Tuesday, September 21, 2021

So how will the media blame this on Republicans?

Democrats own the White House and both chambers of congress, but the fingers will be pointed at the GOP
The debt ceiling would be suspended through December 2022, which would push that battle past the mid-term congressional elections. The stopgap funding bill would last through Dec. 3, 2021, a person familiar with the legislation said -- setting up another fight to keep the government operating at the end of this year. But those dates may not matter, with Republicans and Democrats completely at odds over the debt limit. Without a shift in position by one of the two parties, the decision to combine the temporary funding measure and the debt ceiling leaves the U.S. on course for a government shutdown and defaults on federal payments as soon as next month.
Biden tweeted his support Monday afternoon, saying Pelosi and Schumer are acting “to keep the government open, provide disaster relief, and avoid catastrophic default.” Republicans have said they won’t vote to raise the debt ceiling as long as Democrats are pressing ahead with a partisan tax and spending plan encompassing much of Biden’s economic agenda. The White House and congressional Democratic leaders have insisted that the debt limit vote should be bipartisan.'

Well they will certainly need to raise the debt ceiling if they want to pass a few more trillion in new stimulus spending. Stimulus spending that of course has nothing to do with a need for actual trillions in spending, unless you consider for the political need of Democrats to follow through on their excessive spending spree. 

The fact is that the economy should be just fine if we let it be. There is enough pent up demand from the lock downs and enough jobs out there for people who need them. The problem IS the government here and the fact that they just cannot leave well enough alone. But rather, they will attempt to throw a few trillion in pet liberal projects with pretty much no mandate from the public to do so. 

But watch as the Administration, the Democrats in Congress, and their minions in the media attempt to gaslight the public into believing that all of this is the fault of the GOP, who is not on board with anything more than the bi-partisan deal that is now possibly being held up. 


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The last time the Republicans shutdown the government it costed them greatly.

The fake news robotics pjmedia etc. is not considered credible.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

You have been gaslighted not by the press. Emperor Trump

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

You didn't post the link.


When I did that.....

rrb said...

The democrats think they're setting a trap for the GOP. They could be right because the GOP is fucking failure theatre.

The fact is that the economy should be just fine if we let it be. There is enough pent up demand from the lock downs and enough jobs out there for people who need them. The problem IS the government here and the fact that they just cannot leave well enough alone. But rather, they will attempt to throw a few trillion in pet liberal projects with pretty much no mandate from the public to do so.

Spot on. Biden fancies himself the second coming of FDR. In many ways he is. Both cripples, one physically, one mentally. And Biden is poised to make every mistake FDR made PLUS some. Idiotic liberal economic policies made FDR's depression GREAT. Here we go again.

Anonymous said...

Roger, do tell, how do you see a way this is done?

Roger AmickSeptember 21, 2021 at 9:25 AM

😂Income disparity needs to be decreased.😂

I know you can't debate this because you don't know enough .

rrb said...

Biden said during his "Slights of the Round Table* speech that we need a "Global Health Organization."

Someone should introduce him to the WHO.

A new group paid for by US with nothing to show for it AGAIN is fucking retarded.

He also said that more people around the world need "access to oxygen."

Perhaps someone could take him by the hand and lead him outside for some fresh air.

My God, every speech he makes is more incoherent than the last.

Anonymous said...

I am adding this to a long list of Alky's , failures.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

House Democratic leaders confirmed this morning that they won’t be delaying the Sept. 27 vote on the $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill — even though the party’s larger $3.5 trillion reconciliation package won’t likely be ready to go by then.”

“This is a huge win for moderates in both chambers. That effectively decouples the two bills, officially spiking the so-called ‘two-track’ process that leadership hoped would enable passage of both while keeping the party united.”

“The obvious big follow-up question here: What will progressives do? Several high-profile members on the left are almost certainly going to vote against this thing — some, like Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), have made their unhappiness with this new process abundantly clear. But the question is how many, and can leadership — and President Joe Biden — convince enough to go along with this new plan?”

Yes he can!

Anonymous said...

Traitor Joe can get down what ever he wants.

He has the house and Senate.

Stop bitching and get to the Doing.

Anonymous said...

You have the votes, get to the Doing.

"the party’s larger $3.5 trillion reconciliation package won’t likely be ready to go by then.”

rrb said...


AOC is "unhappy."


The broad that designed her Tax The Rich gown for the asshat ball is a fucking TAX DEADBEAT.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Even the conservative Washington Post reports

Top Democrats: 'The votes will be there’ for Biden’s embattled spending package

By Susan Ferrechio

September 21, 2021 - 11:52 AM





House Democrats will provide enough votes to pass a two-part spending package that is the centerpiece of President Joe Biden’s agenda, top party lawmakers said Tuesday.

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Democratic Caucus Committee Chairman Hakeem Jeffries and Majority Leader Steny Hoyer said the House will be able to pass a $1.2 trillion infrastructure package as well as a second social welfare spending bill with a price tag as high as $3.5 trillion, despite pushback from party centrists.

Border Closed: But only to Haitians

The politics of COVID: Saving lives or gathering votes?

The legislation has become the centerpiece of the Biden agenda, in particular, the “Build Back Better” social welfare bill that would provide a broad array of new government programs, including free universal preschool, free community college, paid family leave, expanded Medicare benefits, and much more.
including free universal preschool, free community college, paid family leave, expanded Medicare benefits, and much more.

including free universal preschool, free community college, paid family leave, expanded Medicare benefits, and much more.
including free universal preschool, free community college, paid family leave, expanded Medicare benefits, and much more.

rrb said...

Meanwhile, at the "border"...

DEL RIO, Texas — Haitian migrants who were being transported on a federally contracted private bus away from the border revolted during the ride and overtook control of the commercial vehicle before escaping, according to two law enforcement officials.

A large white bus bound for San Antonio, Texas, was overtaken Monday afternoon during the two-and-a-half-hour trip from the international bridge in Del Rio. The migrants on board had been picked up from the makeshift migrant camp, where thousands are waiting to be taken into custody, two federal law enforcement agents told the Washington Examiner.

"They did break out of the bus, and they did escape," a senior federal law enforcement official confirmed to the Washington Examiner on Tuesday.

It is not clear which federal agency, Customs and Border Protection or Immigration and Customs Enforcement, was overseeing the transport. CBP initially apprehends, transports, and processes illegal immigrants, while ICE is responsible for longer-term detention and removal from the country. Neither agency responded to requests for comment.

However, ICE told a local media outlet that "several noncitizens attempted to flee the contracted bus."

The two people who confirmed the incident said law enforcement searched for the escapees and recaptured them.



Shoot the fuckers.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Democratic Caucus Committee Chairman Hakeem Jeffries and Majority Leader Steny Hoyer said the House will be able to pass a $1.2 trillion infrastructure package as well as a second social welfare spending bill with a price tag as high as $3.5 trillion, despite pushback from party centrists.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The legislation has become the centerpiece of the Biden agenda, in particular, the “Build Back Better” social welfare bill that would provide a broad array of new government programs, including free universal preschool, free community college, paid family leave, expanded Medicare benefits, and much more.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...


Caliphate4vr said...

including free universal preschool, free community college, paid family leave, expanded Medicare benefits, and much more.

including free universal preschool, free community college, paid family leave, expanded Medicare benefits, and much more.
including free universal preschool, free community college, paid family leave, expanded Medicare benefits, and much more.


Geriatrics R us

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Even AOC will vote for it

In the House, progressive Democrats are threatening to tank the bipartisan infrastructure bill if the larger legislation doesn't pass first. But moderate Democrats secured a promise from Pelosi last month for the House to take up the infrastructure measure by September 27.

It's not done yet but....

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Breaking news.

WASHINGTON — The leader of the progressive caucus Rep. Pramila Jayapal, D-Wash., will meet with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Tuesday, after threatening to sink an infrastructure bill that is a top Democratic priority.

It will be voted on this evening and it will go to the Senate tomorrow morning.

rrb said...

We tragically lost a true American conservative scholar today -

R.I.P. ANGELO CODEVILLA. I’ve now heard from two reliable sources that he died last night after a traffic accident. I don’t know any more at this point. I’ll repeat what I said earlier: His piece on America’s ruling class is the best article on American politics this century.


America’s Ruling Class


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Even bigger news. The President knew that he was lying.

Two weeks after the 2020 election, a team of lawyers closely allied with Donald J. Trump held a widely watched news conference at the Republican Party’s headquarters in Washington. At the event, they laid out a bizarre conspiracy theory claiming that a voting machine company had worked with an election software firm, the financier George Soros and Venezuela to steal the presidential contest from Mr. Trump.

But there was a problem for the Trump team, according to court documents released on Monday evening.

By the time the news conference occurred on Nov. 19, Mr. Trump’s campaign had already prepared an internal memo on many of the outlandish claims about the company, Dominion Voting Systems, and the separate software company, Smartmatic. The memo had determined that those allegations were untrue.

The court papers, which were initially filed late last week as a motion in a defamation lawsuit brought against the campaign and others by a former Dominion employee, Eric Coomer, contain evidence that officials in the Trump campaign were aware early on that many of the claims against the companies were baseless.

The documents also suggest that the campaign sat on its findings about Dominion even as Sidney Powell and other lawyers attacked the company in the conservative media and ultimately filed four federal lawsuits accusing it of a vast conspiracy to rig the election against Mr. Trump.

According to emails contained in the documents, Zach Parkinson, then the campaign’s deputy director of communications, reached out to subordinates on Nov. 13 asking them to “substantiate or debunk” several matters concerning Dominion. The next day, the emails show, Mr. Parkinson received a copy of a memo cobbled together by his staff from what largely appear to be news articles and public fact-checking services.

Even though the memo was hastily assembled, it rebutted a series of allegations that Ms. Powell and others were making in public. It found:

That Dominion did not use voting technology from the software company, Smartmatic, in the 2020 election.

That Dominion had no direct ties to Venezuela or to Mr. Soros.

And that there was no evidence that Dominion’s leadership had connections to left-wing “antifa” activists, as Ms. Powell and others had claimed.

As Mr. Coomer’s lawyers wrote in their motion in the defamation suit, “The memo produced by the Trump campaign shows that, at least internally, the Trump campaign found there was no evidence to support the conspiracy theories regarding Dominion” and Mr. Coomer.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Trump Campaign Knew Lawyers’ Voting Machine Claims Were Baseless, Memo Shows https://nyti.ms/3nTfIj2

Anonymous said...

Admitting it is Socialism, not Capitalism.

😂Build Back Better” social welfare bill😄

anonymous said...

Wow!!!!! Rudy, Sydney, and Lindel could be royally fucked with billions being at stake.....Rudy gonna need his social security check since his ass seems to be grass.....and dominion will win big time!!!!!!! Lindell is going to need his pillow to sit on after his ass is chewed on in court!!!!!! BWWWWWWWWWAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...


September 21, 2021

Biden Overall Job Approval At 50%

A total of 50% of Americans say they approve of the way Joe Biden is handling his job as president and 46% say they disapprove of the way Biden is handling his job according to the latest survey from the American Research Group. In August, 49% approved of the way Biden was handling his job as president and 46% disapproved.

When it comes to Biden's handling of the economy, 52% of Americans approve and 43% disapprove. In August, 51% approved of the way Biden was handling the economy and 45% disapproved.

When it comes to Biden's handling of the coronavirus outbreak, 59% of Americans approve and 37% disapprove. In August, 57% approved of the way Biden was handling the coronavirus outbreak and 38% disapproved.

Among Americans registered to vote, 51% approve of the way Biden is handling his job as president and 46% disapprove. On Biden's handling of the economy, 52% of registered voters approve and 43% disapprove. And on Biden's handling of the coronavirus outbreak, 59% of registered voters approve and 37% disapprove.

Of the 50% of Americans saying they approve of the way Biden is handling his job as president, 86% say they expect the national economy to be better a year from now. Of the 46% saying they disapprove of the way Biden his handling his job as president, 93% say they expect the national economy to be worse a year from now.

Also, of the 50% of Americans saying they approve of the way Biden is handling his job as president, 55% say they expect the financial situations in their households will be better a year from now. Of the 46% saying they disapprove of the way Biden his handling his job as president, 63% say they expect the financial situations in their households will be worse a year from now.

The results presented here are based on 1,100 completed interviews conducted among a nationwide random sample of adults September 17 through 20, 2021. The theoretical margin of error for the total sample is plus or minus 3 percentage points, 95% of the time, on questions where opinion is evenly split.

Overall, 50% of Americans say that they approve of the way Joe Biden is handling his job as president, 46% disapprove, and 4% are undecided.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

He could lose every single $$$$$$

Even though the memo was hastily assembled, it rebutted a series of allegations that Ms. Powell and others were making in public. It found:

That Dominion did not use voting technology from the software company, Smartmatic, in the 2020 election.

That Dominion had no direct ties to Venezuela or to Mr. Soros.

And that there was no evidence that Dominion’s leadership had connections to left-wing “antifa” activists, as Ms. Powell and others had claimed.

As Mr. Coomer’s lawyers wrote in their motion in the defamation suit, “The memo produced by the Trump campaign shows that, at least internally, the Trump campaign found there was no evidence to support the conspiracy theories regarding Dominion” and Mr. Coomer.

Ch has been using the same thing. But he isn't important enough.

rrb said...

BYRON YORK: Democrats panic.

There is a method in Senate rules for getting around a filibuster and passing a bill with a simple majority, or even a tie, plus the vice president. It is called reconciliation. The problem for Democrats is that it can only be used a limited number of times, usually once a year, and it must only be done with a budget bill — the idea being that a minority should not be able to use the filibuster to keep Congress from passing a budget for the U.S. government. To be included in a reconciliation measure, a proposal must be “germane” to the budget. It can’t be just any policy whim. It must have a real budgetary effect.

But Democrats had an idea. We don’t have enough votes to break the filibuster or to pass big parts of our agenda, they reasoned, so let’s just throw everything into one gigantic budget reconciliation bill. We can even throw immigration reform in there! Sure, that’s not what reconciliation is for. But let’s just do it. We can get around the filibuster and pass a New Deal-sized bill without even controlling a majority of seats in the Senate.

Put the idea in the category of too clever by half. Some Democratic centrists in both the House and Senate are uncomfortable with the $3.5 trillion figure, especially with inflation plaguing the U.S. economy. The Senate parliamentarian blocked the effort to put immigration reform in the reconciliation bill. Several Democratic senators have their doubts about getting rid of the filibuster. They don’t agree on climate measures. There is a fight coming over the debt ceiling. Amid all those Democratic disagreements, all of a sudden, the super-clever, let’s-put-it-all-in-one-big-bill-Republicans-can’t-stop plan looks very vulnerable.

Which is why we’re also seeing headlines such as this: Democrats tie government funding to debt bill, GOP digs in.

Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell said he’s not about to help pay off past debts when Biden is about to pile on more with a “reckless” tax and spending package.

“Since Democrats decided to go it alone, they will not get Senate Republicans’ help with raising the debt limit. I’ve explained this clearly and consistently for over two months,” McConnell said Monday on the Senate floor.


By the time this mental cripple get's done, we'll all be wearing "WIN - Whip Inflation Now!" buttons again.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Trump has continued to cling his false accusations of a rigged election since leaving office, while Dominion has filed $1.3 billion lawsuits against three of the former president's allies over their claims against the company.

C.H. Truth said...

Democratic Caucus Committee Chairman Hakeem Jeffries and Majority Leader Steny Hoyer said the House will be able to pass a $1.2 trillion infrastructure package as well as a second social welfare spending bill with a price tag as high as $3.5 trillion, despite pushback from party centrists..


The 1.2 trillion will pass the Senate.

The 3.5 trillion is at least two votes short.

You do realize that just because some author suggests that it will pass the House, doesn't mean it will become law?

Or perhaps you forget that there are two chambers?

rrb said...

You do realize that just because some author suggests that it will pass the House, doesn't mean it will become law?

The shit from Jeffries and Hoyer was cherry picked from the article. Susan Ferrechio is a straight shooter and she's just reporting the bullshit Jeffries is spewing.

Jeffries fancies himself the next democrat Speaker. He's a fucking moron so he's more than qualified.

Here's the plagiarized link:


rrb said...

Mitch McConnell: The GOP Will Not Vote to Raise the Debt Ceiling

He says it should be raised, but it's the obligation of the Democrats to do it themselves.

Mitt Romney, of all people, explains the thinking: If the Democrats are making all spending and taxing decisions without bipartisan give-and-take, why should Republicans have to help Democrats with this vote?


Precisely correct for a change. If democrats are going to pull the pin on a multi-TRILLION $$$ "infrastructure" (LOL) bill, they need to own the fucker.

ALL of it.

rrb said...

Jim Crow 2.0 you say?

Not in Texas but in NYC:

In New York City, you need your photo ID and a vaccination card to enter these locations. The liberal self-own here is just epic. Photo identification is Jim Crow 2.0, but it’s okay for COVID vaccination status. It’s mind-blowing how liberals so expertly dice their talking points into sashimi. For Carmine’s, they’re about to be besieged by Black Lives Matter activists after a hostess and black patrons from Texas were involved in an altercation when proof of vaccination status was refused by the diners. Racial slurs were allegedly hurled at the black patrons. We’ll see about that, but the fact that BLM is coming to the Big Apple to protest the racist COVID passport ordinance is just as entertaining as it is predictable…

* * * * * * * *

Black Americans remain the demographic that’s least likely to be vaccinated in the city. I’m just shocked it took this long for the liberals to shoot themselves in the foot on this one. Why would Mayor Bill de Blasio pass such a racist edict? You think you know someone, huh? No, but seriously, he chucked this boomerang and it’s about to break his face. So much for being part of those BLM murals over the summer, huh, Bill?


This sure is fun to watch.

What's that line about liberalism and hypocrisy again?


rrb said...

Chivona Newsome, the other co-founder of BLM NYC, targeted Mayor Bill de Blasio’s vaccine mandate more specifically in her remarks. She implied that the edict has resulted in repeats of historical episodes when blacks were disenfranchised from society.

“Being a doctor does not protect you from anti-blackness. Having a vaccination card does not protect you from discrimination. The 1964 Civil Rights Act prohibits the actions of Carmine’s. It says it is illegal to discriminate against you on the basis of race,” she said.

“Seventy-two percent of black people in this city from ages 18 to 44 are unvaccinated. So what is going to stop the Gestapo, I mean the NYPD, from rounding up black people, from snatching them off the train, off the bus?” she added.

Chivona Newsome suggested that if these incidents continue, Black Lives Matter could revolt to exact justice like it did after George Floyd’s death.

“We’re putting this city on notice, that your mandate will not be another racist social-distance practice. Black people are not going to stand by, or you will see another uprising. And that is not a threat; that is a promise,” she said. “The vaccination passport is not a free passport to racism.”

Kimberly Bernard, the co-founder of the Black Women’s March, echoed the charge that COVID restrictions are being weaponized against minorities.

“We are serving notice on the mayor, on the governor, on the restaurant industry that we will not allow for you to use this pandemic, vaccination cards, and masks as another reason to be racist, to put us in prison. Because there’s enough of us in there,” she said.


I predict some "Buying of Large Mansions" very soon...


Caliphate4vr said...

A Hinge Moment of History
by Mark Steyn

I have lived in countries that have real domestic terrorism movements.... No country blessed enough not to have a domestic terrorism movement should be inventing one.

We are living in a blizzard of lies.

[W]e are more dependent on a handful of woke billionaires to tell us what reality is. They are far more open than ever that they get to determine what are the agreed facts. Google made an explicit announcement about this recently. They said that sometimes they would put warnings on things that are factually accurate because, even though they are true, they do not think it is in society's interest for people to be seeing it.

[N]ow you will be banned or deleted or blocked or silenced simply for disagreeing with the official version of events. For example, the Great Barrington declaration, which was written by three of the most prominent epidemiologists in the world from Harvard, Oxford, and I think it was Stanford. That was basically deleted from YouTube, banned from Facebook, simply because it contradicted the WHO, CDC official version of events.

It is just groupthink enforced by a cabal of woke billionaires, who have more power than anyone else on the planet.

The other thing that emerged during this year very quickly is that we are at a hinge moment of history. We were told a generation or two back that, by doing trade with China, China would become more like us. Instead, on issues such as free speech, we are becoming more like China.

American companies are afraid of offending China. American officials are afraid of offending China. We are adopting Chinese norms on issues such as free speech and basic disagreements with the government of China.

We're living in the early stages of a future that is the direct consequence of poor public policy over the last couple of generations. We are not even aware of that....

Right now, we are witnessing a non‑stop continuous transfer of power to a country that is serious about using that power. This is China's moment. Take it as someone who grew up, in large part, in a great power in decline. There's no real explicit handover day. People, in hindsight, expect to pinpoint the day that the baton was passed.... My great worry is that actually, the transfer to China has already happened. The baton has already been passed. We just haven't formally acknowledged that yet.

I'll say it straight out loud. I do not think that Joe Biden "won the election." I don't think it is a question of "widespread fraud." I think the way the system works with the Electoral College, you only need actually to spread fraud in six key cities in six key states.

I would like some of these genius jurists, including [US Supreme Court Chief Justice] Mr. Roberts and his colleagues, to then give us a figure on what is the acceptable level of fraud in American elections. Denmark, in its history, has never actually had a plausible accusation of any kind of electoral fraud. As we know, in the United States, in cities like Philadelphia, this is a tradition that has long roots and goes back 150 years.

If you have no basic election integrity, essentially, all the other issues are irrelevant.

Big Tech has essentially wrecked the internet.

Now Facebook is working with state power. The first place these Big Tech guys learned to do this was with China.... I'm in favor of breaking these companies up as soon as we can.

Standard Oil was broken up because of its control over the oil business. Facebook and Google and Apple have far more control over their business than Standard Oil did 110 years ago. The difference is that their business is knowledge and the access to knowledge, which is more important even than oil.

Read the whole thing.

rrb said...

Steyn crushed it.

anonymous said...

Yeah shorty.....steyn the fucking canadian asshole sure told us......>BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

FOX News 9/12 - 9/15 50% 49%+1

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

W]e are more dependent on a handful of woke billionaires to tell us what reality is. They are far more open than ever that they get to determine what are the agreed facts. Google made an explicit announcement about this recently. They said that sometimes they would put warnings on things that are factually accurate because, even though they are true, they do not think it is in society's interest for people to be seeing it.

[N]ow you will be banned or deleted or blocked or silenced simply for disagreeing with the official version of events. For example, the Great Barrington declaration, which was written by three of the most prominent epidemiologists in the world from Harvard, Oxford, and I think it was Stanford. That was basically deleted from YouTube, banned from Facebook, simply because it contradicted the WHO, CDC official version of events.

It is just groupthink enforced by a cabal of woke billionaires, who have more power than anyone else on the planet.

The other thing that emerged during this year very quickly is that we are at a hinge moment of history. We were told a generation or two back that, by doing trade with China, China would become more like us. Instead, on issues such as free speech, we are becoming more like China.

American companies are afraid of offending China. American officials are afraid of offending China. We are adopting Chinese norms on issues such as free speech and basic disagreements with the government of China.

We're living in the early stages of a future that is the direct consequence of poor public policy over the last couple of generations. We are not even aware of that....

Right now, we are witnessing a non‑stop continuous transfer of power to a country that is serious about using that power. This is China's moment. Take it as someone who grew up, in large part, in a great power in decline. There's no real explicit handover day. People, in hindsight, expect to pinpoint the day that the baton was passed.... My great worry is that actually, the transfer to China has already happened. The baton has already been passed. We just haven't formally acknowledged that yet.

I'll say it straight out loud. I do not think that Joe Biden "won the election." I don't think it is a question of "widespread fraud." I think the way the system works with the Electoral College, you only need actually to spread fraud in six key cities in six key states.

Loony toons loony toons loony toons loony toons loony toons loony toons loony toons loony toons loony toons loony toons loony toons loony toons loony toons loony toons loony toons loony toons loony toons loony toons loony toons loony toons loony toons loony toons

Caliphate4vr said...

Alky it’s actually Looney Tunes

You never get anything fucking right, it’s quite pathetic

Anonymous said...

If we don't take action against Sleepy Joe...

The life cycle is defined as a series of stages that something passes through during its lifetime. It begins with an awakening. It matures with the impact of two dynamics. The first is the natural development of immunities through antibodies that help humans survive to adulthood. The second is an understanding of the relationship between decision making and the consequences of those decisions. Over a full life cycle, success or failure is linked to these two dynamics. 

Applying this basic law of nature to the state of our union over the last nine months, we see the slow awakening of the sleeping general public to the insidious invasion of our way of life. It was slow because the discovery phase was obfuscated by an agenda that hid an understanding of intentions. To many, unawareness was bliss. As we gained awareness of the real threat to life as we know it, the anti-bodies began to kick in. The initial forays were very confusing to most of us because the real agenda was not clear. Riots in some cities, burning of small businesses, looting without arrest, the anti-police and anti ICE agendas must be happening somewhere else, not here. The heavy influence of craftily manipulated words promoted a subtle agenda change but then we found out it was all a façade. Black Lives Matter is a good example. Who can argue that black lives, like white lives, like blue lives, like brown lives all matter? Who can accept that the destruction of our civil liberties and cities should be cloaked in the Black Lives Matter extortion objective and the funding of expensive real estate properties for the Marxist founders of BLM? 

Much has been said about the subtlety of words in the woke takeover that has radically affected our country over the last year. The Life Cycle may finally be moving to the next stage. Like small children reacting to the reality of their formative years, awareness becomes the root of the learning experience. The singular pandemic benefit of allowing parents to see the reality of the poisonous curricula being taught in our schools coupled with the awakening of the larger group of sleeping stakeholders seems to have finally stirred the beast. Recognition of the fallacy of the new ideology infecting our nation is now finally getting attention. While words matter in the discovery phase, actions are critical in the recovery phase. It is time for action.

Mr Burbage is a Naval Academy graduate, former Navy Test pilot
and industry leader. 

Anonymous said...

Cali nailed Roger.

"You never get anything fucking right, it’s quite pathetic".

It really is, Roger is so spectacularly wrong it has stop being a challenge to point it out.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Trump sues his own niece — and hilarity ensues on MSNBC

Bob Brigham

September 21, 2021

MSNBC anchor Rachel Maddow on Tuesday laughed while reading from a new Daily Beast report on Trump suing his own niece.

While discussing the near-total abortion ban passed by Texas Republicans with former prosecutor Joyce Vance, the host noted the breaking news from The Daily Beast titled under the headline, "Donald Trump Sues New York Times and His Niece Over Tax Story."

Maddow read from the report and she started laughing when she read the phrase from the lawsuit claiming damages are "believed to be no less than One Hundred Million Dollars."

"Each of those words capitalized," Maddow said.

She also read Mary Trump's comments on the lawsuit, which drew laughter from Vance.

"I think he is a f*cking loser, and he is going to throw anything against the wall he can," she said. "It's desperation. The walls are closing in and he is throwing anything against the wall that will stick."

Maddow then went to commercial break during which she apparently began reading the lawsuit.

When she returned from break and discussed the lawsuit with anchor Lawrence O'Donnell during the handoff between their shows, Maddow noted the lawsuit used "understated" when it meant to use "overstated."

"Impossible to rewrite. Rachel, do not try to rewrite art," O'Donnell said. "He has the lawyers who think the way he does."

Fucking hilarious