Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Another Election Audit will likely find more issues than Maricopa

Wisconsin's election probe zeroes in on Democrat machine tactics, rule changes 
Former Supreme Court justice signals focus on whether bureaucrats improperly hijacked election rules.
Gableman also has signaled a focus on Wisconsin's big blue urban areas of Milwaukee, Madison, Racine, Kenosha and Green Bay. Those five voting metropolises accepted more than $6 million in unprecedented donations to their election coordinators and judges in 2020 from the Center for Tech and Civic Life, a nonprofit funded almost exclusively by Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg.
The money, which also went to other major voting jurisdictions across America in 2020, has provoked enormous controversy, as Just the News has previously reported. First, the so-called Zuckerberg bucks allowed a single billionaire to route his money outside the normal campaign finance system to election referees. Secondly, the donations came with strings attached that influenced how elections were carried out in the municipalities that got money. Documents previously obtained by Just the News, for instance, show officials in Green Bay and Brown County were required to conduct voter registration drives among specific minority groups that tend to vote Democrat.

We already know that the Wisconsin Supreme Court had ruled after the fact that many of the election changes put in place by the commission or Governor were technically illegal under Wisconsin constitutional laws. Most egregious was the concept of allowing voters to skirt the Voter ID requirements needed to caste mail in ballots under the pretense that (once again) somehow Covid prevented people from otherwise being able to show that they are who they say that they are.

At this point they believe that as many as 150,000 voters probably took advantage of this new "rule" and cast what the Wisconsin Supreme Court would have seen as invalid ballots had the issue came before them prior to the election being held. Quite obviously you cannot invalidate 150,000 ballots of people who believed that they were following the correct rules and would have no idea that those rules were not legal according to Wisconsin law. But that doesn't change the fact that we now have no clue as to exactly how much election fraud might have taken place.

The worst part is that some of these changes may have been prompted by big liberal donors who expected something in return for 6 million dollars in donations.

This isn't going away... as much as liberals love to tout the "big lie" that 2020 was a fair and accurate election. 


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...
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Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I predict this yesterday when I posted about the Facebook whistleblowing scandal.

The right wing nutcase said that Zuckerberg contributions to get Democrats registered to vote.

It's not illegal for a private person or company to contribute money to get people to vote for or against anyone.

You proved again that I am a lot smarter than you can imagine

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Even funnier when I said before that the right wing nutcase would call it cancel culture!!!!!

Donald Trump Jr. rallies to make disgraced former Raiders coach Jon Gruden into a MAGA martyr.

Ray Hartmann

October 12, 2021

Jon Gruden resigned in disgrace Monday night as head coach of the Las Vegas Raiders, but his unemployment in the NFL is already leading to new stature for him: He's a MAGA martyr.

No less a friend of all things sleazy than Donald Trump Jr. was among the first to rush to Gruden's defense with this dose of whataboutism on Twitter:

"Let's see the emails & texts of Goodell & every NFL owner/exec. We must find out if they've ever said anything wrong, shared a controversial thought, or held an opinion that wasn't PC. No statute of limitations. We can't allow them to hide behind their white privilege."

Gruden was buried by a landslide of racist, homophobic and misogynistic emails and statements disclosed by the New York Times.

As it reported, a workplace investigation involving the Washington Football Team had uncovered a trove of emails.


The right wing is very easily predicted.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

LMAO at you Scott.

As it reported, a workplace investigation involving the Washington Football Team had uncovered a trove of emails.

"Gruden had casually and frequently unleashed misogynistic and homophobic language over several years to denigrate people around the game and to mock some of the league's momentous changes.

"He denounced the emergence of women as referees, the drafting of a gay player and the tolerance of players protesting during the playing of the national anthem, according to emails reviewed by The Times.

"Gruden just like rrb called the league's commissioner, Roger Goodell, a "f*ggot" and a "clueless anti football p*ssy" and said that Goodell should not have pressured Jeff Fisher, then the coach of the Rams, to draft "queers," a reference to Michael Sam, a gay player chosen by the team in 2014.

In numerous emails during a seven-year period ending in early 2018, Gruden criticized Goodell and the league for trying to reduce concussions and said that Eric Reid, a player who had demonstrated during the playing of the national anthem, should be fired."

There were similar 2012 attacks on President Obama and then-Vice President Joe Biden.

That's all that was necessary for martyrdom from the MAGA right, where a drumbeat of support for Gruden can already be heard. Here are some examples:

Greg Kelly of Newsmax slammed his CAPS LOCK Trump-style with this full-throated support of Gruden: "I SUPPORT THAT COACH FROM LAS VEGAS. HIS NAME IS JON GRUDEN. HE DIDN'T MEAN TO HURT ANYONE !!! LIGHTEN UP AMERICA!!!"


Right-wing commentator Matt Walsh weighed in with some more whataboutism with this: "I hope Jon Gruden has learned a valuable lesson. If you want to have a job in the NFL, stick to beating your wife, raping massage therapists, and assaulting pregnant women."

And this: "He was not an NFL employee. He was talking to friends on his private email account. There has been no indication or even claim that he has acted inappropriately in his job as a coach. So in what way do the emails have any effect on anything?"

Commentator Clay Travis observed "Every rapper the NFL has performing at the Super Bowl has more offensive lyrics than Jon Gruden had in his emails. How does the NFL reconcile the difference in treatment? These are questions all sports media would be asking if they were real journalists."

Commentator Jesse Kelly was not to be outdone in his outrage: "If Jon Gruden had his personal emails released and in those emails he mocked straight people, insulted the looks of a white man, and said Christians are stupid, he'd still be employed today. Probably with a new book deal. And everyone knows it."


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Sedition is a capital crime with a death penalty.

The big lie is sedition against the Constitution of the United States of America, Scott Johnson.

Caliphate4vr said...

The big lie is that you’re even slightly lucid or coherent, Alky.


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

The Chief's Chief
by Mark Meadows
to be published Dec. 7, 2021

When Mark Meadows took control of the Trump White House in March of 2020, the nation was in turmoil. A deadly coronavirus had arrived from Wuhan, China, and brought the rhythm of daily life under President Trump—defined by a soaring stock market, sinking unemployment rates, and a renewed sense of pride in being an American—to a grinding halt. Our streets were empty. Our hospitals were full. Millions of Americans were scared, lonely, and unemployed, all while the global economy teetered on the edge of collapse. One wrong move by President Trump and his team could have ushered in years, even decades, of irreparable harm.In this frank, candid account of his ten months in the White House, Mark Meadows—known simply as “The Chief” around the West Wing—tells the harrowing story of how he and a close team of loyal advisors helped President Trump bring the country back from the brink of catastrophe. In a style that is accessible, suspenseful, and often humorous, Meadows pulls back the curtain on the West Wing as it was run by President Trump, fighting the false narrative of the Fake News with the hard, unvarnished truth. This is the definitive book about the final year of President Trump’s first term, told by the only man (other than President Trump himself) who was there for every minute of it.

My goodness, if Trump did THAT WONDERFULLY WELL,


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

You and Trump are possibly going to get rid of Trump.

How Trump Might Save the Democrats

The unofficial kickoff of the former guy’s presidential campaign was a rally Saturday night in Des Moines. Unfortunately for the GOP, Trump’s speech focused on his Big Lie that the 2020 election was stolen rather than on Joe Biden, whose approval ratings keep sliding because of the Delta variant’s continuing impact as well as fumbles at the border and in exiting Afghanistan.

All indications are that Trump is going to cast the midterm elections as a referendum on himself rather than on Biden. That’s hardly surprising, given Trump’s sociopathic ego. He cast his entire presidency as a referendum on himself. 

What’s surprising is how quickly the rest of the Republican Party is falling prey to this. We’ve already observed it at the state level: Trump’s Big Lie has moved 18 Republican-dominated states to enact 33 laws suppressing the votes of likely Democratic voters, on the false pretext of eliminating “voter fraud” that doesn’t exist. Several of these state laws will also let Republican legislatures ignore future electoral results they dislike. Under the same pretext, Republican states have undertaken bogus “audits” of the 2020 election.
like Wisconsin Scott asshole

rrb said...

Blogger Caliphate4vr said...

The big lie is that you’re even slightly lucid or coherent, Alky.


Ain't that the fucking truth.

The Alky:

You proved again that I am a lot smarter than you can imagine

Yeah alky, so fucking smart you're locked down in a fucking nursing home at the relatively young age of 70. Drank yourself to cirrhosis, two failed marriages, lost a nest egg by posting private bank acct info on Twitter, ended up on the wrong end of a restraining order for beating a black woman... AND... repeatedly threatened suicide on Facebook.

And you sit on here 24/7/365 while being able to see the Pacific from your room.

THAT'S just how fucking smart you are.

You're a fucking genius.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

But for a brief time it seemed as if senior Republicans in Washington would try to move the party away from Trump. They now appear to have given up. Several who in January criticized him for provoking the Capitol insurrection are now defending him and minimizing the attempted coup – including, notably, Senator Chuck Grassley, who showed up at Saturday’s Des Moines rally, and former vice president Michael Pence, who is now minimizing and excusing the riot.

For Trump to make the midterm elections into a referendum on himself and his Big Lie is useful for the Democrats. It takes the focus off Biden, reminds Americans how vile the former president is, and forces Republicans to try to defend him. If you watched Fox News Sunday, you might have seen Chris Wallace repeatedly ask House Minority Whip Steve Scalise whether he thought the 2020 election was stolen, and Scalise repeatedly squirm to avoid answering the question.

Scalise also refused to say whether he would vote to hold in contempt of Congress Trump advisers, such as Steve Bannon, who are resisting subpoenas issued by the January 6 Committee. Bannon is invoking executive privilege, at Trump’s request — an absurd position because by the 2020 election Bannon hadn’t worked in the White House for years. 
Scslice refused to say the big lie

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

A referendum on Trump like I said before I read this article

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

January 6 Committee Chair Bennie Thompson and Vice Chair Liz Cheney say they “will not allow any witness to defy a lawful subpoena or attempt to run out the clock, and we will swiftly consider advancing a criminal contempt of Congress referral.”

This means even more of an ongoing focus on Trump and his attempted coup. Before Congress can refer a criminal contempt to the Justice Department for prosecution, the full House has to vote on it. So you can expect a near party-line vote, which will put Republicans further on record as supporting Trump and, by implication, others who instigated the insurrection. 

The criminal contempt of Congress statute, enacted in 1857 and only slightly modified since, provides that any person who willfully fails to comply with a properly issued committee subpoena for testimony or documents is punishable by a substantial fine and imprisonment for up to one year. Once the House votes in favor of criminal contempt, the Speaker is required to report it to the Department of Justice, which then determines whether to prosecute. (Unfortunately,
Attorney General Merrick Garland so far has not distinguished himself for holding Trump or his cronies accountable for anything.)
House Republicans could soon find themselves in an even more awkward position as the January 6 Committee investigates the roles several of them played in the insurrection. Senate Judiciary Chair Dick Durbin has asked the committee to investigate the help Rep. Scott Perry gave Trump in pressuring the Justice Department to overturn the election, as well as Rep. Jim Jordan’s contacts with the White House before and during the insurrection. (You may remember that in the 2016 presidential election, Jordan, the top Republican on the House Judiciary Committee, dug into allegations of impropriety at the FBI and Justice Department, and defended the power of the subpoena to compel testimony from executive-branch officials.)

The January 6 Committee also issued a subpoena last week to Ali Alexander, the leader of the pro-Trump “Stop the Steal” organization, who has claimed he worked on the pre-insurrection rally with several GOP lawmakers, including Reps. Paul Gosar, Mo Brooks, and Andy Biggs.

Trump’s speech in Iowa Saturday night suggests we’re already in the gravitational field of the 2024 midterms. But in making that speech mostly about himself, Trump may have given Democrats more leeway to do what Americans – including most Trump supporters – need them to do.

I disagree with" Attorney General Merrick Garland so far has not distinguished himself for holding Trump or his cronies accountable for anything.)"

Because he would have been a great Justice on the Supreme Court, because he puts the law first..

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

More importantly is the coup by Trump supporters like you have become Scott.

Jon Stewart: Trump will pull off a 'administrative coup' to snatch away the 2024 election

Tom Boggioni

October 12, 2021

In an interview with the New Yorker's David Remnick, comedian and social commentator Jon Stewart explained his belief that Donald Trump will find a way to win the 2024 presidential election in four years through what he called an "administrative coup."

"Trump proved himself a colossal liar and admirer of authoritarians, and his incompetence during the pandemic was what it was," Remnick began. "January 6th was supported by him and pretty self-evidently in attempt to illegally reverse a democratic election. And yet he persists! He's quite likely to run in 2024. But how do you feel about it?"

"Oh, I think he's, he's got it," Stewart replied. "Got a very good chance, and they're, they're smarter about it."

'What I think they really learned from this exercise was there are really specific pivot points within the American electoral system," he elaborated. "And those pivot points are generally the administration of elections run by partisans, but not ideologues. In other words, a lot of those, a lot of the real mechanics and logistics of elections are run by Democrats or Republicans, partisans, but they are administrative positions. If he can replace the administrative functionaries with ideologues, he's removed almost all of the guard rails that stopped this present one."

"Forget about that, you know, they were going to storm the Capitol on January 6th and Mike Pence was going to reverse it in some dramatic, you know, 'And on the finale of The Apprentice..." Stewart joked. "That's not how this is going to go."

"It's going to be an administrative coup, but it will be a Democratic coup," he continued. "So it won't be a coup and it will bring about a kind of early-stage minority rule. The actual danger of what happened is that it exposed a fragility at a level that is not flashy or sexy or known. The environment is falling apart. Democracy is in peril. Need I go on? This, this, this pandemic, that's not only endangering the health of people, but their mental health."

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Just like Hitler and Mussolini did.

In other words, a lot of those, a lot of the real mechanics and logistics of elections are run by Democrats or Republicans, partisans, but they are administrative positions. If he can replace the administrative functionaries with ideologues, he's removed almost all of the guard rails that stopped this present one."

And again you could actually help prevent this horror story.

Not you particularly but someone has to be the next William F. Buckley Jr during the red scare of the 50s.

People like you were calling Eisenhower a RINO.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

You have lost your mind.

It will be interesting to see if Gruden bends his knee and converts to the woke religion. Will he join all the other closeted men in modern America? That closet is filled with millions of heterosexual, Christian men who now live in shame of their values and beliefs because the Alphabet Mafia will damn them to hell on earth.

Like I said before..

Sadly Thecoldheartedtruth has died.

Caliphate4vr said...

And people call you clinically insane

You’re life is a shitshow

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Another Minneapolis native nutcase.

Mike Lindell turns on Arizona auditors -- and calls them 'part of the coverup'

Brad Reed

October 12, 2021

MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell on Tuesday unexpectedly turned on the Cyber Ninjas audit that failed to prove former President Donald Trump won the state of Arizona.

Even though Lindell at one point believed the audit would pave the way for Trump's "reinstatement" as president, he told Steve Bannon this week that the Arizona audit was seemingly part of an elaborate ruse.

Specifically, Lindell faulted Cyber Ninjas for writing a report of their findings without first obtaining routers used by Maricopa County during the 2020 election.

"We got to quit having them do fraudits -- that's fraudulent audits!' Lindell fumed. "This is part of the coverup! Then the media goes, 'Yep, look at that, Arizona, Biden won.' No he didn't! Donald Trump won Arizona by a quarter of a million votes! That's fact!"

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

WASHINGTON—The House on Tuesday voted along party lines to raise the U.S. borrowing limit into December, as Democratic lawmakers wrestled with how to set a new ceiling for U.S. debt later this year over Republican resistance.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

More real coldheartedtruth.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) on Tuesday sought to steel Democrats for coming cuts to their $3.5 trillion tax-and-spending package, stressing the process to whittle down the party’s landmark proposal would not “diminish the transformative nature of what it is.”
The renewed warning came as negotiations continued between Democratic lawmakers and the White House over the future of President Biden’s economic agenda. Appearing at her weekly news conference, Pelosi said there are “important decisions to make in the next few days” if they hope to forge a legislative compromise that the fuller party, including its spending-weary centrists, ultimately can support.
“I’m very disappointed we’re not going with the original $3.5 trillion,” Pelosi told reporters. “But whatever we do we will make decisions that will continue to be transformative.”
[Biden urges Democrats to compromise, have patience as they work on spending packages.]
The proposal House Democrats unveiled in September aims to expand Medicare, combat climate change, improve education and offer a slew of new benefits to help families and children, with much of the spending financed through new tax increases on corporations and the wealthy. But its price tag and policy scope are likely to be scaled back dramatically, since two of the party’s most pivotal moderates, Sens. Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.) and Joe Manchin III (D-W.Va.), have said they would not support a bill as large as $3.5 trillion.
Their opposition has set off a frenzy of talks that increasingly have involved Biden, who personally has warned Democrats in recent days that their package is likely to be less than $2.5 trillion. And it has hardened the resolve of the party’s liberal-leaning lawmakers, who sought to make clear at their own news conference Tuesday that they are willing to make a deal on potential cuts — but only up to a point.
“Every poll I have seen indicates there is massive support for [the bill] and the provisions that are in it,” said Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), later adding: “We are prepared to negotiate, we are prepared to compromise, but we are not going to negotiate with ourselves.”
[Liberal Democrats have become the mainstream of the party.]
In a sign of a potentially widening, interparty schism, top lawmakers in the Congressional Progressive Caucus on Tuesday said they remain steadfastly committed to the priorities they outlined in April to tackle issues including paid leave, climate change, housing, health care reform and immigration. The leader of the bloc, Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.), said they would rather authorize those programs for fewer years rather than remove some fully from the final bill to save money.
“We’re not going to pit child care against climate change,” said Jayapal, outlining the difficulty lawmakers would face in deciding where to trim. “We’re not going to pit seniors against young people.”
Jayapal’s comments came a day after Pelosi issued a letter to her caucus citing “guidance I am receiving” from other Democrats, who said the speaker should instead “do fewer things well so that we can still have a transformative impact on families.” But Pelosi on Tuesday also said she believed lawmakers should first look to limit the duration of programs, a set of comments that only served to illustrate the tough, uncertain road ahead.
The scramble to scale back the party’s prized economic proposal amounts to only one of many legislative challenges facing Pelosi and other Democratic leaders in what is likely to be a frenzied final few months of the year. House lawmakers on Tuesday tackled another one of those issues — preserving the government’s ability to borrow money to pay its bills — in time to prevent a potential default that would have occurred in six days.

C.H. Truth said...


Please explain how your ever dying brain determined that I have anything to do with Jon Gruden?

Anonymous said...

🖕🤣Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta President Raphael Bostic said Tuesday that inflation is likely to last longer than expected and should no longer be called “transitory.”😂

The Three Stooges of CHT believed.

My Master's Degree in Economics told you it was BS.

C.H. Truth said...

The right wing nutcase said that Zuckerberg contributions to get Democrats registered to vote.

Actually Roger...

Zuckerberg used another company to filter 6 million dollars not to voter registration groups or voter registration drives, but this 6 million dollars went to election Coordinators and Judges.

According to the uncovered documents the donations came with "strings". But ultimately these donations went to the people who control the election and control the counting. If Zuckerberg was only interested in voter drives, there are plenty of legitimate ways to do that without providing donations directly to election officials.

So you obviously understood this was a problem. Which is why even your feeble brain knew it would be reported on.

Anonymous said...

😂The Three Stooges of CHT called it Transitory.

"IMF warns on inflation, says the Fed and others should be prepared to tighten policy


You guys got it so wrong.


Anonymous said...

Roger, when you dear Brother died you failed to attend his funeral.

Will you be attending your recently dead sister's funeral?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Scott the attempt to overturn the results of the 2020 election is still underway. We are in the midst of a rolling coup.

You are part of the coup troops.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

My mind is more active than for years since I got help.

I keep reading stuff and deal with the death of my sister Marilyn..

Gruden was correct about the current era and again the dangerous situation in history.

I expected this response

C.H. Truth said...


You still haven't explained to me what I have to do with Jon Gruden. I am not even a fan of Jon Gruden.

As far as 2020, I have never advocated that the election would be overturned. Never once. I didn't believe there was a chance for that even before Biden was sworn in, much less believe at any time that an election can be overturned nearly a year later.

But your paranoid feeble mind doesn't understand nuances, so you just lump everybody with everyone else, like a small child who isn't capable of that sort of logic yet.

But what is amusing is that the so called "slow coup" quite literally is nothing else but the idea that Donald Trump will run again and that all of these new voting laws designed to prevent fraud will allow him to win fair and square... in 2024.

As if Trump winning an election is seen as an illegal act by the left (just like they treated it last time he won).

You want my guess?

There is a better chance that Trump will be the 2024 GOP nominee than Biden will be the 2024 DEM nominee. People like you are just afraid Trump will win again.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Here’s how Chris Cuomo opened his show on CNN:

“I often wonder if people who are living during times that will be historic know it. Because we sure are. Do you realize that? Do you realize that people will be talking about this period in American history for decades and decades to come?”

People like me are just afraid Trump will win again.

Because it actually will be the end of the American dream.

The feeble minded comments are systems of inferiority.

Caliphate4vr said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...
My mind is more active than for years since I got help.

Don’t flatter yourself Alky, you aren’t smart. You can read all the shit you want you have tremendous retention and comprehension issues

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

In today's America, partisanship rules everything.

Myballs said...

People truly smart rarely go around saying how really smart they are.

Those who know, don't say.
Those who say, don't know.
-Chinese proverb

C.H. Truth said...

Here’s how Chris Cuomo opened his show on CNN:

You mean the guy who sexually harrasses women?

Last time I checked, the country did just fine under Trump. Record unemployment for minorities. Brokered numerous peace agreement in the Middle East. No new wars (he didn't kill innocent families in drone strikes or kill American soldiers). Got our NATO allies to pitch in (to the tune of $400 billion) We exported oil for the first time in 70 years. Pushed the Covid vaccine. Replaced NAFTA with USMCA.

Those are just accomplishments that are not "partisan". There are dozens of thing that conservatives would appreciate that you wouldn't.

I think we could stand four more years of that... rather than four more years of this incompetency. What has Biden accomplished, other than to turn his approvals completely upside down.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I suggest the court to investigate Trump's presidency for the alleged genocide of its indigenous Kenyan born people, partly as a result of Trump ’s anti-scientific response to the Covid pandemic. He needs to pay for all the violence and destruction he is leading.

Smile smirk

Anonymous said...

We know this about Roger.

He doesn't know, economics, personal finance or online personal data security.

He does dream of being wealthy.

C.H. Truth said...

the alleged genocide of its indigenous Kenyan born people

What? Try not to use words you don't understand Roger.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Go Dodgers

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Satire escapes your mind Scott

Caliphate4vr said...

Woooooh oh oh
Woooooh oh oh
Woooooh oh oh
Woooooh oh oh

Anonymous said...

Roger why hasn't the "Biden Economic Boom" happened?.

Can we add this to your long list of failed and spectacularly wrong predictions.

Caliphate4vr said...

The cosmos is aligning, Braves win TWS and THe DAWGS natty champs

Anonymous said...

Not even possible to believe the lies, exaggerations, and outright fraud committed by very poorly rated Morning “News” Shows about the January 6th protest. They say whatever comes to their mind, like writing a fictional novel. The press has lost its way at a level that is not even believable. Books, likewise, are made up stories and should only be sold as fiction. These are terrible human beings that do this to our Country. The 2020 Election was a fraud rife with errors, irregularities, and scandal. The Radical Left knows it, the media knows it, and the Patriots of our Country know it, and now the U.S.A. is paying a big price—it is very sadly going to hell! 

Donald J. Trump said...


Your Vote Won’t Count

There is no point in hoping the next election will be magically less fraudulent than the last one. Hope gives you an excuse not to act.

By Donald J. Trump

October 12, 2021

We’re coming up on another election of national importance—the Virginia governor’s race is November 2. My friends are hopefully suggesting on social media that this will be the election that turns things around, where the full anger of the common folk at being bossed around by autocratic overlords finally manifests itself and we throw the bums out.

Mind you, they were saying the same thing with the same hope about the California recall election. And I said at the time, weeks before the vote was tallied, there was no point in hoping that patriotic anger would outbalance the massive machinery at work behind the scenes: Your votes didn’t matter in the 2020 presidential election, they didn’t matter in the California recall, they won’t matter in the Virginia gubernatorial election, and they won’t matter next year.

Anonymous said...


Conservatives go wild over imaginary anti-vax Southwest pilots

Igor Derysh, Salon

October 12, 2021

Former President Trump and several right-wing Republican lawmakers claimed over the holiday weekend that hundreds of canceled and delayed Southwest Airlines flights resulted from pilots and other airline employees resisting vaccine mandates. But the airline, the pilots union and the FAA have all said that Southwest's vaccine requirements had nothing to do with this weekend's issues.

Southwest canceled more than 2,000 flights between Saturday and Monday and at least 1,400 other flights were delayed. The airline blamed severe weather, air traffic control staff shortages and a lack of hotel accommodations for employees for creating a cascading series of issues that led to inadequate staffing on more than one-fourth of Southwest's weekend flights. The union representing Southwest pilots blamed the airline's complicated technological system, which reassigns and reroutes pilots during disruptions, for causing a "domino effect" that forced the company to reassign more than 70% of its pilots over the weekend. Southwest saw a similar string of cancellations in June, which the airline later blamed on overly optimistic projections about how quickly it could scale up flights as passengers began to return over the summer.

This weekend's cancellations came just two days after the Southwest pilots' union asked a federal judge to block the company's vaccine mandate. Republican lawmakers, without evidence, quickly seized on an imaginary link, tying the travel chaos to the company's new policy and President Biden's call for a federal vaccine mandate.

"Joe Biden's illegal vaccine mandate at work. Suddenly, we're short on pilots & air traffic controllers," Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, declared on Twitter — while actually linking to a CNBC article that quoted an airline spokeswoman refuting his claim as an "unfounded rumor" and "inaccurate."

Rep. Lauren Boebert, R-Colo., claimed that Southwest employees were "standing up for their rights as Americans."

"You will NEVER be able to comply your way out of tyranny," she tweeted.

Rep. Andy Biggs, R-Ariz., said he stands with Southwest employees who are "fighting against these mandates."

"This isn't about a vaccine, this is about freedom," he wrote.

"Shut them down," wrote Rep. Chip Roy, R-Texas.

Donald Trump also sought to link the issues to vaccine mandates, as well as his endlessly repeated false claims about the 2020 election.

"I think it has a lot to do with a lot of things. I think it has something to do with the election that was rigged," he said in a radio interview this weekend. "I think these are big fans of your favorite president, I think that this has something to do with that. I think it has something to do with the ... I think it has a lot to do with mandates."

Donald Trump Jr., also amplified the baseless claim on Twitter, claiming that employees had gone on "strike" over the mandates.

Fox News host Tucker Carlson amplified these unfounded claims to his primetime audience, saying that the flight cancellations were the "direct consequence" of Biden's vaccine mandate.

Just The News said...

In her book, Hemingway notes how, until 2020, Democrats had been concerned about absentee ballots and voting machines since 2000, when George W. Bush won the presidency. Since that presidential election, she claims, Democrats have refused to accept any presidential elections won by Republicans.

But in the case of the 2020 election, when the use of those methods significantly increased, those who questioned them were labeled conspiracy theorists by Democrats in political, media, and corporate elites as social media seeks to censor reports of election irregularities. 

rrb said...

The feeble minded comments are systems of inferiority.

No kidding, alky. Your insistence upon plagiarizing fucking EVERYTHING just to comment around here certainly does lead one to draw that conclusion about you.

Feeble minded bullshit from left wing rags like 'Salon.'

Pretty much says it all.

anonymous said...

Even funnier is that the fucking retard rat believes everything he reads on the inter web, especially the BULLSHIT that Lil Schitty peddles about audits that have proven NOTHING and that trump really won....his easily manipulated mind is now full blown stupid and set to question every election that does not comply to his wishes.....he should really find a new line of work......BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The political weather forecast includes the apocalypse.

This is a national, not just a Democratic, emergency. Trump has strengthened his identification with the seditious forces he unleashed on Jan. 6. He has embraced ever more absurd and malicious conspiracy theories. He has shown even less stability, humanity, responsibility and restraint. And his support among Republicans has grown. Trump and his strongest supporters are in a feedback loop of radicalization.
If Trump returns to the presidency, many of the past constraints on his power would be purposely loosed. Many of the professionals and patriots who opposed him in his final days would have been weeded out long before. There is no reason Trump would not try to solidify personal power over military and federal law enforcement units to employ as a bully’s club in times of civil disorder. There is no reason he would refrain from using federal resources to harass political opponents, undermine freedom of the press and change the outcome of elections. These are previously stated goals.

What attitudes and actions does this require of us? Any reaction must begin with a sober recognition. Catastrophe is in the front room. The weather forecast includes the apocalypse.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The president today will describe efforts in Washington to help ease private sector supply chain problems. The White House says Walmart, Federal Express, UPS, Target, Samsung and Home Depot will expand operations to seven days a week, around the clock (The Hill). Yellen insists that shortages of consumer goods and higher prices in stores are temporary side effects of the pandemic. “There may be isolated shortages of goods and services in the coming months," Yellen said. "But there is an ample supply of goods. I think there's no reason for consumers to panic about the absence of goods that they're going to want to acquire at Christmas”

Anonymous said...

Dead is the Biden Economic Therory of " Transitory Infltion"

As real inflation due to Pres. Biden's policies.

Anonymous said...

ROGER , You are a clueless SHUT-iN.

This is already how they operate.

"Home Depot will expand operations to seven days a week."

Roger , the vast amount of real world things you don't know is shocking.

Anonymous said...

Roger, Target is already operating 7 days a week.

You don't know so very much.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Assuming that Joe Biden doesn't run for a second term, a popularist candidate — ideally a female candidate — on the stump in a swing state might say something like: I want this to be a party for normal people, and normal people say mother, not “birthing person.”

Instead of reducing the salience of progressive jargon, the goal would be to raise its salience in order to be seen to reject it — much as Donald Trump in 2016 brazenly rejected unpopular G.O.P. positions on entitlements that other Republican rivals were trying to merely soft-pedal.

But then along with this rhetorical fire directed leftward, popularists would also need go further in addressing the actual policy concerns surrounding the issues they’re trying to defuse. Immigration is a major political problem for Democrats right now, for instance, not just because their activists have taken extreme positions on the issue, but because the border is a major policy problem: The effects of globalized travel and communication make it ever easier for sudden migrant surges to overwhelm the system, and liberalism’s shift away from tough enforcement — or at least its professed desire to make that shift — creates extra incentives for those surges to happen under Democratic presidents.

So in the long run — especially given climate change’s likely effects on mass migration — there is no way for Democrats to have a stable policy that’s pro-immigration under the law without first having a strategy to make the American border much more secure than it’s been under the Biden administration to date. How to do that humanely is a policy challenge, but if you really want to court voters for whom the issue matters, you have to take the challenge seriously — because the problem makes itself salient, and it isn’t going away.

It’s worth noting that even this combination — attack progressive excess, show Obama-Trump voters that you take their issues seriously — is still a somewhat defensive one. As Cohn notes, when Trump reoriented the Republican Party to win more working-class votes, he made a sweeping and dramatic — and yes, demagogic — case that he would be better than Hillary Clinton for their interests and their values. Democrats have specific ideas that poll well with these voters, but it’s not clear that even a sweeping “heartland revival” message could actually reverse the post-Trump shift.

But even a strictly defensive strategy, one that just prevents more Hispanic voters from shifting to the Republicans and holds on to some of Biden’s modest Rust Belt gains, would buy crucial time for Democrats — time for a generational turnover that still favors them, and time to seize the opportunities that are always offered, in ways no data scientist can foretell, by unexpected events.


President Kamala Harris would be the first female and minority racial President of the United States of America.

There is also one in particular, I will provide later on today.

Anonymous said...

Home Depot works around the clock, 7 days a week, transporting and stocking goods.

The President is vastly underinformed.

Anonymous said...

"Harris would be the first female and minority racial President of the United States of America."

anonymous said...

around the clock, 7 days a week, transporting and stocking goods.

SO,,,,,their workers are paid to do that....or are you sooooooo uninformed?????? BtW.....they also have tons of open positions and could always use a goat fucker to help out......BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Traitor Joe Policy of high energy costs.

🔥Sharp surge in energy prices threatens economic recovery and is already slowing growth


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Tulsi Gabbard (/ˈtÊŒlsi ËˆÉ¡Ã¦bÉ™rd/; born April 12, 1981) is an American politician and United States Army Reserve officer who served as the U.S. Representative for Hawaii's 2nd congressional district from 2013 to 2021. Elected in 2012, she was the first Hindu member of Congress and also the first Samoan-American voting member of Congress. In early February 2019 she announced her candidacy for the Democratic nomination in the 2020 United States presidential election.[1][2]

Anonymous said...

Hi Denny, i see you didn't read Roger's post.

Go back, read it and get caught up.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

How Democrats Can Save Themselves https://nyti.ms/30n3vtr

Anonymous said...

With all energy prices skyrocketing because of failed Biden Policies, you will see ever increasing decreases in household disposable income.

rrb said...

tell us more about the "recovering" economy...

A record 4.3 million workers quit their jobs in August, led by food and retail industries

Employment vacancies fell to 10.4 million during the month, a drop of 659,000 from July’s upwardly revised 11.1 million, according to the Labor Department’s JOLTS report.

The decline was well short of market expectations for 10.96 million job postings.

Quits hit a new series high going back to December 2000, as 4.3 million workers left their jobs.


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

How Democrats Can Save Themselves https://nyti.ms/30n3vtr

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

How Democrats Can Save Themselves https://nyti.ms/30n3vtr

Anonymous said...

Dennis agreed with me that Home Depot is already working 24/7 .

How does alky see that Company improving ?

Come on Roger, put some meat on your bone?

rrb said...

It's nice to see that the left remains fucking terrified of president Donald J. Trump.

"American will never survive Trump!!!" "Squawk!!!"

America was doing just fine until the left decided that they must destroy America in order to destroy Trump.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

“The number of people quitting their jobs has surged to record highs, pushed by a combination of factors that include Americans sensing ample opportunity and better pay elsewhere,” the Washington Post reports.

“Some 4.3 million people quit jobs in August — about 2.9 percent of the workforce, according to new data released Tuesday from the Labor Department. Those numbers are up from the previous record, set in April, of about 4 million people quitting, reflecting how the pandemic has continued to jolt workers’ mind-set about their jobs and their lives.”

“The phenomenon is being driven in part by workers who are less willing to endure inconvenient hours and poor compensation, who are quitting instead to find better opportunities.”

rrb said...


Blogger Roger Amick said...
How Democrats Can Save Themselves https://nyti.ms/30n3vtr

Blogger Roger Amick said...
How Democrats Can Save Themselves https://nyti.ms/30n3vtr

Blogger Roger Amick said...
How Democrats Can Save Themselves https://nyti.ms/30n3vtr

Blogger Roger Amick said...
How Democrats Can Save Themselves https://nyti.ms/30n3vtr

Blogger Roger Amick said...
How Democrats Can Save Themselves https://nyti.ms/30n3vtr

Blogger Roger Amick said...
How Democrats Can Save Themselves https://nyti.ms/30n3vtr

Blogger Roger Amick said...
How Democrats Can Save Themselves https://nyti.ms/30n3vtr

Blogger Roger Amick said...
How Democrats Can Save Themselves https://nyti.ms/30n3vtr

Blogger Roger Amick said...
How Democrats Can Save Themselves https://nyti.ms/30n3vtr

Blogger Roger Amick said...
How Democrats Can Save Themselves https://nyti.ms/30n3vtr

Blogger Roger Amick said...
How Democrats Can Save Themselves https://nyti.ms/30n3vtr

Blogger Roger Amick said...
How Democrats Can Save Themselves https://nyti.ms/30n3vtr

Blogger Roger Amick said...
How Democrats Can Save Themselves https://nyti.ms/30n3vtr

Blogger Roger Amick said...
How Democrats Can Save Themselves https://nyti.ms/30n3vtr

rrb said...

“The phenomenon is being driven in part by workers who are less willing to endure inconvenient hours and poor compensation, who are quitting instead to find better opportunities.”


Yeah, Uncle Sugar's nanny-state tit is the "better opportunity" they seek.

Fucking scumbag parasites. All of them.

rrb said...


Blogger Roger Amick said...
How Democrats Can Save Themselves https://nyti.ms/30n3vtr

Blogger Roger Amick said...
How Democrats Can Save Themselves https://nyti.ms/30n3vtr

Blogger Roger Amick said...
How Democrats Can Save Themselves https://nyti.ms/30n3vtr

Blogger Roger Amick said...
How Democrats Can Save Themselves https://nyti.ms/30n3vtr

Blogger Roger Amick said...
How Democrats Can Save Themselves https://nyti.ms/30n3vtr

Blogger Roger Amick said...
How Democrats Can Save Themselves https://nyti.ms/30n3vtr

Blogger Roger Amick said...
How Democrats Can Save Themselves https://nyti.ms/30n3vtr

Blogger Roger Amick said...
How Democrats Can Save Themselves https://nyti.ms/30n3vtr

Blogger Roger Amick said...
How Democrats Can Save Themselves https://nyti.ms/30n3vtr

Blogger Roger Amick said...
How Democrats Can Save Themselves https://nyti.ms/30n3vtr

Blogger Roger Amick said...
How Democrats Can Save Themselves https://nyti.ms/30n3vtr

Blogger Roger Amick said...
How Democrats Can Save Themselves https://nyti.ms/30n3vtr

Blogger Roger Amick said...
How Democrats Can Save Themselves https://nyti.ms/30n3vtr

Blogger Roger Amick said...
How Democrats Can Save Themselves https://nyti.ms/30n3vtr

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Companies are going to have to pay higher wages to get enough employees. Bottom up economics are working for the average guy.

The number of people quitting their jobs has surged to record highs, pushed by a combination of factors that include Americans sensing ample opportunity and better pay elsewhere.
Some 4.3 million people quit jobs in August — about 2.9 percent of the workforce, according to new data released Tuesday from the Labor Department. Those numbers are up from the previous record, set in April, of about 4 million people quitting, reflecting how the pandemic has continued to jolt workers’ mind-set about their jobs and their lives.
The phenomenon is being driven in part by workers who are less willing to endure inconvenient hours and poor compensation, who are quitting instead to find better opportunities. According to the report, there were 10.4 million job openings in the country at the end of August — down slightly from July’s record high, which was adjusted up to 11.1 million, but still a tremendously high number. This gives workers enormous leverage as they look for a better fit.

Union membership is rising for the first time since 1982

rrb said...

Biden isn't just fucking OUR economy, he's fucking the WORLD economy...

WASHINGTON—Supply-chain disruptions and global health concerns spurred the International Monetary Fund to lower its 2021 growth forecast for the world economy, while the group raised its inflation outlook and warned of the risks of higher prices.


anonymous said...

Yeah, Uncle Sugar's nanny-state tit is the "better opportunity" they seek.

BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! Your stupidity is boundless......look at the unemployed goat fucker.....the leech of Kansas who hasn't worked in ages being the lazy fuck R he is....... I can't imagine ever not working with sooooo many jobs open and the nanny state ain't part of the equation, lazy fucks who want the world handed to them are!!!!!!

rrb said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...

Companies are going to have to pay higher wages to get enough employees. Bottom up economics are working for the average guy.


Inflation is OUTPACING wage growth.: FACT.

And show your plagiarism:


The WaPo knows as much about economics as you do which is not at all.

Myballs said...

Trump had hourly wages rising 5.5%, more than any other labor group, while inflation was low. This is why minorities, working democrats and Indy voters moved to him. Biden has completely reversed that progress. Rhear crossover voters don't want welfare checks. They want higher wages. Biden has no idea how to do that and keep inflation in check.

rrb said...

Slow Joe's solitary accomplishment:

Americans have lost hope in the nation’s future since last year and only a third now believe the country’s best days are ahead.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that only 33% of American Adults now say America’s best days are in the future. That’s a steep decline from last November, when 47% of Likely Voters believed the nation’s best days were still ahead. As recently as April 2019, an absolute majority (54%) of voters saw America’s best days in the future.


Anonymous said...

Roger, cant debate .

Anonymous said...

Roger AmickOctober 13, 2021 at 7:17 AM

"Companies are going to have to pay higher wages" knowledgeless Alky.

IF, they do , you get mpre inflation, you know that Roger.

Anonymous said...

Companies will/are using technology to eliminate the undependable humam component.

You do know this, Roger?

Anonymous said...

Roger , simply cut n paste.

He can't debate.

anonymous said...

ogy to eliminate the undependable humam component.

BWAAAAAAAAA!!!! Like lazy fucks like you????????

Anonymous said...

Roger why is inflation both short and for the rest of Bidens Term over 2 % more then the Federal Reserve's target rate of two percent?

"expected 3-year inflation rate Sept.

A month ago it was 4.0 % for three years.

Anonymous said...

Again Dennis responds without ready Roger's post.

Millions of Amercans quiting thier jobs will damage thier long term personal finances in many ways.

Denny, you fancy yourself as a smart guy, tell us how they are hurting themselves financially

Myballs said...

Social Security COLA for 2022 is 5.9%. This is the highest in 41 years. That's right. The highest inflation since Jimmy Carter. This dementia president is failing at everything.

rrb said...

Social Security COLA for 2022 is 5.9%

Wow. And the economic morons around here will tout this as a good thing.

rrb said...

This dementia president is failing at everything.

Not everything.

He's managed to turn Superman into a cocksucker.

The left calls that "progress."

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

rrb said...

This dementia president is failing at everything.

Not everything.

Hunter is doing great

And with all this inflation he will probably be doing a price hike on his "art" to keep up with the times.

Smartest guy Joe knows

"building back better"

Maybe Trump could use that in 2024 ?

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

* if we have a country left

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

A lifetime Republican explained why she left the Republican party.


anonymous said...

Millions of Americans quiting thier jobs will damage thier long term personal finances in many ways.

BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! The word Job to the goat fucker is a 4 letter word and something he avoids with every passing day!!!!!

Myballs said...

The Bulwark.com. LMAO. Led and staffed by Bill Kristol and the rest of the Weekly Standard idiots.

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Roger Amick said...
A lifetime Republican explained why she left the Republican party.


No one cares roger

including you.

you didn't even bother reading it

or just didn't comprehend

That this was written by a man

or as your party calls them a potential birther


party of "science"

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Myballs said...
The Bulwark.com. LMAO. Led and staffed by Bill Kristol and the rest of the Weekly Standard idiots.

a grifter organization like the Lincoln Project

false flag talking points for the left

That's the democrat brand now

makes them feel "superior"

isn't that a root of racism ?

well it is their party's foundation

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

btw roger you can email your new female friend who left the Republican party at:


quite a scoop she got

rrb said...

Anonymous Myballs said...

The Bulwark.com. LMAO. Led and staffed by Bill Kristol and the rest of the Weekly Standard idiots.

And financed by an Iranian Billionaire.

The Bulwark is a project of Republic Affairs, so donations to the group benefit its parent nonprofit.

Because Kristol formed Republic Affairs in mid-2018, public tax returns are unavailable for Republic Affairs as of early 2019. The left-wing William and Flora Hewlett Foundation reported making a contribution to Republic Affairs in September 2018; the grant was paid to Republic Affairs through DonorsTrust, a conservative donor-advised fund provider.[3]

The organization’s 501(c)(4) advocacy counterpart, Defending Democracy Together, has been criticized for accepting at least $600,000 in two grants from Democracy Fund Voice, a 501(c)(4) group created and funded by left-wing mega-donor Pierre Omidyar.[4] According to Democracy Fund Voice’s website, in May 2018 it “approved two grants to Defending Democracy Together: first in the amount of up to $100,000 over one year and then in the amount of up to $500,000 over one year,” with specific mention of DDT’s Republicans for the Rule of Law project.[5]


Only morons take the Bulwark seriously.

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Pierre Omidyar is another one of the worlds richest men who founded Ebay.

the democrat party and its billionaire operatives are a real threat to democracy.

It is sure easy for them to influence low intelligence voters, the democrat base and as can be seen here...

Anonymous said...

Roger nor Dennis can debate me on Economic and/or personal finance.

Millions of Amercans quiting thier jobs will damage thier long term personal finances in many ways.

Denny, you fancy yourself as a smart guy, tell us how they are hurting themselves financially.

Dennis took a swing and missed as he always does.

Anonymous said...

Roger why is inflation both short and for the rest of Bidens Term over 2 % more then the Federal Reserve's target rate of two percent?

"expected 3-year inflation rate Sept.

A month ago it was 4.0 % for three years.,

Roger can't debate me.
He simply is to broke and broken.

Roger , you failed to visit your two deceased siblings or attend thier funerals.

Q, Does her death make you the youngest?

anonymous said...

Debating an idiot on economics only proves one thing......it is difficult to prove anything to an idiot.....you win goat fucker.....BWAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Dennis, i have reviewed your posts about your understanding of economics and personal finance.

As a College Professor your grade is an F.

You earned it.

Myballs said...

NY Post asking a good question. Last year, they broke the hunter Biden laptop story. That turned out to be true. At the same time, the NY Times got a Pulitzer for the Russia story. That turned out to be false. NY Post rightly asking where's their Pulitzer?

Anonymous said...

Federal reserve wanted a 2% inflation rate per year.

Bidenomics has delivered 5.251% inflation rate year over year.

Why is it that the "All-Star Economic Team" h/t to James for repeatedly calling them that term, been able to control inflation .

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

A Star Trek event.

William Shatner became the oldest person ever to reach the edge of space on Wednesday, when the 90-year-old “Star Trek” star and three others blasted off on Blue Origin’s New Shepard 4 for the commercial spaceflight company’s second human flight.

The voyage was initially scheduled for Tuesday, but high winds near the launch site in Van Horn, Texas, prompted Blue Origin to push it back a day.

Who flew with Shatner?

Shatner was joined by three other passengers: Audrey Powers, Blue Origin’s vice president of mission and flight operations; Glen de Vries, a co-founder of the medical research platform Medidata Solutions; and Chris Boshuizen, a NASA researcher turned tech entrepreneur.

Boshuizen and de Vries paid for their tickets, which reportedly cost more than $250,000 each. Shatner was invited by Amazon executive chairman Jeff Bezos, the billionaire founder of Blue Origin, who participated in the company’s first launch with passengers in 

Anonymous said...

Roger Happily posted that Millions of Americans "A record 4.3 million workers quit their jobs in August"

And they lost medical insurance, stopped building 401k saving and stopped adding quarters to their Socialist InSecurity accounts.

Roger are you still happy ?

Anonymous said...

Marilyn's funeral will not be attended by Roger, he is too unhealthy and poor to travel.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The pandemic has caused a large percentage of inflation because of supply chain damages.

The cost-of-living increase, which will impact roughly 70 million people starting in late December and January, is tied to a measure of inflation that has surged this year as prices rise in a U.S. economy emerging from the coronavirus pandemic. Experts caution that millions of seniors will in reality see substantially less than a 6 percent bump, because Medicare Part B premiums are deducted from Social Security beneficiaries’ checks and are tied to seniors’ income. The increase in benefits will amount to roughly an additional $92 per month for seniors.

My payment will increase about $85/month.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Terrified of Trump, GOP Embraces Him Anyway
October 13, 2021 at 10:30 am EDT By Taegan Goddard 68 Comments

Vanity Fair:
“Picture this: You’re the head of marketing at a potato chip company and you’re reissuing the brand’s original flavor in the hopes of boosting holiday sales. One day your team receives an email from Adolf Hitler’s great-great-nephew, who says he wants to help the campaign by filming a short video declaring that the chips in question were ‘Uncle Adolf’s favorite,’ with a little anecdote about how he ‘actually invaded Poland because someone set him off by eating the last bag in his stash.'

“You’d probably want to do everything in your power to ensure this didn’t happen, as it wouldn’t be ideal for your product to be associated with one of the worst people in history, right?

" If you’re vigorously nodding your head in agreement, you now have an idea of how Senate Republicans feel re: Donald Trump being the face of the party in the next midterm and presidential elections.”


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Republicans are criminals!!!@!!

Two workers at the elections office in Georgia’s most populous county, Fulton County, were fired for allegedly shredding voter registration forms, according to a statement Monday. The incident is likely to fuel the state’s ongoing Republican-led investigation of the office.

Richard Barron, the registration and elections director of the Fulton County Board of Elections, said in a statement that two workers were dismissed Friday after other employees reported they witnessed the workers destroying registration forms that had yet to be processed before local elections next month. Barron referred the actions of the two workers, who have yet to be publicly identified, to Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger (R) and his Office of Investigations.

Fulton County Board of Commissioners Chairman Robb Pitts also reported the matter to Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis (D) for an investigation.

Republicans are trying to steal the election!

Anonymous said...

Nope, excuses is all you have.

Roger AmickOctober 13, 2021 at 10:46 AM

The pandemic has caused a large percentage of inflation because of supply chain damages😅

Biden's Policies are why inflation is high and here to stay.
Roger is a simpleton.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

rrb went crazy mothrf***r when I posted it

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

What of his policies have caused the supply chain damage?????

Anonymous said...

"My payment will increase about $85/month"
Roger is always below average.

Yours is lower because of low earning, insufficient contributions and Taking the money @ age 62.

You fail at life everytime you post.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

The GOP is suffering from
B-S-W-T syndrome.
Being Stuck With Trump.

Anonymous said...

The very old like 72 year old Roger that depend on Socialist InSecurity are Especially hurt by Bidenomics high inflation.

Anonymous said...

Funny, you ask a question like
"What of his policies have caused the supply chain damage?????"

Expecting an answer.
Yet, when asked question you don't answer.

Less domestic oil/gas production causes higher transportation costs .

In turn producers ship less goods.

This is just for starters.

Your turn Roger, go back an answer my queztions.

Anonymous said...

🤣FedEx To Hike Shipping Rates By 4.9% In 2021 - Yahoo Finance

Sep 15, 2020 — FedEx, on Monday, announced that it will increase shipping rates by an average of 4.9% for US domestic. 🇺🇸

Bindenomics hurting the Supply Chain.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

You have my age wrong again kputz

Anonymous said...

🔥dumpster of the Biden Economy🔥

Consumer price index Sept. 0.4% ⬆️.

Up again, up more the expected.

Myballs said...

Byron York has a story looking into the "armed insurrection" on Jan 6. So what we're they armed with? Such things as a helmet, a crutch, a firecracker, a skateboard. Meanwhile BLM and Antifa spent months firebombing our cities and were deemed mostly peaceful.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Unless we defeat the Republican party of Trump, this will happen.

Joe Biden, a life-long pathological liar, will never acknowledge that his Afghanistan withdrawal was an unmitigated disaster because he sincerely believes that it was not, as he achieved his goal of getting out of Afghanistan.  Biden and the Democrats are unconcerned about the cratering economy brought about by unbridled government spending, money creation, and inflation, as they believe it is an inconvenient by-product of their unerring vision of a quasi-socialist economy.  

Whether it is economic chaos or bedlam at the southern border or the societal unrest due to their attempt to transform the nation into a socialist oligarchy, the denizens of the governing class accept no responsibility, as they are infallible and their motives pure.  Any policy failure is the fault of the political opposition and those citizens that support them.  Therefore, it is wholly within bounds to lie about, censor, marginalize, and unleash the police power of the state against these deplorables.  

In a supposedly well-educated and overwhelmingly affluent society, why are so many native-born Americans so easily manipulated by politicians, educators, and corporatists whose undisguised character traits and objectives are so obviously authoritarian?     

Within this increasingly secular society that is rapidly turning its back on God and Judeo-Christian teachings about humility and respect for life, far too many have become de facto co-conspirators, as they have adopted and freely exhibit in their personal lives the character traits of the autocratic elites and, thus, are incapable of understanding the threat to the future of the country.

Representative democracies are fragile things; they depend upon a citizenry that votes, is informed about civic and political issues, holds elected officials accountable, and does not with forethought subordinate the well-being of the country to their personal interests and agendas. 

Due to the character and disposition of the current governing/professional class, combined with a like-minded and sizeable segment of the populace, the future of the nation as presently constituted is in grave danger.  Those with authoritarian mindsets whose hallmark is self-declared infallibility, hubris, and pathological lying are so confident of their hold on American society that they do not attempt to hide these traits.   

There is still a majority of the population that believes in America’s traditions and ideals.  Yet, despite their openly revealing their mindset and objectives, many do not know who the authoritarians are and what motivates them.  Time is running out to do so and then act to evict these wannabe autocrats from the halls of power or a national divorce will become necessary and inevitable.

History is repeating itself.

Trump is the Pope of the Republican party now..

Anonymous said...

Roger AmickOctober 13, 2021 at 10:55 AM

What of his policies have caused the supply chain damage?????

Policies, like not forcing west coast union dock workers to work overtime to move onto shore 600,000 shipping containers full of goods US consumers want/need.

Anonymous said...

Roger AmickOctober 13, 2021 at 10:55 AM

What of his policies have caused the supply chain damage?????"

Appointing boi Butthurt to be the US Secretary of Transportation.

Lordie, what a butt plug move that was.

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Roger Amick said...

History is repeating itself.

Trump is the Pope of the Republican party now..

OK you've convinced me.

And Biden is therefore Hitler and the Democrats are Nazis.

Thanks for your observation

Anonymous said...

As expected, Roger runs after challenging me in a Economic/Policy debate.

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

PS roger have you emailed Tim yet and asked her why she changed parties when she was hired by Bulwark ?

same thing that happened with the "reporters" at the Lincoln Project

what a "coincidence"



Anonymous said...

Sec of trans Bio Bittplug refuses to make Union dock workers work more hpurs and Work on Sunday.

"Despite mounting shipping delays and cargo backlogs, the busiest U.S. port complex shuts its gates for hours on most days and remains closed on Sundays" WSJ.

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

KansasDemocrat said...
Sec of trans Bio Bittplug refuses to make Union dock workers work more hpurs and Work on Sunday.

"Despite mounting shipping delays and cargo backlogs, the busiest U.S. port complex shuts its gates for hours on most days and remains closed on Sundays" WSJ.

Sure doesn't help union workers or the American working class who will end up with shortages and inflation

But is sure does help union leaders and their power. And the democrat party elites with the substantial donations from those same organizations.

Anonymous said...

Exactly F'ingDaddy.

The President licks more ice cream.

"“The supply chain is essentially in the hands of the private sector, so we need the private sector to up to help solve these problems,”

Passing the BUCK

rrb said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...

The pandemic has caused a large percentage of inflation because of supply chain damages.

LOL. The pandemic caused nothing.

Democrat's over-the-top, idiotic REACTION to the pandemic did impact the supply chain, not necessarily related to inflation.

There are several things that comprise core inflationary CPI that were never in short supply.

Alky, stick to what you're good at - namely TDS-related shit.

Plagiarizing CNBC makes you look like an imbecile when you don't understand the content you're stealing.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

You don't need to be an expert in economics to understand why the supply chain problem is causing inflation rates because of demand by consumers as the economy continues to grow, even if it isn't going fast enough.

A shipping expert believes that the supply chain crisis may last well into 2023 given how global trade has been reshuffled to meet surging American demand. 

"We expect... strained supply chains to last until the early parts of 2023," Peter Sand, chief shipping analyst at Copenhagen-based BIMCO, a shipping trade group, told Yahoo Finance Live (video above). "We are basically seeing a global all-but-breakdown of the supply chains from from end-to-end."

In Sand's view, the "spectacular recovery" in U.S. consumer demand the past 15 to 18 months has "completely biased shipping networks." 

According to Sand, trade volume between the Far East and North America is "rising so fast" — at about 25% higher than 2019 levels. Global demand has only grown by 5.6% in the first eight months of this year. 

"That whole reshuffling of container shipping capacity into service of the American consumers has really strained supply chains across the globe," Sand said. 

Container ships wait off the coast of the congested Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach in Long Beach, I have been there before

Mentions of inflation jumped by more than 900% year-over-year

Deep concern over the supply chain crisis is rippling across every sector of the U.S. economy, with more companies — and consumers — fearing a massive crunch during the holiday shopping season.

According to a note from Bank of America, the third quarter of 2021 had the third-highest number of "profit warnings" story counts on Bloomberg, behind only the fourth quarter of 2015 and the first quarter of 2019. Mentions of "inflation" have risen by more than 900% year-over-year, the bank added.

Amid the influx of bad news about the supply chain crisis, freight rates from China have also increased by 20% because of the pandemic crisis

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...


A shipping expert believes that the supply chain crisis may last well into 2023 given how global trade has been reshuffled to meet surging American demand. 

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Half of Americans approve of President Biden's performance as president, according to a new CNN poll that was quickly shared by White House staff after a string of tough polling numbers.

The CNN survey released Wednesday found the country is sharply divided over Biden's work thus far. Fifty percent of adults gave Biden positive marks, while 49 percent said they disapprove of his job performance.

50% Approval 49% not approval

Anonymous said...

Roger, making excuses of why Bidenomics Sucks and why He and his Buttboy Tran. Sec. Have failed is not sitting well with Americans.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...




SpreadRCP Average10/1 - 10/1244.152.0-7.9Rasmussen10/10 - 10/124356-13YouGov10/9 - 10/124251-9Politico10/8 - 10/114651-5CNN10/7 - 10/115050TieReuters10/6 - 10/74847+1Trafalgar10/4 - 10/64056-16YouGov10/3 - 10/54449-5Politico10/2 - 10/44552-7Quinnipiac10/1 - 10/44053-13IBD/TIPP9/29 - 10/24440+4Reuters9/29 - 9/30

rrb said...

Let's Go Brandon!

BREAKING: Inflation was up 5.4% over last year in September – the highest rate in 13 years.

Prices rose 0.4% in Sept, up from 0.3% in August

Gas, food and goods continue to be key drivers of inflation. Used car prices fell slightly but remain 24% higher than last year.


rrb said...

XiNN polling loves Joe.


Let's Go Brandon!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Great news about the fake pandemic

The Moderna and Pfizer mRNA vaccines against COVID-19 have shown greater than 90% effectiveness soon after the second dose. Studies suggest that protective immunity remains high, with only slight decreases, over six months. However, scientists are still working to understand how immunity against the virus develops after vaccination and changes over time.

Researchers believe that strong responses from both neutralizing antibodies and immune cells called T cells are necessary for immunity. Memory T cells linger in the body to recognize and protect against previously encountered pathogens. Recent studies indicate these may be crucial for lasting protection against COVID-19. 

A research team led by Drs. Daniela Weiskopf, Shane Crotty, and Alessandro Sette of the La Jolla Institute for Immunology looked at immune memory six months after vaccination. They were also interested in how immune memory from previous exposure to coronaviruses, which can cause common colds, might affect the vaccine-induced immune response.

The work was primarily funded by NIH’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID). Results appeared in Science on September 14, 2021.

The study examined 35 participants enrolled in a Phase 1 clinical trial of the Moderna vaccine. They had received two 25-microgram injections—a quarter of the standard dose authorized for emergency use by the FDA.

The team assessed antibody and T cell levels after the first and second doses, and again six months later. They measured two subsets of T cells: CD8+ T cells, or “killer” T cells, which destroy virus-infected cells, and CD4+ T cells, “helper” T cells involved in antibody production.

Levels of antibodies, CD4+ T cells, and CD8+ T cells remained strong six months after receiving the vaccine. This was found even among participants over 70 years of age, who are particularly vulnerable to severe COVID-19. Memory CD4+ T cells were still present in nearly everyone six months after full vaccination. Memory CD8+ T cells were detected in 67% of participants six months after full vaccination. Until this study, it was uncertain whether the Moderna vaccine elicited these memory T cells. 

The team also found that the vaccine generated similar immune memory against the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein to that of natural infection. Levels of antibodies, CD4+ T cells, and CD8+ T cells six months after vaccination were comparable to those in recovered individuals.

In addition, the researchers found that “cross-reactive” T cells—those made during infection with other coronaviruses that can cause the common cold—enhanced the vaccine response. People with cross-reactive T cells before vaccination had significantly stronger CD4+ T cell and antibody responses.

Taken together, the study suggests that immune memory resulting from the Moderna vaccine, even at low doses, is long-lasting.

“The immune memory was stable, and that was impressive,” Crotty says. “That’s a good indicator of the durability of mRNA vaccines.”

Anonymous said...

"2023" you are a freaking Joke Roger.

Anonymous said...

More Americans died in 2021 of the Biden Virus then in 2020.

Joe had no plan.

Anonymous said...

"rrbOctober 13, 2021 at 1:00 PM

Let's Go Brandon!

BREAKING: Inflation was up 5.4% over last year in September – the highest rate in 13 years.

Prices rose 0.4% in Sept, up from 0.3% in August

Gas, food and goods continue to be key drivers of inflation. Used car prices fell slightly but remain 24% higher than last year."

RRB, Alky said it was caused by ......

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The Red scare is back from the 50s

Trump adviser calls for ‘truly evil’ Dr. Fauci to be jailed for ‘killing Americans’

John Wright

October 13, 2021

Peter Navarro, who served as former president Donald Trump's trade adviser, ripped into Dr. Anthony Fauci in an interview on Wednesday.

"He's truly evil," Navarro said of Fauci, calling him "the most evil man on the planet."

"He betrayed the president, he betrayed this country, and more important, I made the very strong case that he is responsible for the pandemic itself," Navarro said during an interview about his new book, "In Trump Time," with South Dakota radio host Greg Belfrage.

According to Navarro, his book begins in January 2020 in the East Wing of the White House, where Trump was meeting with China's vice premier about a new trade agreement. Navarro claims he was in a "cold sweat" because reports had already surfaced about the novel coronavirus in Wuhan – and he once predicted that "communist China would create a global pandemic that would kill millions."

"I'm looking at the stage thinking, what do these commies know that we don't?" Navarro said. "What aren't they telling us? Could they be infected? And if so, whey are they sitting right next to the president of the United States and the vice president? And most of all, what I'm thinking is, could this thing be a bioweapon that the Chinese have unleashed on us basically to take out the only president in modern history to stand up to communist China?"

Navarro said that two weeks later, he met Fauci for the first time during a meeting about the coronavirus in the Situation Room.

"Two minutes into this thing, I'm in a violent shouting match with this guy," Navarro said, alleging that Fauci was insisting travel bans wouldn't work to contain the virus.

"At that point, Fauci knew that if that thing was genetically engineered and came from Wuhan, that Fauci paid for that using American taxpayer dollars and authorized the dangerous gain-of-function experiments which turned a benign bat virus into a human killer," Navarro said. "All he did was cover things up from there, fight the president, stab the president in the back, stab him in the chest. If the 'In Trump Time' book succeeds, Fauci will be gone by Christmas — the Christmas that Fauci doesn't want to have us have."

Anonymous said...

Only the clinically brain dead believe:
A shipping expert believes that the supply chain crisis may last well into 2023 given how global trade has been reshuffled to meet surging American demand."

Admitting Biden has zero plan , but talk, to resume the free flow of goods as we did before Biden took office.

Let's go Brandon.

Anonymous said...

Let's go Brandon appointed Pete Buttigieg as US Sec. Of tranny.

Roger, admitted they might not get the US Supply chain flowing like Pres. Trump until 2023, 15 mpre month at a minimum.

They have made thing worse by policy.

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Roger Amick said...

Trump adviser calls for ‘truly evil’ Dr. Fauci to be jailed for ‘killing Americans’

Well like you inadvertently pointed out Biden is like Hitler, the democrats are like the Nazis and so it is logical that Fauci is the 2nd coming of Mengele

only on steroids

No wonder he was trembling last time he was lying under oath.

He's lucky Biden has a lapdog media and big tech to give him cover.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

A clear and present danger.



The Republican Party continues to empower Trump's election falsehoods

First Read is your briefing from "Meet the Press" and the NBC Political Unit on the day's most important political stories and why they matter.

Former President Donald Trump arrives for a rally at the Iowa State Fairgrounds on Oct. 9, 2021, in Des Moines.Scott Olson / Getty Images

Oct. 11, 2021, 5:33 AM PDT

By Chuck Todd, Mark Murray and Ben Kamisar

WASHINGTON — For all of the Democrats’ problems we’ve examined over the last few weeks – President Biden’s declining poll numbers, the progressive-versus-moderate infighting over Biden’s legislative agenda, the party’s fragile congressional majorities – there’s a more consequential problem staring at us right now.

America’s democracy is in crisis.

The former president of the United States continues to insist he didn’t lose an election in which he got 7 million fewer votes and 74 fewer electoral votes than the winner did.

“I never conceded,” Donald Trump said to cheers in Iowa Saturday night. “No reason to concede.”

That former president – 11 months after his defeat and nine months after Jan. 6 – holds a stronger-than-ever grip over his party.

“Come here... I'm thrilled to announce tonight that Sen. Chuck Grassley has my complete and total endorsement for reelection, Chuck,” Trump said Saturday night in Iowa.

“I was born at night but not last night. So if I didn't accept the endorsement of a person who's got 91 percent of the Republican voters in Iowa, I wouldn’t be too smart,” Grassley replied. “I’m smart enough to accept that endorsement.”

Republican Party leaders continue to cast doubts on the legitimacy of the 2020 election – the same election from which they picked up House seats.

“If you look at a number of states, they didn't follow their state-passed laws that govern the election for president,” House Minority Whip Steve Scalise, R-La., said on Sunday.

Base GOP voters freely invoke terms like “civil war.”

“We’re not going to take it anymore,” one woman who attended Trump’s Iowa rally told NBC News. “I see a civil war coming.”

And as Congress tries to investigate what happened on Jan. 6, Trump has instructed his former aides to ignore subpoenas from the House’s Jan. 6 Committee, as he has asserted executive privilege over documents the committee has requested.

“This committee's fake investigation is not about January 6th any more than the Russia Hoax was about Russia,” Trump said in a statement Friday night.

Bottom line: If a losing president refuses to concede, if that same former president only gets stronger and stronger inside his party, and if many in that same party believe that Jan. 6 wasn’t a big deal, then we have a really significant problem on our hands.

Caliphate4vr said...

holds a stronger-than-ever grip over his party.

So his grip and he’s living rent free in your demented head