Sunday, October 10, 2021

Sunday Funnies


anonymous said...

The best funny of the day.....another dumbass R who thought taking the shot is stupid....instead gets sick and takes the monoclonal antibodies treatment which costs thousands to save his sorry ass life !!!!!!!

GARLAND, Texas (AP) — Tea party firebrand Allen West, a candidate for the Republican nomination for governor of Texas, said Saturday that he has received monoclonal antibody injections after being diagnosed with COVID-19 pneumonia.

Sad that the leaders of the GOP set such shitty examples for the sheepels to emulate!!!!!! BWAAAAAAPAAAAAA!!!

anonymous said...

Seems to me that the spike in energy costs is a world wide issue, being driven by recovery and increased consumption.....not some lame bullshit excuse of a cancelled pipeline and banning drilling in the US!!!!!!
Energy is so hard to come by right now that some provinces in China are rationing electricity, Europeans are paying sky-high prices for liquefied natural gas, power plants in India are on the verge of running out of coal, and the average price of a gallon of regular gasoline in the United States stood at $3.25 on Friday — up from $1.72 in April.
As the global economy recovers and global leaders prepare to gather for a landmark conference on climate change, the sudden energy crunch hitting the world is threatening already stressed supply chains, stirring geopolitical tensions and raising questions about whether the world is ready for the green energy revolution when it’s having trouble powering itself right now.

The economic recovery from the pandemic recession lies behind the crisis, coming after a year of retrenchment in coal, oil and gas extraction. Other factors include an unusually cold winter in Europe that drained reserves, a series of hurricanes that forced shutdowns of Gulf oil refineries, a turn for the worse in relations between China and Australia that led Beijing to stop importing coal from Down Under, and a protracted calm spell over the North Sea that has sharply curtailed the output of electricity-generating

Anonymous said...

Roger is a coward.

anonymous said...

Spot on opinion from today's post on the danger of tyrants like trump who have the morality of a flea!!!!!!

“One thing we know is you, Rosen, aren’t going to do anything to overturn the election.” These, according to a new Senate Judiciary Committee report, were the words of President Donald Trump, pressuring the acting attorney general, Jeffrey Rosen, to upend a free-and-fair vote. Three days after Mr.
The Senate report details how Mr. Trump tried persistently to enlist the Justice Department in his scheme to overturn the 2020 election results. His pressure campaign, after Attorney General William P. Barr resigned in December, featured calls and meetings with Mr. Rosen and other top Justice Department staff. It continued as Mr. Trump sent them a preposterous petition he wanted them to file with the Supreme Court asking the justices to void Joe Biden’s victory. It reached its zenith in a cockamamie plot to force Mr. Rosen to pressure state governments to cook the results or be replaced by Jeffrey Clark, a lower-ranking Justice official who would go along with the scheme.
Mr. Trump failed because Mr. Rosen and other officials in key positions refused to cooperate and threatened to resign. But they could not stop Mr. Trump from forcing the resignation of the U.S. attorney in Atlanta and replacing him with a lawyer the then-president thought would pursue the fraud investigations he wanted to see.
Senate Republicans played down these revelations, arguing that, following the Russia investigation, it was reasonable for Mr. Trump to mistrust the Justice Department and the FBI. But, leaving aside the fact that the Russia probe was a well-founded and legitimate counterintelligence investigation, Mr. Trump, in this case, was not exercising reasonable skepticism; he was trying to hold on to power against the wishes of the American people, based on widely debunked mistruths about the 2020 vote. Anyone seeking to play down that fact today is complicit in his plot to undermine U.S. democracy.
The seriousness of Mr. Trump’s effort to nullify an election, his continuing lies about the results and the willingness of so many Republicans to indulge those lies call for several responses.
The investigations must continue. The House’s Jan. 6 committee should compel Mr. Clark, who did not cooperate with the Senate Judiciary panel, to testify. The House and the Justice Department must enforce the committee’s subpoenas, which several Trump confidantes appear prepared to flout on the former president’s say-so. The National Archives should turn over documents immediately. If courts are involved, judges must act with urgency. Mr. Trump learned how to run out the clock by gaming the judicial system; courts must not let that happen again.
Most urgently, Congress must reinforce elements of the nation’s democratic infrastructure vulnerable to exploitation by bad actors such as Mr. Trump. It should revamp the ancient Electoral Count Act to limit partisan interference in presidential vote tallying, and it should impose federal election standards that insulate state election officials from political pressure. Republicans who still respect the Constitution should be willing to join in this effort

anonymous said...

And the goat fucker is an amoral trumpist!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Thank You CHT for a fine collection mocking Traitor Joe.

anonymous said...

When are you getting your shot, goat fucker or are you just going to go through life as a trump sucking dystopian fool???????? BWAAAAAAPAAAAAA!!!!

anonymous said...

Another reason why the US and GOP are hindering any recovery.....child care.....

Rich countries contribute an average of $14,000 per year for a toddler’s care, compared with $500 in the U.S. The Democrats’ spending bill tries to shrink the gap.

It is time to get the US into the current century, not the stone ages that the GOP is advocating!!!!!!

Myballs said...

Biden approval numbers from Quinnipiac

Immigration 25%
Foreign Policy 34%

Unreported by ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC

Biden becoming the worst president in history and the news media still tey to hide it

Cue another post sbout Trump

anonymous said...

Okay.....trump is going to run in 2024 he said so yesterday......the country takes another giant step to stupidity!!!!!!!!

BTW.....the poll numbers have been covered extensively in spite of your idiotic speculation......BWAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Roger, err Denny.

Myballs said...

Not by the networks I listed

Anonymous said...

Wrong way 61.0
Right way 29.0

Anonymous said...

Traitor Joe policies are what caused his crash in the polls.

He can't change and be more sensible and reverse course.

He must pass the $5.6 Trillion in spending.

anonymous said...

Hey goat fucker....ESAD with your idiotic policy BS....>BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!

Hey should try watching those networks you listed...they, especially ABC has covered the numbers extensively!!!!!!! Hard to believe you have the time to watch all of those networks with your busy life style......LOLOLOLOLOLOL

Myballs said...

No they have not. Shut up dumbass.

anonymous said...

Sad like the true asshole you are....BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!! Go bend over and take another for trump!!!!!! LOLOLOLOL

George Carlin Jr. said...

Breaking News: Supreme court has ruled that basic intelligence tests for Election voting is Discriminatory.

The judge said that it is unfair to block all Republicans from voting.

Hunter Biden said...

I figured out why the right opposes an infrastructure bill;

the're afraid that if they take the lead out of the water no one will vote republican.

Example one is Donald Trump himself!

Mushroom p***s easily distracted said...

Putin used women to distract and manipulate Trump: former national security advisor

Tom Boggioni

October 10, 2021

In an interview with the Daily Beast's Molly-Jong-Fast for her "New Normal" podcast, former Donald Trump Russi expert Fiona Hill explained how Russian strongman Vladimir Putin used women to distract Donald Trump during talks in efforts to manipulate him.

Speaking with the host, Hill said that Trump admitted everything about Putin, seeing him as the kind of leader he wanted to be and setting U.S. interests aside.

"He saw Putin as the kind of epitome of the badass populist, frankly, you know, the kind of person that he wanted to be: super-rich, super powerful, no checks and balances, and essentially being able to stay in power forever," Hill explained.

By way of describing how Putin put his years of KGB training to use, Hill claimed he found it easy to manipulate the former president by having beautiful women on hand to distract him.

In one case, Putin selected one specific woman as their interpreter and made a point of introducing her to the former U.S. president.

"Putin made a big point, a big show of introducing Trump to the interpreter," Hill told Jong-Fast. "Here's a really pretty woman. She's also a brilliant interpreter, but it was clearly meant to get Trump to look at her and not to be paying attention to what Putin was saying,"

rrb said...

Carlin was genuinely funny, alky.

You're just a bitter , broken assclown locked down in a nursing home.

Carlin you are not. And your obsession with Trump's penis is about as gay as it gets.

anonymous said...

Putin used women to distract and manipulate Trump: f

Of course you would be kidding, he never grabbed a pussy or bought a hooker or wife in his meaningless life.......Trump never had enough blood to run 2 heads at the same time......BWAAAAAAAA!!!!

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

NEW - UK's biggest source of greenhouse gas? This "green" power station burns millions of tonnes of wood pellets and far exceeds carbon emission compared to burning coal.

anonymous said...

And funny should mention broken down assholes.......BWAAAAAAAAA!!!! Stump broke by trump!!!!!!

rrb'sNewRoger'sFuckingdaddy said...

Two Republicans are at a bar

Jimmy Hitler says, "You know who I really like? I know she's a Democrat, but that Tulsi Gabbard is hot. Mm-mm-mm."

And the second one says, "She is, but she's got nothing on Ivanka. Beautiful face, gorgeous body, great big perfect tits. I'd fuck her. Would you fuck her?"

And Jimmy Hitler says, "Mr. President, I'm not going to answer that."

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Fentanyl now leading cause of death among teens in Arizona border county

Fentanyl overdoses have overtaken car crashes as the leading cause of death among teenagers in an Arizona border county, as Gov. Doug Ducey blames President Biden’s neglect of the US border for the rise in lethal drugs coming into the country.

The Republican governor slammed Biden this week for fueling an “opioid epidemic in America” by his handling of the border crisis, which has seen a historic number of illegal immigrants crossing into the US.

“It’s not just the people crossing the border, it’s the lethal drugs,” Ducey said at a press conference with other governors in Mission, Texas, on Wednesday.

“Almost 2,000 pounds of fentanyl and over 13,000 pounds of methamphetamine have been seized in Arizona sectors alone this year.”

He added: “Just think about how many drugs are slipping through the cracks and slipping into the bloodstreams in our communities. This isn’t a figure of speech, this is our reality.”

Ducey said more teenagers in Pima County, which includes the city of Tucson, are dying from overdosing on fentanyl than car crashes, suicide or COVID-19.

“Fentanyl overdoses have replaced car accidents as the leading cause of death for people 19 and younger in Pima County — one of our border communities,” Ducey said.

More teenagers in Pima County are reportedly dying from overdosing on fentanyl than car crashes, suicide or COVID-19.

In Pima County, 140 people died of fentanyl overdoses in the first six months of this year, according to local health department data.

Where's Kamala and Joe or are they busy trying to figure out the "core cause" ?


Trumpism Rules said...

Emperor Trump says Supreme Court has awful poll numbers because they didn’t overturn the 2020 election

Donald Trump complained about the legal system refusing to go along with his efforts to overturn the 2020 election during a Saturday night speech at the Iowa State Fair.

Trump continually pushed his "Big Lie" of election fraud in his speech, even bragging about his refusal to concede that he lost.

"The Justice Department did not want to do anything about it," Trump said of his own administration.

"Likewise, the Supreme Court refused to hear the case by Texas and almost twenty other states and now their approval rating is the lowest it's been in memory," Trump said. "The lowest approval rating in memory."

"I believe it's for the reason that they refused or did not have the courage — they rule against me all the time, all the time, very personal rulings — they did not have the courage to do something about the election, and I believe that's the real reason approval is so low," Trump said.

The crowd went on to chant, "Trump won!"

The Brownshirts are training for the next Insurrection on January 6th in 2025!

The slow pace coup

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...


Fully litigated, the 14,000 hours of footage would be released.

Hence why the J6 criminal cases are pleading out as misdemeanors.

DOJ slow walking discovery so that people take deals with time served.

That’s how you know the 14,000 hours of footage ain’t good.

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...


I want a full accounting of January 6th.

- Put Pelosi under oath.

- Put DC Mayor under oath.

- Get testimony in public from Kash Patel and other WH officials.

- Release the 14,000 hours of footage.

Why hasn’t this happened?


JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Sebastian Gorka DrG


Trespass on Congress:

- Solitary Confinement

Shot up a school with a 45?

- Bail
- Walk free NEXT DAY

Joe Biden's America

No equal justice

in fact no justice

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Richard Grenell

Merrick Garland is overseeing politically motivated prosecutions, detentions and investigations like no one else in history.

This is how fascism works: you target your political enemies.


anonymous said...

Fucked you....opinions are like assholes and some are gapping like yours and Grenell BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!

Jimmy Hitler Sr said...

Name Them: Majority of Dirtbag GOP Senators Do Not Want Trump to Run Again!

Name Them so we know how many Hang Them Lynch Stations are needed.

Senate Republicans, who wish to remain anonymous, are hoping President Trump will not run again for US president in 2024.

These are the same dirtbags who challenged President Trump every day and turned their backs on the Trump voters for 4 years.

It is time to gut the GOP and replace it with people who actually represent their voters.

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

anonymous said...

The sound an unsuspecting male makes when being penetrated by another male's hardened genitalia

sammy was busy minding his own business when chris crept up behind and inside him causing him to yell BWAAAAAAAAAA!

Thanks for reminding us VERY lo iq

and thanks for your "service"


JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Emerald Robinson

Our corrupt ruling class actually WANT global supply chain disruptions.

Why? It provides the justification for imposing government control over large sectors of the economy when the shortages begin.

It’s the Great Reset.

yep roger was actually saying this was a good thing.

before he posted it was a bad thing

he just posts but doesn't comprehend

and boy does the future look bleak under Biden/Harris

unless you are a criminal or hate America

Caliphate4vr said...


Week 6 of the college football season is in the books.
ESPN has updated its Football Power Index (FPI) after a wild week in college football. Six Big Ten teams are included in the top 25 this week.
Four of those six teams won this weekend. The two teams that didn’t — Nebraska and Penn State — each played a fellow member of the FPI top-25, and lost by a field goal in both instances.
Ohio State, Michigan and Iowa have now established themselves as College Football Playoff contenders, and Michigan State isn’t far behind. The Spartans also became one of the first teams to clinch bowl eligibility this year.

Here’s the full FPI top 25:

Ohio State
Iowa State
Penn State
Michigan State
Ole Miss
Notre Dame
Texas A&M
North Carolina State
Coastal Carolina
Arizona State

Anonymous said...

rrbOctober 10, 2021 at 8:39 AM

Carlin was genuinely funny, alky🤣

Alky attempts to hide his Hate.

Anonymous said...

Traitor Joe's policies are Hurting Americans and they notice.

Wrong way 61.0
Right way 29.0

Anonymous said...

Joe Biden Requires Americans willing to work to get vaccinated to keep thier job.

Ok, require those on welfare/food stamps/unemployment to do the same.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


How Dumb Can a Nation Get and Still Survive?
October 10, 2021 at 11:37 am EDT By Taegan Goddard 25 Comments

Eugene Robinson:
“T.S. Eliot wrote that the world ends ‘not with a bang but a whimper,’ but I fear our great nation is careening toward a third manner of demise: descent into lip-blubbering, self-destructive idiocy.

“How did we become, in such alarming measure, so dumb? Why is the news dominated by ridiculous controversies that should not be controversial at all? When did so many of our fellow citizens become full-blown nihilists who deny even the concept of objective reality? And how must this look to the rest of the world?”


Anonymous said...

Hundreds of thousands of U.S. troops have not yet complied with vaccine mandate as deadlines near

Alex Horton, The Washington Post

Oct. 10, 2021"

Traitor Joe policies, so what will he do?

Anonymous said...

Look how angry James is all of the time.

Makes me laugh @ him often.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Buffalo Bills Vs. Kansas City Chiefs

Who's gonna win???

anonymous said...

He goat fucker.....those who refuse the vax....or a dishonorable discharge or court marshall what do you think will happen???????

Alex Horton
Sun, October 10, 2021, 9:26 AM·8 min read
Hundreds of thousands of U.S. service members remain unvaccinated or only partially vaccinated against the coronavirus as the Pentagon's first compliance deadlines near, with lopsided rates across the individual services and a spike in deaths among military reservists illustrating how political division over the shots has seeped into a nonpartisan force with unambiguous orders.

Overall, the military's vaccination rate has climbed since August, when Defense Department leaders, acting on a directive from President Joe Biden, informed the nation's 2.1 million troops that immunization would become mandatory, exemptions would be rare and those who refuse would be punished. Yet troops' response has been scattershot, according to data assessed by The Washington Post.

Subscribe to The Post Most newsletter for the most important and interesting stories from The Washington Post.

For instance, 90 percent of the active-duty Navy is fully vaccinated, whereas just 72 percent of the Marine Corps is, the data show, even though both services share a Nov. 28 deadline. In the Air Force, more than 60,000 per

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

James this is the most dangerous situation in history of the United States of America because of Trump and the pandemic.

Democracy Dies in Darkness

Opinion: How dumb can a nation get and still survive?

Anti-vaccine demonstrators protest outside the San Diego Unified School District office on Sept. 28. (Sandy Huffaker/Getty

T.S. Eliot wrote that the world ends "not with a bang but a whimper,” but I fear our great nation is careening toward a third manner of demise: descent into lip-blubbering, self-destructive idiocy.

How did we become, in such alarming measure, so dumb? Why is the news dominated by ridiculous controversies that should not be controversial at all? When did so many of our fellow citizens become full-blown nihilists who deny even the concept of objective reality? And how must this look to the rest of the world?

Read the headlines and try not to weep:

Our elected representatives in the U.S. Senate, which laughably calls itself “the world’s greatest deliberative body,” agreed Thursday not to wreck our economy and trigger a global recession — at least for a few weeks. Republicans had refused to raise the federal debt ceiling, or even to let Democrats do so quickly by simple majority vote. They relented only after needlessly unsettling an international financial system based on the U.S. dollar.

The frequent games of chicken that Congress plays over the debt ceiling are — to use a term of art I recall from Economics 101 — droolingly stupid. In the end, yes, we always agree to pay our obligations. But the credit rating of the planet’s greatest economic superpower has already been lowered because of this every-few-years ritual, and each time we stage the absurd melodrama, we risk a miscalculation that sends us over the fiscal cliff.

Today’s trench-warfare political tribalism makes that peril greater than ever. An intelligent and reasonable Congress would eliminate the debt ceiling once and for all. Our Congress is neither.

In other news, Sen. Lindsey O. Graham (R-S.C.) was speaking to a crowd of Republicans at a country club in his home state Saturday when he tried, gently, to boost South Carolina’s relatively low rate of vaccination against the coronavirus. He began, “If you haven’t had the vaccine, you ought to think about getting it because if you’re my age — ”

“No!” yelled many in the crowd.

Graham retreated — “I didn’t tell you to get it; you ought to think about it” — and then defended his own decision to get vaccinated. But still the crowd shouted him down. Seriously, people?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Covid-19 is a highly infectious disease that has killed more than 700,000 Americans over the past 20 months. The Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson vaccines all but guarantee that recipients will not die from covid. I have, or had, an acquaintance who refused to get vaccinated, despite pleas from his adult children to protect himself. He got covid-19, and it killed him. Most of the deaths the nation has suffered during the current delta-variant wave of the disease — deaths of the unvaccinated — have been similarly needless and senseless.

Covid-19 is a bipartisan killer. In the tribal-political sense, the safe and effective vaccines are a bipartisan miracle, developed under the Republican Trump administration and largely distributed under the Democratic Biden administration. People in most of the rest of the world realize, however, that vaccination is not political at all; it is a matter of life and death, and also a matter of how soon — if ever — we get to resume our normal lives.

Why would people not protect their own health and save their own lives? How is this anything but just plain stupid?

We are having other fights that are, unlike vaccination, partisan and political — but equally divorced from demonstrable fact.

Conservatives in state legislatures across the country are pushing legislation to halt the teaching of “critical race theory” in public schools. I put the term in quotes because genuine critical race theory, a dry and esoteric set of ideas debated in obscure academic journals, is not actually being taught in those schools at all. What’s being taught instead — and squelched — is American history, which happens to include slavery, Jim Crow repression and structural racism.

I get it. The GOP has become the party of White racial grievance, and this battle against an imaginary enemy stirs the base. But the whole charade involves Republican officials — many of them educated at the nation’s top schools — betting that their constituents are too dumb to know they’re being lied to. So far, the bet is paying off.

And then, of course, there’s the whole “stolen election” farce, which led to the tragedy of Jan. 6. Every recount, every court case, every verifiable fact proves that Joe Biden fairly defeated Donald Trump. Yet a sizeable portion of the American electorate either can’t do basic arithmetic or doesn’t believe that one plus one always equals two.

How dumb can a nation get and still survive? Idiotically, we seem determined to find out.

Unless the people speak out against Trump and the Republican party of Trump in the next election, our American dream will not survive.

Anonymous said...

Roger AmickOctober 10, 2021 at 11:06 AM

Buffalo Bills Vs. Kansas City Chiefs

Who's gonna win??"

The Team you don't pick will win.

Anonymous said...

Which policies flipped the American tax payers against FJB?

Energy Fail
Border Fail
China Virus Fail
Food Distribution Fail


JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...



Cases in Florida are down 88% in the past 1.5 months with no new statewide policy — no mask mandate or vaccine passports

In fact, they’re now tied for 48th in the country in current case rate

I’m sure any day now the media will be crediting DeSantis for bringing the curve down

last I heard from state media the hospitals were overflowing


Joe Biden's America



JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Leland Vittert

Airline sources: mass “sickout” @FAANews center in Jacksonville - caused ripple effect and 1000+ flight cancellations mostly effecting @SouthwestAir - report “sickout” protesting #VaccineMandate

Mass protests and walkouts about to happen in every industry and sector

America in chaos ?

Thanks Joe

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Tom Sauer 🇺🇸 ⚓️ 💣


Is there a media blackout on last night’s air traffic controller walkout in Jacksonville, FL?

Hundreds of flights canceled.

Walkout due to vax mandate

From a trusted source:

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Candace Owens

Joe Biden is a domestic terrorist.


Anonymous said...

Roger do you suppprt this ?

"Airline sources: mass “sickout” @FAANews center in Jacksonville - caused ripple effect and 1000+ flight cancellations mostly effecting @SouthwestAir - report “sickout” protesting #VaccineMandate

Mass protests and walkouts about to happen in every industry and sector

America in chaos ?"

C.H. Truth said...

GARLAND, Texas (AP) — Tea party firebrand Allen West, a candidate for the Republican nomination for governor of Texas, said Saturday that he has received monoclonal antibody injections after being diagnosed with COVID-19 pneumonia.


We've had nearly 50 million people who been reported to have had Covid-19 and lord knows how many more we have had that were never tested or diagnosed. We are now into the millions who have gotten Covid "after" being vaccinated.

The rate of survival of Covid is 98-99 percent. That fact that this person decided to actually do what 90% of the world is doing and treat it is a sign of intelligence.

What is dumb, is what has become now nearly exclusively an American liberal point of view on Covid and that is to shun any an all treatment and simply wait it out and then go to the Hospital if it gets back enough.

Can anyone tell me what over viruses that we have where Doctors literally proscribe no treatment? Even the common cold (which is a type of coronavirus) has treatment plans available to help us get over it faster and with less suffering from the effects.

anonymous said...

The rate of survival of Covid is 98-99 percent

While your cognitive ability is heading for zero Lil Schitty//// 700 k dead americans is a travesty....especially knowing the vax can prevent 95% of the current deaths.....while assholes you support like West will survive due to an expensive therapy that could have been avoided with a simple shot.....Can't fix your kind of stupid anymore especially after the BULLSHIT in Iowa yesterday with thousands fawning over a lying fat assed white boy like you!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Traitor Joe China Virus Fail
More Americans died so far in 2021 then in 2020.

CDC guidelines IF you get the China Virus.

None, they literally have zero .

C.H. Truth said...

Here’s the full FPI top 25:

Can't be the actual rankings? # 3 Iowa beats #4 Penn State while Alabama loses and they drop to 13th?

Gonna be

Ohio State
Penn State
Michigan State

???? Sorry BYU lost... could we actually have 5 Big Ten Schools in the top 10?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


Yes, and we're ENJOYING IT.

C.H. Truth said...

Covid-19 is a highly infectious disease that has killed more than 700,000 Americans over the past 20 months.

And we remain the only first world country that doesn't recommend treating it. Only Red state governors like DeSantis is now starting to push treatments (and look how their deaths dropped once they did).

It's idiotic to not treat it. Moreover, the fucking idiots who literally make fun of and lie about the treatments that the rest of the world is using are morons.

You know anyone who talks about aquarium cleaner or horse dewormer no doubt have an IQ hovering around room temperature.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Quote of the Day
October 10, 2021 at 11:11 am EDT By Taegan Goddard 60 Comments

“I’m telling you the single biggest issue, as bad as the border is and it’s horrible, horrible what they’re doing, they’re destroying our country — but as bad as that is, the single biggest issue — the issue that gets the most pull, the most respect, the biggest cheers — is talking about the election fraud of the 2020 presidential election.”
— Donald Trump, quoted by Politico.

“That’s a problem for Republicans. Many of them want to make the midterm elections about the issues —
the border,
Afghanistan, etc.
— to set the election up as a referendum on Biden’s presidency.
Trump doesn’t.”

If he makes it a referendum on him,
and he definitely will,
he loses.

But even the GOP
must not be stupid enough
to let him get nominated again.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Their deaths were already dropping. That's happening MOST places.

But a resurgence could still come,
due to 70 million UNvaccinated Americans.

Alaska has been in serious trouble.


Does it have anything to do with the fact that their population until recently was only 15% vaccinated?

Rhetorical question.

C.H. Truth said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
C.H. Truth said...

Their deaths were already dropping. That's happening MOST places.

Not the same as they have in Florida, Reverend.

Does it have anything to do with the fact that their population until recently was only 15% vaccinated?

Their vaccinated rate is actually 51% fully vaccinated and 57% with at least one dose.

Apparently some dyslexic idiot transposed 51% for 15%, huh?

Perhaps for once... just once Reverend.

It would be nice if you had your facts straight.

Or at least close.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Don't get vaccinated, Ch says.
Take unrecommended medicines instead.


Unvaxxed Allen West Has Covid Symptoms

October 9, 2021 at 5:14 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 423 Comments

“Allen West (R) has suspended in-person events for his Texas gubernatorial campaign because he developed Covid symptoms after his wife tested positive—a day after he spoke to a packed indoor crowd,” the Daily Beast reports.

“In a Saturday morning Twitter thread, the Trump-loving ex-congressman said he has not gotten the Covid vaccine
but is ‘already taking Hydroxychloroquine
and Ivermectin protocols’
—two unproven drugs popular with the anti-vaxxer crowd.”

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Sorry about the misprint. I see that only nine states have a worse record than Alaska: ID, IN, LA, MS, ND, TN, WV, WI, WY.

Anonymous said...

Deaths under Biden in 2021 are already higher then in 2020.

What ever Traitor Joe does turns to shit.

C.H. Truth said...

Sorry Reverend...

But you continue to get your facts wrong.

I don't advocate "not" getting vaccinated.

I do advocate that we should be treating it like everyone else in the world. We should be pushing and doing both. But some of you do not allow for the idea that we should do "ANYTHING" but vaccinate.

Moreover, what we are seeing now is that more and more of our positive Covid testing comes from people who are already vaccinated.

Then what? You've got the vaccine. You catch it anyways.

And the liberals of the US demand that we do nothing and ignore (and literally make fun of) any treatment plans that are proving to work everywhere else in the world.

So only one of us is advocating ignoring Covid medical treatments. You.

Explain that Reverend?

Anonymous said...

James, you are totally safe , you got fully vaccinated and wear 😷.

Those of us that have had The China Virus are also fully Vaccinated.

Only my is Natural, and permanent.

Yours needs at least one more booster.

C.H. Truth said...

. I see that only nine states have a worse record than Alaska: ID, IN, LA, MS, ND, TN, WV, WI, WY.

Alaska is ranked number 48 in deaths per million.

Meaning as their overall performance is better than every state other than Vermont and Hawaii.

You are literally three times more likely to have died from Covid in Illinois than in Alaska.

Perhaps you should worry about your own state?

Anonymous said...

James, is dumber then Alky, niether can do math or statistics.

"Alaska is ranked number 48 in deaths per million." CHT skooling the dumbasses.

C.H. Truth said...


James probably read something bad about Alaska on Political Wire and didn't bother to look at anything himself. He (like Roger) is a gullible creature who is easily influenced.

Anonymous said...

CHT Kicking the stuffing out of Fake Pastor James.

"Perhaps you should worry about your own state?"

Well, Illinois Ranks #44 with unemployment @ 7.0 %

Anonymous said...

CHT , Exactly.

Roger and James are npt deep thinkers.

They are overly emotional.

Commonsense said...


If you're talking about yourself James I wholeheartedly agree. You are an idiot. When you're not engaging in character assassination you copy and paste blurbs from Goodard's web site without even a critical eye. And therefore they get shot down by CH, Rat, KD, et al.

You have been wrong on every issue. Every damn one of them. This blog is not the starry eyed congregation who accepts every word you utter without question. You have to prove what you say.

If you are not receiving a promotion fee from Goodard, you should asked for one.

Goodard is a con artist but he attracts enough gullible people to keep his website afloat.

Anonymous said...

Country People being Hirt by Traitor Joe's energy policies.

A year ago propane cost $1.77 per gallon.

Under Biden it has rocketed up to $2.59.

Fuck Joe Biden.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Covid-19 is a bipartisan killer. In the tribal-political sense, the safe and effective vaccines are a bipartisan miracle, developed under the Republican Trump administration and largely distributed under the Democratic Biden administration. People in most of the rest of the world realize, however, that vaccination is not political at all, and get vaccinated, because it is a matter of life and death and again their lives return to normality. Like in Sweden!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I watched my favorite team, The Denver Broncos lost as they lost on the last play of the game.

But I see that your hero is going crazy.

Trump will be at playing the delay game he plays with the courts he has been doing for decades.

Trump's delay game to stall the House riot committee slapped aside by former prosecutor as 'ridiculous'

Tom Boggioni

October 10, 2021

Appearing on MSNBC on Sunday afternoon with host Alex Witt, former U.S. attorney Joyce Vance dismissed Donald Trump's legal maneuvering to keep close aides from appearing House investigators looking into the Jan 6th Capitol insurrection.

Discussing members of Trump's inner circle ignoring subpoenas from the House select committee on the riot, Vance said the former president was being "ridiculous" and would lose in court eventually.

"As you look at the Capitol riot, Donald Trump wanted to assert executive privilege by the House committee and was blocked doing so by the Biden administration," Witt began. "What do you make of his request? Did it hold any water at all? Does he have grounds to try again to keep these documents from being released?"

"It's unsurprising that he would make the request," Vance replied. "Trump is no stranger to specious legal arguments, but he's no longer the president of the United States and it's up to the current president to decide whether or not there's executive privilege and Joe Biden has already said no, there's not."

"For purposes of January 6th investigations, the subject is of such tremendous importance that he will not exert executive privilege," she continued. "Trump can go to court and claim he still has some rights but you can understand how ridiculous that is, even if, for instance, people like Steve Bannon who wasn't working in the White House could be covered by executive privilege, which Bannon can't be, the notion that every former living president could exert privilege is unworkable."

"Biden holds the privilege and says materials can be turned over and a court will order that," she asserted. "The question is how successful Trump will be at playing the delay game he plays with the courts."

The GOP has become the party of White racial grievance, and this battle against an imaginary enemy stirs the base. 

James and our team has exposed this horror story for years.

Caliphate4vr said...

Alky what liquified dinner is on the menu?

I have a Boston butt that’s been smoking since 5am, homemade coleslaw, homemade Mac and cheese, pinto beans and a fresh peach pie.


Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Trump is a successful con artist who can't handle being called a loser.

I have been saying that since he rolled the the escalator.

One of the biographers for President Donald Trump, Michael D'Antonio, mocked the ex-leader for his circular reasoning around making America "great." He also explained that Trump must be having a really difficult time because he's been branded a "loser."

At a rally in Iowa on Saturday, Trump proclaimed that he was trying to "keep America great," but that America isn't great right now.

"Well, he really is kind of babbling and incoherent, but that's what people show up for," he explained. "So, when he says make America great again, again, you have to ask, well, if he did it the first time, it really wasn't a very good job. Eight months later, it needs to be redone. It didn't quite stick, this greatness that he gave us."

"It was over nine months. The shelf life on the greatness wasn't very long, I guess," said Acosta.

D'Antonio joked perhaps there were "poor building materials" involved. "He might've skimped on the construction costs, which he's been known to do."

"He didn't pay the contractors again, I guess," cracked Acosta.

Acosta also noted that Trump was remarkably honest when he explained the truth behind his election issues. Trump told supporters that talking about the election is the single biggest issue because it gets the biggest cheers.

"I mean, that begs the question, does he think his supporters are so gullible that he can openly admit that he's manipulating them to get the applause?" asked Acosta.

"Yes, he does think that they're that gullible," said D'Antonio. "There is a game that he always plays of sort of inviting people into his method and saying, come on, you're in on the joke, you're in on my act. But at the same time, their responsibility is to give him the feedback that says, yeah, we're in on it and we still agree with you and we're going to applaud this. It is unbelievable that the guy who actually did concede after the January 6th insurrection in order to indicate that he was a serious man is now going around lying and saying he didn't concede, and he is saying the election was rigged when there's absolutely no proof of it. He's tried every which way he can to get someone in official to agree with him that the election was rigged, and no one will agree because no court and no audit has found any problem. So, the idea of saying, well, I'm manipulating you, well, of course, he is, and they love to be manipulated. This is a kind of mutual illusion that they all enjoy."

He went on to note that Trump must be really struggling because he has effectively been branded a loser.

"First of all, he lies to himself, and then he lies to everybody else," explained D'Anotnio. "You have to remember the foundational lie of Donald Trump's life is that he's a good businessman. But he is the fellow who went bankrupt multiple times running casinos. And, casinos, you really have to try hard — you have to be terrible going bankrupt running a casino because they are in your favor every day."

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

He then explained that Trump is desperately trying to sell one of his properties in Washington, D.C. and that it's like he's begging someone to buy it.

"So, this former president, the former guy is going around saying that he made $150 million when in fact he lost 70 million. He is now trying to sell the hotel or at least the rights to operate in that building," D'Antonio continued. "He's knocked $100 million off the price in the last year. So, there's no evidence that he's making a profit anywhere. And as the Forbes list concluded, he is no longer rich enough to be on the list. And I think that's got to be killing him. So, between losing the election and losing his status as a billionaire, I think he's got a loser brand on him now that has got to be terrible for his ego."

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I'm laughing out loud at you Scott!

You got scammer in 2015

Anonymous said...

Cali, that sound great well done.

Two things you will have to explain to Roget , he doesn't grocery shop .

Where the "Boston Butt" cut comes from and what smoking is(Roger can't have a smoker ).

Caliphate4vr said...

KD I forgot to mention, I made 2 sauces, Carolina Gold mustard, and habanero mango….

Anonymous said...

Cali, Golden.

Commonsense said...

I don't know what happens to Roger if Trump wins in 2024. He could become permanently senile.

C.H. Truth said...

Boy Rog...

You have a very strange infatuation with the bad orange man. We all feel very sorry for you!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

What’s the underlying issue?

Don’t for a moment believe the supreme court bases its decisions on neutral, objective criteria. I’ve argued before it and seen up close that justices have particular and differing ideas about what’s good for the country. So it matters who they are and how they got there.


Joe Biden’s Build Back Better bill isabout freedom. Why doesn’t he say so? | Jan‑Werner Müller

A majority of the nine justices – all appointed for life – were put there by George W Bush and Donald Trump, presidents who lost the popular vote. Three were installed by Trump, a president who instigated a coup. Yet they are about to revolutionize American life in ways most Americans don’t want.

This new court seems ready to overrule Roe v Wade, the 1973 ruling that anchored reproductive rights in the 14th amendment; declare a 108-year-old New York law against carrying firearms unconstitutional; and strip federal bodies such as the Environmental Protection Agency of the power to regulate private business. And much more.

Only 40% of the public approves of the court’s performance, a new low. If the justices rule in ways anticipated, that number will drop further. If so, expect renewed efforts to expand the court and limit the terms of its members.

What about the Fed?

Behind the recent stories about whether the Fed should act to tame inflation is the reality that its power to set short-term interest rates and regulate the financial sector is virtually unchecked. And here too there are no neutral, objective criteria. Some believe the Fed’s priority should be fighting inflation. Others believe it should be full employment. So like the supreme court, it matters who runs it.

Elizabeth Warren tells Fed chair he is ‘dangerous’ and opposes renomination

Read more

Presidents appoint Fed chairs for four-year terms but tend to stick with them longer for fear of rattling Wall Street, which wants stability and fat profits. (Alan Greenspan, a Reagan appointee, lasted almost 20 years, surviving two Bushes and Bill Clinton, who didn’t dare remove him).


Joe Biden’s Build Back Better bill isabout freedom. Why doesn’t he say so? | Jan‑Werner Müller

The term of Jerome Powell, the current Fed chair, who was appointed by Trump, is up in February. Biden will probably renominate him to appease the Street, although it’s not a sure thing. Powell has kept interest rates near zero, which is appropriate for an economy still suffering the ravages of the pandemic.

But Powell has also allowed the Street to resume several old risky practices, prompting the Massachusetts Democratic senator Elizabeth Warren to tell him at a recent hearing that “renominating you means gambling that, for the next five years, a Republican majority at the Federal Reserve, with a Republican chair who has regularly voted to deregulate Wall Street, won’t drive this economy over a financial cliff again.”

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Finally, what’s behind the controversy over Facebook?

Facebook and three other hi-tech behemoths (Amazon, Google and Apple) are taking on roles that once belonged to governments, from cybersecurity to exploring outer space, yet they too are unaccountable.

Their decisions about which demagogues are allowed to communicate with the public and what lies they are allowed to spew have profound consequences for whether democracy or authoritarianism prevails. In January, Mark Zuckerberg apparently deferred to Nick Clegg, former British deputy prime minister, now vice-president of Facebook, on whether to allow Trump back on the platform.


Worst of all, they’re sowing hate. As Frances Haugen, a former data scientist at Facebook, revealed this week, Facebook’s algorithm is designed to choose content that will make users angry, because anger generates the most engagement – and user engagement turns into ad dollars. The same is likely true of the algorithms used by Google, Amazon and Apple. Such anger has been ricocheting through our society, generating resentment and division.

US supreme court convenes for pivotal term – with its credibility on the line

Read more

Yet these firms have so much power that the government has no idea how to control them. How many times do you think Facebook executives testified before Congress in the last four years? Answer: 30. How many laws has Congress enacted to constrain Facebook during that time? Answer: zero.

Nor are they accountable to the market. They now make the market. They’re not even accountable to themselves. Facebook’s oversight board has become a bad joke.

These three power centers – the supreme court, the Fed and the biggest tech firms – have huge and increasing effects on our lives, yet they are less and less answerable to us.

Beware. Democracy depends on accountability. Accountability provides checks on power. If abuses of power go unchallenged, those who wield it will only consolidate their power further. It’s a vicious cycle that erodes faith in democracy itself.

They were not elected to govern us

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Robert Reich, a former US secretary of labor, is professor of public policy at the University of California at Berkeley and the author of Saving Capitalism: For the Many, Not the Few and The Common Good. His new book, The System: Who Rigged It, How We Fix It, is out now. He is a Guardian US columnist. His newsletter is at

I listen to people who are qualified experts not like Scott

Commonsense said...

What’s the underlying issue?

The underlying issue is that liberals who used the Supreme Court to ram their social welfare agenda through are losing that weapon.

Row v Wade wasn't popular when it was decided. And most people are still uncomfortable with abortion on demand right through birth.

So now it's a conservative court and the leftest wants Biden to pack the court in their favor. But I don't think the country wants that.

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Buck Sexton

The political party that drones on endlessly about the need to police “misinformation” online is the same one that absolutely insists men can get pregnant

C.H. Truth said...

Do a bing search on Robert Reich

Robert Bernard Reich is a far-left American economist, professor, author, lawyer, and political commentator.

Now he sells books to gullible liberals to make a buck!

Did you buy this book along with the silly Woodward book?

Commonsense said...

Their decisions about which demagogues are allowed to communicate with the public and what lies they are allowed to spew have profound consequences for whether democracy or authoritarianism prevails. In January, Mark Zuckerberg apparently deferred to Nick Clegg, former British deputy prime minister, now vice-president of Facebook, on whether to allow Trump back on the platform.

And strangely, Facebook, Twitter, and Google have allowed unfettered access to the Chinese Communist Party to spew their racist propaganda all over their platforms.

Commonsense said...

Roger, get use to the term "Han superiority" because unlike white superiority Han superiority is very real and very deadly to Chinese minorities.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Southwest Airlines has canceled at least 1,000 Sunday flights because of lunatics like you

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The grumbling, moaning, & complaining about Trump running again in ‘24 just shows you that everything wrong inside the GOP still exist.

Instead of caring about who & what policies their voters support they still remain Never Trumpers. Pathetic.

C.H. Truth said...

Sorry Roger...

The real riff is in the so called "majority Party".

The GOP had some issues with some silly "never-Trumpers" - but most of those are long gone and were never real conservatives to begin with. Many were classic neoconservatives (like Krystol) and many others were simply fake conservatives.

Last time I checked it is the Party that owns both chambers of Congress and the White House that is struggling to pass their agenda and cannot stop shooting themselves.

But the biggest issue right now is that while you bitch and moan and obsess about the "bad orange man" - the person that is in the front of America right now is the loser President.

Let's go Brandon!

Commonsense said...

Let's review those polls.

President Joe Biden approval 38% approve 53 percent disapprove.

the response to the coronavirus: 48 percent approve, while 50 percent disapprove;
the economy: 39 percent approve, while 55 percent disapprove;
his job as Commander in Chief of the U.S. military: 37 percent approve, while 58 percent disapprove;
taxes: 37 percent approve, while 54 percent disapprove;
foreign policy: 34 percent approve, while 58 percent disapprove;
immigration issues: 25 percent approve, while 67 percent disapprove;
the situation at the Mexican border: 23 percent approve, while 67 percent disapprove.

You'd think with numbers that bad he'd change course. But not dementia Joe.

Meanwhile the public is having buyer's remorse. With numbers this bad he'll likely lose both houses of Congress in the midterms and if he doesn't change course than whoever the Republicans nominate in 2024 will win the presidency. That person will most likely be Trump.