Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Biden Approvals still dropping...

Polling Data

Average10/13 - 10/19--41.651.8-10.2
Grinnell/Selzer10/13 - 10/17915 A3750-13
Quinnipiac10/15 - 10/181168 RV4051-11
Politico/Morning Consult10/16 - 10/181998 RV4552-7
Economist/YouGov10/16 - 10/191268 RV4548-3
Rasmussen Reports10/17 - 10/191500 LV4158-17


rrb said...

Let's Go Brandon!!!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

It should be a no brainer for her.

Democrats have a Kyrsten Sinema problem when it comes to raising taxes.

As they seek to finalize President Joe Biden’s social spending plan by the end of the week, Sinema (D-Ariz.) remains opposed to one of the party's chief goals of raising tax rates on high-income earners and corporations, a long-sought objective since former President Donald Trump signed his 2017 tax cut law.

Now, party leaders are working behind the scenes to target the wealthy and corporate America without crossing what increasingly appears like a red line to Sinema, according to Democratic lawmakers and aides following the bill.

Though Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) has advocated raising rates on high-income earners, corporations and capital gains, Sinema has landed to the right of Manchin on tax policy. And Democrats need to choose, quickly, to keep trying to convince Sinema or to craft workarounds that she can accept.

“That’s not worked out in our caucus,” said Sen. Ben Cardin (D-Md.). “There is strong support in our caucus to raise the corporate rate. And it depends how you do it for high earners … I don’t think she’s opposed to some of the issues for high-income [taxpayers].”

The decision on taxes represents a fork in the road on one of Democrats’ primary political goals. Many lawmakers who now make up the front lines of the party’s thin majorities campaigned on raising the rates from where Trump left them, at 37 percent for high-earners and 21 percent for corporations.

And many Democrats have grown frustrated with how much control Sinema is exerting, and the secretive way she wields it.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Indignant patriot James, disgusted with Sinema, agrees with Jonathan Chait who said...

Kyrsten Sinema is bent on destroying the Biden presidency to keep taxes on the wealthy low.

. said...

rrb said...

Kyrsten Sinema is bent on destroying the Biden presidency to keep taxes on the wealthy low.

She's just being "mavericky" like her predecessor - Pappy McStain.


Anonymous said...

"Kyrsten Sinema is bent on destroying the Biden presidency "

Joe Biden don't need any help doing that. He does it to himself

rrb said...

“There is strong support in our caucus to raise the corporate rate.

Economic illiterates support raising the corporate rate, and they do so without realizing that corporations don't pay taxes.

Only people do.

Raise the corporate tax rate and the accountants and tax attorneys who work for the corporations sit down and calculate the tax liability they'll incur, and that get's added to the price they charge for the products and services the corporation sells.

Want corporations to move their HQ's overseas? Raise the corporate rate. Want companies to lay off instead of hire? Raise the corporate rate. Want to reduce the amount of widgets or services a corporation sells? Raise the corporate rate.

Want to harm instead of help the average American worker? Raise the corporate rate.

Under Trump real wages rose 6%. Companies were able to give raises, bonuses, and other incentives to their workforces under Trump, and the ripple effect was enormous.

Raise the corporate rate and you destroy all that in the blink of a fucking eye. While telling us that you're helping the American wage earner when you're only helping yourselves buy the votes that you need to keep lying to the fucking imbeciles who believe you.

rrb said...

Good times in alky-land:

Michelle Yi, who competed on CBS reality TV’s “Survivor: Fiji” in 2006, was stabbed and beaten with a metal baton by a homeless woman last Thursday in Santa Monica, California. Bloody images of the attack’s aftermath have now been shared on social media by digital personality Murtz Jaffer, who bills himself as the “World’s Foremost Reality TV Expert.”

Authorities said the alleged perpetrator had attacked two others before Yi and appeared to be off her medication, according to People. Yi, 37, arrived at the pilates studio where she was teaching a class shortly before 6 a.m., but as her students started to arrive, she noticed a disheveled woman heading toward the door.

“She was yelling all sorts of things like, ‘You stole my identity,’ and ‘You’re a prostitute,'” Yi told the outlet. “Santa Monica has a homeless problem, and I’ve dealt with this type of thing before. So I told her, ‘Ma’am, you can’t be here. You need to leave.'”

I just hope her attacker was wearing a fucking mask and had been triple-vaccinated. We have to keep our eye on the ball here people!

rrb said...

Good times in alky-land:

Michelle Yi, who competed on CBS reality TV’s “Survivor: Fiji” in 2006, was stabbed and beaten with a metal baton by a homeless woman last Thursday in Santa Monica, California. Bloody images of the attack’s aftermath have now been shared on social media by digital personality Murtz Jaffer, who bills himself as the “World’s Foremost Reality TV Expert.”

Authorities said the alleged perpetrator had attacked two others before Yi and appeared to be off her medication, according to People. Yi, 37, arrived at the pilates studio where she was teaching a class shortly before 6 a.m., but as her students started to arrive, she noticed a disheveled woman heading toward the door.

“She was yelling all sorts of things like, ‘You stole my identity,’ and ‘You’re a prostitute,'” Yi told the outlet. “Santa Monica has a homeless problem, and I’ve dealt with this type of thing before. So I told her, ‘Ma’am, you can’t be here. You need to leave.'”

rrb said...

Michelle Yi, who competed on CBS reality TV’s “Survivor: Fiji” in 2006, was stabbed and beaten with a metal baton by a homeless woman last Thursday in Santa Monica, California. Bloody images of the attack’s aftermath have now been shared on social media by digital personality Murtz Jaffer, who bills himself as the “World’s Foremost Reality TV Expert.”

Authorities said the alleged perpetrator had attacked two others before Yi and appeared to be off her medication, according to People. Yi, 37, arrived at the pilates studio where she was teaching a class shortly before 6 a.m., but as her students started to arrive, she noticed a disheveled woman heading toward the door.

“She was yelling all sorts of things like, ‘You stole my identity,’ and ‘You’re a prostitute,'” Yi told the outlet. “Santa Monica has a homeless problem, and I’ve dealt with this type of thing before. So I told her, ‘Ma’am, you can’t be here. You need to leave.'”

Anonymous said...

"WASHINGTON — The quickening pace of Democratic retirements in the House may be the clearest indication yet that the party’s hopes of maintaining its narrow majority are fading amid President Biden’s sagging approval ratings, ongoing legislative struggles and the prospect of redrawn congressional districts that will put some seats out of reach".

Anonymous said...

Roger told us he is 6'2", 205 lbs.
Denny told us he is 6'2", 205 lbs.

I find that very odd.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The NO culture caused this problem.

LOS ANGELES (CNS) — Anti-Asian hate crimes in Los Angeles County increased by 76% in 2020 compared to 2019 — from 25 to 44, the largest number of such crimes reported since 2001, according to a county report released Wednesday.

The Los Angeles County Commission on Human Relations special report collected data from the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department, more than 40 city police departments, dozens of police agencies at schools, colleges, universities and trained community-based organizations.

What You Need To Know
Anti-Asian hate crimes in Los Angeles County increased by 76% in 2020 compared to 2019 — from 25 to 44

The Los Angeles County Commission on Human Relations special report collected data from the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department, more than 40 city police departments, dozens of police agencies at schools, colleges, universities and trained community-based organization

There was a tripling in the number of female victims of anti-Asian hate crime compared to the previous year

The rate of hate crimes that were violent was 76% in 2019 and 77% in 2020
Since 1980, the LACCHR has collected hate-crime data and issued an annual Hate Crime Report, encompassing all reported hate crimes in the county. This year's is scheduled to be released next month — with Wednesday's special report on anti-Asian hate crimes one element of that wider survey.

Among the significant findings:

Specific Asian nationalities and ethnicities were the targets of hate. Most slurs were anti-Chinese, but anti-Japanese and anti-Asian Indian hate crimes also occurred. Among the victims were people of Korean, Taiwanese, Vietnamese and Guatemalan ethnicity.
In 10 of the anti-Asian hate crimes (23%), the suspects explicitly blamed the victims for COVID-19.
The median age of victims increased from 30 to 41 from year to year. Half of the victims were over 40, including two seniors. In 2019, there were no victims of hate crimes over 40.
The rate of hate crimes that were violent was 76% in 2019 and 77% in 2020 — significantly higher compared to prior years. It was 58% in 2018.
There was a tripling in the number of female victims of anti-Asian hate crime compared to the previous year, rising to nearly half of all victims.
In cases in which the race of the suspect was known, whites comprised 42% of anti-Asian hate crime suspects, followed by Latino/a (36%) suspects and African American (19%) suspects.
"This last finding is particularly important," said Robin Toma, the LACCHR's executive director.

"Contrary to impressions which might be drawn from videos in social media posts and news coverage, which are of only a fraction of the actual hate crimes, our report indicates that the racial makeup of suspects committing anti-Asian hate crimes is much more racially diverse."

Said Commission President Guadalupe Montano: "It did not help that the former president repeatedly referred to COVID-19 as 'China virus' and 'kung- flu."'

Otto Solorzano, acting director of the LA County Department of Workforce Development, Aging and Community Services, warned that the number of hate crimes is likely underreported.

"We know that the actual number of hate crimes is higher than we're able to report," he said.

He urged anyone who experiences a hate crime or hate act to call 211 or go to to receive assistance.

Board of Supervisors Chair Hilda Solis said Wednesday's report "shows that we have much more work to do."

"The First District is home to many residents of Asian and Pacific Islander descent," Solis said. "It is disturbing that our AAPI communities continue to be targeted and discriminated against. We must ensure that Los Angeles County is truly a place where everyone can be who they are without fear."

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Because I have recovered from every thing

I'm 6'3" 229 lbs

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

NO problem with the Chinese virus rhetoric from Adolf Trump..

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I still think he will get it done

Senior Biden officials briefed top Democratic lawmakers on a potential shift in the party’s tax plans on a private call on Wednesday, as the White House searches for unity on how to pay for its multi-trillion-dollar economic package,” the Washington Post reports.

“While the Biden administration initially proposed increasing the corporate tax rate to 28 percent, a move that would unwind the tax cuts under former president Donald Trump, the president’s aides on Wednesday instead discussed an alternative range of tax hikes, likely excluding a corporate tax rate hike as part of a new source of revenue for the package.”

Jonathan Chait: Kyrsten Sinema bent on destroying Biden presidency to keep taxes on the wealthy low.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

This will help people to feel safer than before, if they listen to the scientists and medical experts other than NO problem Scott Johnson MD Powerline.

Millions more people in the United States will soon be able to receive an extra shot of any coronavirus vaccine, regardless of their initial vaccination — a flexibility that comes along with the authorization Wednesday of the Moderna and Johnson & Johnson booster shots by federal regulators.
The decision by the Food and Drug Administration paves the way for boosters of all three authorized shots to be available to a wide swath of the U.S. population and promises to ease the logistics of the booster campaign for pharmacies and clinics offering vaccines.
The action, arriving as the U.S. death toll from the pandemic exceeds 728,000 and tens of millions of Americans have yet to get their first shot against the virus, largely fulfills the Biden administration’s controversial pledge this summer that booster shots would be widely available. That move drew criticism because it leaped ahead of decisions by scientific agencies and triggered a fierce debate about whether those extra shots were warranted now, and for whom.
The Johnson & Johnson booster was authorized for anyone 18 and over — a broad eligibility criteria reflecting the lower protection of the initial single-shot regimen when compared with other coronavirus vaccines. The Moderna booster, a half-dose of the original shot, was authorized for people 65 and older, or adults at risk of severe illness or complications because of underlying medical conditions or exposure on the job.

C.H. Truth said...

Because I have recovered from every thing. I'm 6'3" 229 lbs

So at like 80... you grew an inch, huh?

Anyone else finding that hard to believe!

I remain 6'1" and approximately 190 lb.
I simply do not grow taller no matter how hard I try!

But I have sparred with people bigger than you who had martial arts black belts and have more than held my own. Somehow, neither you or Denny strike fear in my heart.

Myballs said...

I recall Roger saying he was 6'3 about 185. That would make him skinny.

Myballs said...

He's never been 229 lbs

Myballs said...

I actually have a black sash in kung fu. I took it up 8 years ago. They don't scare me either.

And since we're posting sizes, I'm 6'1 225 lbs

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Great! I've had my two moderna shots and should soon be able to get a booster for that shot.

Myballs said...

I also did Maderna in March and April.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

NO longer my Republican party

to COVID-19 health precautions, inviting other "like-minded Republicans" to join him in the Democratic Party. 

Dr. Ervin Yen, a former state senator and Oklahoma City anesthesiologist, told The Oklahoman on Tuesday that he "vehemently disagrees" with the state GOP's rejection of mask and vaccine mandates as well as its insistence that the 2020 presidential election was marred by election fraud.


"I vehemently disagree with these views and that is why I have withdrawn my Republican voter registration," Yen said. "I have not changed, the party has."

The doctor explained: "I absolutely believe in temporary mask mandates, when needed, to fight this current Covid pandemic. If the state had instituted a state-wide mask mandate in June of 2020, we could have avoided 70% of the Covid deaths that we have suffered since then.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

After the liver transplant I weighed 185 lbs

Myballs said...

He would be thrilled to know that you care what he thinks

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Dr. Ervin Yen, a former state senator and Oklahoma City anesthesiologist, told The Oklahoman on Tuesday that he "vehemently disagrees" with the state GOP's rejection of mask and vaccine mandates as well as its insistence that the 2020 presidential election was marred by election fraud.

"I vehemently disagree with these views and that is why I have withdrawn my Republican voter registration," Yen said. "I have not changed, the party has."

The doctor explained: "I absolutely believe in temporary mask mandates, when needed, to fight this current Covid pandemic. If the state had instituted a state-wide mask mandate in June of 2020, we could have avoided 70% of the Covid deaths that we have suffered since then."

As a state senator, Yen served as the chairman of the Health and Human Services Committee and the vice chairman of the Appropriations Subcommittee on Health and Human Services.

Yen's defection follows that of once-Republican State Superintendent of Public Instruction Joy Hofmeister, who earlier this month announced her bid for governor amid unrest over school mask mandates, which Oklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt, a Republican, still opposes.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Over the past two years, Yen has been a critic of Stitt's pandemic response and announced his November candidacy for governor by citing Stitt's failure to contain COVID-19 with common sense health precautions.

"Every day I see the new deaths and my anger just increases. If this is allowed to continue, we could still be in this pandemic on election day 2022," Yen said at the time.

In recent months, Oklahoma has had particular difficulty in managing the outbreak.

Back in mid-September, Oklahoma saw a 7-day average high of 3,406 coronavirus cases, according to The New York Times. Just under 50% of the state's population is currently vaccinated, and this week the state reported just over 400 new cases per day. On Monday, the CDC announced that it would be adding 1,000 more deaths to Oklahoma's aggregate death toll, which has surpassed 11,000, compared to the 9,402 reported by the state government.




Matter because they are Republicans

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

On Monday, the CDC announced that it would be adding 1,000 more deaths to Oklahoma's aggregate death toll, which has surpassed 11,000, compared to the 9,402 reported by the state government.




Matter because they are Republicans.

Anonymous said...

Roger, Predicted with great confidence that by now President Joe Biden would have the US Economy back to post Pandemic highs.

Like everything in Alkys worthless failure of a so called life, he is spectacularly wrong.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Joe Biden may be president, but Republican fascists and their movement are still in the ascendant. Trump World's war on democracy and the ongoing coup continue. What will America be like if Trump World emerges victorious?

Trump World is a fascist and authoritarian cult oriented around pathological, antisocial and anti-human behavior. Its leader is to be worshipped as a civil-religious prophet, savior and living God.

Trump World is also a type of "life world" that provides meaning through narratives, values, identity and an entire culture, at least for its true believers. 

There is no objective empirical truth or reality in Trump World. Such concepts are bent and twisted to serve the agenda of the Great Leader and his or her fantasies, edicts and desires. Trump World is a closed episteme, whose logic is self-sustaining and self-justifying. 

Trump World is a type of "democracy" — albeit a fake democracy where only the votes of "real Americans" count. The leaders and ruling party of Trump World reserve the right to reject any votes they deemed "fraudulent" and to control the results of elections such that the "correct" decision is reached.

Likewise, the Trump World regime also controls the courts and legal system. If "erroneous" legal decisions are made, the leaders and ruling party reserve the right to "correct" them.  

Trump World is an apartheid society, a Christian nationalist theocracy and a plutocratic oligarchy. It worships death, violence and sacrifice for "the cause." Martyrs are to be revered, celebrated and thus given eternal life. Trump World is sadomasochistic.

Only right-wing political correctness is allowed in Trump World. Thoughtcrimes are to be immediately punished because they are "divisive" and undermine "unity" and "patriotism." Silence is deemed to be consent and agreement.

Trump World is terrified of genuine human freedom. As such, women's reproductive rights and freedoms are to be extinguished. The civil rights of nonwhites and other marginalized individuals and groups will not be protected. The natural environment is to be exploited by rapacious capitalism. Labor unions and other attempts by working people to fight for decent wages and better living conditions will be illegal.

Trump World is a realm of "white freedom,"

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Anonymous said...

Biden has a China Virus Plan.
To stop it.
He has yet to tell us what it is.

He is the President of all 50 states.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The Stock Market has completely recovered from Trump.

Anonymous said...

"C.H. TruthOctober 20, 2021 at 5:56 PM

Because I have recovered from every thing. I'm 6'3" 229 lbs

So at like 80... you grew an inch, huh?

Anyone else finding that hard to believe!"


Myballs said...

So after 9 months as president, Biden has given only 10 interviews. Just 10.

Comparatively, Trump gave 57 and Obama gave 113. This doesn't even count all the question stonewalling from Biden. Clearly he's afraid to answer questions. It's dangerous to have a president who is not up to it mentally or physically.

Anonymous said...

Roger, your post in Investing, Personal Finance , Micro and Macro Economics are worth reading.

Because they always point out with clearity that you simply don't know.

Anonymous said...

Joe in one of his first acts as the newly installed pres., crushed the US oil/Gas industry.

Polies matter .

"American motorists are paying, on average, $3.28 a gallon for self-serve regular as of Wednesday (Oct. 13), according to tracking services such as AAA and GasBuddy. That’s up more than 10 cents over the past month and by over a dollar compared to October 2020."

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Biden Accelerates His Involvement In Agenda Talks

“For weeks, President Biden has met repeatedly with Democratic lawmakers as part of the tortuous negotiations over his agenda — but to the frustration of many, he has revealed few opinions of his own on what should remain in the plan and what should be jettisoned,” the Washington Post reports.

“This week, however, Biden is doing something new: getting specific and plunging into details, telling lawmakers exactly what he thinks needs to go into the package that could define his presidency.”

Anonymous said...

This funny.

FJB is the President, he owns the house and senate.

Getting anything done is easy.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

What website would use like this censored ?


Last updated: September 20, 2021



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Coldheartedtruth Teller said...



Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Trump's Twitter account

C.H. Truth said...

The Site that doesn't exist?


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Yes it does.

I got the data from it.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The implementation of recently enacted legislation in Texas is sounding an alarm that should reverberate through state legislatures and local school boards across the United States. Texas Senate Bill 3 (SB3) requires that K-12 teachers present “opposing viewpoints” on “widely debated and controversial” issues. This was bad legislation from the beginning. We are now seeing its consequences.

Most historical issues are better understood as having different angles of vision rather than “opposing sides.” In some cases, the facts are the facts; although they can be interpreted in different ways, they remain stubbornly the facts. Moreover, different interpretations still require evidence; in many cases, an “opposing” interpretation (versus a different angle of vision) cannot be supported by existing evidence. In some cases, consensual community values preclude “opposing viewpoints” on a particular issue. The Holocaust and slavery offer obvious examples.

Historians, teachers and students can and should look at the causes and implications of these horrors from different angles. We can condemn the Holocaust as a crime against humanity, and still seek to understand why it happened, thereby retaining our moral sense while exploring the historical context revealed by the rise of the Nazi Party. But we cannot, and should not, expect teachers to offer “opposing” views on the essence of either slavery or genocide, except as a way to how controversies emerged over such inhumane aspects of our past.

This is what seems to have happened in the Carroll Independent School District in Southlake, Texas, where the executive director of curriculum and instruction informed teachers to “make sure that if you have a book on the Holocaust, that you have one that has an opposing, that has other perspectives.” Judging from the district’s subsequent apology there can be little doubt that this was not about “angles of vision” relating to evidence, causes or historical significance.

The vague wording of SB3 not only creates absurd situations that require teachers to figure out how to offer “opposing viewpoints” on slavery, but also gives license to parents and administrators looking to challenge the teaching of incontrovertible facts relating to controversial issues.

The result is confusion and fear on the part of K-12 teachers, who are certified in pedagogy and age-appropriate instruction and remain vulnerable to misinformed parents and school board members; administrators who support their professional staff have already been subject to unwarranted pressure.

Let us be clear here: SB3 and similar legislation in other states is meant to require social studies not to promote the idea that chattel slavery, lynching and other forms of racially motivated violence and the long history of legally mandated racial discrimination “are anything other than deviations from, betrayals of, or failures to live up to, the authentic founding principles of the United States, which include liberty and equality.” This is not true.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Historians, teachers and students who read the founding documents can debate whether these aspects of our past are “deviations from, betrayals of, or failures to live up to” the words in those documents. Some might argue that the roots of american racism lie in the documents themselves. These are different angles of vision as we read the documents.

The problem lies in the dismissive phrase “anything other than.” These phenomena are more than deviations, betrayals or failures; they are central aspects of our past, with a lasting impact documented by professional scholarship. We cannot pretend otherwise if we are to address their impact with our integrity intact, and with the hope that we will learn from the past rather than merely celebrate it. we celebrate the end of slavery and racial discrimination!!

A dam good idea — making a lasting difference by investing in the...Overnight

SB3 and comparable legislation introduced in 27 states corrupts the study of history and reduces students to political pawns. Children deserve to learn history from teachers who are professionally trained to teach it, and they are entitled to a curriculum consistent with professional scholarship. If that history includes criticism of our nation, its institutions or even its people, such reckoning can take place constructively and even respectfully. But it is likely to generate “discomfort,” and teachers should not be required (or even expected) to comfort students with an “opposing viewpoint” that runs contrary to available evidence.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Former President Trump on Wednesday announced the upcoming launch of his own social media network called "TRUTH Social."

"I created TRUTH Social and TMTG to stand up to the tyranny of Big Tech. We live in a world where the Taliban has a huge presence on Twitter, yet your favorite American President has been silenced. This is unacceptable," Trump said in a release.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...


Former President Trump on Wednesday announced the upcoming launch of his own social media network called "TRUTH Social."

"I created TRUTH Social and TMTG to stand up to the tyranny of Big Tech. We live in a world where the Taliban has a huge presence on Twitter, yet your favorite American President has been silenced. This is unacceptable," Trump said in a release.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Jacqueline Jones is president of the American Historical Association and professor emerita at the University of Texas.

James Grossman is executive director of the American Historical Association.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

LMAO No woke

Trump plans video streaming service with 'non-woke entertainment' — and sumo wrestling

John Wright

October 20, 2021

In conjunction with his new social media platform, former president Donald Trump is planning a video streaming service to provide "non-woke entertainment."

Trump announced the launch of his Truth Social platform through a newly formed company, Trump Media and Technology Corp., in a news release Wednesday.

The release states that in addition to Truth Social, the company intends a subscription video service called TMTG+.

"TMGT+ is an on-demand streaming service that will provide news, big-tent entertainment, exciting documentaries, sports programming, and more. The American public is seeking a 'non-woke' entertainment, and TMTG+ will provide content for all to enjoy."

A graphic promoting TMGT+ suggests that it aspires to compete against the likes of Netflix, Disney+ and Hulu. The graphic includes images of a boxing match and Trump presenting a trophy to what appears to be a sumo wrestler.

"Trump's new media company promises to meet the demand for 'non-woke entertainment,'" Daily Beast reporter Will Sommer wrote alongside the graphic on Twitter. "What would that look like? Judging by the pitch deck, a lot more sumo wrestling."

Caliphate4vr said...

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Earlier this year, Sanders had envisioned a piece of legislation on the transformational scale of the New Deal passed in the 1930s under President Franklin Roosevelt.

Progressives can feel the door shutting on that grand goal. It’s a bitter pill, even if they know something is better than nothing.

rrb said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...

Yes it does.

I got the data from it.

Data alky?


You copy/pasted the TOS.


Meanwhile, here's Sloppy Joe:

PRES. BIDEN: "I commuted [on Amtrak] every single day for 36 years as Vice President of the United States after my wife and daughter were killed, I went home to see my family, never stopped."

rrb said...

How it's done -

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Morning consult

President Biden took his sale of the Build Back Better agenda on the road on Wednesday as congressional Democrats push to strike a deal on the social spending package by the end of the week amid continuing questions surrounding how to pay for it. 


Biden on Wednesday appeared in his hometown of Scranton, Pa. to sell the blueprint’s planned overhaul of health care, climate, education and tax policy, having argued that Democrats are in a good spot to get it over the finish line despite the up-and-down nature of talks. He also seemed to acknowledge that the size of the legislation will be scaled back in order to get a deal done. 


“This has been declared dead on arrival from the moment I introduced it, but I think we’re going to surprise them because I think people are beginning to figure out what’s at stake,” Biden said at Scranton’s Electric City Trolley Museum. “These bills are about competitiveness versus complacency” (The Associated Press).


The Philadelphia Inquirer: Back home in Scranton on Wednesday, Biden plugged a scaled-back, $2 trillion plan to revive the country.


The Hill: Biden champions economic plan as Democrats scale back ambitions.


However, Biden’s optimism comes as yet another stumbling block has appeared before legislators. According to The Wall Street Journal, Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.) has told lobbyists that she opposes the Democratic effort to raise marginal rates for businesses, high-income individuals or capital gains, forcing negotiators back to the drawing board to figure out how to fund the multi trillion-dollar package.


The current iteration of the reconciliation bill is likely to cost around $2 trillion over a decade, meaning that the lack of tax increases creates a massive void for Democrats hoping to fully fund the proposal. As the Journal notes, the House’s corporate tax increase was expected to raise $540 billion, while hikes on ordinary income and capital gains would bring in nearly $300 billion.


In its place, Biden administration officials are floating a form of a wealth tax as a substitute, not dissimilar from a proposal long supported by Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) (The Washington Post).


Niall Stanage: The Memo: Cuts to big bill vex Democrats. 


The Washington Post: What does Sinema want in Democrats’ social spending bill? Here’s what we know, from a total price tag, to proposed tax hikes, to program specifics.


The New York Times: The Democrats have a lot of cutting to do.


Politico: Dems toil to save SALT following last-minute scare.


© Getty Images



Nevertheless, Democrats remained optimistic about their chances of striking a deal by week’s end.


“I think it’s very possible,” Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) told reporters on Wednesday morning after a meeting with her Democratic colleagues, their first since the beginning of the month (The Washington Post).


As The Hill’s Mike Lillis notes, despite months of negotiations that have pitted almost every side against each other at some point, lawmakers are sensing that they are on the precipice of a breakthrough. In particular, Democrats have praised Biden's new assertiveness in the process as they seem set on scaling back the largesse of the package in exchange for putting a W on the board. 


“The president is being very clear about the direction we’re going in, where he wants to go, and it’s that kind of leadership that’s going to get us to the finish line,” said Rep. Debbie Dingell (D-Mich.), a liberal who met with Biden this week.

rrb said...

Fauci secures his position as the highest paid fucking LIAR in our federal government.:

Molecular biologist Richard H. Ebright on Wednesday posted a letter from the National Institute of Health (NIH) showing that an NIH grant did fund gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, contrary to what Dr. Anthony Fauci had testified to the Senate.

Fauci testified to Senators at a hearing in May that the NIH “has not ever and does not now fund gain-of-function research in the Wuhan Institute of Virology.”

However, the NIH’s October 20 letter to House Oversight Committee Ranking Member James Comer (R-KY) showed that the NIH grant, which was awarded to EcoHealth Alliance and then sub-awarded to the Wuhan lab, funded a research project during 2018 and 2019 that tested “if spike proteins from naturally occurring bat coronaviruses circulating in China were capable of binding to the human ACE2 receptor in a mouse model.”

The letter added: “In this limited experiment, laboratory mice infected with the SHC014 WIV1 bat coronavirus became sicker than those infected with the WIV1 bat coronavirus.”

According to the Department of Health and Human Services, “gain-of-function” research is research that improves the ability of a pathogen to cause disease.

Ebright tweeted that in the letter, the NIH “corrects untruthful assertions by NIH Director Collins and NIAID Director Fauci that NIH had not funded gain-of-function research in Wuhan.”

This lying little prick belongs in a Super Max cell. For LIFE.

Anonymous said...

The realease China Virus came from the Wuhan Lab.

"Molecular biologist Richard H. Ebright on Wednesday posted a letter from the National Institute of Health (NIH) showing that an NIH grant did fund gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, contrary to what Dr. Anthony Fauci had testified to the Senate"

Fauci the Hero of the Left lied to cocver his ass.

Proving the Three Stooges of CHT , wrong , again.

Anonymous said...


Exactly right.

Anonymous said...

Roger final posts something that is true.

The wish list bill is shirking and it is pure Socialism.

rrb said...

China and Russia flex their muscles, and our State Dept. is focused on "International Pronouns Day."

I do not think the English language vocabulary contains enough words to describe just how thoroughly FUCKED we are.

Let's Go Brandon!!!

Anonymous said...

The released China/Biden Virus killed
3,112 yesterday.

Let's go Brandon

rrb said...

The future of America:

College Students Want To Fund The Taliban

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Traitor Joe has a F graded Economic Team.

"Philadelphia Fed manufacturing index Oct. 23.8. Down 7 points from last month."

Commonsense said...

NO problem with the Chinese virus rhetoric from [Donald] Trump..

Dirty little secrete hidden by the leftist. Anti-Asian hate crimes are chiefly perpetuated by other minorities. Not a MAGA supporter of Trump.

Most people are smarter than you Roger. The can differentiate between Chinese we use to described an ethnic group as oppose to the use of Chinese to describe China's government and Communist apparatus and place of origin.

And any linkage of the sort is just Chinese Communist propaganda the gullible repeats.

And the suppose anit-Chinese.bias is a plant by Chinese Communist agents in the US news media.

rrb said...

Dirty little secrete hidden by the leftist. Anti-Asian hate crimes are chiefly perpetuated by other minorities. Not a MAGA supporter of Trump.


Those perpetrators are overwhelmingly BLACK, or negroes, as the alky calls them.

Commonsense said...

Sanity on mask mandates.

Someone on Twitter said you spell Florida F R E E D O M. And to think we were few thousand votes from having this splendid man as governor.

Commonsense said...

I do not think the English language vocabulary contains enough words to describe just how thoroughly FUCKED we are.

It will be fun to see them attack Spanish. The whole language is gender binary. Almost every word has a masculine and feminine form.

Myballs said...

New NIH letter acknowledging that they did in fact fund gain of function research at the Wuhan lab. This is proof evidence that Fauci has been lying all these months. Sen Paul should take the letter and shove it up Fauci's ass. Let's see if the networks report this.

rrb said...

It will be fun to see them attack Spanish.

They kind of already have.

Watching the leftist clowns use the term "Latinx" when absolutely no Hispanic uses it while thinking it to be a fucking joke is hilarious.

James's Fucking Daddy said...

Kelly Bee 🐝

Devolution of COVID vaccine efficacy.


not sure who is worse, Biden or Fauci

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

"NO" Americans say that we a fucking disaster!

A year ago we were in the middle of a massive pandemic. Thousands of people were dying every day. The economy was at a standstill. Millions of people had been laid off or furloughed. Travel was virtually shut down. Schools were shut.

Today, the pandemic is under control. Anyone who wants to be vaccinated has been. The economy is strong and jobs are available to anyone who wants to work. Schools are mostly back in session and airlines are flying again.

In any concrete sense, what could possibly be viewed as worse than a year ago? Beats me. The only thing I can think of is pure politics. If you believe, for example, that anti-white racists have suddenly taken over local school boards all over the country, I guess you might think things are worse. Or if you believe that Democrats stole the election. Or that hundreds of Americans are still stuck in Afghanistan and are at the mercy of the Taliban.

In other words, if you happen to have been exposed to only anything that Fox News and the nutcase websites says. That would explain it.

Gaslighted by Trump.

anonymous said...

No question fucked.....YOU ARE THE WORST!!!!!! BWAAAAAAPAAAAAA!!!!

rrb said...

Sen Paul should take the letter and shove it up Fauci's ass.

Fauci lied to Congress. He should be immediately referred to the DOJ for criminal prosecution.

Should be but won't be, because democrats can break the law with impunity and without fear of prosecution.

James's Fucking Daddy said...

Kelly Bee 🐝

"Brought to you by Pfizer."

ANother VIDEO:

Besides buying all those politicians from both sides of the aisle they sure bought a bunch of the media

And Fauci

Big Pharma is just as dangerous as Big Tech and FAKE NEWS.

Though in fact they are now all intertwined.

and making gazillions of money (well not FAKE NEWS, they are just a propaganda arm)

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

James's Fucking Daddy said...

Catturd ™

The same Democrat party who can't figure out how to unload ships - claims they know how to change the temperature on planet earth.

rrb said...

Lmao @ Mommy Jones and Kevin Drum.

Yeah, we are SO much better off than we were a year ago.

Let's count the ways...

Inflation is raging, China is rising and 58% of Americans think Sloppy Joe is a fucking MESS.

James's Fucking Daddy said...

Greg Price

Rachel Levine sent thousands of Pennsylvania's senior citizens to their deaths in nursing homes after taking his own mother out of one and has now been promoted to four-star admiral because we are no longer a serious country

The Washington Post

Rachel Levine, openly transgender health official, to be sworn in as four-star admiral


and democrats wonder why minorities are fleeing their party

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

A demented Sleepy Joe Biden would not be capable of using great tactics to get his agenda passed.

WASHINGTON — President Joe Biden is keeping Democratic factions apart as he tries to unite them in support of his "Build Back Better" plan. His shuttle diplomacy may be his best hope to strike a deal.

On Tuesday, Biden sat down at the White House with a group of House moderates.

He also held one-on-one sessions with Sens. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., and Kyrsten Sinema, D-Ariz., who are the only holdouts in the Senate.

And he met with progressive lawmakers to deliver disappointing news: The package is likely to be trimmed from $3.5 trillion to less than $2 trillion, free community college is out, and an expansion of the child tax credit will be scaled back.

Biden held a similar round of meetings late last month, just before House leaders scrapped a planned vote on a bipartisan infrastructure bill that progressives are holding up to try to gain leverage in the "Build Back Better" negotiations. But Tuesday's talks featured movement in Biden's decision to start taking progressive goals off the table.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

His preference to keep the factions in separate rooms — rather than to bring together a handful of lawmakers from each chamber and each side — is a tried-and-true method of collecting votes, said veterans of White House-Capitol Hill relations. The idea is to limit ideological conflict between factions and use peer pressure to lean on recalcitrants in each group.

"We used the same tactic quite a bit," said a former legislative affairs aide in the Trump White House. "They're trying to bring some of these members in who are going to vote for it and pair them with members who have concerns. Usually you talk to the members who are supportive ahead of time and say, 'Can you speak up?'"

Most Democrats would vote for a final package no matter what's in it; they see a domestic spending boost in the trillion-dollar-plus range as a good thing. And, with congressional leaders having made little progress, they have been lobbying the White House, privately and publicly, to put Biden at the center of negotiations.

Sen. Chris Van Hollen, D-Md., said last week that Biden needed to "use active shuttle diplomacy" to move the discussion forward. That's what happened this week. And lawmakers say there is progress — even if it's not in the direction the Democratic base wants.

"We are just working to arrive at the consensus that is clearly moving in an incredibly positive direction," Hakeem Jeffries, D-N.Y., the chairman of the House Democratic Caucus, said Wednesday.

At the same time, Manchin has held meetings recently with liberal Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., who caucuses with the Democrats, and Rep. Pramila Jayapal, D-Wash., the chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus. So there are direct talks between key players, just not at the White House.

"We're in touch with each other all the time," said Rep. Ro Khanna, D-Calif., a leader in the progressive caucus. "But I think the president wants to get a sense of what every person thinks instead of turning the meetings into debating sessions. So I have found they actually work well."

Some Democrats say the two sides have to engage with each other to get to an agreement.

"If you want to avoid the proverbial collective action problem, it's best to bring the collective together," said Democratic strategist Chris Kofinis, a former Manchin aide. "Especially when you're talking about elected [officials] that have very distinct ideologies and views of what 'compromise' means."

It doesn’t matter what form the meetings are taking, it matters that they’re happening, according to Democratic strategist Adrienne Elrod.

“Using the power of the Oval Office to convene progressives and moderates to get to a consensus — in whatever construct those meetings take on — is a highly-effective tool the President has at his disposal,” she said.

White House press secretary Jen Psaki didn't respond to a request for comment about Biden's strategy.

There are differing views among Democrats when it comes to the level of urgency surrounding a deal. For some, the expiration of surface transportation laws at the end of the month is a trigger point.

If Congress doesn't pass the infrastructure bill by then — which progressives say will happen only once they are satisfied that a "Build Back Better" agreement is in place — it will have to temporarily extend authorization for spending on highways, bridges and the like.

But a slightly later date could have a more significant impact on the discussions, if they are still open. Polls close in the Virginia gubernatorial race Nov. 2. The outcome of Democrat Terry McAuliffe's effort to retake the governorship may influence lawmakers as they try to gauge the electorate. And while McAuliffe has sided with moderates on the overall price tag of the "Build Back Better" bill, his campaign has made it clear to the White House that passing the infrastructure bill would be welcomed.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

“Using the power of the Oval Office to convene progressives and moderates to get to a consensus — in whatever construct those meetings take on — is a highly-effective tool the President has at his disposal,” she said.

White House press secretary Jen Psaki didn't respond to a request for comment about Biden's strategy.

There are differing views among Democrats when it comes to the level of urgency surrounding a deal. For some, the expiration of surface transportation laws at the end of the month is a trigger point.

If Congress doesn't pass the infrastructure bill by then — which progressives say will happen only once they are satisfied that a "Build Back Better" agreement is in place — it will have to temporarily extend authorization for spending on highways, bridges and the like.

But a slightly later date could have a more significant impact on the discussions, if they are still open. Polls close in the Virginia gubernatorial race Nov. 2. The outcome of Democrat Terry McAuliffe's effort to retake the governorship may influence lawmakers as they try to gauge the electorate. And while McAuliffe has sided with moderates on the overall price tag of the "Build Back Better" bill, his campaign has made it clear to the White House that passing the infrastructure bill would be welcomed.

A Monmouth University poll released Wednesday found McAuliffe and Republican Glen Youngkin tied at 46 percent in Virginia, which Biden won by 10 percentage points last year.

Progressives wary of calendar concerns worry that a race to finish the bill will mean making too many concessions.

"The White House has indicated that they're not on a timeline, we're not on a timeline," Jeffries said.

And yet many progressive Democrats who favor getting some form of Biden's plan across the finish line are concerned that the push could lose momentum if it isn't completed soon.

"The clock is ticking, and time is running out," Van Hollen said. "We've got to have a good framework by the end of this month and then be able to convert that into legislation to get it passed by the mid-November period."

In that way, Biden's shuttle relay could be a warm-up for a high-stakes sprint.

He is not hiding in his basement.

He is The President of the United States of America.

Commonsense said...

Latest Monmouth Poll: McAuliffe 46%, Youngkin 46%.

They are in a dead heat.

The bad news for the Democrats is that, factoring in the Poll's bias Youngkin may actually have a 5 point lead.

The good news for the Democrats is that the election is close enough to fix.

James's Fucking Daddy said...

Incompetent Democrats now blaming Americans for their mess

It was inevitable. So desperate to deflect responsibility for the disaster leftist policies are vomiting up onto American society, the only thing liberals can do now is blame us for the calamity they have caused.

The supply chain catastrophe, the empty shelves across America, and the chaos unfolding in service industries are all now the fault of spoiled, clingy Americans.

Jeff Bezos’ blog, colloquially known as The Washington Post, launched the new narrative that everything is fine except for whining, selfish Americans. A columnist called Micheline Maynard insists the solution for that problem is for American consumers to lower their expectations.

“Time for some new, more realistic expectations,” she writes. The problem is, we simply need to get used to “inconvenience.”

The Soviets did that really well. It looks like the left has a new model for us!


surprised Biden is still as high as 37% approval

must be people relying on the Washington Post and the like

James's Fucking Daddy said...

The good news for the Democrats is that the election is close enough to fix.

yep, and they are last minute changing election laws to try and accomplish that

democrats = the fraud party

Commonsense said...

He is not hiding in his basement.

Yes he is.

He is The President of the United States of America.

Who cannot keep a full schedule. He's a part-time president.

James's Fucking Daddy said...

Ryan James Girdusky

Holy smokes

“President Biden won independent voters by a 54% to 41% margin,” said J. Ann Selzer of Selzer & Company. “If the election were held today, our poll shows former President Trump winning that group 45% to 28%.”

For those of you who aren’t poll nerds. J Ann Selzer is probably one of the most accurate pollsters in America. When she says something, trust her.

However given how low Biden is, 14% of Americans saying they’d rather vote third party than vote for either one of them is very disconcerting. Many of them will end up supporting either Biden or Trump.


Biden has no chance of winning a second term if he still hasn't been institutionalized by then

rrb said...

Geezus alky, is all you have to offer today the work of others? Not an original thought inside your Trump-occupied skull, eh?


Poor bastard.

rrb said...

The Red Sox crowd was pretty rowdy outside Fenway Park, chanting against Fox pundit Alex Rodriguez for his time with the Yankees. They chanted “Yankees suck” and “J-Lo” mocking him over his break-up with Jennifer Lopez several months ago.

But then they followed that up with some full-throated “F**k Joe Biden” chants that were not bleeped from the network broadcast.

One MUST be a raging alcoholic to defend this assclown of a president who IS in fact in hiding MOST of the time. No sober person could possibly defend him.

Commonsense said...

Biden has no chance of winning a second term if he still hasn't been institutionalized by then

I don't think Trump will run and if he can't get over his obsession about the last election he won't be renominated.

No matter how justified his grievances are, Americans have always look to the future and not the pass.

And by the time Biden finishes his one and only term as president the question is what are you going to do to get us out of this mess.

And fortunately for the Republicans, the Democrats as a whole are obsessed with the Jan 6 protest/riot. That will not gain any points with the voters.

James's Fucking Daddy said...

I don't think Trump will run and if he can't get over his obsession about the last election he won't be renominated.

I think Trump will be the Republican candidate if he want to. Not sure if he wouldn't just want to be a strong adviser to a candidate like DeSantis as Trump has already cemented his legacy as a transformational president despite Biden's desperate attempts to undo his legacy.

But a different republican candidate would probably have a much easier road to victory in 2024 than Trump. And it would be a tidal wave if we have fair and safe elections

rrb said...

But a different republican candidate would probably have a much easier road to victory in 2024 than Trump.

The way things are going for Sloppy Joe a fucking potted plant is going to be able to kick his ass by a landslide.

Anonymous said...

rrbOctober 21, 2021 at 9:33 AM

Geezus alky, is all you have to offer today the work of others? Not an original thought inside your Trump-occupied skull, eh?


Poor bastard"

Alky is so poor he does not own a Car.

Myballs said...

Nikki Haley sounds a lot like a candidate these days. She's been going after Kamala Harris hard these past few months.

And I don't think Trump runs again. It's a case of been there done that. He will be king maker.

Anonymous said...

Agree with you Balls.
Love to see a fair debate set up between Nikki and The Hoe.

James's Fucking Daddy said...

Personally I'm not a Haley fan. Was earlier but her positions on the BLM riots, the 1/6 protests among other things sure soured me on her. I know Trump refused to meet with her recently when she requested that... Without his endorsement I don't think she has a chance.

I do like her attacks on Kamala but that is too easy. Gabbard destroyed her.

Anonymous said...

Rrb is right, Joe and His Stupid Hoe are done.

They have fucked (😄sucked) up so badly , they can't run again.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

October 21, 2021

Corporations Pull Out the Long Knives for Their Employees

By Dave Matthews

By now, it has become painfully clear that many big businesses no longer side with employees or customers and have eagerly embraced the left's ideas.  They are now active and willing participants in the destruction of America.

This is easily seen by the fact that many big businesses, eagerly and without reservation, have embraced the federal vaccine mandate despite no actual published rules having been put in place.  All it took to achieve vast compliance was the president yelling at the unvaccinated and telling America that his patience was wearing thin.  (He was promptly, thereafter, escorted away for milk and cookies.)  The mere threat was enough to cause some of the largest businesses in the country to abandon the rights of their employees and institute arbitrary deadlines for vaccination — those unwilling to adjust to the new reality of their employers deciding their medical choices were faced with the threat of firing, full speed ahead, "my body my choice" be damned.  Nothing says American freedom and grit like corporations and businesses giving into the Executive Office's whims and distractions without so much as a whimper — an unconditional surrender, and without even seeing any published implementation guidance on the mandate.

It is obvious that it was coming.  It was in the smoky air, blowing across America from the burned-out ruins of our inner cities.  Corporations and big businesses freely gave their tithes and offerings and performed their black-boxed acts of self-flagellation and contrition to the "mostly peaceful" organizations that spent the "summer of love" looting and pillaging America for its own good.  It hurt them more than it did us, they tell us, but that's just the thing about it: sometimes "love" means doing the hard thing, like burning police stations or looting businesses.  Knowing that their penance could never satiate the guilt of their sins of living in a capitalist society, and there being no mediator to redeem them of their guilt, corporations sought indulgences by moving their All-Star game and taking bold stances against states that merely wanted trustworthy elections.  But it wasn't enough.

Putting their religious practices aside and returning to their embrace of mandates, one can see how far the corporations have fallen, how deep their depravity has become.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I posted this here a minute ago and again he censored me

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Youngkin is a solid candidate but he was influenced by RINOs who focus more on tweets than issues. (Sound familiar?) He overcame the RINOs as my team and I kept the pressure on him to engage. Recently J.D. Vance was asked on live TV what will stop him becoming a RINO swamp creature if he wins his Senate race? He gave the correct reply: I won’t surround myself with the D.C. advisers and hang out with the lobbyists because that’s how you become one of them. Instead, J.D. said he will surround himself with his loved ones and the patriots who propelled him to office to represent the people of his state. Are you listening, Glenn?

President Trump will run in 2024. If he wins he will need to excise the embedded RINOs and swamp-dwellers in the capital. In the meantime all of us need to keep the pressure relentlessly on all those who say they are conservatives or Republicans, especially if they are listening to, and letting themselves be influenced by, those who care more about “mean tweets” than they do open borders, or a collapsing economy. Yes, the RINOs are too influential—but it’s up to you and me to change that.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

You are a fucking joke on anything

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...