Tuesday, October 26, 2021

He who laughs last

The karma is staggering!


rrb said...

Love it. Rooting for the Braves all the way.

Hopefully Tank Abrams had a fucking seizure when she saw that.

Anonymous said...

rrb can't comment without the f word

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


Wisconsin Republicans are Planning an Audit of the Election Audit

Republicans in the Wisconsin state Senate announced “they were launching a review of a recently completed audit of the 2020 election, just days after one of their members said the audit had shown voting had been safe and secure.”

Here's why:
So when an election
does not turn out the way you wanted it to,
you audit the election.
And when that audit doesn't turn out the way you wanted it to,
you audit the audit.
And when that audit doesn't turn out the way you wanted it to you,
audit the audit of the audit.
And when that audit doesn't turn out the way you wanted it to,
you audit the audit of the audit of the... ....etc., etc., etc."

Knee slapping funny.
And the entire world is surely laughing too.

Trumpism Rules said...

you audit the audit of the audit you audit the audit of the audit you audit the audit of the audit

Until the pillow guy wins his Supreme Court decision and Donald Trump will be sworn in on the day after Thanksgiving dinner!


rrb said...

In a joint statement issued Monday, Senate Republican leaders authorized the Committee on Elections, Election Process Reform and Ethics to conduct an investigation into the Audit Bureau’s findings, including the city of Madison’s refusal to provide the Audit Bureau with access to actual ballots. The city, along with Milwaukee County and the Oconto County town of Little Suamico, declined to provide ballots, citing guidance from the U.S. Department of Justice reminding clerks of their obligation to retain and preserve election records, according to the report.


Huh. No access to the actual ballots. Wonder why?

Perhaps because the scumbags citing DOJ "guidance" cannot be trusted.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

This would be funny too, if it were not.

When red states which discourage masking and vaccinating have the highest infection rates,
what do you do?

You encourage them to continue discouraging masking and vaccinations.

And when that leads to still higher infection rates,
what do you do?

You continue to encourage them to continue discouraging masking and vaccinations.

And when that leads to still higher infection rates,
what do you do?

You continue to continue to encourage them to continue discouraging masking and vaccinations.

And when that leads to still higher infection rates,
what do you do?

You continue to continue to continue to encourage them to continue discouraging masking and vaccinations.

And when... etc., etc., etc.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

I guess this is the part of the audit article constant liar rrb cited that he didn't want us to see.

Madison City Clerk Maribeth Witzel-Behl sent a letter on Aug. 24 to Audit Bureau director Dean Swenson indicating that she would provide copies of ballots, absentee ballot envelopes and other election-related documents, but would not supply the original documents.

“Given that the conduct and outcome of the Presidential Election is still being litigated in various forums, I cannot agree to turn over possession of original and irreplaceable election records absent a court order or some other legal authority that supersedes my obligations under federal and state laws, regardless of the requestor,” Witzel-Behl said in the letter.

Madison Mayor Satya Rhodes-Conway said in a statement that guidance from the U.S. Department of Justice cited federal criminal penalties for election officials who willfully fail to comply with state and federal requirements to retain and preserve election materials for 22 months after an election.


So, they are required by law to hold on to the original ballots.

“We informed LAB that they could inspect all records in the presence of City staff, but we could not hand over original ballots and documents,” Rhodes-Conway said. “LAB staff did not provide any legal authority which would supersede these statutes.”

James's Fucking Daddy said...

Did "james" ever reveal why lies so much or why he likes to gargle Goddard's balls !

Fantastic job Florida !!!

and Republican governors as a whole

and the "pastor" will keep on lying

must be a boswell tradition

like ball gargling of their idols

James's Fucking Daddy said...

Wisconsin Republicans Plan Audit of Election Audit
October 26, 2021 at 9:40 am EDT By Taegan Goddard 70 Comments

Republicans in the Wisconsin state Senate announced “they were launching a review of a recently completed audit of the 2020 election, just days after one of their members said the audit had shown voting had been safe and secure,” the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports.


and amazing how he always "forgets" to provide the link

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

The link used at 11:20 was supplied by rrb at 10:58.

Glad to be of service!!!

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

A New VCU poll finds that
Virginia Governor’s Race Remains Very Tight

A new VCU poll in Virginia finds Terry McAuliffe (D) just ahead of Glenn Youngkin (R) in the race for governor, 43% to 40%.

For comparison, the FiveThirtyEight polling average has McAuliffe up by 1.7 percentage points.

But of course, if McAuliffe (D) wins, the election will have been "stolen."

And demands for audits of audits of audits of audits along with demands for the illegal handing over of orginal ballots will begin.

James's Fucking Daddy said...

One of the few truthful bloggers here said...

Wisconsin Republicans are Planning an Audit of the Election Audit

Republicans in the Wisconsin state Senate announced “they were launching a review of a recently completed audit of the 2020 election, just days after one of their members said the audit had shown voting had been safe and secure.”

LINK NOT PROVIDED BY "One of the few truthful bloggers here " and word for word an exact copy:


What a constantly fucking liar who constantly gargles Goddard's balls.

and still continuing

Glad to prove you plagiarizing and lying again

though everyone here already knows that's your constant MO

what a fraud "pastor"


Commonsense said...

James is intellectually unable to think for himself.

You don't have to stretch yourself intellectually to be a mediocre pastor of an inconsequential church.

Commonsense said...

But of course, if McAuliffe (D) wins, the election will have been "stolen."

The election is close enough for Democrats to fix.

Expect a last minute barrage of mail-in ballots.

James's Fucking Daddy said...

Tom Fitton


They've been lying since the start about January 6. Has the FBI been subpoenaed by Pelosi's star chamber operation?

So NY Times admits an FBI presence in the Jan 6th protest

How many more?

And what was their role?

Release the complete video footage.

Anonymous said...

I always have the last laugh when it comes to the Three Socialist Stooges of CHT.

Denny asked me how His NOC Stock was doing.

πŸ˜†396.01 USD −10.61 (2.61%) todayπŸ˜‚

James's Fucking Daddy said...

J.D. Vance


Why are nonviolent protestors from January 6 sitting in prison while a guy who repeatedly instigated the incursion into the Capitol walks around free? A couple of possible explanations, all of them bad.


Incredible reporting on January 6th.

The FBI has lot's of explaining to do.

Why is Nancy not asking ?

And Wray/Garland silent.

Banana Republic

Anonymous said...

CS, he keeps the company of Denny and alky.

"CommonsenseOctober 26, 2021 at 11:45 AM

James is intellectually unable to think for himself."

Anonymous said...

Denny asked me about his NOC Stock.

Noc = Div yield 1.59%

The Home Depot = Div yield 1.78%

Anonymous said...

Denny asked me about his NOC Stock πŸ˜‚
Year todate , my Home Depot is stomping a mud hole in Denny's NOC
HD. $371.35 USD 39.58% ⬆️

NOC $394.04 USD 32.86% ⬆️

Commonsense said...

Go Braves, even though their cheer sounds and awful lot like the girls school in Tallahassee.