Saturday, October 23, 2021

National School Board Association cries uncle!



Deep State Detective said...

Sleepy Joe Biden wants to give children a Christmas injection!

Federal health regulators said late Friday that kid-size doses of Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine appear highly effective at preventing symptomatic infections in elementary school children and caused no unexpected safety issues, as the U.S. weighs beginning vaccinations in youngsters.

The Food and Drug Administration posted its analysis of Pfizer’s data ahead of a public meeting next week to debate whether the shots are ready for the nation’s roughly 28 million children ages 5 to 11. The agency will ask a panel of outside vaccine experts to vote on that question.

In their analysis, FDA scientists concluded that in almost every scenario the vaccine’s benefit for preventing hospitalizations and death from Covid-19 would outweigh any serious potential side effects in children. But agency reviewers stopped short of calling for Pfizer’s shot to be authorized.

The agency will put that question to its panel of independent advisers next Tuesday and weigh their advice before making its own decision.

If the FDA authorizes the shots, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention will make additional recommendations on who should receive them the first week of November. Children could begin vaccinations early next month -- with the first youngsters in line fully protected by Christmas.

If the African Americans choose not to get immunized, the replacement strategy will be reversed!

Get your kids injections immediately.

Coldheartedtruth Deep State Detective said...

Your source

The Real Coldheartedtruth said...

Take up arms????

There's a message here and a very clear one: the left has no natural brakes.  It will push as hard as it can to get what it wants.  However, when ordinary Americans stand up and fight, the left will back down.  Remember that both the Bolsheviks and the Nazis were never more than 30% of the population.  They won because the other 70% let them.  We Americans can do better.  It's time to speak up and push back.

And whatever you do, don't forget that the White House was involved in this effort to control America's parents by stigmatizing them as domestic terrorists.  No White House has ever done this before, and no White House should ever be allowed to do it again.

(As an aside, I mentioned yesterday that, in honor of International Pronouns Day, I'm going to apprise you of my daily pronouns for a week or until I get bored.  Today, my pronouns are "Let's Go Brandon" and "Potato."  And no, they don't make sense, but neither do all the other made-up pronouns.)

Roger Amick said...

The only reason why I'm still here is to expose your insanity.

Deep State Detective said...

Will Biden’s FBI nevertheless continue its investigation of pro-American, anti-CRT parents? It will be interesting to see. In any case, watch for a seismic shift in the current round of school board elections around the country, both this year and, especially, next year. The issue will be framed as one of parents’ rights, and pro-CRT school board members who owe their positions to left-wing teachers’ unions could become an endangered species.

The Republicans have to reform the FBI and put in place real loyalists to...

And fire the CIA director Wray and again make America better again

The Real Coldheartedtruth said...

You called this fake news because you have.

The NO culture because a Democratic President is the Commander in Chief of the fake Army of General Milly

WASHINGTON (AP) — The U.S. military says it killed a senior al-Qaida leader in an airstrike Friday in northwest Syria.

Army Maj. John Rigsbee, a spokesman for U.S. Central Command, said in a statement that Abdul Hamid al-Matar was killed by a drone strike. 

Rigsbee said the killing of al-Matar will disrupt al-Qaida's “ability to further plot and carry out global attacks threatening U.S. citizens, our partners, and innocent civilians." He said al-Qaida “uses Syria as a base for threats reaching into Syria, Iraq and beyond.”

The drone strike came two days after a U.S. military outpost in southern Syria was hit by a coordinated attack that included drones and rockets. U.S. officials said no American troops stationed there were injured or killed.

The Real Coldheartedtruth said...

If a Democrat said this ugly thing

Oklahoma state Sen. David Rader (R) is receiving backlash after referring to Asian Americans as “yellow families” during a recent interim study focused on racial inequality.

You would say that James and Roger are the racist ones

The Real Coldheartedtruth said...

Don’t believe corporate America’s “labor shortage” bullshit. This is an unofficial general strike.
For the first time in years, American workers have enough bargaining leverage to demand better working conditions and higher wages – and are refusing to work until they get them.

Here’s where that leverage comes from. After a year and a half of the pandemic, consumers have pent-up demand for all sorts of goods and services. But employers are finding it hard to fill positions to meet that demand. 

The most recent jobs report showed the number of job openings at a record high. The share of people working or looking for work has dropped to a near-record low 61.6 percent. In August, 4.3 million Americans quit their jobs, the highest quit rate since 2000.

Republicans have been claiming for months that people aren’t getting back to work because of federal unemployment benefits. Rubbish. 

The number of people working or looking for work dropped in September – after the extra benefits ran out on Labor Day.

The reluctance of people to work doesn’t have anything to do with unemployment benefits. It has everything to do with workers being fed up.

Some have retired early. Others have found ways to make ends meet other than a job they hate. Many just don’t want to return to backbreaking or mind-numbing low-wage jobs. 

In the wake of so much hardship, illness and death, peoples’ priorities have shifted.

C.H. Truth said...

WASHINGTON (AP) — The U.S. military says it killed a senior al-Qaida leader in an airstrike Friday in northwest Syria.

Notice how they are not just reporting that the US military killed a senior al-Qaida leader?

Instead they literally are just reporting that the US military "says" that they killed someone. We can no longer take the military at its word because of the lies of the Biden Administration.

Caliphate4vr said...


The Real Coldheartedtruth said...

Trump lied more times than any President in history and you are fucking nuts.

The Real Coldheartedtruth said...

Your next talking point!

Besides, given how the FBI behaved during the Trump-Russia investigation, does anyone really believe it to be beneath them to act politically? January 6th included some legitimately bad acts by a select few, but that’s a far hike from it being a “planned insurrection” involving everyone who casually strolled through the open doors of the Capitol Building that day. The government appears to be heavily invested in covering up exactly what happened, regardless of whether that leads to unfair prosecutions or not.

The Real Coldheartedtruth said...

y Jennifer D. Jenkins
October 20 at 1:17 PM PDT
My 5-year-old daughter was on a play date last month when an investigator from the Florida Department of Children and Families sat at my kitchen table to question me about how I disciplined her, then accompanied me to the play date to check for nonexistent burn marks beneath her clothes. Someone had falsely reported that I abused my child. The report was quickly dismissed, but this was the low point in the short time I have been a Brevard County School Board member.
I’m a speech-language pathologist in the Brevard public school system, where my husband is a teacher. I ran for the school board last year because I was concerned about issues such as teacher pay, student equity and, oh yeah, the coronavirus. As a progressive in a red county, I expected to be a target of conservatives; I did not expect to be called a Nazi and a pedophile and to be subjected to months of threats, harassment and intimidation. But school board meetings in Florida and across the country, including in Virginia, Illinois, Texas, Wisconsin, Wyoming and Tennessee, have increasingly erupted over politicized issues such as masks, bathrooms and critical race theory — and the chaos, now with menacing if not outright violent overtones, has spilled out of the meetings and into the private lives of public servants.

In Brevard, the protests began with Moms for Liberty, a purported grass-roots organization founded after my election by the incumbent I had unseated. Supplied with matching blue T-shirts, pocket copies of the Constitution and a hazy notion of critical race theory — which is not taught in the public schools — its members began showing up at school board meetings. Their first battle, in March, was over bathrooms. Moms for Liberty had zeroed in on the county’s LGBTQ guidelines for administrators, a document outlining the rights of students as delineated in state and federal laws, including the right to dress and use bathrooms according to the gender they identify with. The group carried the torch for fears that their daughters would be exposed to sexual harassment and abuse by their male peers. A disinformation campaign spread through social media, leading the public to believe that this document was newly developed (it wasn’t) and being kept secret. Protesters became regulars outside school board meetings. Trump flags waved in the parking lot. Young children, accompanied by their parents, shouted into megaphones, “Don’t touch me, pedophiles!” LGBTQ students tried to speak while adults chanted “Shame!” Meetings were packed, and those who couldn’t get in banged on the windows and doors.

[Leaving it to school boards to vote on mask rules is asking for trouble]
By April, protesters had begun to gather not just at board meetings but also in front of my house. A group of about 15 shouted “Pedophiles!” as my neighbors walked their dogs, pushing their infants in strollers. “We’re coming for you,” they yelled, mistaking friends standing on my porch for me and my husband. “We’re coming at you like a freight train! We are going to make you beg for mercy. If you thought January 6 was bad, wait until you see what we have for you!”


Welcome to the Republican era of Trump

Commonsense said...

Harry Truman once said; "If you can't stand the hear, get out of the kitchen.".

She basically whining because parents are on to her.

Commonsense said...

The U.S. military says it killed a senior al-Qaida leader in an airstrike Friday in northwest Syria.

Was he at least 18 years old?

Commonsense said...

The NSBA still hasn't apologized to the parents for calling them "domestic terrorist".

I find that significant. This liberal group really do treat the people they are suppose to serve as the enemy.

Tip: Use your vote wisely. Don't vote for anyone who gets support from the teacher's union or from this group.