Monday, October 11, 2021

Blatantly flat out illegal with no real good excuse or explanation

VA Dems Want Last Minute Voting Rule Change
Virginia’s gubernatorial contest between Republican Glenn Youngkin and Democrat Terry McAuliffe clearly has supporters of the latter worried. Recent polls show a far tighter race than they expected. Consequently, it was all but inevitable that McAuliffe’s allies would attempt to meddle with election laws using public health as a pretext. Sure enough, the Democrat-dominated Fairfax Board of Supervisors has asked Gov. Ralph Northam to waive the witness signature requirement that Virginia law stipulates for all absentee ballots. Board Chairman Jeffrey McKay insists that the waiver is necessary due to the threat of COVID-19, yet cases are declining. 

What’s actually worrying McKay and other Virginia Democrats is the necessity of returning to normal election rules during a Governor’s race in which their candidate appears to be floundering. Terry McAuliffe is a Clinton consigliere with decades of political experience and was a relatively popular governor of Virginia prior to being succeeded by fellow Democrat Ralph Northam. All of which caused McAuliffe and his staff to underestimate his opponent, businessman Glenn Youngkin, mistaking political inexperience for incompetence. McAuliffe then compounded that mistake by committing the colossal blunder of publicly declaring, “I don’t think parents should be telling schools what they should teach.”
So can someone explain this to me like I was a six year old? Exactly what does Covid-19 have to do with someone supplying a witness signature? Is signing a document a Covid risk? If so, then why are we even still allowing any portion of society to be open, much less holding an election.  

Every time I wander through an in person check out line, I sign my bank card in front of someone. Nobody suggests that I no longer have to sign my bank card transactions or that someone would no longer be required to sign a check because of Covid-19. 

Moreover, there is no existing Covid "emergency" for the state of Virginia at this point, making an executive order at this point pretty much arbitrary. Their "emergency" has long since expired.

At the end of the day this very specific law was passed for the very specific reason that it allows for more security in Virginia's election process. To be clear, Virginia is not exactly a bright red state. So this law was passed by what is a Democratic Virginia legislature and signed by a Democratic Governor. Now Democrat election officials in a heavy Democratic county don't want to follow the laws that Democrats passed.

Go figure. Why can't Democrats just follow the f-n laws? 


rrb said...

McAuliffe is a clown who stands an excellent chance of defeat. As a result, he's terrified. Hence the last minute steal attempt.

This is typical of the left. They can't win on the issues, but only by deception and rules changes that have no basis in fact.

McAuliffe is a life-long public sector parasite who deserves to get crushed for no other reason that being a serial scumbag.

rrb said...

Why can't Democrats just follow the f-n laws?

Laws are for us little people, and democrats have determined they have no responsibility to follow them, EVER.

rrb said...

A former high-ranking Capitol Police official with knowledge of the department’s response to the Jan. 6 attack has sent congressional leaders a scathing letter accusing two of its senior leaders of mishandling intelligence and failing to respond properly during the riot.

The whistleblower, who requested anonymity for privacy reasons and left the force months after the attack, sent the 16-page letter late last month to the top members of both parties in the House and Senate. His missive makes scorching allegations against Sean Gallagher, the Capitol Police’s acting chief of uniformed operations, and Yogananda Pittman, its assistant chief of police for protective and intelligence operations — who also served as its former acting chief.

The whistleblower accuses Gallagher and Pittman of deliberately choosing not to help officers under attack on Jan. 6 and alleges that Pittman lied to Congress about an intelligence report Capitol Police received before that day’s riot. After a lengthy career in the department, the whistleblower was a senior official on duty on Jan. 6.

The whistleblower’s criticism went beyond Capitol Police leaders to Congress. Without naming specific lawmakers, his letter accuses congressional leaders of having “purposefully failed” to tell the truth about the department’s failures.


The letter was sent to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy. The House Administration Committee’s Republican staff was also sent a copy.

The whistleblower accused Pittman of lying to Congress about a key intelligence report the department received in late December. That report noted that a blog called "" posted a map of the Capitol campus, and that commenters on the site called for protesters to carry guns and confront members of Congress on Jan. 6.

Pittman told congressional investigators in April that a cohort of senior officials in the department were also aware of that intelligence before the attack. The whistleblower claimed in his letter, however, that other officials did not receive the intelligence report, and that Pittman lied when she said they did.

“These officials were the only officials that had all the intelligence information for the 6th,” the whistleblower wrote, regarding Gallagher and Pittman.

“The single most important piece of intelligence information ... was never shared with any members of USCP leadership,” the whistleblower added, asking: “Why did they approve the operational plan for the 6th if they knew the intelligence?”

It was all a LIE.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Trump Enjoyed Watching Capitol Riot
October 11, 2021 at 10:45 am EDT By Taegan Goddard 91 Comments

“While the Capitol was under attack on Jan. 6, former President Donald Trump remained out of sight from the public and watched TV in the White House private dining room,” ABC News reports, based on reporting from Jonathan Karl’s new book, Betrayal: The Final Act of the Trump Show.

“The former president liked what he saw, boasted about the size of the crowd and argued with aides who wanted him to tell his supporters to stop rioting.”

History will not be kind.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I’ve advocated for freedom of speech and the right to protest since my childhood. The protests led by the Rev. Martin Luther King, the Rev. Jesse Jackson, and other icons of the civil rights movement changed America for the better and improved my life and the lives of every other Black American. They also made America a more just and stronger nation.

But King and Jackson never preached or carried out violence, never carried guns or baseball bats at demonstrations, and never threatened to kill anyone. 

When someone threatens or engages in violence government has an obligation to step in and protect the people targeted. It doesn’t matter if the threats come from Democrats or Republicans, progressive or conservatives, or from people who are Black or White or any other race. 

This issue is bigger than what happens to school boards and our schools. Defeated President Donald Trump, who has glorified the rioters who violently attacked our nation’s Capitol on Jan. 6 in an insurrection designed to destroy our democracy and keep him in power, has made violence acceptable to far too many of his supporters.

Attorney General Garland is right to draw a red line between free speech and violence. Something is very wrong when school board members and elected officials at the local, state, and federal level have to worry about violent attacks against themselves and their families simply for doing their jobs.

It’s hard to believe that Republicans, who have long proclaimed themselves as advocates of “law and order” and allies of the police, are now defending lawbreakers and denouncing our law enforcement officers. But just as they defended the violent Capitol insurrectionists, they are now defending lawbreakers threatening school boards and teachers, and they are criticizing law enforcement once again.

The United States is careening down a dangerous path I never thought I would live to see. If growing numbers of Americans embrace violence and threats of violence to settle disputes — and government stands by doing nothing — all our freedoms and our very way of life could be lost.

Donna Brazile is a veteran Democratic political strategist, adjunct professor, author, and syndicated columnist.

I grew up in the same era.

My mother Marjorie was very intelligent and interested in politics despite being raised in a family that lost everything when the Wall Street collapsed completely in 1929

She told me to watch history as it happened.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

You should move to Idaho to join the new Confederate States of America.

C.H. Truth said...

Well Reverend...

If only internet stories with no actual corroboration from any real person was literally evidence, then guess what.

There still wouldn't be a case against Trump.

But I am glad you are deflecting the total and absolute failure of your hero Dementia Joe Biden by bringing up old news about the former President.

Let's go Brandon!!!

C.H. Truth said...

You should move to Idaho to join the new Confederate States of America.

You mean where they don't cheat and actually follow the laws? I suppose you prefer to remain where people cheat and don't follow the laws?

That might be the biggest difference between you and I. I don't like cheating. You don't like following the law.

Anonymous said...

This Economist told you Three Socialist Stooges of CHT that Biden's policies would cause higher energy costs and Inflation was here to stay .

You all told me i was wrong.

Anonymous said...

"rrbOctober 11, 2021 at 9:30 AM

The goods and services needed by Capitalism are being choked off by Traitor Joe's energy policies and raw Socialism.

All the left can ever prescribe is the equal distribution of misery. The only outcome that they can ever guarantee"

ROGER admitted he is a Socialist Democratic.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

What CH calls "old news about the former President" will be new news as Trump continues to harm the GOP.

C.H. Truth said...

What CH calls "old news about the former President" will be new news as Trump continues to harm the GOP.

Uhuh... sure Reverend.

Because as a Trump deranged liberal you believe that continuing to bring up old new over and over and over and over will somehow hurt the GOP even though probably 80% of the Country has moved on.

So either you bringing up the same stories over and over will harm the GOP or make you look like an idiot. One or the other. I guess you know where I stand (and most everyone else on this blog).

Meanwhile... those Biden approvals that you loved to brag about are not much for bragging anymore, are they? More to the point, there is little hope that Biden will get any better. His decline is out there for everyone to watch!

Let's go Brandon!

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

SCALISE is trying to say Biden stole the election but did so legally.... hmmmmm?

Steve Scalise’s Rhetoric Is Just as Dangerous as Trump’s
October 11, 2021 at 11:30 am EDT By Taegan Goddard 84 Comments

Philip Bump:
“Consider what Scalise is doing. He’s intentionally trying not to say that Biden won fairly because that position is anathema to the loudest part of his party’s base. And to avoid saying that, he’s seizing not upon unproven claims of fraud but a similarly inflated assertion that states made it too easy to vote. He doesn’t allege that this led to more fraud or anything along those lines, though others have; he’s simply claiming that because states made it easier to vote, that was the equivalent of an illegitimate Biden win or an election being stolen.

“Because legal voters cast votes in a manner that their states have authorized.”

“In case Scalise wasn’t sufficiently obvious in suggesting that the election was stolen not through fraud but through votes he didn’t like, he made it more clear.
He wanted to try to loop criticism of Georgia’s new voter law into his argument, drawing Fox News viewers to his side by condemning those who’d attacked Georgia’s law. After all, he said, the law was simply ‘cleaning up some of the mess’ from the election.”

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Where does Trump stand on the RCP approvals, Ch?

Still never attained 50% has he. NEVER! Not even ONCE!

rrb said...

You mean where they don't cheat and actually follow the laws? I suppose you prefer to remain where people cheat and don't follow the laws?

That might be the biggest difference between you and I. I don't like cheating. You don't like following the law.

He doesn't even realize what he implies. He insists that guys like you and I move to a state where voting is held sacrosanct and cheating/voter fraud is NOT allowed, while he and his cohorts are allowed any rule change, anytime, for any reason - to give them an advantage to win.

So yeah, I'd rather move to a law-abiding state 100% of the time, as opposed to some liberal criminal utopia where laws are made to be broken and democrats need to cheat and steal their way into every elected office.

C.H. Truth said...

Where does Trump stand on the RCP approvals, Ch?

Last time I checked... he doesn't have Presidential Approvals because he is not the President. You seem to have trouble with that concept. I understand.

But if it gives you any comfort... history tells us that Joe Biden will lose in a landslide with approvals in the mid 40s.

I hope that helps!

Let's go Brandon!

rrb said...

Because as a Trump deranged liberal you believe that continuing to bring up old new over and over and over and over will somehow hurt the GOP even though probably 80% of the Country has moved on.

Virtually everyone I know has left the GOP, leaving it to democrat valets like Sasse, Pierre Defecto and Cheney.

If the fucking NY GOP calls my house one more fucking time I'm going to swear out a restraining order against them.

The GOP IS DEAD TO ME, and for good fucking reason.

Commonsense said...

Attorney General Garland is right to draw a red line between free speech and violence. Something is very wrong when school board members and elected officials at the local, state, and federal level have to worry about violent attacks against themselves and their families simply for doing their jobs.

But Garland didn't draw a line. He was intimidating school board protesters and he met to do it. He's no better than a fascist.

And no justice is not equal. While the Jam 6 protesters got harsh punishment for relatively minor infractions. ANTIFA and BLM protesters committed arson, looting, and murder and got off Scott free.

History will not be kind to Biden or Garland.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

I didn't ask anything about "presidential" approvals.

(Typical Ch word play dishonesty.)

I asked about approvals.

RCP is still listing them.

* TytH

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Why hasn't Ch come out with a clear, full throated call for the GOP to officially come out as being PRO vaccnations?

Don't bother. He'll just dance about.

rrb said...

Last time I checked... he doesn't have Presidential Approvals because he is not the President. You seem to have trouble with that concept. I understand.


9 months into the most disastrous presidency of the modern era, and the best the left can come up with is "But Trump!"

LOL. Hilarious.

Let's Go Brandon!!!

God, how stupid is that NBC news twat feeling after getting THAT trending?

rrb said...

Blogger JamesNewLeaf said...

Why hasn't Ch come out with a clear, full throated call for the GOP to officially come out as being PRO vaccnations?

Probably because we all OWE the last GOP president for having vaccines at all.

Talk about a "clear, full throated call."

You're flailing pederast.

Flailing badly.

And "vaccnations?"

What are those?

rrb said...

Blogger JamesNewLeaf said...

I didn't ask anything about "presidential" approvals.

So other than presidential approval, what other type of poll is RCP using to track Trump's popularity, pederast?

Do they have a random popularity tracker where you plug in a person's name and you get their general popularity with the public?

And why the fixation on Trump? He's a private citizen. Looks like you need a diversion from the most disastrous presidency of my lifetime.

Anonymous said...

This is called having a "mud hole stomped in your ass"

"C.H. Truth October 11, 2021 at 12:00 PM

Where does Trump stand on the RCP approvals, Ch?

Last time I checked... he doesn't have Presidential Approvals because he is not the President. You seem to have trouble with that concept. I understand*

We have to forgive The Three Stooges of CHT, this 🔥 dumpster of a Presidency is going so damn poorly they are in shock.

We are not, we warned you the slow Joe and affirmative action hoe were not up to the task.

C.H. Truth said...

Why doesn't the Reverend come out with full throttle support for:

1) Election integrity
2) Covid treatments used successfully by billions
3) Fiscal sanity

etc... etc... etc...

But to the point that Reverend wants to make. The reason I refuse to go along with the "full throttle support approach" to vaccinations is that those who advocate the "full throttle support approach" also work to invalidate other approaches to combating Covid.

There should be nothing wrong with accepting that there needs to be a multi-pronged approach to fighting any illness, pandemic, or whatever. Those who advocate the "full throttle support approach" only seem to be able to do so while also denying that natural immunity exists, and that treatments have worked on billions, and that ultimately we will not "beat" Covid with just a vaccination that is no longer appearing to even be working as first advertised.

So to ask the Reverend...

Why doesn't he show full throttled support for an all encompassing battle against the Covid pandemic. Why does he "take sides" and demand that we hide the fact that there are flaws in the vaccine and why does the Reverend continue to discount the fact that billions worldwide are benefitting from treatments that our own Health officials work to discredit.

It's like a fucking cult.

Vaccinations and nothing else!
Vaccinations and nothing else!
Vaccinations and nothing else!
Vaccinations and nothing else!
Vaccinations and nothing else!
Vaccinations and nothing else!
Vaccinations and nothing else!
Vaccinations and nothing else!

Let's go Brandon!

Commonsense said...

Blogger JamesNewLeaf said...
Why hasn't Ch come out with a clear, full throated call for the GOP to officially come out as being PRO [vaccinations]

Virtually every GOP politician has urged people to consult their physicians and if they OK the vaccine then get the vaccine. What they are against is forcing people to get the vaccine against their will.

After all, we are not communist China. (At lease not yet.)

Maybe part of Biden's crashing approval ratings is the people are tired of hearing from the scold in chief.

BTW grammar police, the word is [vaccinations].

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Democrats see the turbulent waters surrounding Biden, and they look with trepidation toward next year’s midterm elections. The party that holds the White House almost always loses ground in the first midterms of a president’s tenure. Democrats are defending a tiny majority in the House and a 50-50 split in the Senate, where they hold the majority only through Vice President Harris’s deciding vote.

Republican strategist Dan Judy asserted that “the bloom is off the Joe Biden rose” after about nine months in power.

From a political standpoint, “Democrats are going to need the COVID tide to recede and the economy to surge forward if they really are to have any chance of keeping their majority, at least in the House,” Judy said. “The Republicans could take over the House almost by accident with such a small majority for the Democrats right now.”

But Judy also acknowledged that such a turnaround on the two biggest, and intertwined, issues of COVID-19 and the economy could take place.

Biden got bad news on the economy on Friday, when new data from the Labor Department showed just 194,000 jobs had been added in September — the lowest monthly figure since December.

The economy is broadly moving ahead, having suffered a seismic shock when the pandemic first hit in March 2020. Jobs are coming back, even if in fits and starts, and many Americans have savings to spend as the travel and hospitality industries reopen. But inflation, slow job growth and even the ending of expanded unemployment benefits last month could hinder the recovery — with negative political repercussions for Biden. 

White House press secretary Jen Psaki, asked about the president’s eroding poll numbers at Friday’s media briefing, blamed them on “a really tough time in our country.”

"We’re still battling COVID,” Psaki added, saying there was "no question that’s having an impact.”

The latest coronavirus data is relatively positive. New infections are running at just under 100,000 a day, according to New York Times data — well down from the 175,000 daily new cases in the middle of last month. 

The question of whether COVID-19 will continue its fadeout or come back with a vengeance as more Americans are cooped up indoors during the winter is politically huge — and, at this stage, unanswerable.

Politically speaking, “the administration is facing some significant headwinds, but I think they’ll be in pretty good shape if and when they manage to finally wrestle COVID to the ground,” said Democratic strategist Jim Manley, a former aide to ex-Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.).

Manley added that he assumed the state of the fight against COVID-19 would be the “key indicator” of what happened in next year’s midterms.

Long before that, however, the fate of Biden’s push for massive investment in infrastructure and social spending will be decided.

The divisions between progressives and their more conservative colleagues in the Democratic Party are on stark display. Biden faces a delicate task in trying to reconcile the ambitions of progressives like Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and much of the rest of the party, with two skeptical Senate holdouts, Sens. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) and Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.).

The rhetoric across the Democratic trenches has become angrier in recent weeks, even as most in the party admit failure to reach a deal would be a political disaster.

“It is important for the president to be able to rally his side,” said Murray. “But I also think it is important to demonstrate that government is capable of working, of delivering results. 

“I think there is a broad cynicism that exists in the American public that government doesn’t do anything,” he added. “To the extent that the Biden administration can show we are delivering results, I think that is very important.”

Any number of these events could break in Biden’s favor, reversing the slide he has endured since the chaotic U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan.

But right now, he faces stiff challenges on every front.

Commonsense said...

We are not, we warned you the slow Joe and affirmative action hoe were not up to the task.

Funny thing about that. Instead of doing VP public events, the administration has Harris doing public events that are more appropriate to the First Lady. While the First Lady has disappeared from the public eye altogether.

And the "Border Czar" was shut out of a critical meeting with senior Mexican officials in Mexico City.

The seem to be doing damage control with Harris.

rrb said...

The latest RCP polls.

Trump is nowhere to be found.

Let's Go Brandon!

rrb said...

But to the point that Reverend wants to make. The reason I refuse to go along with the "full throttle support approach" to vaccinations is that those who advocate the "full throttle support approach" also work to invalidate other approaches to combating Covid.

That, plus as long as fully vaxxed people are contracting Covid and dying, then a full-throated, or full throttle, or full whateverthefuck approach to vaccinations remains a LIE. A false hope.

rrb said...

Why does he "take sides" and demand that we hide the fact that there are flaws in the vaccine...

Those flaws can be revealed in one very abrupt fell swoop -

Relieve the vaccine manufacturers of their liability protections. Then note their reactions.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The slow motion coup is in progress.

What did the Left leave as the proper model for conservatives now to deal with Biden? 

Impeach him when he loses the House? Get a special counsel, lavish said counsel with $40 million, a dream team of right-wing lawyers, and 22 months to find real Chinese collusion? 

Start seeding a conservative version of Lt. Colonel Alexander Vindman and an “anonymous” whistleblower inside the Biden octopus? 

Get retired four-star generals on TV to swear Biden is a Chinese “asset,” or have them retweet the idea of sending Biden supporters to China, or swear that he is a fascist? Bring back Woodward and Bernstein to find out whether Biden, Inc. ever paid taxes on all that Chinese and Ukrainian cash? 

Call in the ubiquitous Dr. Bandy X. Lee from Yale to administer the Montreal Cognitive Assessment to prove that Biden can distinguish a camel from an elephant or a train from a bike or count backwards from five? 

Will the Right prod General Mark Milley’s replacement to collude with soon-to-be Speaker Kevin McCarthy and call the Russians to warn them that Biden is demented, democracy is “messy,” Kamala Harris is crazy, and thus Moscow might need a warning from us about any Biden preemptive aggression?

And what of the people who voted for this change and the media that empowered it? In the latest Quinnipiac poll, known for its liberal affinities, Biden now earns a 38 percent approval rating. We should add a few extra negative points given media bias. Do they suffer buyer’s remorse or angst that they were lied to by the hard Left that Joe Biden was cognizant and not a mere vessel for a two-year push for overt socialism?

Meanwhile the media is reduced to explaining why an undocumented activist has an understandable right to chase a liberal Democratic senator into a public restroom, hector her, and then video her as she enters a stall to relieve herself and then post the grotesqueness on the internet—a felony in the state of the Arizona, though just part of the “process” for the president of the United States.

We could call the above insanity nemesis for woke hubris. Or maybe it is karma, “payback’s a bitch,” or “what goes around comes around.” But there is no schadenfreude in seeing the Left destroy everything it touches—because its claws tear all of us as well.

Victor David "Feinstein"

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Commonsense said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...
Democrats see the turbulent waters surrounding Biden, and they look with trepidation toward next year’s midterm elections. The party that holds the White House almost always loses ground in the first midterms of a president’s tenure. Democrats are defending a tiny majority in the House and a 50-50 split in the Senate, where they hold the majority only through Vice President Harris’s deciding vote.
Republican strategist Dan Judy asserted that “the bloom is off the Joe Biden rose” after about nine months in power.

This comes as a big surprise to Roger but the Democrats are in for landslide loss in the 2022 midterms. They could lose as many as 60 seats in the house 3 or 4 Senate seats thus losing both houses in Congress.

So Roger can take comfort that McConnell will be senate majority leader while Steve Scalise will be speaker of the House.

rrb said...

Bandy Ree!

So whatever happened to Bandy Ree?


VDH fucking kills it each and every time and the left just can't deal.


Let's Go Bandy!!!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

We will not survive Trump.

I watched him support the Senator from Iowa.

It reminded me of the speechwriters by Adolf Hitler in the 1930s.

Unless the Republicans find themselves, we are fucked.

Commonsense said...

After the midterms, Biden will never get a federal Judge confirm unless he has a sufficiently conservative record.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

A slow moving coup is not TDS.

History suggests that we are in danger.

rrb said...

"If the President had done his job from the beginning, all the people [who have died from Coronavirus] would still be alive."

- Joe Biden, September 17, 2020

rrb said...

"We will not survive Trump."

Except we did. We flourished, and had the best economy in my lifetime.


Let's Go Brandon!!!

Commonsense said...

We will not survive Trump.

We will thrived under Trump. His only big mistake was shutting dow the economy under pressure from the hysterical news media.

The question ought to be "Will we survive Biden?" As a people I think we will and be more than ready for a second Trump Renaissance.

rrb said...

The question ought to be "Will we survive Biden?"

The alky remains fixated on psychological projection. it's his only defense mechanism in the face of the Killer Joe shitshow.

Anonymous said...

rrbOctober 11, 2021 at 1:17 PM

"We will not survive Trump."

Except we did. We flourished, and had the best economy in my lifetime"

Now RRB Stomped a mud hole in Alky.

Anonymous said...

With the ending of the Rent Abatement and China Virus Mortgage protection .

The waive of evictions and Home Mortgage Forclosures will gut punch the weak Bidenomic.

Into a possible recession.Roger

Anonymous said...

The Home Owner is required to:
"“Forbearance is not loan forgiveness. Borrowers will still owe the principal and interest that they didn’t pay during the forbearance period"

Can't repay, out the door ya go.

rrb said...

“Brandon” is actually “Biden,” and as for the other part – how to put this in on family website? – it’s more coming than going.

Everyone hates Joe Biden, and this spontaneous chant is a symptom of the disease infecting his poll numbers. Move over mere COVID – Biden’s numbers have leprosy with some scabies and chlamydia mixed in. And there’s no cure.

America just can’t stand the guy. Even people who don’t despise the guy are pretty turned off. Just look at his sparsely-attended and increasingly infrequent events. There is always like just 12 people there – a few aging pinkos, some illegal aliens fresh from hassling a Democrat heretic in the john, and a bunch of divorced wine women wearing pro-abortion shirts to protect their right to a procedure that will never be an issue for them. And they are all wearing masks outside. You could get a better turnout in a random high school parking lot offering discount drive-thru colonoscopies.

I hope I didn’t just give the Lincoln Project any ideas.

Anonymous said...

Talking about in over HER HEAD.

Little Boi Blue Buttigieg, has Dock workers on the West coast telling to go Fuck himself.

The Union Dock Workers refuse to work more to get the 6,000 containers on ships in a massive que off loaded.

Let's go Brandon.