Friday, October 8, 2021

Latest Jobs Report

How do you spell failure?  B I D E N

More unexpected bad economic news. Which is another way of saying we had bad economic news under a Democratic Administration. 194,000 is less than the 500,000 that analysts predicted. Economic forecasters and meteorologists have the easiest jobs in the world. Nobody ever wonders why they are wrong all the time.


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The major reason is a shortage of workers. Not the only reason why they aren't as good we expected.

More than nine million Americans said in May that they wanted jobs and couldn’t find them. Companies said they had more than nine million jobs open that weren’t filled, a record high.

As the economy reopens, the process of matching laid-off workers to jobs is proving to be slow and complicated, a contrast to the swift and decisive layoffs that followed the initial stage of the pandemic in early 2020.

The disconnect helps to explain why so many companies are complaining about having trouble filling open positions so early in a recovery. It also helps to explain why wages are rising briskly even when the unemployment rate, at 5.9% in June, is well above the pre-pandemic rate of 3.5%. The relatively high jobless rate suggests an excess of labor supply that in theory should hold wages down.

Plus because millions of people are scared to go back to work because of people like you who sewed doubt about the vaccine and again masking.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Why Aren’t Millions of Unemployed Americans Finding Jobs?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

When the President speaks today he will probably use the bad jobs report as a reason to pass two bills that will create millions of jobs in rural areas and the suburbs.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

NBC interesting news.

The worker shortage means companies have been willing to pay more to entice people back into the labor market — and those higher labor costs could stick around.

Paying more to entice those workers back into the labor market — or steal them from competitors — will solve the problem in the short term, but higher labor costs are likelier to stick around than elevated prices for commodities or components, as economists agree that wage gains are “stickier” than price gains. The supply of computer chips or cardboard boxes or crude oil fluctuates with supply, but while employers can raise pay, they generally can’t unilaterally slash wages or salaries — especially not in the current tight labor market.

“The wage inflation is the sticky one — that's the one that’s going to create longer-lasting inflation,” Horneman said.

For the moment, recent productivity gains have given employers a little breathing room, said Harry Holzer, professor of public policy at Georgetown University. “[There] could be some higher productivity that would make it easier for firms to pay these higher wages without inflation,” he said.

Many view this as a good thing, so long as the price pressures that are squeezing American shoppers do, in fact, recede in the coming months. “Some of us hope that inflation will start to moderate as these bottlenecks and supply shortages work their way through, and we’re hoping that these wage increases outlast the price increases,” Holzer said.

“My hope is that wage increases will once and for all outpace inflation, and manufacturing will just be more competitive,” Karp said. “Manufacturers raising wages is a very good thing. It’s good for the industry, it's good for people. It’s what’s needed.”

Basically bottom up economics. Wage increases balance inflation rates.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

C.H. Truth said...


The same thing it always is when we end up with a Democratic Administration. The jobs they create are not high paying jobs. Moreover, the expansion of immigration (on all levels) allows for companies to import their high tech jobs from India, China, etc...

So you couple the concept of many low or even minimum wage jobs open and a workforce that is currently being paid by the Federal Government to stay home, you end up with employers scrambling to find workers willing to give up free money to work minimum wage.

But the solution, according to Biden and gang is simple. Tax business more so they afford to pay employees even less.

Anonymous said...

There is no, zero, nada shortage of Labor.

Only a shutin broke and broken alky believes there is, so spectacularly wrong, as always.

Anonymous said...

"Tax business more so they afford to pay employees even less."

Driving innovation to eliminate jobs.

Anonymous said...

"In August 2021, the national unemployment level of the United States stood at about 8.38 million unemployed persons."

With 10.2 million job opening.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Scott, one simple solution is to reimpose tariffs on China and other countries with very low wage nations.

Then higher wages are very possible despite paying higher taxes they will make good profits.

Bottom up economics were reversed in the early 80s in the Reagan era.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Why Aren’t Millions of Unemployed Americans Finding Jobs?

More than nine million Americans said in May that they wanted jobs and couldn’t find them. Companies said they had more than nine million jobs open that weren’t filled, a record high.

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Roger Amick said...

More than nine million Americans said in May that they wanted jobs and couldn’t find them.

Of course they said that. Then they went and cashed their government checks


why work when you get paid not to. Sometimes even more than working.

but they will keep "looking" until the checks stop.

Then they will start "finding"

Anonymous said...

Roger is against , everything , until the tiniest of political breeze happens then he is for it.

Reduce the cost of gasoline and home heating fuels, is , a true raise in income to the worker bees.

Anonymous said...

F'ing Daddy

Roger is uneducated and wilfully ignorant.

He has been for his entire life of poor choices and failed marriages.

rrb said...

More than nine million Americans said in May that they wanted jobs and couldn’t find them.

Well with TEN MILLION jobs out there it tells me that no one is looking.

Basic arithmetic tells us that all nine mill should be employed with 1,000,000 left to fill.


rrb said...

Plus because millions of people are scared to go back to work because of people like you who sewed doubt about the vaccine and again masking.

If only getting vaccinated and wearing a mask protected you from catching the virus.

Myballs said...

After Schumer showed the nation what a giant asshole he is, Manchin, after walking out on the speech, told Schumer what he did was 'fucking stupid'. Manchin is fed up with the democrats. And he's from a state Trump won by 39 points. He should tell the send to fuck off and switch to gop.

rrb said...

Biden's cognitive capacity had already been a bus crash, but now it has further deteriorated to the level of not merely a bus crash, but a bus full of circus clowns crashing into a school for blind children and even worse the clowns were doing their "Gasoline Comedy" act that day and now all the blind children are on fire and the clowns are trying to squirt water on them with their stupid lapel-flowers but the flowers are just squirting out more gasoline and the children are crying tears of fire out of their Unseeing Dead Eyes and holy shit a couple of the clowns look like they have boners and they're chasing around the fiery blind children trying to rub up on them with these bobbling clown-boners with big red bulbs on their tips.

Anonymous said...

Yep, but it doesn't.

"If only getting vaccinated and wearing a mask protected you from catching the virus"

More Americans Died in 2021 , then in 2020.

Killer Joe Rack'n up.

Anonymous said...

The Epic Job fail is all Joe's doing.

rrb said...

President Biden is being widely mocked on social media for running a “Truman Show presidency” after he was pictured speaking from a fake White House set that features a digital view of the Rose Garden in full bloom from a fake window behind him.

Twitter erupted after Biden was spotted sitting in front of the digital projection window on Wednesday as he held a meeting with business leaders and CEOs on the need to raise the debt ceiling.

Some ridiculed Biden for using a “literal game show set” as president, while others accused him of deliberately trying to deceive Americans into thinking he was in the White House.

“Why does Joe Biden feel the need to use a Fake White House set across the street from the actual White House?” conservative commentator Benny Johnson tweeted.

Fellow commentator Jack Posobiec wrote, “Truman Show Presidency,” adding that “they gave Joe Biden a playschool desk and a fake Oval Office in a fake White House.”

Stephen Miller, a former senior adviser of President Donald Trump, claimed Biden only used the imitation White House set so he could read a script directly from a face-on monitor.

“The reason Biden uses this bizarre virtual set for televised meetings — and not an actual room like East Room, Cabinet, Oval, Roosevelt, Sit Room, etc. — is because it allows him to read a script directly from a face-on monitor (& w/out teleprompter glass that can be seen on camera),” he tweeted.

“Do they not allow him in the actual White House,” New Hampshire journalist Kimberly Morin tweeted.

“Why did the White House build a literal game show set complete with fake windows for Joe Biden??? So weird,” Abigail Marone, press secretary for Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.), tweeted.

A fake set for a completely fake presidency.

Seems legit.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Because his approval ratings continue to shrink, Democrats will likely drop hundreds of billions of dollars in proposed tax increases on the rich as they scramble to shrink the size of their “reconciliation” package..

That means that the two Senators they need, may vote for the reconciliation Build Back Better bill.

But they will still tax inherited money.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Trump has used the same place.

rrb said...


rrb said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...

Trump has used the same place.

Prove it.

A single demonstrable example will suffice.


'Cause I don't buy it.

Anonymous said...

There is no worker shortage.

This is a Joe Biden created work ethic shortage.

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

A fake set for a completely fake presidency.

Seems legit.

I read that Biden's staff had spent several million constructing it

Makes you really wonder why they thought that would be necessary

Anonymous said...

Alky and Joe Biden can't do logic or reasoning.

"Biden said, "United went from 59% of their employees to 99% of their employees (vaccinated) in two months after implementing the requirement."

They fired the unvaccinated.

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

rrb said...
Blogger Roger Amick said...

Trump has used the same place.

Prove it.

A single demonstrable example will suffice.


'Cause I don't buy it.

For someone who claims he constantly reads from both sides roger never appears to have a clue what is really going on.

Must have near zero reading comprehension.

Anonymous said...

🤣But they will still tax inherited money.😂

Your kid is in no danger of ever paying inherence tax on you "estate".

Commonsense said...

As the economy reopens, the process of matching laid-off workers to jobs is proving to be slow and complicated, a contrast to the swift and decisive layoffs that followed the initial stage of the pandemic in early 2020.

My father was a carpenter and when work was slow he'd take a job at the local farmer's market loading trucks to make ends meet. Nobody worried about matching laid off workers to jobs. Biden's welfare for able-bodied people must end.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The Wall Street isn't a RINO

Labor Shortage Holds Back U.S. Hiring

The U.S. economy added jobs at the weakest pace of 2021 in September, with payrolls rising by a less-than-expected 194,000. The Delta variant and a persistent shortage of workers restrained the ability of companies to hire.

The Republicans who called it a fake disease. They caused this problem

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Roger Amick said...
The Wall Street isn't a RINO

Labor Shortage Holds Back U.S. Hiring

this is after he posted earlier:

More than nine million Americans said in May that they wanted jobs and couldn’t find them.

Can't make this shit up.

He does have ZERO reading comprehension or doesn't read what he posts

Or more likely both

Anonymous said...

"Biden's welfare for able-bodied people must end." CS

YEP, the Socialism must stop.

The thing is, all those not working are not building thier retirement, no contributing to Socialist InSecurity.

Anonymous said...

F'ing Daddy, Roger gets easily confused.

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...

Trump has used the same place.

The wall-and-column set wasn’t built specifically for the booster shot event. It was a holdover from an event five days earlier, when Biden addressed a virtual summit of world leaders to address the coronavirus pandemic. Here’s a photograph of Biden at that Aug. 22 summit.

So did Trump drop in between those dates and use Biden's set roger ?


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

 of Thursday night, the post had been viewed more than 20,000 times. A similar message was also spread on QAnon channels like WhipLash347, a platform with more than 250,000 subscribers, and QAnon influencer Ann VanderSteel's channel SteelTruth, which has over 31,000 subscribers. 

QAnon is a baseless far-right conspiracy theory that claims former President Donald Trump is secretly fighting a "deep state" cabal of satanic pedophiles and cannibals. It has a healthy social media presence, despite efforts by tech platforms like Twitter to impose mass bans of some 70,000 QAnon-related accounts since January.

This conspiracy theory that Biden has a fake White House set has been debunked by Politifact. The set seen in that particular photo is located in the South Court Auditorium at the Eisenhower Executive Office Building in Washington, DC, and is often used for photo ops. Most recently, Biden got his COVID-19 booster shot on this set. 

Politifact further noted that the backdrop was not built just for Biden to get his booster shot on September 27. It was also used for a global COVID-19 summit on September 22. Furthermore, according to reporting from The Washington Examiner, Trump himself has used the same auditorium to give announcements. 

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

KansasDemocrat said...
F'ing Daddy, Roger gets easily confused.

I wouldn't say easily, but rather constantly.

And he doesn't realize it himself.

There's a word that describes that condition.

Often also associated with Biden.

rrb said...

The Republicans who called it a fake disease. They caused this problem

More deaths under Biden than Trump after Biden PROMISED to "stop Covid in its tracks."

Biden LIED. Biden caused this problem.

See how this works, sport?

rrb said...

So did Trump drop in between those dates and use Biden's set roger ?


Yet another claim of his he cannot prove. There are a mountain of them.

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Politifact further noted that the backdrop was not built just for Biden to get his booster shot on September 27. It was also used for a global COVID-19 summit on September 22. Furthermore, according to reporting from The Washington Examiner, Trump himself has used the same auditorium to give announcements.

Yep Trump used the same auditorium, not the same set which was constructed for Biden.

Is roger really this demented ?

has ZERO reading comprehension.

and is easily led by his nose ?

rrb said...

Is roger really this demented ?

has ZERO reading comprehension.

and is easily led by his nose ?

He's just an asshole who refuses to admit when he's wrong, which is daily.

The question, the challenge, was about the SET, NOT the auditorium.

Caliphate4vr said...

Blogger rrb said...


My lord that’s pitiful. But it’s just a stutter

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Following a disappointing August, the U.S. economy added a meager 194,000 jobs in September, as a critical shortage of workers hampers the nation's economic growth.

The unemployment rate fell to 4.8 percent from 5.2 percent,
the Bureau of Labor Statistics said Friday. Economists had been expecting an increase of 500,000 and an unemployment rate of 5.1 percent.

rrb said...

My lord that’s pitiful. But it’s just a stutter

Let's Go Brandon.

rrb said...

BLS U-6 Sept 2021: 8.5%

rrb said...

Nonfarm payrolls increased by 194,000 in September, compared with the Dow Jones estimate for 500,000.

500,000 - 194,000 = 306,000.

Let's Go Brandon!

rrb said...

54 years ago today the Bolivian Army captured Che' Guevara.

The next day they executed the piece of shit.

There's a lesson there.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

It’s no wonder Americans are eager to reinvent or reinvigorate democracy.

I’d like to tell you that change is coming. Many of the proposals, after all, would improve our lot. The electoral college is an anachronism — of course the presidency should go to the candidate who wins the most votes. The structure of the Senate is a glaring violation of the principle of one-person, one-vote; the result of a deal from 1787 that badly needs reassessment.

But ironically, at a time when people are willing to consider big changes, big changes may be more distant than ever.

Truly substantive reforms — eliminating the electoral college or remaking the Senate, for instance, or undoing the Citizens United decision — would require amending the U.S. Constitution.

Well, great, you might think — that’s why we have an amendment process, to keep the 234-year-old Constitution up to date with the modern world. Let’s get started.

But don’t get overexcited. In the 50 years since 1971, only one constitutional amendment has been approved, a relatively insignificant one about when congressional pay changes can go into effect. The amendment before that — extending the vote to 18-year-olds — could never succeed in today’s partisan environment because it would be likely to benefit one party over the other.

More than 11,000 amendments have been proposed since 1789, but only 27 have been enacted.

Why so few? Because they’re extremely hard to pass. Too hard. To succeed, a constitutional amendment is usually proposed by a vote of two-thirds of both houses of Congress. After that it must be ratified by three-quarters of the states (currently, 38 of them). That’s right — a double supermajority.

Good luck with that in this political climate. One critic recently went so far as to question whether the U.S. would ever pass a constitutional amendment again, quoting Aziz Rana, a constitutional law professor at Cornell University, saying: “We have an amendment process that’s the hardest in the world to enact.”

And if you want to change that amendment process? That requires an amendment.

Even legislative change that could be accomplished by Congress alone — for instance, rewriting the Voting Rights Act, which was gutted by the Supreme Court in 2013 — is virtually impossible in the polarized mess of present-day Washington.

That’s why so many Democrats are focused on eliminating the filibuster, which makes it impossible to pass most legislation without a 60-vote supermajority in the 100-member Senate. Because the filibuster is a Senate rule, it could be abolished relatively easily through procedural maneuvering.


But not all Democrats agree on doing away with the filibuster, so even finding a majority to do so could be difficult.

Eliminating the filibuster is the kind of change that seems like a great idea when — as is now the case for Democrats — your party is in power but is not strong enough to surmount the 60-vote threshold. But if you get rid of it, you must be prepared for the consequences when your party loses its majority (which could easily happen to Democrats in the Senate next year). You might come to regret the change.

Many of us were brought up on American exceptionalism and post-World War II braggadocio. It was common to hear the U.S. called the greatest country in the world, and for children to be taught that our Constitution was the most democratic and progressive there was.

That self-image has been badly battered recently.

For a society to remain healthy, responsive to its citizens and truly democratic, it needs to be able to change. And that doesn’t happen easily in the United States.

Nevertheless, what choice do we have other than to keep trying, to vote our consciences, to protest peacefully and to speak out in favor of substantive democratic reform?

The alternative is more of the same.


Anonymous said...

US Labor Participation Rate Declined.

Less people feel the need to feed themselves.

rrb said...

Here's your monthly reminder that blaming covid rather than covid policy for low growth is idiotic. Of the 23 best states in terms of unemployment rate, 17 are red, four are purple, two are blue. Of the worst 10 states +DC, 9 are blue, one is purple.

Anonymous said...

CA is a hot mess.

High taxes, shirking population, high unemployment and lack the Electricity to run the state.

Anonymous said...

54 years ago today the Bolivian Army captured Che' Guevara.

The next day they executed the piece of shit.

There's a lesson there."RRB

Well, the Left has made him a freaking Hero.

rrb said...

For a society to remain healthy, responsive to its citizens and truly democratic, it needs to be able to change. And that doesn’t happen easily in the United States.

Representative Republics don't run as "true or Pure" democracies.

They never have.

Nick Goldberg is an imbecile for not knowing what form of government we currently HAVE, and what form of government he wishes to DESTROY to get his way with his tantrum.

Anonymous said...

Notice how conversations were being conducted and then Alky Spams.

"Let's Go Brandon!"

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Those who believe in the Deep State conspiracy is in charge of the Republican party now.

From George Orwell's 1984, "Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book has been rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street and building renamed, every date has been altered.  And that process continues day by day and minute by minute.  History has stopped.  Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right."  And to paraphrase Orwell's Animal Farm, the paint is not yet dry on the side of the barn, and they are already changing the rules to benefit themselves...the Deep State.  

This is Joe Biden's America today.

It is so horribly unbelievable how far we have fallen since 2015.  The America of Biden and the Deep State is unrecognizable to when candidate Donald Trump came down the escalators at Trump Towers in 2015.  The Deep State has totally revealed itself, and thus far without impunity.  It is hard to call America a democratic republic today.  

Anonymous said...

Roger, the topic is the epic failure of Traitor Joe's Job numbers.

rrb said...

The LA Times' Nick Goldberg is a product of Harvard, and it seems that he didn't learn a goddamned thing.

"Hey, I know. Let's completely mischaracterize and misrepresent the actual issue, and tear down the whole Constitutional system because I'm having a tantrum and I want to get my way!"

Goldberg serves one purpose though. He's representative of the ENTIRE left. Their fucking poster child, with CHILD being the operative word.

Anonymous said...

Socialist InSecurity and Medicare are losing ground because of Traitor Joe's policies.

Fuel price are up $1.08 over last year on Joe's failed energy policies.

Natural gas has sky rocked just like i told you it would.

Biden free, free, free, free policies has almost fatally killed the work ethic in America.

Anonymous said...

Biden branding Parents "Domestic Terrorist " was foolish.

rrb said...

LOL @ this fucking guy...

Ronald Klain

"The jobs numbers are pretty good actually..."

Myballs said...

Being reported that Senator Sinema is not returning Biden's calls. No one respects him.

And he again refused to take questions today. Worst president in history and an undeniable danger to the country.

Caliphate4vr said...

Please let this be real


rrb said...

Biden Shuffles Away From Reporters on His Production Set as They Shout Questions About His Embarrassing September Jobs Report (VIDEO)

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Exclusive NBC news

WASHINGTON — The White House on Friday formally blocked an attempt by former President Donald Trump to withhold documents from Congress related to the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol, setting up a legal showdown between the current and former presidents over executive privilege.

In a letter to the National Archives obtained by NBC News, White House Counsel Dana Remus rejected an attempt by Trump’s attorneys to withhold documents requested by the House Select Committee regarding the then-president’s activities on Jan. 6, writing that “President Biden has determined that an assertion of executive privilege is not in the best interests of the United States, and therefore is not justified as to any of the documents.”

“These are unique and extraordinary circumstances,” Remus added. “Congress is examining an assault on our Constitution and democratic institutions provoked and fanned by those sworn to protect them, and the conduct under investigation extends far beyond typical deliberations concerning the proper discharge of the President’s constitutional responsibilities. The constitutional protections of executive privilege should not be used to shield, from Congress or the public, information that reflects a clear and apparent effort to subvert the Constitution itself.”

Thecoldheartedtruth about the Insurrection act on the Capitol building was an attempt to overthrow the Constitution of the United States of America

Myballs said...

With no guns. Just a guy in a Flintstones hat. Really??

rrb said...

Anonymous Myballs said...

With no guns. Just a guy in a Flintstones hat. Really??


Biden IS that much of a fuck-up, and the need for a diversion is THAT dire.

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Tim Young

A scheme to overturn a Presidential election using the DOJ? You mean like what the Democrats did with the Russian collusion lie throughout the entire Trump Presidency?

That coup attempt sure tied up the Trump presidency

And nobody has yet paid any consequences

Except the American people

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Eric Matheny 🎙

How did we go from 15 days to slow the spread to the IRS wanting to monitor every bank transaction; to the government wanting to force-feed you an experimental vaccine; to concerned parents being designated domestic terrorists?


JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Sean Davis

If you’re a parent who’s fed up with your corrupt, unaccountable school board and want to avoid FBI scrutiny, the solution is simple: put on some Antifa or BLM gear and assault some police stations, torch a federal courthouse, or destroy some monuments. The FBI won’t touch you.

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Glenn Greenwald


In 2010, the WashPost published a series called "TOP SECRET AMERICA" by its most decorated investigative reporter Dana Priest, that laid out how a huge part of the US government operates in the dark with no accountability. Today, WPost says this is a crazy "conspiracy theory".

They changed owners

Anonymous said...

Biden.has put a target on the backs of every terrorist.

The soccer Moms.