the one Jan. 6, when a pro-Trump mob stormed the Capitol, attacked police officers and ransacked the building. The House Oversight and Reform Committee scheduled a hearing Tuesday with FBI Director Christopher Wray and others about failures to anticipate, prepare for and respond to the attack.
Authorities began collecting intelligence about the potential for violence in mid-December through social media posts, websites and warnings from citizens.
FBI director Wray needs to testify, and determine the charges we need to address domestic terrorism.
Experts say intelligence lapses before the Jan. 6 Capitol riot reveal trouble separating real threats from empty talk, and acting to prevent violence.
Nancy Pelosi failed to ensure adequate capitol security on Jan 6th
It was her job
She spectacularly failed
or did it on purpose to feed a narrative
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Copper prices fell Tuesday to their lowest level in eight weeks on concerns that China may tamp down on rising commodity prices and that the metal’s red-hot rally has gone too far.
Three-month copper forward contracts on the London Metal Exchange dropped 4.1% to $9,553.50 a metric ton Tuesday. The drop puts the industrial metal, which has a variety of uses from electronics to cars and home building, on course for its steepest one-day decline since March.
The threats of inflation similar to 1978 are going away.
Demented Scott will ignore.
Joe Biden Is TOTALLY LOST and Shares GIBBERISH on the World Stage – This Was Embarrassing – But He Received 81 Million Votes
By Joe Hoft
Published June 15, 2021 at 10:09am
This guy should not be out of the home let alone out of the country.
Joe Biden spoke in front of the world press with his Secretary of State at his side. There’s no way this man should be let out of the home.
Thanks to the coldheartedtruth Mental Health Care Organization. Thecoldheartedtruth is getting past the deep staters who are hiding Biden in his basement.
Roger attempting to talk about the Economy are the best posts on this blog.
He's gone.
He belongs in the alky's nursing home under constant care and supervision.
Gaslighting on a galactic, shameless scale -
Huh? Andrew McCabe says ‘the FBI still doesn’t exactly know what [James Hodgkinson] was up to’ when he opened fire at congressional baseball practice [video]
Dementia Sleepy President Joe Biden is planning a huge party at the White House for the Fourth of July, which he wants to declare the national holiday as a day of independence — not from British rule but from COVID-19 that came from a Chinese laboratories financed by Doctor Fauci.
Biden has set a goal to have 70% of eligible Americans vaccinated with at least one shot against the virus by July 4, but as of last week, “the national average for vaccinations among Americans 12 and up is 61.4% with at least one dose and 51.1% with both doses, according to the CDC,” ABC News reported. “Seven other states have over 70% of their population above the age of 12 with at least one dose, according to the CDC.”
While millions have been vaccinated, the U.S. is approaching 600,000 deaths from the virus, according to the Johns Hopkins Center for Systems Science and Engineering. Still, the number of new infections has falsely fallen steeply, says the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Center Democratic Center.
With businesses and restaurants reopening, and large music venues set to follow soon, Biden has proclaimed a “summer of freedom” to celebrate Americans returning to normal life. Warp speed gave us a “summer of freedom”. CRT will cause distrust all the white people!
“The holiday will see the largest event yet of Biden’s presidency: He plans to host first responders, essential workers, and military service members and their families on the South Lawn for a cookout and to watch the fireworks over the National Mall,” The Associated Press reported. “Well more than 1,000 guests are expected, officials said, with final arrangements still to be sorted out.”
They won't let him leave the bunker until 2 and a half hours after the meals and drinks are available!
Bidenomics has a problem , it sucks.
unExpectedly missed expectation and fell from 83 in the May Report.
"NAHB home ' index June 81"
O'Bidenomics is killing the American Dream.
I rarely, IF, ever talk about Roger.
But, the other day he gave Roger gave us some great news.
He is moving out of his 4th Street Nursing home.
What is missing is the when and to where.
O'Bidenomics is killing the American Dream.
Yep. And that's a feature, not a bug.
Liberal policies can always be distilled down to the equal distribution of misery.
Biden arrives at Windsor Castle:
The Democrats called it the Summer of Love!
Black Lives Matter-Antifa mobs have caused over one billion dollars in damages in cities across America since May. In Minneapolis alone Black Lives Matter mobs damaged or destroyed over 1,500 businesses or buildings.
Over 700 police officers were injured in the BLM riots — and that was back in June!
All because he was an addict who was not white enough!
Just a addicted black man
CRT is supported , as CHT correctly pointed out that the Three Socialist Stooges of CHT support it.
Virginia couple pleads guilty to misdemeanor in Jan. 6 Capitol riot
The husband and wife are third, fourth to plead guilty in incident.
The couple, Jessica and Joshua Bustle, of Bristow, pleaded guilty in federal court Monday to one misdemeanor charge: demonstrating or picketing in a Capitol building.
Under a deal with prosecutors, the couple only pleaded guilty to one misdemeanor out of the four charged against them. The charge carries a possible jail sentence of six months and up to $5,000 in fines.
The couple said they were not originally planning on going to the riot at the capitol but decided to enter the building after they left an anti-vaccination protest they had planned on attending.
They are the third and fourth people, respectively, to plead guilty in relation to the riot.
Damn spur-of-the-moment insurrectionists
Good thing the FBI is going full bore to find these people wherever they are
No stone must be left unturned.
They are the biggest threat in America
Joe Biden's America
Fake insurrection
Fake justice
Video footage dating from 2017 obtained and aired by Sky News Australia this week purports to show live bats in cages at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, where bat coronaviruses were being manipulated to become more deadly to humans.
The footage was provided by activist group Drastic, which is said to be composed of a team of scientists and investigators looking into the origins of the pandemic.
Within the footage, there is also an interview with Yuan Zhiming, a lab director, who demonstrates a control room and talks about what happens if there is an ‘accident’ at the lab.
If it was shot in the Wuhan lab, the footage directly contradicts statements made by Peter Daszak, who funded gain of function research at the lab, and later “investigated” it for the World Health Organisation, finding no evidence to back up the lab leak theory after a visit lasting just three hours.
Daszak, who also allegedly exerted his influence to shut down scientific debate of the lab leak possibility, previously described the idea of bats at the Wuhan lab as “a widely circulated conspiracy theory.”
Tweets in which he made those claims have since been deleted, and Daszak has admitted he never asked the lab if they had bats, commenting that he “wouldn’t be surprised if, like many other virology labs, they were trying to set up a bat colony.”
Sky News Australia reporter Sharri Markson joined Tucker Carlson Monday night to discuss the footage, commenting that “It is not a conspiracy to say there were live bats at the lab.”
“It is a fact,” Markson continued, adding “as you can see, this video shows bats in a cage at the Wuhan Institute. You can also see there a researcher feeding about with a worm. And in this image, we can see researchers out capturing bats and a bat even hangs off a researchers hat.”
“In another image, there are mass cages, hundreds of them. We know that the Wuhan Institute of virology was using humanized mice for experiments to see which coronaviruses could infect humans,” Markson also noted.
The development provides yet more circumstantial evidence supporting the lab leak theory, given that no link has been established for the jump of the virus from bats to humans in Wuhan.
It has been widely reported that there were no bats at the so called ‘wet market’ in Wuhan, which has been touted by health authorities in China, and the World Health Organisation as the most likely source of the outbreak. The bats natural habitat is some 900 miles from Wuhan.
No evidence has been found supporting the notion that an intermediary species facilitated the jump of coronavirus from bats to humans, despite repeated claims of pangolins or some other animal being involved.
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Damn spur-of-the-moment insurrectionists
The alky would prefer they be executed on sight.
Blogger KansasDemocrat said...
CRT is supported , as CHT correctly pointed out that the Three Socialist Stooges of CHT support it.
Two assholes living in their own delusional world......BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!
Three Socialist Stooges of CHT support the culture war
In its most extreme form, culture war denialism claims that people who talk about a culture war are living in a fantasy world. From this perspective, there is simply no such thing as cancel culture, and you shouldn’t worry about issues such as trans women competing in biological women’s sports. New York Times columnist Charles Blow dismisses concerns about the promotion of critical race theory or trans culture as a kind of ‘freakout’. He claims that Republicans have invented these problems in order to scare and mobilise their voters. He suggests that what really motivates opponents of wokeness and cancel culture is their concern with white privilege:
‘Republicans know that there are a few cultural buttons that they can push to easily generate enough fear and outrage to energise their voters and get them to the polls: the ascension of non-white people, the immigration of non-white people, a threat to white security, a displacement of white power and white culture, an expansion of rights for “the gays” and abortion.’
From Blow’s perspective, right-wingers ‘push cultural buttons’, while his side in the culture war is simply fighting for justice.
The phrase ‘pushing cultural buttons’ is significant. Phrases like this are only ever used to demean people who are seeking to uphold their way of life. Blow and other cultural warriors assume that any defence of traditional values is illegitimate, and a threat to people who, in their view, are on the right side of history. Blow and Co are reluctant to call their culture war by its name, because then they would have to admit that they are fighting in it.
The culture war had no recognisable opening shot. Unlike in conflicts of the past, no one declared war on the institutions of society. Yet this conflict is nonetheless an existential struggle over who we are. In his important study, Reflections on History, the 19th-century historian Jacob Burckhardt argued that religious wars were terrible because ‘the means of offence and defence are unlimited, ordinary morality is suspended in the name of the “higher purpose”, negotiations and mediations are abhorrent – people want all or nothing’.
Burckhardt would have understood the dynamic driving today’s cancel culture. He would have grasped the impulse to shut down opponents. He would have recognised in the politics of identity an attitude that wants ‘all or nothing’. Not being open about the existential nature of their crusade is integral to today’s cultural warriors against Enlightenment values. They prefer to convince the public that the culture war is a myth rather than admit that they are engaged in an ‘all or nothing’ struggle against some of society’s most important values and achievements.
Frank Furedi’s latest book Democracy Under Siege: Don’t let Them Lock It Down is published by Zer0 Books.
Facebook and Twitter censor anything but the Democratic hoaxers
RRB, Roger is moving out of his assisted living "home". He is going to do it "someday".
Lol@Alky the dreamer.
Denny, yes or no.
Do you support CRT?
BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! As soon as you provide a cogent response to the last 3 questions I posed to you....Until the, go fuck yourseld!!!!!
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