Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Media censorship targets truth telling Republicans 54-1 over lying Democrats

The reality is that there is no longer any legitimate reason to argue against treatments like Hydroxychloroquine, but yet social media still censors it because it's not part of the Biden administration political propaganda  

Johnson noted that he held two hearings on early treatment for COVID-19. He said one of the people testifying at one of the hearings talked about “the four pillars of pandemic response,” those being [the] prevention of the spread of the virus, early treatment, treatment in the hospital, and vaccines. “It always baffled me that there was such a concerted effort to deny the American public the type of robust exploration research into early treatment early in this pandemic. Both hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin [are] incredibly safe drugs.”
The Federalist noted that both drugs have been on the market for decades and are recommended for various uses, such as Lupus and scabies, but also that the National Institutes of Health recommends against the use of hydroxychloroquine for treatment of COVID-19 after a study showed it did no harm but did not provide benefit. NIH is currently neutral on the use of ivermectin for COVID-19, a shift from a previous recommendation against its use.

So now even the United States Health industry is warming up to the fact that hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin is in no way harmful and actually is helping people with Covid symptoms. Billions of people and thousands of doctors worldwide cannot be wrong here.

So why doe our social media still resist? Not just resist, but are still actively banning people who speak of drugs that are successfully used all over the world and now even accepted in our own medical community? 

Because it does not conform to the propaganda being spewed by the Biden Administration and the left.


Donald J. Trump said...

The fake New York Times reported that the President is going to cause cancer across the coastal regions.

“The Biden administration announced on Wednesday a plan to develop large-scale wind farms ( I revealed that windmills cause cancer years ago but they censored the truth. ) along nearly the entire coastline of the United States, the first long-term strategy from the government to produce electricity from offshore turbines,” the New York Times reports. But actually to kill millions!

“The announcement came months after the Biden administration approved the nation’s first commercial offshore wind farm off the coast of Martha’s Vineyard in Massachusetts and began reviewing a dozen other potential offshore wind projects along the East Coast. On the West Coast, the administration has approved opening up two areas off the shores of Central and Northern California for commercial wind power development.” Where he choked on an ice cream cup!

“Taken together, the actions represent the most forceful push ever by federal government to promote offshore wind development.”

And make sure the Marxists return to power in the Soviet Union and China!

We need to hang Karma Harris!

Donald J. Trump said...

Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America


If we don’t solve the Presidential Election Fraud of 2020 (which we have thoroughly and conclusively documented), Republicans will not be voting in ‘22 or ‘24. It is the single most important thing for Republicans to do.

Donald J. Trump said...

Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

Why isn’t the January 6th Unselect Committee of partisan hacks studying the massive Presidential Election Fraud, which took place on November 3rd and was the reason that hundreds of thousands of people went to Washington to protest on January 6th? Look at the numbers now being reported on the fraud, which we now call the “Really Big Lie.” You cannot study January 6th without studying the reason it happened, November 3rd. But the Democrats don’t want to do that because they know what took place on Election Day in the Swing States, and beyond. If we had an honest media this Election would have been overturned many months ago, but our media is almost as corrupt as our political system

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

You have lost your mind.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Your real source is

Among the myriad overt lies and exaggerations, the American people were subjected to are the following.

1. Covid-19 is ten times deadlier for the entirety of the American population than seasonal influenza and millions could die. The reality is for 90+% of the population Covid-19 is only marginally more dangerous than seasonal flu. To further panic the public, the fatalities attributed to Covid-19 were deliberately exaggerated by a factor of 10 to 1. 

 2. In order to get the American people to acquiesce to an unprecedented and unnecessary quarantining of the healthy, the citizenry was assured that a two-week shutdown would slow down the virus and defeat it.  In numerous places in the country, they are in week 78. 

3. Joe Biden declared that if a person is vaccinated, he or she will not be infected or die with the virus.  Currently, the majority of those being infected and dying of Covid-19 are vaccinated.  

4. Immunity generated by the vaccine is far better than natural immunity from having previously contracted the virus. In fact, natural immunity provides 13x more immunity to Covid-19 than the vaccines.  

The American people were first told that wearing masks for Covid-19 was unnecessary as they were ineffective.  Then the political/medical establishment mandated masks despite the fact that they knew they were ineffective.  Mask mandates still proliferate throughout the country even after nearly two-thirds of Americans have been vaccinated and untold millions have immunity emanating from prior Covid-19 infections.

Determined to vaccinate the nation with experimental vaccines, the political/medical establishment refused to recommend or authorize alternative treatments to prevent and treat Covid-19, such as ivermectin, fluvoxamine, famotidine/celecoxib, and various anti-inflammatory steroids, all of which have been highly effective here and in other countries. 

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Misinformation has become murder in the first degree.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Among skeptics, many of them credentialled scientists, others amateur online sleuths—like Scott Johnson MD including some full-blown QAnon conspiracy theorists—another theory took shape. Wuhan is home to the Wuhan Institute of Virology (W.I.V.), which, since the first sars epidemic, has amassed one of the largest libraries of bat coronaviruses in the world; some nineteen thousand samples are stored in its labs. Its scientists have collaborated closely with international teams of virus hunters, published in leading academic journals, and received hundreds of thousands of dollars in research grants from the U.S. government. The W.I.V. also frequently partners with the Wuhan Center for Disease Control and Prevention, which, in the fall of 2019, moved its lab to a new location near the Huanan market.

Circumstantial evidence supporting a new narrative—that the pandemic might have started from a lab accident in Wuhan—began to accumulate in late 2020. Online data sets from the W.I.V. had disappeared, information on a previous outbreak had been elided, and W.I.V. researchers were conducting experiments with engineered viruses. Even Andersen acknowledged that the emergence of the virus in Wuhan is “a crazy coincidence.” In May, 2021, a group of prominent scientists published a letter in Science, calling for an origins investigation that took the lab-leak hypothesis seriously. Reports then emerged, from U.S. intelligence sources, that three W.I.V. researchers had fallen ill with covid-19-like symptoms, and sought hospital care, in November of 2019.

In response, President Biden called for an investigation into the pandemic’s origins. “I have now asked the intelligence community to redouble their efforts to collect and analyze information that could bring us closer to a definitive conclusion,” he said. The National Counterproliferation Center, whose mission is to prevent the spread of weapons of mass destruction, was tapped to facilitate the effort. According to an unclassified summary of the investigation’s findings, released in August, the virus was not developed as a biological weapon, its sudden emergence caught Chinese officials off guard, and it infected humans no later than November, 2019, “with the first known cluster of COVID-19 cases arising in Wuhan, China, in December.” Otherwise, all agencies agreed that two origin hypotheses remained “plausible”: a “natural exposure to an infected animal and a laboratory-associated incident.”

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Myballs said...

This jackass president damn well better take some fuckin questions. This is outrageous. Ships idle. Shelves empty. And he doesn't answer a damn thing.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Americans who are not inoculated against COVID-19 express a range of concerns about the vaccines. The August survey asked Americans whether various statements about COVID-19 vaccines describe them very well, somewhat well, not too well or not at all well. At least eight-in-ten unvaccinated adults said the following statements describe them very or somewhat well: “There’s too much pressure on Americans to get a COVID-19 vaccine” (88%); “We don’t really know yet if there are serious health risks from COVID-19 vaccines” (81%); and “Public health officials are not telling us everything they know about COVID-19 vaccines” (80%). Seven-in-ten unvaccinated adults also said the following statement describes them very or somewhat well: “It’s hard to make sense of all the information about COVID-19 vaccines.”

The survey also asked Americans for their reactions to changing public health guidance around some aspects of the pandemic, including information about how the virus spreads and how effective masks are in limiting its spread. Three-quarters or more of unvaccinated Americans expressed negative reactions to the changing guidance, such as by saying it made them wonder if public health officials were holding back important information (78%) and that it made them less confident in public health officials’ recommendations (75%).

Thecoldheartedtruth is propaganda

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

You choose not to believe the scientists or anyone can get except right wing nutcase websites.

The real coldheartedtruth

The Moderna and Pfizer mRNA vaccines against COVID-19 have shown greater than 90% effectiveness soon after the second dose. Studies suggest that protective immunity remains high, with only slight decreases, over six months. However, scientists are still working to understand how immunity against the virus develops after vaccination and changes over time.

Researchers believe that strong responses from both neutralizing antibodies and immune cells called T cells are necessary for immunity. Memory T cells linger in the body to recognize and protect against previously encountered pathogens. Recent studies indicate these may be crucial for lasting protection against COVID-19. 

A research team led by Drs. Daniela Weiskopf, Shane Crotty, and Alessandro Sette of the La Jolla Institute for Immunology looked at immune memory six months after vaccination. They were also interested in how immune memory from previous exposure to coronaviruses, which can cause common colds, might affect the vaccine-induced immune response.

The work was primarily funded by NIH’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID). Results appeared in Science on September 14, 2021.

The study examined 35 participants enrolled in a Phase 1 clinical trial of the Moderna vaccine. They had received two 25-microgram injections—a quarter of the standard dose authorized for emergency use by the FDA.

The team assessed antibody and T cell levels after the first and second doses, and again six months later. They measured two subsets of T cells: CD8+ T cells, or “killer” T cells, which destroy virus-infected cells, and CD4+ T cells, “helper” T cells involved in antibody production.

Levels of antibodies, CD4+ T cells, and CD8+ T cells remained strong six months after receiving the vaccine. This was found even among participants over 70 years of age, who are particularly vulnerable to severe COVID-19. Memory CD4+ T cells were still present in nearly everyone six months after full vaccination. Memory CD8+ T cells were detected in 67% of participants six months after full vaccination. Until this study, it was uncertain whether the Moderna vaccine elicited these memory T cells. 

The team also found that the vaccine generated similar immune memory against the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein to that of natural infection. Levels of antibodies, CD4+ T cells, and CD8+ T cells six months after vaccination were comparable to those in recovered individuals.

In addition, the researchers found that “cross-reactive” T cells—those made during infection with other coronaviruses that can cause the common cold—enhanced the vaccine response. People with cross-reactive T cells before vaccination had significantly stronger CD4+ T cell and antibody responses.

Taken together, the study suggests that immune memory resulting from the Moderna vaccine, even at low doses, is long-lasting.

“The immune memory was stable, and that was impressive,” Crotty says. “That’s a good indicator of the durability of mRNA vaccines.”

This research summary was originally published by the Food and Drug Administration/National Institutes of Health on October 5, 2021.

C.H. Truth said...


You could just admit you were wrong.

How many times did you make fun of "fish cleaner" or "worm dewormer" because your idiot liberal influencers told you so.

But now, not only are they being used world-wide, but Hydroxychloroquine is now a recommended treatment for Covin here in the United States and ivermectin is given a neutral status by National institutes of Health.

Seems all of your silly making fun of people backfired when it turns out that people like Joe Rogan was right and all of the smarty pants liberals making fun of him...

were WRONG!

So you should just apologize, Roger.

Be a man and admit when you are wrong.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Conspiracy theories have replaced common sense.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

There is no reason to appreciate to someone who was no common sense.

You believe that they are lying for political purposes. Even though they have the highest educations on earth, you believe they are politicians.

You have faith in Trump

Like I said before this is history repeating itself.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The former chief strategist for Mitt Romney's 2012 presidential bid on Wednesday warned that controversial Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) will be elected Speaker of the House if Republicans win the 2022 midterm elections.

Stuart Stevens pointed to a tweet from Jordan urging Gov. Mike DeWine (R-OH) to "ban all vaccine mandates."

"If [Republicans] take the House, [GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA)] won't be Speaker - Jim Jordan will," predicted Stevens, a veteran of five GOP presidential campaigns.

"It's always that way with extremist movements, they eat their own," he explained. "They'll put McCarthy's head on a spike as warning."

"Same story as Night of the Long Knives, The Gang of Four," he said, referring to determining moments in the history of Nazi Germany and China's communist party.

If it happens we will lose the American dream..

Jordan is a fascist.

Anonymous said...

So you should just apologize, Roger.

Be a man and admit when you are wrong"CHT

Never happen.

Look how spectacularly wrong Roger is on Inflation.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

White House formally rejects Trump's request to protect specific documents from being given to January 6 investigators
By Kaitlan Collins, CNN
Updated 1 hour ago Oct 13, 2021
(CNN) - The White House formally rejected the request by former President Donald Trump to assert executive privilege to shield from lawmakers a subset of documents that has been requested by the House committee investigating January 6, and set an aggressive timeline for their release.
The latest letter came after the Biden administration informed the National Archives on Friday that it would not assert executive privilege over a tranche of documents related to January 6 from the Trump White House. When the White House sent its first letter last week, the former President had not formally submitted his objections yet. The latest response from the White House counsel is more of a technicality in response to the request from Trump regarding the subset of documents, according to a person familiar, reaffirming the decision already made by President Joe Biden not to assert executive privilege.
The letter sent Friday, and released on Wednesday, from White House counsel Dana Remus to Archivist of the United States David Ferriero requests that the documents be released "30 days after your notification to the former President, absent any intervening court order."
After that decision was reported, Trump wrote to the National Archives, objecting to the release of certain documents to the committee on the grounds of executive privilege.
In the letter released Wednesday, Remus wrote: "President Biden has considered the former President's assertion, and I have engaged in additional consultations with the Office of Legal Counsel at the Department of Justice. For the same reasons described in [sic] earlier letter, the President maintains his conclusion that an assertion of executive privilege is not in the best interests of the United States, and therefore is not justified as to any of the documents provided to the White House on September 8, 2021."
"Accordingly, President Biden does not uphold the former President's assertion of privilege."
Legal experts say Biden has the ultimate say over whether these documents are covered by executive privilege, and considering that the committee is led by members of Biden's party, Trump's power to sway the outcome is an open question.
The House select committee has launched a sweeping investigation into January 6. As part of that, the panel has sent requests for information to a number of federal agencies, including the National Archives, the custodian of the Trump administration White House records.
The committee asked for "all documents and communications within the White House" on that day, including call logs, schedules and meetings with top officials and outside advisers, including Rudy Giuliani.
To date, the former President has not been as aggressive legally in trying to assert that executive privilege as his public statements might suggest and the White House's announcement indicates he will likely have trouble preventing the initial batch of documents from being released to the committee.
That said, Trump can still attempt to protect his records by suing relevant agencies -- assuming he can pull together enough legal firepower for a pricey and complex court battle.
If Trump files a lawsuit, that could, at very least, slow down the process of handing over the documents, but the former President has only a limited amount of time to take that step, according to Deborah Pearlstein, a constitutional law professor at Cardozo Law School who's an expert on presidential powers.

C.H. Truth said...

Roger has literally fallen for every conspiracy theory about Trump. If it wasn't Russian collusion, it was the idea that he was just moments away from being declared unfit for office, to conspiracies about business interests, to the most recent conspiracy theory that Trump coordinated some Jan 6th coup.

He also fell for the conspiracy theory that Hospitals were overwhelmed with people taking Aquarium cleaner, or fish dewormer, or whatnot. Both of which are now being promoted world wide as effective against Covid (which Roger still believes is a conspiracy even though the US Healthcare system in on board with it).

You name a conspiracy theory that started with Politcalwire or the dailykos and I will show you examples of Roger promoting it...

and never ever once admitting he was wrong when the conspiracy theories turn out to be false.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


Trump Threatens to Have Republican Voters Stay Home
October 13, 2021 at 5:21 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 377 Comments

Donald Trump put out a statement saying that if “we don’t solve the Presidential Election Fraud of 2020” — which he falsely claims to have “thoroughly and conclusively documented” — then “Republicans will not be voting in ‘22 or ‘24.”

He added: “It is the single most important thing for Republicans to do.”

With this threat, Trump puts the entire Republican party into a tough spot: Either join him in questioning election legitimacy or suffer his wrath.

Biden Plans Wind Farms Along Entire U.S. Coastline
October 13, 2021 at 4:57 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 81 Comments

“The Biden administration announced on Wednesday a plan to develop large-scale wind farms along nearly the entire coastline of the United States, the first long-term strategy from the government to produce electricity from offshore turbines,” the New York Times reports.

“The announcement came months after the Biden administration approved the nation’s first commercial offshore wind farm off the coast of Martha’s Vineyard in Massachusetts and began reviewing a dozen other potential offshore wind projects along the East Coast. On the West Coast, the administration has approved opening up two areas off the shores of Central and Northern California for commercial wind power development.”

“Taken together, the actions represent the most forceful push ever by federal government to promote offshore wind development.”

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Key Trump Official Subpoenaed by House Panel
October 13, 2021 at 6:13 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 171 Comments

“The congressional committee investigating the Jan. 6 riot at the Capitol on Wednesday subpoenaed a former Justice Department lawyer who played a key role in then-President Donald Trump’s effort to overturn the 2020 election,” NBC News reports.

“The subpoena seeks sworn testimony and records from Jeffrey Clark, the former acting head of the Justice Department’s civil division, by Oct. 29.”

Punchbowl News: “It was the latest move in an accelerating probe by the select committee.”

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Unlike Muslims or gay people, vaccine refusers really do pose an inherent threat to others. Yet Republican politicians proudly embrace them. In Congress, state legislatures, and the courts, conservative governors and lawmakers are fighting to block vaccine requirements—even requirements imposed by private employers—as the virus kills thousands of Americans each week. These politicians accuse progressives of “shaming” vaccine refusers and treating them like “second-class pariahs.” Often, they borrow language from the abortion-rights movement, framing vaccination as a matter of “personal choice.” Last week, Sen. Ted Cruz defended NBA players who have declined COVID shots, tweeting “#yourbodyyourchoice.” On Tuesday, another abortion opponent, Sen. Mike Lee, pleaded that unvaccinated Americans “just want to make their own medical decisions.” His fellow pro-lifer, Sen. Ron Johnson, told vaccine proponents to butt out because “it’s not your body.”

For months, Biden was patient with people who resisted vaccination. He offered them retail discounts and paid time off from work to get a shot. He appealed to their altruism, arguing that most would “be convinced by the fact that their failure to get the vaccine may cause other people to get sick and maybe die.” After four years of Donald Trump’s divisiveness, Biden wanted unity. “We’ve had too much conflict, too much bitterness, too much anger, too much polarization,” he lamented in May, referring to the debate over masks. “Let’s remember that we are all in this together.”

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Scott your despite comment on Russia Russia is not valid.

You believed that the deep staters were behind the Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia rhetoric..

You believe the scientists are scammers about Hydroxychloroquine and the cow flatulence medication...

rrb said...

Roger Amick said...

Unlike Muslims or gay people, vaccine refusers really do pose an inherent threat to others.

I'm vaccinated. I have several friends, acquaintances, and co-workers who are not - by their choice. I'm pro-vaccine and anti-mandate. When the day comes that a mere politician can start forcing medical procedures upon me is the day those of us who simply wish to be left the fuck alone arise from our silence and our complacency to water the tree of liberty with the blood of patriots and tyrants.*

So... don't start none, won't be none. So please explain in detail the threat the un-vaccinated pose to me. And do it without an alky-lanche of plagiarism.

For months, Biden was patient with people who resisted vaccination.

That's nice.

I did not know that I exist to serve a politician, nor did I know that I also exist to alleviate his disgust or lack of patience with me.

I'm old enough to remember when our president was elected to serve US - the American people, and not the other way around.

So far the only information re: Covid that I've been able to trust is what I get straight from my doctor, who's been in practice for over 30 years, and what I've garnered from the signatories to the Great Barrington Declaration; long-tenured medical professionals and scientists all. Neither seems to me to be particularly controversial and certainly not right-wing and conspiratorial.

*h/t: Thomas Jefferson

Deep State Detective Roger said...

The right wing media is getting crazier than before about The Deep State.

Make no mistake; the deep state was the central actor in the plot to destroy the president. It is alive and active. It has not receded. 

Without it, the whole Russia hoax fiasco would not have existed. 


One of the premiere Kremlinologists in the whole world was Professor Stephen Cohen. 

He served at the top ranks of the U.S. government, taught Russian history at Princeton, and wrote a mountain of books and professional articles about Russia. He knew it inside out and upside down—and you couldn’t fool him. 

He thought the Russiagate brouhaha would be better termed “Intelgate.”

We should have listened to him. That whole incident could have initiated another, new cold war. The thing was, however, Russiagate was, from the very beginning, without Russia—as we have now discovered. 

It is something much darker and more sinister. 

The collusion, it turns out, was not between the White House and the Kremlin but between the U.S. intelligence community and the Democrats.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Trump is telling his supporters to not vote!

If we don’t solve the Presidential Election Fraud of 2020 (which we have thoroughly and conclusively documented), Republicans will not be voting in ‘22 or ‘24. It is the single most important thing for Republicans to do.

He could very well cost the Republican party The Senate and the House of Representatives majorities!

rrb said...

LOL. 'Daily Beast' plagiarism -

The "source?" MSDNC's Sam Stein's twitter account.

LMAO. Good one alky.

And for the umpteenth time - Trump supporters ARE NOT Republicans.

Never-Trumpers ARE.

You know, like your Bulwark buddies Sykes and Kristol, and the North American Man-Boy Lincoln Association pedophiles like Steve Schmidt and Rick Wilson.

rrb said...

And it's nice to see you're such a big fan of American Greatness, alky -

anonymous said...

So now even the United States Health industry is warming up to the fact that hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin is in no way harmful and actually is helping people with Covid symptoms. Billions of people and thousands of doctors worldwide cannot be

BWAAAAAAPAAAAAA!!!! THE BIGGEST PILE OF STEAMING HORSESHIT EVER POSTED BY THE DEMENTED LIL SCHITTY!!!!!! The federalist published nothing more than speculation and opinion as to the efficacy ...Billions of people world wide is hyperbole in an extreme..... Talk about going off the deep end and promoting complete crap is all you do any more...then you get the usual asshole drooling like retards agreeing with wonder why the GOP is going down the shitter in spite of your hoping it is not!!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! The FACT REMAINS ....THERE IS NO CLINICAL EVIDENCE THAT EITHER TREATMENTS DO SHIT!!!!!!!

rrb said...


Except for the trials that have either been completed or are underway --

Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin for the Treatment of COVID-19 Infection

History of Changes for Study: NCT04391127
Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin for the Treatment of COVID-19 Infection

rrb said...

Previously unseen e-mail correspondence between Anthony Fauci and his wife Christine Grady show the couple celebrating how Fauci had been “immortalized” by an action figure, and reveal a callous reaction to vaccine-related deaths, The National Pulse can exclusively reveal.

Fauci = Famous But Incompetent. Just like our FBI.

anonymous said...

BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! And you again rat have been immortalized as the biggest trump suck up here!!!!!!!!!!! Here's another exclusive for the every dumb rat....the national pulse is as credible as dog shit!!!!!!!

BTW.....neither clinical trial has proved shit you dumb fuck!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!

anonymous said...

BTW,,,,,,Asshole rat.....The National Pulse is about as credible as PJ Media....your other POS that infects what little mind you have remaining !!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Bidennomics are super!

Unemployment claims are holding near the lowest levels since early 2020, as employers cling to workers in a competitive labor market.

Economists surveyed by The Wall Street Journal estimate jobless claims fell to 318,000 last week from 326,000 a week earlier. Claims, a proxy for layoffs, remain near their lowest levels since the coronavirus pandemic’s onset. Initial claims reached a pandemic low of 312,000 in the week ended Sept. 4.

The Labor Department will release the latest numbers at 8:30 a.m. ET Thursday.

rrb said...

Economists surveyed by The Wall Street Journal estimate jobless claims fell to 318,000 last week from 326,000 a week earlier.



Right up until the actual numbers are released and the actual numbers SUCK, "unexpectedly."


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Top lawyers won’t touch Donald Trump with a ‘1,000-foot pole’ as legal crises escalate

Travis Gettys

October 14, 2021

Donald Trump is facing intensifying legal pressure, but he's been unable to attract the type of high-quality lawyers that would typically represent a former president in high-stakes cases.

At least four well-known attorneys have turned down repeated entreaties by Trump's team in recent weeks, a source familiar with the discussions told CNN, leaving the twice-impeached one-term president with a small and relatively inexperienced legal team to litigate executive privilege and other constitutional issues.

"You'd want to see a top 10 national law firm with a big, experienced DC office," said John Yoo, a University of California at Berkeley law professor and former Justice Department official for George W. Bush. "You don't see that here. It's quite glaring."

Some big-name attorneys have been scared away by the ex-president's reputation for non-payment of legal fees, according to sources close to conservative legal circles, while others are staying away because of the damage Trump's previous lawyers have suffered to their reputations.

"It's not a 10-foot pole," Yoo said, "it's a 1,000-foot pole."

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Joe Rogan forces Dr. Sanjay Gupta to admit CNN shouldn't have called his COVID treatment 'horse dewormer'

Rogan asked the CNN correspondent, 'Do you think that that's a problem that your news network lies?'

Joe Rogan confronted CNN's chief medical correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta over his network's claims that the podcast host took "horse dewormer" as a COVID treatment.

On Wednesday's installment of "The Joe Rogan Experience," Rogan grilled the doctor on why someone like him who already had COVID and has antibodies should get vaccinated.

"By the way, I'm glad you're better," Gupta said.

"Thank you," Rogan responded. "You're probably the only one at CNN who's glad… The rest of them are all lying about me taking horse medication."

"That bothered you," Gupta said, grinning.

"It should bother you too," Rogan shot back. "They're lying at your network about people taking human drugs versus drugs for veterinary."

"Calling it a ‘horse dewormer’ is not the most flattering thing, I get that," Gupta conceded.

"It's a lie," Rogan pushed back. "It's a lie on a news network… and it's a lie that they're conscious of. It's not a mistake. They're unfavorably framing it as veterinary medicine."

Gupta pointed to the "snarky" statement released by the FDA saying, "You are not a horse. You are not a cow" in order to encourage people to not take ivermectin, but Rogan remained persistent on calling out CNN's coverage of a drug that's been "given out to billions and billions of people" and resulted in a Nobel Prize.

"Why would they lie and say that's horse dewormer?" Rogan asked. "I can afford people medicine motherf---er. It's ridiculous! It's just a lie! Don't you think that a lie like that is dangerous on a news network when you know that they know they're lying?… Do you think that that's a problem that your news network lies?"

"What did they say?" Gupta asked.

The podcast host first told Gupta that his ivermectin was "prescribed to me by a doctor," forcing the CNN correspondent to say the drug "shouldn't be called" horse dewormer.

"Does it bother you that the network you work for out and out lied, just outright lied about me taking horse dewormer?" Rogan grilled Gupta.

"They shouldn't have said that," Gupta admitted.

"Why did they do that?" Rogan asked.

"I don't know," Gupta responded.

"You didn't ask? You're the medical guy over there!" Rogan exclaimed.

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

"I didn't ask," Gupta said. "I should've asked before coming on this podcast."

Gupta denied Rogan's claim that CNN made the claims with "such glee" before playing a clip of "OutFront" anchor Erin Burnett calling ivermectin a "livestock drug."

"I don't think Erin had glee," Gupta reacted.

"Well, it's more Brian Stelter who was the gleeful one," Rogan replied, referring to CNN's left-wing media guru. "The point is that's a lie."

"It can be used for humans! I get it," an uncomfortable Gupta exclaimed.

"Not just could be used for humans -- is often used for humans along with all the other drugs that I took. All human drugs," the podcast host said. "They know it's a human drug and they lied. It's defamatory."

"Yeah, they shouldn't have done that," Gupta reiterated. "I don't know if it's defamatory."

"I bet it is," Rogan asserted. "It's a lie."

Rogan went on to knock CNN for not reporting how he tested negative "five days later" and "felt great" following his treatment.

"My point is you're working for a news organization. If they're lying about a comedian taking horse medication, what are they telling us about Russia? What are they telling us about Syria? Do you understand that that's why people get concerned about the veracity of the news?" Rogan pressed Gupta before the CNN correspondent, again, conceded he did not take a horse dewormer.



anonymous said...

Pandemic era low record claims......yep.....inspite of the doom and gloom R's hoping otherwise....BTW....John Deere workers walked off the job demanding greater pay....They are using the CEO 160% pay raise and record profits as their reasons for the action.....Wonder if the CEO is a trump supporter??????? BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!

anonymous said...

BTW......Fucked up is a DEWORMER!!!!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

U.S. stock futures rose Thursday after better-than-expected earnings reports from Bank of America and other major companies.

Dow Jones Industrial Average futures jumped about 290 points, or 0.9%. S&P 500 futures gained 0.9% and Nasdaq 100 futures added 1.1%.

Third-quarter earnings season rolled on Wednesday with several big banks and Dow members reporting financial results before the bell.

Bank of America, Morgan Stanley, Citigroup and Wells Fargo all saw their shares rise in the premarket after beating earnings expectations.

Dow constituents UnitedHealth and Walgreens Boots Alliance also gained in early morning trading after the companies’ quarterly results topped estimates.

A lower-than-anticipated number of weekly jobless claims added to the positive market sentiment. Initial unemployment insurance claims last week totaled 293,000 – the first time the tally fell below the 300,000 level during the pandemic-era.

The Trump financial disaster is over!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

rrb 8:30 eastern time was 27 minutes ago when the numbers were released.

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

anonymous said...
BTW......Fucked up is a DEWORMER!!!!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!

Hey VERY lo iq

Then you should definitely take it

Or are you already talking from experience ?

ROFLMFAO at the mental midget !!!

anonymous said...

BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!! MORE FUCKED UP THAN EVAH....ESAD IDIOT....... Funny how someone with such a diminutive stature has such a big fucking mouth that can't back up his bullshit....typical of low brow R's who can't think!!!!! LOLOLOLOLOLOL

anonymous said...

For the weak minded right wing assholes promoting stupidity!!!!!

The drug ivermectin is more than a “horse dewormer.” Its discovery for use in treating parasitic diseases in humans won a Nobel Prize. But COVID-19 is not a parasitic disease; it’s a viral disease.

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Read it and weep

But their is no drug for VERY lo iq's stupidity

It's forever


go take another one up the ass VERY lo iq !!!


it's your brand

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Mark Mendlovitz


Facebook will not allow a link to a scientific study published on the National Institutes of Health server (a GOVERNMENT SERVER) to be posted. They're calling it spam, because it concludes that ivermectin is effective as a prophylactic against COVID.

anonymous said...

BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! Sorry asshole.....Gupta does not support using ivermectin for covid....all he said was that calling it a horse dewormer was bad......God you are as dumb as the goat fucker......

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Troy Riser


The Facebook 'whistleblower' who advocates yet more censorship of conservative voices is celebrated & hailed as a hero. In contrast, check out what happens when a Pfizer employee, a real truth-to-power whistleblower, speaks out against the shady shit going on with Big Pharma.

anonymous said...

The NIH t spam, because it concludes that ivermectin is effective as a prophylactic


JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Pierre Kory, MD MPA

Fun fact: Between 100-200 United States Congress Members (plus many of their staffers & family members) with COVID.. were treated by a colleague over the past 15 months with ivermectin & the I-MASK+ protocol at None have gone to hospital. Just sayin'

Daniel Horowitz

I can verify this.

but trust VERY lo iq


JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Matt (Boarding Group C)

I just finished the Fauci documentary on Disney+ so you don't have to. Here is what was, for me, the defining image: Fauci at work in his home office, beneath a larger-than-lifesize oil painting portrait of himself.

Robby Starbuck

Who keeps two full size bottles of hand sanitizer at their home office desk?

Dr Fraudci

anonymous said...

BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! You are fucking delusional

Myballs said...

We've now learned that Mark Zuckerberg poured $400M into the 2020 presidential election. He's got some serious 'splainin to do. If this were the Koch brothers, there would be outrage.

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Bret Weinstein

Dr Fraudci actually telling the truth!!!
1 Minute VIDEO:

The usual way to dismiss a thing like this is to claim it is a “conspiracy theory” and pretend that means the substance is inherently false. That’s harder to do when Fauci is the one speaking.

interesting and telling

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Myballs said...
We've now learned that Mark Zuckerberg poured $400M into the 2020 presidential election. He's got some serious 'splainin to do. If this were the Koch brothers, there would be outrage.

And not just promoting candidates but mostly targeting voters and election officials

Besides his website huge election interference

He should end up in jail

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

anonymous said...
BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! You are fucking delusional

I'll save VERY lo iq some time and condense his "intelligent" responses





ROFLMFAO at the idiot !!!

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
rrb said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...

rrb 8:30 eastern time was 27 minutes ago when the numbers were released


There's no one left to leave the fucking labor force.

That's like celebrating the fact that your kitchen faucet stopped leaking because your fucking well finally ran dry.

Geezus alky, you simply have no familiarity with economic reality, and all the plagiarizing you're doing PROVES that you have no idea what you're talking about.

Myballs said...

I've been telling the board for 20 years that Roger kbows nothing about economics.

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

The not-so-friendly skies
Alex Berenson

Get ready for turbulence ahead.

Yesterday American Airlines had almost 300 of its flights canceled, almost 10 percent of its total schedule, far more than ANY other carrier in the United States (Southwest remains second), and another 673 delayed. It is no doubt purely coincidental that I have heard from multiple pilots at American this week and that its pilot forums are filled with anger at the vaccine mandate.

It is also no doubt a coincidence that Delta - which has had far fewer problems than the other big carriers - has been the only one NOT to impose a vaccine mandate.

Meanwhile, though they still insist last weekend’s meltdown had nothing - NOTHING, I TELL YOU - to do with their vaccine mandate, Southwest’s executives have dramatically changed their rhetoric about said mandate.

On a video call yesterday, the company’s CEO encouraged employees who don’t want to be vaccinated to apply for exemptions and said he didn’t want anyone to lose a job over vaccinations. Last week, the language went like this: “Failure to comply with the COVID-19 Vaccination Policy will result in termination of employment.” (Still, the mandate remains in place, unless Southwest simply decides to wave through every exemption request.)


I leave you with this email from yesterday:

I‘m a paid subscriber and thankful to be so. I’m also a pilot and fly international routes. On our trip back today from Europe to one of the airports in Texas we heard quite a bit of chatter on the 121.5 emergency frequency we always monitor. We figured out that it was people saying “Let’s go Brandon” and in some cases something worse

And we heard this most of the way after crossing the Canadian border. In my 20+ year the frequency has always remained silent. Not today.

121.5 is in use. The emergency is real. And not just in the air.

full article:

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The law will be enforced.

The House Jan. 6 select committee is already preparing to make good on its threat to hold former White House senior adviser Steve Bannon in criminal contempt ahead of his scheduled hearing on Thursday, according to CNN.

The panel is planning to draw up a criminal referral for the Justice Department against Bannon “immediately,” in CNN’s words, if he refuses to show up.

It appears that Bannon does indeed plan to skip the deposition on Thursday after ex-President Donald Trump’s legal team urged him to do so, citing “executive privilege.”

Bannon’s lawyer, Robert Costello, sent the committee a letter on Wednesday reaffirming the ex-White House adviser’s refusal to comply with its subpoena for both testimony and documents relevant to uncovering the extent of Trump’s potential involvement in the Capitol insurrection.

Costello argued that his client is “not required to respond” to the subpoena “at this time” as the committee wrestles with Trump over the ex-president’s privilege claim.

“Until such a time as you reach an agreement with President Trump or receive a court ruling as to the extent, scope and application of the executive privilege […] Mr. Bannon will not be producing documents or testifying,” Costello wrote.

Committee vice chair Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) reaffirmed earlier this week that the panel “will move contempt charges” against Bannon or any of the other key Trump foot soldiers who have been subpoenaed in the investigation.

Former Defense Department official Kash Patel is also slated to testify on Thursday. But unlike Bannon, Patel has been “engaging” with the committee, according to Cheney and committee chair Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-MS).

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...



Joe Rogan asks Sanjay Gupta why CNN lied about Joe taking horse dewormer. Whole pod is worth a listen.

in case you don't trust Fox (don't worry, it's no CNN)

Rogan has emerged as the most trusted name in journalism

And it's easy to see why

even if he actually isn't a journalist

Anonymous said...

'Do you miss me yet?' Trump revels in Joe Biden's mounting crises

anonymous said...

Joe Rogan another R ZERO selling nothing but Bullshit to support his stupid blog......BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!

Myballs said...

Byron York points out that the Jan 6 charges that peaceful protesters were armed, were actually armed with things like a helmet, a crutch, a firecracker.

Meanwhile Antifa and BLM spent s year firebombing our cities are were released as peaceful protesters.

rrb said...

Those goddamned Amish are at it again -

Update 7:31 a.m. EST Oct. 14: Police said the man who they said shot several people was a Muslim convert who had been flagged in the past for being radicalized, police said, according to The Associated Press.

The deadly attack is now being considered an act of terrorism, the AP reported. The determination was made by the country’s domestic security agency, known as PST.

“The investigation will clarify in more detail what the incidents were motivated by,” PST said in a statement.

“There earlier had been worries of the man having been radicalized, police Chief Ole B. Saeverud said during a news conference. He did not explain what is considered radicalized meant.

Four women and one man between the ages of 50 and 70 were killed, the AP reported.

And the black school shooter is living large, free as a fucking bird.

Anonymous said...

Roger why did you not attend either if your dead siblings funerals?

anonymous said...

Hey goat fucker....why are you such a flaming asshole.......your wife and kids leave you ?????????BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Roger, err denny

Anonymous said...

Producer price index Sept. 0.5⬆️, again.

Building Back Better a strong inflation foundation for 2022.

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Lofti Pixels

WATCH THIS: Joe Rogan annihilates @drsanjaygupta over vaccinating children. Sanjay seems utterly lost here; almost as if he's never been challenged on this outside of the imploding television medium of 30 sec scripted sound bites and groupthink circle jerks.



Edited video and I wouldn't call it an annihilation but a good description of why people are hesitant to vaccinate their children as well as why many youth don't want a shot.

I may listen to the whole podcast later but it's over 3 hours...

Real journalism

unlike the state media