Wednesday, October 27, 2021

No deal struck yesterday - Goddard wrong and Hot Air correct.... again!

But pretty sure he will argue it will be done today

Of course, this is like the weatherman who predicts a thunderstorm 11 days in a row and then after being wrong for 10 days, he demands he was right all along when the storm comes on day 11. Eventually something will likely be agreed upon. But until that agreement actually comes, every prediction of "today is the day" is still wrong.


Anonymous said...

biden spending more money will lower Inflation.

He is a good Socialist.

The Real Coldheartedtruth said...

Justice has been served.

Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, a Trump backer who offered a minimum of $25,000 to anyone who could find evidence of voter fraud in the 2020 election, has finally paid out his first bounty – to a progressive who found evidence of Republican foul play.

The unlikely recipient, Eric Frank, a poll worker from Chester County, Pennsylvania, is set to collect the $25,000 minimum, according to The Dallas Morning News. Frank reportedly caught sight of 72-year-old Republican voter Ralph Thurman attempting to vote twice – once for himself and once for his son, a registered Democrat. Thurman pleaded guilty last month to repeat voting. He was sentenced to three years probation and is now prohibited from voting for the next four years, 

Alternet Detective ********

The Real Coldheartedtruth said...

Manchin says a deal “absolutely” can be reached today.

Linked from Goddard.

Not Red State's fascist regime enabler.

My said...

Even some in the liberal news media are telling democrats to stop running against Trump and start addressing all the problems affecting voters.

They won't. They're about their agenda and nothing else.

The Real Coldheartedtruth said...

This story might get it done. It is a tax increase on 700 multi billionaires.


Democrats' billionaires tax explained

Dan Primack, author of Pro Rata

Illustration: Aïda Amer/Axios

There is now legislative language behind the push to tax American billionaires on unrealized capital gains, as Sen. Ron Wyden last night released his 107-page plan.

Why it matters: This would be a sea change in U.S. tax policy, which has only applied to realized gains (otherwise known as income).

Wyden's proposal would apply to those with more than $1 billion in assets or more than $100 million in adjusted gross income over three consecutive years.The biggest tax bills would come up front, charging a long-term cap gains rates on all unrealized monies for tradeable investments. Payments could be spread out over five years.Then, going forward, payers would be on the hook for annual capital gains taxes on new unrealized income — although unrealized losses could be carried forward as offsets.Pay special attention to the term "tradeable." Not only because it likely applies to crypto, but because it wouldn't apply to illiquid securities or real estate. Yes, there are deferred interest charges included for certain non-tradeable assets — to be paid upon sale or transfer — but, in general, Wyden is an indirect supporter of "stay private longer."

Be smart: Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen on Sunday pushed back against defining this as a wealth tax, likely for constitutional reasons (and because it's different from Sen. Elizabeth Warren's European-style net worth tax). House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, also on Sunday, did call it a wealth tax. Pelosi is right.

Be smarter: There are very good philosophical and practical arguments against taxing unrealized gains, but the hand-wringing from some about how this will kill capitalism is just laughable.

People will still strive to become insanely wealthy because ... well, because they'll be insanely wealthy. And most of them can either sell some stock or take out loans to cover these tax bills (just like they currently take out loans against unrealized earnings).

Be smartest: Democrats haven't yet demonstrated an ability to get any of their major economic plans passed, beyond a COVID relief bill earlier this year. In other words, there's little imperative for celebration or consternation.

The bottom line: The definition of income could be changing, at least for the wealthiest of the wealthy.

It will not cost you anything! It would decrease the deficit astronomicaly.

Instead of the former President's tax cuts.

The Real Coldheartedtruth said...

Not Redstate Detective Scott Johnson schizophrenia MD Powerline Pravda under...

Commonsense said...

It will not cost you anything!

Yes, it would.

No it won't.

The economy is heading towards stagflation. Followed by depression.

James's Fucking Daddy said...

John Hayward

Out: Give all praise and thanks to Joe Biden for making ketchup 14 cents cheaper for the 4th of July

In: Do not blame Joe Biden if you have to serve canned cat food for Thanksgiving dinner, and not even turkey-flavored cat food because the stores will run out of that first

But if shelves are bare and you cannot buy food there won't be any food inflation !!!

and you shouldn't get together for Thanksgiving anyway unless you are Fauci or Birx

C'mon man

and don't forget to give your kids shots for Christmas

and holiday masks if they are good

Joe Biden's America

sinking faster than Columbus Day

The Real Coldheartedtruth said...

The fake news robotics New York Times reports that Redstate geezers might have been right.

Senate Democrats’ plan to extract hundreds of billions of dollars from the wealth of billionaires hit a major snag on Wednesday when Senator Joe Manchin III, Democrat of West Virginia, denounced it as divisive.

The billionaires tax, officially unveiled early Wednesday morning, may have died before the ink was dry on its 107-page text. Mr. Manchin, speaking with reporters, said, “I don’t like the connotation that we’re targeting different people.” People, he added, that “contributed to society and create a lot of jobs and a lot of money and give a lot of philanthropic pursuits.”

Myballs said...

Manchin is fine with no big bill and no tax increase. And calling it a billionaires only tax doesn't make it one.

The Real Coldheartedtruth said...

The 700 is exactly correct by....

The tax would be levied on anyone with more than $1 billion in assets or more than $100 million in income for three consecutive years — which applies to about 700 people in the United States. Initially, the legislation would impose the capital gains tax — 23.8 percent — on the gain in value of billionaires’ tradable assets, based on the original price of those assets.

For people like the Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, the Amazon founder Jeff Bezos and the Tesla founder Elon Musk, that hit would be enormous, since the initial value of their horde of stocks was zero. They would have five years to pay that sum.

After that, those billionaires would face an annual capital gains tax on the increase in value of their tradable assets over the course of the year.

The legislation was also drafted to allow billionaires to continue their philanthropy without any tax penalty for money given away.

Democrats say the billionaires tax could be one of the most politically popular elements of their social safety net and climate change bill, which is expected to cost at least $1.5 trillion.

But implementation could be tricky. Billionaires have avoided taxation by paying themselves very low salaries while amassing fortunes in stocks and other assets. They then borrow off those assets to finance their lifestyles, rather than selling the assets and paying capital gains taxes.

The plan already faced resistance from some House Democrats who worry that it may not be feasible and could be vulnerable to legal and constitutional challenges. The Constitution gives Congress broad powers to impose taxes, but says “direct taxes” — a term without clear definition — should be apportioned among the states so that each state’s residents pay a share equal to the share of the state’s population.

The 16th Amendment clarified that income taxes do not have to be apportioned, and proponents of the billionaires tax have been careful to portray it as a tax on income, not wealth.

The irony is most of them are Democrats and liberals.

anonymous said...

Amazing how Lil Schitty is not only obsessed with Roger, but Taegan is now a target of his anti intellectual wrath!!!!! About time some of the billionaires that live large in the freedom of the US pay for their fair share of freedom rather than complaining about taxes and leeches that live here....Gee....leeches bitching about leeches...oh well !!!!

Anonymous said...

When James is wrong , he is stupidly wrong.

One of the few truthful bloggers hereOctober 26, 2021 at 6:46 PM

Corporations that have been paying zero will think it's a big deal.

Nope , as you out perform Roger and Denny's combined , in knowing nothing about the US Tax Code and real world Economics.

The consumer will pay any new taxes.

Myballs said...

Do you finally admit that the liberal democrat party is the party of wealthy elites and the gop represents workibg Americans.

James's Fucking Daddy said...

Matt Whitlock

Every other tweet on my newsfeed today is some Dem saying they’re just about ready to announce a deal, then another pointing out that they’re not close.

and the FAKE NEWS providers went bananas

just look here

kind of reminds me of the daily FAKE NEWS trump/Russia "bombshells" we had to endure for years.

Along with all the other FAKE NEWS hoaxes and conspiracy theories

roger still believes at least half of them

make that both halves

The Real Coldheartedtruth said...

More important than anything because it might avoid a nuclear war in the middle east!

Iran to Return to Nuclear Deal Talks

October 27, 2021 at 11:54 am EDT By Taegan Goddard 14 Comments

“Iran will return to nuclear talks before the end of November, its chief negotiator, Ali Bagheri, said on Wednesday, paving the way for the first talks since June on restoring the 2015 nuclear deal,” the Wall Street Journal reports.

“U.S. and European hopes of reviving the nuclear deal have faded sharply in recent months since hard-line Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi took office. Iran had repeatedly said it would continue the negotiations but refused to set a date.”

Ted Goddard is the real Coldheartedtruth in the post soars era when he cultist Scott.

The Real Coldheartedtruth said...

Remember that one of the first things Trump did was to withdraw from the nuclear limitations agreement with Iran.

Sleepy Joe's strategy is much safer than before.

“Iran will return to nuclear talks before the end of November, its chief negotiator, Ali Bagheri, said on Wednesday, paving the way for the first talks since June on restoring the 2015 nuclear deal,”

Our NATO allies will feel much better than before.

rrb said...

Every other tweet on my newsfeed today is some Dem saying they’re just about ready to announce a deal, then another pointing out that they’re not close.

When Peloshee told the MSM they were responsible for selling the deal the MSM took her literally and seriously. And since lying comes to the MSM like swimming comes to a fish, we now get treated to a steady stream of fake news regarding all of it, the facts notwithstanding.

The American people don't want this deal. It's why they gave the dems the slimmest of house majorities and an even split in the senate.

C.H. Truth said...

but Taegan is now a target of his anti intellectual wrath!!!!!

Goddard and PoliticalWire was either going to be right or wrong.
Allahpundit and HotAir was ether going to be right or wrong.

Looks like Goddard was wrong and Allahpundit was right, huh?

We have an idiot who spends have his time on this blog posting Goddard rumors in bold print. 90% of the time that bold print is fiction and he acts like it is gospel. Sorry if it bothers you that I called it out.

rrb said...

We have an idiot who spends have his time on this blog posting Goddard rumors in bold print. 90% of the time that bold print is fiction and he acts like it is gospel. Sorry if it bothers you that I called it out.

While Goddard has Iran's balls nestled gently on his chin.

Rooting openly for Iran and against the United States tells you all you ever needed to know about Goddard.

The Real Coldheartedtruth said...

The real Coldheartedtruth is liberal democrat party is the party of wealthy elites and it represents working Americans. It has been doing that since the FDR CCC civilization construction Corp. The Republicans have been against the middle class for over 120 years, when TDR dismantled Standard Oil.

The Republicans have passed work for less legislation to very different to form unions. The call it right to work job legislation. But the bottom line is that the people's unions that represent them should be required to pay dues.

Sleepy Joe's plan eliminates right to work for less legislation.

James's Fucking Daddy said...

Robby Starbuck


You can literally buy a signed Picasso for less than a Hunter Biden painting. Think it’s safe to say the Biden’s are using the Presidency to enrich themselves and just like before, Hunter is the bag man.

amazing man that Hunter

and if he ever needs a little money and the Clintons need some help he can probably sell them for even more to the Clinton Foundation.

They know how things work

C.H. Truth said...

The Republicans have passed work for less legislation to very different to form unions.

Actually I believe that Republicans have passed legislation that provided workers with their own choice as to whether to join a union or not join a union. The liberal laws allowed Unions to force any and all workers to join or at least pay their dues whether they wanted to be represented or not.

Forcing someone to pay for a benefit that they do not ask for is like what happens when a collector comes around the neighborhood shops and stores and demands money in exchange for their "protection".

When you actually force someone to pay for a service that they didn't request as a means to simply work or have a business... it's called racketeering and it is against the law.

But I guess if you are a simpleton who is prone to being gaslighted with rhetoric... the idea of providing a worker a choice is akin to being against that said worker.

The Real Coldheartedtruth said...

The post just above this one is

Roger has been a target of his anti intellectual wrath since soars Yahoo.

When a guy who didn't have a college degree out thought him, he went crazy!

Anonymous said...

When Socialist stand in the light.

The Biden plan is to tax " unrealized gains".

What a disaster.

James's Fucking Daddy said...

now roger is pulling from political_lire too ?

I'm old enough to remember when he went ballistic if someone posted a couple of articles occasionally from Drudge.

Of course he still had a little sanity back then

now he's just bat-shit crazy

James's Fucking Daddy said...

* roger or The Real Coldheartedtruth or the truth detective or....

James's Fucking Daddy said...

* or alky

rrb said...

Forcing someone to pay for a benefit that they do not ask for is like what happens when a collector comes around the neighborhood shops and stores and demands money in exchange for their "protection".

When you actually force someone to pay for a service that they didn't request as a means to simply work or have a business... it's called racketeering and it is against the law.

Unions make the mafia and other organized crime groups look like choir boys. Unions EXIST to simply extort $$$ from their members, often against their will. Full stop. They exist only to add cost to any good or service where they have a hold, or to add layers and layers of unnecessary overhead to any public sector entity they represent.

Everything a union touches turns to shit.

See: Education, public for the latest travesty.

Anonymous said...

Joe's Socialist plan
According to Unknown Moniker Roger, Federalizes Work Laws in Every State.
Denying WE THE PEOPLE the right to govern our own States.

rrb said...

As one eminent elected British government official put it, “They are not back in any conventional sense of that word. We have worked closely with the Americans for many decades and we have never seen such a shambles of incompetent administration, diplomatic incoherence, and complete military ineptitude as we have seen in these nine months.

We were startled by Trump, but he clearly knew what he was doing, whatever we or anyone else thought about it. This is just a disintegration of the authority of a great nation for no apparent reason.”

James's Fucking Daddy said...

rrb said...

As one eminent elected British government official put it, “They are not back in any conventional sense of that word. We have worked closely with the Americans for many decades and we have never seen such a shambles of incompetent administration, diplomatic incoherence, and complete military ineptitude as we have seen in these nine months.

He put it well

the condensed version: Biden is a fucking disaster

Anonymous said...

Denny's declared victory in comparing his investment in NOC Stock vs. My investment in The Home Depot. Year to date my Home Depot has a spread return of 10%.
Year todate
HD $373.73 USD 40.47%

NOC $389.29 USD 31.26%

The Real Coldheartedtruth said...

Liberal labor law bills will increase their income !

Support for collective bargaining was a pillar of the New Deal. In 1935, the Supreme Court struck down President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s first attempt at codifying worker and union rights, the National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA) of 1933. But, Roosevelt’s broad personal popularity and wide Democratic majorities in both chambers of the Congress — majorities that widened in the 1934 midterms — helped allow for quick passage of a follow-up attempt at worker rights: the 1935 National Labor Relations Act (NLRA), which guaranteed the right of private-sector employees to organize into unions, engage in collective bargaining and take collective action like strikes. The NLRA also accounted for one of the major failings of the NIRA by establishing the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) to enforce labor law and adjudicate disputes. Energized by a short period of expanded labor rights via the NIRA, and angered by its invalidation, workers mobilized in full support of the NLRA.

Republicans saw the new legislation as an intrusion by the federal government into areas best left to the free market. In 1946, Republicans retook the majorities in both the House and the Senate for the first time since 1929 and 1931, respectively. Shortly after this new Congress was sworn in, it set about dismantling the victories workers had achieved in the New Deal era with new legislation that, among other measures, excluded independent contractors from the meaning of the term “employee” and banned closed union shops.

Despite President Harry S. Truman’s veto and a 10-hour filibuster, the Taft-Hartley Act passed in 1947. The new legislation also prohibited unions from engaging in certain practices like secondary boycotts, required union officers to sign affidavits asserting that they were not communists and allowed states to pass so-called right-to-work laws. While the provision regarding anti-communist affidavits has since been repealed, most of the provisions remain on the books. In 2021, 27 states have right-to-work laws that undermine labor unions and result in lower wages (as much as $1,500 per year) for workers. In construction jobs the disparity is much higher. In.

After a single term, Democrats retook control of Congress following the 1948 elections. Ever since then, the filibuster has prevented numerous attempts to undo some of the damage to workers and unions Taft-Hartley has caused. In particular, three crucial labor reform bills probably would have been enacted if not for filibusters in the Senate.

A 1966 labor reform bill would have repealed the section of Taft-Hartley that allows states to pass right-to-work laws. Such a repeal had been Democratic Party priority since at least 1960, and the leaders of the major unions at the time — including that of the AFL-CIO and the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) — considered it their “top legislative priority.” Though he had voted for Taft-Hartley as a congressman, as president, Lyndon B. Johnson strongly supported this repeal — so much so that he publicly affirmed support for it in his 1965 State of the Union address. The bill passed a Democratic-majority House, but the Senate failed to invoke cloture

But for almost three-quarters of a century, the filibuster has blocked measures that would help workers organize. Today, it is directly obstructing numerous pro-worker bills that have already passed the House, including the PRO Act to expand labor protections for workers seeking to organize and the Paycheck Fairness Act to rectify gender wage discrimination.

The filibuster’s antilabor history should be understood as part of the story of how this procedural rule has undermined American democracy and fostered inequality for decades.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Manchin Says Deal Possible Today

Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) told Politico that a deal on the budget reconciliation “absolutely” can be reached today.

Taegan Goddard shouldn't point out that
Politico says that Manchin said this.

Ch UN-truth will "demamd" [claim]
that Goddard said it, and was wrong.

Anonymous said...

Oh look it is unknowing James the Coward.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Sanders Not as Hopeful on Spending Deal Today

A “very irritated” Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), when asked if there would be a budget reconciliation agreement told Politico: “I don’t know. But I don’t think so.”

He went on:
“I’m not quite clear in terms of the revenue package.
Every sensible revenue option seems to be destroyed.
Should we raise corporate tax rates, personal income taxes for the very wealthy?
Of course, we should.
But at least one person in the caucus doesn’t want to do that.

Should we demand that the billionaires have to pay their fair share of taxes?
There’s another person who doesn’t want to do that.
So it seems to me
almost every sensible progressive revenue option
that the president wants
and the American people want,
and that I want,
seems to be sabotaged.”

I guess Goddard shouldn't report
that Politico says
that Sanders said tht.

Ch UNtruth will say it was Goddard who said it
and was wrong.

Or Right?

James's Fucking Daddy said...

Sanders Not as Hopeful on Spending Deal Today
October 27, 2021 at 1:45 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard

"Sanders Not as Hopeful on Spending Deal Today"

Politico didn't say that

Goddard said it. And even said he wrote that (by Taegan Goddard)

and Goddard picked and chose what to leave out from the Politico article.

got it yet "pastor" ?

boy you are fucking stupid and dishonest

Anonymous said...

So James is wrong again.

Nothing new, I just like pointing it out.

Anonymous said...

James is too old, broke and stupid to learn who really PAYS for higher taxes.

When James is wrong , he is stupidly wrong.

One of the few truthful bloggers hereOctober 26, 2021 at 6:46 PM

Corporations that have been paying zero will think it's a big deal.

Nope , as you out perform Roger and Denny's combined , in knowing nothing about the US Tax Code and real world Economics.

The consumer will pay any new taxes.

James's Fucking Daddy said...

KansasDemocrat said...
So James is wrong again.

Nothing new, I just like pointing it out.

Not only did he plagiarize, his plagiarized source was wrong.


Like we endured forever during the entire russian collusion hoax

and so many others

he must be too old to learn anything new and stop his lying and plagiarizing.

From his idol GODdard.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

I just now for the first time saw this,
from this morning at 6:53 am.

Deal on Biden Agenda Isn’t Close

“Let’s be blunt. Democrats aren’t close to a framework agreement on their massive reconciliation package.

“We’ve heard President Joe Biden, Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer talk about great progress, but our reporting and the available public evidence doesn’t match these sunny claims."

“President Joe Biden was hoping to announce a deal on his legislative agenda before he heads to Europe on Thursday. But it’s Wednesday already, and so far this week, it’s been two baby steps forward, one giant leap backward for Democrats. We’re not saying a deal won’t materialize; odds are it will — eventually.”

So let's be sure to blame
Taegan Goddard for reporting that
Punchbowl and Playbook
both reported that.


James's Fucking Daddy said...

“Let’s be blunt. Democrats aren’t close to a framework agreement on their massive reconciliation package.

The EXACT OPPOSITE of what he said yesterday and you breathlessly posted here


Deal on Biden Agenda Isn’t Close
October 27, 2021 at 6:53 am EDT By Taegan Goddard

and the POS "pastor" still has to plagiarize.

"Deal on Biden Agenda Isn’t Close" is a direct quote from Goddard.

Not Punchbowl and Playbook who are his "sources"

such as political_lire is yours

Bur you will never figure that out

Can't fix stupid and dishonest

The Real Coldheartedtruth said...

The unions are no longer under control by gangster groups in history

The Teamsters were an Italian gangster in history.

The carpenters union was created by a Republican

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

is too much of a liar
even to acknowledge
that when a commentator reports
what someone else predicts,
the commentator him/herself
is not predicting it,
just reporting what was said.



Anonymous said...

James is Spectacularly wrong.
ALKY is Spectacularly wrong.

Denny's is a financial disaster.
He believes his NOC Stock is " kicking ass" over my Home Depot Stock.

HD $373.99 USD +110.30 (41.79%) year to date

The lesser Stock
NOC $389.76 USD +95.00 (32.23%)year to date

Anonymous said...

So, according to james , when he posts, we are not to believe , that he believes in what he posts, only that he fancies himself as a "reporter".

James's Fucking Daddy said...

Hey "pastor"

are you too stupid to realize that what Goddard posts and is not in quotes is Goddard speaking for himself ?

Goddard posts his sources.

Unless you want to plagiarize and are too embarrassed to acknowledge so should you.

With a link to what he posted

ROFLMFAO at the idiot

a lying POS "pastor"

probably lying until he burns in hell

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Sunday Funnier in advance.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Deal on Biden Agenda Isn’t Close

“Let’s be blunt. Democrats aren’t close to a framework agreement on their massive reconciliation package."

wants to pretend that
when T Goddard reports that Punchbowl says that the
"Deal on Biden Agenda Isn't Close,"
that is a distortion
of what Puchbowl actually says,
“Let’s be blunt. Democrats aren’t close to a framework agreement on their massive reconciliation package."

Too funny for words,
the lying clown

rrb said...

What's funnier alky is that guys like Scott and i are free to move about the country while your mentally ill ass and your unimaginative aliases are NOT.



James's Fucking Daddy said...



and how does Goddard's ass taste ?

or are you still gargling ?

James's Fucking Daddy said...

Pelosi Tries to ‘Decouple’ the Bills
October 27, 2021 at 2:29 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 26 Comments

Punchbowl News: “Democratic leaders on Capitol Hill and in the White House are making progress on a framework agreement for the reconciliation package, although they don’t have a deal yet. A framework agreement could come in the ‘next several hours,’ a Democratic source said. We’ve heard that before, but this time it seems a bit more real.”

can't make this shit up


rrb said...

Sixty-one percent of registered voters say America has “seriously gotten off on the wrong track,” a Politico/Morning Consult poll revealed Wednesday.

A D +4 poll.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


Pelosi Tries to ‘Decouple’ the Bills

“Democratic leaders on Capitol Hill and in the White House are making progress on a framework agreement for the reconciliation package, although they don’t have a deal yet.
A framework agreement could come in the ‘next several hours,’ a Democratic source said.
We’ve heard that before, but this time it seems a bit more real.

“This progress doesn’t mean the reconciliation package is ready to pass, though. It may take some time to finalize the legislative text.

“In the meantime, Pelosi is trying to get House progressives to go along with a floor vote on the $1 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill. The deadline for the infrastructure vote is Oct. 31.

“This a big deal. Pelosi is trying to ‘decouple’ the infrastructure bill from the reconciliation package. For months, she said they were part of a ‘two-track process’ and had to be voted on together. Now Pelosi is essentially saying ‘Let’s pass the infrastructure bill and trust us on the rest.'”

Taegan Goddard himself comments:
"Democrats need to take the win."

I would think so!

James's Fucking Daddy said...

Jack Posobiec — ‘Multiple sources confirm Jill Biden has asked about using 25th Amendment to get rid of Kamala Harris’…

cat fight in the White House


I'm with Joe on this

James's Fucking Daddy said...



"[Trump] is so attentive to the scientific literature & the details & the data. I think his ability to analyze & integrate data that comes out of his long history in business has really been a real benefit during these discussions about medical issues..." – Dr. Birx

Wow she was sure singing praises last year.

What a political hack.

To think how they pulled the wool over Trump and America's eyes

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
James's Fucking Daddy said...

Karoline Leavitt

Dr. Birx and Dr. Fauci are one and the same.

Both undermined President Trump throughout the pandemic and actively rooted for him to lose the election.

Deep State Doctors!

I may switch to the "pastor" standard and stop providing links

James's Fucking Daddy said...

Kyle Becker

The FDA is ignoring treatments. It is ignoring natural immunity. It is ignoring antibodies. It is ignoring reported side effects. It is ignoring vaccines don't stop transmission. It is ignoring risk of ADE, which makes variants deadlier. These 'scientists' are beyond reckless.

James's Fucking Daddy said...

it does make it easier on me

James's Fucking Daddy said...

Jordan Schachtel

Two Weeks To Slow The Spread has become Four Shots To Participate In Society

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Wow she was sure singing praises last year.

Truthful Blogger:
LOL,she sure ain't singing his praises now!!!!

Myballs said...

Dem party is now in a full blown civil war. Liberal socialists vs moderates. And it's dragging the entire country down. This is Obama's legacy.

James's Fucking Daddy said...

Emerald Robinson

You know that we live in a Big Pharma oligarchy masquerading as a republic because young men get myocarditis from the jab and that didn’t matter to the FDA.

Nobody’s gonna trust any of our institutions when this is over.

James's Fucking Daddy said...

Glenn Greenwald

All three of these billionaires -- Soros, Hoffman and Omidyar -- fund groups and outlets that aggressively spread disinformation. The idea that *they* are going to use their vast wealth to police the internet in the name of keeping us safe is laughable.

James's Fucking Daddy said...


Terry McAuliffe should be really careful with a background like his.

@TerryMcAuliffe is the man who accepted checks from known serial pedophiles and bankrolled sexual predators.

It makes sense that Terry is so insistent that parents have *no* rights to protect their children

pedophiles keep supporting pedophiles, right "pastor" ?

James's Fucking Daddy said...


Lets talk about how @TerryMcAuliffe *personally* accepted massive checks from Jeffery Epstein when Terry was serving as the chief Clinton fundraiser and bag man.

Has anyone asked McAuliffe why he was so happy to accept money from a know serial pedophile?

A really good question.

James's Fucking Daddy said...

Julie Kelly 🇺🇸

Hunted by FBI. Called terrorists by Chris Wray. Prosecutors ask court to deny bail. Some hauled to DC political prison. Can’t afford six-figure criminal defense lawyers. Then they are forced to repent before totalitarian judges in DC.

This is Joe Biden’s America.

The Real Coldheartedtruth said...

This is why Scott Johnson loves Trump.

Losing our democracy does not seem to feature prominently in the consciousness of most Americans, who do not understand that democracy is inherently fragile and not guaranteed to us by divine destiny. Many seem to take it for granted. But the end of free and open elections would destroy our democracy. Corruption running amok would destroy our democracy. Using the Department of Justice to hide malfeasance and to prosecute political rivals would destroy our democracy. Nepotism and widespread incompetence would destroy our democracy. Undermining our trust in the free press would destroy our democracy. Substituting conspiracy theories for science and truth would destroy our democracy. And unabashed grifting and corruption at public expense would destroy our democracy. All these examples are central elements of Trumpism and the right-wing Republican agenda. It constitutes their plan for America — and democracy is not in their calculus.

This must be said again. Roger said it here. Donald Trump is not just another typical politician. He is a malignant narcissist whose worst intentions are to destroy anything and anyone that threatens to deprive him of power, wealth and reverence. He will not stop until he is stopped by others because he has no conscience or moral compass orempathy. He is beyond political or personal salvation — he is deceitful, conniving, corrupt and dangerous, without any regard for others. He has no business being the leader of a country; to him, public service is an anarchic playground for his personal gratification. His malicious intentions cannot be overestimated.

His loyalty is evident every day.


James's Fucking Daddy said...

Birx was sure singing praises on how Trump was handling Covid months after her and Fauci were running things...

They were Trump's biggest Covid mistakes

History will not be kind to Fauci and Birx

James's Fucking Daddy said...

New York Post

Top Pentagon official: ISIS-K could attack US in '6 or 12 months'

and Biden has Garland chasing down PTA members

James's Fucking Daddy said...

Adam Kredo

DISCLOSED: Biden Ordered Afghanistan Evacuation Flights Be Filled to 'Excess' With Unvetted Refugees, Internal Admin Directive Shows -- Sen. @HawleyMO releases bombshell document showing Afghans were brought to US with little-to-no vetting

the fuckups and deliberate harming of America just don't stop


James's Fucking Daddy said...

Bernie Moreno

Starting soon, any traveler from any Country on Earth has to be fully vaccinated before they board a plane to America. However, as I saw first hand last month at our southern border, we are allowing an invasion of our Country with no testing or vaccination required!

James's Fucking Daddy said...


Lets talk about how @TerryMcAuliffe *personally* accepted massive checks from Jeffery Epstein when Terry was serving as the chief Clinton fundraiser and bag man.

Has anyone asked McAuliffe why he was so happy to accept money from a know serial pedophile?

A really good question.

James's Fucking Daddy said...

Election Wizard

NEW: People over 18 who are "moderately to severely immunocompromised" and have received three doses of an mRNA vaccine may get a FOURTH shot at least six months after getting their third Pfizer or Moderna dose, per the CDC.

then 5,6,7,8 etc

a "vaccine"

rrb said...

So 'Salon' is still scared to fucking death of TRUMP.


Tell us something we DON'T know, incog-nitwit alky.


Anonymous said...

Not a Deal on so called "Climate Change".
NEVER actually close 52 No
................ 48 yes

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

I got my booster shot for the Moderna vaccine yesterday. Feeling fine.

Commonsense said...

Merrick Garland tried to shuck and jive with Republicans on the Senate judiciary committee.

It didn't go well for him.

Then Dick Derbin made it worse by trying to link all sorts of deplorable people with parents protesting at school board meetings.

People speculated that the West Wing political operation saw this as a goldmine for Republicans. A way to peel back those suburban moms the GOP last in 2016 and now the Democrats need to win. So there solution was to intimidate the people that want to keep in their column.

If true this must be the most politically stupid administrations in history.

Commonsense said...

Blogger One of the few truthful bloggers here said...
I got my booster shot for the Moderna vaccine yesterday. Feeling fine.

Funny, I have to wait a few months. Why do you rate?

Anonymous said...

"One of the few truthful bloggers hereOctober 27, 2021 at 2:24 PM

I got my booster shot for the Moderna vaccine yesterday. Feeling fine"

Is that shot #3 or#4?

I have had Covid, so has my Wife.
We feel fine and never ever getting a shot.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Denny did ask me to look at how His NOC Stock was doing vs. My Home Depot Stock.

Ok, Denny's here is a 5 year comparison.

HD $373.24 USD ⬆️208.69%

NOC $388.78 USD ⬆️72.61%