Monday, October 25, 2021

Mancin says he is on board with reconciliation - but still holding at $1.5 trillion.

Just a few t's to cross and i's to dot and to get everyone else to agree to $1.5 trillion I guess?

Not sure if this should be considered good new or bad news at this point for Democrats. The fact that Manchin says that a deal could be in place should seem like good news. But the fact that he still says he is holding to the $1.5 trillion is certainly not. The new range that Biden, Schumer, and Pelosi have been talking is in that $2.0 trillion dollar range. That might not seem to be a lot of difference in the grand scheme of things, but if Manchin sticks to his guns on $1.5 there will be an awful lot of angry Democrats who may not want to cave that far.


Myballs said...

Manchin doesn't care if it's zero. He doesn't have to budge an inch.

Anonymous said...

Biden Tax everything , prior Thread.

In a speech on July 9, Biden proposed to "put an end to the era of shareholder capitalism "

He is just making good on his promise.

Myballs said...

Biden told a kids class today that it's his job to avoid answering the media's questions. What a fuckin idiot.

rrb said...

What a fuckin idiot.

Yep. An idiot who is focused on a National Gender Strategery.

The Real Coldheartedtruth said...

Sleepy Joe is the real coup artist???

The Real Coldheartedtruth said...

Punchbowl news.

→ The White House and Democratic leaders hope to get a vote on the $1 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill this week. Right now, we’d put the odds at 50-50 -- at most. There are massive issues on the Democrats’ reconciliation package that need to be closed out, a tax proposal that needs to be written and still, we will note, no agreement on the topline spending figure.

One other point -- If you want to pass an important bill by, let’s say, Wednesday, you needed to have started whipping it already. Like yesterday. And so far, there’s no whipping on BIF due to the lack of a reconciliation framework. We’re not saying it can’t be done. But we’re saying that if you’re going to do it, you need to start pronto.

The House Republican leadership believes that fewer than 10 of its lawmakers will vote for this infrastructure bill. 

→ The White House plans to dispatch President Joe Biden to Capitol Hill to speak to Democrats if a deal gets cut on a reconciliation framework, according to sources involved in the talks. No details are finalized yet.

→ Here’s Biden today in New Jersey, speaking about his negotiations with Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) over the weekend on the Democrats’ massive social spending package: “It went well. A few more things to work out, but it went well.” He spoke well and again not demented like the stupid troll squad asshole. And newsmax

Biden was then asked if he thinks there will be a “plan before Wednesday,” meaning a framework agreement on the reconciliation legislation before he leaves for Rome.

“With the grace of God and the goodwill of the neighbors,” Biden answered, giving his Delaware version of John Wayne.

→ House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn (D-S.C.) called Manchin Sunday to try to convince him about the wisdom of closing the Medicaid “gap” in states that haven’t expanded coverage under Obamacare. Addressing this issue, which would impact millions of Americans in mainly red states (with Texas and Florida leading the list), has been a priority for House Democrats. Manchin has been cool to the idea.

→ Manchin told reporters today he still is aiming for a $1.5 trillion reconciliation package, according to Politico's Burgess Everett. MSNBC covered it live

Happening today: The House will come back in session at 2 p.m., with legislative debate at 5 p.m. The Senate will vote at 5:30 p.m. on Douglas Parker’s nomination to be assistant secretary of Labor and Myrna PĂ©rez to be a circuit judge in New York.

Personally he has to get it done this week or.


C.H. Truth said...

Personally he has to get it done this week or.

Who is "he" and what does "he" have to get done.

As suggested LAST WEEK the whole deadline nonsense is meaningless if you continue to pass deadline after deadline after deadline without anything changing.

If this does not get done this week, then next Monday we will hear Nancy Pelosi and the rest of the minions explain how that will be the week they finally get everything done.

The Real Coldheartedtruth said...

If the Democrats compromise on this list can be a victory in the future.

According to the latest reporting, here’s some of what’s being left out entirely or trimmed back significantly:
Two years of free community college: gone

Dental, hearing, and vision coverage in Medicare: probably gone, or perhaps reduced to some kind of limited voucher

Expanded child tax credit: not made permanent, but perhaps extended for one year

Paid family and medical leave: probably reduced from 12 weeks to 4 weeks

Medicare negotiating prescription drug prices: maybe gone entirely, possibly retained in some very limited form

Clean energy standard that would use carrots and sticks to get power companies to transition to clean energy: gone

Extending Medicaid in conservative states that refused the program’s expansion: perhaps only a 3-year fix rather than a permanent one

Tax cuts on the wealthy and corporations: severely limited
Other programs, including universal pre-K and home care, are still up in the air, and keep in mind that this is all subject to change. Is that list of cuts and trims a bummer? Absolutely. But even if Sen. Joe Manchin III (D-W.Va.) gets his way and holds the bill to his arbitrary $1.5 trillion, that’s a lot of spending on important needs.

Whatever you think of the strategy of creating a temporary program in the hope it becomes difficult to undo, whether it succeeds is a matter of policy implementation but also of politics. The more Democrats tout the wonders of the child tax-credit extension, telling the stories of people who benefit from it and reiterating that Republicans want to get rid of it, the more political support it could gain. In other words, the bill’s ultimate success will be determined in part by the choices Democrats make after it becomes law.
And even with the likely cuts, there will be a huge amount to celebrate. For the first time, the United States could have a national paid family and medical leave program. Also for the first time, millions of people in red states who got shut out of the Medicaid expansion will be able to get free health insurance. The bill will still have worthwhile climate initiatives, housing aid, and help for home care for seniors and the disabled. All of these are worthy of celebration.
And guess what: In 2022, Democrats will be able to pass another bill through reconciliation. If people begin working now, it could contain some of the things that got eliminated from this bill.
And in many cases, this debate has already gotten a particular program or benefit on the national agenda, which is the first step to seeing it one day become law. A couple of years ago, very few people were talking about adding dental, vision and hearing benefits to Medicare. Today, it’s an idea supported by almost all Democrats. It will probably still take some time to get it enacted, but it’s much closer than it was before now.
To see things that way you have to take a long view — but creating new social programs is a long and often arduous process. President Harry S. Truman proposed a national health insurance program in 1945; it would be another 20 years before President Lyndon B. Johnson signed Medicare and Medicaid into law.
Not only will the fight to expand our social infrastructure go on after this bill is signed, the groundwork for next year’s reconciliation bill can be laid starting right now. And liberals should remember that if they act like all is lost, it really could be.

The Real Coldheartedtruth said...

History can be used to determine what can happen in the future!

To see things that way you have to take a long view — but creating new social programs is a long and often arduous process. President Harry S. Truman proposed a national health insurance program in 1945; it would be another 20 years before President Lyndon B. Johnson signed Medicare and Medicaid into law.
Not only will the fight to expand our social infrastructure go on after this bill is signed, the groundwork for next year’s reconciliation bill can be laid starting right now. And liberals should remember that if they act like all is lost, it really could be.

Medicare LBJ.

Obamacare Obama

Expansion of Medicare? The Democrats if they pass the infrastructure and the American Dream Package can be altered by the President in the next session.

The Real Coldheartedtruth said...

How liberals can turn compromise into victory.

rrb said...

Oh boy. Here come the plagiarisms in bold

The alky is bringing out the heavy artillery.


If this does not get done this week, then next Monday we will hear Nancy Pelosi and the rest of the minions explain how that will be the week they finally get everything done.

And the week after that, and the week after that, and the week after that...

And the only "he" that matters is Manchin. Stairmaster Joe can only sit there, watch, and maybe drool a little.

Ron Klain doesn't have the heart to tell him that he doesn't matter. Like at all. Like with anything to do with this presidency.

The Real Coldheartedtruth said...

Word mashup..

If this does not get done this week, then next Monday we will hear Nancy Pelosi and the rest of the minions explain how that will be the week they finally get everything done.

If this does not get done this week, then next Monday, Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats have a problem.

I have seen and heard and read that Biden has a pretty big problem.

The only thing that might matter is the election in Virginia. If the President and the former President Obama motivate enough Democrats, some Republicans will get worried about Trumpism.

rrb said...

What's this? Like week 12 of democrat failure theatre?

When did they start with their $3.5 TILLION bullshit boondoggle?

Commonsense said...

If McAuliffe wins, there's no Hope for Virginia. Then again, it's close enough to fix.

The Real Coldheartedtruth said...

Even the fake news robotics has criticized Sleepy Joe Biden.

Biden’s Getaways Outpacing Trump’s

CNN: “President Biden has spent a significant amount of time away from the White House, particularly on weekends, since his January inauguration. Including last weekend’s trip to Delaware, Biden has taken 35 personal trips and spent all or part of 108 of his first 276 days in office at one of his Delaware homes or at Camp David in Maryland. That includes partial days, like Friday — when he spent the day at the White House and departed in the evening.”

“That puts Biden ahead of the pace set by former President Donald Trump, who had spent less time at his Florida and New Jersey getaways at the same point in his presidency than Biden has spent in Delaware.”

But the difference is that Sleepy Joe had meetings with the and other Democrats to work out of solution. Instead of playing Golf

rrb said...

LOL. Just a "tad"...

"We've stopped hearing people saying 'transition' or 'transitory' because it's feeling a tad longer than that," she says.

"It won't be helped if the U.S. debt ceiling situation doesn't get resolved on a more timely basis before December," she adds.

That "tad" has even been admitted by Yellen as stretching way into 2022.

rrb said...

A spokesman for the White House claims that the administration is “unfamiliar” with the popular “F*ck Joe Biden” or “Let’s Go Brandon” chants that have filled the halls of so many events in the past few months.

This is believable. These dumb fucks have been so out of touch with so much, it's possible they missed it.

rrb said...

A man is in custody after he drove his car into a group of people protesting coronavirus vaccine mandates in Southern California. William Aslaksen, 64, argued with protesters at the rally on Sunday before getting into his vehicle, according to witnesses.

So some nitwit kid did this in Charlottesville and the fucking world ended.

Let's watch this get exactly zero coverage from the MSM.

The Real Coldheartedtruth said...

The Rolling Stones story shows that ch and his hero is a clear and present danger. And unless he is elected president again he might die like Al Capone.

Despite their remaining affinity for Trump and their questions about the vote, both sources say they were motivated to come forward because of their concerns about how the pro-Trump protests against the election ultimately resulted in the violent attack on the Capitol. Of course, with their other legal issues and the House investigation, both of these sources have clear motivation to cooperate with investigators and turn on their former allies. And both of their accounts paint them in a decidedly favorable light compared with their former allies. 

“The reason I’m talking to the committee and the reason it’s so important is that — despite Republicans refusing to participate … this commission’s all we got as far as being able to uncover the truth about what happened at the Capitol that day,” the organizer says. “It’s clear that a lot of bad actors set out to cause chaos. … They made us all look like shit.” 

And Trump, they admit, was one of those bad actors. A representative for Trump did not respond to a request for comment.

“The breaking point for me [on Jan. 6 was when] Trump starts talking about walking to the Capitol,” the organizer says. “I was like. ‘Let’s get the fuck out of here.’ ”

 “I do kind of feel abandoned by Trump,” says the planner. “I’m actually pretty pissed about it and I’m pissed at him.”

The organizer offers an even more succinct assessment when asked what they would say to Trump.  

“What the fuck?” the organizer says. 

The two potential witnesses plan to present to the committee allegations about how these demonstrations were funded and to detail communications between organizers and the White House. According to both sources, members of Trump’s administration and former members of his campaign team were involved in the planning. Both describe Katrina Pierson, who worked for Trump’s campaign in 2016 and 2020, as a key liaison between the organizers of protests against the election and the White House. 

“Katrina was like our go-to girl,” the organizer says. “She was like our primary advocate.”

Pierson spoke at the Ellipse rally on Jan. 6. She did not respond to requests for comment. 

Both sources also describe Trump’s White House chief of staff, Mark Meadows, as someone who played a major role in the conversations surrounding the protests on Jan. 6

James's Fucking Daddy said...

rrb said...

A spokesman for the White House claims that the administration is “unfamiliar” with the popular “F*ck Joe Biden” or “Let’s Go Brandon” chants that have filled the halls of so many events in the past few months.

Maybe someone can get one of the songs of it out on vinyl so Joe can play it on his phonograph.

It was the number-1 song on iTunes

and people have been showing him that number 1 when he manages to go out on road trips

The Real Coldheartedtruth said...

Remember when he publicly said that he was going to the Capitol building but instead he tweeted tirade. Until he had to say go home and I love you

He is a typical coward. A bone spurs draft dodger sob

rrb said...

If McAuliffe wins, there's no Hope for Virginia. Then again, it's close enough to fix.

Well, according to 0linsky, the rape of a student at LCPS is just "trumped up fake outrage."

My, how far the left has fallen from "believe all the wymyn."

It's getting tough to keep up.

James's Fucking Daddy said...

Christina Pushaw


Today @GovRonDeSantis dispels another false narrative that's all over the mainstream media. It started with @washingtonpost, whose reporter/activist emailed me for comment at 11:21 PM last night on a 5:00 AM deadline.


"We all know corporate media lies. OK, they do not tell the truth. Assume what they're telling you is false and figure out why they're telling you a false narrative."


just look at the recent Rolling Stone piece

rrb said...

e is a typical coward. A bone spurs draft dodger sob

You have a bit of a pot/kettle thing working there alky.

Yeah... flat feet, fallen arches... basically the same thing.

And I never once saw Trump stealing a family members valor like you have hundreds of times around here alky.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Roger Amick said...

I was not going to be drafted because my birthday made me over 200 th in the draft. I attempted to volunteer!

Trump is a draft dodging sob

James's Fucking Daddy said...

Great and detailed article, lot's of video (despite the feds hiding so much):

Meet Ray Epps: The Fed-Protected Provocateur Who Appears To Have Led The Very First 1/6 Attack On The U.S. Capitol

The story of the mystery man, Ray Epps, featured in Rep. Massie’s video above is in fact far more shocking than even the good Congressman implies in the hearing. It’s a story so strange, and so scandalous at every turn, that it threatens to shatter the entire official narrative of the “Capitol Breach” and expose yet another dimension of proactive federal involvement in the so-called “insurrection” of January 6th.

If Revolver News’s previous reporting points to a proactive role of the federal government in relation to the conspiracy cases against Oath Keepers and Proud Boys, the Ray Epps story that follows suggests a similar, yet more egregious, explicit, direct and immediate degree of federal involvement in the breach of the Capitol itself.

full article:

Biden needs to immediately order the DOJ and FBI explain their involvement in the protest

And the release of the 14,000 hours of withheld tapes

The Real Coldheartedtruth said...

Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) said Monday that he believed Democrats "should" be able to get a deal on a framework agreement for President Biden's social spending bill this week.

"Having it finished with all the t's and the i's and everything you know crossed and dotted that will be difficult from the Senate side because we have an awful lot of text to go through, but as far as conceptually we should, I really believe," Manchin told reporters on Monday.

Manchin added that Democrats "should be" able to reach a deal on a framework this week, adding that "it really should be" finished.

Anonymous said...

4F Alky.

You were simply unfit to serve.

James's Fucking Daddy said...

Robby Starbuck

Democrats want to talk about January 6th instead of the problems that really matter to normal people because they know they’re creating the problems for normal people. J6 is a distraction. The rest of us are more concerned with inflation, gas prices, job killing mandates and CRT.

Actually what occurred on Jan 6th needs a lot of explaining by the DOJ and FBI though it was an orchestrated distraction

And the Biden administration is failing on all fronts

Anonymous said...

The leftist tell us how good the Boden Economy is.

Then why the Stimulus bills for $5.6 Trillion?

James's Fucking Daddy said...

Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸

FLASHBACK: Pelosi denied the White House’s request for additional federal officer and National Guard on Jan 6

and she's never explained...

C.H. Truth said...

Hey Roger...

You got anything to say about former Presidents today?

The Real Coldheartedtruth said...


The Real Coldheartedtruth said...

Roger didn't have anything about the former President except that he could be prosecuted if he isn't elected President again.

The War Room was a crime scene.

Anonymous said...

This is Alky's Life

"The link you followed may be broken, or the page may have been removed."

James's Fucking Daddy said...



Maskless Biden coughs into his hand and then goes around shaking other people’s hands.

and his crowd sure looks swampy and acted accordingly

The Real Coldheartedtruth said...

He blocked kputz during soars

James's Fucking Daddy said...

Tom Bevan

Wall Street Journal editorial board sounds the alarm.

They went were everyone else saw

except the liberals here who thought he did great

James's Fucking Daddy said...

Emerald Robinson

Our grandkids will stare at us in disbelief one day and ask us: "You lived during the time of the evil Dr. Fauci. What did you do about it? Why didn't you stop him?"

What will you say to them?

and the same goes for the Biden administration

Anonymous said...

Today's Technology mocks Roger, again.

James's Fucking Daddy said...

The Real Coldheartedtruth said...
Roger didn't have anything about the former President except that he could be prosecuted if he isn't elected President again.

I'll bite. If he's so guilty and dems are in power why can't they prosecute him now?

And with what factual charges ?

He's been investigated to death

unlike the Bidens

and why are you talking about yourself like the "pastor" does ?

you are only confusing yourself


James's Fucking Daddy said...

Robby Starbuck


This is hilarious. #WeWillNotComply

The Real Coldheartedtruth said...

A legal precedent for the future prosecution of domestic terrorists?

Two members of a neo-Nazi paramilitary group were officially declared terrorists in a federal case in Maryland Monday, according to Winnipeg News reporter Ryan Thorpe.

Defendants Patrik Mathews and Brian Lemley Jr. appeared for a joint sentencing hearing in which prosecutors attempted to add a terrorism sentencing enhancement onto the case. Doing so dramatically increases the time the men would spend behind bars.

The men were convicted of planning a bombing attack in Richmond, Virginia but the plot never occurred because law enforcement thwarted it. The prosecution asked for a 25-year prison sentence, but the unsealed sentencing memo quotes the defense attorney calling it, "grossly disproportionate." The excuse was that the terrorist attack never happened.

The judge agreed with the prosecution, ultimately deciding that the men met the standards to be charged with the terrorism enhancement for sentencing.

This is the most recent example of a terrorism sentence in the United States, at a time Americans are asking questions about whether Jan. 6 attackers could be considered terrorists. While the U.S. Patriot Act redefined "domestic terrorism," Section 802 never created a new charge of "domestic terrorism." It makes the sentencing part of a trial the only real option to give additional punishments for acts of domestic terrorism.

Jim's Fucking Daddy said...

Greg Kelly


VERY BIZARRE SEQUENCE. Fanone is NOT unconscious as the narrator says. He's not being "dragged" he's being ASSISTED and Helped by the man with the reddish hair and the beard, several other protesters, and another man in a red hat.

why is the government not releasing all the video and instead releasing parts to HBO and mischaracterizing it.

And not giving to defendants

And why has the FBI and DOJ still not come clean on their involvement

Smells just like Michigan

and Virginia...

James's Fucking Daddy said...

Five Times August


We sure went from “urges not to” to “authorized” pretty quickly…

I suspect without any studies to back this up

More Fauci "science"

what a fucking disaster

The Real Coldheartedtruth said...

A very brief summary of Donald Trump’s attempted coup d’etat

Based on what we know now, it's worth a very brief recap of the events following the 2020 presidential election:

1:Between November 3 and January 6, every organ of the Republican Party was dedicated to the proposition that Democrats had stolen the presidential election.

2;The president of the United States—Donald J. Trump—was the foremost champion of this conspiracy theory.

3:His supporters filed dozens of court cases claiming fraud, losing every one of them.

4:Trump then turned to Attorney General William Barr to support his claims of election fraud, but Barr refused.

5:As he became ever more frantic, Trump consulted with an eminent lawyer who presented him with a plan to overturn the Electoral College results.

6;Practically speaking, the plan boiled down to "The vice president has the ultimate authority to accept or throw out whatever results he wants.

7:"Trump pressed vice president Mike Pence to accept this. Pence called around desperately trying to convince himself that he had this authority.

8:A war room at the Willard hotel, filled with Trump's closest advisors, was set up to put intense pressure on Pence to play ball.

9:On January 5 Trump issued a statement that he and Pence were in "total agreement" about Pence's authority.

10:This was a lie. In the end, Pence couldn't quite bring himself to follow Trump's orders.

11:On January 6, a huge mob descended on Washington DC to protest the reading of the Electoral College results. Trump was thrilled with this.

12:The mob broke into the Capitol in hopes of stopping Pence from declaring a winner.

13:At the time, nearly every Republican politician denounced the insurrection.

14:Today, nearly every Republican politician refuses to denounce the insurrection.

Kevin Drum

James's Fucking Daddy said...

Lee Smith

Great @DarrenJBeattie piece. Increasingly clear FBI, press & other oligarchy-controlled institutions tried to forge a Sumter event to rationalize war on America First movement.


By January 8, the FBI Capitol Violence Most Wanted List featured a big fat friendly face shot of Ray Epps. The FBI’s Washington Field Office, in a tweet the same day, called for the public’s help in identifying Epps. Epps, dressed in full camo with a bright red “Trump” hat, is the FBI’s “Suspect 16” in the bottom-left quadrant of both images reproduced below:

For your edification, we matched FBI Suspect Photo #16 to the timestamp 0:48 of the full barricade breach source video:

There are currently 486 suspects in the FBI’s Capitol Violence Most Wanted list. The fact that Ray Epps was one of the first 20 suspects the FBI ever publicly featured on its “be on the lookout” boards and “Most Wanted” lists reveals just how high a priority the FBI’s rank-and-file investigators considered Epps to be.

So to recap, on January 8, the FBI begged the public’s help to identify the mysterious “Person #16.”

Then, a funny thing happened: the public actually delivered.

Initially, swarms of left-wing researcher accounts, Antifa groups, and partisan non-profits leapt into Crowdsourced Internet Detective mode. They assigned Epps’s identity various hashtags and tracked his movements throughout January 5-6. The primary three hashtags assigned to Epps were:

#CrowdControl, because of the way Epps was always controlling every crowd he was a part of on both January 5 and January 6;
#FedBoomer, because of the shocking video (analyzed below) of Epps being shouted down as a “Fed” by Trump supporters for proposing to enter the Capitol
; and#BigMagaCamo, which came to be Epps’s final, neutral descriptor name. It is under the #BigMagaCamo moniker that virtually all left-wing databases, shared Google spreadsheets and multimedia archives retain most of their Ray Epps information.

Within days of the riot at the Capitol, archives quickly swelled with videos and images of Epps.

Ray Epps played two roles in virtually every encounter during his Commando Capitol Tour on January 6.

First, Epps instructed his commandos and the crowds at his attention to rush into the Capitol and let nothing stop them. Second, Epps assiduously protected cops and law enforcement so no local or federal officers would be harmed during the precision breaches.

If you want to see what this walking philosophical paradox looks like in action, here’s a clip of Epps patrolling the very front police lines of the Capitol’s Western Plaza at approximately 3:15 p.m at the height of the day’s mania — nearly two and a half hours after Epps and his “breach team” appeared to coordinate the toppling of the Capitol’s East-side police barricades.

much, much more. Why has the FBI gone silent on him ?

Why has the FBI not come clean on all involvement

Why is state media silent

Why is the FBI feeding HBO selected cuts out of 14,000 hours ?

Why wouldn't Garland answer ?

James's Fucking Daddy said...

Why Is the Government Hiding January 6 Video Footage?
The American public still doesn’t know exactly what happened on January 6—and it’s clear the government will use any means necessary to keep it that way.

Joe Biden calls it the worst attack since the Civil War. Attorney General Merrick Garland compares it to the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing. The FBI is breaking down the doors of Iraq War veterans and small business owners who have no criminal records, and some are hauled off to rot in solitary confinement in a fetid D.C. jail, for their involvement in the alleged travesty.

The event, of course, is the roughly four-hour-long disturbance at the U.S. Capitol on January 6. As mostly nonviolent Americans dared to protest Congress’ certification of a clearly fraudulent presidential election in a place that once was considered “The People’s House,” lawmakers scurried for cover as reporters and photographers captured part of the ruckus on video and still shots to wield as political ammunition against Donald Trump and his supporters.

But have we seen a full and fair depiction of exactly what happened that day? The answer, as evidenced by an ongoing coverup by the U.S. Capitol Police and the Justice Department, clearly is no.

Almost all the January 6 video seen by the public isn’t from official government sources but by social media users and journalists on the scene. For example, the widely viewed footage of protestors occupying the Senate chamber was recorded by a New Yorker journalist.

and why is the DOJ and FBI not coming clean ?

The Real Coldheartedtruth said...

Passing any large bill in an era when the country is bitterly polarized and operates on the basis of typically small congressional majorities is highly unusual. Yet Biden could walk away with nearly $3 trillion in infrastructure and social spending bills on top of an earlier $1.9 trillion Covid-19 rescue bill. Such a list of achievements may go some way to tempering Democratic angst after a brutal summer in which the President's stature took a pounding over the chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan, a surge in coronavirus infections, rising inflation, peaking gas prices, a mismatched labor market and a supply chain crunch.
It would also allow him to argue to Americans that he and his party had made good on their campaign promises and leveraged a moment when they control power in Washington to make significant political change.
Until now, there has been vast mistrust between House progressives and moderates in the Senate, including Arizona Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, who is opposed to raising the corporate tax rate and the top marginal rate of income tax for individuals, CNN has reported. Such hikes were originally seen as critical to paying for the social spending plan. Pelosi told CNN Sunday that potential alternative financing for the bill could involve a billionaires' tax and IRS tax enforcement.
The internal Democratic disconnect thwarted a previous attempt by the House to pass the infrastructure bill on the basis of a separate agreement by senators on the content of the spending plan. But there are signs that Biden's intense role in the negotiations in recent days may have eased that impasse.
"My view is that the President's word, saying, 'I have the commitment of 50 senators, and those 50 senators are going to vote for this bill and here are the details, that that's good enough,'" Rep. Ro Khanna, a progressive Democrat from California, said on "Fox News Sunday." "I don't think proceduralism will hold us back. If the President gives his word and has a clear commitment, that will be good enough."
Passing huge bills comes with risks for Democrats
Biden's tough summer, which has taken a toll on his approval ratings, is one of a number of factors that suggest that even if he passes a multi-trillion dollar agenda, any political payoff may not arrive in time to save Democrats, who are facing historically treacherous midterm elections a year from now -- not to mention a tight Virginia governor's race in just over a week.
To begin with, the bitter Democratic infighting over the packages, and particularly the top-line number, has overshadowed the transformation of social care that they contain. And given the secrecy surrounding the negotiations, no one outside the talks has a clear notion of what will be included in a final version. So the bill has so far been a hard sell politically. A compromise plan valued at around $1.75 trillion will also disappoint many progressive voters and could dampen their enthusiasm at the polls next year.
It also remains to be shown whether embarking on a massive spending program truly reflects the will of voters, who, after all, produced a 50-50 Senate in the last election -- in which Democrats can call on Vice President Kamala Harris' deciding vote -- and gave the party an advantage of a only handful of seats in the House. Such slim margins hardly represent a massive mandate for change in normal times.
Republicans are already making such an argument the centerpiece of their campaigns for midterms in which they have high hopes of winning the House and the Senate and effectively preventing Biden from any other big legislative achievements for the remainder of his term ahead of the 2024 presidential election.
"Democrats are having an incredibly hard time getting where they'd like to be," Missouri Sen. Roy Blunt said on NBC's "Meet the Press" on Sunday. "They've decided that they've got a mandate when there's clearly no mandate."

James's Fucking Daddy said...

Dinesh D'Souza interviews Julie Kelly about FBI parallels between Jan 6 and Whitmer 'kidnapping' plot

Investigative writer Julie Kelly drew parallels between the Whitmer "kidnapping" plot and Jan. 6, suggesting the the FBI might be behind both operations.

Conservative commentator Dinesh D'Souza recently interviewed Kelly for insight on how surveillance organizations like the FBI are potentially connected to the matter, especially with the most recent round of scrutiny.



and and she points out why the silence of Wray along with Garland ?

FBI has their fingerprints all over this

and are in the front row

The Real Coldheartedtruth said...

But in the modern era, with voters generally in a disgruntled mood and with power changing often between Democrats and Republicans in Washington, it is becoming even more vital for each party to maximize their achievement in the fleeting years when they are in control. Biden could go a long way toward realizing that goal in the next week!

James's Fucking Daddy said...

Chip Roy

Now that a judge ruled it was rape… & the rapist admitted he wore a skirt into the girls’ bathroom… & the #NASB apologized for its political memo… will AG #Garland admit his mistake in targeting parents & will @TerryMcAuliffe own this #LoudounScandal for #VirginiaDemocrats.


this should be the final straw for McAuliffe

but he's busy changing election laws to try and hold on by his fingernails

also saw he's got Epstein connections too...

what a scumbag

The Real Coldheartedtruth said...


Conspiracy Theory Addiction is a non-substance behavioral addiction. Behavioral addictions are defined as behaviors a patient craves or becomes dependent on. Conspiracy theorists find propagating misinformation and belonging to groups who spread conspiracies calming and often euphoric. “Since we can’t just dismiss conspiracy theories as insignificant, we need to understand the psychological factors that make them so appealing to so many people.” Researchers within the psychiatric community found specific emotions, coupled with a need for ‘cognitive closure’ makes people prone to baseless theories, such as the idea that the Apollo moon landing was a hoax or the 9/11 attack was orchestrated by the U.S. government. Cognitive Closure, a psychological term, is the desire to find an explanation, or obtain a straight answer, be it true or false.

Or even worse!

Dinesh D'Souza interviews Julie Kelly about FBI parallels between Jan 6 and Whitmer 'kidnapping' plot

Investigative writer Julie Kelly drew parallels between the Whitmer "kidnapping" plot and Jan. 6, suggesting the the FBI might be behind both operations.

Conservative commentator Dinesh D'Souza recently interviewed Kelly for insight on how surveillance organizations like the FBI are potentially connected to the matter, especially with the most recent round of scrutiny.

The Real Coldheartedtruth said...

QAnon:aka Thecoldheartedtruth The excitement of living in ‘fiction’

QAnon, an internet conspiracy theory, has recently captured a large segment of the public’s attention.

It might be a strong indicator of another possible reason underneath some people’s tendency to follow conspiracy theories: the thrill of being the one who knows the secret.

QAnon has become so mainstream you may know at least one believer.

Followers of this conspiracy theory believe that an anonymous government insider, known as “Q,” often drops mysterious clues and riddles to expose the “deep state” apparatus.

According to QAnon believers, these clues range from the color of the lights the White House uses on a specific date to coded messages posted in internet forums.

For QAnon followers, former President Donald Trump is a secret agent fighting to save the world.

Who is he fighting against? A satanic cult of cannibals, pedophiles, and sex traffickers, led by Democratic politicians, such as Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. And the Reverend James

Why is QAnon so popular?

For some people, learning more about QAnon might just be a matter of curiosity.

For followers, QAnon might be convincing because its theories often play on:

people’s fearsthe need to feel one is an empathetic person (e.g., saving the children)a natural thrill to solve mysteriesa desire to be part of a like-minded groupan explanation and a possible hopeful future for things not going “your way” right now

Also, QAnon might offer the thrill of a game.

Yes. The constant search for secret clues in mysterious places might give you the dopamine rush of “unlocking levels” in a video game.

In fact, when Berkowitz saw what QAnon was all about, he immediately recognized Q’s tactics.

Berkowitz has vast experience creating stories and games that begin on a computer and move to the real world. To him, QAnon has a very “game-like feel.”

“When I saw QAnon, I knew exactly what it was and what it was doing. I had seen it before. I had almost built it before,” he said in his column. “It was gaming’s evil twin. A game that plays people.”

When asked by Psych Central why he thought QAnon was so alluring, Berkowitz summed it up:

“QAnon explains the world in terms of vibrant fictions and gives its members ‘permission’ to believe in these fictions as facts.”

It’s like living in a movie or a game.

“It offers an accepting community of like-minded people and a worldview that puts members in the center of an exciting ‘reality’ that they have an active role in affecting,” Berkowitz tells Psych Central. “QAnon is alluring because it gives life the intensity and emotional vibrancy of living in a fiction.”

He adds: “It’s about being in a community of people all working together to help save the world and solve a mystery that is always just about to be revealed.”

The Real Coldheartedtruth said...

Daddy they can help you out of your bullshit

C.H. Truth said...

The War Room was a crime scene

I am curious if you realize just how stupid that sounds.

The idea that politicians cannot plan or hold rallies is idiocy at its finest. Holding rallies is not a crime, nor is questioning election results. If it was Al Gore and Hillary Clinton would both have been on death row.

But hey... in typical liberal fashion, you find it perfectly acceptable to question results when a Republican wins. In fact, there has not been a Republican who has won since Bush Sr who has not had those results challenged in court. I seem to recall you being one of those who thought George W Bush was a "resident" rather than President.

You are also perfectly fine with liberal politicians calling for protests or rallies, in spite of knowing (as we did after George Floyd) that those rallies would inevitably turn violent.

But when a Republican challenges an election, then the world has been turned upside down. Or god forbid one conservative rally turns into a riot (vs dozens of liberal rallies turning into riots) and the world has literally gone up in flames.

Hard to take you seriously Roger.

You had plenty of chances to attack people for questioning elections back in 2000 and 2016 and about a year to attack rioting. You didn't.

So shut the fuck up now, you hypocrite.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

CH UNtruth
"In fact, there has not been a Republican who has won since Bush Sr who has not had those results challenged in court."

In court, but not in the Capitol Building?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Democrats Close In On Deal

“Negotiators were closing in on an agreement that could spend around $1.75 trillion over 10 years, half the size of the blueprint Democrats approved earlier this year, as they haggled with centrist holdouts in their party who are pressing to curtail the size of the bill…

“But a final deal remained elusive amid disputes over the details of potential Medicare and Medicaid expansions, a new paid family and medical leave program, programs to combat climate change and a proposal to lower the cost of prescription drugs. Top Democrats were also toiling to nudge the price tag up to $2 trillion, still far below the $3.5 trillion level they laid out in their budget plan.

“Pelosi and her team are still telling House Democrats there could be a vote on both the reconciliation package and bipartisan infrastructure bill this week. Yes, you read that right. We don’t quite understand how the leadership can pull this off — nor do we expect them to — but it’s fascinating that their private posture matches their public statements.”

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...
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Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Who is the James who is so solidly lodging in someone's brain?