Monday, October 18, 2021

Delta pushes back on Biden mandate

Delta Air Lines CEO Will Not Enforce ‘Divisive’ Vaccine Mandate
“The reason the mandate was put in by president, I believe, was because they wanted to make sure companies had a plan to get their employees vaccinated,” he said. “A month before the president came out with the mandate, we had already announced our plan to get all of our people vaccinated. And the good news is the plan is working.”
Calling the mandate “divisive,” Bastian said that collaboration with people while respecting their decisions was far more productive. “By the time we’re done, we’ll be pretty close to fully vaccinated as a company without going through all the divisiveness of a mandate,” he said. “We’re proving that you can work collaboratively with your people, trusting your people to make the right decisions, respecting their decisions and not forcing them over the loss of their jobs.”

Well I am sort of surprised this came from Delta of all airlines. They seemed to have been the most heavy handed in their constant vigilance regarding mask wearing. If I had a dollar for everytime one of the flight attendants asked someone to adjust their mask, or questioned someone who was eating or drinking, my flight would have been paid for. They just seemed like the super nazi Covid police. They also seem to be the most "woke" Airline of the bunch.

But I guess no airline wants what happened over at Southwest when the pilots started staging call-in strikes and the airline had to cancel nearly 3000 flights in one weekend. Obviously Pilots are professional adults with some degree of maturity and don't like to be told what to do with their own body. Either way, this was a welcome push back from an unexpected company.


Commonsense said...

Probably has something to do with keeping enough pilots, air crews, and ground crews to keep the planes running.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Trump Faces a Pile Up of Civil Lawsuits
October 18, 2021 at 2:23 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 25 Comments

NBC News: “At least 10 civil cases are pending against Trump, whose ability to delay them has been curtailed since he left office in January. Trump had argued in some of the cases that as a sitting president he was immune from civil lawsuits. His office didn’t respond to a request for comment on the cases.”