Sunday, June 13, 2021

Sunday Funnies



Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

In response to picture 11

anonymous said...

I always enjoyed Doonies photo op with the upside down bible in front of a church in lieu of the idiot Lil Schitty's first foto!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Joe Biden's G-7 charm offensive draws line under Trump era.

JUN 12, 2021, 9:33 PM SGT


CARBIS BAY, ENGLAND (AFP) - "Everybody in the water!" United States President Joe Biden joked to his fellow Group of Seven (G-7) leaders at a group photo on the beach, underlining an assured transformation in tone from the antagonistic Mr Donald Trump.

Where Mr Trump alienated and exasperated, undermining the Western alliance at every turn, Mr Biden declared that "America is back!" after starting his first foreign tour as US president in Britain.

US service personnel were standing stiffly to attention in respect for their commander-in-chief as Mr Biden addressed them on Wednesday (June 9) at an air force base in eastern England.

"Please, at ease," he said, urging them to relax. "I keep forgetting I'm President."

It was hard to imagine such an avuncular line ever coming from Mr Trump, and G-7 leaders have been equally at ease in the company of the 78-year-old former senator and vice-president.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, one of the few foreign leaders praised by Mr Trump, called Mr Biden "a big breath of fresh air".

French President Emmanuel Macron, after contesting a years-long battle of wills with Mr Trump, eagerly grabbed Mr Biden by the arm for a good-natured chat after Friday's G-7 photo at Carbis Bay in south-west England.

With Britain going ahead with the elite club's first in-person summit in nearly two years, Mr Biden is back in his element having amassed decades of foreign policy experience: glad-handing on the world stage.

But while mocked by Mr Trump as "Sleepy Joe", Mr Biden has shown no lack of vim in his public appearances at the G-7.

"He has been getting ready for 50 years," White House press secretary Jen Psaki said.

"He's known a number of these leaders for decades... and there's nothing like face-to-face engagement in diplomacy," she said, as Mr Biden corrals Western leaders into a tougher line on China and Russia.

Rebuilding brand America

He is on solid ground at the G-7. The leaders of Canada, France and Germany all endured tongue-lashings from Mr Trump, and there is palpable relief at the reversion to traditional diplomatic modes.

It is a stark contrast to Mr Trump's first presidential trip to Europe, in May 2017, for a Nato summit in Brussels and a G-7 in Sicily.

At one point, he unceremoniously shoved aside Montenegro's leader at a group photo.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

A STATEMENT BY THE REV. JAMES BOSWELL, retired pastor of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) living n Normal, Illinois:

I and other contemporary students and scholars of “the historical Jesus,” including some who are devout Christians, have been severely criticized by scriptural inerrantists for expressing our conviction that Jesus and John the Baptist, and all the apostles and authors of the New Testament were expecting the end of the age to come in their own generation.

MY REPLY: If the historical man Jesus of Nazareth were to come among us today, I think he would beg us to stop repeating the ridiculous notion that he is about to return on clouds of heaven, a notion repeated with firm conviction every few years in almost every generation by fundamentalists who often list certain supposedly inerrant reasons for why this must happen very soon.

I think he would point out to us that he and John the Baptist and the apostles were obviously mistaken in expecting an imminent ending of the world accompanied by the coming of God's wonderful Kingdom on all the earth in their own generation, and that there is now good scientific reason to think that our solar system has perhaps another four billion years left to survive, so that we on this planet should devote our energies to saving rather than destroying the wonderful ecosystem we have inherited but are speedily ruining.

I think too he would want us to understand that he had good reason to think the end was near in his own generation, influenced as he was by the Hebrew Prophets and especially by two visions in the Scroll of Daniel (chapters two and seven) which were written not in Hebrew but in the Aramaic he spoke daily and could easily read and understand even as a very young child, visions which influenced him to speak often in his later teachings of the imminent coming of both "the Kingdom of God" and "the Son of Man."

I also think he would want us to devote more time to examining all his other teachings and trying to determine anew in what ways those teachings are, or are not, still relevant for us today, and if and how and why they still should be practiced by people willing to devote themselves to the amazingly selfless communality he himself taught, lived, suffered and sacrificially died to exemplify.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The real G7 video


Trump is back in Scott's mind.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Why don't Republicans like Jehovah's Witnesses?

Republicans don't like any witnesses.


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Biden urges G-7 leaders to call out and compete with China
Associated Press
Jonathan ALemire June 13, 2021, 2:48 AM

CARBIS BAY, England (AP) — Leaders of the world's largest economies unveiled an infrastructure plan Saturday for the developing world to compete with China’s global initiatives, but they were searching for a consensus on how to forcefully to call out Beijing over human rights abuses.

Citing China for its forced labor practices is part of President Joe Biden’s campaign to persuade fellow democratic leaders to present a more unified front to compete economically with Beijing. But while they agreed to work toward competing against China, there was less unity on how adversarial a public position the group should take.

Canada, the United Kingdom and France largely endorsed Biden's position, while Germany, Italy and the European Union showed more hesitancy during Saturday's first session of the Group of Seven summit, according to two senior Biden administration officials. The officials who briefed reporters were not authorized to publicly discuss the private meeting and spoke on condition of anonymity.

The communique that summarizes the meeting's commitments was being written and the contents would not be clear until it was released when the summit ended Sunday. White House officials said late Saturday that they believed that China, in some form, could be called out for “nonmarket policies and human rights abuses.”

In his first summit as president, Biden made a point of carving out one-on-one-time with various leaders, bouncing from French president Emmanuel Macron to German chancellor Angela Merkel to Italian prime minister Mario Draghi as well as Japan's Yoshihide Suga and Australia's Scott Morrison, a day after meeting with British Prime Minister Boris Johnson as if to personally try to ward off memories of the chaos that his predecessor would often bring to these gatherings.

Macron told Biden that collaboration was needed on a range of issues and told the American president that “it’s great to have a U.S. president part of the club and very willing to cooperate.” Relations between the allies had become strained during the four years of Donald Trump's presidency and his “America first” foreign policy.

Merkel, for her part, downplayed differences on China and the Nord Stream 2 pipeline which would transport natural gas from Russia to Germany, bypassing Ukraine.

“The atmosphere is very cooperative, it is characterized by mutual interest," Merkel said. "There are very good, constructive and very vivid discussions in the sense that one wants to work together.”

White House officials have said Biden wants the leaders of the G-7 nations — the U.S., Britain, Canada, France, Germany, Japan and Italy — to speak in a single voice against forced labor practices targeting China's Uyghur Muslims and other ethnic minorities. Biden hopes the denunciation will be part of a joint statement to be released Sunday when the summit ends, but some European allies are reluctant to split so forcefully with Beijing.

China had become one of the more compelling sublots of the wealthy nations' summit, their first since 2019. Last year’s gathering was canceled because of COVID-19, and recovery from the pandemic is dominating this year's discussions, with leaders expected to commit to sharing at least 1 billion vaccine shots with struggling countries.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

The allies also took the first steps in presenting an infrastructure proposal called “Build Back Better for the World,” a name echoing Biden's campaign slogan. The plan calls for spending hundreds of billions of dollars in collaboration with the private sector while adhering to climate standards and labor practices.

It's designed to compete with China’s trillion-dollar “Belt and Road Initiative,” which has launched a network of projects and maritime lanes that snake around large portions of the world, primarily Asia and Africa. Critics say China's projects often create massive debt and expose nations to undue influence by Beijing.
Britain also wants the world’s democracies to become less reliant on the Asian economic giant. The U.K. government said Saturday’s discussions would tackle “how we can shape the global system to deliver for our people in support of our values,” including by diversifying supply chains that currently heavily depend on China.

Not every European power has viewed China in as harsh a light as Biden, who has painted the rivalry with China as the defining competition for the 21st century. But there are some signs that Europe is willing to impose greater scrutiny.

Before Biden took office in January, the European Commission announced it had come to terms with Beijing on a deal meant to provide Europe and China with greater access to each other’s markets. The Biden administration had hoped to have consultations on the pact.

But the deal has been put on hold, and the European Union in March announced sanctions targeting four Chinese officials involved with human rights abuses in Xinjiang. Beijing responded with penalties on several members of the European Parliament and other Europeans critical of the Chinese Communist Party.

Biden administration officials see an opportunity to take concrete action to speak out against China’s reliance on forced labor as an “affront to human dignity."

While calling out China in the G-7 communique would not create any immediate penalties for Beijing, one senior administration official said the action would send a message that the leaders were serious about defending human rights and working together to eradicate the use of forced labor.

An estimated 1 million people or more — most of them Uyghurs — have been confined in reeducation camps in China’s western Xinjiang region in recent years, according to researchers. Chinese authorities have been accused of imposing forced labor, systematic forced birth control, torture and separating children from incarcerated parents.

Beijing rejects allegations that it is committing crimes.

Johnson, the summit host, also welcomed the leaders from “guest nations" South Korea, Australia and South Africa, as well as the head of the United Nations, to the summit to “intensify cooperation between the world’s democratic and technologically advanced nations.”

The leaders planned to attend a barbecue Saturday night, complete with toasted marshmallows, hot buttered rum and a performance by a sea shanty troupe.

India was also invited but its delegation is not attending in person because of the severe coronavirus outbreak in the country.

Biden ends the trip Wednesday by meeting in Geneva with Russia’s Vladimir Putin. The White House announced Saturday that they will not hold a joint news conference afterward, which removes the opportunity for comparisons to the availability that followed Trump and Putin’s 2018 Helsinki summit, in which Trump sided with Moscow over his own intelligence agencies. Only Biden will address the news media after the meeting.

Putin, in an interview with NBC News, said the U.S.-Russia relationship had “deteriorated to its lowest point in recent years.”

He added that while Trump was a “talented” and “colorful” person, Biden was a “career man” in politics, which has “some advantages, some disadvantages, but there will not be any impulse-based movements” by the U.S. president.


anonymous said...

This is what is wrong with the GOP and its devout followers like Lil Schitty!!!!

Do these idiots spend all their waking hours scheming to blow up the country??????

How America is now threatening its alliesNot content with undermining Israel's security, Biden has turned to destabilising the UK

Melanie Phillips

anonymous said...



Commonsense said...

This is sycophantic properganda that should make most people vomit.

CARBIS BAY, ENGLAND (AFP) - "Everybody in the water!" United States President Joe Biden joked to his fellow Group of Seven (G-7) leaders at a group photo on the beach, underlining an assured transformation in tone from the antagonistic Mr Donald Trump.

Where Mr Trump alienated and exasperated, undermining the Western alliance at every turn, Mr Biden declared that "America is back!" after starting his first foreign tour as US president in Britain.

Deep State Detective said...

The Democrats are going to take away McDonald's hamburgers!

Instead of meat, which is now scarce and expensive, you are going to eat the bugs and enjoy them. Electricity itself may prove scarce, but this is the price of reducing global warming. Video games and travel—ephemeral things that do not last—are offered as substitutes for the old fruits of a free market economy: a job, a home, and economic independence. 

They will require nation wide isolation at your homes and eat crickets!

Anonymous said...

A Republican walks into a college bookstore and asks the proprietor, "I'm looking for Trump's new book on illegal immigration?"

The owner says "GET THE FUCK OUT!"

The Republican responds "Yeah! That's the one!"

Deep State Detective said...

The Green Agenda is the use of windmills nation wide.

Just like The President said, they will cause cancer on Anglo Saxon DNA people.

It's a place to replace Auschwitz Camps.

Deep State Detective said...

Sleepy Joe will not hold a joint press conference with Vladimir Putin after the summit meeting because more people around the world know that Biden is totally lost all the time. It really appears that Obama and China are running the White House now.

Deep State Detective of American Greatness said...

Fear Mongering Encourages Demands for Government Action

It is noteworthy that all of these warnings have the same basic message: this is a dangerous world, and safety is attainable only if the government and oligarchs work together. At the same time, it is also hard to ignore how crises appear on a regular schedule to justify this revolution. 

For example, while periodic and inconvenient hacking attempts have happened for over 20 years, recently a large gasoline distributor was taken down, which created gas shortages and panic on the East Coast. This is something new. Then, miraculously (and suspiciously) all the money turned up in a bitcoin wallet in the foreign province of . . . California?!?

We must push California out of The United States!

Deep State Detective said...

Sleepy Joe is mumbling live

CBS Sunday Morning, June 13th, 2021

C.H. Truth said...

"Everybody in the water!" United States President Joe Biden joked to his fellow Group of Seven (G-7) leaders

So what we want in our President is a guy who cracks dad jokes during an international summit? Sort of sad, when that is the best you can say about the guy.

Myballs said...

Meanwhile we got pictures of Jill Biden at the president desk preparing for the G7 summit. Joe was probably napping.

rrb said...

Where Mr Trump alienated and exasperated, undermining the Western alliance at every turn, Mr Biden declared that "America is back!" after starting his first foreign tour as US president in Britain.

America is back alright.

Back to kissing the asses and sucking the balls of friend and foe alike. Back to inflation, back to malaise, back to rising prices and dwindling wealth. Back to subservience to Russia and China. Back to war and terror in the Middle East.

Yep, we're "back" to so many things that are just fucking awful.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

America Is Back.

A slightly larger majority (57%) say they have confidence in the president to do the right thing regarding world affairs, while about 4 in 10 (42%) do not have much or any confidence in Biden to do so, according to the poll, which was conducted by Ipsos in partnership with ABC News using Ipsos' KnowledgePanel.

Compared to the level of trust and confidence in his predecessor, former President Donald Trump, at roughly the same point in his administration, Biden's marks are noteworthy and even more so when factoring in the current level of partisan division in the United States.

In a July 2017 ABC News/Washington Post poll, nearly half (47%) of Americans said they had no trust at all in the self-described "America First" president to negotiate on the country's behalf with other world leaders.

He said during his press conference today he said that the Russians will work together to secure the system from random cyber attacks, on both governments.

But he made it clear that he will not endorse Putin, and the two Asian dictatorship countries, like the former President Trump did every single day.

rrb said...

But he made it clear that he will not endorse Putin, and the two Asian dictatorship countries, like the former President Trump did every single day.

Yet he blessed Putin's pipeline while cancelling ours.

If only your nutsack polishing rhetoric matched reality, alky.

Biden is a dementia-addled weakling and the whole world knows it.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The Democrats have to play Hardball.

There are a few defining crises in American history instantly known by their date:
December 7. Pearl Harbor
November 22. JFK assassinated
September 11. Bin Laden
January 6 Donald Trump Insurrection

After all those other national tragedies, there were independent, bipartisan commissions convened to investigate what happened so that it would not happen again: The Roberts Commission. The Warren Commission. The 9/11 Commission.
But this time patriotism and precedent don't seem to apply. Because Republicans killed the creation of a bipartisan commission by filibuster. The final vote was 54-35 in favor -- with six Republicans joining with Democrats in the US Senate -- but fell short of the 60 vote mark needed to proceed. The minority was able to kill the will of the majority for the most cynical political reasons.

Most were afraid that a bipartisan commission would bring up new information that would make the party look bad in the next election. They were being intimidated by Trumpist thugs peddling the Big Lie. This is the moral equivalent of 9/11 truthers being allowed to derail a 9/11 commission - which is unthinkable.
But what can Democrats actually do in response?

Glad you asked.
To begin with, Democrats should have demanded that the filibuster be conducted out loud, on the floor of the Senate. This idea, first floated by writer Jonathan Alter, would have forced Republicans to defend the indefensible.

The O.G. talking filibuster is a pain. It's public -- and drags on for hours or days. But it's consistent with the idea that filibusters are supposed to be stands of conscience -- not secret rubber stamps for partisan obstruction.

Republicans want to stop talking about the attack on our Capitol, so they should have been made to talk about it for a long time -- attempting to diminish the importance of the attacks, as the Capitol police, and the country, look on.

The fact that it would have delayed their Memorial Day break would have been entirely appropriate. Instead, they were allowed to double down on their endorsement of insurrection amnesia. It's just one more reason why the time has come for filibuster reform.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

So now it's time for Plan B: a House Select Committee -- with a twist.
Democrats could unilaterally convene a committee, asking Republican John Katko of New York, who negotiated the deal, to serve as co-chair.

Remember, 35 courageous Republicans voted to support a bipartisan commission, but House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy is already planning to attack the House committee as partisan, using that as an excuse to dismiss its findings. So McCarthy is likely to appoint Big Lie backers who will do his bidding, but that also runs the risk of making Republicans look bad in the ensuing circus.

This committee would have subpoena power to get testimony from witnesses ranging from McCarthy himself to former President Donald Trump's Chief of Staff Mark Meadows and even former Vice President Mike Pence. They would no doubt resist those subpoenas in court, but the longer that delay tactic drags on, the closer it could bring them to the next election -- something they desperately want to avoid.

The third option is uncharted territory, but then so was the insurrectionist attack on our Capitol. This idea was laid out by Norman Ornstein, a congressional scholar, in an interview with Greg Sargent of the Washington Post, and I later called him for further clarification.

Here's how it could work:
The attorney general could appoint a special counsel to investigate the insurrection and sedition, given that President Joe Biden was a party in the election.

The special counsel could deputize Justice Department lawyers from the public integrity division with subpoena powers to look at the digital records surrounding the attack.

He or she would then convene a bipartisan citizens commission -- led by respected officials like Leon Panetta and Robert Gates, Jeh Johnson and Fran Townsend -- to hold public hearings, resulting in an authoritative official report and recommendations. This would in effect reverse engineer the bipartisan commission that Republicans rejected.

January 6th was the most dangerous attack in history on The United States of America and for which it stands.

These hardball alternatives would require Democrats to push back strongly, but they are necessary now that the GOP has killed the commission. Attempts to diminish democracy's norms demand tough action.

What's clear is that if we cannot unite and reason together after an attack on our democracy, then it will only embolden future insurrection attempts -- and that is unacceptable. We must defend our democracy by any lawful means necessary.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

If a Democratic President sucked up to a Communist Dictator they would have exploded into 600 word irrational diatribes.

“Trump’s shadow has loomed large over Biden’s first trip abroad as president — an eight-day swing through Cornwall, England; Brussels; and Geneva, where Biden is being welcomed as much for who he is not as for who he is…”

“Biden, by contrast, was greeted with delight by leaders at the Group of Seven gathering of the world’s wealthy market democracies, who are relieved that Trump’s tantrums will be replaced by Biden’s backslapping…”

“Leaders have dark memories of past NATO summits, when Trump threatened to pull the United States out of the alliance — and once shoved the prime minister of Montenegro during a photo op. They remember the G-7 meetings where Trump repeatedly interrupted discussions to ask why they couldn’t invite Putin, a leader the rest of them viewed as an adversary but whom Trump saw as a friend.”

rrb said...

Every Disagreement With Liberal Policy Is Now A Threat To Democracy

The real threat to our democracy comes from those who howl the most about it.

Democrats have made it appear that our democracy is on the edge of destruction. Pretty much everything they don’t like threatens it.

If hypocrisy is the bedrock of liberalism, the constant stream of false narratives is its life blood.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Opinion: Now that GOP has killed 1/6 commission, Democrats must play hardball

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

American Greatness is a very effective example of modern era propaganda.

Well written with the intent to overthrow the Constitution.

rrb said...

So go ahead and have your little partisan hack theatre - 1/6 commission, alky.

No one fucking cares.

Oh, and by the way... make sure they go all the way back and investigate the leftist bombing of the Senate back in the 80's. That actually WAS a serious matter.

Also, howsabout giving those who are being held indefinitely for misdemeanor trespass their day in court. Or are you guys ok with the concept of a modern American gulag?

C.H. Truth said...

Yeah Roger...

They need to play some real hardball. Maybe drive both Manchin and Sinama out of the Party completely. Make sure that the American public understands that Democrats believe that a few hundred unarmed protesters who killed nobody is akin to Pearl Harbor (2300 dead) and 9-11 (3000 dead).

That ought to really show Americans what's what.

rrb said...

Make sure that the American public understands that Democrats believe that a few hundred unarmed protesters who killed nobody is akin to Pearl Harbor (2300 dead) and 9-11 (3000 dead).

That ought to really show Americans what's what.

The 2022 mid-term campaign ads are writing themselves thanks to the constant stream of false narratives coming from the democrats.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The resemblance between Trump and Hitler is amazing.

Hitler’s ascent began a long period of German recovery, economic expansion and the swift end of unemployment in that country. By 1939, Germany had a labor shortage of 2 million people, while industrial production had more than doubled. Generations of historians have debated whether the recovery was real, but the widespread perception of German success attracted admirers regardless of its reality.

Even though the last year of the Obama administration created more jobs than the first year of the Trump administration, you would never post it. And blocked anyone else, including Indyvoter2 who said that you have lost your mind Scott.

But the difference is that we have three branches of government.. The Courts denied over 60 attempts to reverse the outcome of the most secure election in recent history.

Our Federalist Democracy granted the states jurisdiction over the election system.

The Republicans are scared of turnout, and again you will insult me.

But they are carefully designing laws to reduce turnout.

The President and the Democrats need to pass the voting rights act, or the minority party will control all three branches and again the American dream will die.

anonymous said...

at the American public understands that Democrats believe that a few hundred unarmed protesters who killed

Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!! Just because in your blind eyes you think it was a nothing burger, there is a significant portion of the population that saw red hatted, trump flag waving assholes storming the capital in an organized fashion......I for one would like to know who in congress either helped or aided the invaders!!!!! Sorry sport, not every american is as biased as you and wants answers that you don't want to find out!!!!!!! BTW.....Lil Schitty the estimate was 10k were on the capital grounds.....I guess a factor of being 10 off is good enough for the morons on the right like you!!!!!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The numbers are irrelevant. The only attack was a failed coup by

December 7. Pearl Harbor
November 22. JFK assassinated
September 11. Bin Laden
January 6 Donald Trump Insurrection. A failed coup. Trump supporters who attacked the Capitol building and stop counting the electoral college votes and certifying the election.

C.H. Truth said...

Thanks Rog...

Nice to know that American lives are irrelevant in comparison to politics.

anonymous said...

Another 13 shot in texas on the anniversary of only 49 gays in Orlando Florida......very sad that the shooting continues!!!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The Republican party has become a separation party on January 20th in 2009, when the first African American citizen was sworn in as the President of the United of America.

When MAGA World’s hopes for an election redo have slipped away, an equally improbable idea has begun to percolate among Donald Trump’s most bitterly disappointed followers: secession.

Texas GOP chair Allen West floated the idea of a new union of “law-abiding states,” and Texas state Rep. Kyle Biedermann—previously best known for dressing up as “gay Hitler”—pledged to file a bill in Austin to put the question of Texas secession to voters. Rep. Randy Weber also posted pro-secession material on his Facebook page, becoming the first official in Washington to advocate for disintegrating the U.S. Trump’s most reliable media supporters have likewise spread the idea nationally. Rush Limbaugh, recent recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom, this month claimed the country was suddenly “trending toward secession.” Fellow archconspiracist Glenn Beck echoed the argument a few days later, as did a raft of blue-check authoritarians. American militias have now begun picking up the scent; one just the other day urged “all conservative states to join together to secede.”

You think I am a demented alcoholic

You won't actually make a rational response.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

January 6th was an attack on the Capitol building of the United States of America.

Pearl Harbor is thousands of miles away.

The Insurrectionists were traitors.

The First amendment doesn't allow shouting fire, nor does it permit an Insurrection attepted coup

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Asian women are being treated like traitors.

Mostly by white men.

anonymous said...

Typical GOP lies that still are believed bt LIL Schitty and slippers!!!!!!!

Justin Baragona
Sun, June 13, 2021, 11:52 AM·3 min read

Mike Pompeo

Chris Wallace

Joe Biden

Donald Trump
Fox News Sunday
Fox News Sunday
Fox News anchor Chris Wallace confronted former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Sunday over the lack of hard evidence provided by the Trump administration to prove that COVID-19 originated from a Chinese lab, telling Pompeo he had “almost a year” to prove the theory.

With circumstantial evidence indicating that it is possible that the virus behind a worldwide pandemic could have leaked out of a lab in Wuhan, President Joe Biden has called for the intelligence community to “redouble” its probe into the origins of COVID-19.

The about-face on the credibility of the lab leak theory came in part after it was reported that Wuhan researchers were hospitalized with coronavirus-like symptoms in November 2019. Even top infectious disease expert Dr. Anthony Fauci, while still maintaining his belief that the virus likely jumped species in nature, says he cannot dismiss the possibility that it leaked from a lab, and supports further investigation.

The Only Way to Resolve the Wuhan ‘Lab Leak’ Controversy

During an appearance on Fox News Sunday, Pompeo—an early and loud proponent of the Wuhan lab leak theory—found himself pressed on what he personally did to gather enough evidence to support the claims.

“You also criticize President Biden for not pushing hard enough on China to learn the origins of the coronavirus, but I want to again go back to your administration and the record there,” Wallace said. “President Trump and his team, including you, had almost a year after COVID-19 first came on the scene, to really press Beijing on what the origins were when the evidence was much fresher.”

rrb said...

You think I am a demented alcoholic

Well alky, you have supplied us with an overwhelming mountain of evidence from which to draw that conclusion.

You won't actually make a rational response.

There is no "rational response" to be crafted when the claim of 1/6 being the worst attack on democracy in the history of the known universe since the Civil War/ Pearl harbor/ 09/11 has as its basis rank fucking absurdity.

The cynic in me sees such a claim as pure partisan hackery for political gain. But when it comes to you, I'm convinced you actually believe that shit, and therefore I must conclude that you've lost your fucking mind. No clear-thinking, sane, rational individual looks at 1/6 the way you do.

Your interpretation of 1/6 is cray-cray in the extreme. It is simply not possible to respond to that interpretation in a rational way.

Deep State Detective said...

The Democrats and the MSM, and the deep staters censored the fact that Sleepy Joe is demented.

rrb said...

The First amendment doesn't allow shouting fire

Yes it does.

It absolutely does.

Today, despite the "crowded theater" quote's legal irrelevance, advocates of censorship have not stopped trotting it out as thefinal word on the lawful limits of the First Amendment. As Rottman wrote, for this reason, it's "worse than useless in defining the boundaries of constitutional speech. When used metaphorically, it can be deployed against any unpopular speech." Worse, its advocates are tacitly endorsing one of the broadest censorship decisions ever brought down by the Court. It is quite simply, as Ken White calls it, "the most famous and pervasive lazy cheat in American dialogue about free speech."

Stick to Sec. 320 jurisprudence alky.

Anonymous said...

Biden opens America's wallet.

That is why the other nations embrace him.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

January 6th was a disgrace. American citizens attacked their own government. They use terrorism to try to stop a specific piece of domestic business they did not like. Fellow Americans beat and bloodied our own police. They stormed the center floor. They tried to hunt down the Speaker of the House. They built a gallows and chatted about murdering the vice president. They did this because they’d been fed wild, falsehoods by the most powerful man on earth because he was angry. He lost an election. Former President Trump’s actions preceded the riot or a disgraceful dereliction of duty. The House accused the former president of quote “Incitement”. That is a specific term from the criminal law. Let me just put that aside for a moment and reiterate something I said weeks ago. There’s no question, none, that President Trump is practically and morally responsible for provoking the events of the day. No question about
The people who stormed this building believed they were acting on the wishes and instructions of their president and having that belief was a foreseeable consequence of the growing crescendo of false statements, conspiracy theories, and reckless hyperbole, which the defeated president kept shouting into the largest megaphone on planet Earth. The issue is not only the president in temperate language on January 6th. It is not just his endorsement of remarks in which an associate urged quote “Trial by combat”. It was also the entire manufactured atmosphere of looming catastrophe. The increasingly wild myths about a reverse landslide election that was somehow being stolen. Some secret coup by our now president.

My interpretation of 1/6 is not cray-cray in the extreme. It is simply not possible to respond to that interpretation in a rational way.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Senator Mich McConnell (R KA) said...

January 6th was a disgrace. American citizens attacked their own government. They use terrorism to try to stop a specific piece of domestic business they did not like. Fellow Americans beat and bloodied our own police. They stormed the center floor. They tried to hunt down the Speaker of the House. They built a gallows and chatted about murdering the vice president. They did this because they’d been fed wild, falsehoods by the most powerful man on earth because he was angry. He lost an election. Former President Trump’s actions preceded the riot or a disgraceful dereliction of duty. The House accused the former president of quote “Incitement”. That is a specific term from the criminal law. Let me just put that aside for a moment and reiterate something I said weeks ago. There’s no question, none, that President Trump is practically and morally responsible for provoking the events of the day. No question about.

The people who stormed this building believed they were acting on the wishes and instructions of their president and having that belief was a foreseeable consequence of the growing crescendo of false statements, conspiracy theories, and reckless hyperbole, which the defeated president kept shouting into the largest megaphone on planet Earth. The issue is not only the president in temperate language on January 6th. It is not just his endorsement of remarks in which an associate urged quote “Trial by combat”. It was also the entire manufactured atmosphere of looming catastrophe. The increasingly wild myths about a reverse landslide election that was somehow being stolen. Some secret coup by our now president.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

When I said

They stormed the center floor. They tried to hunt down the Speaker of the House. They built a gallows and chatted about murdering the vice president. 

Alky alky alky alky


America is back

The back of the line

Joe Biden's America

America last

anonymous said...

They stormed the center floor. They tried to hunt down the Speaker of the House.

BUT>>>BUT<<< Lil Schitty said it was only 800 or so who took the capital and no one was killed!!!!!!!!!! bWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! Sad how little is left of his brain due to Trumpist takeover of his being!!!

Deep State Detective said...

Over the past week, the right has given enormous attention to two pieces of exceptionally violent and demented anti-white rhetoric vomited out from America’s rotten academic establishment. For American patriots who have endured a barrage of racialized hatred against them for years on end, these latest incidents may not be worth dwelling on too long.

For years, the right has shied away from admitting exactly what the left has been pushing. Demands for reparations, celebrations of rioting, and hyperbolic screeds from university campuses have been ridiculed, dismissed, or denounced as socialism, Marxism, or neutral concepts like “critical race theory.”

These labels aren’t enough. The nature of America’s new extremism wave requires the right to be honest and frank about what it is. It’s not “socialism,” or “Marxism,” or “liberal fascism.” In 2021, America is facing a steadily-growing amount of anti-white racism. And the surest sign of this ideology’s success is that its chief opponents are terrified to even say what it is. Left unchecked, the rhetoric of anti-white racism is growing from casual abuse to quasi-genocidal.

At Yale University, psychoanalyst Aruna Khilanani delivered a lecture on “The Psychopathic Problem of the White Mind.” The lecture, delivered in early April, was apparently so unremarkable to those watching it that it didn’t attract any notice for two months. The lecture only became known to the wider public when Bari Weiss published a transcript on her Substack. Some of the quotes Weiss highlighted were:

-This is the cost of talking to white people at all. The cost of your own life, as they suck you dry. There are no good apples out there. White people make my blood boil.

-I had fantasies of unloading a revolver into the head of any white person that got in my way, burying their body, and wiping my bloody hands as I walked away relatively guiltless with a bounce in my step. Like I did the world a fucking favor.

-We keep forgetting that directly talking about race is a waste of our breath. We are asking a demented, violent predator who thinks that they are a saint or a superhero, to accept responsibility. It ain’t gonna happen. They have five holes in their brain. It’s like banging your head against a brick wall. It’s just like sort of not a good idea.

-We need to remember that directly talking about race to white people is useless, because they are at the wrong level of conversation. Addressing racism assumes that white people can see and process what we are talking about. They can’t. That’s why they sound demented. They don’t even know they have a mask on. White people think it’s their actual face.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Deep State Detective said...

The Democrats seem to have a stranglehold on our country. Pink-haired Marxists attack our cities and cops with near impunity. New York City’s Mayor de Blasio has turned the Big Apple into Moscow-on-the-Hudson. Mothers have to be called “birthing persons” but the male secretary of Health has to be called “her.” Election fraud evidence is so abundant that even a sizable number of Democrats now believe their party dissolved democracy and stole the election. America seems to be on life support and the lickspittle libs are toasting with their soy-tinis.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Critical race theory is the political right’s new boogeyman.

The theory, born in the 1970s among legal scholars, uses race as a lens through which to examine structures of power. It was, I would argue, a relatively obscure concept — not because it lacked merit, but because it was novel.

That was until Donald Trump elevated it in order to attack it.

In September of 2020, during the run-up to the presidential election, with Trump trailing in the polls, the Office of Management and Budget issued the following directive:

“All agencies are directed to begin to identify all contracts or other agency spending related to any training on ‘critical race theory,’ ‘white privilege,’ or any other training or propaganda effort that teaches or suggests either (1) that the United States is an inherently racist or evil country or (2) that any race or ethnicity is inherently racist or evil.”

Critical race theory was simply an analytical tool, but to some white people, the fact that white supremacy was overtly used to infect America’s systems of power with both racial oppressions and racial privileges is too much to handle. It is discomforting. It unravels the American myth.

But critical race theory doesn’t diagnose the country as evil, even though it is beyond dispute that some evil people designed the architecture of racial oppression in this country.

Critical race theory has simply become the latest tool.