Friday, October 8, 2021

Biden approvals with LV and RV

Polling Data

 Average9/29 - 10/7--42.453.0-10.6
Rasmussen Reports10/5 - 10/71500 LV4355-12
Trafalgar Group (R)10/4 - 10/61087 LV4056-16
Economist/YouGov10/3 - 10/51261 RV4449-5
Politico/Morning Consult10/2 - 10/41998 RV4552-7
Quinnipiac10/1 - 10/41177 RV4053-13
This is what Biden's Presidential approval numbers look like when your remove the "all adult" polls from the RCP average. It doesn't look that much better with them, but still. Who would have believed just a couple of months ago that Joe Biden's approvals would start looking more and more like Donald Trump's approvals.

Moreover, there doesn't seem to be any "bounce back" effect as we get further and further from the Afghanistan fiasco. As I argued back then, this is not a temporary situation where people were just upset about what happened in Afghanistan. It was an eye-opening experience into exactly how incompetent Joe Biden actually is. The original (and wrong) assumption that Joe Biden would be just a competent stress free President was never an accurate assumption. Joe Biden always has been and always will be a total and complete fuck up. 


John Hayward said...

The deep state got Sleepy Joe Biden a complete fuck up.

Watergate was a blunder, easily exploited by Democrats and their media adjuncts to drive Nixon from office, as even Nixon himself later admitted. (“I gave them a sword. . .”)

But the Nixon saga led to a new phase in American politics, by which Democrats, in the form of their permanent government servants and media adjuncts, decided to criminalize political differences. Some of the Watergate prosecutions were legitimate matters of criminal behavior, but some were sheer partisan vindictiveness, seldom better explained that in Maurice Stans’s book The Terrors of Justice: The Untold Side of Watergate. Stans was not the last person to be prosecuted by the federal law enforcement bureaucracy in the FBI and DoJ for partisan reasons. The DoJ went after Reagan’s labor secretary Raymond Donovan on trumped up corruption charges in the 1980s, with Donovan asking after his acquittal at trial, “Where do I go to get my reputation back?”

Then the deep state tried to get Reagan on account of his blunders that led to the Iran-Contra fiasco, but that didn’t work. A number of technical violations were charged—Oliver North for accepting a free security fence as an illegal “gratuity,” and no charges ever brought in connection with the supposed offenses that started the whole scandal. The deep state hoped to get George W. Bush and/or Dick Cheney with the nonsense Valerie Plame “leak” investigation, “investigating” for months after the prosecutors knew that the leaker had been deep stater Richard Armitage, but finally issuing a technical indictment of Lewis Libby for a memory lapse in talking to the FBI. (And needless to say, President Bush was too much of a wimp to stop this travesty.) This is how the FBI-DoJ Political Prosecution Complex (DPPC for short) works: if they decide to target you, they will come up with something.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

That's a classic example of how dictators have risen from a Democratic Republic in history.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I watched his speech today and again unlike the right to nutcases websites said he same thing you said. He was just a normal guy.

I have experienced people get mentally disabled. I didn't see that.

If I thought like you I would say that.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

This won't help him.

President Joe Biden put a positive spin on the numbers in a news conference on Friday afternoon, highlighting the upbeat statistics: unemployment rate is down to 4.8 percent, unemployment for Black Americans and Hispanics is down, and the drop of 496,000 in long-term unemployment is the second-largest single-month decline in history, with the largest being in July.

“We're actually making real progress,” Biden said. “Maybe it doesn't seem fast enough. I’d like to see it faster and we're going to make it faster. Maybe it doesn't appear dramatic enough. We're making consistent steady progress, though.”

But it’s still the delta economy. Even if the variant has crested, the totals are still high, with the recent seven-day new case average down from its peak of 175,000 to just under 100,000.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

A successful business dumbshit

WASHINGTON, Oct 8 (Reuters) - Former U.S. President Donald Trump's businesses tried to hide millions of dollars in payments from foreign governments that flowed through his unprofitable hotel in downtown Washington, a U.S. congressional committee said on Friday.

The House of Representatives Committee on Oversight and Reform said hotel records raise "troubling" questions about the Trump International Hotel, which is in a historic building the Trump Organization leases from the federal government.

The hotel served as a popular gathering spot for Trump's supporters, foreign dignitaries, and his fellow Republicans during his time in office.

According to the Democratic-controlled committee, Trump reported that the hotel earned him more than $150 million during his time in office, but actually lost more than $70 million.

The committee found that the hotel received over $3.7 million in payments from foreign governments -- roughly equal to more than 7,400 nights at the hotel, posing a potential conflict of interest.

Provisions in the U.S. Constitution prohibit the president from obtaining payments, or "emoluments," from foreign governments.

The hotel gave a portion of that money to the U.S. government but failed to provide details of those payments to the General Services Administration (GSA), the agency that manages federal properties, the Democratic-controlled committee said.

Trump's lawyers have argued in court cases that his ownership of the hotel did not violate these constitutional provisions.

A Trump Organization spokesperson did not immediately respond to a request for comment. The GSA, likewise, did not immediately respond.

Congressional Democrats say the GSA stonewalled their investigation into Trump's businesses while he was in office, but in July 2021 finally produced some of the documents they had been seeking.

The committee also found that Trump moved millions of dollars through other businesses, complicating GSA's ability to enforce provisions that prohibited him from collecting profits from the hotel.

The committee also found that he concealed debts when he was bidding for use of the property in 2011. (Reporting by Jan Wolfe; Editing by Andy Sullivan and Alistair Bell)

Anonymous said...

Joe and affirmative action vp.harris will not run in 2024.

They have been exposed.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The hotel opened to the public in September 2016, just weeks after Mr. Trump accepted the Republican nomination for President.  Throughout President Trump’s term, there were numerous reports about foreign and domestic interests patronizing the Trump Hotel as a way to curry favor with the President.

For more than five years, the Committee has been investigating conflicts of interest related to GSA’s management of the Trump Hotel’s lease.  Under the Trump Administration, GSA failed to substantially comply with the Committee’s requests.  On July 9, 2021, GSA finally produced a subset of requested documents, including the Trump Hotel’s audited financial statements for the years 2014 through 2020, three-years’ worth of President Trump’s statements of financial condition that were submitted to GSA to win the federal lease, and communications between President Trump’s businesses and GSA regarding the lease.

These documents show:

Former President Trump Reported Massive Revenues at the Trump Hotel, Concealing that the Hotel Suffered $70 Million in Net Losses.  On his federally mandated financial disclosures, President Trump reported that the Trump Hotel earned him over $150 million in revenue during his time in office.


Anonymous said...

The uemployment number dropped because people stopped being counted.

Roger is a economic Fucktard.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

However, the records obtained by the Committee show that the Trump Hotel actually incurred net losses of over $70 million, leading the former President’s holding company to inject at least $24 million to aid the struggling hotel.  By filing these misleading public disclosures, President Trump grossly exaggerated the financial health of the Trump Hotel.  He also appears to have concealed potential conflicts of interest stemming not just from his ownership of this failing business but also from his roles as the hotel’s lender and the guarantor of its third-party loans.
 While in Office, President Trump Received Preferential Treatment Potentially Worth Millions from a Foreign Bank.  

The documents show that in 2018, Deutsche Bank provided President Trump with a significant financial benefit by allowing him to delay making principal payments on the Trump Hotel’s $170 million loan—which Trump had personally guaranteed—for a period of six years.  Without this deferral, the hotel may have needed to pay tens of millions of additional dollars to Deutsche Bank at a time when it was already facing steep losses.  Mr. Trump did not publicly disclose this significant benefit from a foreign bank while he was President.

 The Trump Hotel Received Over $3.7 Million from Foreign Governments.  Based on the Committee’s analysis, from 2017 through 2020, the Trump Hotel received an estimated $3.7 million in payments from foreign governments, raising concerns about possible violations of the Constitution’s Foreign Emoluments Clause.  This amount would have been sufficient to cover over 7,400 nights at the Trump Hotel at the average daily rate.  Former President Trump failed to disclose details about these payments to GSA, and he “donated” to the Treasury only the small portion of these payments that his company determined to be profits.

 Former President Trump Concealed Debts When Bidding on Old Post Office Building Lease.  In 2011, when he applied to lease the Old Post Office Building, former President Trump provided GSA with financial information that appeared to conceal certain debts.  Specifically, he provided a 2008 financial statement that reported over $1.1 billion in outstanding loan balances for properties in Chicago, Las Vegas, New York, and San Francisco.  Although these loans remained outstanding in 2009 and 2010, President Trump omitted them from his financial statements for those years, hiding key information.
 The Trump Hotel Moved Around Millions of Dollars in Opaque Transactions with Other Trump Businesses.  President Trump transferred millions of dollars in and out of his D.C. Hotel through affiliated entities and opaque transactions, raising questions about GSA’s ability to enforce provisions that prohibited President Trump from taking money out of the business.

In light of these troubling new revelations, Chairwoman Maloney and Chairman Connolly highlighted the need for further investigation and legislative reform. 

Anonymous said...

"I have experienced people get mentally disabled."

Alky looking in the mirror as he creates another word salad.

Anonymous said...

A finicial bridge to far for poor stupid broke and broken Roger.

Roger, can we get an update on your achievements, did you ?

Get that super model gf?
Move into the Mansion?
Secure a big bank acct?
And take delivery of that Audi A8 ($85,000)?

IF, so congrats, IF, not, why not?

Your lie of a "Six figure income" exposed.
Thanks to CHT dropping this
"Roger has been divorced twice, homeless and begging for money"

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Committee Uncovers Evidence that Trump Concealed Millions in Losses, Hid Debts, and Received Millions from Foreign Governments at Trump Hotel

Oct 8, 2021 

Press Release

GSA Documents Raise New Concerns about Trump Hotel Lease and Former President’s Conflicts of Interest

Washington, D.C. (October 8, 2021)—Today, Rep. Carolyn B. Maloney, the Chairwoman of the Committee on Oversight and Reform, and Rep. Gerald E. Connolly, the Chairman of the Subcommittee on Government Operations, sent a letter to the General Services Administration (GSA) detailing new concerns about former President Trump’s lease for the Trump Hotel in Washington, D.C., his failure to disclose significant losses and debts in public filings and lease documents, and his conflicts of interest as President.  The Committee’s discoveries were based on documents recently obtained from GSA.

“The documents provided by GSA raise new and troubling questions about former President Trump’s lease with GSA and the agency’s ability to manage the former President’s conflicts of interest during his term in office when he was effectively on both sides of the contract, as landlord and tenant,” the Chairs wrote.

“Specifically, the Committee found that President Trump provided misleading information about the financial situation of the Trump Hotel in his annual financial disclosures; received undisclosed preferential treatment from a foreign bank on a $170 million loan to the hotel that the President personally guaranteed; accepted millions of dollars in emoluments from foreign governments without providing an accounting of the money’s source or purpose; concealed hundreds of millions of dollars in debts from GSA when bidding on the Old Post Office Building lease; and made it impossible for GSA to properly enforce the lease’s conflict-of-interest restrictions by engaging in opaque transactions with other affiliated entities. As discussed in this letter, this new evidence raises many questions that require further investigation and action by the Committee.”

Despite the precedent set by every modern American president, during his term in office, President Trump retained his financial interest in his various business entities, including the Trump Hotel.  The hotel opened to the public in September 2016, just weeks after Mr. Trump accepted the Republican nomination for President.  Throughout President Trump’s term, there were numerous reports about foreign and domestic interests patronizing the Trump Hotel as a way to curry favor with the President.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Roger has a life time of bad choices and errors in judgement .

"We’re still 5 million jobs below February 2020 levels"

So, Roger why has your prediction failed?

Anonymous said...

Roger, when you were broke, homeless, how was it to go begging in public?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The Wall Street

U.S. job growth fell to the slowest pace of the year in September, a sign the Delta variant of the coronavirus and a persistent shortage of workers weighed on the economic recovery.

The economy created 194,000 jobs in September, the smallest gain since December 2020 and down from 366,000 jobs added in August, the Labor Department said Friday. While the September payroll gains fell well short of economists’ expectations, job growth in August was bigger than previously estimated.

Many workers gave up the job search and exited from the labor force last month, the data showed. The smaller pool of labor meant that despite the slowdown in hiring, the unemployment rate fell to 4.8% last month from 5.2% in August.

The economy is in an unusual position: Demand is strong. Households are flush with cash and have increased spending briskly this year on goods and services. But businesses are struggling to find workers to serve them, part of a broader supply squeeze that is being felt in the U.S. and globally.

rrb said...

T. Greg Doucette, a #NeverTrump conservative lawyer, is throwing ice-cold water on the idea that the January 6 Committee was ever going to enforce the subpoenas.

“It was always going to end this way,” he tweeted:

read the whole thread.

rrb said...

Factor in the fact that most of these polls traditionally run anywhere from D +5 to D +9 and you actually have Killer Joe in the 30's.

Especially after the worst jobs report of all fucking time.

anonymous said...

Factor in that rat is posting out his ass.......and thinks the GOP cares about the country.........BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!

rrb said...

I don't belong to the GOP, BWAA.

They're dead to me.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The new talking points?

Former President Donald Trump lashed out at his successor on Friday night after the White House refused to exert executive privilege over documents being sought by Congress.

In his statement, Trump also referred to November 3, 2020 – Election Day – as "the insurrection" and a crime.

"Biden has rejected our request to withhold White House information from the House Unselect Committee investigating the January 6th protest, but has not taken a stance on the insurrection that took place on November 3rd, often referred to as the Crime of the Century," Trump said.

rrb said...

Roll up, roll up, roll up, for there are prizes to be won! That’s right, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, it’s time for the Joe Biden Challenge. And all you need to do to win the big game is, wait for it . . . name a single — yes, a single — thing that this president has demonstrated himself to be good at since he took office back on January 20.

There are a few rules, caveats, and provisos here, of course. First, this is a game of absolutes, so you can’t use any relative words such as “better,” “preferable,” or “improvement.” If he’s not good at it in a vacuum, it doesn’t count. Second, we’re talking about President Biden — you know, the man in charge — so you can’t skirt the inquiry by shouting “but Donald Trump!” And, third, this is not a matter of whether you agree or disagree with the president’s political views, or whether you voted for him in the 2020 election given the choices that were on offer. It’s much, much simpler than that. To win the game, you just have to find a single concrete virtue that Joe Biden brings to the table as the head of the executive branch of the federal government.


Often, he doesn’t know what’s going on under his nose, and, when he does, he exhibits a third-rate mind, a fourth-rate temperament, and an alarming proclivity toward anger when challenged. The empathy on which he prides himself is selective, selfish, and, at times, downright mawkish. He excels at none of the core functions of the presidency, he is visibly bereft of energy, and he has a tendency to run away when things get tough. His foreign policy is a disaster. His military planning is a bad joke. And, despite declaring stupidly that “America is back,” he has managed to outrage our allies with his fecklessness and his pride. Per recent polling, there is not a single major issue on which he is trusted. Not COVID-19, which he promised to “shut down.” Not the economy. Not immigration. Not his leadership of the military. While running for president, Biden said he hoped to restore faith in government. He’s failed.

He’s even failed at the superficial, superstitious, intangible stuff. Under his leadership, Americans are dissatisfied with the direction of the country, dissatisfied with the economy, dissatisfied with America’s role in the world, and dissatisfied with the prognosis for the pandemic. Economic confidence is low, 61 percent of Americans think the country is on the “wrong track,” and as many voters now believe that he doesn’t “care about them” as believe that he does. The bulk of Americans consider him weak, inept, and deceitful, and, already, a majority are hoping he lasts only one term.

To reiterate the big question, then: What, exactly, is Joe Biden good at? What is the one thing that, stepping back from our ideological differences, one could objectively praise him for? What, were Biden submitting a CV for the role, would he be able to cite without prompting laughter. Anyone?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...


By Neil Irwin

Oct. 8, 2021

It’s not as bad as it looks.

That’s the most important thing to take away from Friday’s release of the September jobs report, which found that employers added 194,000 jobs last month, a far cry from the 500,000 analysts expected. The initial response among experts was to wonder whether it called for an exclamation of a mere “oof” or a more extreme “ooooooof.”

But when you peel apart the details, there is less reason to be concerned than that headline would suggest. The story of the economy in the second half of 2021 remains one of steady expansion that is more rapid than other recent recoveries. It is being held back by supply constraints and, in September at least, the emergence of the Delta variant. But the direction is clear, consistent and positive.

Much of the disappointment in payroll growth came from strange statistical quirks around school reopening. The number of jobs in state local education combined with private education fell by 180,000 in September — when the customary seasonal adjustments are applied.

There is reason to think the pandemic made those seasonal adjustments misleading. Schools reopened in September en masse, and employed 1.28 million more people (excluding seasonal adjustments) in September than in August. But a “normal” year, whatever that means anymore, would have featured an even bigger surge in employment. In other words, this might be a statistical artifact of a shrinking education sector earlier in the pandemic, not new information about what is happening this fall.

rrb said...

LOL. The excuses for the worst fucking jobs report in the history of the known universe just keep coming, much like the TDS-fueled stories of Trump's impending arrest and prosecution.

The Crazy Train has broken down at the Medicaid Acres Nursing Home Station.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Which of the statements below is true?

Jeffrey Epstein, the billionaire accused of running an elite sex trafficking ring, was murdered to cover up the activities of his criminal network.

President John F. Kennedy was killed by a conspiracy rather than by a lone gunman.

The FBI kept tabs on civil rights leaders such as the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., attempting to find compromising information and damage his reputation.

Regardless of who is officially in charge of the government and other organizations, there is a single group of people who secretly control events and rule the world together.

rrb said...

I see the TX school shooter is enjoying his freedom out on bail...

Have we arrested the students and teachers he shot for their hate crimes yet?

Do not fuck this up, MSM. His baby momma may never get another chance like this to Buy a Large Mansion.

Anonymous said...

The Epic Fail on Jobs .
Is followed by Alky excusses.

Myballs said...

Big meeting between U.S. and Mexico officials to discuss border security. So where is our border czar? Visiting a NJ bakery.

And both to be outdone in incompetence, our dementia president shrugs off a horrible jobs report by blaming unvaccinated workers, whom are being fired for not being vaxed.

And btw, it's curious that Biden is all for transparency when it comes to Trump documents. But for hisboen, he's the least transparent in history. Even some of the liberal media are fed up with his refusal (inability) to take questions.

This team is the worst in history and yes, a clear and present danger to the country.

Anonymous said...

Traitor Joe Policies are destroying this country by design.

"The Jobs Creators Network reacted to President Joe Biden’s terrible jobs report, blaming his “failed policies” and radical agenda for “wrecking small businesses” across the country.

“This was the worst jobs report of the year and a clear indictment of President Biden’s failed policies,” the President and CEO of the Job Creators Network, Alfredo Ortiz, said in a statement on Friday, shortly after the job numbers were released."

anonymous said...

Hey goat fucker.....there are millions of open jobs and you still sit in mommy's basement posting gibberish!!!!!!!! You want failed policy....LOOK IN THE FUCKING MIRROR......BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

Not kputz HS Degree in economics said...

When you peel apart the details, there is less reason to be concerned than that headline would suggest. The story of the economy in the second half of 2021 remains one of steady expansion that is more rapid than other recent recoveries. It is being held back by supply constraints and, in September at least, the emergence of the Delta variant. But the direction is clear, consistent and positive.”

“Much of the disappointment in payroll growth came from strange statistical quirks around school reopening. The number of jobs in state local education combined with private education fell by 180,000 in September — when the customary seasonal adjustments are applied.

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Roger Amick said...
The new talking points?

Jeez, every fucking day every fucking hour you are posting the lefts talking points.

but probably don't comprehend that.

such as you just posted

"When you peel apart the details, there is less reason to be concerned than that headline would suggest."

But at least most of the time in the Biden administration you have to play defense

And wear the Washington Generals uniforms


JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

The number of jobs in state local education combined with private education fell by 180,000 in September — when the customary seasonal adjustments are applied.

thanks Biden

I guess according to pealing the onion it could have been worse

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

* peeling

anonymous said...

Thanx fucked up daddy for proving you have no idea how jobs numbers are created!!!!!! Maybe if you peel back your cranium, the will be nothing inside.....>>BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The American Thinker wants a new civil war.

Inversely, Texas has no desire to make a Texas out of California. Texas benefits from federalism because its policies just generally work (if being a place where free Americans want to move and live is one’s definition of that).

As I go about my day-to-day life, wondering when Joe Biden’s public health Gestapo from Washington will finally come for me, my family, my job, and my wealth, and how I’ll respond to all of that, part of me wonders if this is just the latest of our many political trials in this American experiment in self-governance that will eventually pass. Another part of me wonders if we are just marionettes in some Chinese-orchestrated puppet theater.

I know the latter may seem ridiculous to some, but you know as well as I do—the Communists in China are certainly enjoying the show.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Roger Amick said...
It is being held back by supply constraints and, in September at least, the emergence of the Delta variant. But the direction is clear, consistent and positive.”

So VERY lo iq, why don't you let us know when in September the Delta variant emerged?

and what clear and consistently positive numbers ?

and if the supply constraints are getting better or worse?

lots of boats are beginning to circle around

Maybe the captains were listing to Psaki

Show us your "intelligence"


JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Hey roger you can try and provide an answer too


we know you can't

at least a real one

Of course neither will VERY lo iq

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Let me project roger's "answer"

The Delta variant was caused in mid-September by unvaccinated Trump supporters in soup lines and at low tide

Everyone feels pain and I saw it personally growing up before supper at the diner closing time

I learned to read at 12

or a cut-n-paste NYT or Washington Post piece

anonymous said...

I learned to read at 12

BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! Sure shows in the way you post sooooo much drivel.....

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

anonymous said...
I learned to read at 12

BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! Sure shows in the way you post sooooo much drivel.....

So VERY lo iq proves he is incapable of a cogent response and fails once again

That was too easy.

clocks running on roger

please pass the popcorn !!!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I ignore the troll squad asshole.

anonymous said...

BWAAAAAAAAA!!!! Keep proving that you have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO SAY BUT STUPIDITY !!!!!!!!!!! Yep 12 is a believable age for you and your lack of intellect!!!!!!!! No wonder why you support trump and the GOP!!!!!!!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Too complicated for the troll squad asshole.

Global supply-chain bottlenecks are feeding on one another, with shortages of components and surging prices of critical raw materials squeezing manufacturers around the world,” the Wall Street Journal reports.

“The supply shocks are already showing signs of choking off the recovery in some regions.”

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Roger Amick said...
It is being held back by supply constraints and, in September at least, the emergence of the Delta variant. But the direction is clear, consistent and positive.”


“The supply shocks are already showing signs of choking off the recovery in some regions.”

Too complicated for the troll squad asshole.



try reading slower roger

maybe then you can comprehend what you post

and notice the direct contradiction in your "explanation"

VERY lo iq can just bleat

as always too

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

* more popcorn please !!!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

From the right wing perspective,

He's not sane anymore.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Global supply-chain bottlenecks are feeding on one another, with shortages of components and surging prices of critical raw materials squeezing manufacturers around the world.

The supply shocks are already showing signs of choking off the recovery in some regions.

Part of the problem is a global economy that is out of sync on the pandemic, restrictions and recovery. Factories and retailers in Western economies that have largely emerged from lockdowns are eager for finished products, raw materials and components from longtime suppliers in Asia and elsewhere. But many countries in Asia are still in the throes of lockdowns and other coronavirus-related restrictions, constricting their ability to meet demand.

Meanwhile, global labor shortages, often the result of people leaving the workforce during the pandemic, are throwing further obstacles in the way of producers.

The bottlenecks are forecast to constrain manufacturing output well into next year, hurting a sector that had until recently powered the global recovery. Global industrial output rose above its precrisis level in early 2021 but has since stagnated, according to the Kiel Institute for the World Economy, a German think tank. It recently lowered its forecast for world economic growth this year to 5.9% from 6.7%, in part due to supply-chain issues.

Supply-chain knots have helped push inflation to multidecade highs in the U.S. and parts of Europe, weighing on consumer spending. Elevated inflation rates are already putting pressure on central banks, including the Federal Reserve, to start scaling back their aggressive pandemic stimulus policies, a further headwind to global growth.

It is already too late to save all of the Christmas retail season in many cases, as overwhelmed world-wide transportation networks limit supply—down to the home décor. “If I can give one piece of advice to consumers right now, it is to find and buy your Christmas tree early,” said Jami Warner, executive director of the American Christmas Tree Association.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Global Supply-Chain Woes Escalate, Threatening Economic Recovery

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

So roger do you now understand that "the direction is clear, consistent and positive.” is not helped with your explanation of with Global supply-chain bottlenecks are feeding on one another, with shortages of components and surging prices of critical raw materials squeezing manufacturers around the world.

Or do you still not comprehend ?

damn good popcorn !!!

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Or maybe roger thinks "Global supply-chain bottlenecks are feeding on one another, with shortages of components and surging prices of critical raw materials squeezing manufacturers around the world" is positive ?

that must be it

must be quite an onion he is peeling back