Thursday, October 14, 2021

House progressives won't vote for infrastructure bill without reconcilation and...

Sinema tells House Dems she won't vote for reconciliation until Pelosi passes the bipartisan infrastructure bill
U.S. Senator Kyrsten Sinema, a key moderate, told fellow Democrats in the House of Representatives this week that she will not vote for a multitrillion-dollar package that is a top priority for President Joe Biden before Congress approves a $1 trillion infrastructure bill, according to a source briefed on the meeting. In an online meeting, Sinema and fellow Senate moderate Joe Manchin said they would not abide by any deadlines adopted by leadership to force votes on the package.

House progressives have insisted from the start that they won’t vote for the bipartisan infrastructure bill that’s already passed the Senate until the Senate gives them *something* on reconciliation. Some lefties like Ro Khanna are willing to accept an agreed-to “framework” in lieu of the Senate passing a reconciliation bill. Others, like Pramila Jayapal, are sticking to their position that nothing short of a bill will lead them to act. Sinema’s warning to Biden was big news because it created a Catch-22. If she won’t move on reconciliation until the House progs pass the bipartisan bill and if House progs won’t pass the bipartisan bill until she moves on reconciliation, well, then Dems have an obvious problem.

Well I still think this will eventually resolve itself when the House progressives and the "squad" decide that it's time to get down on their collective knees and kiss some Manchin and Sinema ass. They won't like the taste of it, but at the end of the day they need something to pass or their fate as a Party in 2022 is doomed even more than it likely is even now.

There just seems to be little incentive for Manchin (who simply doesn't believe in the 3.5 trillion) or Sinema (who is likely galvanizing her opposition to spite protesters) to cave in. After all, they have done their part in voting for the bipartisan infrastructure bill. That bill sits in the House, waiting for Pelosi to bring it to a vote.

The bigger problem for the Democrats is that the President took the side of the progressives when he decided to get up from his nap and help out. In some sort of half awake stupor he decided not to push for the infrastructure vote, in spite of Pelosi and gang assuming that was what he was there to do. But it is likely that Biden just listened to the last person he talked to and now finds himself cornered into supporting the progressives over the moderates. If the progressive cave, that will make him look even more impotent than he already does.


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Coldheartedtruth propaganda classes.

He was just a drug addicted black man.
Here are some of the worst examples of their far-right propaganda:

COVID-19 conspiracies: OAN peddles unhinged COVID-19 disinformation, suggesting the Pfizer vaccine makes bodies magnetic and comparing the Biden administration's support for vaccines to Nazi Germany.5,

6Phony claims of election fraud: OAN pushes Trump's Big Lie about the 2020 election, claiming that ballots were altered by secret computer programs and that "a lot of dead people voted."7 

OAN even held an on-air fundraiser to support a "private" audit of ballots in Arizona and suggested there should be mass executions of election officials.8,9January 6 insurrection: OAN praised the mob that attacked the U.S. Capitol on January 6, and their owner claimed that the attack was a "false flag" operation by left-wing activists.

10LGBTQ+ hate: OAN's hosts and guests said transgender people have a "mental illness" and compared gender-affirming PBS programming to "child abuse."11White supremacy: OAN claimed George Floyd was responsible for his own death, pushed a video that went viral accusing a Black Lives Matter protester of attacking police, and one of their most prominent hosts has extensive ties to neo-Nazis and white supremacists

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Former President Bill Clinton has been admitted to the University of California Irvine Medical Center for a non-Covid-related infection. He is "on the mend" and "in good spirits," according to a statement from Clinton spokesman Angel Urena.

Anonymous said...

A classic Mexican Stand -off.

In the Ends the Socialist movement will pass $3.5 to $4 Trillion in new spending.

There is zero chance they don't .

Anonymous said...


A full blown Dumpster Fire 🔥
"US wholesale prices rose record 8.6% over 12 months" cite: AP

Anonymous said...

🤣Transitory Inflation 😂

"On Wednesday, the government reported that inflation at the retail level rose 0.4% in September with its consumer price index up 5.4% over the past 12 months, matching the fastest pace since 2008".

Myballs said...

Biden's court packing commission just said no to it. Oof.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

After both teams put on a display of dominant pitching, the Los Angeles Dodgers outlasted the San Francisco Giants, 2-1, to win Game 5 of this division series and advance to the National League Championship Series against Atlanta.

The tense affair between these longtime rivals, each of which came into the game with 109 wins between the regular season and the postseason, came down to its final inning when Cody Bellinger, a former Most Valuable Player Award winner who struggled badly this season, shot a single into right, scoring Justin Turner from second.

rrb said...

He was just a drug addicted black man.

He was also a violent felon, scumbag thief, and all-around piece of shit.

You always leave that part out, alky.

anonymous said...

was also a violent felon, scumbag thief, and all-around piece of shit.


rrb said...

A California woman who was paid nearly $5 million in a settlement after her son was fatally shot by police officers was arrested for using the money to purchase guns for her other son and gang members.

Christina Lopez, 42, of Madera, was one of 14 people arrested in a months-long investigation into a gang whose members were allegedly involved in a fatal shooting in July, according to the Fresno County Sheriff’s Office.

Lopez received $4.9 million from the city in April for the death of her 16-year-old son, Isiah Murrietta-Golding, who was shot and killed as he ran away from officers attempting to detain or arrest him in 2017. The settlement was one of the largest in the city’s history.

Fresno County District Attorney Lisa Smittcamp said that Lopez used funds from the settlement to purchase weapons for her 14-year old son to distribute to his gang.

“She has continued now to take the money from her settlement that she received from the city of Fresno to buy a home where she lives in addition to spending thousands of dollars on guns that she has in turn given to her 14-year-old son,” she said, according to ABC 30.

“Clearly, this family has been seasoned in this type of behavior,” Smittcamp added.

anonymous said...

Well good for her....exercising her right to bear arms, something you advocate 24/7!!!!!!!!!! Sorry sport, but your righteous indignation is most amusing!!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!

rrb said...

Americans Revert to Favoring Reduced Government Role


52% say government doing too many things

Last year, majority favored active government role

Half prefer lower taxes and fewer government services

Let's Go Brandon.

anonymous said...

70% of the country thinks trump supporters have a screw loose.......BWAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

On a harried, howling Thursday night at Oracle Park, with orange towels flapping in their faces and desperate jeers grabbing at their ankles, the Dodgers crushed memories and settled scores to win the greatest grudge match in franchise history.

In arguably the biggest game in the two teams’ 131 years of competition, the Dodgers not only beat the San Francisco Giants, but finished them, ended them, and climbed over them on their way to deep October.

In the first postseason duel in the team’s 2,540 games of competitive history, in the fifth and deciding game of the National League Division Series, the Dodgers sliced and slashed their way to a ninth-inning run to capture a 2-1 victory and series

Welcome to the rivalry history, Cody Bellinger’s last-gasp slashing single to right field with one out in the ninth. It scored Justin Turner with the eventual winning run. Bellinger pointed into the jubilant Dodgers dugout all the way to first base. He knew, and they knew.

“They’re obviously an unbelievable team … it’s an unbelievable win … to come in here and take that victory,” Bellinger said.


Hernández: Max Scherzer gets the save as unusual plan pans out for Dodgers in Game 5

Oct. 14, 2021

Welcome to the rivalry history, also, to starter Max Scherzer, who took the mound in the bottom of the ninth in relief and survived the Giants, ending the game on a controversial strikeout of Wilmer Flores with Kris Bryant on first base, bringing the Dodgers dancing out of their dugout.

Replays show that Flores clearly checked his swing on an 0-and-2 pitch, but first-base umpire Gabe Morales saw otherwise, called him out, ending the tumultuous series in turmoil.

And with the first save in Scherzer’s 14-year career.

“That’s Scherzer being Scherzer, man,” Bellinger said. “He’s a gamer. He’s a competitor.”

The Giants fans who had been so loud and harrowing all night filed out of the building cursing and gesturing. Meanwhile, several hundred Dodgers fans stayed, gathering behind the Dodgers’ dugout to serenade their champagne-swilling heroes when they emerged to take a bow.

“Moo-kie, Moo-kie” they cried to Mookie Betts, who had four hits and scored a run.

“MVP, MVP” they shouted at the shirtless Scherzer.

“Ju-lio, Ju-lio” they cheered the starting pitcher Julio Urías, who didn’t actually start but pitched four strong innings anyway.

The Dodgers were elated, energized, and completely exhausted.

“We poured everything we could into this series and it took everything we had to beat these guys,” Dodgers manager Dave Roberts said.

The Giants, despite finishing the season with 109 total wins and the best record in baseball, are done.

The Dodgers, meanwhile, advance to the National League Championship Series for the fifth time in six years, and for the second consecutive time against the Atlanta Braves, in a best-of-seven duel beginning Saturday in Atlanta.

Their Truist Park home is sterile. Their rivalry with the Dodgers is none. After enduring five games of Giants madness, it’s going to initially feel weird.

“There is no letdown,” claimed Roberts. “I have no doubt our guys are going to come ready to beat the Braves.”

Believe him.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Texas is the Harbor of the attack on democracy itself

voting rights and voter power.

In August, Texas passed one of the most restrictive voting bills in the country. As The New York Times reported, the law bans drive-through voting and 24-hour voting, which were used by nearly 140,000 voters in Harris County — which is about 44 percent Hispanic and 20 percent Black — during the 2020 election.

It addition, it “would prohibit election officials from sending absentee ballots to all voters, regardless of whether they had requested them; ban using tents, garages, mobile units or any temporary structure as a polling location; further limit who could vote absentee; and add new identification requirements for voting by mail. Partisan poll watchers would also have more access and autonomy under the bill’s provisions, and election officials could be more harshly punished if they make mistakes or otherwise run afoul of election codes and laws.”

The state didn’t stop there. Texas stands to gain two new congressional seats because its population grew, according to the latest census. And although 95 percent of that growth was due to people of color, the Republican-led Legislature is working on new maps that would increase the power of white Republicans in the state and reduce the power of people of color.

According to an analysis by The Texas Tribune published last week, although white Texans are only about 40 percent of the state’s population, “In the initial map for the Texas House, the majority of eligible voters (known in the redistricting and census data as the Citizen Voting Age Population) in 59.3 percent of the districts are white.”

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The second murder of Doctor Martin Luther

King’s modern-day assassins disregard everything he said about education. “Whites, it must frankly be said, are not putting in a similar mass effort to reeducate themselves out of their racial ignorance,” King wrote in 1967. “It is an aspect of their sense of superiority that the white people of America believe they have so little to learn.”

They disregard King’s worry about the effects of not teaching Black history, including white people internalizing notions of superiority and Black people internalizing notions of inferiority. “The history books, which have almost completely ignored the contribution of the Negro in American history, have only served to intensify the Negroes’ sense of worthlessness and to augment the anachronistic doctrine of white supremacy,” King wrote in 1967.

But all of this disregarding of King’s words has not been the worst of it. The distortions are what’s truly lethal to his legacy, such as the claim that King’s dream was for his four little children to live in a nation where despite numerous racial disparities, no one judges racism or mentions skin color and everyone judges only character, because a hierarchy of character is apparently causing the inequities. King’s nightmare of racism is being presented as King’s dream.

Those who distort King’s dream are now also distorting critical race theory, and distorting CRT to distort King. “Critical race theory is a Marxist doctrine that rejects the vision of Martin Luther King Jr.,” Donald Trump said at a Michigan campaign rally last October. In July, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy said, “Critical race theory goes against everything Martin Luther King has ever told us, don’t judge us by the color of our skin, and now they’re embracing it.”

It is wrong to present King, who continuously spoke out against racism, as someone who stood against people speaking out against racism. It is wrong to claim that teachers educating their students about past and present racism “are stomping on the grave of Martin Luther King,” to quote Mandel. But people such as Trump, McCarthy, and Mandel aren’t simply stomping on King’s grave themselves. These self-professed admirers of King are digging a new grave, and burying King’s body of work within it.

rrb said...

Kicking the plagiarism into high gear on a Friday, alky. Good job.

anonymous said...

Funny rat all you can do is comment on plagiarism......BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! sad you haven't figured out what it is......LOLOLOLOL
Your life must really suck if that is all you got!!!!!!!

rrb said...

Sinema to House dems -

Go Fuck Yourself.

rrb said...

Let's Go Brandon... Empty shelves Joe.

A key measure of inflation jumped 8.6 percent in September compared to a year ago, the largest advance since the Labor Department began calculating annual changes in producer prices under the current system in 2010. And a measure of inflation further out in the supply chain jumped 23.9 percent compared with a year ago.

The Producer Price Index for final demand rose 0.5 percent in September, a slowdown after the 0.7 percent gain in August. Compared with a year ago, the Producer Price Index is up 8.6 percent, higher than the 8.3 percent rise reported a month ago.

Prices for materials for durable goods manufacturing rose 1.9 percent for the month and are up a shocking 53 percent year over year. Components rose 0.8 percent on a monthly basis and are up 7.9 percent annually.

The Producer Price Index looks at inflation from the point of view of businesses, measuring prices received by sellers. The “final demand” index tracks goods and services sold to end-users in households, businesses, government, and as exports. In the past, the index was misleadingly called the “wholesale index” and many establishment media organizations continue to describe it incorrectly.

PPI also tracks prices paid higher up in the supply chain, measuring costs paid by businesses for components, materials, and services that go into products and services they sell to consumers and other businesses. These so-called “intermediate demand” prices show even more inflation right now.

Prices of processed goods for intermediate demand jumped 1.3 percent in September and they are up 23.9 percent compared with a year ago.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Roger Amick said...

An inherited wealth multi-billionaire profiting from Chinese slave labor and now lecturing the peasants about Critical Race Theory from her bought platform

and democrat minions lap it up

America is fucked

anonymous said...

Yep ....trump and the GOP fucked america but good!!!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! Amazing how rat the loser now jumps on the inflation hoax fest....LOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!!!

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Christopher F. Rufo


For months, MSNBC and WaPo insisted that conservatives "can't define critical race theory." But as it turns out, it's Terry McAuliffe who can't define it—so instead, he calls Virginia parents "racist."

We have them in a corner. Keep pushing.

Terry is in trouble

Would be earth shaking

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Jake Shields

After doing quite a bit of reading on the Aztecs I’ve leaned they were far more brutal then Columbus

If canceled Columbus Day maybe we should cancel #IndigenousPeoplesDay too

They catch slaves so they could sacrifice them by cutting their hearts out while alive

They did this 365 days a year some days killing thousands in a single day

but at least they weren't white !!!

Myballs said...

So now EmptyShelvesJoe is trending on Twitter. Rightly so. Americans of all economic levels are having to deal with empty store shelves. Only now has this administration begun a too little too late approach to the problem. And we've been asking where the hell is our wonderful Transportation Secretary? Only now we learn that he's actually been out on paternity leave since mid August. Freakin unbelievable. This presidency will go down as the most failed in history.

Jimmy Carter is relieved.

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...


America is experiencing the biggest supply chain disaster in a lifetime and the Secretary of Transportation is on a two month vacation.


Joe Biden's America

we are fucked

anonymous said...

Gee quickly you forget the shortages when covid started.....the panic buying of paper products as one reminder....Now the same panic buying is occurring again, this time under Biden....Funny how you made now comments a year ago and now you are acting the chicken little of NY!!!!!! BWAAAAAAPAAAAAA!!!! Like shorty in GA who panicked when the gas shortage from a pipeline worry that Pete has taken time off because he much golf did trump play when the country suffered with covid and you never uttered a word.....what a disingenuous piece of shit you and the GOP are!!!!

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Myballs said...

And we've been asking where the hell is our wonderful Transportation Secretary? Only now we learn that he's actually been out on paternity leave since mid August. Freakin unbelievable. This presidency will go down as the most failed in history.

I guess correction - "paternity" leave

Did see a picture of the 2 guys in a hospital bed together with the baby

we are fucked

Commonsense said...

Those who distort King’s dream are now also distorting critical race theory, and distorting CRT

If King were alive I guarantee you he would oppose CRT whose basic ternate is that black people never achieved anything of significance because they were "oppressed by white superiority".

Fredrick Douglas, George Washington Carver, Louie Armstrong, and other notable blacks are part of the pre-CRT high school history curriculum.

Fredrick Douglas in particular because he became the conscious of America over slavery before the civil war.

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...


Just when you think the Biden presidency can't get any worse, you go to the grocery store.

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Richard Grenell

It’s clear @PeteButtigieg was hired because he’s gay.

After 6 months on the job he takes 2 months off?!

This is what we get when Cabinet hires are made according to the woke rules of identity politics.

We must name the reporters who cover the Department of Transportation. Who didn’t know Pete was on vacation for 2 months?

It’s an embarrassing failure of journalism.

@maggieNYT @JuliePace @PhilipRucker @kaitlancollins

Sadder yet is that he was completely absent for that long and nobody even noticed.....

Hell Biden probably doesn't even know his name

Commonsense said...

In August, Texas passed one of the most restrictive voting bills in the country. As The New York Times reported, the law bans drive-through voting and 24-hour voting, which were used by nearly 140,000 voters in Harris County — which is about 44 percent Hispanic and 20 percent Black — during the 2020 election.

Actually New York have more restrictive voting laws but the hack in chief will never tell you that. And surprised, every law enacted is constitutional.

Harris county is the only county that allowed "24 hour and drive through voting" this was an equal protection problem for Texas so rather have the other counties conform to Harris county Harris county had to conform to the other counties in Texas.

And (No surprise here) in Harris county Democrats control the election machinery. Count on them to cheat and stuff the ballot box.

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Comfortably Smug

Imagine being a kid in Biden’s America: you are forced to wear a mask at school, learn CRT, and then you don’t get any toys at Christmas.

Myballs said...

In 2020 Biden said any shortages were from a failure of leadership. Well that certainly aged well.

Commonsense said...

After 6 months on the job he takes 2 months off?!

Bet you he's on the Glasgow climate summit trip. His appointment was never about transportation.

anonymous said...

Yep......cramps.....POTUS played golf every weekend and not a fucking peep from you~~~~~ BTW.....Biden has said lots of things....but I cannot seem to find the one you cited......

Commonsense said...

About the thread topic. It is a Mexican stand off. The question is who will blink first. I suspect the moderates have the upper hand because they are comfortable with the status quo. The progressives however have to ram it through this year (Next year is too late everybody will be running for re-election). And the window is closing in on them fast.

Commonsense said...

Yep......cramps.....POTUS played golf every weekend and not a fucking peep from you~~~~~ BTW.

Well I don't care if Biden plays golf other then he forgets what hole he's on from time to time.

Commonsense said...

Just when you think the Biden presidency can't get any worse, you go to the grocery store.

#emptyshelvesjoe is trending on Twitter.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Because this is a unique period in time.

History shows that midterm elections are most often a referendum on the incumbent president. But since Trump’s influence on Republican politics remains pervasive, it’s not inconceivable that next year’s contests are also a referendum on the former president.

At no time in history has a defeated President has refused to concede and he still has a stranglehold on his party, the Democrats need to make it a referendum on the former President Trump.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Democrats need to show their most loyal voters that they've delivered on the issues most important to their lives, but they need to remind them of how dangerous Trump is.

If they get build back better bill and again the infrastructure bills passed, the Democrats might not lose the Senate and House majorities.

Anonymous said...

Roger , when was your sister layed to rest?

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Roger, you stated belief that higher unemployment is good for the Nation is the most odd ball thing you have said online.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The Republicans oppose the infrastructure bill because millions more people will have good playing jobs and again defined benefit pensions and medical insurance.

The Republicans oppose it because millions of Americans would vote for the Democrats.

That's exactly why we need to get both of the moderate Democrats.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The bottom line is that the story of the Trump Presidency still has important unanswered questions that the forthcoming pile of books cannot answer. And they have an urgency about them that unanswered questions about past Administrations usually don’t, given the ongoing threat to our democracy: Trump is not only preparing to run again but is determined to mold the G.O.P. into a single-issue Party, the ideology of which consists solely of disputing the legitimacy of the election that turned him out of office. The Trump Presidency is not yet, alas, simply a matter for booksellers and book writers; it’s an active crime scene.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Good, decent pastor Jim said...

WSJ opinion

The Wall Street Journal Opinion
Donald Trump’s Hostage Politics
He says Republicans must agree the 2020 election was stolen or he’ll aid the Democrats.
By The Editorial Board
Oct. 14, 2021 6:57 pm ET

When Democrats complain that Donald Trump is plotting to suppress votes, they have a point—but fortunately for them, the votes he is plotting to suppress are those of his own supporters.

That was evident in January this year in the two Georgia Senate runoffs. Turnout in Republican strongholds fell because Mr. Trump told his voters the election in November had been stolen and the state’s GOP officials were corrupt. Democrats narrowly won both seats in the conservative state, handing the party unified control of Congress and paving the way for an ideologically unleashed Biden Administration. [Thank you, Donald.]

Now the former President is threatening aloud that he might repeat this act of electoral sabotage in the next national elections. “If we don’t solve the Presidential Election Fraud of 2020 (which we have thoroughly and conclusively documented),” Mr. Trump said in a statement Wednesday, “Republicans will not be voting in ‘22 or ‘24. It is the single most important thing for Republicans to do.”

What’s notable isn’t that Mr. Trump continues to deny his election defeat and push for increasingly futile “audits” that will go nowhere.

Mr. Trump will never admit he lost.

Democrats have already used Mr. Trump’s election denial against the GOP to great effect in their California gubernatorial recall rout and are now wielding it in what has become a tight Virginia Governor’s race.

Mr. Trump’s escalation is that he is now explicitly tying Republican acceptance of his election fantasy to a threat of electing Democrats as retribution. The message to Republicans is that if they don’t loudly pretend that he won the last election, Mr. Trump will make sure the GOP loses the next one, too.

Refusal to accept election outcomes in modern American politics is not unique to Mr. Trump. Much of the Democratic Party and intellectual class did not accept the legitimacy of Mr. Trump’s 2016 victory. Stacey Abrams, the celebrated Georgia gubernatorial candidate, has still refused to concede that she lost in 2018. In 2021 congressional Democrats initiated an effort to overturn a certified Iowa House race before thinking better of it.

One crucial difference between Mr. Trump and those Democrats is that Democrats would never be self-defeating enough to try to leverage their election gripes against the interests of their own voters. Democrats have endorsed and amplified Ms. Abrams’s fictions of a stolen election to turn out more Democratic voters so that progressive policies might prevail in the future.

Mr. Trump’s calculus works differently. When his ego is on the line, his voters’ interests are secondary. He might not like it if progressives control government and choke off American energy production or bludgeon social-media companies to censor conservatives. But his priority is that GOP candidates show obeisance to his claims that he was robbed in November. And he’s willing to help Democrats if Republicans refuse or even stay silent.

We wrote after the Georgia runoffs: “We hope Republicans keep Mr. Trump’s contribution to these defeats in mind over the next two years as their taxes and energy costs rise, as woke cultural mandates rain down from Washington, and as more of the economy comes under political control.”

All of that is happening. With the Biden Administration’s polarizing overreach, the 2022 elections are an opportunity for the GOP to retake Congress and check the divisive progressive assault on the U.S. economy and law. But that was also true of the 2021 Georgia races. Mr. Trump may not be finished making his supporters pay for his narcissism.

rrb said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...

The Republicans oppose the infrastructure bill because millions more people will have good playing jobs and again defined benefit pensions and medical insurance.

Oh, you mean like all those "shovel-ready jobs" that were "saved or created" that never fucking materialized and had 0linsky publicly laughing out loud and admitting never existed.

LOL. Good one alky.

The Republicans oppose it because millions of Americans would vote for the Democrats.

If that were true you wouldn't have to cheat and steal your way to electoral victory to begin with.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

on Friday afternoon, Carroll teachers were receiving a different message, according to the audio of the training session recorded by a staff member and shared with NBC News.

“The information we have right now is that classroom libraries cannot be used until they have been vetted,” an assistant principal can be heard telling a group of elementary school teachers, instructing them to use the rubric sent by the district to determine which books are appropriate. “So you do need to go back to school and separate the books that have been vetted, and those books need to be available to students. The other ones do not need to be available to students until they have been vetted.”

What is a different perspective on the holocaust? Not enough Jews???

Anonymous said...

Total Bullshit.
You know nothing about economic.
Your math skills are non-existent.

1.2 Trillion buys :

Roger AmickOctober 15, 2021 at 10:42 AM

The Republicans oppose the infrastructure bill because millions more people will have good playing jobs and again defined benefit pensions and medical insurance."

C.H. Truth said...

The Republicans oppose the infrastructure bill because millions more people will have good playing jobs and again defined benefit pensions and medical insurance.

The infrastructure bill is bipartisan and has already passed the Senate. The "reconciliation" bill is what is universally opposed by the GOP and for good reason. The cost is also widely rejected by our electorate. They like anything free, but most are smart enough to know they have to eventually pay for it.

Well... unless you are a complete idiot and actually are dumb enough to fall for the story that the "rich" can pay for a 3.5 trillion dollar bill if they just "pay their fair share'.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The zero dollar rhetoric is not uncommon. The tax cuts were supposed to pay for themselves too. Trump created the largest national deficit in history.

The Democratic party has to get both of them passed.

Keeping the two Senators they need, eventually will happen.

They are trying to add language addressing voter suppression legislation in the Republican states across the country.

I do believe that the rich should pay a fair share unlike you supported the tax cuts.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

They like anything free, the welfare queen rhetoric of the Reagan era.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The"shovel-ready jobs" that were "saved or created" didn't happen in sufficient numbers in my opinion.

But Biden understood that and his plan would create millions of "shovel-ready jobs"

Commonsense said...

The"shovel-ready jobs" that were "saved or created" didn't happen in sufficient numbers in my opinion.
But Biden understood that and his plan would create millions of "shovel-ready jobs"

The lack of "shovel ready jobs" didn't happen for lack of money. It happen because of poor planning therefore the money got pissed away on the usual lobbyist and consultant firms.

You have to have a list of projects ready to bid the moment the funds are authorized. Without it 1.5 trillion will be pissed away along with the 5 trillion the progressives have already planning to piss away.

rrb said...

The tax cuts were supposed to pay for themselves too. Trump created the largest national deficit in history.

Tax cuts DO NOT create deficits. That's a lie the left has been telling for decades.

SPENDING creates deficits. entitlement spending, in desperate need of reform, accounts for 70% of all spending.

This is known.

Simpson-Bowles delivered the most recent blueprint to entitlement reform, but the "free shit forever to buy your vote" left refused to admit and confront this reality.

It's not the government's money alky. It's OURS. And getting to keep more of what we work for is not the fucking problem and never has been.

To say so is a lie meant to seduce the chronically stupid permanent democrat underclass.

rrb said...

You have to have a list of projects ready to bid the moment the funds are authorized. Without it 1.5 trillion will be pissed away along with the 5 trillion the progressives have already planning to piss away.

There is and always was only one "project" and it's the same as last time -

To use the system to launder the TRILLION$ and funnel it back to the DNC and it's sycophants.

Cali pointed this out on more than one occasion and he was spot on.

Anonymous said...

Roger said, $1.2 Trillion buys 😂The Republicans oppose the infrastructure bill because millions more people will have good playing jobs and again defined benefit pensions and medical insurance.😅
Remember the BIG LIE is that this money is spread over 10 years.
$1.2 ÷ 10 = $120,000,000,000,,, divided by 10 million jobs = $12,000

$12,000 a year per job.
You knew that Roger?

Anonymous said...

Roger , your boy is king.

:Barack Obama

President Obama added about $8.6 trillion, about a 74% increase.