Friday, October 1, 2021

Can anyone tell my how this makes sense?

House Democrats Block Bill That Would Require COVID Testing for Illegal Immigrants
Iowa Republican Rep. Mariannette Miller-Meeks introduced a bill this week requiring COVID testing of illegal immigrants at the border before they can cross. They shouldn’t be let in anyway, but if they are, doesn’t it make sense to test them? Democrats don’t think so. They blocked the bill.

So Democrats are so enthralled with bring more and more illegals into the United States that they believe it is unfair to even test them for Covid before they enter? These are the same Democrats who are literally working to get naturalized and legal Americans fired and shunned if they do not get double vaccinated (even if they have natural immunity). 

Apparently there is a double standard here. Is it because those illegals are mostly coming into Texas and Democrats don't care if Covid numbers increase in a red state? Or what possible reasoning can be provided for why we do not have to treat illegals to the same degree we treat naturalized citizens?


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

This is why I support Sleepy Joe Biden and the government of California.

In the first such action in the nation, Gov. Gavin Newsom issued a mandate Friday requiring all eligible public and private schoolchildren in California to be vaccinated against COVID-19, a policy the state expects to affect millions of students.

The mandate would take effect for grades 7 through 12 the semester following the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's full approval of the vaccine for children ages 12 and older, according to the governor’s office. Students in kindergarten through sixth grade would be phased in after the vaccine is formally approved for younger children.

The mandate could take effect for students 12 and older as early as January 2022 if there is full federal approval for a COVID-19 vaccine for that age range, the governor said in remarks at a San Francisco school.

"There’s still a struggle to get to where we need to be," Newsom said about the effort to contain the pandemic. "And that means we need to do more, and we need to do better."

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Insurrection is not always accurate so I will check it out myself

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

They kind of distorted the internet.

before they are released into U.S. communities. 

They are not released into the general public until they get hearings on immigration and, if they are released into the general public areas, they are required to be tested and get injections.

They are in camps across Texas and other regions. They have to apply for asylum and in most cases they have families.

They have been screened by the border patrol to determine if they are gangs and again drug dealers...

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

As usual you didn't include the whole story about this situation and others..

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

A lot of Republicans oppose more immigrants into the United States because they will replace them...

C.H. Truth said...

They are not released into the general public until they get hearings on immigration and, if they are released into the general public areas, they are required to be tested and get injections.


Where are they released to pending their hearings... if not the general public? Under Trump they had to stay in Mexico, but under Biden they just let 18,000 Haitians wander right into the general public. Otherwise it's all about kids in cages and detention camps (which the left abhors).

Seriously Roger...

Do you not realize that we just let nearly 20 thousand Haitians into the country and there are at least another 60,000 or more on the way? They are not keeping them under the bridge indefinitely.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

A week ago, all of the migrants had been cleared from the makeshift camp on the Texas side of the Rio Grande after the Biden administration deported 5,000 Haitians and more than 12,000 others were sent to federal immigration facilities across the southwest.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

There are no longer anyone under the bridge.

A week ago, all of the migrants had been cleared from the makeshift camp on the Texas side of the Rio Grande after the Biden administration deported 5,000 Haitians and more than 12,000 others were sent to federal immigration facilities across the southwest.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

We don't have a good plan to address immigration issues. Neither side have fixed it.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

There are no longer anyone under the bridge.

A week ago, all of the migrants had been cleared from the makeshift camp on the Texas side of the Rio Grande after the Biden administration deported 5,000 Haitians and more than 12,000 others were sent to federal immigration facilities across the southwest.

As usual.

Anonymous said...

Bidenomics crushing the middle income and low income earners.

" disposable income. Aug. -0.3% "

The Three Socialist Stooges of CHT don't want to be honest , the Biden Booming Economy never happened.

Food, gasoline and now home heating prices are all up hugely (*h/t Bernie Sanders)

Anonymous said...

Roger is always Spectacularly wrong.

Total lie.

"They are not released into the general public until they get hearings on immigration and, if they are released into the general public areas, they are required to be tested and get injections."

Caliphate4vr said...

They are not released into the general public until they get hearings on immigration and, if they are released into the general public areas, they are required to be tested and get injections.

You’re embarrassing yourself again Alky

Anonymous said...

Cali, Roger is a dumb parrot.

Anonymous said...


Roger used a made up economic term.

"Earning Equality"

When asked WTF it means, he was again unable to put any meat on that bone.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

They are not released into the general public until they get hearings on immigration and are given asylum if they are granted asylum, they are required to be tested and get injections.

My one words because I checked the news coverage.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Sleepy Joe is late for his meeting with the House members this afternoon.

I'm watching live

Anonymous said...

Spectacular word salad.

Alky stupid
"My one words because I checked the news coverage."

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I'm more optimistic than the Ap

President Joe Biden is heading to Capitol Hill as Democrats strain to rescue a scaled-back version of his $3.5 trillion government overhaul and salvage a related public works bill after days of frantic negotiations resulted in no deal.

The White House said Biden was to meet in private Friday afternoon with House Democrats.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi had earlier vowed there would be a “vote today” on the $1 trillion infrastructure bill that is popular but has become snared in the broader debate. But that appeared increasingly unlikely, with no votes scheduled and chances for a quick resolution dimming as negotiations continued.

He's not going to Delaware today.

Anonymous said...

"One" is singular

"Words" is plural

"Akly" is never going to move to Bonney Lake , Washington, too broke.

rrb said...

Killer Joe plays the Jan. 6 card:

In his private talks with legislators, Biden has suggested a Democratic defeat on the current bills would be a gift to Republicans, empowering a party that he has judged a threat to democracy itself. Defeat, he has warned, would embolden the same forces who tacitly blessed the origins of the Jan. 6th insurrection and are now balking at helping to lift the national debt ceiling to avoid a government default.

What an assclown. LOL.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

This might be his most important day of his career.

And of course The United States of America.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

rrb said...

And in addition to testing/vaccinating all the illegal beaners, let's require testing/vaccination for all welfare/unemployment recipients.

No shot, no check from Uncle Sugar.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

rrb said...

They are not released into the general public until they get hearings on immigration and, if they are released into the general public areas, they are required to be tested and get injections.


The HHS clown already admitted that 12,000 Haitians are scattering like cockroaches across the country as we speak.

Get your shit straight alky.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Welfare queens LMAO at the racist rodent.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

more than 12,000 others were sent to federal immigration facilities across the southwest.

The same kind of tents when Trump was the President.

rrb said...

Vaccination requirements are BENEATH the welfare queenie's alky?

Those parasites should be at the FRONT of the vaccination line. It's not like they have anything better to do other than smoke rock and play scratch offs.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

He just refused to take questions.

rrb said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...
more than 12,000 others were sent to federal immigration facilities across the southwest.

The same kind of tents when Trump was the President.


Sept. 26 (UPI) -- Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas said Sunday that as many as 12,000 Haitian migrants who made their way to the U.S.-Mexico border have been released into the United States.

In an interview with Fox News Sunday, Mayorkas said that approximately 10,000 to 12,000 migrants detained in Del Rio, Texas, in recent weeks have been released into the United States.

Another 3,000 remain in detention, while 5,000 are being processed by the Department of Homeland Security, and in a separate interview with CNN's State of the Union, he said 4,000 have been expelled under a public health authority known as Title 42.

Mayorkas told Fox News Sunday that the number of migrants released into the United States and returned to Haiti could both "be even higher" as their cases are processed.

No mention of tents. Just RELEASED into the US.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

This story has been happening for over 140 years ago when the Italian immigrants were allowed to become citizens.


rrb said...

My grandparents were Italian immigrants, from Naples and Sicily respectively before they met, married and emigrated.

You know absolutely NOTHING of which you speak.

And they had papers, so you can shove the "WOP" slur up your nursing home ass, drunkard.

Anonymous said...

Roger is always first a Racist.


TO this Itailian/French American you, Roger are offensive in every manner.

Anonymous said...


"And they had papers, so you can shove the "WOP" slur up your nursing home ass, drunkard." RRB

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

With out papers

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

It’s a make-or-break moment for President Biden’s $1.2 trillion infrastructure package, which would be the largest upgrade to the country’s roads, bridges, pipes, ports and broadband in decades.

The Senate passed the bill in early August with bipartisan support, but it has yet to be approved by the House. Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) is pushing hard to get a vote on the bill as fast as possible, but some Democrats are refusing to pass it. Liberal Democrats want to make sure the rest of Biden’s agenda, including paid family leave, free preschool, expanded Medicare and green economy investments, also gets voted on. But some moderate Democrats are balking at the price tag of the separate $3.5 trillion bill. Even though the infrastructure bill is popular with the public, there’s a real chance it fails to pass the House if Democrats can’t sort out their differences.


This meeting is probably the best day or the worst day for The country.

rrb said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...

With out papers

And they had papers, so you can shove the "WOP" slur up your nursing home ass, drunkard.

Stick to calling Blacks "NEGROES" on Twitter, alky.

You racist piece of shit.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

What’s in the $1.2 trillion infrastructure package

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

You didn't study history.

Anonymous said...

Roger , you fucked up , you Racist Steaming pile of sub-himan shit.

Caliphate4vr said...

WASHINGTON — Border agents in the Rio Grande Valley, the center of the migrant surge, were authorized Saturday to begin releasing adult migrants and families from custody before they have been given dates to appear in court, according to an internal document obtained by NBC News.

The move is "intended to mitigate operational challenges, including risks to national security, during significant surges of illegal migration as currently exist in the Rio Grande Valley" by reducing the time immigrants spend in custody, according to the document.

Some immigrants said they were being released without knowing how they would be contacted.

Educate yourself, Alky

Anonymous said...

Spectacularly wrong

😂Roger AmickOctober 1, 2021 at 3:12 PM

It’s a make-or-break moment for President Biden’s $1.2 trillion infrastructure package, which would be the largest upgrade to the country’s roads, bridges, pipes, ports and broadband in decades.😂

History, Obama, not -so shovel ready massive $1.4 Trillion. Roger running from History.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

rrb probably thinks this is a welfare queen Democratic plan to take his taxes and give it to beaners and Mooslimbs and dark skinned people like Obama.

Broadband: $65 billion. There is a major focus in the bill on expanding broadband in rural areas and low-income communities. This has been a bipartisan priority for years, but the White House estimates that about 30 million Americans still do not have reliable Internet access, which became a major issue for schooling and work during the pandemic. About $14 billion of the funding would go toward making monthly Internet bills more affordable for low-income Americans.

This might help kids to access information about everything and improve their education. Higher educated people vote for Democrats. So he thinks it's CRT.

Anonymous said...

Cali again does a Masterful job of putting the dunce hat on always Spectacularly wrong Roger.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

A lot of Republicans voted for this bill.

What are the other top-line numbers?
Roads and bridges: $110 billion. The biggest-ticket item in the bill is money for building and repairing roads and bridges across the country. Many senators are already touting projects in their home states that will benefit from the funding. Sens. Joe Manchin III (D-W.Va.) and Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) were both instrumental in crafting the bipartisan plan, and it is notable that the bill includes specific funding earmarked for Appalachian and Alaskan highways. There is also funding for transportation research at universities, funding for Puerto Rico’s highways and money for “congestion relief” efforts in cities

Railroads: $66 billion. The U.S. passenger rail system, a favorite of Biden’s, receives a large chunk of funding for upgrades and maintenance. There is substantial funding earmarked for the Northeast Corridor, the heavily traveled route from Boston to D.C. The bill also has money for freight rail safety and calls for stations that average 40 passengers a day to have a station agent on duty. Some were disappointed that the bill does not specifically call for high-speed-rail investment as seen in other countries.

[Democrats release $3.5 trillion budget blueprint]
Power grid: $65 billion. The plan has substantial funding for “grid reliability and resiliency,” a fancy way of saying updates to older power lines and cables and investments in ways to ensure the power grid is not hacked. As part of the bill’s efforts to address climate change, the power-grid section also has funding to support the development and adaptation of clean-energy technology.

The infrastructure bill I hope it's passed tonight.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

That was from March!!@@@!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Roger, did you read Ali's, link?

It proves you wrong, again, you Racist .

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Customs and Border Protection agents take people into custody people near the border with Mexico in Hidalgo, Texas, on Saturday.Julio Cortez / AP

March 22, 2021, 8:35 AM PDT

Anonymous said...

God Alky, you are dumber the Dennis.

😂investments in ways to ensure the power grid is not hacked😂

Impossible .

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Customs and Border Protection agents take people into custody people near the border with Mexico in Hidalgo, Texas, on Saturday.Julio Cortez / AP

March 22, 2021, 8:35 AM PDT

Cali is a fucking alcoholic

Anonymous said...

The affirmative action VP said the US House Bill is $1 Trillion, not Alky's "1.2 trillion infrastructure package".

Some one is wrong.

Caliphate4vr said...

I’m not the one in AA.

Alky, they don’t process them until their hearing they are released and USED TO BE GIVEN DATE TO APPEAR

They are no longer even doing that

You don’t know what the fuck you are talking about, as always

rrb said...

Cali is a fucking alcoholic

Neither of us is a "friend of Bill's" (LOL), and we're both working with the liver God gave us, cirrhosis boy.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Why Is Everything Last Minute on Capitol Hill?

October 1, 2021 at 4:00 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 10 Comments

New York Times: “The wrenching intraparty battle taking place among Democrats on Capitol Hill is a unique, perhaps historical, reckoning — but it is also the most Groundhog Day of Washington crises: a frenzy of last-second action preceded by epic procrastination.”

“The stakes are immense: President Biden’s $1.2 trillion infrastructure plan, another $3.5 trillion toward human capital and social welfare programs, the fate of the progressive agenda and, quite possibly, the viability of a fragile Democratic governing coalition.”

“Which explains why Democrats have delayed the current confrontation like it was the mother of all dentist’s appointments.”

When the President leaves the meeting he said it might take 6 hours or 6 days of 6 weeks.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...
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Coldheartedtruth Teller said...
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Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

No vote tonight

President Biden attended a private meeting of House Democrats on Friday afternoon, seeking to unite his party behind both pieces of his domestic agenda as they remain mired in deep internal divisions.

His appearance on Capitol Hill came after increasingly bitter feuding among liberal and moderate factions in the party culminated on Thursday in a decision by Democratic leaders to delay a vote on a $1 trillion bipartisan infrastructure package because of a progressive blockade.

A closed-door meeting called by Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Friday morning did little to resolve the disputes, as lawmakers from swing districts pleaded for passage of the infrastructure bill and liberals in safe Democratic seats said they would not vote yes until the Senate passed an ambitious climate change and social safety net measure.

Anonymous said...

I love these stories.

😂Social Security's trust funds for retirement and disability benefits are projected to be able to pay only 78% of promised benefits by 2034.😊

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

But a deal by midday Friday still eluded Democrats, while the White House offered little details about the current state of its talks. Psaki only acknowledged that “some have come down, some have come up, in the numbers that we’re looking at here.”

Anonymous said...

Can't promised SS payments.
BUT, let spend trillion on the Green energy hoax.

Ford and GM , admitted that the US doesn't have the electric energy to power the Web's Biden wants.

So Roger where does all that new electricity going to come from?

Not nukes
Not Coal
Not Oil

anonymous said...

Can't promised SS payments.
BUT, let spend trillion on the Green energy hoax.

Ford and GM , admitted that the US doesn't have the electric energy

AND YOU CAN'T FIND YOUR ASS IN THE DARK......BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!! Especially amusing especially with ford investing billions in new plants for electric vehicles!!!!!

Caliphate4vr said...

Just to rub a little salt on the Alky’s stupidity. They are being release PRIOR TO THEIR HEARINGS

Officials: Many Haitian migrants are being released in U.S.
Many have been released with notices to appear at an immigration office within 60 days.
A migrant wades across from Mexico to Texas
A migrant migrant wades across the Rio Grande from Ciudad Acuña, Mexico, to Del Rio, Texas, on Sept. 20, 2021. | Fernando Llano/AP Photo

DEL RIO, Texas — Many Haitian migrants camped in a small Texas border town are being released in the United States, two U.S. officials said, undercutting the Biden administration’s public statements that the thousands in the camp faced immediate expulsion.

Haitians have been freed on a “very, very large scale” in recent days, according to one U.S. official who put the figure in the thousands. The official, with direct knowledge of operations who was not authorized to discuss the matter Tuesday and thus spoke on condition of anonymity

Many have been released with notices to appear at an immigration office within 60 days, an outcome that requires less processing time from Border Patrol agents than ordering an appearance in immigration court and points to the speed at which authorities are moving, the official said.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

It’s obviously not all Biden’s fault. He’s in a terrible spot. The immigration system has been starved of resources for years; we have nowhere near enough immigration courts, judges, and detention centers; and we have a massive backlog of cases. The tribalized Congress can barely legislate even to avoid a national default, let alone overhaul immigration. Eleven million people still have no legal status; and the border remains insecure, in part because Trump didn’t keep a core campaign promise.

My point is simply this: when you inherit this mess and face what might be a new era of mass migration, you don’t swiftly end measures like Remain in Mexico that helped stem the flood; you don’t create extra incentives for more migration; you don’t reduce enforcement, as Mayorkas just announced; you keep things under control — especially when we are in a pandemic — and then try to reform and rebuild carefully. Like the movement to defund the police in several big cities, Biden moved too swiftly to mark a clear break from the past without thinking through the near future.

He had a very simple excuse anyway: Covid. He was already banning Europeans from entering the US. He couldn’t invoke the same reason to keep the Southern land-border effectively closed? He issued vaccine mandates for millions of Americans but not for migrants at the border, who have an estimated 20 percent infection rate? The nativist notion that the Democrats favor illegal immigrants over US citizens is not exactly refuted by this glaring kind of double standard.

But the moral frisson of crafting your immigration policies simply as a photo-negative image of Trump’s was too much for the Democrats to resist. The temptation to reduce every normie concern about immigration to “white supremacy” was too hard to eschew. And the view that “All Borders Are Racist” — as perfect an expression of woke extremism as “Defund the Police” and “Pregnant People” — became an elite cause. Nation-states and borders? That has been left in the dust of the Obama era. You know: Obama, the black president who deported more illegal immigrants than any president in history and won enough white Northern working-class votes to win the Electoral College and popular vote twice.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

There is a broader, darker context here as well. The cold civil war now raging in this country is fueled by rapidly changing demographics, and a century-high peak in the foreign-born population. Native cultural and racial anxiety is ascendant, as anyone with any faint grasp of human nature or passing acquaintance with history could have predicted. The last time we had such a mass influx, a century ago, we shut down most immigration for decades. Elsewhere in the West, mass migration has empowered the far right, and taken the UK out of the EU.

Yet in a very similar situation, when racial anxiety has already helped bring an unhinged authoritarian to power, and threatens to help him come back, the Democrats seem utterly blind to the danger. You want to take the wind out of the racist “Great Replacement” canard that appears to be gaining traction? You can huff and puff on Twitter, and feel great. Or you can get serious about border control.

The optics are also terrible — and compound a sense that the Biden administration is losing control of events. The scenes of death and mayhem in Kabul merge too easily in the mind with the squalor and disorder in Del Rio. Factor in the faltering vaccine program, and the prevaricating, incomprehensible shit-show of this Congress, and you can see how the image of a doddering incompetent in the White House is beginning to stick. And once that image imprints itself, it’s hard to escape it.

Worse: the immigration debate reflects an elite that simply cannot imagine why most normal citizens think that enforcing a country’s borders is not an exercise in white supremacist violence, but a core function of any basic government.

Which is to say that far from taming the brushfire of right ethno-populism, Biden may be fueling it. Trump may not need to send the country into a constitutional crisis in 2024. If mass migration continues to accelerate under this administration, and Biden seems unable or unwilling to do anything about it, Tump could win that election in a romp. 

Andrew Sullivan rrb's secret lover.

Commonsense said...

President Biden attended a private meeting of House Democrats on Friday afternoon, seeking to unite his party behind both pieces of his domestic agenda as they remain mired in deep internal divisions.

Biden couldn't get out of there fast enough. He trusted Pelosi to get a deal done and fell into the embarrassing trap of having nothing to announce.

Caliphate4vr said...

Can’t admit you didn’t know what the fuck you babbling about, AGAIN