Thursday, October 7, 2021

Busier than a...

But this is a cool headline: Biden approval rating continues to plummet: ‘Battered on trust, leadership, competency’ in poll
President Biden’s popularity continues to plummet over his foreign policy fiascos, inability to sell his keynote domestic agendas in his own party — and even his handling of the COVID-19 pandemic. A new Quinnipiac University poll released Wednesday shows just 38 percent of Americans approve of the job Biden is doing, down from 42 percent in the same poll three weeks ago and 50 percent approval in mid-February.

Things are going from bad to worse it would appear! Hopes for a big Biden comeback is probably crashing like a tidal wave to the shore! Who could have ever predicted that Joe Biden would be a total failure at being President...

Well pretty much everyone, including his old Boss Obama. 


Anonymous said...

Traitor Joe policies cause inflation.

"“I do worry that this will be ongoing inflation, and we could easily end up with 3.5% 10-year Treasuries, which again just increases the cost of the national debt and creates budget issues,” Mnuchin said Thursday at the Bloomberg Invest Global virtual conference"

Inflation in the form of interest payment on US Gov. Bonds.

Biden's policies cost the average family $175.00 more each month.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Critical Race Theory’ Now Barely Mentioned
October 7, 2021 at 12:31 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 65 Comments

Washington Post: “In June, the term was mentioned 993 times during Fox News programming, including overnight rebroadcasts of daytime and prime-time shows. In July, it was mentioned 921 times. That was after being mentioned only 132 times in all of 2020.”

“But the network seems to have largely moved on from critical race theory, which conservative activists and right-leaning media companies identified as a pressing threat as part of a backlash to the calls for greater attention to racial disparities that followed the police killing of George Floyd last year.

“Overall, the drop has also been pronounced on Newsmax and One America News (OAN), two conservative upstart channels seeking to outflank Fox News Channel to the right.”

rrb said...


Killer Joe at 38% on polls that are at least D +5 and as bad as D +9.

And all the left has around here is "But Trump!"

Commonsense said...

Don't worry. CRT is foremost in the minds of parents everywhere.

And Biden and Garland was stupid enough to keep it in the fore front of the news with there jackbooted intimidation of parents who dare oppose them.

Commonsense said...

Killer Joe at 38% on polls that are at least D +5 and as bad as D +9.

Can't imagine why. Fuck with me is one thing. Fuck with my children, that's something else.

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

AG Merrick Garland’s Daughter Married to Co-Founder of Education Company Selling Critical Race Theory Resource Material to School Districts

Well, well, well… This is interesting. U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland recently instructed the FBI to begin investigating parents who confront school board administrators over Critical Race Theory indoctrination material. The U.S. Department of Justice issued a memorandum to the FBI instructing them to initiate investigations of any parent attending a local school board meeting who might be viewed as confrontational, intimidating or harassing.

Attorney General Merrick Garland’s daughter is Rebecca Garland. In 2018 Rebecca Garland married Xan Tanner [LINK]. Mr. Xan Tanner is the current co-founder of a controversial education service company called Panorama Education. [LINK and LINK] Panorama Education is the “social learning” resource material provider to school districts and teachers that teach Critical Race Theory.

Conflict of interest much?
Yes, the Attorney General is instructing the FBI to investigate parents who might pose a financial threat to the business of his daughter’s husband.

She's made millions

Looks like Garland is following the Biden Crime Family business model

anonymous said...

Blogger Commonsense said...
Don't worry. CRT is foremost in the minds of parents everywhere.

Cramps once again projecting his opinion to the universe.......BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!! Since you don't have many of your circle of acquaintances have kids and have expressed that opinion thinks the answer is NONE since most people have no clue of what CRT is other than a cathode ray tube aka a television!!!!!!

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

McConnell Doesn’t Have the Votes for Debt Limit Hike
October 7, 2021 at 3:29 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 102 Comments

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) may think he has a deal with Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) on raising the debt limit,
but McConnell doesn’t have the 10 Republican votes yet to make good on his promise, NBC News reports.

Sen. John Thune (R-SD) told reporters they’ll get there, but it will be a “painful birthing process.”

Taegan Goddard comments:
As Lisa Desjardins overheard someone say near Senate chamber: “Everything about this is so dumb.”

James comments:
I hear he's asking Nancy Pelosi for advice on how to do his job.

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Matt Walsh

Remember: when cops shoot a violent thug and BLM burns down a CVS in response, we should understand their anger. But when parents yell in a school board meeting because their kids are being shown pornography in school, they’re domestic terrorists and should go to federal prison.

And Garland's kid needs to make millions

Democrat politician privilege

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Rasmussen Reports

1st Term Presidential Job Approval % - Oct 7th

10/7/09 - Barack Obama - 49%
10/7/17 - Donald Trump - 46%
10/7/21 - Joe Biden - 43%




C.H. Truth said...

Pretty sure when President Bush signed the Patriot Act into law after 911 - they were envisioning that a President someday would try to use it to stop parents from attending and providing their voices at school board meetings.

rrb said...

McConnell Doesn’t Have the Votes for Debt Limit Hike

He doesn't need them.

The Senate Parliamentarian has already approved the language for Schumer to just go ahead and raise the debt limit.

Schumer's dilemma is what to raise it to since the donks can't get their shit together.

This isn't Mitch's problem as much as you lie and try and make it out to be pederast.

Schumer and the donks need Mitch for cover. Mitch needs them for, well, nothing.


anonymous said...

try to use it to stop parents from attending and providing their voices at school board meetings.

What is truly sad LIL Schitty is you endorse these violent parents acting out their hostility at school meetings!!!!!!! No different than the Little League games that erupt into riots because some adult watching their kid disagrees with the umpire....Having umped games, the behavior of these parents is just another indication how you don't give a shit for the rules of law or respecting others opinions.....Vax's work.....masks work....the trend down in asshole states like floriduh show that finally enough are doing the right thinks and finally there may be light at the end of the tunnel....Something you do not want to happen because chaos makes the GOP go around!!!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

Caliphate4vr said...

Having umped games, the behavior of these parents

Well you’re fat enough, angry enough and stupid enough to be a veritable Joe West


rrb said...

Could it be?

The spawn of alky?


rrb said...

Having umped games...

BWAA, you couldn't ump two flies fucking on a windowsill.

Caliphate4vr said...

BWAA, you couldn't ump two flies fucking on a windowsill.

Bet he could eat the lead paint chips on the windowsill

rrb said...

Bet he could eat the lead paint chips on the windowsill

That's what's made him the "man" (LOL) he is today, right?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

WASHINGTON — Top Justice Department officials and White House lawyers made clear to then-President Donald Trump in early January that they would all resign from the administration if Trump replaced his acting attorney general with an ally who had been pushing his effort to overturn the 2020 election.

That’s according to a nearly 400-page report released Thursday by the Senate Judiciary Committee, which provides a detailed timeline of Trump’s campaign to pressure DOJ officials to help him try to reverse Joe Biden’s victory. The report’s findings are based on testimony from three former DOJ officials as well as documents and emails.

From the day former Attorney General Bill Barr announced his resignation in mid-December of last year to early January, Trump held at least nine calls or in-person meetings with senior DOJ officials in which he directly and repeatedly asked them "to initiate investigations, file lawsuits on his behalf, and publicly declare the 2020 election 'corrupt,'" according to the report, prepared by the panel's Democratic staff.

The report outlines that Trump wanted to replace acting Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen with Jeffrey Clark, then the acting head of the department's civil division, who devised a strategy with the president for the DOJ to intervene in Georgia’s appointment of presidential electors and to use this model in other states. Rosen and then-acting Deputy Attorney General Richard Donoghue, however, rejected Clark’s proposal.

These efforts led to a Jan. 3 Oval Office meeting that Trump held for two to three hours with senior DOJ officials and White House officials. “According to Rosen, Trump opened the meeting by saying, ‘One thing we know is you, Rosen, aren’t going to do anything to overturn the election,’” the Senate report said.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Biden is irrelevant now

Donoghue said the rest of the meeting involved “a wide-ranging conversation” focused on whether Trump should replace the DOJ’s leadership and install Clark in Rosen’s place, the report said. But the report said that during the meeting, Donoghue and Steven Engel, assistant attorney general for the Office of Legal Counsel, conveyed to Trump that if he followed through on the threat, all of the assistant attorneys general would resign.

“Donoghue added that the mass resignations likely would not end there, and that U.S. attorneys and other DOJ officials might also resign en masse,” the report said. “Donoghue told us that he raised the prospect of mass resignations 'earlier rather than later' in the meeting because he thought it was important context for the President’s decision.”

The committee said Donoghue and Rosen recounted that White House counsel Pat Cipollone called Trump’s plan a “murder-suicide pact.” Cipollone and another White House lawyer, Patrick Philbin, indicated “that they would also resign.” The report said Trump didn’t stand down until the final 15 minutes of the meeting.

Even after the meeting, Trump still kept pushing his conspiracy theories that the election was stolen. That night, Donoghue said Trump contacted him “to claim a DHS Special Agent was in custody of a truck full of shredded ballots outside of Atlanta,” the report said. Ultimately, the Department of Homeland Security, the FBI and a U.S. attorney’s office determined this claim to be false.

Three days later, on Jan. 6, Trump held his “stop the steal” rally near the White House, where he urged his supporters to interrupt the counting of the electoral votes at the Capitol. The attack at the Capitol then unfolded for several hours.

Some Trump allies with ties to the "stop the steal" movement and the efforts to interrupt the counting of the electoral votes on Jan. 6 were also involved in pressuring DOJ to undermine the election results, the report said. Rep. Scott Perry, R-Pa., for example, introduced Trump to Clark, and Perry "directly communicated with Donoghue about his false Pennsylvania election fraud claims," it said. Perry led the GOP's objection to Pennsylvania's electoral votes for Biden on the House floor on Jan. 6.

Clark and Rosen did not immediately respond to NBC News' request for comment.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Even his personal lawyer was going to resign immediately.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

And almost every DOJ officials

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Roger Amick said...
And almost every DOJ officials

Have they figured out who the "big guy" is

or how many crimes were actually documented by Hunter himself on his laptop?

Or prosecute those BLM rioters with billions in damages

or any election fraud crimes ?

Joe Biden's America


unequal "justice"

in other words- no justice, no police

But roger loves those state FAKE NEWS sites

any more week old made up quotes for us today?

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

New York Post

Suspected Texas high school shooter released from jail

Sean Davis

People who waved a flag in the Capitol are being indefinitely detained, while a school shooter walks free.

Wow, wasn't even 24 hours was it?

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...


Is it just me, or do you think the FBI is planning it's first school board meeting hoax?

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Julie Kelly 🇺🇸

A January 6 defendant has passed away at age 61. His lawyer ⁦@MarinaMedvin⁩ explains DOJs unsubstantiated case against him. RIP.

Marina Medvin 🇺🇸

John didn’t deserve what he had to endure before his death.


"I can't breathe, i can't breathe" John Anderson cried over and over

RIP justice in America

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

You were conned by the best gangster ever elected President.

Rep. Andy Biggs, R-Ariz., falsely claimed "we don't know" who won Arizona last November during a House hearing Thursday on Republicans' much-criticized ballot review that agreed President Joe Biden beat Donald Trump.

As the hearing got underway, Rep. Jamie Raskin, D-Md., asked Biggs whether he accepted the findings of the GOP-led review of ballots in Maricopa County, which last month affirmed Biden's victory and suggested he received even more votes over the former president than official counts had recorded.

"Who won the election in Arizona? Donald Trump or Joe Biden?" he asked.

"We don't know because as the audit demonstrates, Mr. Raskin, there are a lot of issues with this election that took place," Biggs responded.

"This is the problem we have," Raskin said, adding, "Unfortunately, we have one of the great political parties which has followed him off of the ledge of this electoral lunacy. It is dangerous for democracy. I am glad we are having this hearing today."

Biggs, a Trump ally, has previously refused to acknowledge that Biden won the presidency, but the moment underscored a dynamic that has only become more pronounced since Arizona Republicans first authorized the extraordinary ballot review, hiring outside contractors with little to no experience in elections to conduct it. In the 11 months since Biden's victory, challenging and questioning those results has emerged as a litmus test for Republicans as Trump, who continues to push the lie that the election was stolen from him, remains popular with the party's base. Demands for election investigations have proliferated, even in counties Trump won by large margins.

Democrats called the hearing in an attempt to question several county officials and election experts about Arizona's state Senate-sanctioned review of more than 2 million Maricopa County ballots, which wrapped up in September with a final report that agreed Biden won and produced no evidence of the widespread fraud alleged by Trump and his allies.

The third-party contractors, led by Florida cybersecurity firm Cyber Ninjas, nonetheless cast doubt on the election process and suggested fraud could have still occurred.

Arizona’s so-called audit, which did not adhere to normal processes used by election officials to confirm vote counts, has inspired a spate of similar ballot reviews around the country, and Arizona Republicans say they will soon write new laws based on the report.

"Let me be clear, the hyperpartisan audits pushed by President Trump and his allies are not about fairness, election security or the truth," committee Chairwoman Carolyn Maloney, D-N.Y., said in her opening remarks. "They are instead designed to promote conspiracy theories and to raise doubts about our elections. The ultimate aim of these audits is even worse: to lay the groundwork for new laws that make it harder for Americans to cast their ballots, but easier for dishonest officials to overturn the results of elections they don't like."


You have been following the same guidelines on the Arizona audit report was saying that Biden won the election.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

“Donoghue added that the mass resignations likely would not end there, and that U.S. attorneys and other DOJ officials might also resign en masse,” the report said. “Donoghue told us that he raised the prospect of mass resignations 'earlier rather than later' in the meeting because he thought it was important context for the President’s decision.”

The committee said Donoghue and Rosen recounted that White House counsel Pat Cipollone called Trump’s plan a “murder-suicide pact.” Cipollone and another White House lawyer, Patrick Philbin, indicated “that they would also resign.” The report said Trump didn’t stand down until the final 15 minutes of the meeting.

Three days later, on Jan. 6, Trump held his “stop the steal” rally near the White House, where he urged his supporters to interrupt the counting of the electoral votes at the Capitol. The attack at the Capitol then unfolded for several hours.

After they threatened to follow their oath to defend the protect and defend the rights of the United States

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Julie Kelly 🇺🇸


More footage of the violence outside the west terrace tunnel. Time stamp is the same time Rosanne Boyland’s body was lifeless outside the tunnel.

Watch these DC Metro cops. They’re kicking people on the ground.

How much longer will GOP ignore this?

Release the tapes.

Real questions as to who actually started the violence

No wonder the DOJ is hiding the evidence of FBI involvement (they've now acknowledged some) and 14,000 hours of tapes that should clear everything up

If they aren't busily editing them

shameful and unAmerican

Banana Republic

empty suit "president"

anonymous said...

don't ump two flies fucking on a windowsill.

While rat can't find his own ass in the dark.....BVWAAAAAAAAAA!!!! God you really have a pathetic life, rat.....jealous of others accomplishments while the only thing you have done in you pathetic existence was to flunk out of Ag school and sucked on trumps fat white ass!!!!!!

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

The New York Times

As the Proud Boys marched to the Capitol on Jan. 6, a member of the far-right group was texting real-time updates — to his FBI handler.

The informer gave the bureau an inside view that day, according to confidential records obtained by The New York Times.

Actually the FBI still hasn't come clean. The FAKE NEWS New York Times reported it.

probably to cover for the FBI and DOJ

much more is probably going to come out

and they want to manage that

Why else all the secrecy ?

or should i say cover-up ?

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Catturd ™

Breaking ...

Getting a prostate exam by Edward Scissorhands now has a higher approval rating than Joe Biden

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Roger Amick said...
You have been following the same guidelines on the Arizona audit report was saying that Biden won the election.

Actually you must have been following FAKE NEWS. The only thing that was verified was the count. Hundreds of thousands of vote irregularities were pointed out, the largest being registered voters with invalid social security numbers (something like 300,000) As I recall there was over 50,000 other irregularities, maybe more. The "official" Biden "win" was something like 11,000 votes.

But the "recount" was verified within a few hundred votes and FAKE NEWS ran with that.

too bad you can't see both sides.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Trump told his mind to invoke executive privilege to ignore subpoenas from the United States Senate. He is not the President anymore but he's still trying to steal the election in the future.

The letter was a continuation of Trump’s efforts to use “executive privilege” to resist any cooperation with the House select committee investigating Jan. 6, banking on a legal theory that has successfully allowed presidents and their aides to avoid or delay congressional scrutiny for decades. President Biden, however, has indicated he will likely share with Congress information about Trump’s activities on Jan. 6 if asked.
The Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday issued a report detailing some of Trump’s and his allies’ earliest efforts to pressure the Justice Department overturn the 2020 election results. Among the report’s many findings was confirmation that Meadows asked then-acting attorney general Jeffrey Rosen multiple times to initiate election fraud investigations, and that Meadows asked Rosen to meet with Trump’s then-personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani

“Meadows asked Rosen to have DOJ investigate at least four categories of false election fraud claims that Trump and his allies were pushing,” the report stated, noting that the conversations violated “longstanding restrictions on White House-DOJ communications about specific law enforcement matters.”
Also on Thursday, the House select committee issued another round of subpoenas for organizers of the “Stop the Steal” rally that preceded the Jan. 6 riot at the Capitol. The committee is now seeking information from right-wing provocateur Ali Alexander, the leader of Stop the Steal, and Nathan Martin, who worked with Alexander and is listed as the representative for “One Nation Under God” on a permit application to rally on Capitol grounds

Weeks before the Jan. 6 insurrection, Alexander said in a since-deleted video on Periscope that he had planned to put “maximum pressure on Congress” during the vote to certify the electoral college votes, claiming he had help from three GOP lawmakers, Reps. Andy Biggs (Ariz.), Mo Brooks (Ala.) and Paul A. Gosar (Ariz.)

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Trump lawyer tells former aides not to cooperate with Jan. 6 committee

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...


This shocking revelation comes as a combination of 269,493 “lost” and “ghost” votes were discovered within Maricopa County alone, irregularities that could have potentially shifted the electoral results within Arizona. The full release of Arizona election audit report findings is expected Friday, Sept. 24.

Raising questions about who exactly is applying to become a voter in Arizona, and how many names without SSA records may have slipped through the cracks in previous years, the report could inspire even lower confidence in Arizonans concerned about election integrity.

No wonder democrats are so concerned about not allowing any common sense measures for election integrity

and of course the Washington Post and New York Times will disagree

and say everything is fine


run by billionaires who benefit from their "reporting"

Myballs said...

Did we all are the stage set biden uses instead of the real white house? Lol. He really is a fake president.

Caliphate4vr said...

When it all comes out, he will have used others to commit crimes, so it is almost every to prosecute him.

But you will insult me and call it fake news robotics pjmedia etc. and Redstate geezers.

No we’ll just say, WTF is that word salad.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

You are lucky to be an obscure blogger because if you had the same popularity than the pillow guy, it might cost millions more than you have.

Idaho Chief Deputy Secretary of State Chad Houck announced Thursday the state plans to bill MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell for the cost of auditing three counties to disprove allegations of election fraud, the Idaho Statesman reports.

Why it matters: Houck's remarks come days after the audit concluded, reporting a 0.1% margin of error across the three counties.

Lindell previously alleged that presidential election results across 44 counties were "electronically manipulated" to favor Biden, per the Statesman.The office said that totaling the expenses and sending the bill would take at least another two weeks.

What they're saying: "Why not try and get Lindell to reimburse the state for having to refute his false claim?" Houck told the Statesman.

"While our team is always looking for possible vulnerabilities, this allegation was patently without merit from the first look," he added."It takes hard work to build confidence in a state's elections system, and careless accusations like this can cause tremendous harm. Doing nothing and saying nothing would have been like conceding its truth."

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

When it all comes out, he will have used others to commit crimes, so it is almost impossible to prosecute him. He has a history of the same thing.

But you will insult me and call it fake news robotics pjmedia etc. and say Redstate is a credible source .

C.H. Truth said...

Idaho Chief Deputy Secretary of State Chad Houck announced Thursday the state plans to bill MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell for the cost of auditing three counties to disprove allegations of election fraud, the Idaho Statesman reports.

Good luck with that...

Idiot Democrats. Always taking someone to court because of they get their panties in a wad, then pissed off when the courts don't go their way.

The "pillow guy" had no authority to demand anything and they had no responsibility to repute anything. Besides... apparently people cannot even agree on what the audits actually state.

Roger... you are still repeating crap that you YOURSELF admitted you could not find in the entire report of the Audit that YOU LINKED HERE. You linked the "official report" and then apparently discounted the "official report", because the "official report" did not correspond to what WaPo leaked and what many major news organizations reported as fact. Apparently these auditors were not even allowed to have their "official report" reported on.

Anonymous said...

This is pure Gold, Thanks F'ing Daddy.

"1st Term Presidential Job Approval % - Oct 7th

10/7/09 - Barack Obama - 49%
10/7/17 - Donald Trump - 46%
10/7/21 - Joe Biden - 43%"

Biden caused inflation and it is wrecking the budgets of middle income earners and the Poor.

Donald J. Trump said...

 11 RINO Republicans joined every Democrat in voting to take up the bill, RINO McConnell blinked!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

You believe the big lie

Anonymous said...

Traitor Joe's Iflation because of failed energy policies is making all parts of Government vastly more expensive.

Social Security's cost-of-living adjustment for 2022 could be the biggest in decades.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Republicans in the Department of Justice refused to betray their oath.

But since it doesn't come from Redstate you think it's fake news robotics etc.

Believing in conspiracy theories is a sign of dementia.

But until your family members insist that you need help, you will never recover from alzheimers disease.

Donald J. Trump said...

Fiona Hill was a Deep State stiff with a nice accent. Books are being written by people like her who had virtually no access to me, and who I didn’t even know. They write it as if they’re experts on “Trump,” but they know absolutely nothing about me. My function was to save our Country and Survive. Unfortunately, when you look at what is happening now with Afghanistan, the Border, inflation, etc., our Country is not being saved. It is in big trouble!

Anonymous said...

Roger, have you given your move out date to the management @ 4th Street Medicaid Acres?

How goes the closing of your $500,000 plus home @ Bonney Lake, Washington?

Anonymous said...

OR should we file the " i can move any time i want "
With goals of:
1, new former model G/F - Wife
2, huge bank account
3, Own a Audi 8A ($75,000)

Donald J. Trump said...

Crooked Hillary should go to jail!

Durham Probes Pentagon Computer Contractors in Anti-Trump Conspiracy

By Paul Sperry, RealClearInvestigations


Above, 'Tech Executive-1' alludes to leaving his job last month amid John Durham's Russia probe.By Paul Sperry, RealClearInvestigations
October 7, 2021

Cybersecurity experts who held lucrative Pentagon and homeland security contracts and high-level security clearances are under investigation for potentially abusing their government privileges to aid a 2016 Clinton campaign plot to falsely link Donald Trump to Russia and trigger an FBI investigation of him and his campaign, according to several sources familiar with the work of Special Counsel John Durham.

Durham is investigating whether they were involved in a scheme to misuse sensitive, nonpublic Internet data, which they had access to through their government contracts, to dredge up derogatory information on Trump on behalf of the Clinton campaign in 2016 and again in 2017, sources say — political dirt that sent FBI investigators on a wild goose chase. Prosecutors are also investigating whether some of the data presented to the FBI was faked or forged. 

Storm Troops

Anonymous said...

Ah yes, the many ID's of the Alky.

Roger , you currently drive which Electricity Vehicle?

2022 Audi RS e-tron GT

You can't afford any real things in life, no new car, no new home ,,,,

Donald J. Trump said...

Looks like Mitch McConnell is folding to the Democrats, again. He’s got all of the cards with the debt ceiling, it’s time to play the hand. Don’t let them destroy our Country!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Far more important!

WASHINGTON—A U.S. special-operations unit and a contingent of Marines have been secretly operating in Taiwan to train military forces there, U.S. officials said, part of efforts to shore up the island’s defenses as concern regarding potential Chinese aggression mounts.

About two dozen members of U.S. special-operations and support troops are conducting training for small units of Taiwan’s ground forces, the officials said. The U.S. Marines are working with local maritime forces on small-boat training. The American forces have been operating in Taiwan for at least a year, the officials said.

The U.S. special-operations deployment is a sign of concern within the Pentagon over Taiwan’s tactical capabilities in light of Beijing’s yearslong military buildup and recent threatening moves against the island.

Taiwan and U.S. officials have expressed alarm over nearly 150 flights near Taiwan in the past week by Chinese military aircraft. The Chinese aircraft have included J-16 jet fighters, H-6 strategic bombers and Y-8 submarine-spotting aircraft and have set a record for such sorties, according to the Taiwan government.

The Chinese flights, while not entering the area Taiwan defines as its airspace, have been a reminder of the Communist Party’s view of Taiwan as a part of China. Beijing has vowed to take control of the island by force if necessary. Top U.S. military officials testified earlier this year that Beijing is likely to try to use force in its designs on Taiwan within the next six years. Other officials have said China’s timeline could be sooner than that.


Taiwan’s defense minister, Chiu Kuo-cheng, warned Wednesday that China would be able to launch a full-scale attack on Taiwan with minimal losses by 2025.


The deal with Australia makes sense!

Anonymous said...

Roger, clearly you can't move from your tiny ass shoe box Apt. At 4th street Medicare Acres.

Sorry that at age 72 you can only dream of the finer things in life that you never had and now have Zero ability to obtain.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Conservatives in state legislatures across the country are pushing legislation to halt the teaching of “critical race theory” in public schools. I put the term in quotes because genuine critical race theory, a dry and esoteric set of ideas debated in obscure academic journals, is not actually being taught in those schools at all. What’s being taught instead — and squelched — is American history, which happens to include slavery, Jim Crow repression and structural racism.
I get it. The GOP has become the party of White racial grievance, and this battle against an imaginary enemy stirs the base. But the whole charade involves Republican officials — many of them educated at the nation’s top schools — betting that their constituents are too dumb to know they’re being lied to. So far, the bet is paying off.
And then, of course, there’s the whole “stolen election” farce, which led to the tragedy of Jan. 6. Every recount, every court case, every verifiable fact proves that Joe Biden fairly defeated Donald Trump. Yet a sizeable portion of the American electorate either can’t do basic arithmetic or doesn’t believe that one plus one always equals two.
How dumb can a nation get and still survive? Idiotically, we seem determined to find out.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

MSNBC's Joe Scarborough openly mocked Donald Trump and his Senate allies for bellyaching after their plan to wreck the economy flopped.

The twice-impeached one-term president, along with Sens. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Lindsey Graham (R-SC), groused on Fox News and the Senate floor that GOP minority leader Mitch McConnell had taken a deal with the Democratic majority to allow a vote to lift the debt ceiling until December, and the "Morning Joe" host laughed out loud at their complaints.

"Oh, my god," Scarborough said, laughing. "You know, that's the Capitol of the United States, where serious stuff is supposed to happen, right? But it hasn't been happening. It hasn't been happening because there's this group, they don't understand. They're talking about your retirement savings, something -- I'm not talking about a portion of your retirement savings, I'm talking about your entire retirement account ... Your entire retirement accounts, the U.S. economy, your job, America's standing in the world, the supremacy of communist China over the United States of America, that's what those guys actually were playing with. They think that's a game. These comments are just incredibly revealing."

If the GOP minority had succeeded in blocking a vote on the debt ceiling, Scarborough said they would have "set fire" to the U.S. economy by forcing a default -- but he would expect someone like Trump to understand the gravity of that scenario.

"Republicans are less responsible with deficits and debt than anybody," Scarborough said. "Donald trump ran up the biggest debt in the history of the United States when he was in office. What did Mitch McConnell and the Republicans say? Of course, we're going to raise the debt ceiling. If we don't do it, it will trash the economy. It's the responsible thing to do. What did Mitch start saying a couple weeks ago? We have to do it, we have to raise the debt ceiling, but we're not going to do it. Ted Cruz is not going to do it, Lindsey Graham is not going to do it. Donald Trump from Mar-A-Lago, I mean, the guy never pays any of his debts anyway. How many times has he gone bankrupt? Republicans are listening to a guy who went bankruptcy what -- this guy, the New York Times got ahold of his tax returns over a decade. What did they find? Over the course of a decade, no U.S. taxpayer had ever lost as much money in the history of the United States of America as Donald Trump, and this is what they're listening to."

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...
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Coldheartedtruth Teller said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

T.S. Eliot wrote that the world ends "not with a bang but a whimper,” but I fear our great nation is careening toward a third manner of demise: descent into lip-blubbering, self-destructive idiocy.

How did we become, in such alarming measure, so dumb? Why is the news dominated by ridiculous controversies that should not be controversial at all? When did so many of our fellow citizens become full-blown nihilists who deny even the concept of objective reality? And how must this look to the rest of the world?

Read the headlines and try not to weep:

Our elected representatives in the U.S. Senate, which laughably calls itself “the world’s greatest deliberative body,” agreed Thursday not to wreck our economy and trigger a global recession — at least for a few weeks. Republicans had refused to raise the federal debt ceiling, or even to let Democrats do so quickly by simple majority vote. They relented only after needlessly unsettling an international financial system based on the U.S. dollar.

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The frequent games of chicken that Congress plays over the debt ceiling are — to use a term of art I recall from Economics 101 — droolingly stupid. In the end, yes, we always agree to pay our obligations. But the credit rating of the planet’s greatest economic superpower has already been lowered because of this every-few-years ritual, and each time we stage the absurd melodrama, we risk a miscalculation that sends us over the fiscal cliff.

Today’s trench-warfare political tribalism makes that peril greater than ever. An intelligent and reasonable Congress would eliminate the debt ceiling once and for all. Our Congress is neither.

In other news, Sen. Lindsey O. Graham (R-S.C.) was speaking to a crowd of Republicans at a country club in his home state Saturday when he tried, gently, to boost South Carolina’s relatively low rate of vaccination against the coronavirus. He began, “If you haven’t had the vaccine, you ought to think about getting it because if you’re my age — ”

“No!” yelled many in the crowd.

Graham retreated — “I didn’t tell you to get it; you ought to think about it” — and then defended his own decision to get vaccinated. But still the crowd shouted him down. Seriously, people?

Covid-19 is a highly infectious disease that has killed more than 700,000 Americans over the past 20 months. The Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson vaccines all but guarantee that recipients will not die from covid. I have, or had, an acquaintance who refused to get vaccinated, despite pleas from his adult children to protect himself. He got covid-19, and it killed him. Most of the deaths the nation has suffered during the current delta-variant wave of the disease — deaths of the unvaccinated — have been similarly needless and senseless.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Covid-19 is a bipartisan killer. In the tribal-political sense, the safe and effective vaccines are a bipartisan miracle, developed under the Republican Trump administration and largely distributed under the Democratic Biden administration. People in most of the rest of the world realize, however, that vaccination is not political at all; it is a matter of life and death, and also a matter of how soon — if ever — we get to resume our normal lives.

Why would people not protect their own health and save their own lives? How is this anything but just plain stupid?

We are having other fights that are, unlike vaccination, partisan and political — but equally divorced from demonstrable fact.

Conservatives in state legislatures across the country are pushing legislation to halt the teaching of “critical race theory” in public schools. I put the term in quotes because genuine critical race theory, a dry and esoteric set of ideas debated in obscure academic journals, is not actually being taught in those schools at all. What’s being taught instead — and squelched — is American history, which happens to include slavery, Jim Crow repression and structural racism.

I get it. The GOP has become the party of White racial grievance, and this battle against an imaginary enemy stirs the base. But the whole charade involves Republican officials — many of them educated at the nation’s top schools — betting that their constituents are too dumb to know they’re being lied to. So far, the bet is paying off.

And then, of course, there’s the whole “stolen election” farce, which led to the tragedy of Jan. 6. Every recount, every court case, every verifiable fact proves that Joe Biden fairly defeated Donald Trump. Yet a sizeable portion of the American electorate either can’t do basic arithmetic or doesn’t believe that one plus one always equals two.

How dumb can a nation get and still survive? Idiotically, we seem determined to find out.

Eugene Robinson a Pulitzer prize winner

Anonymous said...

Roger, clearly you can't move from your tiny ass shoe box Apt. At 4th street Medicare Acres.

Sorry that at age 72 you can only dream of the finer things in life that you never had and now have Zero ability to obtain.

Enjoy your life of poor choices.

anonymous said...

A very complete article on the real reasons for natural gas spike that the simplistic moron goatsucker from kansas blames on the colonial pipeline shut down.......As I keep saying, you can't fix stupid this deep seated as a dumb fuck from kansas......BWAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!

I have my doubts whether the useless asshole will have the temerity to read it let alone understand why his economic prowess is about as good as Lil Schittty's law degree.......BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The Pussy Grabbing Party

WASHINGTON (AP) — One has been accused of assaulting another White House aide. Another allegedly threatened his ex-wife’s life, exaggerated claims of financial success and alarmed business associates with his erratic behavior. A third has asked a judge to keep past protection-from-abuse orders sealed.

As former President Donald Trump wades into contested primaries across the country, he’s trying to exact revenge and remake the Republican Party in his image. In doing so, he has endorsed a series of candidates involved in allegations of wrongdoing, especially concerning their treatment of women.

That’s contributing to anxiety among some Republicans who worry that Trump is lending his powerful political backing only to those who flatter his ego. Such candidates may be able to win GOP primaries in which the party’s Trump-supporting base dominates, only to struggle in the general election.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Conservatives in state legislatures across the country are pushing legislation to halt the teaching of “critical race theory” in public schools. I put the term in quotes because genuine critical race theory, a dry and esoteric set of ideas debated in obscure academic journals, is not actually being taught in those schools at all. What’s being taught instead — and squelched — is American history, which happens to include slavery, Jim Crow repression and structural racism.

Propaganda 101

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Another attack on America

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (AP) — Arkansas lawmakers on Thursday sent the governor a congressional redistricting plan that critics say weakens the influence of minority voters in the Little Rock area by splitting the state’s most populous county among three U.S. House districts.

The measure splits portions of Pulaski County, a heavily Democratic county that includes Little Rock, between the 1st, 2nd and 4th congressional districts. The county is currently in the 2nd District, which Democrats have tried unsuccessfully to flip in recent years.

Republicans hold all four of the state’s U.S. House seats and a majority of both chambers of the state Legislature.

Democrats have criticized the plan for moving predominantly Black and Hispanic precincts out of the 2nd District and accused Republicans of trying make a GOP district even redder. Arkansas is the only former Confederate state that has not elected a Black member of the U.S. House.

“It’s going to disenfranchise African American communities, regardless of the intent,” Rep. Fred Love, a Democrat from Little Rock, said before the House approved the measure.

Supporters of the plan say splitting Pulaski County makes sense given its location in the middle of the state. They also say it helps limits the number of counties split up.

Opponents of splitting up counties have said it divides up communities and their interests.

Sebastian County in west Arkansas is the only other county in the redistricting plan that’s divided between districts, a move that also drew opposition from Republican lawmakers in the area.

The state’s current map splits five counties.

“You’ve got come up with as equal a distribution in the congressional districts as possible. That was achieved,” Republican Sen. Jason Rapert, who chairs the Senate State Agencies Committee, said after the vote. “Some will like, some will not. In this case, most in the body favors what we have.”

The Senate approved the bill on a 21-12 vote, while the House approved an identical measure 53-35.

Republican Gov. Asa Hutchinson said he’s reviewing the redistricting proposal and will make a decision next week on whether to sign it. The governor has five days once the bill reaches his desk, not counting Sunday, to sign or veto the bill before it becomes law without his signature.

On Wednesday, Hutchinson cautioned that lawmakers should avoid diluting the influence and representation of racial minorities in congressional districts.

Little Rock’s mayor also criticized the map for splitting up the state’s capital city.

“I am deeply concerned about the gerrymandering along racial lines happening in our community, which was designed to dilute the voices of the residents of Little Rock,” Mayor Frank Scott said in a statement.

The state’s redistricting process is controlled by Republicans, who won control of the Legislature in 2012 and have held all statewide offices since 2015

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

MSNBC's Joe Scarborough called for Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) to be thrown in jail for his role in the Jan. 6 insurrection.

The Missouri Republican grossly distorted the facts during a Senate hearing on the ongoing harassment of school board members around the country over COVID-19 safety measures and anti-racism lessons, and the "Morning Joe" host piggybacked off Hawley's grandstanding remarks to calling for his prosecution.

"I've got to say, frankly, I can't believe Josh Hawley's sitting there because he should be in jail," Scarborough said. "Why is Josh Hawley not in jail? A guy that committed sedition against the United States of America, he churned up the rioters when they were coming up there, a guy who still voted with the seditionists and the rioters, voted with the anarchists, voted with the people who were smearing excrement all over the walls of the Capitol."

"I understand there are a lot of Trumpists that don't like to hear this," he added. "I had some clown call me a couple days ago, like, 'I can't believe that you still say they bashed cops' heads.' Guess what they did? They took American flags, the flags that we care about so much, flags that Americans salute, the flags that supposedly Trump and his allies are so offended by when people kneel when the American flag goes up. I understand that, I understand -- it doesn't seem right to people. But this flag that you love so much was used to bash in the heads of law enforcement officers. It's on videotape, you can't get away from it, you can't lie."

Hawley showed his support for the rioters before and after the insurrection, and he voted against the certification of Joe Biden's election win -- and Scarborough thinks he should suffer consequences.

"Josh Hawley can't escape what he did on Jan. 6," Scarborough said, "that he provided aide and comfort and guidance to the people who were trying to hang Mike Pence, the people who were trying to find the speaker of the House and beat and kill her. Those people right there that were beating up the cops, bashing them with American flags. He can't escape that, so yeah, Joshy boy, you're shocked that somebody else that wasn't a seditionist wasn't trying to overturn an American election is sitting in the Senate? I think you got that backwards."

"We're all shocked that you're there," he added. "We're all shocked that you're not in jail, because you should be in jail."

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

anonymous said...

The republican party has turned into the party of authoritarian rule who wants to destroy our democracy in the name of Trump!!!!! What is even sadder, is trump does not give a shit about anything but money and himself as more dirt is aired on what he tried to do to remain in power.....the brilliance of his slurpers here all embrace the suck and fail to see where he wants to go????? Funny. trump has done nothing for them to have such fealty to a thief and liar who thinks the rule of law and constitution are just pieces of paper to be manipulated in his vision!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Roger you are not "stuck on a stupid".
You are truly "Alky Stupid".

A host of your bad life choices has you living in a depressed situation.

Anonymous said...

Build back biden"

No thanks.

Biden's policies cost the average family $175.00 more each month.

rrb said...

Trying to remember a time when a school shooter was released on bail the very next fucking day.


anonymous said...

BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! At you goat fucker.......what is it costing you since you are below average.......,BWAAAAAAPAAAAAA!!!!

Anonymous said...

The Three Stooges of CHT are now agreeing that inflation is damaging middle and low income earners and have to plan to fix it.

Remember when they said it was

Anonymous said...

Also, The Three Stooges of CHT saud "CRT" was not really in our school.

Wow, so stupid.

Myballs said...

It's a fact that CRT is being added to curriculums. This theory, and that's all it is, is not factual history. But its being represented as if it is. That is the problem. We all learned history without this narrow, theoretical twist on it.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Following a disappointing August, the U.S. economy added a meager 194,000 jobs in September, as a critical shortage of workers hampers the nation's economic growth.

The unemployment rate fell to 4.8 percent from 5.2 percent, the Bureau of Labor Statistics said Friday. Economists had been expecting an increase of 500,000 and an unemployment rate of 5.1 percent

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

What is being squelched — the American history, which happens to include slavery, Jim Crow repression and structural racism.

anonymous said...

It is fact

Is a fact that CRT is being added to curriculumsI

SO FUCKING WHAT......I guess our white supremacist brethren think that is a bad idea!!!!!!! You have any kids in school ballz or is this more righteous indignation bullshit on your part......>BWAAAAAAPAAAAAA!!!!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Trump Goes Full Racist like rrb And Declares Many Haitian Migrants 'Probably Have AIDS'

The former president said accepting Haitian migrants was "like a death wish for our country."

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

American history, which happens to include slavery, Jim Crow repression and structural racism.

I learned that in public school in Rapid City South Dakota in history classes.

My graduation class had one African American student.

Native Americans and white people like me.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Teaching children American history, which happens to include slavery, Jim Crow repression and structural racism frightened Trump, and his followers have stepped in line with him.


You have been brainwashed by Trump.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Teaching American history, which happens to include slavery, Jim Crow repression and structural racism is Thecoldheartedtruth about America.

You are the one of who is support history with this narrow, ideological twist on it. When you don't tell the students, it is propaganda.

Myballs said...

Wr all learned about slavery, post slavery, Jim Crow, MLK. You're making things up when you say it wasn't taught.

CRT had Theory right in its name for a reason. It is not fact. It's only a Theory. And a narrow one st that.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

LMAO Scott's mind was infected by..

Franklin Graham: It’s ‘communism’ for FBI to investigate violent threats against school board members

David Badash, The New Civil Rights Movement

October 08, 2021

School board members and educators in at least nine states this year have been targeted with threats, death threats, and often racist death threats, including in Virginia, Arizona, Connecticut, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Louisiana, Wisconsin, Illinois, and Vermont, according to local news reports.

Evangelical anti-LGBTQ activist and former Trump advisor Franklin Graham this week jumped on the right wing conspiracy theory that wrongly claims the U.S. Dept. of Justice is investigating parents who merely attend school board meetings to voice their "strong opinions."

That's false.

Attorney General Merrick Garland, responding to a request by a nationwide association of school board members urging protection in the face of the rising threats of violence, announced the FBI will investigate anyone who makes a threat against school board members, educators, and staff, citing the “disturbing spike in harassment, intimidation, and threats of violence."

"Threats against public servants are not only illegal, they run counter to our nation's core values," Garland wrote, noting "criminal conduct" will be investigated.

Franklin Graham, twisting the very clear memo the DOJ released, declared that investigating parents who share their opinions at school board meetings is "communism."

And he injected his own anti-LGBTQ hatred in his attack, on a topic that's rarely being discussed these days at school board meetings.

"It's an ominous sign when the government uses its power to try and silence the voice of the people," Graham told his 9.7 million Facebook followers. "That's how communism works."

"Anyone who speaks against communism or the goals of communism becomes the enemy. And we're seeing this happen right in our own country. The Biden Administration, which bows to the radical progressive left, would like to silence parents who voice strong opinions against critical race theory and trans radicalism at school board meetings. Unbelievably, the National School Boards Association asked that parent protests at school board meetings be treated as possible acts of 'domestic terrorism.' This tactic of intimidation is meant to silence parents with views the Left doesn't agree with," Graham said, mischaracterizing the DOJ's very clear memo.

As NCRM has previously reported, conservatives have spent months organizing and training “grassroots" activists to bombard school board meetings to oppose mask mandates and “critical race theory." At least one former Trump administration official is involved behind the scenes, and Christopher Rufo, the right wing activist who admitted his goal was to twist critical race theory to mean anything “crazy" the right wants it to also mischaracterized Garland's order, once against igniting outrage on the right.

"We cannot let the government take over the parenting of our children. School boards and schools should educate, not indoctrinate," Graham declared. "If anti-woke, anti-socialism, anti-communism citizens like us do not speak up, get involved, and take a stand to preserve what we have in this country, it will disappear right before our eyes—in just one generation."

Commonsense said...

Straw man nobody is avocating and has not avocated banning the teaching of slavery and Jim Crow.

anonymous said...

The former president said accepting Haitian migrants was "like a death wish for our country."

Gee that sure has a familiar ring to his Mexican comments when he was running.....sad our slurpers continue to accept the racist pigs bias as acceptable....what a bunch of sad fucking americans they are!!!!!!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Eight states, not one like you said

in Virginia, Arizona, Connecticut, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Louisiana, Wisconsin, Illinois, and Vermont, according to local news reports. Fake news robotics?????

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Yes they are

Myballs said...

It's called theory for a reason. It's not history. It's merely a narrow view if it.

Myballs said...

No they're not. They're against this theoretical version of history. That's all it is. A theory.

rrb said...

Unexpectedly, disappointingly, unexpected and disappointing...

September jobs report: Economy adds back disappointing 194,000 jobs, unemployment rate falls to 4.8%

Change in non-farm payrolls, September: +194,000 vs. +500,000 expected and a revised +366,000 in August

Huh. Some drunken fool was bragging about that +366,000 number just a couple of days ago.

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Myballs said...
It's called theory for a reason. It's not history. It's merely a narrow view if it.

Exactly. What children need to be taught is the history of the racist democrat party.

A black eye in our republic

and still is

perhaps even worse than when it was founded

anonymous said...

Hey ballz....what is theoretical about history that you don't like????????

Myballs said...

History is not theoretical. CRT is a theoretical view of it. Even its name acknowledges that's it's only a Theory.

rrb said...

"Violent threats against school board members."

What a fucking joke. Liberals always come up with these mysterious "death threat" claims whenever the over-the-top shit they pull makes them look like assholes.

Harassing Sinema in the shitter or Kavanaugh at home is just fine, but challenging systemic racism fables or gay sex textbooks crosses some ridiculous line.

Modern public education is child abuse straight up, and needs to be treated as such.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Donald Trump always seems to get away with it. And he's trying to do it again.

The ex-President and his Republican apologists in Congress are jump-starting a new effort to dampen the consequences of his crimes against democracy, burying the truth about what can now objectively be termed a coup attempt.
A flurry of new and shocking behind-the-scenes details of Trump's multi-pronged attempts to steal last November's election are showing just how perilously close the country came to a constitutional disaster in January.
A new report from Senate Judiciary Committee Democrats on Thursday found that Trump tried a stunning nine times to get his Justice Department to undermine the election.
The report also details an extraordinary three-hour meeting in the Oval Office in which Trump tried to win support for a plan to install as acting attorney general a loyalist, Jeffrey Clark, who he thought would help him overturn the 2020 election. In the end, the ex-President was talked out of the move after being told it would trigger mass Justice Department resignations.
Trump indicated that he will try to assert executive privilege to prevent the House select committee probing the mob attack by his supporters on the US Capitol from getting information from certain witnesses.
That panel sent two new subpoenas to two members of the "Stop the Steal" group, Ali Alexander and Nathan Martin, who were affiliated with the planning of the Washington rally that preceded the insurrection.
This rush of developments on just one day poses profound questions for Congress, the Biden administration and potentially the courts -- and follows other new evidence of Trump's anti-democratic conduct, including about a step-by-step plan drawn up by a conservative lawyer for how then-Vice President Mike Pence could subvert the constitutional process of certifying Biden's election win.

Myballs said...

Trump's not president anymore. You can stop obsessing. Maybe the current president is too embarrassing for you. So you keep bringing up Trump?

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

President Biden spreading Misinformation



President Biden on enacting vaccine mandates: "We're making sure healthcare workers are vaccinated because if you seek care at a healthcare facility, you should have the certainty that the people providing that care are protected from COVID and cannot spread it to you."

Sean Davis

According to the CDC and also observable, objective reality, the “vaccine” doesn’t prevent infection or spread.

I wonder how much big pharma is contributing to the Biden Crime Family ?

rrb said...

Anonymous Myballs said...

History is not theoretical.

History either actually happened or it didn't.

If someone has to introduce the filter of a "theory" to interpret actual documented events of history, they're running a fucking con.

BLM, CRT, 1619, Kendi, Kimberle' Crenshaw's intersectionality...

It's ALL one big fucking con, the sole purpose of which is to fleece big piles of $$$.

anonymous said...

History is not theoretical. CRT is a theoretical view of it.

BWAAAAAAPAAAAAA!!!!! You rally should review the following.... a very good synopsis of what you are petrified of......There is nothing theoretical of racism in america......!!!!!!

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Adam Housley

1/3 Not sure this has been reported…but here we go: From March 2020 to March 21, California EDD has had 23.2 Million Claims filed with EDD and $158 Billion in Benefits paid. The state population is 39.6 million people.

2/3 Crunching numbers, if there was no fraud, 58% of Californians filed for unemployment benefits, but high point in Cal unemployment rate was 16% during pandemic. Sooooooo….When you use the official unemployment rate for the state, with no fraud, you should only have…

3/3 a little over 4 million legitimate claims. Even a couple million claims higher is acceptable. Not 23.2 million. Shows how wide spread and the number of fraudsters that have used and abused the California EDD. This may reach well in excess of 100 billion before we’re done.

goes a long way to why California keeps voting democrat

a different type of fraud

eliminate all kinds of fraud in California and it would turn Republican

with a shitload of freeloaders needing to be addressed

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

There is nothing theoretical of racism in america......!!!!!!

Yep those racists even formed a political party

the Democrat Party

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

CNN International

The United States has just recorded its highest increase in rates of homicide in modern history, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Provisional data from the CDC's National Center for Health Statistics, released early Wednesday, suggest the homicide rate for the United States rose 30% between 2019 and 2020. It is the highest increase recorded in modern history

"It is the largest increase in 100 years," Robert Anderson, chief of the mortality statistics branch at NCHS, said.

Thanks BLM and "defund the police"

wonder how many of these were blacks?

probably a majority

Don't worry, Kamala will bail you out while she's searching for the root cause.

anonymous said...

And where does racism rear its ugly its ugly head these days????? In the red states of lincloln trump slurpers.....BWAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!

rrb said...

There is nothing theoretical of racism in america......!!!!!!

That's correct, BWAA.

So if there's nothing theoretical about it, one does not need some ginned-up "theory" or "project" to explain it.

Unless they're running a con.

Thanks for making my point.

These "theories" all have a common question/theme -

"How can I use the extensively and minutely detailed and documented HISTORY of racism to harvest a mountain of cash via a guilt-fueled grift?"

Early adopters of this con like Henry Rogers X-Crement at Boston U, the Bozo the clown-haired 1619 twat, and Patrice Cullors of BLM among others, have been richly rewarded for being very early adopters of the shake-down, and as long as there are folks like you who's guilt makes the fall for it, they'll continue.

Every con loves an easy mark, and you guys can't stop falling for it, probably thinking it's the shortest path to your Marxist utopia.

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

These "theories" all have a common question/theme -

"How can I use the extensively and minutely detailed and documented HISTORY of racism to harvest a mountain of cash via a guilt-fueled grift?"

yep, AG Garland's family is the largest benefactor from CRT "teaching".

Making millions

funny how that works

I guess next up will be Professor Hunter

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Wild Card?

Because midterm elections are typically referendums on the incumbent president, Joe Biden’s rapidly deteriorating approval rate should be very worrying to Democrats.

We see early signs of worry in Virginia’s gubernatorial race where Terry McAuliffe (D) is now seeking distance from Biden.

Said McAuliffe recently: ”We are facing a lot of headwinds from Washington. As you know, the president is unpopular today, unfortunately, here in Virginia, so we have got to plow through.”

If Biden’s approval rate does not recover by next year, the historical trends are very clear. Since World War II, the party of the incumbent president has lost an average of 26 seats in the House, and an average of four seats in the Senate.

If history holds — and it’s rarely wise to bet against history — Democrats would easily lose control of Congress. Their ability to pass anything would be gone.

But politics is much like physics in that every force has an opposing force.

And that opposing force this cycle is Donald Trump, a historical anomaly whose hold over the Republican Party has only gotten stronger since the January 6 insurrection at the Capitol.

It’s almost unbelievable that someone who actively tried to overturn the results of an election would be embraced so tightly by Republican officials. It’s even more unbelievable because Trump lost the last election by more than 7 million votes and was impeached twice. But it’s a clear indication that the GOP sees no other path to power.

So while history suggests Democrats would lose control of Congress if the election were held today, the Trump factor remains a big wildcard.

It’s not obvious how sticking by Trump actually expands the Republican coalition for next year’s elections.

Here’s what else we’ve noticed this week:

Democrats went into September facing four big issues — government funding, the debt limit, the bipartisan infrastructure bill and a massive budget reconciliation package. After last night’s vote on the debt limit, they’ve essentially punted on three of them and still haven’t agreed on a topline number for their budget reconciliation bill. It’s going to be a very busy December.Although Mitch McConnell faced a mini rebellion from Senate Republicans after agreeing to a short term debt limit hike, his overall strategy is to create chaos and eat up floor time for Democrats during a critical time on their legislative agenda. Few things would be more chaotic than a potential government shutdown or debt default.

Myballs said...

Who saod6 I was petrified of something? I'm factually pointing out that it's nothing more than a Theory. And it's very name acknowledges this.

Myballs said...

Roger still posting about Trump. How sad that is.

anonymous said...

So if there's nothing theoretical about it, one does not need some ginned-up "theory" or "project" to explain it.

Dayum rat, you really need to bone up on what CRT is.....there is nothing in it that explains it or accepts since it states racism is endemic in america!!!!! Read that Britancia piece I might help you our of your typical reactionary stupor you are in!!!!!!! BWAAAAAAPAAAAAA!!!!!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The con is very simple.

CRT is not bringing taught.

The right wing nutcase websites like you know who won't post Thecoldheartedtruth about

American history, which happens to include slavery, Jim Crow repression and structural racism.

Anonymous said...

Traitor Joe's Epic Job Fail very Expected

rrb said...

It's all a con, a grift, and a fucking HOAX:

Black Woman Masquerading As Ku Klux Klan Member Terrorized Neighbors, Faces Charges

ABlack woman is accused of masquerading as a member of the Ku Klux Klan to terrorize her neighbors.

Terresha Lucas, 30, is charged with eight counts of making terroristic threats, the Douglasville Police Department in Georgia announced in a news release posted on Facebook.

The "racially-charged" notes began to appear in the mailboxes of residents on Manning Drive, in a subdivision called Brookmont, in December, the police department said.

The notes claimed to be written by a member of the Ku Klux Klan and threatened to burn down homes and kill people, police said. The notes described the author as "a six-feet-tall white male with a long, red beard who did not live in the neighborhood," police added.

But the police department's investigation led them to Lucas, a Black woman who lives in Brookmont.

The first notes arrived in the mailboxes of two residents on the street on December 21. "The notes threatened to burn their houses down and kill them and said that they didn't belong in the neighborhood," Detective Nathan Shumaker said.

rrb said...

An accounting professor at UCLA said he filed a lawsuit against the school after it put him on leave and allegedly threatened to fire him for not grading Black student’s more leniently than their peers.

"Recently, I was suspended from my job for refusing to treat my black students as lesser than their non-black peers," Gordon Klein wrote in an op-ed titled, "Why I Am Suing UCLA."

The ordeal began, according to Klein, on June 2, 2020, eight days after George Floyd was killed in Minneapolis. A white student emailed Klein asking for a "no harm" final for Black students, meaning low grades would not be counted, in response to "unjust murders of Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor and George Floyd."

Klein described the proposal as "deeply patronizing and offensive" to Black students and said the email left him "shocked."

He then responded to the student, who was not named, saying: "Are there any students that may be of mixed parentages, such as half black half-Asian?"

"What do you suggest I do with respect to them? A full concession or just half? Also, do you have any idea if any students are from Minneapolis? I assume that they are probably especially devastated as well. I am thinking that a white student from there might possibly be even more devastated by this, especially because some might think that they’re racist even if they are not," he recounted in the op-ed, adding that he also included a quote from Martin Luther King Jr.

His response was slammed by students as racist, and a petition circulated calling for his termination that garnered about 20,000 signatures over two days, he said.

The dean of UCLA’s business school launched an investigation, put him on leave and nearly terminated him, according to Klein.

"It was around that time that I started to receive death threats on voicemail and email. One email, dated June 11, read: ‘You are a typical bigoted, prejudiced and racist dirty, filthy, crooked, arrogant Jew k--e mother f--ker! Too bad Hitler and the Nazis are not around to give you a much needed Zyklon B shower,’" Klein wrote.

Klein said he was reinstated after nearly three weeks of suspension, "But this story is not over."

"You see, most of my income comes not from teaching at UCLA but from consulting to law firms and other corporations. Several of those firms dropped me after they got wind that I’d been suspended — the better to put distance between themselves and a ‘racist.’ That cost me the lion’s share of my annual income. The students involved in this escapade may have moved on to other causes. I have not. I’m not sure I ever will," he explained, saying he filed suit against the University of California system.

UCLA did not immediately respond to Fox News’s request for comment.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

When the President speaks today he will probably use the bad jobs report as a reason to pass two bills that will create millions of jobs in rural areas and the suburbs.

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

WSJ Editorial Page

A new study shows the huge new federal payments will shrink the incentive to work, writes The Editorial Board


Was the study called "Econ 101 For Dummies"?

Biden didn't even get that far

and it shows

rrb said...

Dayum rat, you really need to bone up on what CRT is....

What it really is is a THEORY. As in critical race THEORY.

Racism in America is not theoretical. It's documented and REAL. Things that are documented and real require NO "theory" to explain them. But they do require a theory to cash in on them via liberal guilt grifts.

anonymous said...

Wow a single black women making threats......I sure hope she gets what you think she a bullet to the head or choked by a cop......idiot.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The major reason is a shortage of workers. Not the only reason why they aren't as good we expected.

More than nine million Americans said in May that they wanted jobs and couldn’t find them. Companies said they had more than nine million jobs open that weren’t filled, a record high.

As the economy reopens, the process of matching laid-off workers to jobs is proving to be slow and complicated, a contrast to the swift and decisive layoffs that followed the initial stage of the pandemic in early 2020.

The disconnect helps to explain why so many companies are complaining about having trouble filling open positions so early in a recovery. It also helps to explain why wages are rising briskly even when the unemployment rate, at 5.9% in June, is well above the pre-pandemic rate of 3.5%. The relatively high jobless rate suggests an excess of labor supply that in theory should hold wages down.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

If she is a drug addicted black woman she deserves to die in the brain of rrb.

rrb said...

A new study shows the huge new federal payments will shrink the incentive to work, writes The Editorial Board

Next up - a new study to prove that water is, in fact, fucking WET.

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...


The President of the United States is celebrating corporations that are firing employees for making their own medical decisions.


and then he wonders why job growth is so underperforming

but Hunter is doing fine

maybe we need more new "artists"

anonymous said...

What is really is a THEORY. As in critical race THEORY.

Sorry sport, you have no fucking idea what you are mad at.....which is most amusing!!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The relatively high jobless rate suggests an excess of labor supply that in theory should hold wages down.

Lower wages are going to reduce inflation pressure more than kputz said.

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...



In case you missed President Biden today.

Catturd ™

Eggplant Brain strikes again.

What an embarrassing joke.

no wonder sycophant Cavuto cut away

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Roger Amick said...
The relatively high jobless rate suggests an excess of labor supply that in theory should hold wages down.

Lower wages are going to reduce inflation pressure more than kputz said

Actually lower wages are going to increase the pain for most working Americans

And the remaining inflation will only be salt in the wound

thanks Joe

and the democrats

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

* and wait until higher taxes are trickled down

Commonsense said...

Sorry sport, you have no fucking idea what you are mad at.....which is most amusing!!!!!!!

Maybe you should Read what CRT is.

anonymous said...

I have cramps have you????????? seem to be in your own brand of fog without a clue.......BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!