Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Biden Administration orders the Gestapo FBI to target parents who question CRT

Are we really accepting that our FBI is a blatant political organization tasked to keep people in political line?

Merrick Garland directs authorities to target ‘disturbing spike’ in school board threats
Attorney General Merrick Garland on Monday directed federal authorities to hold strategy sessions in the next 30 days with law enforcement to address the increasing threats targeting school board members, teachers and other employees in the nation’s public schools. In a memorandum, Garland said there has been “a disturbing spike in harassment, intimidation, and threats of violence against school administrators, board members, teachers, and staff who participate in the vital work of running our nation’s public schools.” To address the rising problem, Garland said the FBI would work with U.S. attorneys and federal, state, local, territorial and tribal authorities in each district to develop strategies against the threats.
“While spirited debate about policy matters is protected under our Constitution, that protection does not extend to threats of violence or efforts to intimidate individuals based on their views,” he said. The action is in response to an urgent request last week from the National School Boards Association. The group, which represents school board members around the country, asked President Joe Biden for federal assistance to investigate and stop threats made over policies including mask mandates, likening the vitriol to a form of domestic terrorism.

So far there has been only one report of physical violence at a school board meeting and there was a dispute about which side even initiated that contact. Sounds like a school board member put "hands" on an unruly parent in an attempt to remove that parent. The parent then struck the school board member. That person was arrested and may or may not face charges. Much of the rest of this are snowflake board members who simply do not want to be questioned or challenged.

What people might want to consider is why, exactly, we have so many school boards being questioned and why so many parents are becoming upset. After all the School boards answer to the parents of the students, not the other way around. Moreover, for every complaint by a school board member of 'intimidation" there is several other school board members who have already been voted out, with many more in danger. Perhaps that is their real concern here. 

The parents have 100% right to have a determination about what their children are being taught. They have every right to complain if the schools are teaching things outside of the normal curriculum of the three Rs.  The School board member have a 100% obligation to follow those wishes and zero authority to tell the parents to pound dirt. Public schools are losing millions of students in recent years and now with limited distance learning, many parents are deciding to homeschool or move to private schools offerening in person learning. 

School board and teachers unions are cutting off their own noses to spite their faces at this point. This is a long term battle that they will lose one way or the other. You cannot call in the SS Nazi secret police to hassle American parents who are justifiably concerned with what is happening in our public schools.


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

CH SAID: The parents have 100% right to have a determination about what their children are being taught. They have every right to complain if the schools are teaching things outside of the normal curriculum of the three Rs.

PASTOR JAMES SAYS: Readin', Writin', and 'Rithmetic do not include social studies, American history, science, citizenship and much else that MUST be taught in our schools.

To try to confine teaching to the three R's would be the death of democracy, which is what some apparently want, so that we may be a nation ruled by an oligarchy in which no one can protest or even teach against racial, economic, social, or any other kind of suppression. American history is full of things that should not have happened as well as many things that, thank God, did happen, and both should and absolutely must be taught.

Myballs said...

Funny, I recall reading plenty of history, social studies, economics and the like.

Caliphate4vr said...

STFU pedo until you have kids

C.H. Truth said...

PASTOR JAMES SAYS: Readin', Writin', and 'Rithmetic do not include social studies, American history, science, citizenship and much else that MUST be taught in our schools.

To try to confine teaching to the three R's would be the death of democracy, which is what some apparently want, so that we may be a nation ruled by an oligarchy in which no one can protest or even teach against racial, economic, social, or any other kind of suppression. American history is full of things that should not have happened as well as many things that, thank God, did happen, and both should and absolutely must be taught.b

Actually Reverend... my generation and every generation before got along just fine being taught reading, writing, arithmetic, and science. We were even taught social studies, history, and other subjects from the objective manner of what social studies and history actually are.

My generation and the generations before me put the United States at the top of the economic food chain, based on the fact that school taught us how to succeed at life (not how to think politically).

We are losing that economic battle with China, India, and other countries... who are still teaching the fundamentals. They are teaching what is needed for their students to eventually become engineers, computer programmers, doctors, and scientists.

We are teaching our children how to be spoiled rotten Karens who believes that the world revolves around their own personal feelings. We have student in America graduating who cannot read a the level that our generation would have needed to make it out of grade school.

Question for you Reverend?

Do you even have children?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

You are a terrorist threat to others again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again.

Attorney General Merrick Garland on Monday ordered the FBI to work with local leaders nationwide to help address what he called a “disturbing spike in harassment, intimidation, and threats of violence” against educators and school board members over highly politicized issues such as mask mandates and interpretations of critical race theory.

In a memorandum to FBI Director Christopher A. Wray and federal prosecutors, Garland wrote that the Justice Department will hold strategy sessions with law enforcement in the next 30 days and is expected to announce measures in response to “the rise in criminal conduct directed toward school personnel” in the nation’s public schools.

“While spirited debate about policy matters is protected under our Constitution, that protection does not extend to threats of violence or efforts to intimidate individuals based on their views,” he wrote. “Threats against public servants are not only illegal, they run counter to our nation’s core values. Those who dedicate their time and energy to ensuring that our children receive a proper education in a safe environment deserve to be able to do their work without fear for their safety.”
Garland’s order comes days after the National School Boards Association, a group representing school board members across the United States, pleaded with President Biden for federal assistance to help investigate and stop the recent threats against educators. The group said in a letter to Biden that much of the vitriol has involved policies focusing on mask mandates to help prevent the spread of the coronavirus. The NSBA likened the harassment and abuse over face coverings in schools to domestic terrorism.

The President have become an authoritarian philosophy.

You actually believe that CRT is Marxists propaganda.

When I went to school I learned about the civil war and how ugly it was before Lincoln lead to United States Armed forces to reunite the United States of America.

You don't have the right to assault others or threaten them with bodily harm.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

If you don't want your children to be taught in public schools you have the right to choose a private school.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The Republicans have become an authoritarian philosophy.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

“The individuals who are intent on causing chaos and disrupting our schools — many of whom are not even connected to local schools are terrorists — are drowning out the voices of parents who must be heard when it comes to decisions about their children’s education, health, and safety,”

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

You are a Confederate soldier

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


Manchin Opens Door to Bigger Reconciliation Bill

October 5, 2021 at 2:05 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 27 Comments

Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) signaled he is open to a budget reconciliation bill in the ballpark of $1.9 trillion to $2.2 trillion, above the limit he set just last week of $1.5 trillion, The Hill reports.

Did they call in the Gestapo to make him decide that?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Anti CRT is racial discrimination.

The back-and-forth over critical race theory has also spilled over into the classroom. James Whitfield, a Texas high school principal, was suspended last month after being publicly accused of promoting critical race theory, which he has denied. The school board voted to not renew the contract of Whitfield, the first Black principal for Colleyville Heritage High School.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Legalinsurrectium left out the fact that

Outside groups.
“The individuals who are intent on causing chaos and disrupting our schools — many of whom are not even connected to local schools are terrorists — are drowning out the voices of parents who must be heard when it comes to decisions about their children’s education, health, and safety,”

Rowdy parents. Garland is weaponizing the FBI against “rowdy parents” without providing any proof. Arguments about their child’s education are harassment and intimidation? Are there any legit threats?

Even if your child doesn’t go to public schools or you don’t have children you must get involved with the local school district. Do not forget your tax money pays for these schools. You have every right to be involved.

It's not the parents who have the right to disagree with the teachers and their supervisors. They have the right to do that.

But outside groups are terrorists. Because they have threatened teachers! With physical violence. Because their addresses are public knowledge.

Have you joined the proud Boys etc.??

C.H. Truth said...

“disturbing spike in harassment, intimidation, and threats of violence” against educators and school board members over highly politicized issues such as mask mandates and interpretations of critical race theory.

Instead of putting this in bold print Roger....

Why not provide us the actual examples of this terrorism?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Confrontations over masks, vaccines and how race is taught in schools have many school board members across the U.S. worried for their safety.

Mobs are yelling obscenities and throwing objects. In one district, a protester brandished a flagpole against a school board official. Other cases have included a protester yelling a Nazi salute, arrests for aggravated battery and disorderly conduct, and numerous death threats against public officials.

School board meetings, usually one of the most mundane examples of local democracy in action, have exploded with vitriol across the country in recent months, and school leaders are scared.

That's according to a letter that the National School Boards Association sent this week to President Biden. It's asking for help from federal law enforcement, including the Justice, Education and Homeland Security departments as well as the FBI, saying: "These heinous actions could be the equivalent to a form of domestic terrorism and hate crimes."

The letter names incidents that have disrupted school board meetings in California, Georgia, Florida, Illinois, Michigan, New Jersey, Ohio, Tennessee, Texas, Washington, Wisconsin and Wyoming.

C.H. Truth said...

But outside groups are terrorists. Because they have threatened teachers! With physical violence. Because their addresses are public knowledge.

So if you are not black, you decide to protest against racism, then you are a terrorist.

If you are not from Texas, but decide to protest the new Texas laws, then you are a terrorist.

If you are not an immigrant, but protest the wall, then you are a terrorist.

Got it Roger.

Anonymous said...

Roger, didn't your Govenor just mandate shots for all kids in public and private schools?

🤣Roger AmickOctober 5, 2021 at 1:06 PM

If you don't want your children to be taught in public schools you have the right to choose a private school😅

Roger is always Spectacularly wrong.

Got a moving date yet for your " I can choose to live any where I want" move to Bonney Lake, Washington?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

MANASSAS, Va. — An urgent and extraordinary S.O.S tonight comes from the National School Boards Association in Alexandria.

School leaders are asking for assistance from the FBI and the National Threat Assessment Center to deal with an explosion of threats and intimidation.

Normally placid school board meetings have descended violence and school board members have faced death threats.

Google is working on its second foldable phone


“America’s public schools and its education leaders are under an immediate threat,” reads the letter signed by NSBA President Viola M. Garcia and NSBA interim Executive Director and CEO Chip Slaven.

Writing to President Biden, the association pleaded for help investigating at least 20 incidents of threats, harassment, disruption and disruption at school board meetings. It asked the F.B.I to monitor threats to board members, likening these "heinous actions" to "domestic terrorism."

"Obviously these threats to school board members are horrible. They're doing their jobs," said White House press secretary Jen Psaki.

The letter asks the federal government to “investigate, intercept, and prevent the current threats and acts of violence against public school officials through existing statutes, executive authority, interagency and intergovernmental task forces, and other extraordinary measures to ensure the safety of our children and educators, to protect interstate commerce, and to preserve public school infrastructure and campuses.” 

In Loudoun County, school board members have faced death threats over COVID protocols, racial justice, and LGBTQ rights.

Atoosa Reaser, the vice-chair of the Loudoun board told us she'd faced death threats in June. "It has an effect on you that you can't really put into words, when someone describes the way they want to come into your home and end your life," her voice faltering as she described the terror.

"(T)he threats and actual acts of violence at our meetings are impacting both the division’s and the Board’s ability to efficiently deliver educational services while we address the pandemic’s effects on learning, in my opinion. Now that we are seeing this pattern occur across state lines and via online platforms, I can understand the NSBA’s request for the federal government to assess the situation," she said Friday via email.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

In Loudoun County, school board members have faced death threats over COVID protocols, racial justice, and LGBTQ rights.

Atoosa Reaser, the vice-chair of the Loudoun board told us she'd faced death threats in June. "It has an effect on you that you can't really put into words, when someone describes the way they want to come into your home and end your life," her voice faltering as she described the terror.

"(T)he threats and actual acts of violence at our meetings are impacting both the division’s and the Board’s ability to efficiently deliver educational services while we address the pandemic’s effects on learning, in my opinion. Now that we are seeing this pattern occur across state lines and via online platforms, I can understand the NSBA’s request for the federal government to assess the situation," she said Friday via email.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

How many threats will change your mind Scott???

Sept 30 (Reuters) - As schools around the country face growing backlash related to pandemic safety measures and studies of race in America, school board members are asking for federal help from the president to protect teachers and community members from the "immediate threat."

The National School Boards Association (NSBA) said in a Thursday letter to President Joe Biden that school board members, officials and students across the nation are facing an increased amount of malice, violence and threats that amount to "a form of domestic terrorism and hate crimes."

"America’s public schools and its education leaders are under an immediate threat," Viola Garcia and Chip Slaven, the group's president and interim executive director, said in a statement about the letter.

"The National School Boards Association respectfully asks for federal law enforcement and other assistance to deal with the growing number of threats of violence and acts of intimidation occurring across the nation."

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The White House said on Thursday the administration is looking into what more it can do to keep public servants safe. "Obviously, these threats to school board members is horrible; they’re doing their jobs," spokesperson Jen Psaki told reporters. "We’re continuing to explore what more can be done across the administration but, again, a lot of this will be local law enforcement."

The debate over measures such as masks mandates and COVID-19 vaccines in schools has been a flashpoint for U.S. school districts grappling with how to keep students and staff safe during the pandemic. Friction around the issue has turned typically benign school board meetings into ruckus gatherings with yelling and heated disagreements.

Parents and community members also have bombarded board meetings with complaints that critical race theory, which has been largely misunderstood, is being used to promote anti-white, anti-American views. I was taught about the same thing in the late sixties. I didn't turn me into a communist! Or hate white people like me!

On behalf of 90,000 school board members in the United States who govern 14,000 public school districts across the nation, the NSBA said it is requesting the U.S. Justice and Homeland Security departments, along with the Federal Bureau of Investigation and U.S. Secret Service, to track and investigate risks to students, educators, board members and campuses.

"This is a critical time for a proactive approach to deal with this difficult issue," the organization said.

The group cited incidents in which an individual was arrested in Illinois for aggravated battery and disorderly conduct during a school board meeting, and another individual yelled a Nazi salute during two separate school board meetings in Michigan in protest to masking requirements.

In New Jersey, Ohio and other states, anti-mask proponents recently incited chaos during board meetings, the organization said, while in Virginia, an individual was arrested, another man was ticketed for trespassing and a third person was hurt during a school board meeting discussing critical race theory.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

‘I Was Part of Something Unusually Evil’
October 5, 2021 at 3:03 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard Leave a Comment

Olivia Nuzzi reviews
I’ll Take Your Questions Now:
What I Saw at the Trump White House
by Stephanie Grisham.

“As I read Grisham’s book, I kept thinking that it felt, in some ways, like the story of the Trump presidency was less about one demagogue than it was about the everyday choices of the smaller people working at the levels below policy-making, and how run-of-the-mill self-centeredness and expediency, when practiced by dozens or hundreds of people in an organization, amounts to the system that allows evil. The Trump administration was not possible because of Trump and his brain trust, as it were. It was possible because of the people like Grisham who let them, in minor and individual ways, function.”

Extra Bonus Quote of the Day
October 5, 2021 at 2:55 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 37 Comments

“We’re not voting in any way to help raise the debt ceiling. As a group we are all together “
— Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT), quoted by Bloomberg, making clear he will filibuster legislation to lift the debt ceiling tomorrow.

Biden Meets with Vulnerable House Democrats
October 5, 2021 at 2:34 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 4 Comments

“President Biden met Tuesday with nearly a dozen vulnerable House Democrats as he and party leaders race to adopt his massive economic agenda before month’s end,” The Hill reports.

“Democrats consider enactment of Biden’s two-piece domestic plan crucial to the party’s chances of keeping control of the lower chamber in next year’s midterm elections — a cycle that’s historically difficult for the party of the incumbent president. And leaders in both chambers are scrambling to unite their clashing factions behind both the bipartisan infrastructure component and a larger, more controversial package of climate and social safety net programs.”

Manchin Opens Door to Bigger Reconciliation Bill
October 5, 2021 at 2:05 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 138 Comments

Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) signaled he is open to a budget reconciliation bill in the ballpark of $1.9 trillion to $2.2 trillion, above the limit he set just last week of $1.5 trillion, The Hill reports.

C.H. Truth said...

You don't need the FBI if someone actually sent you death threats.

The local police can go ahead and arrest anyone making threats. Just making a threat is a crime in every state Roger... Every single state. In fact, it's a second degree felony in most every situation. We are talking years in jail for anyone making a death threat.

So why on earth would a board member receive a death threat and not pass it along to the local authorities?

C.H. Truth said...

Parents and community members also have bombarded board meetings with complaints that critical race theory, which has been largely misunderstood, is being used to promote anti-white, anti-American views.

That is 110% legal and appropriate. Board meetings are not closed to the public and they are not closed to complaints. As many Parents (or community members) as they want can come to these board meetings. If the boards want to reduce the amount of complaints, then they should change the policies that promote such complaints.

If people were lined up complaining about my own job performance, then I assure you that I would not be able to call the FBI to deal with it. I would have to change my performance or lose my job.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Because some people crossed state lines said the FBI has the authority to investigate them for terrorism of personal assault.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The Gestapo has turned the Wall Street Journal around.

Climate Change Is Melting Russia’s Permafrost—and Challenging Its Oil Economy

Myballs said...

Millions of parents across the country are outraged at being called domestic terrorists by this president and attorney general. They will not be silenced
Especially when it relates to their children.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The Gestapo was even turned Texas into a liberal state

Texas board recommends posthumous pardon for George Floyd in 2004 arrest

Commonsense said...

The President have become an authoritarian

Indeed he has. Along with his DOJ chief Merrick Himmiler

Anti CRT is racial discrimination.

Quite the opposite, CRT itself advocates racial discrimination and segregation. They are really no different than the modern Ku Kulx Klan or the neo-Nazis. Right now those two groups are impotent. However, I am worried about the KKK. They have a message that is seductive to people who feel persecuted by the polItical and cultural establishment.

You are a Confederate soldier

I actually thought of joining the 3rd Florida regiment (Confederate reenactors). Thought it would be fun camping on civil war battle fields and reenacting famous civil war battles. But it took up too much time and expense to be one.

Now you will never see a reenactment now thanks to the woke. By erasing the re-enactments, a whole generation of children missed looking at the living history of the civil war.

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

John Hayward

So is it okay for concerned parents to follow Critical Race Theory teachers into the bathroom, or no

Commonsense said...

Olivia Nuzzi reviews
I’ll Take Your Questions Now:
What I Saw at the Trump White House
by Stephanie Grisham.

I doubt if she anything nice to say about Trump, she wouldn't sell as many books.

Commonsense said...

Anonymous Myballs said...
Millions of parents across the country are outraged at being called domestic terrorists by this president and attorney general. They will not be silenced
Especially when it relates to their children.

It's like he knows he's not going to get re-elected and just does as he pleases.

Either he will announce he's not going to run or lose in a landslide. (After four years of Biden any Democrat will lose in a landslide)

C.H. Truth said...

Because some people crossed state lines said the FBI has the authority to investigate them for terrorism of personal assault.

Really? People crossed state lines to go to school board meetings?

Either way... a death threat should be provided to local authorities long before anyone calls the FBI. Seems to me that this is an excuse to get Federal authorities going around trying to intimidate people from going to board meetings and complaining.

Won't matter. Parents will go and complain no matter how many Feds try to stop them. Why? Because our kids are more important than Teacher Union politics.

Commonsense said...

So why on earth would a board member receive a death threat and not pass it along to the local authorities?

Because it did not happen or didn't rise to the level of an actual threat.

Commonsense said...

Outside groups.
“The individuals who are intent on causing chaos and disrupting our schools — many of whom are not even connected to local schools are terrorists

And you know this how? Keep in mind that every taxpayer in the county has a vested interest on how the school board perform.

Commonsense said...

Why is it that only Democrat administrations turns law enforcement agencies into Jackbooted thugs.

See BIll Clinton, Ruby Ridge, Waco Texas.

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

PTA meeting


JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Christopher F. Rufo

David French 2020: Trump sending the FBI to stop riots in Portland is the "death throes" of "local autonomy."

David French 2021: Biden mobilizing the FBI against parents at school board meetings is good and proper.

Banana Republic

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...


JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Christopher F. Rufo


Senator @HawleyMO rips into the Attorney General's plan to mobilize the FBI against parents who oppose critical race theory, calling it an unprecedented effort to suppress speech and assembly.

"You're using the FBI to intervene in school board meetings."

Banana Republic


Joe Biden's America

C.H. Truth said...

As has been pointed out by McCarthy and other legal experts, Garland's memo does not actually cite a single Federal statute or any other basis that the FBI could actually indict anyone.

Behind the scenes people in the know claim that Feds will actually only respond to cases where there is actual violence and technically they really have no jurisdiction there either. There is actually no Federal statute to investigate violence at a local level.

So the belief is that this is more a means to intimidate Parents. Make them believe that they will come under Federal Investigation if they decide to go to a school board meeting to complain. Ironic, isn't it. The Feds are using intimidation and threats to try to squelch concerns that School boards are experiencing intimidation and threats.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Propaganda defined.

Critical race theory is not being used to promote anti-white, anti-American views.

Propaganda has convince you and many others that.

Critical race theory is being used to promote anti-white, anti-American views.

Teaching children about our dark past is education, not propaganda.

Just because some of our ancestors were slave owners is Thecoldheartedtruth about America.

Myballs said...

Hey shit for brains, its called a Theory for a reason. It is not history. Nor is it fact. And it shouldn't be taught like it is.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

"Critical race theory" is not the question.
"Telling the truth about our past" is the question.

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Jim DeMint

When cities were burned & looted last year, Biden hailed the rioters as heroes. When moms & dads oppose racist curriculum in schools, Biden labels parents “threats” & “domestic terrorism”.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Our children deserve truth, not lies.

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Roger Amick said...
Just because some of our ancestors were slave owners is Thecoldheartedtruth about America.

and has always been taught

well maybe not in whatever racist school roger went to

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Biden’s Legislative Agenda Remains Very Popular
October 5, 2021 at 4:48 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 2 Comments

A new Quinnipiac poll finds Americans SUPPORT a roughly $1 trillion spending bill to improve the nation’s roads, bridges, broadband, and other infrastructure projects,
62% to 34%.

In addition, Americans SUPORT a $3.5 trillion spending bill on social programs such as
child care,
family tax breaks, and
expanding Medicare for seniors,
54% to 40%.

"We're going to get this done," says the man at desk Resolute.

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Donald Trump Jr.

I’m pretty sure that anyone watching Joe Biden brutally struggle to make any sense while speaking about the economy right now isn’t blaming the Republicans.

They’re blaming dems who have been telling you with a straight face that $3,500,000,000,000 of your money is free!



Myballs said...

Of course its about CRT. You're fooling yourself if you deny it.

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Jewish Deplorable


#LetsGoBrandon crowd greets Biden in Michigan

pretty sure that was a bunch of one finger salutes and "Fuck Joe Biden"

but the FAKE NEWS will make something up

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Biden's gonna get it done.

Trump was going to tax the rich (he said).
They SHOULD pay more in taxes (he said).

Trump didn't get it done.

Biden will.

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...



John Kerry admits in interview with French TV that Joe Biden had no idea about the fallout with the French from the AUKUS sub deal.

"He literally had not been aware of what had transpired"

John Daniel Davidson

If Joe Biden was not aware that France had recalled its ambassador, what else doesn’t he know?

Demented and clueless


Anonymous said...

You know that the "Rich" will automate more, reducing human workers and reduce cost.
Plus , most invest in assets you can't tax.

The Warren Buffet Rule of Investing.

Surely, you know his rule, don't you James?

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

When is Joe going to pay the nearly $500,000 in taxes he owes ?

some people would consider that of someone who is rich.

And that doesn't include any of the millions the "big guy" got in unreported income

Whoever that is

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Kyle Kondik

Quinnipiac has Rs up 46-43 on their generic ballot question (would respondents rather see Rs or Ds win control of the House). Even in years where Rs do well in the House, it's common for Ds to lead the generic in off-years (as they do in other generic polls right now)

Matt Whitlock

In 2020 Q regularly oversampled D's (Had Collins -12, she won by 9, had Graham tied, he won by 10, had Biden winning FL by 3, Trump won by 4, they had Biden winning OH by 5, Trump won by 8)

Unless they've massively swung the other way, this could be a disaster for Dems.


I'd say it's sad but it's not

C.H. Truth said...

Teaching children about our dark past is education, not propaganda.

I managed to learn all about slavery, oppression, civil rights, and racism...

Without a teacher telling me that about how as a White person today I should feel guilty and ashamed about my color or without demanding that our society is built on racism, etc, etc, etc...

Teaching history does not involve providing opinions about today's society or teaching children to judge each other.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

There are things both whites and blacks and all of us can be ashamed of as well as proud of.

I'm ashamed of what we did to Japanese Americans in WWII. I'm ashamed of what we did to blacks in Tucson. I'm ashamed of the Tuskegee experiment. I'm ashamed of all the lynchings in the South, attended by approving men, women, and even children.

I'm proud of our defeat of the imperial Japanese and of the Nazi Germans in WWII, proud of the Tuskegee airmen who helped protect my bomber pilot father. I'm proud of Martin Luther King, Jr., both for his stance on racial justice and on Vietnam. I'm proud of much of Obama's interrupted legacy.

Much to be proud of, much to regret.

C.H. Truth said...

I promise you Roger...

There is not a single parent out there who wants teachers to ignore teaching kids about slavery, civil rights, or anything historical.

They simply do not want teachers providing "opinions" about how society works today. If teachers want to provide their opinions, do it on their own time. Don't attempt to push them on our children.

C.H. Truth said...

Well Reverend...

You and I can totally agree on what historical things we should all cringe at. We can probably both agree on what we should look back and be proud of what our ancestors did in other situations.

But all of those actions were done by our ancestors, not you or I. Neither you or I enslaved blacks, put Asians into camps, or demanded that blacks sit in the back of a bus. None of that is on you, me, Roger, or anyone else. CERTAINLY NOT CHILDREN. Those actions of our ancestors are not reasons for any child to look at themselves in the mirror and feel ashamed. Anyone teaching our children to feel ashamed or guilty about who they are should have their license permanently revoked.

Our kids deal with enough crap in society without teachers trying to get in their heads and make them feel bad, make then distrust each other, or separate them by race, creed, or color.

Caliphate4vr said...

Trump was going to tax the rich (he said).
They SHOULD pay more in taxes (he said).

Trump didn't get it done.

Biden will.

And the pederast, childless, goes from telling others how to educate their kids to coveting. What a “pastor”

Caliphate4vr said...

Anonymous JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

PTA meeting


Hey the Alky thinks the PTA (volunteers) are the same as the school board members. That’s how pathetic these 2 here are

Anonymous said...

James, is it true you never Fathered a child?

Anonymous said...

Roger welcomed James "back" to this blog.

James was gone?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Finally, some good news. The past month may have felt like we were still locked in an unwavering delta variant surge, what with some major cities imposing new restrictions, an array of alarming news coverage, and vaccinated people still seeming to catch a lot of breakthrough infections. But September actually saw some very good news on the COVID-19 front.

In the U.S., new daily cases have dropped by about 35 percent since September 1, according to data from The New York Times.

But you don't believe it because it's not from Fox or pjmedia etc.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

I am ashamed of the Tuskegee experiment. I cannot believe whites did that for so long to unsuspecting black men, treating them as medical experiments in much the same way the Nazis treated concentration camp prisoners.

I am ashamed that both professed Christians and Enlightenment-professing freethinkers allowed slavery in America and often in many cases possessed slaves.

When in the mid seventies I taught in an all black high school, my students appreciated it when I told them that I was ashamed of certain aspects of American history.

Caliphate4vr said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...
Attorney General Merrick Garland on Monday ordered federal law enforcement authorities to huddle with local leaders in the coming weeks to address what the nation’s top prosecutor called a recent ‘disturbing spike in harassment, intimidation, and threats of violence’ against educators and school board members,”

School board members are volunteers.

Nutcase assholes have been threatening them with violence.


L.A. school board salaries more than double to $125,000 a year

And this is 4 years old, it’s probably more now.

Out of the kindness of their hearts, this for the children.

C.H. Truth said...

When in the mid seventies I taught in an all black high school, my students appreciated it when I told them that I was ashamed of certain aspects of American history.

Again Reverend...

Nobody has issues with being ashamed of "certain aspects of American history".

But how does that relate to teachers telling children that they should be ashamed of the color of their own skin. How does that relate to teachers telling white kids that they are to blame (just for being white) for things that they have absolutely no control over.

If it was bad to treat Black people differently than people of other colors, and it's wrong to treat Hispanic people different than people of other colors, and it's wrong to treat Asian people differently than people of other colors, then it is just as wrong to treat White people (especially children) differently because of their color.

Wouldn't you agree?

Caliphate4vr said...

When in the mid seventies I taught in an all black high school, my students appreciated it when I told them that I was ashamed of certain aspects of American history.

I appreciate, enjoy and relish, idiots that self flagellate as well.

Commonsense said...

Blogger JamesNewLeaf said...
Our children deserve truth, not lies.

Sure, but CRT is not the truth. It's a lie.

Parents know what the truth is.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Trump was going to tax the rich (he said).
Because they SHOULD pay more in taxes (he said).

Trump didn't get it done.

Biden will.

CaliPHOOL said:
And the pederast, childless, goes from telling others how to educate their kids to coveting. What a “pastor"

Was Trump coveting when he said the rich "should" pay more in taxes?

And I never said I'm childless.
And if you believe me a pederast (you don't), you would bring charges.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Those students knew I was identifying with them, not "self flagellating."

You are beyond being human.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Centrist Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) on Tuesday signaled he is open to a budget reconciliation bill in the ballpark of $1.9 trillion to $2.2 trillion, above the limit he set just last week of $1.5 trillion.

Manchin and his fellow moderate Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.) are still far apart from liberals such as Sens. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) and Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) who thought the upper chamber had a deal to spend $3.5 trillion on President Biden’s human infrastructure package, but the two sides are inching closer.

If Simena opens up to this number. it would probably pass

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Parents know what the truth is.

Not those who used to gather, men and women, and sometimes bring their kids for lynchings.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Biden is going to get it done.

Caliphate4vr said...

Was Trump coveting when he said the rich "should" pay more in taxes?

Uh no

Let me introduce you to the definition, oh great educator

2 : to desire (what belongs to another) inordinately or culpably

And remember stupid, I voted Dr Jo


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

the two sides of the Democratic party are inching closer because he is an expert on this issue.

When they are implemented and the economy continues to grow and again increases quickly enough to deal with inflation caused by oil prices are rising.

And when hundreds of people union construction jobs, pay taxes out of their checks like I got from decades.

Caliphate4vr said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...

When they are implemented and the economy continues to grow and again increases quickly enough to deal with inflation caused by oil prices are rising.

And when hundreds of people union construction jobs, pay taxes out of their checks like I got from decades.

O’Tay eat another oxy. Hey did you see the “volunteers” on your county’s Ed board make $125,000?

Commonsense said...

Blogger JamesNewLeaf said...
I am ashamed of the Tuskegee experiment.

Why? This happened nearly 100 years ago by people you don't even know.

I am ashamed that both professed Christians and Enlightenment-professing freethinkers allowed slavery in America and often in many cases possessed slaves.

Again why? You're taken on the guilt of a 5,000 year old institution. To it's credit, America fought a bloody civil war to get rid of if. That is something to be proud of.

Again over 150 years ago by people who are long. Name on principle of the institution of slavery that survives to this day.

As a society and culture we evolved beyond slavery, etc. When taught you give the facts but you don't dwell on them. Rather, you concentrate on what makes America exceptional and the freedom born here that spread throughout the world.(And was the virus that eventually killed slavery)

Caliphate4vr said...

Seriously do you not understand that fuel prices will continue rising, if you pump fiat money and resist output?

You can throw money at windmills unicorns and fairy dust, but they don’t get the job done

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Biden Should Explain Why He Dodged $500k in Taxes

President Biden avoided paying $500,000 in payroll taxes including $121,000 in Obamacare taxes by utilizing a tax loophole, as noted in a letter by Republican Study Committee Chairman Jim Banks (R-Ind.).

As the letter notes, Biden used two S-corporations to avoid paying $500,000 in payroll taxes:

“Your 2017, 2018, and 2019 tax returns show that you and the First Lady sheltered over $13 million of income in two S-corporations: the CelticCapri Corporation and the Giacoppa Corporation. Press reports indicate that you both directed revenue from book royalties and speaking appearance fees into these two corporations.”

Sheltering this income was done for the sole purpose of avoiding tax. As the letter notes:

“Tax experts have questioned the propriety of diverting funds raised from one’s own intellectual property through an S-corporation. One accountant interviewed by the Wall Street Journal said ‘there’s no reason for these [earnings] to be in an S-corp – none, other than to save on self employment tax.”

Biden avoided the 3.8 percent Medicare Payroll Tax, and the 0.9 percent Obamacare "Additional Medicare Tax." This is clear hypocrisy as Biden supports expanding Obamacare and routinely says “the rich” need to pay their fair share.

The Obama administration considered it a top priority to close this loophole. As such, not only did Joe Biden use a loophole that his administration actively fought to close, but he was able to avoid a tax that his own administration created.

This is particularly ironic given that Joe Biden has repeatedly railed against the “rich” using tax loopholes. For instance, during his speech at the 2020 Democrat National Committee he said loopholes should be repealed and the wealthy need to pay their fair share:

"We can pay for these investments by ending loopholes, unnecessary loopholes... Because we don’t need a tax code that rewards wealth more than it rewards work. I’m not looking to punish anyone. Far from it. But it’s long past time the wealthiest people and the biggest corporations in this country paid their fair share.”

Joe Biden has also said that paying taxes is a "patriotic" act. By this standard, Biden’s tax avoidance is clearly unpatriotic. This hypocrisy is made worse by the fact that Medicare faces significant funding shortfalls as the letter explains:

“Just this year, the Congressional Budget Office estimated its Hospital Insurance Trust Fund will face insolvency in the middle of Fiscal Year 2026—roughly five years from now.”

The Biden tax dodge was first reported in the Wall Street Journal:

Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden used a tax loophole that the Obama administration tried and failed to close, substantially lowering his tax bill.

Mr. Biden and his wife, Dr. Jill Biden, routed their book and speech income through S corporations, according to tax returns the couple released this week. They paid income taxes on those profits, but the strategy let the couple avoid the 3.8% self-employment tax they would have paid had they been compensated directly instead of through the S corporations.

As noted by WSJ, even left-leaning tax experts called out Biden for his "pretty aggressive" tax maneuvers:

To the extent that the Bidens’ profits came directly from the couple’s consulting and public speaking, “to treat those as other than compensation is pretty aggressive,” said Steve Rosenthal, a senior fellow at the Tax Policy Center, a research group run by a former Obama administration official.

Biden should explain why he avoided paying taxes and, as the letter notes should be made to answer whether he intends to undo this hypocrisy and pay the funds back to the American people.

Not paying taxes

Biden will get it done

Same as the "big guy"

Whoever that is


Commonsense said...

Not those who used to gather, men and women, and sometimes bring their kids for lynchings.

You have to go back 100 years to the 1920s for that example. You really are stupid. We are talking about good parents today who recognized what a lie is.

Tell you what reverend. If you despise this country and all that it stands for (and from your comments it's obvious you do), then move, emigrate to another country.

May I suggest China where you can basked in the glories of the cultural revolution and the on-going genocide with China's Muslim minority.

Y;ou can do a treatise on Han superiority.

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...


NEW - California study finds that vaccinated individuals are more susceptible to COVID variant infections than unvaccinated.

In addition, the increase in the frequency of more antibody-resistant strains in the population correlates with the increase in the frequency of vaccination in the population.


vaccinated people are creating more antibody-resistant strains of Covid.

And aren't vaccines supposed to vaccinate people ?

Big Pharma, the CDC and Fauci should have a lot of explaining to do

except we have a state media

and a Banana Republic


on steroids

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Go Redsox

The plan outlined by Trump's lawyer John Eastman called for Pence to ignore Electoral College votes from seven states won by Biden that submitted "multiple slates of electors."2 The election would then go to the House of Representatives, where each state delegation would get one vote and Republicans hold a 26-24 advantage.

It might have seemed far-fetched before, but the current Republican Party, one that's clearly shaped by Trump, is a racist, authoritarian, and anti-democratic party, one that will do anything to regain power.

Meanwhile, Republican state legislatures are passing voter suppression laws targeting low-income voters and people of color. Republicans running for secretary of state offices—the officials who will oversee states' election process in 2024—in key battleground states of Arizona, Georgia, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Nevada are all backers of Trump's Big Lie


Commonsense said...

When in the mid seventies I taught in an all black high school, my students appreciated it when I told them that I was ashamed of certain aspects of American history.

They were laughing behind your back.

Commonsense said...

Go Redsox

I am neutral to the outcome of this game.

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Jack Posobiec

When you are represented by Jen Psaki's PR firm and Eric Ciaramella's legal team you are definitely a whistleblower and not a political influence agent

you have to be real stupid to not realize what the dems are trying to do with their Facebook "whistleblower".

Someone who helped cover up (censor) Hunter's laptop story.....

Talk about election interference

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Commonsense said...
When in the mid seventies I taught in an all black high school, my students appreciated it when I told them that I was ashamed of certain aspects of American history.

They were laughing behind your back.

Maybe he was referring to all those liberal politicians wearing blackface?

Or giving KKK eulogies.

Of course that was fairly recent

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Adam Housley

The U.S. has secret holding facilities for immigrant children seeking asylum. The employees leave all phones and personal items and are driven-in to ensure nothing is leaked to the press. These kids don't have enough masks to ensure safety and the employees are sworn to secrecy

John Hayward

You almost have to wonder why they bother hiding it. The media would never, ever do a "kids in cages" outrage blitz with a Democrat in the White House. Reporters would either ignore or bury leaked photos.

Joe Biden's America

George Goebels jr. said...

After we win without any more frauds like in 2020.

I think we’re going to have to come up with our own parallel health care because we’re seeing there’s been threats from the United States’ government if you don’t get a vaccine—and again, I’m not getting into that war right now—but if you don’t choose to get a vaccine, maybe your health insurance won’t cover you, maybe Medicare won’t be there for you, maybe you’ll get cuts on your Social Security. That’s why we have to build, I think, parallel institutions. Be they financial, medical, you name it; we need to have parallel institutions because we can’t trust that our better interests will be watched out for by the monsters that are currently in charge in D.C. And I don’t say that lightly.

Seig Heil Mr Trump

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I don't like the Yankees!

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Mike of Texlahoma


This is how many oil tankers are backed up near the port of Thackerville, Oklahoma (via the Red River.) Huge backlog.

ports are backing up all across America, not just oil

Joe's next crisis

Not taking him very long to destroy America


Commonsense said...

Nobody likes the Yankees except the TV executives.

But from a perspective of a Rays fan, the Rays did better against the Yankees then the Red Sox so I will be slightly rooting for the Yankees.

Anonymous said...

When I first commented on this 2 months ago the Three Socialist Stooges of CHT told me I was wrong.

"Natural Gas Price Forecast – Natural Gas Continues to Go Straight Up in the AirThe natural gas markets have exploded to the upside after initially gapping higher on Tuesday yet again"

Biden policies continue to fuck up this country.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Biden Says Democrats Could Change Filibuster Rules
October 5, 2021 at 8:48 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 57 Comments

“President Biden said it is a ‘real possibility’ that Senate Democrats could seek to revise the chamber’s filibuster rules to overcome a Republican blockade on raising the debt ceiling,” the Washington Post reports.

“Such a major change could give Democrats the ability to stave off a potential, calamitous default roughly two weeks before a critical fiscal deadline — but only if all party lawmakers agree to loosen the Senate’s typical 60-vote threshold in a way some, including Biden, have been disinclined to do for months.”

Rating Agency Says U.S. Will Avoid Default
October 5, 2021 at 6:34 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 118 Comments

“Moody’s Investors Service said on Tuesday the stable outlook on the United States’ Aaa rating reflects its view that the country would raise its debt limit and continue to meet its debt service obligations in full and on time,” Reuters reports.

Punchbowl News:
“There seems to be some theory floating around the Capitol that tomorrow’s procedural vote will help clarify this process, a bit. The cloture vote will fail — no surprises here. But Republicans seem convinced that it will help Schumer and the Democratic leadership push their rank-and-file senators toward reconciliation afterward. We will see in the coming days whether that’s the case.”

Anonymous said...

JamesNewLeaf October 5, 2021 at 4:02 PM

Our children.....?

You had chdren??

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

JAMES: When in the mid seventies I taught in an all black high school, my students appreciated it when I told them that I was ashamed of certain aspects of American history.

COMMONSENSE: They were laughing behind your back.

JAMES:Like hell they were. We bonded often in special ways. You would not have lasted five minutes in that eastern North Carolina high school of all blacks in the late seventies.

Anonymous said...

Bidenomics Sucks
"Smaller Products, Rising Prices: Shrinkflation Hitting Grocery Store ShelvesAuthor: Liz CollinOctober 5, 2021 ... CBS

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Cool, I can’t wait to go to the next school board meeting to demand they teach in history class how Trump loves genocidal tyrants, brags about sexually assaulting married women and can grab their pussy

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

You again distorted it

WASHINGTON, Oct 5 (Reuters) - Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco on Tuesday defended a new initiative to combat a rise in threats and harassment targeting public school boards and teachers across the country, after Republican lawmakers accused the Justice Department of trying to stifle parents' free speech.

In a hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee, Monaco told lawmakers that the Justice Department is not trying to censor speech, but merely coordinate with state and local law enforcement to ensure "there is an awareness of how to report threats that may occur and to ensure that there's an open line of communication to address threats."

On Monday night, Attorney General Merrick Garland issued a new memo directing the FBI and federal prosecutors to meet with local and state police within 30 days to discuss strategies for addressing the "disturbing trend" of threats facing America's public educators.

"While spirited debate about policy matters is protected under our Constitution, that protection does not extend to threats of violence or efforts to intimidate individuals based on their views," Garland wrote.

Under oath he called you a liar.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

With the first couple apart and more women coming forward to report their affairs with then-President Donald Trump, former White House press secretary recalled a call she got from Air Force One.

Adult film star Stormy Daniels had released her book, describing the anatomy of the president as "smaller than usual," though not abnormally small. She also called it "unusual" and reminded her of the Mario Cart mushroom with "Yeti pubes."

Grisham wrote in her book, I'll Take Your Questions Now, that she thought Trump was calling because he wanted to gauge first lady Melania Trump's level of anger at him.

"Did you see what she said about me?" Trump said to Grisham, referring to Daniels. "All lies. All lies."

"Yes, sir," said Grisham, not realizing what Trump was talking about. Then he made it clear.

"Everything down there is fine," Trump said.

Grisham's new book is on sale today, 

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Nuclear Option,???

→ Is the nuclear option real? With President Joe Biden saying Tuesday night that a carveout in the filibuster for raising the debt limit is “a real possibility,” the issue is going to dominate discussion Wednesday. Democrats talked about it at the party luncheon earlier in the day, but even Democratic senators calling for an end to the filibuster didn’t think it would happen at that point. That dynamic may be different now.

Washington will spend the next 48 hours going crazy over Biden’s comments, but let’s put all our cards on the table.

1) Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) told reporters to “forget the filibuster” Monday because there are other ways to lift the debt limit. In order to blow up the filibuster, Manchin will have to move.

2) Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.) -- also against blowing up the filibuster -- is getting attacked by progressives and would appear unlikely to support eliminating the 60-vote threshold.

3) Getting rid of the filibuster just for the debt limit really means the legislative filibuster is gone forever. Democrats can pretend otherwise, but look what happened when the nuclear option was used to “limit” the filibuster on executive-branch nominations in 2013. Now all executive branch nominees are subject to simple majority votes. Once the door is opened, it'll be hard to close it again. If you allow an exception for the debt limit, why not voting rights? Or guns? Or health care? Or climate change? 

4) What about “reforms” of the filibuster, such as the “talking filibuster?” These are difficult to make work. In fact, the current filibuster process was implemented because the old format was even more effective in blocking legislation.

Schumer and other Democratic leaders haven’t wanted to focus on the filibuster up until now. The New York Democrat is clearly interested in changing the filibuster if he can, but it’s truly a momentous step, one that will alter the Senate forever. And, as McConnell has warned, Republicans would retaliate in a massive way. Remember this McConnell quote from March? “Let me say this very clearly for all 99 of my colleagues: Nobody serving in this chamber can even begin -- can even begin -- to imagine what a completely scorched-earth Senate would look like,” McConnell said on the floor. “None of us have served one minute in a Senate that was completely drained of comity, and this is an institution that requires unanimous consent to turn the lights on before noon.”

Think about that. Democrats could win this round, and even pass their broader reconciliation package. But Republicans would drag out every other procedural move for the rest of the 117th so as to make the Senate practically unworkable. It would be a war.

Getting rid of the filibuster allows for a simple-majority vote. But you know what else allows for a simple majority vote? Reconciliation. You may hear Manchin say that getting rid of the filibuster is not necessary when there is another easy option to pass the debt limit. 

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Coronavirus vaccines are having a big impact on preventing hospitalizations and deaths among seniors, one of the most vulnerable groups, according to a study by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Vaccinations likely prevented some 265,000 coronavirus infections, 107,000 hospitalizations and 39,000 deaths of Medicare beneficiaries in the first five months of this year, according to the research released Tuesday, which used individual claims and county vaccination rates to estimate the impact to the country’s 62.7 million recipients.

anonymous said...

But if you are a disciple of Lil Schitty and the retarded GOP lies.....vaxes and mask mandates are an obstruction of your right to kill yourself!!!!!!!! That's what happens when you marry a child and move away from your family!!!!!!!

anonymous said...

Biden policies continue to fuck up this country.

BWAAAAAAAAAA at you cramps!!!!! As I asked 2 months ago what specific policy was driving this.....I got your typical crickets and another subject.......LOLOLOLOL I expect the same now!!!!!

anonymous said...

McJowla and the GOP trying to blow up the economy to make political points!!!!!! What a sick group of losers who cannot pay for the money they spent with trump and blame the D's for what reason??????? Sicko's on steroids!!!!!

Commonsense said...

JAMES:Like hell they were.

Yeah they were. And you're an idiot.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Top Democrats are now hoping to craft an agreement they can push through Congress by Oct. 31, along with a companion $1 trillion measure financing highway, internet and other infrastructure projects.

The leaders had to abandon long shot hopes of passing those measures last week after divisions between progressives and moderates left them short of votes.

Their divisions remained despite Biden’s extraordinary visit with House Democrats on Friday in an effort to unify his party. That same day, Pelosi scrapped a planned vote on the Senate-approved infrastructure bill, which is coveted by moderates but which progressives are holding hostage to force them to back the social and environment measure.


Associated Press writer Jonathan Lemire in Howell, Michigan, contributed to this report.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Jonathan Lemire is one of the best reporter in the country right now.

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Roger Amick said...
Jonathan Lemire is one of the best reporter in the country right now.

The MSNBC "reporter" who does White House press conferences?

He's a fucking lapdog

and an embarrassment to journalism as is his fellow state media

Any more questions about cookies and ice cream while crises are raging rampant?

roger has obviously lost touch with reality and it's on full display here 24/7

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The Democrats should take the nuclear option to terminate the filibuster. Because.

Republicans say there is no point in trying to negotiate policy with majority Democrats.

"Despite the fact that Democrats are in charge of this government, the activist left has chained their dealmakers to the back bench," the GOP strategist said. "And the left won't give Republicans lower taxes or reduced spending, so we'll take their majorities instead."

McConnell's letter can be seen as the most stark acknowledgment to date that Republicans prioritize the failure of the Democratic Party over any set of policies or the economic stability of the country.

That win-at-all-costs mentality — with the costs borne by someone else — is a reminder that the Trump ethos is alive, well and dominant in the Republican Party.

anonymous said...

He's a fucking lapdog

BWAAAAAAPAAAAAA!!!! JUST LIKE YOU AND THE REST OF THE TRUMP LOSERS ARE!!!!!!!!! Sad you think posting here is anything more than a cultist revival of brilliant commentary when in reality all you add is TWITTER lies and deceit.....LOLOLOLOL!!

Commonsense said...

McJowla and the GOP trying to blow up the economy to make political points!!!!!! What a sick group of losers who cannot pay for the money they spent with trump and blame the D's for what reason???????

Because the Democrats are in charge?

Myballs said...

The Senate has always been where compromise happens. The filibuster plays a role in that. Without it, either party can just mirror the house in ramming through their partisan agenda. Why woyld you want that?

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Jonathan Lemire


Biden to press pool:

“I am learning how to fly drones, guys, so be careful”


Imagine if a Republican president had said that to the press after launching a drone strike that killed 10 innocents

state media laughs

roger - "Jonathan Lemire is one of the best reporter in the country right now"

Joe Biden's America




Myballs said...

Morning consult poll shows that less than 50% polled are givi6 Biden any credit for the monthly child tax credit payments we've been getting since July. Biden can't even give away money right.

anonymous said...

Anonymous Myballs said...
The Senate has always been where compromise happens.

BWAAAAAAAA!!!!! Not since McJowls tried to make Obama a 1 termer.....The only accomplishment that asshole has made is to stack the supreme court by playing games....just like he is doing with the debt!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Natural Gas price continue to rise sharply.

Biden policies continue to fuck up this country.

Anonymous said...

Roger, didn't your Govenor just mandate shots for all kids in public and private schools?

🤣Roger AmickOctober 5, 2021 at 1:06 PM

If you don't want your children to be taught in public schools you have the right to choose a private school😅

Roger is always Spectacularly wrong.

Got a moving date yet for your " I can choose to live any where I want" move to Bonney Lake, Washington?

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Roger Amick said...
The Democrats should take the nuclear option to terminate the filibuster. Because.
That win-at-all-costs mentality

Blowing up the filibuster is exactly that, a win-at-all-costs mentality

Whatever Democrats are accusing you of they are actually doing

Maybe Joe will just drone some Republicans?

Or send out his stormtroopers ?

America may not survive Biden

at least not with any liberty and freedom left

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Kelley Paul


A mob held us hostage for ten minutes, spitting on and threatening to kill us. No charges! Fake anthrax and death threats sent to our home. No charges! Now just learned the person who called Rand’s Senate office threatening to shoot us will not be charged. I’m exhausted and angry

Joe Biden's America

no equal justice

go hunt republicans

thank God for the second amendment

Commonsense said...

The Democrats should take the nuclear option to terminate the filibuster. Because.
That win-at-all-costs mentality

You do know when the Democrats lose their majority the Republicans will run roughshod over their agenda. Or have you thought that far.

anonymous said...

Republicans will run roughshod over their agenda.

Of course they will trying to maintain white McJpwls power in spite of having their asses kicked!!!! The saddest part is enablers like you who embrace the GOP SUCK!!!!!! So much for the mature senate who is completely broke under McJowls bullshit procedural games.....!!!!

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

KansasDemocrat said...
Roger, didn't your Govenor just mandate shots for all kids in public and private schools?

JUST IN - Sweden halts vaccinations against #COVID19 with Moderna’s Spikevax for those born 1991 or later, citing side effects including heart muscle inflammation, according to public health authorities (Expressen)


Crime against humanity.



JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...



Commonsense said...

Of course they will trying to maintain white McJpwls power in spite of having their asses kicked!!!!

I take you're to stupid to understand what you read. Go back and read it again.

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

William Hall

Let me get this straight, the FB "whistleblower" got a spot on 60 minutes, gets FB to agree to MORE censorship, and creates a brand new Twitter account that gets immediately verified all in under 2 days.

Nothing fishy going on here...

Well she is a big dem donor and has strong legal and PR representation by extremely partisan firms in those fields

where is the "free press"

clapping like the trained seals they are

censorship good, more censorship better

Animal Farm

anonymous said...

big den donor and has strong legal and PR representation


anonymous said...

How pathetic it is that cramps has such difficulty with the written word......BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Busy morning in the Senate on the chance of The Nuclear Option.

Democrats pierce the filibuster

If Republicans maintain their filibuster, some Democrats have called for using the so-called nuclear option to change the rules and create a legislative exception to the ability to block a debt limit hike.

"I think we ought to have that conversation," Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin, D-Ill., told reporters.


MEET THE PRESSDemocrats have a voter registration problem in key states as midterms approach

"The idea that you can filibuster the debt ceiling is outrageous. That to me discredits the argument that the filibuster is in fact the way to get bipartisanship. Baloney," he said.

But that option would require all 50 Democrats. Schumer did not say Tuesday whether it's an option.

Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., threw cold water on that idea on Monday.

"The filibuster has nothing to do with the debt ceiling. We have other tools that we can use. And if we have to use them we should use them," Manchin told reporters. "We can prevent default."

Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, D-Ariz., another filibuster proponent, did not respond when asked Monday at the Capitol whether she wants to use reconciliation to lift the debt ceiling.

Commonsense said...

How pathetic it is that cramps has such difficulty with the written word..

It's not my problem you're too stupid to comprehend what you read.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Trump Says the Real Insurrection Was Election Day
October 6, 2021 at 10:36 am EDT By Taegan Goddard 53 Comments

Donald Trump is now claiming that the real insurrection wasn’t the attempt to overthrow the election on January 6 — it was the election itself.

AND ALL THE SHEEPLE here at coldheartedUNtruth say,

History will laugh and laugh and laugh.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I would love to see the filibuster disappear. But....two Democrats will probably say no.

President Joe Biden said Tuesday there was a “real possibility” that Senate Democrats would move to change the body’s filibuster rules in order to overcome Republicans’ refusal to raise the debt ceiling and stave off a potential economic collapse if the federal government doesn’t pay its bills.

When asked at the White House if the party was considering the “nuclear option,” as a change in the filibuster has been called, Biden said it was in the cards. “I think that’s a real possibility.”

But if they don't, the nation will shutdown if they refuse to pay the bills!

Your 401k is at risk as well as Medicare when you retire. And Social Security benefits.

anonymous said...

BWAAAAAAPAAAAAA!!!!!! At you again cramps......LOLOLOLOLOL

C.H. Truth said...

If you don't want your children to be taught in public schools you have the right to choose a private school😅

What part of the concept of a "public school" escapes Roger? The idea of a "public" school is that it is sort of run by the public. The "public" votes in the School board. The "public" funds everyone's salaries in the form of local taxes.

The "public" has every right as the boss and check writer to have the ultimate say in how schools are being run.

If a TEACHER wants to teach the children of the "public" in a manner that the "public" doesn't want them to teach... then that TEACHER should move to an appropriate private school were people who want their kids taught that way can send them there.

But let's be clear. Roger knows as well as I know that if you took out CRT and general politics out of the public schools completely and then offered that stuff in private school settings, that those private schools wouldn't have a snowball's chance in hell of staying open.

Anonymous said...

Roger called President Biden "A gteat negotiator "

Yep, Alky is again Spectacularly Wrong.

Commonsense said...

The intelligence response we come to expect from you Denny.