Friday, October 1, 2021

Biden Administration does literally the only thing they know how to do!

Biden points fingers at GOP for a debt ceiling issue that is entirely under Democratic control

Defeat, he has warned, would embolden the same forces who tacitly blessed the origins of the Jan. 6th insurrection and are now balking at helping to lift the national debt ceiling to avoid a government default.

Well two things, technically. Blame everyone else for his own failures and bring up January 6th as if it is the second coming of 911.  But this is amounting to "preemptive" blame for another Biden/Schumer/Pelosi failure that is just around the corner. It's one thing to blame everyone else for failures that have already occured, but it take real ambition to already be blaming others for failure that have not yet happened.


anonymous said...

Yep, Mitch said the GOP should act like a bunch of puppy dogs and support his vindictive no to the debt ceiling.....fuck the country while thinking the white man GOP is doing something productive in shutting down the country!!!!!! Mitch has been Mr No since he tried to make obama a 1 term while supporting the authoritarian rule he soooooo much wants!!!!!

rrb said...

Dems have a majority in the House and Cum-Allah is their tie-breaker in the Senate.

Only cowards would demand that the GOP provide them political cover on this issue.

Democrats need to embrace the suck of a debt ceiling issue that is entirely under Democratic control.

Own it, cowards.

Fucking OWN IT.

anonymous said...

Only cowards would demand that the GOP provide them political cover on this issue.


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Sounds like Biden is owning it.
Biden Re-Links Infrastructure and Reconciliation Bills
October 1, 2021 at 4:48 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard

President Biden told the House Democratic caucus that bipartisan infrastructure package “ain’t going to happen until we reach an agreement on the next piece of legislation,” Punchbowl News reports.

Said Biden to reporters:
“It doesn’t matter when. It doesn’t matter whether it’s six minutes, six days or six weeks. We’re going to get it done.”

He sits at a desk called Resolute.

Miss Manners said...

If all who can't use civil language would just leave, this blog would greatly imporove.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...


President Biden, meeting with House Democrats on Capitol Hill on Friday, indicated they must further delay a final vote on a $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill and scale back his $3.5 trillion social spending package to around $2 trillion range if either is to pass, lawmakers told Axios.

Why it matters: Biden made clear he wants to keep the two packages linked together and that he is optimistic there can be an agreement.

"It doesn't matter if it's six minutes, six days or six weeks, we're going to get it done," the president told reporters on his way out of the meeting.Two lawmakers told Axios they anticipated it could be another month before both bills can be passed.While moderates don't want to wait on the infrastructure vote and progressives don't want to spend less on the social programs, the pause likely moves the fragile Democratic coalition closer to ultimately securing major portions of the president's agenda ahead of the 2022 midterms.

Between the lines: This was Biden's first-ever meeting with the full House Democratic caucus since becoming president.

His appearance comes as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) has been working to balance the different demands of the caucus and navigate a path forward toward compromise.

What they're saying: “He is the President of the United States and he says that he wants to get this done, and he basically linked them together,” Rep. Henry Cuellar (D-Texas), a moderate Democrats, told Axios.

“He basically said it's not going to be $3.5 (trillion). It could be $1.9 trillion-$2 trillion. The president threw out some numbers, so I assume there was a reason why.”The president discussed a range that went as high as $2.3 trillion, other sources in the room said.“The president said we're gonna get both bills done, and in order to get the best done, we have to get this agreement on the reconciliation,” Rep. Pramila Jaypal (D-Wash.), chairwoman of the Progressive Caucus, told reporters."We've got to figure out kind of where our red lines are," Rep. Veronica Escobar (D-Texas), also progressive, told Axios, adding that she didn't anticipate votes today or over the weekend.

While the $2 trillion range is far less than what progressives wanted, it's more in line with what Senate holdouts Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) and Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.) might agree to accept.

rrb said...

INSIDE the caucus:

At the end of his remarks, BIDEN offered to take questions from members but his staff jumped in.

He didn't take any questions.

The President can't even go into a meeting with his own party without having jr. handlers around to tackle him. Not normal.

If your staff thinks you’re not capable of answering questions from friendly partisans about your core agenda they’re basically conceding you’re not capable of running the country.

rrb said...

He sits at a desk called Resolute.

But he acts like his desk is called Fisher Price.

Too impaired to take questions from his own caucus.

rrb said...

Roger Amick said...


Uh... when you need to blame the GOP for your failures, it's not compromise.

It's simply failure.

We're witnessing the collapse of an American Presidency.

And it is fucking GLORIOUS.

rrb said...

Killer Joe - Getting it done LIKE A BOSS:

US reaches 700,000 COVID-19 deaths

rrb said...

Maybe Killer Joe will do a fireworks display on the National Mall when he reaches ONE MILLION DEAD.

C.H. Truth said...


Not sure I remember Trump pushing 5 trillion dollars in new spending plans. They passed a $2.6 trillion dollar Covid relief package under Trump, but prior to 2020 and Covid, our deficit was well under a trillion.

We will see 3 trillion in Biden's first year, and are slated for trillions more over the next three years of his first term. Biden will go down as the biggest spending President with the highest deficits even if they don't pass the monstrosity of a reconciliation bill.

Try again, Denny... get something right for a change. said...

A new poll from the University of Virginia Center for Politics shows that a majority of "Trump voters" support the idea of seceding from the nation now run by a gaffe-prone and aging Democrat, Joe Biden, and the long list of catastrophes and crises he's allowed under his leftist activism.

Those range from the loss of $80 billion in American war machinery, and American personnel, in his withdrawal from Afghanistan, surging inflation, attempts to have the federal government take over elections, the border crisis, his abandonment of religious rights, budget excesses and more.

The poll found that 52% of "Trump voters" agreed with the statement: "The situation in America is such that I would favor (states) seceding from the union to form their own separate country."

Twenty five percent agreed "strongly.

Great Falls Montana is the Capital City of The MAGA States of America.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The utter radicalness of Joe Biden's presidency
Analysis by Chris Cillizza, CNN Editor-at-large
Updated 2 hours ago Oct 1, 2021
(CNN) - Joe Biden has been president of the United States for a little over eight months now. And he may well be on the verge of radically overhauling the relationship between the federal government and the average American in ways that will linger well beyond his first (or even second) term. 
Consider this:
* Congress passed -- and Biden signed into law -- the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan. 
* The Senate passed -- and the House is debating -- a $1 trillion bipartisan infrastructure deal that would fund much-needed repairs and updates on roads and bridges (and the like).
* Senate and House Democrats are considering a budget bill that is likely to total somewhere between $1.5 trillion and $3.5 trillion -- probably closer to the lower number, if I had to make an educated guess -- in additional spending.
Add it up and, on the conservative end, you get almost $4.5 trillion in additional government spending in the first year of Biden's first term, to be disbursed over a decade.
And it will add massive sums to the federal budget deficit. The Congressional Budget Office estimated that the bipartisan infrastructure bill will add more than $250 billion to the deficit. In March alone, the federal government spent $660 billion more than it took in -- largely due to provisions of the American Rescue Plan.
Here's some context for those massive sums: In October 1981, after two centuries of deficit spending, the national debt hit $1 trillion. The current national debt is more than $28 trillion.
Biden and his allies will insist that this massive outlay of federal spending is necessary as the country seeks to get back on its collective feet following almost two years of shutdowns and slowdowns due to the coronavirus pandemic.
And that may be true! But it doesn't change the fact that if Biden gets anything close to what he wants out of the bipartisan infrastructure bill and the budget package, he will have remade the role government plays in the lives of its citizens.
The Point: Biden campaigned as a return to normal business in the 2020 election. But his expansive domestic agenda -- and its mighty price tag -- is anything but vanilla.
This story has been updated with additional detail on the spending proposals.
TM & © 2021 Cable News Network, Inc.
A WarnerMedia Company.
All Rights Reserved.

Anonymous said...

"We're witnessing the collapse of an American Presidency.

And it is fucking GLORIOUS."

It really is.

Anonymous said...

The US has not embraced the EV for good reason.

Anonymous said...

The Detroit Free Press,
"Meanwhile, about 231,000 all-electric vehicles were sold in 2020, down 3.2% from 2018. In each of the past three years, EVs accounted for about 2% of the U.S. new-car market.Jun 7, 2021"

Lordie the Obama legacy of Failure.

Black Lives Movement Killed Black People said...

Every single death was a drug addicted black man or woman.

September 2021 marked the twentieth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. It was a somber occasion, as millions of Americans looked back on one of the worst atrocities in American history, and that calamitous foreign policy America embarked on in response to it.

Revolver writes “one of” the worst atrocities, because there are deeds that killed far more Americans than 9/11 did. In fact, America is living through one of those atrocities right now. Newly-released FBI numbers confirm something that has been apparent for the last year: The Black Lives Matter movement is the deadliest entirely-preventable atrocity inflicted on the American public in the past two decades.

On first hearing, that might sound preposterous. But it’s not. The human cost of the Black Lives Matter movement has been worse than 9/11, worse than the War on Terror, worse than Pearl Harbor, worse than every spree shooting in American history combined. And the very government that enabled so much of BLM’s carnage has produced the numbers to prove it.

On Monday, the FBI released its official tally for homicides in the U.S. for the year 2020. The numbers confirm what was obvious even before last year ended: 2020 was the worst explosion of murder in American history, and it wasn’t close.

The United States in 2020 experienced the biggest rise in murder since the start of national record-keeping in 1960, according to data gathered by the F.B.I. for its annual report on crime.

The Uniform Crime Report will stand as the official word on an unusually grim year, detailing a rise in murder of around 29 percent. The previous largest one-year change was a 12.7 percent increase in 1968.

Defend the Second Autopsy so they can kill then, so they can't replace us.