Saturday, October 16, 2021

Let's do a little math...

Even if this was a straight up statistic, it wouldn't mean diddly squat... 

Some cursory research on this particular statistic, which likely came from a less than controlled Michigan study  strongly suggests that this statistic is likely largely overstated. The study was performed by people who had already come to the conclusion that masks were needed and they were bound and determined to prove it.

But let's assume it is real and there is a difference, what sort of difference are we talking about? 

Well what it means is that districts requiring masks have a infection rate of 0.05% while the districts who are not requiring masks have an infection rate of 0.08%. That is not five percent vs eight percent or even a half percent vs eight tenths of a percent... both of these numbers are less than one tenth of one percent. 

To take this one step further, the number suggest that about 80-90% of children who get covid will see almost no symptoms of the virus. Meaning only between 3-6 more children out of every 100,000 would even see symptoms. Meanwhile, the overall survival rate for children approaches the statistical equivalent of nearly 100% (literally over 99.9%). 

So what are we really talking about here?

Yes, masking children could conceivably (if the study is accurate) provide an additional 0.003% from getting sick and an additional 0.00003% security from a child actually dying from Covid. That is the equivalent to one out of 30,000 more or less seeing symptoms and one out of three million more or less deaths. 

So statistically speaking... it would save the lives of approximately 8 children over the entire United States if (and only if) the virus happened to remain at the current pace and kill another 700,000 people over the next year and a half. If we are (as many suggest) at the tail end of this, then the masking helps even less. 

To put that into perspective, there would be approximately an 85% chance that your state would probably not see a single extra death of a child because they didn't mask (depending on the size of your state of course). All of this assumes that the study is valid.

We are literally talking about disrupting lives in a manner that child psychologists suggest is doing long term sociological harm to our children, all because there is a poorly put together study that states masking wearing may or may not potentially save the lives of a handful of children. More will certainly die of the flu and all sorts of other causes. 

Note: over a thousand children under the age of 17 have died of pneumonia since the pandemic started. Over twice as many than have died of Covid. We have never masked for pneumonia in spite of that particular statistic. Why would we mask over single digits? 


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Parental control is a smoke screen for right-wing activists
By Ruth Ben-Ghiat
Oct 14, 2021
Editor's Note: Ruth Ben-Ghiat (@ruthbenghiat), a frequent contributor to CNN Opinion, is professor of history and Italian studies at New York University and the author of "Strongmen: Mussolini to the Present." She publishes the newsletter Lucid on threats to democracy. The views expressed here are her own. Read more opinion on CNN.

(CNN) - School drop-off used to be a happy occasion, a time for children to reunite with their friends and parents and caregivers to socialize. For a growing number of Americans, that's no longer the case.

The scenes of harassment and vitriol in front of schools and in school board meetings in all parts of the country are the latest indicator of the deepening fractures in American society. While talk of a possible "civil war" may seem hyperbolic, four years of Donald Trump's divisive and polarizing presidency, and the post-Trump extension of the GOP's retreat from bipartisan governance, have eroded support for the democratic ideals of consensus, compromise and mutual tolerance.
The internal politics of the Republican Party's leadership model this new climate. The authoritarian-style party discipline Trump imposed during his time in office remains in place. Lawmakers who criticize Trump, like Liz Cheney, are viewed as disloyal and ostracized by the GOP establishment. And questioning the leader cult can be downright dangerous. "Our expectation is that somebody may try to kill us," said Rep. Peter Meijer, R-Mich., who voted to impeach Trump, explaining in January why he was buying body armor.


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Now this authoritarian culture, which sees those who hold different views as enemies, has reached the personal and local levels. Schools, and school boards, are the latest front of a Republican crusade to "take back America" through violent verbiage. For instance, Steve Lynch, the Republican nominee for Northampton County executive in Pennsylvania, advocates the use of intimidation at school board meetings to deal with parents who support mask mandates. "I'm going in with 20 strong men....I'm going to give [the school board] an option: They can leave or they can be removed," he declared. While Lynch later claimed that his "strong men" were simply people in the community who want to be more involved in school politics, the "agree with us or else" message he sent was clear.

Centering the anti-mask and anti-vaccine fight on schools may seem an illogical move by Republicans: What parent wouldn't want to keep their children safe by complying with best public health practices? Yet right-wing propaganda has effectively convinced many parents that masks are "muzzles" of freedom and vaccine mandates tyrannical, spawning new waves of activists imbued with an intolerant "us vs. them" mentality little in keeping with democratic models of civic life.

This translates into public bullying of parents who want to protect their children from Covid-19. In Los Angeles, anti-vaccine mandate protesters harassed parents at school drop-off. They claimed that masking is child abuse and subjecting children to vaccines a form of "rape." In Grand Rapids, Michigan, "Moms for America" activists pressured parents to pull their children out of schools that mandate face coverings. "We have had enough of the forced mandates, knee-jerk reactions, and government overreach," said the group's founder, Kimberly Fletcher. "We will not co-parent with the government."

Here the supposed advocates of education "freedom" show their hand. Arguments like those repeated by Fletcher have little to do with child welfare. But they have everything to do with right-wing efforts to discredit the Biden administration by depicting it as bringing socialist tyranny to America, and by labeling Democrats as degenerates who exploit children (the latter belief is also a central tenet of QAnon conspiracy theories).

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Concern for children in this context is just a smoke screen for right-wing activists with far greater ambitions. Calls by Fletcher and many others for a mass exodus from public schools, with the excuse of opposing vaccine and mask mandates, align with the ideal of divesting from the civic space of democracy altogether. They also further the cause of privatizing American education -- a pet project of Trump's Education Secretary Betsy DeVos.

Moreover, the idea of "parental rights" in schools, advocated by anti-vaccine militants and their White Christian Evangelical allies, also becomes another way to justify censorship of ideas you don't like, such as the centrality of slavery in America's development and the costs of institutionalized racism.
It's not surprising that former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo wants the private realm to take control of public school curricula. "I think parents should decide what their children are taught in schools," he tweeted, his stance also reinforcing the right's disdain for expertise.

Nor is it unexpected that Glenn Youngkin, who is running for Virginia governor against Democrat Terry McAuliffe, cites parental rights, along with opposition to critical race theory and "transgender ideology," as part of his ideals for school reform. If Youngkin truly cared about public schools, his campaign wouldn't be pushing for parents to pull their kids out of them; and if he truly cared about child health and safety, he wouldn't be opposing mask and vaccine mandates.

When illiberal forces are on the march, the education system is always in their sights. The brutal rejection by activist parents of differences of opinion, and the spread of practices of harassment meant to frighten others into silence, models the kind of authoritarian culture the right is trying to install, town by town, school board by school board.

One way to push back is to populate school boards with individuals who care about pluralism, democracy and public health. School boards "play a foundational role in determining the kinds of citizens that kids ultimately become. The way that they are treated in school cultivates the kind of people they grow up to be," said Amanda Litman, executive director and co-founder of Run For Something, which recruits and mentors candidates for local offices.

However we choose to be involved, parents can set an example by standing up for democracy, respect for others and protection of the health of children. For it's the next generation that will bear the burden if we don't act now.

Myballs said...

Instead of postibg red herrings about some silly form of rape, you might concern yourself with real rape that was covered up by the louder county school superintendent and liberal school board so they can implement their unpopular agenda.

anonymous said...

BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! There are lies, damn lies, and Lil Schitty twisting like a pretzel to prove shit!!!!!!!!!

anonymous said...

Hey asshole got any kids int the Louder county schools????? Or any school district at all????? Sad the BULLSHIT being coordinated by the GOP to fuck with schools board members who get paid shit and then are threatened with harm.....You and the GOP suck!!!!!!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The privatization of public schools has been an ambitious effort to turn education into a method to indoctrinate children into neo fascists.

Concern for children in this context is just a smoke screen for right-wing activists with far greater ambitions. Calls by Fletcher and many others for a mass exodus from public schools, with the excuse of opposing vaccine and mask mandates, align with the ideal of divesting from the civic space of democracy altogether. They also further the cause of privatizing American education -- a pet project of Trump's Education Secretary Betsy DeVos.

It is a way to justify censorship of ideas you don't like, such as the centrality of slavery in America's development and the costs of institutionalized racism.

Censorship is the ambition of the right wing media. Telling children about our dark past and the recovery of freedom for all Americans, not just white people is absolutely necessary.

Myballs said...

Parents aren't covering up rapes in school bathrooms. School officials are to protect their agenda. So while you're talking out your ass, chew on thst.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Opinion: Parental control is a smoke screen for right-wing activists

anonymous said...

Wow.....Ballz who has no vested interest in schools sure does have a lot of opinions on what goes on in them......BWAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! I am sure you have actual proof that school officials are covering up rapes you flaming idiot!!!!!!!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

You actually believe that school board members are hiding allegations of rape in public school bathrooms?

What right wing nutcase website told you about it?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Foxnews and again the New York Post

Myballs said...

Louden County. You can read about it. The superintendent just issued an apology and one board member just resigned. You two ignorant jackasses just keep swallowing whatever CNN tells you to.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

A teen accused of sexually assaulting a fellow student at a Loudoun County high school in May is also accused in a second sexual assault less than five months later at another county high school, according to the Loudoun County commonwealth’s attorney.

The alleged assaults, the first in May and the second in October, sparked anger from parents who showed up at a school board meeting Tuesday night and blasted school officials for their handling of the incidents and the student’s enrollment in a new school after the first allegation.

Some parents who spoke at the meeting grew emotional, saying they feared for the safety of their children in Loudoun County Public Schools. Still others called for the resignations of Schools Superintendent Scott A. Ziegler and of the school

The parents of the victim of the first alleged assault issued a statement Thursday through the Stanley Law Group blaming school officials. They asserted that the charged youth is “gender-fluid” and that the incident occurred in a girls’ bathroom. Those details have not been confirmed by authorities.

The parents spoke out against a policy put in place by the school board several months later, in August, allowing students to use bathrooms that match their gender identities. At the time of the alleged incident, the policy was not in place.

“The sexual assault our daughter endured should never happen to any young girl, or any child, attending a public school,” the statement read. “But because of indifference and negligence by Loudoun County Public Schools and the Loudoun School Board, it did. And now, it has happened to another girl at another Loudoun County school at the hands of the very same

The Washington Post does not generally identify victims of sexual assault and is not naming the parents to avoid indirectly identifying their daughter. A spokeswoman for the parents, who have been public about the alleged assault, said the parents declined to speak to The Post on Thursday.

Loudoun schools spokesman Wayde Byard has said the district cannot comment on the alleged student transfer because of state and federal privacy laws protecting student records. He did not comment on the family’s statement.

The first alleged assault occurred May 28 at Stone Bridge High School in Ashburn, according to the Loudoun County Sheriff’s Office. In a Wednesday statement that followed growing focus on the incident on social media and news reports, the sheriff’s office said one of its school resource officers was notified of the alleged assault the same day and an investigation was quickly started. Officials said it was conducted over several weeks by the sheriff’s office’s Special Victims Unit.

Authorities said in the statement that on July 8, a male 14-year-old was arrested in the case and charged in juvenile court with two counts of forcible sodomy.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

the sheriff’s office said one of its school resource officers was notified of the alleged assault the same day and an investigation was quickly started. Officials said it was conducted over several weeks by the sheriff’s office’s Special Victims Unit.

Authorities said in the statement that on July 8, a male 14-year-old was arrested in the case and charged in juvenile court with two counts of sodomy

It was not a cover up.

Right wing propaganda has gaslighted you

anonymous said...

read about it. The superintendent just issued an apology and one board member just resigned

WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK THAT PROVES YOU TRUMP SLURPING IDIOT?????? Why don't you post the link of the alleged apology......your saying so is about as funny as trumps constant lying!!!!!!!!!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Because I have an account you can read it yourself ballsless

Loudoun County student accused in sexual assaults at two county schools, sparking outrage from parents

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Loudoun County student accused in sexual assaults at two county schools, sparking outrage from parents

Myballs said...

It was covered up you ignorant prick. The superintendent denied it in June when he knew about it.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Even a conservative group has denounced this horror story about the holocaust!

A North Texas school district apologized late Thursday after an administrator advised teachers that if they have books about the Holocaust in their classrooms, they should also include reading materials that have “opposing” perspectives of the genocide that killed millions of Jews.
During a training session on what books teachers can have in their classroom libraries, Gina Peddy, executive director of curriculum and instruction for the Carroll Independent School District, referenced a new Texas law that requires educators to present multiple perspectives when discussing “widely debated and currently controversial” issues.
“Just try to remember the concepts of [House Bill] 3979,” Peddy said on Oct. 8, according to a recording obtained by NBC News, which first reported the story. “And make sure that if you have a book on the Holocaust that you have one that has an opposing, that has other perspectives.”
“How do you oppose the Holocaust?” one teacher said in response, sounding baffled.
“Believe me,” Peddy said, “that’s come up.”
Lane Ledbetter, superintendent for Carroll ISD in Southlake, Tex., apologized late Thursday and acknowledged the authenticity of the recording.

“During the conversations with teachers, comments made were in no way to convey the Holocaust was anything less than a terrible event in history,” Ledbetter said in a statement posted to Facebook. “Additionally, we recognize there are not two sides of the Holocaust.”

Don't forget that before this happened, more than one person was photographed with a shirt saying six million Jews was not enough. During a right wing festival.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Texas school official tells teachers that Holocaust books should be countered with ‘opposing’ views

More important is that Texas has a new law that prohibits any negative information about CRT and again discussion about our dark past and recovery during the civil rights era!

anonymous said...

BWAAAAAAPAAAAAA!!!!! Sure ballz....pulling a goat fucker typical response when caught lying,....IT WAS COVERED MEANS YOU AIN'T GOT IT!!!!!! LOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!! God you make a box of rocks look smart.....LOLOLOLOL!!!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

His history from soars Yahoo to today shows that a higher education doesn't mean that he's intelligent.

Myballs said...

The superintendent apologized.

One board member resigned.

Post in caps all you want dumb fuck. This is happening. Damn, we don't call you dopey for nothing.

Myballs said...

The voice of academic envy speaks again. Lol.

anonymous said...

BWWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! You dumb fucker....I didn't realize that apologizing for a holocaust book anything do do about covering up rapes......Yep your higher education once again failed you asshole!!!!Thanx again for proving you are the proverbial box of rocks....!!!!!

Myballs said...

Dems in IL just redrew congressional districts for the one they're losing. They chose Rep Kinzinger to eliminate. That's his thanks for goung slong eith their partisan Jan 6 charade. Well deserved. Buh bye Adam.

anonymous said...

So typical of trump slurpers who have lost touch with reality conflating rapes with books......BWAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! Dumbass will never admit he fucked up, just like his idol who is never wrong....Keep digging ballz.....

Myballs said...

Liberal activists storm the dept of interior federal building. Insurrection!!! Insurrection!!!

Myballs said...

Psaki violates ethics laws from her podium. More scandal for this failed administration.

anonymous said...

And you worthless lying sack of shit ignore the hundreds of times trumps crew did the same thing....Why are you such a bigoted hypocrite where truth is secondary to making points???????

0. In its statement Friday, CREW noted that it had complained of Hatch Act violations by at least a dozen Trump administration officials, including Conway and then-UN Ambassador Nikki Haley. › en-us › newsEx-Trump Official Was Finally Punished Under the Hatch Act ...
Apr 08, 2021 · In October 2020 alone, CREW found that 16 Trump officials had violated the Hatch Act an astonishing 60 times, including first daughter/senior adviser Ivanka Trump, son-in-

anonymous said...

Social media the source of choice for trump losers like ballz......BWAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!

Associated Press
NOT REAL NEWS: A look at what didn't happen this week
The Associated Press
Fri, October 15, 2021, 1:49 PM
A roundup of some of the most popular but completely untrue stories and visuals of the week. None of these are legit, even though they were shared widely on social media. The Associated Press checked

— Ali Swenson


Study did not find that masks do not work

CLAIM: A 2018 study that looked at the effectiveness of N95 masks versus medical masks found that masks don’t stop the spread of viruses.

THE FACTS: The study found that N95 masks and medical masks are equally effective at protecting against viral respiratory infections and illnesses — not that masks do not work. The trial tracked groups of health care workers who were randomly assigned to wear either N95 or medical masks, also known as surgical masks, when around patients with respiratory or influenza-like illness. It looked at the health outcomes of these health workers at 137 outpatient sites over four flu seasons. Derek Cummings, a professor of biology and infectious disease epidemiologist at the University of Florida, said the study built on previous research that showed masks are effective at preventing the spread of viruses. “The study was not designed to assess whether N95 masks work or not,” he said. “What we were trying to do was to say that we know N95s work. We don’t know how much better they are than medical masks.” The study, which first appeared online in 2018 and then was published in the Journal of the American Medical Association in 2019, determined that both kinds of masks worked equally well. A line from the study’s conclusion reads in part: “neither N95 nor MM resulted in superior protection.” Social media users shared screenshots of that section and falsely claimed it was evidence that masks do not work. Trish Perl, chief of the division of infectious diseases and geographic medicine at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, also co-authored the study. Perl said she was mortified when she saw the misinformation about the study circulating online. “We found there was not a difference between wearing a respirator and wearing a medical mask in that study,” she said. “We didn’t say masks don’t work or N95 masks don’t work.” Since the start of the pandemic in 2020, misinformation around masks has been circulating online. Health officials, including the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, recommend masks to prevent those who are infected with coronavirus from spreading it.

Myballs said...

That has absolutely nothing to do with me.


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Commonsense said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...
The privatization of public schools has been an ambitious effort to turn education into a method to indoctrinate children into neo fascists.

Once again leftest are trying to accuse conservatives of things they are doing.

So Roger, which private conservative school is teaching their students to hate America and to hate themselves.

Which school district covered up the rape of a 9th grade student by a "transsexual" student just to protect their agenda. (Hint one of the richest public school districts in the country)

anonymous said...

That has absolutely nothing to do with me.

Sure it does are a social media addict and post lots of gibberish from questionable sources.....sorry sport the shoe fits you your apology idiocy!!!!!!!!

Myballs said...

Tbis is why we call you dopey. You just post any old bullshit no matter how stupid, silly, false or assinine it is.

Ibpisted facts about Loudon county schools. You're just holding your hands over your ears shouting la la lala.

rrb said...

Which school district covered up the rape of a 9th grade student by a "transsexual" student just to protect their agenda. (Hint one of the richest public school districts in the country)

Loudoun County Update: Family Of Alleged Rape Victim To Sue School District

Following the alleged rape of the victim, the same male student who allegedly attacked Smith’s daughter was transferred to a different school where he allegedly assaulted another victim.

As the Smiths said in the press release, “The sexual assault on our daughter and the subsequent sexual assault by the same individual were both predictable and preventable.”

They added, “The facts are that a male student claiming to be ‘gender fluid’ was permitted to enter the girls’ bathroom on May 28 and sexually assault our daughter. Making matters worse, the school system repeatedly failed to protect her thereafter.”

“Then, they concealed the sexual assault from the public while considering formalizing a bathroom access policy that would have – and now has – increased the likelihood of sexual assaults like these,” they continued. “As a result, our daughter and our family has suffered, and continue to suffer, from the very real consequences of a policy that endangers the safety of every student.”

rrb said...

I guess the whole "must believe all the wymyn" bullshit had a remarkably short shelf-life.

Indignant pastor James said...


How many of you have that Tshirt?

Myballs said...

No one here discussing killing more Jews but James. He must want it.

Commonsense said...

Then, they concealed the sexual assault from the public while considering formalizing a bathroom access policy that would have

The principle and school administrator should be criminally liable for their cover up. At the very least they should be fired.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Sometimes police officers take a second job to make a better life. Sometimes it turns into a tragedy.

A Harris County Precinct 4 constable deputy was shot to death and two other constable deputies were wounded early Saturday in what authorities are calling an ambush at a north Houston nightclub.

It happened around 2:15 a.m. in the 4400 block of the North Freeway near Crosstimbers at the 45 North Bar and Lounge.

The deputies were working an extra job at the nightclub when they tried to respond to a disturbance outside that may have been a robbery, according to Houston police, which is taking the lead in investigating what exactly happened.

"Be advised we have a suspicious person. There's a male knocking on doors at the hotel," a first responder can be heard saying in Rangecast audio.

A struggle with one person was interrupted when someone else opened fire with a rifle from behind the deputies, according to HPD Executive Assistant Chief James Jones.

Among the injured, one deputy was shot in the back, and another deputy was shot in the foot, Harris County Pct. 4 Constable Mark Herman said.


I watch a lot of police television shows and I can't believe how they handle the stress.

The few police officers I have met were great people.

rrb said...

Anonymous Myballs said...

No one here discussing killing more Jews but James. He must want it.

The pederast is like the alky - it's all psychological projection all the time with those two.

Liberals hate Jews. FACT. The pederast and the alky are no exception.

imagine the sheer vicious and evil hatred one must possess to even consider "SIX MILLION JEWS IS NOT ENOUGH

And the piece of shit calls himself a 'pastor.'

anonymous said...

BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! A newsstory that has become an opinion piece.....the Roger cites are what happened, not this BULLSHIT COVERUP FABRICATED FOR CONSUMPTION OF IDIOTS LIKE YOU, RAT......LOLOLOLOLOLO

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

the sheriff’s office said one of its school resource officers was notified of the alleged assault the same day and an investigation was quickly started. Officials said it was conducted over several weeks by the sheriff’s office’s Special Victims Unit.

Authorities said in the statement that on July 8, a male 14-year-old was arrested in the case and charged in juvenile court with two counts of sodomy

It was not a cover up.

Right wing propaganda has gaslighted you

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...


Honest, truth telling pastor James said...

...six million Jews...

That was on a Tshirt worn by some of your partisons, not mine.

By the way, there's a lot of good stuff at right now.

rrb said...

It was not a cover up.

It certainly was, by the LCSD school board, initially denying it ever happened in it's refusal to report.

The only reason we even know about it at all is due to the dust-up with the father of the sexually assaulted girl.

The LCDS school board went to great lengths to deny it and cover it up, only to be forced to admit it and have a board member resign.

YOU denying all of this doesn't mean it didn't happen alky, and you can shove your gaslighting up your nursing home ass.

Modern day public education is child abuse straight up, and every parent with the means needs to extract their child from the system NOW, be it home schooling or private.

Starve the fucking beast and let it be a dumping ground for failed liberal education policies and union SCUM.

Fuck them.


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Could have Trump turned the Republican party into the Whigs and dissapeare?

Republicans have been feuding for months in Nevada’s largest county after a pro-Donald Trump insurgency with ties to far-right activists threw the party into chaos,” Politico reports.

“Now the turmoil is spreading across the battleground state, consuming the GOP in a bonfire of lawsuits, counterclaims and resignations.”

“The meltdown — the latest iteration of the hostilities that have wracked the party nationally in the post-Trump era — could prove especially damaging if the fissures linger into next year.”

Truthful pastor James, who has a new website, said...

If that link doesn't work for you, copy it into an email you send to yourself, and it will work.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The privatization of public schools has been an ambitious effort to turn education into a method to indoctrinate children into neo fascists.

Concern for children in this context is just a smoke screen for right-wing activists with far greater ambitions. Calls by Fletcher and many others for a mass exodus from public schools, with the excuse of opposing vaccine and mask mandates, align with the ideal of divesting from the civic space of democracy altogether. They also further the cause of privatizing American education -- a pet project of Trump's Education Secretary Betsy DeVos.

It is a way to justify censorship of ideas you don't like, such as the centrality of slavery in America's development and the costs of institutionalized racism.

Censorship is the ambition of the right wing media. Telling children about our dark past and the recovery of freedom for all Americans, not just white people is absolutely necessary.

rrb said...

LCSB LIED. Then got caught.

The first "action item" the Loudoun school board took after the scandal broke that LCPS concealed the alleged rape of a 9th grade girl by a boy wearing a skirt was to resolve "that the Loudoun County School Board designate October as LGBTQ History Month"

rrb said...

alky plagiarism -

rrb said...

So some Marxist twat from NYU rushes to the defense of the teachers unions and failed public education system.

My, how predictable. She fears her ox being gored.

She should. What she advocates for our children is fucking EVIL.

anonymous said...

Twitter and rat....unadulterated BULLSHIT !!!!!!!!! The REAL scandal is you and the other right wing assholes spreading at best a fabricated pile of crap......BWAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! Your righteous indignation is most amusing having no skin in the actual game!!!!!!

rrb said...

Your righteous indignation is most amusing having no skin in the actual game!!!!!!

As a payer of school taxes I have plenty of skin in the game, BWAA. Smart people know this. Imbeciles like you do not.

anonymous said...

Payer of school taxes in Virginia........BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! You ain't smart, just an echo chamber of other fucking idiots who have corrupted what is left of your mind........Keep digging!!!!

Commonsense said...

The privatization of public schools has been an ambitious effort to turn education into a method to indoctrinate children into neo fascists.

Following the marxist propaganda right down the line.

It is the conceit of the marxist that the public won't take the shit they feed and show up at public forums to express their opposition.

McAuffie may lose his bid for governorship.

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Loudoun Schools Did Not Record Multiple Alleged Sexual Assaults Over A Period Of Years Despite State Law, Records Show
Law also requires sex assaults to be reported to superintendent; superintendent claimed he did not know of any sexual assaults on school property.

Loudoun County Public Schools did not record multiple known incidents of alleged sexual assault in schools dating back several years, despite a law that requires statistics about school safety incidents to be reported to the public and which includes provisions holding school superintendents personally liable for violations, a Daily Wire review of public records found.

After The Daily Wire raised the discrepancy with the Virginia Department of Education, VDOE spokesman Charles Pyle said that “VDOE is reviewing the discipline, crime and violence data submissions of Loudoun County Public Schools and is in communication with LCPS to determine whether the division’s reporting is accurate and whether the division is in compliance with state and federal law.”

The same law could have implications for a Loudoun superintendent or principal in the wake of a May 28 alleged sexual assault in a bathroom — an incident first reported by The Daily Wire Monday. On June 22, Superintendent Scott Ziegler told the public, “To my knowledge, we don’t have any record of assaults occurring in our restrooms.”

Virginia law requires that “Reports shall be made to the division superintendent and to the principal or his designee on all incidents involving … sexual assault.”

The Daily Wire asked LCPS questions last week including, “Has Stone Bridge ever reported the May alleged sexual assault in any statistics or made anyone aware of it?” LCPS hid behind state law, with Director of Communications Joan Sahlgren replying that “Any information related to student information is confidential under state and federal laws regarding student privacy.”

However, state law actually requires statistics on assaults and other incidents in schools to be reported to the public, in the form of annually updated statistics available on a public database called Safe Schools Information Resource (SSIR) administered by the Virginia Department of Education. LCPS reported to the state that Stone Bridge had zero sexual assaults for the 2020-2021 school year, which includes May 28, 2021.

anonymous said...

The Daily Wire opinion article,......BWAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! Sad you keep falling for the tripe of other idiots.......LOLOLOLOLOL

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Secretary Miguel Cardona


A Wisconsin study found that schools that required masking had a 37% lower incidence of COVID-19 than the surrounding community.


Did you read the study?? “it was not possible to determine the specific roles that mask-wearing and other disease mitigation strategies played in the low rate of disease spread”

You need to retract if you want to retain a modicum of credibility.

You’re just going to embarrass yourself with this misinformation, and leave it up?

and lapped up by the FAKE NEWS media

straight from the Biden administration

Ministry of Truth


JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

I'm guessing I'm stealing one of CHT's Sunday funnies...

it's too good to ignore


JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Luke Rosiak

Local news outlets who do not credit @realdailywire for what is happening in Loudoun are omitting a key issue for their readers: The concealment. This did not just happen on its own. They were not planning on telling anyone about any of this until they got caught & had no choice.


Anonymous said...

See the difference is always the same.
Denney's lies.

I post what Roger actually said.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...


In commenting on the supply chain crisis the other day, Joe Biden said:

I want to thank my Supply Chain Disruptions Task Force, which we set up in June, led by Secretaries Buttigieg, Raimondo, and Vilsack, and by my Director of National Economic Council, Brian Deese. I want to thank them for their leadership. . . .

But yesterday, we learned that Buttigieg has been on paternity leave since mid-August. (Did Biden know this?) If Buttigieg is “leading,” he’s leading from home while trying to take care of two newborn babies.

Paternity leave is a fine thing. And maybe more than the usual amount of it is beneficial when the couple in question does not include a woman.

But I can’t imagine a serious public official taking two months of paternity leave, and counting — reportedly, Buttigieg plans to stay out for a while longer. And doing so when you’ve been assigned to deal with a major domestic crisis demonstrates a callous disregard for your duties.

No one seriously believes that if Buttigieg were not on paternity leave, the supply chain situation would be materially better. But that’s not the point. It’s Buttigieg’s job to devote his undeflected attention to coping with this crisis. It’s his duty to put the nation’s interests ahead of his personal ones.

The course of the war in Afghanistan very likely would have been the same if Defense Secretary Mattis had taken a few months off in 2017. It might be the case that the financial crisis of 2008 would have played out the same way if Treasury Secretary Poulsen had been on leave in the midst of it.

Still, it’s unthinkable that either Cabinet member would have stayed home for weeks for any reason short of debilitating illness (their own). These, after all, are serious, dedicated men.

Pete Buttigieg is something else. A faggot.

Anonymous said...

Well "do some math" systematicly excluded The Three Stooges from this and any other debate.

Roger is your sister in her final resting place?

Anonymous said...

Roger, your economic theory of "higher Unemployment is good for the US Economy" , comes from where?

Anonymous said...

Alky, why did you say this?

"Pete Buttigieg is something else. A faggot."

I read the article , only you called him "a faggot".

C.H. Truth said...

The privatization of public schools has been an ambitious effort to turn education into a method to indoctrinate children into neo fascists.

Yes... by teaching them math,science, english, social studies, history, and the subjects they will need to get to college or get a job.

because if you are not taught to be woke you are obviously a neo-fascist.

C.H. Truth said...

Opinion: Parental control is a smoke screen for right-wing activists

You are literally advocating that Parents should have no say in their child's education. I feel bad for your children if their own father didn't believe he had any say in how they were brought up.

Personally pretty much every Parent I know wants at least "bit" of say in how their own children are raised. Some actually want more than a "bit". They are called caring and loving parents.

But it might be accurate that more liberals are the types to drop their kids off with someone else to raise them and teach them about life. Liberals love to shirk their responsibilities.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Stupid Joe fucks up again.

đŸ¤£President Biden told reporters Friday evening that anyone who defies a congressional subpoena should be prosecuted. đŸ˜‚

Oh , damn Joe.

Anonymous said...

"You are literally advocating that Parents should have no say in their child's education. I feel bad for your children if their own father didn't believe he had any say in how they were brought up."

Alky didn't raise his kids. That is why they have nothing to do with him.

Scott, your statement is true.

C.H. Truth said...

Don't forget that before this happened, more than one person was photographed with a shirt saying six million Jews was not enough. During a right wing festival.

That was actually at a meeting of "the squad".

Remember when Ocasio-Cortez broke down crying because the House passed the bill giving funding to Israel's missile defense system? She literally wants Hamas and Palestinian terrorists to succeed in killing Jews.

Anonymous said...

Correcting Roger is required.

Otherwise Roger remains ignorant.

Anonymous said...

Triator Joe's America.

"A Cook County judge on Friday ordered Fraternal Order of Police President John Catanzara to stop making public comments encouraging his members to defy the city’s COVID vaccine policies."