The Democrats and the fake media ignored that people working for the Italian defense contractor, in coordination with senior CIA officials, used military satellites to switch votes from Trump to Joe Biden and swing the result of the election. "Italygate" is a fact.
NSA is a Democratic hoax. They faked the first landing on the moon, to make JFK a legend in our society.
The Democrats have "progressophobia", a brain disorder that strikes liberals and makes them incapable of recognizing progress in the last four years of the Greatest American Presidency in history.
Under battle flags bearing Donald Trump’s name, the Undercover FBI agents pinned a bloodied police officer in a doorway, his twisted face and screams captured on video they edited! They mortally wounded another officer with a blunt weapon and body-slammed a third over a railing into the crowd.
“Hang Mike Pence!” the undercover FBI agents chanted as they pressed inside, beating police with pipes. And built the gallows with lynching ropes before they arrived!
Every institution needs to be the replaced by the real President Trump in this August!
It reported by real journalists found that the welfare queen and the welfare king will have unbelievably high incentive to work for a living! The name is a secret because the Democrats would destroy their homes in the name of George Floyd drug addict and black man.
First and foremost, we need fully paid, non-transferable leave for all parents, at least 16 weeks long, and we need incentives in the workplace for men to take their share. Currently 115 countries have paid guaranteed leave for mothers while 71 have paid leave for fathers. The U.S. is not yet part of either list. Of countries that do provide paid leave, the average number of days available for mothers is 98; for fathers, it is 5.
The Democrats and the fake media ignored that people working for the Italian defense contractor, in coordination with senior CIA officials, used military satellites to switch votes from Trump to Joe Biden and swing the result of the election. "Italygate" is a fact.
NSA is a Democratic hoax. They faked the first landing on the moon, to make JFK a legend in our society.
Thecoldheartedtruth has become an echo chamber for the growing list of irrational diatribes.
Fox News, right-wing websites and Republican lawmakers are promoting a new false flag conspiracy that the FBI orchestrated the deadly assault on the US Capitol.
The haywire theory originated from an article published Monday by Revolver News, a right-wing website. From there, it was picked up by Fox News host Tucker Carlson, who used his opening segment on Tuesday night to slam the FBI, saying it played a role in the January 6 attack.
Several Republican lawmakers quickly piled on. They entered the article into the congressional record, tweeted about the Fox News segment, condemned the FBI agents who supposedly "organized and participated" in the Capitol attack, and demanded answers from the FBI director.
But here's the problem: The underlying article was nothing more than a conspiratorial web of unproven claims, half-truths and inaccurate drivel about perceived bombshells in court filings.
Legal experts laughed off Carlson's convoluted breakdown of how court documents supposedly revealed that "FBI operatives were organizing the attack." Twitter even fact-checked Carlson's comments on Wednesday afternoon, calling them a "baseless suggestion." But the right-wing disinformation echo-chamber was already at full blast, and the false flag theory went viral.
Roger still cannot criticize people for what they do, so he needs to make shit up. Did Donald Trump Jr tweet about some Italian vote switching conspiracy? Of course not. So why would Roger pretend that he has?
Because being "honest" and "truthful" wouldn't allow him to make his arguments. He has to "lie" to make them.
I remember you having a mighty sense of humor when people here were putting words in your mouth about being a racist wife beater who beat his wife because she wouldn't bend to his white supremacy,.
Do you ever remember telling people that you beat your wife because she was Black, Roger?
Was that all in the name of trolling and good fun?
Tell you what, perhaps if held up your end of the bargain, people wouldn't be so quick to push the same on you. Practice what you preach, Rog... or admit that you are just another do as I say, but not as I do sort of hypocrite.
The discovery of the role Edwards’s two firms had in spreading the Italygate conspiracy theory, as well as the roles others played, sheds new light on its origins and on how the claims made their way from feverish online speculation to some of the most powerful figures in the government. As Trump refused to concede defeat, his die-hard supporters pushed the conspiracy theory on social media and other channels as part of an effort to discredit Biden’s presidency that continues today.
This is the only conspiracy theory bullshit you didn't endorse.
When you didn't condemn comments by kputz, cali and rrb accusing me of being a racist wife beater who beat his wife because she wouldn't bend to his white supremacy,. You didn't condemn them because you have lost your mind Scott
In 2024 GOP presidential nomination, political wonks could be forgiven for having to Google the name at the bottom of the list next to Sen. Josh Hawley: somebody called “Portnoy,” polling at zero percent.
As founder of the self-consciously lowbrow Barstool Sports digital media empire, Dave Portnoy has, over the past decade, parlayed an outsized, aggressively macho social-media presence into a status as a right-leaning populist champion. He threatened — via Twitter, almost certainly illegally — to fire any Barstool employees who might attempt to unionize. He went viral with his impassioned rants against Covid-19 lockdowns. He feuded with Elon Musk on the behalf of meme-stocking, little-guy day traders. (He also heads an online outlet that has shamelessly stolen content and engaged in flagrant racism and misogyny, leading harassment campaigns against anyone who would dare call them out.)
Portnoy jokingly “announced” a presidential campaign on Twitter shortly after the poll’s release, but an actual run is highly unlikely. There’s no obvious reason to mount one: his presence in the poll is evidence enough of how the Republican Party has become the party of Barstool Sports.
As it is well known, you refer to these Thame people as racists and other names as well. Those are personal attacks that I prefer to stay off the website (as my comment etiquette area states. I don't condone it for anyone, but it would be a full time job to monitor every personal attack her.
As I have stated a million times, you open yourself up to this stuff when you tell people about your divorce, police calls, restraining orders, etc... and then expect that people will not use that. It's not much of stretch to take police calls, restraining orders, divorces that land your ass on the street... and suggest that she has some sort of point. You deny it, but it's out there.
But either way... none of that is serious debate, nor is it "all in good fun" and it is admittedly "trolling" which is not necessarily a good thing under 99% of the circumstances.
So you can suggest that lying about someone like Donald Trump Jr to attempt to associate some fringe conspiracy with someone important... but it's a lie plain and simple. A blatant lie and blatant lies are not a good form to prove any point.
The rise of the “Barstool Republican,” to coin a phenotype, doesn’t necessarily explain Trump. It is, however, a useful way to understand what’s happened to American politics without constantly invoking the former president’s name. Portnoy’s devotees aren’t MAGA fanatics or Q fans who live to torment liberals, and they’re certainly not part of the GOP’s evangelical base. (One could imagine the last thing they’d want is a Supreme Court that strikes down Roe.) But the Barstool Republican now largely defines the Republican coalition because of his willingness to dispense with his party’s conventional policy wisdom on anything — the social safety net, drug laws, abortion access — as long as it means one thing: he doesn’t have to vote for some snooty Democrat, and, by proxy, the caste of lousy deans that props up the left’s politically-correct cultural regime.
The backlash to liberal domination of pop culture and the past decade’s transformation of speech norms created the Barstool Republican long before Portnoy’s name was bandied about in jest as a political candidate. And if you’ve been paying attention, their cultural revolution dates back to a time when such antics were more likely to get you kicked out of Mar-a-Lago than installed as its lifelong “El Presidente.”
Lost in the annals of a time when culture wars weren’t quite as central to our national politics is a nomenclature that now seems almost quaint: the so-called “South Park Republican.”
As far back as 2001, the gadfly conservative blogger Andrew Sullivan was using the term to describe members of his political tribe who shared the anti-P.C., socially libertarian views of “South Park” creators Matt Stone and Trey Parker. Stone and Parker, true to form, loudly protested their hatred of both major parties. Still, the label stuck, inspiring sparring New York Times columns and even a book-length exploration of the concept by conservative writer Brian C. Anderson.
In the political climate of the mid-2000s, the concept’s appeal was obvious: As Gen X-ers and younger Baby Boomers entered the ranks of the political elite, it made sense that they would dispense with the blue-blooded stuffiness and social conservatism of the Reagan-Bush imperium in favor of a vaguely countercultural, post-Sixties tolerance. W traded his father’s country-club affect for a pair of cowboy boots, but he wasn’t fooling anyone: The cultural energy in the Republican Party, to the extent that it had any, was in its feather-ruffling libertarian wing, whose influence would soon reach its zenith with the self-proclaimed Ron Paul Revolution. But like so many would-be revolutions, this one was denied — or at least delayed and mutated.
Paul’s 2012 bid to become the Republican Party’s presidential standard-bearer fizzled out in spectacular fashion, failing to convert internet hype into any meaningful primary support. Romney won the nomination and invited the youthful Wisconsin congressman Paul Ryan along for the ride (whose rad workout gear and politically inscrutable love of Rage Against the Machine, alas, failed to inspire a Romney-Ryan youth movement).
Crashing on the rocks of both Barack Obama’s megawatt cultural celebrity and the looming coronation of Jeb Bush as the post-“autopsy” face of the GOP, the Rude Republican cohort was at loose ends — until an unlikely salvation came in the form of a 6’3” reality show host and frequent Howard Stern guest descending his golden escalator into the first paragraph of 21st-century American history.
Just admit that you still want to talk about Trump because you are so embarrassed by Biden.
When there isn't anything real to talk about, you find some conspiracy theory out there and attempt to attach it to Trump (in this case Trump Jr) simply because you demand that we still talk about Trump?
I am not the one living in a nursing home and making shit up about people because of an unhealthy obsession on an ex-President. Ironically you believe that the fact that I am "not" still obsessed with the former President and continue to call you out on lies... makes "me" crazy.
How many comments could I find attached to you that called me "crazy"?
Perhaps that is a lawsuit? I could sue you for your walker?
Just admit that you still want to talk about Trump because you are so embarrassed by Biden.
He's not alone in this regard. I have several liberal friends that continue to bitch incessantly about Trump, and when I mention Slow Joe and his epic failures in less than 6 months in office, the subject changes suddenly.
Your attempts to associate some fringe conspiracy with someone important like the President is a lie plain and simple.
Your blatant lie are absolute proof of your systematic mental instability.
You used the revolver bs about confidential informants in a 500 word diatribe.
You have been accusing the national security officials, the FBI and the Department of Justice, being a tool to help "Sleepy Joe's" agenda.
Throughout history the executive branch has not turned them into a political asset. Trump is an example of how dictators have overturned democracies by discrediting the institutions that enforce the law under the Constitution. When he actually brought up the conspiracy theory on social media to the Department of Justice, they said it was insane!
Donald Trump is the biggest threat in history. It's not liberal vs conservative anymore. Because even people like you have fallen in line.
You took history in both schools and universities.
I'm sincerely hope you can move forward without Trump and his dangerous philosophy.
Yeah, a threat to liberalism, which is a good thing. This is why I'm convinced you're mentally ill. You've made this claim hundreds of times and never once backed it up with any evidence.
Best economy of my lifetime, lowest minority unemployment EVER, 6% real wage growth, consumer confidence best ever, 3.5% unemployment, record stock market gains and wealth creation, got Europe to pay their contractual share of NATO, pulling us OUT of endless wars...
The 2020 RNC literally did not have a new policy platform — those willing to trash the Democratic cultural regime most loudly and consistently are firmly in command, with more staid Republicans forced to at least provide cover, if not actively follow their cues.
They’re forced to defend freshman North Carolina Rep. Madison Cawthorn in the face of his attention-seeking tweets and allegations of sexual harassment from his (very recent) college days, while he ranks in the top 10 members of Congress in missed votes. They’re forced to defend Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz as he faces his own allegations of sexual impropriety — not to mention his frat-boy antics, like showing up to Congress in a gas mask in the earliest days of the coronavirus pandemic. They’re forced to defend Colorado Rep. Lauren Boebert as she fends off complaints from constituents about her “embarrassing” freshman term in Congress, after winning a primary and general election largely on the strength of her, well, bar ownership.
So just as anti-P.C., vaguely amoral Barstool-ism can be a strength, it can also be a weakness. In a media environment built to reinforce and intensify one’s ideological beliefs, being on the attack all the time can leave you in an exhausting state of constant defense. Yes, it can galvanize — nearly 75 million people voted to re-elect Donald Trump, the Stoolie-in-chief — but it can also exasperate and infuriate in turn — a record 81 million Americans voted for Trump’s purposely less-pugilistic opponent, Joe Biden. It also runs the risk of all novelty: that people might just bore of it. Yesterday’s provocation becomes today’s status quo, and in turn tomorrow’s epic cringe.
The next conspiracy theory bullshit will get posted here next week!
You used the revolver bs about confidential informants in a 500 word diatribe.
I used the "facts" regarding the Whitmer kidnapping plot. FACTS that you or anyone else actually disputes. They arrested 14 people in the plot where there was at least 5 "known" undercover FBI agents (actually employees of the FBI) as well as an unknown number of "informants" (non FBI employees working with the FBI) involved.
Most of the leadership was actually FBI employees and FBI employees made up 60% of the people they literally stopped when they on their way to the alleged plot.
The fact that you cannot understand the difference between facts and opinion or the fact that you cannot separate facts from a source (The Revolver was not the only "source" of the Whitmer kidnapping fiasco) is why it's so difficult to deal with you.
Let's be clear. The Revolver story was not "unnamed sources" or "rumor has it" - it was a matter of public record in the indictments involving the plot.
For certain, their "opinion" was that the same thing might have been evident in the Capital riot. But that was an "opinion" and should be taken with a grain of salt.
Throughout history the executive branch has not turned them into a political asset.
The IRS is back to denying conservative political groups 501 non-profit status. With literally no actual proof, the DOJ has stated that "White Supremacy" the most dangerous threat. Basically demanding that many conservative values are now associate with "White Supremacy" and will be monitoring "social media" and places looking for certain "opinions". We've already seen the FBI involved in undercover "sting" operations that appear much more like entrapment cases.
The weaponization of the DOJ started with Eric Holder calling himself Obama's "wing man" in terms of making sure his DOJ was doing the bidding of the White House.
Sorry Rog.. just more projection.
It's laughable that the same Adam Schiff who went after secure data on his political opponents is upset that someone pulled his file (when he was legitimately being looked as a felony leaker of confidential information).
It was a Sunday Funnies for rrb's black hatted Syndrome
Sunday Funny
Donald J. Trump Jr.June 20, 2021
The Democrats and the fake media ignored that people working for the Italian defense contractor, in coordination with senior CIA officials, used military satellites to switch votes from Trump to Joe Biden and swing the result of the election. "Italygate" is a fact.
NSA is a Democratic hoax. They faked the first landing on the moon, to make JFK a legend in our society.
When the former President demanded that William Barr to arrest Sleepy Joe Biden and his son, you remained silent.
Barr may have saved the world from Trump. His isolationist philosophy endangers our allies who have fulfilled their obligations in response to 9/11 and the Iraq war!
Without our allies China will become the strongest nation on earth.
The GOP's latest target in their fight to preserve the white supremacist institutions on which the United States was founded because of the original intent to preserve slavery.
CRT tells the coldheartedtruth about the racist past failures, but instead of making people hate other races, it tells the story about the civil rights movement in the 60s. The people who voted for the civil and voting rights legislation were white people, on both sides of the Congress.
First thing. Jimmy Carter was elected about 50 years ago.
The Republican Presidents have a terrible record.
The last three Republican presidencies ended in economic turmoil. And their Democratic successors had to clean up the mess. Voters need to be reminded – again and again – that putting Republicans in the White House puts our country in recession.
Republican recessions
It seems quaint compared to 2008 or our current crisis, but President George H. W. Bush ended his one term in office in recession. After what was then the longest period of peacetime economic expansion in US history, in July 1990 the country entered a recession that saw unemployment rise to a peak of 7.8% in June 1992.
His challenger Bill Clinton made the economic pain that families were feeling the mantra of his campaign and handily beat Bush, who came across as out of touch with working Americans.
One of Clinton's first legislative achievements was an economic recovery bill that, among other things, put a greater tax burden on the wealthy and increased tax credits and wage subsidies for the working poor. As a result, during his eight years in office, Clinton oversaw economic growth that averaged 3.5% annual GDP growth but topped 4% throughout his second term. Unemployment fell from 7.4% to 3.9%, and the labor market added an average of 2.9 million jobs per year.
Cut to President George W. Bush and his policies that cut taxes for the rich, grew our national debt and trade deficit to record levels, left the US dollar severely weakened, decreased regulation of Wall Street, and ultimately helped bring about the Great Recession.
The Great Recession was man-made, caused by reckless lending by financial institutions – not the result of the natural cycles of our economy. The devastation was – and continues to be – enormous, with America more unequal, less productive, and poorer because of the severity of the crisis.
President Barack Obama came to office needing to help bail out entire industries that our country runs on. The depth of the decline was the worst in 80 years, and the recovery Obama initiated was slow – but effective.
After taking over in early 2017, former-President Donald Trump maintained the Obama recovery in some ways – but in other ways economic disparity grew deeper. Then, he treated the pandemic more like a political issue than a health issue, and the economy went into a recession.
Even though the economy is growing well, the odds are that even if he serves one term. The economy will be in better shape than the day he was sworn in.
H.R. 1, “For the People Act,” is nothing short of an restoring one of the central pillars of our Republic. It is a 884-page if passed, would fundamentally change the balance of power in our country to favor the elected accountable federal bureaucrats in favor of the American people.
Instead of using Republican loyalists to supervise the election day results, elected people of either party, they will be held accountable for illegal voting suppression in the ballot box. Or get reelected for preserving our fundamental right to choose our leaders.
The Republicans oppose it because it actually will increase legal turnout
Cali, your family going "foraging" is something my family still.does together. Hunting Morel Mushrooms and now collecting quarts of wild black rasberries. Freeze most of the berries and make jam in the winter.
Some now on Vanilla Ice Cream. It is only 98° today. It was perfect.
Again, proving Denny spectacularly wrong is so easy.
"WASHINGTON — Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., drew his red lines on how to pay for a potential infrastructure compromise bill Sunday, as Democratic progressives continue to hesitate over joining the bipartisan deal on one of President Joe Biden's biggest legislative priorities.
Twenty-one senators, including 11 Republicans, have coalesced around a broad framework that invests in hard infrastructure spending — roads, bridges and other projects."
Former President George W. Bush on Tuesday described the Republican Party as "isolationist, protectionist and, to a certain extent, nativist," his strongest and most direct criticism yet against his own party since leaving office in 2009.
Bush's comments are notable not only because he's a former Republican president, but he has largely kept quiet on politics since he left Washington. He has recently written about the need for a gentler approach to immigration in contrast to much of the hardline rhetoric that dominates the current GOP in the post-Trump era, but he has typically avoided directly criticizing the party.
George W Bush is again spectacularly wrong according to kputz.
Under President Joe Biden, the Justice Department is defending many of the polices and prerogatives of former President Donald Trump. Six months after Trump left office, lawsuits on matters ranging from the Trump-Russia scandal to a rape allegation against the former president are still winding through courts, and DOJ is siding with the former president in some cases, and fighting Congress to keep Trump-era records secret in others.
The Justice Department appears to be doing this because it is run by lawyers eager to preserve executive branch power against legislators, and because Attorney General Merrick Garland wants to avoid “re-litigating” Trump-era controversies, according to aides.
Roger since you own a Audi A8, with an impressive $86,500 price tag, not including tax, title and registration, I would think you would be out driving in it.
Putin is a smarter and more skilled authoritarian than Donald Trump; he is no less shameless.
In a week of summiteering, Biden did his level best to reassert a sense of common cause with nato allies and to promote a foreign policy that seeks a foundation in values as well as in raw interests. “Human rights is gonna always be on the table,” Biden said he told Putin. “It’s about who we are.” It was a relief to hear an American President speak up for human rights again, but it will take a great deal more to exert moral suasion in Russia or anywhere else. U.S. history is hardly saintly: that “shining city upon a hill” is, at best, a destination. Shallow talk of American exceptionalism has, over the years, allowed Putin to call us hypocrites, and to declare, as he told the Financial Times two years ago, that the liberal ideal has “outlived its purpose.”
Biden went to Geneva in large measure to reverse the spectacle of Trump’s famous press conference in Helsinki, in 2018, at which he appeared to side with Putinism over his own government. But, although Trump has left the White House, his legacy persists. The leadership of the Republican Party supports voter suppression, coddles conspiracy theorists, demotes dissenters, downplays the dangers of climate change, and refuses to investigate an insurrection inspired by a sitting President.
Putin played Trump like a puppet.
Biden looked like the President of the United States of America.
Statement by President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. on World Refugee Day
Today, I join people around the globe in commemorating World Refugee Day, a day when we recognize the courage and humanity of the millions forced to flee violence, persecution, and war. It is also a moment to honor the generosity of communities welcoming refugees and the bravery and dedication of humanitarian workers who provide life-saving assistance, often in challenging and dangerous conditions.
At a time when the number of refugees and other displaced persons has reached an alarming and historic high—more than 82 million worldwide—the United States has a moral obligation to ensure that refugees have access to life-saving care, opportunities to pursue an education, and livelihoods that allow them to live with dignity and hope for the future. On this day, we reaffirm our sacred commitment to alleviate suffering through humanitarian relief, and redouble our efforts to achieve lasting solutions for refugees—including through resettlement. We also recommit to engaging in diplomatic efforts to bring an end to the ongoing conflicts that compel refugees to seek safety elsewhere.
Protecting refugees is part of our DNA. Our nation was founded by those fleeing religious persecution. When we take action to help refugees around the world, we honor our past and live up to our highest values. We show our greatest strength as a nation.
We do this because it’s the right thing to do, but make no mistake: helping refugees helps the United States, too, bringing greater regional stability and making the world a safer place for all of us.
That’s why I revised the United States’ annual refugee admissions cap to 62,500 for this fiscal year, and plan to raise it to 125,000 next year. While meeting these targets will be a challenge, I have directed my Administration to work as quickly as possible to rebuild and improve refugee processing and to expand our capacity to admit refugees. We need to lead by example. And the refugees who arrive at our shores will continue to strengthen our communities, as they always have, bringing new life, energy, and ideas to our great country. The United States is proud to stand as a beacon of liberty and refuge to the world, and whether it’s taking in those seeking safety or providing more humanitarian relief than any other nation, we’re going to do our part.
“It is essential as a scientist that you evolve your opinion and your recommendations based on the data as it evolves… And that’s the reason why I say people who then criticize me about that are actually criticizing science.”
Too many people don't believe in evolution. Some Republicans believe the earth is flat.
People are quitting their jobs at record rates. That's a good thing for the economy.
CBS News - 11 hours ago
For two years, John White has been trying to get a permanent job at the company where he's a contractor, but his applications to open positions there have been rejected five times. Company policy forbade contractors from working remotely during the pandemic, so even while his colleagues worked from home, White has been commuting to work. "I've physically been in the office every day that I have worked here," recalled White, 38.
When he's asked for raises, the staffing company and the client each blamed the other party. The last straw was when he asked his direct manager for a raise. According to White, she suggested he "leave and come back in under a different contracting company."
White did leave — for a competitor. Four days after this conversation, the Louisville resident lined up a job offer with a rival company paying an additional $2 more per hour, as well as paid time off and health insurance. On his last day, he brought in a cake, bearing the message, "Sorry for your loss."
White is one of millions of American workers who've quit their jobs in recent months. Even with 9.8 million people unable to find employment, others are quitting at record rates — pushing the "quits rate" to never-before-seen levels.
Some workers are leaving for new jobs, with better pay or remote-friendly working conditions. Others have decided to start their own businesses rather than collect a paycheck. Still others are quitting with no firm plans, confident they can get a better deal elsewhere as the economy rebounds from the pandemic recession.
It's #WorldRefugeeDay , and that's a thing that I am. Also, Col. Vindman, LTC Vindman, @juliaioffe, @IlhanMN, @biannagolodryga and other people that strut around this country with opinions as if they own the place. Which we do. Because this is what America was meant for.
Alexander S. Vindman
I welcome refugees because we Vindmans arrived in the United States as refugees. This World Refugee Day, show your support by sharing why you welcome refugees. Learn more at…. #IWelcomeBecause #WorldRefugeeDay @HIASrefugees
rrb hates Mooslimb because they are not white enough
WATCH: Glenn Greenwald suggests the FBI had a role in Jan. 6 riot, exposes propaganda of CNN, MSNBC
On Friday night, Fox News host Tucker Carlson interviewed journalist and author Glenn Greenwald who discussed the FBI's alleged role in the Jan. 6 riot and exposed the establishment media's propaganda surrounding the
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On Friday night, Fox News host Tucker Carlson interviewed journalist and author Glenn Greenwald who discussed the FBI's alleged role in the Jan. 6 riot and exposed the establishment media's propaganda surrounding the Capitol breach.
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"Glenn Greenwald is one of the people who has been covering the FBI's behavior, particularly its anti-terrorism efforts, very closely for a long time. We want to get his assessment, and we are right now," prefaces Carlson in the video interview.
".... We're hearing that anybody who has questions about why two dozen participants have not been charged on Jan. 6 is a conspiracy monger, and a lunatic, and probably a soldier in the QAnon army. Is there, based on precedence, a reason to ask that question, do you think?" asks Carlson.
"Of course. The entire first war on terror – I regard this as the second war on terror, the domestic version – the entire first war on terror contained very little domestically other than the FBI targeting people that they viewed as easily manipulated or otherwise vulnerable," answers Greenwald.
"And, planting informants or other operatives within a certain ring of typically American Muslims or young ones, encouraging them then to join a pod that was devised and designed by the FBI," continues Greenwald. "Often paying for it, the FBI was, to get the material and everything else, and then boasting about the plot that they broke up, that was a pod that came from the FBI," he says.
"The vast majority of times that you heard the FBI applauding itself for having stopped a terrorist pod domestically was actually a pod that they themselves governed and directed, with informants and with operatives exactly of the type that we know for certain they put into the Proud Boys and the Three Percenters, two of the three groups they claim are behind Jan. 6," Greenwald quips.
"So, the only way you can claim this is some kind of a crazy conspiracy theory is if you are either completely ignorant about what the FBI does, or lying on purpose to cover up what the FBI does when it acts domestically," Greenwald declares.
Tucker then asks: "But if you're a journalist, why would you lie on behalf of a government law enforcement agency? Why would you choose to protect the FBI instead of informing your own viewers?"
"I think this is the key point, Tucker, is the structure of pretty much all these outlets that are now serving a liberal audience in the United States, which is the Washington Post, The New York Times, CNN, NBC News, NPR. And it's not just me saying that; the data shows that," replies Greenwald.
"During the Trump years, the CIA and the FBI became overwhelmingly popular among American liberals. They worshipped the FBI and the CIA because they viewed it as a bulwark against Trump," Greenwald pivots.
"So, if you're serving a liberal audience, the last thing you know your audience wants to hear – and their audience is disappearing, so they're petrified of them – is anything that is questioning of, or critical of, the FBI," he goes on.
"On top of which, all these news outlets are filled, on their payroll, with former operatives of the FBI and the CIA," he states.
"...That's what drove Russiagate for five years, so many of the false conspiracy theories that these outlets spread. And they're doing it again," he says.
Tucker then iterates: "So, they're serving, openly serving, institutional power against the population."
"If you go and Google – and I hope your viewers do – 'Operation Mockingbird,' what you will find is that, during the Cold War, these agencies used to plot about how to clandestinely manipulate the news media to disseminate propaganda to the American population," responds Greenwald. "They used to try and do it secretly. They don't even do it secretly anymore. They don't need
"While well-intentioned, the use of Latinx creates more problems than solutions, and makes Latinos feel ignored and disrespected." Nothing 'well intentioned' about it. It's strategic. It's meant to incite anger and eventually violence. "Forced changes from outside our community are a form of linguistic imperialism." No kid, forget the 'linguistic imperialism'. You're over-intellectualizing it. It's called communism, pure and simple.
German media giant CEO slams employees against company's display of Israeli flag: 'If you're anti-Israel, don't work for us'
Remind me please, what products does this woke company make? I’ve forgotten, and if I’m told again, I intend to promptly forget this woke company and their’ products again promptly. I think that’s the only message these woke leftist corporations are likely to pay any attention to.
The democrats “brown shirts” are at it again. Yet they compare these spoiled brat losers to the patriot heroes who stormed Normandy? Brian Williams you have sold out your country and lost your mind! Sleepy Joe time to wake up. PS: Seen any “White Supremists” lately. Only in the Dems minds!
Joe Biden is better on the world stage than any president since George H.W. Bush
Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Barack Obama and Donald Trump all came into office with little or no international affairs experience. And it showed.
David Rothkopf
Opinion columnist
Joe Biden has had more foreign policy experience than any other president in U.S. history. When he entered the Senate and began dealing with global issues, it was 1973 and Leonid Brezhnev was chairman of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. The previous most experienced among our presidents when it came to foreign policy was George H.W. Bush. Add up his time in Congress, as ambassador to the United Nations, head of the U.S. Liaison Office in China, head of the CIA and vice president, Bush became president with 17 years of foreign policy experience.
That is a third of the foreign policy experience Biden has had.
It is probably unfair to compare Biden's early performance to the first months of Donald Trump, the only president in U.S. history to have had zero public service experience of any kind before he took office. In fact, it’s probably unfair to compare him with any of his predecessors since the senior Bush. Former Arkansas Gov. Bill Clinton, former Texas Gov. George W. Bush and freshman Sen. Barack Obama all came into office with little or no international affairs experience. And it showed.
In a statement given to the European Parliament, Greenwald said:
The ultimate goal of the NSA, along with its most loyal, one might say subservient junior partner the British agency GCHQ – when it comes to the reason why the system of suspicion of surveillance is being built and the objective of this system – is nothing less than the elimination of individual privacy worldwide
Our new national Independence Day holiday
Juneteenth. “Yep. Jes’ fo’ black folk. Cuz we wants ‘dem to hate whitey.”
— Phoney-baloney-thinks-he’s-president-Biden
The Democrats and the fake media ignored that people working for the Italian defense contractor, in coordination with senior CIA officials, used military satellites to switch votes from Trump to Joe Biden and swing the result of the election. "Italygate" is a fact.
NSA is a Democratic hoax. They faked the first landing on the moon, to make JFK a legend in our society.
We must stop the steal!
The Democrats have "progressophobia", a brain disorder that strikes liberals and makes them incapable of recognizing progress in the last four years of the Greatest American Presidency in history.
Under battle flags bearing Donald Trump’s name, the Undercover FBI agents pinned a bloodied police officer in a doorway, his twisted face and screams captured on video they edited! They mortally wounded another officer with a blunt weapon and body-slammed a third over a railing into the crowd.
“Hang Mike Pence!” the undercover FBI
agents chanted as they pressed inside, beating police with pipes. And built the gallows with lynching ropes before they arrived!
Every institution needs to be the replaced by the real President Trump in this August!
Take up arms!
We will prevail!
It reported by real journalists found that the welfare queen and the welfare king will have unbelievably high incentive to work for a living! The name is a secret because the Democrats would destroy their homes in the name of George Floyd drug addict and black man.
First and foremost, we need fully paid, non-transferable leave for all parents, at least 16 weeks long, and we need incentives in the workplace for men to take their share. Currently 115 countries have paid guaranteed leave for mothers while 71 have paid leave for fathers. The U.S. is not yet part of either list. Of countries that do provide paid leave, the average number of days available for mothers is 98; for fathers, it is 5.
6:57 Now that IS a Sunday funny!
The real Sunday Funny was.
Sunday Funny
Donald J. Trump Jr.June 20, 2021
The Democrats and the fake media ignored that people working for the Italian defense contractor, in coordination with senior CIA officials, used military satellites to switch votes from Trump to Joe Biden and swing the result of the election. "Italygate" is a fact.
NSA is a Democratic hoax. They faked the first landing on the moon, to make JFK a legend in our society.
We must stop the steal!
I edited an Gateway Pundit bs
To tell the real coldheartedtruth!
Thecoldheartedtruth has become an echo chamber for the growing list of irrational diatribes.
Fox News, right-wing websites and Republican lawmakers are promoting a new false flag conspiracy that the FBI orchestrated the deadly assault on the US Capitol.
The haywire theory originated from an article published Monday by Revolver News, a right-wing website. From there, it was picked up by Fox News host Tucker Carlson, who used his opening segment on Tuesday night to slam the FBI, saying it played a role in the January 6 attack.
Several Republican lawmakers quickly piled on. They entered the article into the congressional record, tweeted about the Fox News segment, condemned the FBI agents who supposedly "organized and participated" in the Capitol attack, and demanded answers from the FBI director.
But here's the problem: The underlying article was nothing more than a conspiratorial web of unproven claims, half-truths and inaccurate drivel about perceived bombshells in court filings.
Legal experts laughed off Carlson's convoluted breakdown of how court documents supposedly revealed that "FBI operatives were organizing the attack." Twitter even fact-checked Carlson's comments on Wednesday afternoon, calling them a "baseless suggestion." But the right-wing disinformation echo-chamber was already at full blast, and the false flag theory went viral.
Right here!
In a new court document, Michael Avenatti's legal team questions Stormy Daniels's "truthfulness, mental state and ability to competently testify."
Roger still cannot criticize people for what they do, so he needs to make shit up. Did Donald Trump Jr tweet about some Italian vote switching conspiracy? Of course not. So why would Roger pretend that he has?
Because being "honest" and "truthful" wouldn't allow him to make his arguments. He has to "lie" to make them.
Because being "honest" and "truthful" wouldn't allow him to make his arguments. He has to "lie" to make them.
He's mentally ill.
Scott has no sense of humor when i expose his irrational diatribes about the former President who still lives in his mind with a little humor.
Happy Sunday Funnies troll squad.........e!
Typical case of the news media conflating a tragic accident into a hate crime to fit their narrative.
Only Twitter could turn a horrible accident in which a participant at a Pride parade inadvertently killed another participant at a Pride parade because his foot slipped into a . . . homophobic attack, maybe even assassination attempt, that was caused by the governor
I remember you having a mighty sense of humor when people here were putting words in your mouth about being a racist wife beater who beat his wife because she wouldn't bend to his white supremacy,.
Do you ever remember telling people that you beat your wife because she was Black, Roger?
Was that all in the name of trolling and good fun?
Tell you what, perhaps if held up your end of the bargain, people wouldn't be so quick to push the same on you. Practice what you preach, Rog... or admit that you are just another do as I say, but not as I do sort of hypocrite.
Correct about Roger, CHT.
The discovery of the role Edwards’s two firms had in spreading the Italygate conspiracy theory, as well as the roles others played, sheds new light on its origins and on how the claims made their way from feverish online speculation to some of the most powerful figures in the government. As Trump refused to concede defeat, his die-hard supporters pushed the conspiracy theory on social media and other channels as part of an effort to discredit Biden’s presidency that continues today.
This is the only conspiracy theory bullshit you didn't endorse.
When you didn't condemn comments by kputz, cali and rrb accusing
me of being a racist wife beater who beat his wife because she wouldn't bend to his white supremacy,. You didn't condemn them because you have lost your mind Scott
You are mentally ill.
Plan your food buying or as we do food growing accordingly.
"About 40% of the country is currently experiencing drought conditions, according to U.S. Drought Monitor.
Doing nothing to reduce water usage could lead to an unimaginable future for the West: “If we do nothing, it’s going to be really bad.”
Agriculture, which uses about 90% of ground and surface water in many western states, is likely to be the first to be impacted by shortages"
In 2024 GOP presidential nomination, political wonks could be forgiven for having to Google the name at the bottom of the list next to Sen. Josh Hawley: somebody called “Portnoy,” polling at zero percent.
As founder of the self-consciously lowbrow Barstool Sports digital media empire, Dave Portnoy has, over the past decade, parlayed an outsized, aggressively macho social-media presence into a status as a right-leaning populist champion. He threatened — via Twitter, almost certainly illegally — to fire any Barstool employees who might attempt to unionize. He went viral with his impassioned rants against Covid-19 lockdowns. He feuded with Elon Musk on the behalf of meme-stocking, little-guy day traders. (He also heads an online outlet that has shamelessly stolen content and engaged in flagrant racism and misogyny, leading harassment campaigns against anyone who would dare call them out.)
Portnoy jokingly “announced” a presidential campaign on Twitter shortly after the poll’s release, but an actual run is highly unlikely. There’s no obvious reason to mount one: his presence in the poll is evidence enough of how the Republican Party has become the party of Barstool Sports.
Cali is an example.
More to come
Well Rog...
As it is well known, you refer to these Thame people as racists and other names as well. Those are personal attacks that I prefer to stay off the website (as my comment etiquette area states. I don't condone it for anyone, but it would be a full time job to monitor every personal attack her.
As I have stated a million times, you open yourself up to this stuff when you tell people about your divorce, police calls, restraining orders, etc... and then expect that people will not use that. It's not much of stretch to take police calls, restraining orders, divorces that land your ass on the street... and suggest that she has some sort of point. You deny it, but it's out there.
But either way... none of that is serious debate, nor is it "all in good fun" and it is admittedly "trolling" which is not necessarily a good thing under 99% of the circumstances.
So you can suggest that lying about someone like Donald Trump Jr to attempt to associate some fringe conspiracy with someone important... but it's a lie plain and simple. A blatant lie and blatant lies are not a good form to prove any point.
Are they?
The rise of the “Barstool Republican,” to coin a phenotype, doesn’t necessarily explain Trump. It is, however, a useful way to understand what’s happened to American politics without constantly invoking the former president’s name. Portnoy’s devotees aren’t MAGA fanatics or Q fans who live to torment liberals, and they’re certainly not part of the GOP’s evangelical base. (One could imagine the last thing they’d want is a Supreme Court that strikes down Roe.) But the Barstool Republican now largely defines the Republican coalition because of his willingness to dispense with his party’s conventional policy wisdom on anything — the social safety net, drug laws, abortion access — as long as it means one thing: he doesn’t have to vote for some snooty Democrat, and, by proxy, the caste of lousy deans that props up the left’s politically-correct cultural regime.
The backlash to liberal domination of pop culture and the past decade’s transformation of speech norms created the Barstool Republican long before Portnoy’s name was bandied about in jest as a political candidate. And if you’ve been paying attention, their cultural revolution dates back to a time when such antics were more likely to get you kicked out of Mar-a-Lago than installed as its lifelong “El Presidente.”
Lost in the annals of a time when culture wars weren’t quite as central to our national politics is a nomenclature that now seems almost quaint: the so-called “South Park Republican.”
As far back as 2001, the gadfly conservative blogger Andrew Sullivan was using the term to describe members of his political tribe who shared the anti-P.C., socially libertarian views of “South Park” creators Matt Stone and Trey Parker. Stone and Parker, true to form, loudly protested their hatred of both major parties. Still, the label stuck, inspiring sparring New York Times columns and even a book-length exploration of the concept by conservative writer Brian C. Anderson.
In the political climate of the mid-2000s, the concept’s appeal was obvious: As Gen X-ers and younger Baby Boomers entered the ranks of the political elite, it made sense that they would dispense with the blue-blooded stuffiness and social conservatism of the Reagan-Bush imperium in favor of a vaguely countercultural, post-Sixties tolerance. W traded his father’s country-club affect for a pair of cowboy boots, but he wasn’t fooling anyone: The cultural energy in the Republican Party, to the extent that it had any, was in its feather-ruffling libertarian wing, whose influence would soon reach its zenith with the self-proclaimed Ron Paul Revolution. But like so many would-be revolutions, this one was denied — or at least delayed and mutated.
Paul’s 2012 bid to become the Republican Party’s presidential standard-bearer fizzled out in spectacular fashion, failing to convert internet hype into any meaningful primary support. Romney won the nomination and invited the youthful Wisconsin congressman Paul Ryan along for the ride (whose rad workout gear and politically inscrutable love of Rage Against the Machine, alas, failed to inspire a Romney-Ryan youth movement).
Crashing on the rocks of both Barack Obama’s megawatt cultural celebrity and the looming coronation of Jeb Bush as the post-“autopsy” face of the GOP, the Rude Republican cohort was at loose ends — until an unlikely salvation came in the form of a 6’3” reality show host and frequent Howard Stern guest descending his golden escalator into the first paragraph of 21st-century American history.
I'm not going to tell you the reason she divorced me.
But in order to get an eviction notice, you have to change abuse.
I was never charged with crimes of any time. The only charges were speeding charges including DUI's.
I never hit Lydia. I'm not a violent person, in fact I am one of the least violent person you have met.
I made the same mistakes that almost every man who has done. But if you ever accuse me of domestic violence I will sue your pathetic ass.
But if you ever accuse me of domestic violence I will sue your pathetic ass.
And here I sit, STILL waiting to be served by your lawyer, alky.
Go fuck yourself.
Just admit that you still want to talk about Trump because you are so embarrassed by Biden.
When there isn't anything real to talk about, you find some conspiracy theory out there and attempt to attach it to Trump (in this case Trump Jr) simply because you demand that we still talk about Trump?
I am not the one living in a nursing home and making shit up about people because of an unhealthy obsession on an ex-President. Ironically you believe that the fact that I am "not" still obsessed with the former President and continue to call you out on lies... makes "me" crazy.
How many comments could I find attached to you that called me "crazy"?
Perhaps that is a lawsuit? I could sue you for your walker?
Just admit that you still want to talk about Trump because you are so embarrassed by Biden.
He's not alone in this regard. I have several liberal friends that continue to bitch incessantly about Trump, and when I mention Slow Joe and his epic failures in less than 6 months in office, the subject changes suddenly.
Your attempts to associate some fringe conspiracy with someone important like the President is a lie plain and simple.
Your blatant lie are absolute proof of your systematic mental instability.
You used the revolver bs about confidential informants in a 500 word diatribe.
You have been accusing the national security officials, the FBI and the Department of Justice, being a tool to help "Sleepy Joe's" agenda.
Throughout history the executive branch has not turned them into a political asset. Trump is an example of how dictators have overturned democracies by discrediting the institutions that enforce the law under the Constitution. When he actually brought up the conspiracy theory on social media to the Department of Justice, they said it was insane!
Donald Trump is the biggest threat in history. It's not liberal vs conservative anymore. Because even people like you have fallen in line.
You took history in both schools and universities.
I'm sincerely hope you can move forward without Trump and his dangerous philosophy.
Have a happy puppet day.
But if😅 you ever accu😊se me of domestic violence 🙃I will sue your pathetic ass.😂
"And here I sit, STILL waiting to be served by your lawyer, alky."
RRB , Roger pulls that green toothless threat every time he gets whooped in a debate.
Roger, California law in part defines " domestic violence as verbal abuse".
So, again , in fact , you are , as always spectacularly wrong.
"Perhaps that is a lawsuit? I could sue you for your walker?"
CHT, go for his "juice box collect."
Domestic allegations are not indictments kputz. The state government never filed an indictment.
Accusing indictment is against civil rights to sue.
Donald Trump is the biggest threat in history.
Yeah, a threat to liberalism, which is a good thing. This is why I'm convinced you're mentally ill. You've made this claim hundreds of times and never once backed it up with any evidence.
Best economy of my lifetime, lowest minority unemployment EVER, 6% real wage growth, consumer confidence best ever, 3.5% unemployment, record stock market gains and wealth creation, got Europe to pay their contractual share of NATO, pulling us OUT of endless wars...
...and the list goes on.
But his mean tweets. Well I NEVER...
My walker is in the trash.
The 2020 RNC literally did not have a new policy platform — those willing to trash the Democratic cultural regime most loudly and consistently are firmly in command, with more staid Republicans forced to at least provide cover, if not actively follow their cues.
They’re forced to defend freshman North Carolina Rep. Madison Cawthorn in the face of his attention-seeking tweets and allegations of sexual harassment from his (very recent) college days, while he ranks in the top 10 members of Congress in missed votes. They’re forced to defend Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz as he faces his own allegations of sexual impropriety — not to mention his frat-boy antics, like showing up to Congress in a gas mask in the earliest days of the coronavirus pandemic. They’re forced to defend Colorado Rep. Lauren Boebert as she fends off complaints from constituents about her “embarrassing” freshman term in Congress, after winning a primary and general election largely on the strength of her, well, bar ownership.
So just as anti-P.C., vaguely amoral Barstool-ism can be a strength, it can also be a weakness. In a media environment built to reinforce and intensify one’s ideological beliefs, being on the attack all the time can leave you in an exhausting state of constant defense. Yes, it can galvanize — nearly 75 million people voted to re-elect Donald Trump, the Stoolie-in-chief — but it can also exasperate and infuriate in turn — a record 81 million Americans voted for Trump’s purposely less-pugilistic opponent, Joe Biden. It also runs the risk of all novelty: that people might just bore of it. Yesterday’s provocation becomes today’s status quo, and in turn tomorrow’s epic cringe.
The next conspiracy theory bullshit will get posted here next week!
"My walker is in the trash"
So is your , well, what you call a life
California Domestic Violence Law.
Just be cause you weren't convicted , doesn't mean you didn't violate it.
You are a bad human.
You used the revolver bs about confidential informants in a 500 word diatribe.
I used the "facts" regarding the Whitmer kidnapping plot. FACTS that you or anyone else actually disputes. They arrested 14 people in the plot where there was at least 5 "known" undercover FBI agents (actually employees of the FBI) as well as an unknown number of "informants" (non FBI employees working with the FBI) involved.
Most of the leadership was actually FBI employees and FBI employees made up 60% of the people they literally stopped when they on their way to the alleged plot.
The fact that you cannot understand the difference between facts and opinion or the fact that you cannot separate facts from a source (The Revolver was not the only "source" of the Whitmer kidnapping fiasco) is why it's so difficult to deal with you.
Let's be clear. The Revolver story was not "unnamed sources" or "rumor has it" - it was a matter of public record in the indictments involving the plot.
For certain, their "opinion" was that the same thing might have been evident in the Capital riot. But that was an "opinion" and should be taken with a grain of salt.
Throughout history the executive branch has not turned them into a political asset.
The IRS is back to denying conservative political groups 501 non-profit status. With literally no actual proof, the DOJ has stated that "White Supremacy" the most dangerous threat. Basically demanding that many conservative values are now associate with "White Supremacy" and will be monitoring "social media" and places looking for certain "opinions". We've already seen the FBI involved in undercover "sting" operations that appear much more like entrapment cases.
The weaponization of the DOJ started with Eric Holder calling himself Obama's "wing man" in terms of making sure his DOJ was doing the bidding of the White House.
Sorry Rog.. just more projection.
It's laughable that the same Adam Schiff who went after secure data on his political opponents is upset that someone pulled his file (when he was legitimately being looked as a felony leaker of confidential information).
Yeah Rog... projection.
It was a Sunday Funnies for rrb's black hatted Syndrome
Sunday Funny
Donald J. Trump Jr.June 20, 2021
The Democrats and the fake media ignored that people working for the Italian defense contractor, in coordination with senior CIA officials, used military satellites to switch votes from Trump to Joe Biden and swing the result of the election. "Italygate" is a fact.
NSA is a Democratic hoax. They faked the first landing on the moon, to make JFK a legend in our society.
We must stop the steal!
You have forgotten Watergate, when a secret record of Nixon's campaign caused Goldwater a a few others to resign.
Your projections suggest.....disease
When the former President demanded that William Barr to arrest Sleepy Joe Biden and his son, you remained silent.
Barr may have saved the world from Trump. His isolationist philosophy endangers our allies who have fulfilled their obligations in response to 9/11 and the Iraq war!
Without our allies China will become the strongest nation on earth.
But you are blinded by Trump.
The GOP's latest target in their fight to preserve the white supremacist institutions on which the United States was founded because of the original intent to preserve slavery.
CRT tells the coldheartedtruth about the racist past failures, but instead of making people hate other races, it tells the story about the civil rights movement in the 60s. The people who voted for the civil and voting rights legislation were white people, on both sides of the Congress.
Get out Alky hobble your cripples ass down to the coliseum and watch the Giltinis play the San Diego Legion at 3
Get a life
Roger all was a huge supporter of CRY.
First thing. Jimmy Carter was elected about 50 years ago.
The Republican Presidents have a terrible record.
The last three Republican presidencies ended in economic turmoil. And their Democratic successors had to clean up the mess. Voters need to be reminded – again and again – that putting Republicans in the White House puts our country in recession.
Republican recessions
It seems quaint compared to 2008 or our current crisis, but President George H. W. Bush ended his one term in office in recession. After what was then the longest period of peacetime economic expansion in US history, in July 1990 the country entered a recession that saw unemployment rise to a peak of 7.8% in June 1992.
His challenger Bill Clinton made the economic pain that families were feeling the mantra of his campaign and handily beat Bush, who came across as out of touch with working Americans.
One of Clinton's first legislative achievements was an economic recovery bill that, among other things, put a greater tax burden on the wealthy and increased tax credits and wage subsidies for the working poor. As a result, during his eight years in office, Clinton oversaw economic growth that averaged 3.5% annual GDP growth but topped 4% throughout his second term. Unemployment fell from 7.4% to 3.9%, and the labor market added an average of 2.9 million jobs per year.
Cut to President George W. Bush and his policies that cut taxes for the rich, grew our national debt and trade deficit to record levels, left the US dollar severely weakened, decreased regulation of Wall Street, and ultimately helped bring about the Great Recession.
The Great Recession was man-made, caused by reckless lending by financial institutions – not the result of the natural cycles of our economy. The devastation was – and continues to be – enormous, with America more unequal, less productive, and poorer because of the severity of the crisis.
President Barack Obama came to office needing to help bail out entire industries that our country runs on. The depth of the decline was the worst in 80 years, and the recovery Obama initiated was slow – but effective.
After taking over in early 2017, former-President Donald Trump maintained the Obama recovery in some ways – but in other ways economic disparity grew deeper. Then, he treated the pandemic more like a political issue than a health issue, and the economy went into a recession.
Even though the economy is growing well, the odds are that even if he serves one term. The economy will be in better shape than the day he was sworn in.
Roger always a huge supporter of CRT.
Roger you predicted 🇺🇸 US GDP of "12 % this year" & "10 % in the following years"
Are you standing by those predictions?
H.R. 1, “For the People Act,” is nothing short of an restoring one of the central pillars of our Republic. It is a 884-page if passed, would fundamentally change the balance of power in our country to favor the elected accountable federal bureaucrats in favor of the American people.
Instead of using Republican loyalists to supervise the election day results, elected people of either party, they will be held accountable for illegal voting suppression in the ballot box. Or get reelected for preserving our fundamental right to choose our leaders.
The Republicans oppose it because it actually will increase legal turnout
You have no life
Cali, your family going "foraging" is something my family still.does together.
Hunting Morel Mushrooms and now collecting quarts of wild black rasberries. Freeze most of the berries and make jam in the winter.
Some now on Vanilla Ice Cream.
It is only 98° today. It was perfect.
I’m hoping the Chanterelles are up next weekend
In regards to the former President's philosophy. I would describe it as isolationist, protectionist and, to a certain extent, nativist.
Hmmmm, hmmmm, good eats , don't need to stinking store.
Good luck.
Roger, is again spectacularly wrong.
Roger you used to drive some or cruiser clown car POS.
Did you buy that Audi A8 you had your heart set on?
Trump was RIGHT! California will spend $500 MILLION this year to thin its 33 million acres of forests to lessen the chance of wildfires - after former president was laughed at in 2018 for suggesting raking the woodland floor
Groups of 12-person crews are combing the 33 million acres of California forests and cutting down trees to lessen the chance of wildfires
During the 2020 California wildfires, 31 people died and another 37 suffered non-fatal injuries due to 9,639 fires spread across the Golden State
Former US President Donald Trump had blamed the Cali's ongoing and deadly wildfire problem on the state's failure to clear its forests of dead trees and debris
Trump ultimately ended up withholding government aid to California until they put the plan into practice, which recently began with cleanup crews statewide
California will be using $500 million in government aid specifically to combat its deadly wildfire problem
But Los Padres ForestWatch conservation director Bryant Baker warns that controlled burns threaten the native plant areas of SoCal’s national forests
Again, proving Denny spectacularly wrong is so easy.
"WASHINGTON — Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., drew his red lines on how to pay for a potential infrastructure compromise bill Sunday, as Democratic progressives continue to hesitate over joining the bipartisan deal on one of President Joe Biden's biggest legislative priorities.
Twenty-one senators, including 11 Republicans, have coalesced around a broad framework that invests in hard infrastructure spending — roads, bridges and other projects."
Former President George W. Bush on Tuesday described the Republican Party as "isolationist, protectionist and, to a certain extent, nativist," his strongest and most direct criticism yet against his own party since leaving office in 2009.
Bush's comments are notable not only because he's a former Republican president, but he has largely kept quiet on politics since he left Washington. He has recently written about the need for a gentler approach to immigration in contrast to much of the hardline rhetoric that dominates the current GOP in the post-Trump era, but he has typically avoided directly criticizing the party.
George W Bush is again spectacularly wrong according to kputz.
Under President Joe Biden, the Justice Department is defending many of the polices and prerogatives of former President Donald Trump. Six months after Trump left office, lawsuits on matters ranging from the Trump-Russia scandal to a rape allegation against the former president are still winding through courts, and DOJ is siding with the former president in some cases, and fighting Congress to keep Trump-era records secret in others.
The Justice Department appears to be doing this because it is run by lawyers eager to preserve executive branch power against legislators, and because Attorney General Merrick Garland wants to avoid “re-litigating” Trump-era controversies, according to aides.
Trump.was right, has become a common even as The Pet Rock Biden is implementing the great re-set of the Globalists.
Roger since you own a Audi A8, with an impressive $86,500 price tag, not including tax, title and registration, I would think you would be out driving in it.
Putin is a smarter and more skilled authoritarian than Donald Trump; he is no less shameless.
In a week of summiteering, Biden did his level best to reassert a sense of common cause with nato allies and to promote a foreign policy that seeks a foundation in values as well as in raw interests. “Human rights is gonna always be on the table,” Biden said he told Putin. “It’s about who we are.” It was a relief to hear an American President speak up for human rights again, but it will take a great deal more to exert moral suasion in Russia or anywhere else. U.S. history is hardly saintly: that “shining city upon a hill” is, at best, a destination. Shallow talk of American exceptionalism has, over the years, allowed Putin to call us hypocrites, and to declare, as he told the Financial Times two years ago, that the liberal ideal has “outlived its purpose.”
Biden went to Geneva in large measure to reverse the spectacle of Trump’s famous press conference in Helsinki, in 2018, at which he appeared to side with Putinism over his own government. But, although Trump has left the White House, his legacy persists. The leadership of the Republican Party supports voter suppression, coddles conspiracy theorists, demotes dissenters, downplays the dangers of climate change, and refuses to investigate an insurrection inspired by a sitting President.
Putin played Trump like a puppet.
Biden looked like the President of the United States of America.
Statement by President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. on World Refugee Day
Today, I join people around the globe in commemorating World Refugee Day, a day when we recognize the courage and humanity of the millions forced to flee violence, persecution, and war. It is also a moment to honor the generosity of communities welcoming refugees and the bravery and dedication of humanitarian workers who provide life-saving assistance, often in challenging and dangerous conditions.
At a time when the number of refugees and other displaced persons has reached an alarming and historic high—more than 82 million worldwide—the United States has a moral obligation to ensure that refugees have access to life-saving care, opportunities to pursue an education, and livelihoods that allow them to live with dignity and hope for the future. On this day, we reaffirm our sacred commitment to alleviate suffering through humanitarian relief, and redouble our efforts to achieve lasting solutions for refugees—including through resettlement. We also recommit to engaging in diplomatic efforts to bring an end to the ongoing conflicts that compel refugees to seek safety elsewhere.
Protecting refugees is part of our DNA. Our nation was founded by those fleeing religious persecution. When we take action to help refugees around the world, we honor our past and live up to our highest values. We show our greatest strength as a nation.
We do this because it’s the right thing to do, but make no mistake: helping refugees helps the United States, too, bringing greater regional stability and making the world a safer place for all of us.
That’s why I revised the United States’ annual refugee admissions cap to 62,500 for this fiscal year, and plan to raise it to 125,000 next year. While meeting these targets will be a challenge, I have directed my Administration to work as quickly as possible to rebuild and improve refugee processing and to expand our capacity to admit refugees. We need to lead by example. And the refugees who arrive at our shores will continue to strengthen our communities, as they always have, bringing new life, energy, and ideas to our great country. The United States is proud to stand as a beacon of liberty and refuge to the world, and whether it’s taking in those seeking safety or providing more humanitarian relief than any other nation, we’re going to do our part.
“It is essential as a scientist that you evolve your opinion and your recommendations based on the data as it evolves… And that’s the reason why I say people who then criticize me about that are actually criticizing science.”
Too many people don't believe in evolution. Some Republicans believe the earth is flat.
— ,
Economics 101 for kputz.
People are quitting their jobs at record rates. That's a good thing for the economy.
CBS News - 11 hours ago
For two years, John White has been trying to get a permanent job at the company where he's a contractor, but his applications to open positions there have been rejected five times. Company policy forbade contractors from working remotely during the pandemic, so even while his colleagues worked from home, White has been commuting to work. "I've physically been in the office every day that I have worked here," recalled White, 38.
When he's asked for raises, the staffing company and the client each blamed the other party. The last straw was when he asked his direct manager for a raise. According to White, she suggested he "leave and come back in under a different contracting company."
White did leave — for a competitor. Four days after this conversation, the Louisville resident lined up a job offer with a rival company paying an additional $2 more per hour, as well as paid time off and health insurance. On his last day, he brought in a cake, bearing the message, "Sorry for your loss."
White is one of millions of American workers who've quit their jobs in recent months. Even with 9.8 million people unable to find employment, others are quitting at record rates — pushing the "quits rate" to never-before-seen levels.
Some workers are leaving for new jobs, with better pay or remote-friendly working conditions. Others have decided to start their own businesses rather than collect a paycheck. Still others are quitting with no firm plans, confident they can get a better deal elsewhere as the economy rebounds from the pandemic recession.
Slava Malamud
It's #WorldRefugeeDay , and that's a thing that I am. Also, Col. Vindman, LTC Vindman, @juliaioffe, @IlhanMN, @biannagolodryga and other people that strut around this country with opinions as if they own the place. Which we do. Because this is what America was meant for.
Alexander S. Vindman
I welcome refugees because we Vindmans arrived in the United States as refugees. This World Refugee Day, show your support by sharing why you welcome refugees. Learn more at…. #IWelcomeBecause #WorldRefugeeDay @HIASrefugees
rrb hates Mooslimb because they are not white enough
Alky you’re alone in a room on Father’s Day and have no life
Just had a spectacular Cajun dinner with my wife and kids
Look at yourself it’s pitiful
AMERICAN NEWS Jun 19, 2021 10:56 AM EST
WATCH: Glenn Greenwald suggests the FBI had a role in Jan. 6 riot, exposes propaganda of CNN, MSNBC
On Friday night, Fox News host Tucker Carlson interviewed journalist and author Glenn Greenwald who discussed the FBI's alleged role in the Jan. 6 riot and exposed the establishment media's propaganda surrounding the
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On Friday night, Fox News host Tucker Carlson interviewed journalist and author Glenn Greenwald who discussed the FBI's alleged role in the Jan. 6 riot and exposed the establishment media's propaganda surrounding the Capitol breach.
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"Glenn Greenwald is one of the people who has been covering the FBI's behavior, particularly its anti-terrorism efforts, very closely for a long time. We want to get his assessment, and we are right now," prefaces Carlson in the video interview.
".... We're hearing that anybody who has questions about why two dozen participants have not been charged on Jan. 6 is a conspiracy monger, and a lunatic, and probably a soldier in the QAnon army. Is there, based on precedence, a reason to ask that question, do you think?" asks Carlson.
"Of course. The entire first war on terror – I regard this as the second war on terror, the domestic version – the entire first war on terror contained very little domestically other than the FBI targeting people that they viewed as easily manipulated or otherwise vulnerable," answers Greenwald.
"And, planting informants or other operatives within a certain ring of typically American Muslims or young ones, encouraging them then to join a pod that was devised and designed by the FBI," continues Greenwald. "Often paying for it, the FBI was, to get the material and everything else, and then boasting about the plot that they broke up, that was a pod that came from the FBI," he says.
"The vast majority of times that you heard the FBI applauding itself for having stopped a terrorist pod domestically was actually a pod that they themselves governed and directed, with informants and with operatives exactly of the type that we know for certain they put into the Proud Boys and the Three Percenters, two of the three groups they claim are behind Jan. 6," Greenwald quips.
"So, the only way you can claim this is some kind of a crazy conspiracy theory is if you are either completely ignorant about what the FBI does, or lying on purpose to cover up what the FBI does when it acts domestically," Greenwald declares.
Tucker then asks: "But if you're a journalist, why would you lie on behalf of a government law enforcement agency? Why would you choose to protect the FBI instead of informing your own viewers?"
"I think this is the key point, Tucker, is the structure of pretty much all these outlets that are now serving a liberal audience in the United States, which is the Washington Post, The New York Times, CNN, NBC News, NPR. And it's not just me saying that; the data shows that," replies Greenwald.
"During the Trump years, the CIA and the FBI became overwhelmingly popular among American liberals. They worshipped the FBI and the CIA because they viewed it as a bulwark against Trump," Greenwald pivots.
"So, if you're serving a liberal audience, the last thing you know your audience wants to hear – and their audience is disappearing, so they're petrified of them – is anything that is questioning of, or critical of, the FBI," he goes on.
"On top of which, all these news outlets are filled, on their payroll, with former operatives of the FBI and the CIA," he states.
"...That's what drove Russiagate for five years, so many of the false conspiracy theories that these outlets spread. And they're doing it again," he says.
Tucker then iterates: "So, they're serving, openly serving, institutional power against the population."
"If you go and Google – and I hope your viewers do – 'Operation Mockingbird,' what you will find is that, during the Cold War, these agencies used to plot about how to clandestinely manipulate the news media to disseminate propaganda to the American population," responds Greenwald. "They used to try and do it secretly. They don't even do it secretly anymore. They don't need
"While well-intentioned, the use of Latinx creates more problems than solutions, and makes Latinos feel ignored and disrespected." Nothing 'well intentioned' about it. It's strategic. It's meant to incite anger and eventually violence. "Forced changes from outside our community are a form of linguistic imperialism." No kid, forget the 'linguistic imperialism'. You're over-intellectualizing it. It's called communism, pure and simple.
German media giant CEO slams employees against company's display of Israeli flag: 'If you're anti-Israel, don't work for us'
Remind me please, what products does this woke company make? I’ve forgotten, and if I’m told again, I intend to promptly forget this woke company and their’ products again promptly. I think that’s the only message these woke leftist corporations are likely to pay any attention to.
Antifa militants attack pedestrians, shut down streets outside Denver conservative conference
The democrats “brown shirts” are at it again. Yet they compare these spoiled brat losers to the patriot heroes who stormed Normandy? Brian Williams you have sold out your country and lost your mind! Sleepy Joe time to wake up. PS: Seen any “White Supremists” lately. Only in the Dems minds!
Joe Biden is better on the world stage than any president since George H.W. Bush
Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Barack Obama and Donald Trump all came into office with little or no international affairs experience. And it showed.
David Rothkopf
Opinion columnist
Joe Biden has had more foreign policy experience than any other president in U.S. history. When he entered the Senate and began dealing with global issues, it was 1973 and Leonid Brezhnev was chairman of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. The previous most experienced among our presidents when it came to foreign policy was George H.W. Bush. Add up his time in Congress, as ambassador to the United Nations, head of the U.S. Liaison Office in China, head of the CIA and vice president, Bush became president with 17 years of foreign policy experience.
That is a third of the foreign policy experience Biden has had.
It is probably unfair to compare Biden's early performance to the first months of Donald Trump, the only president in U.S. history to have had zero public service experience of any kind before he took office. In fact, it’s probably unfair to compare him with any of his predecessors since the senior Bush. Former Arkansas Gov. Bill Clinton, former Texas Gov. George W. Bush and freshman Sen. Barack Obama all came into office with little or no international affairs experience. And it showed.
In a statement given to the European Parliament, Greenwald said:
The ultimate goal of the NSA, along with its most loyal, one might say subservient junior partner the British agency GCHQ – when it comes to the reason why the system of suspicion of surveillance is being built and the objective of this system – is nothing less than the elimination of individual privacy worldwide
— Glenn Greenwald
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